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S07.E07: Sing Me A Song

Tara Ariano

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I'm so upset that I love the way Negan's bedroom is decorated but the real question is where did they get all of those little black dresses? It takes me forever to find the perfect one but I guess I should just wait for the end of the world and shop where Negan's wives shop for theirs. I think it's the same place Michonne shops for her endless tank tops. I really liked this episode because we finally got a real look The Savior's camp. Got damn it Carl! That little shit doesn't think things through like his dad so he deserved to get caught and now Negan knows about Judith. This finally seems like the good Negan episode I was waiting for but can someone please get Negan pants that fit when they are shopping for those little black dresses. They should have showed this 4 or 5 weeks ago and maybe the ratings wouldn't have tanked.

  • Love 9

Chandler Riggs is looking adorable on TTD. My 16 year old daughter is predictably fan-girling all over the place right now.

I'm not going to complain about the 90 minute episodes, because I remember a time a lot of us bitched they were too short. And even though some parts drag, at least we're getting more story, even if only marginally.

  • Love 8

The season continues to be a big letdown. Wasn't into this episode at all that much either and it featured many members.

Two shining stars in this episode is Father Gabriel for calling Spencer a shit and Olivia for slapping the shit out of Negan. They were barely in the episode and what does that say? I'm loving Gabe more and more with each episode.

Negan is still an annoying frat boy. Carl could have killed more. Spencer is still a bitchy little shit who needed to die like last week. Rosita continues to just be angry. Rosita needs to do a little bit more than just be angry. She's been angry for what seems like an eternity. She's coming off as a selfish bitch.

Don't feel sorry for Dwight at all. He put himself in that position, he didn't have to go back to Negan.

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  On 12/5/2016 at 3:31 AM, chick binewski said:

OH FFS they're letting JDM talk during TTD. 

Rest your voice, JDM! Please?


Nah...I want him to keep on yakking until he loses his voice completely. An episode where he has to communicate by playing charades would be more interesting than any other thing Negan has done so far.

  • Love 9

So does Carl have a new Dad? Speaking of Carl, I was rather more impressed with his acting this time, and I loved Negan's bedroom.

I actually didn't hate this ep. - good, bad or disgusting. Oh, there were a few eye-rollers such as seeing Jesus again riding on top of a truck, but at least something happened - a rare thing this season and I'm really not hard to please. I truly want to know where Rick and Aaron's little trip ends up and what's going to happen to Carl.

It just defies belief that none of Negan's men ever conspired to take him out. No one can rule by oppression, brutality and threats for very long, especially someone as seemingly unstable and cruel as Negan. When he's not playing the clown and actually being menacing he's scary rather than tedious. He should do that more often.

I'm not sorry I watched this week as I was last week.

  • Love 4
  On 12/5/2016 at 4:28 AM, yoyo926 said:

Yes, I would have defiantly got some of Negan because hell why the hell not. (dropping my head in shame) 


No need for shame. If I were being coerced (blackmailed/threatened/my husband threatened) into having sex, doesn't hurt that the coerce-er looks like that and no one ever died from having sex, but they do from getting their heads bashed in. But I need to know if he's at least nice to them while they do it, and doesn't humiliate them. Impossible to know since we've never seen him acting or talking in any way that could be construed as normal. He's always "on", either ranting, speechifying, threatening or clowning around. He only seemed slightly real when he was apologizing to Carl for mocking his socket, but I couldn't tell if there was anything genuine in that.

His scene with Olivia was one of the best. ETA: I think it was perfectly in character that he would poke fun at her weight.

Edited by AngelaHunter
  • Love 6
  On 12/5/2016 at 4:47 AM, CletusMusashi said:

It just now clicked for me.

Negan is what you would get if Foghorn Leghorn decided to put on a leather jacket and become a supervillain.

"Boy, I say look at me when I'm bein' evil. Give me some eye contact. Singular, that is. That was a funny there, boy. Laugh, I say."





Mix Foghorn with a dash of this guy.


Edited by Rosiejuliemom
  • Love 11

I need to stop watching Westworld before TWD. One of the wives in her LBD looked like she was frozen and I thought, "oh she's a host!" Nope, never mind, just a crappy extra. Also I completely tuned out on whatever shizzle Negan was blah blahing about to his/Dwight's wifey. Whose name I can't remember, because that's how much I care about these characters nowadays.

At this point, the only person I care about surviving is Jesus. 

  • Love 3
  On 12/5/2016 at 3:37 AM, Straycat80 said:

I think Carl held up pretty well. He is a teenager after all. So far he hasn't given away that the little girl is Rick's.  He isn't as stupid as I thought. The kid is a good actor too. 

Don't care about Negan or his place. Can't wait until they move on from this whole storyline. 


LOL i don't think i have ever head anyone say this

  • Love 4
  On 12/5/2016 at 5:53 AM, The Mighty Peanut said:

Don't feel bad if you secretly would want to be Negan's wife for a night. He's hot and you could tell him gagged men are your thing. Problem = solved.


I dunno. I'd make him shower first. He has to be pretty effing ripe after wearing that jacket all day. Probably not Daryl levels of funk, but not exactly smelling like a rose garden.

  • Love 2
  On 12/5/2016 at 4:12 AM, CletusMusashi said:

I know a lot of people are scared that Negan is going to do horrible things to Judith. Or use her as leverage to make Rick and Coral do horrible things to other people. Or maybe just steal her away in order to compensate for whatever fertility issues he's trying way too hard to compensate for. But I think the game has now shifted in favor of Rick. I mean, think about it. How many years has he been looking for someone who could keep track of where both his kids were? Congratulations, Negan. You're the new nanny! Tony Danza would be so proud.


The only thing that scares me about Neegan is that he will never shut the fuck up.

Edited by biakbiak
  • Love 11
  On 12/4/2016 at 6:47 PM, SoSueMe said:

Speaking of songs...

I need to take a deep breath and remember everything I loved about this show. Here's hoping  TPTB can recapture a little of this one of these days. It's worth the watch.



Great clip! I'm never going to stop wishing that TWD was still the same high quality show it was in the first season ?

  • Love 2
  On 12/5/2016 at 1:46 AM, CletusMusashi said:

(With apologies to Billy Joel)

It's nine o'clock on a Sunday night

The "got no life" crowd shuffles in

There's an odd man standin' next to me

Makin' love to his bat... that's a thang?

He says: "Rick: can you sit through a monologue?

I'm not really sure where it goes

It ain't strong but it's long and if I get it wrong

I'll keep trying til maybe it flows..."

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah dumb

Sing me a song, if you gotta man

At least then it might have a beat

And at least then it'd have a damn melody

And it wouldn't take half the damn week

Now Shane on the phone is a friend of mine

He gets me my kids for free

Carol's quick with a Bic or to light up the sick

but there's no place that she wants to be

But,  Negan your speeches are killing me

And the last time we gathered around

My five foot four son grew up seven foot one

Could you shorten your speechiness down?

Oh, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah blah

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah dumb

Now Dwight is decent antagonist

who doesn't have rights to his wife

and he's talking to Daryl who's locked in a barrel

and probably filthy with lice

and the Saviors aren't practiced at politics

as the big shitstorms slowly begin

Yes, they're sharing a drink called brutality

but at least they talk less than Negan

Sing us a song or just shut it, man

Sing it or shut your trap

'Cause we're not in the mood for a monologue

and you just go yap yap yap yap

It's a pretty damn crowded apocalypse

There's a tiger king wearing a mop

and guy on a hill that calls Natalie Jill

and an island where hippie girls hop

But that Negan-hole's a clown from a carnival

And his writing is so overblown

He's invaded my show and I just wanna know

Will this man just shut up and go home?

Oh, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, dumb

Sing me a song if you gotta, man

'Cause it can't take as long as your speech

and if you make me hear one more monologue

I will kill you, you son of a beetch.


BRILLIANT!!! I sang it, it's great. Someone should perform this and YouYube it, it's too good to only be shared with us diehards!

  • Love 7
  On 12/5/2016 at 3:34 AM, lmsweb said:

Chandler Riggs is looking adorable on TTD. My 16 year old daughter is predictably fan-girling all over the place right now.

I'm not going to complain about the 90 minute episodes, because I remember a time a lot of us bitched they were too short. And even though some parts drag, at least we're getting more story, even if only marginally.


Is it actually more story, or just more commercials?   The ad breaks have made this show damn near unwatchable (even more so than Negan).   It reminds me of trying to read a website while having to swat pop-ups.   I watch on DVR but every 3-5 minutes I'm having to fast forward.   It gets old quickly.

  • Love 8

I feel like this season has been a chess match. We're learning about these new communities, finding out how large Negan's reach extends, we know how rotten he is and how his community works. Pieces are moving into place slowly. I'm being patient. I'm not going to give up on the show yet, because after the devastation that occurred the first episode, Rick and Co need some time and space to right themselves. Without showing us all the other communities, giving us context, etc. it would be completely confusing to see these people eventually band together to take down the saviors. I think that the game is going to start moving more quickly now that we have the background we need. Did they need to take all this time? I don't know, but the back half of last season I felt like they moved things along too quickly and were plot driven instead of character driven in order to get Negan in by the last episode. I'm not minding the slower pace this season. 

I think the biggest mistake they made with Negan is telling the viewers how cool, charismatic and sadistic Negan was all at the same time. He's the best villain ever! He's awesome! You'll love to hate him! You'll hate to love him! You can't make the viewers feel a certain way by telling them how to feel. Write an interesting character and let the viewers decide how they feel about them. He was basically shoved down our throats and you have all TPTB fangirling over him. The audience isn't buying what they're selling because it doesn't feel authentic. They're trying to manufacture response, which never works.

That being said, I don't mind him so much. He's completely off his rocker. He's such a pompous, narcissistic ass it will be fun to see his take down. Does he talk a lot? Yup. But that's because he thinks he's so clever. I can't wait for the day someone finally tells him to shut the fuck up! Maybe those will be Judith's first words. 

One other note -- if "the iron" is standard punishment, why don't we see more Saviors with burned faces?

  • Love 11

Negan's bedroom and harem den make me think there's a shitload of whorehouses in the general vicinity of Alexandria, Virginia. 

I wonder if he has finally figured out that it may be more comfortable living in a suburban subdivision with running water than a burned out factory. Seriously, how dumb can he be?

Can Spencer die already?  His character isn't worth the screen time he's getting. 

Edited by Johnny Dollar
  • Love 6

You know what gets me? Well, lots of things but here's one. The people in Aleaxandria had been there awhile. They sent out scouts looking for people. Yet, they never ran into one Survivor. But now Michonne goes out for an afternoon stroll on a road that has probably been walked by many before and, boom, she runs into a redheaded Survivor. What are the odds?

  • Love 16

Recently, I have found it best to only tune in to the show when it's tackling the really good comic issues.

Like this one. The issue with Carl at Negan's place is one of my favourite issues of the entire run, and I was glad that they left it pretty much unchanged. 

Only thing that bugged me was the shot of Negan cradling Judith on the porch of Rick's house.
That looked too much like JDM genuinely enjoying the moment with that kid and took me a bit out of the narrative.

Then he started talking again...

Guess I'll tune in next week as well, because I want to see wether Spencer really has the guts to go through with his plan. 

  • Love 4

Character(s) in conflict with Negan, Negan pulls the metaphorical wings of said character(s), lather rinse repeat, rather rinse repeat.

It's not so much I dislike the Negan episodes because of Negan more like it's the same damn episode every time.

I definitely have switched to watching them on the DVR and not live.  I can watch a whole 90 minute episode in 15 minutes, so glass half full...

  • Love 5

Am I the only one bothered by the fact that we didn't see what Jesus was up to the entire time Carl was getting a tour of the sanctuary? We see him on the truck/trailer thing as they leave, but what was he doing the whole time? Did he get any intel? I would have found whatever Jesus was doing 10 times more interesting than seeing Negan's room of 5 wives or watching Dwight and Sherri smoke in the stairwell again. 

And, isn't Jesus hot??? He's got a heavy coat, a beanie, gloves....what the fuck? Does he have psoriasis or something? How can that be comfortable? 

Speaking of Carl, he really should have learned to stay in the house. No, I appreciate that Carl has always wanted to try and contribute. He's never been content to just be a kid and let the adults keep him safe. But I don't know that I buy Carl is THAT stupid. To think ONE person (kid or adult) can roll up on Negan's compound and somehow make a difference. I did love his Badass Mofo moment when he started shooting....but he should have KEPT shooting. He didn't need to stop and say anything about Negan. Just keep firing rounds. He could have taken out a hell of a lot more, possibly even Negan. 

I guess they're trying to do this thing where Negan seems to LIKE Carl, and sees something in him? Ew. And making him sing? What is this, Below Deck? He went from compassionate to degrading and back and forth, back and forth. I actually thought the best acting we've seen from JDM was when he apologized for making Carl cry about his eye. There was no schtick. No persona. It seemed really genuine. But then he went right back to baring his pearly whites and doing his little backwards dip thing, and my eyes rolled back into their usual position. 

So it's clear that Olivia is the new Grimes babysitter. What a downgrade from Carol. I'd settle for Father Gabriel. But he's busy schooling Spencer on what a "shit" he is. Thank God someone finally said it!

Negan, put the down The Judith. 

  • Love 13

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