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S33.E11: About To Have A Rumble

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1 hour ago, waving feather said:

Another funny moment was when Ken told his alliance what he did and their reactions were priceless. David, the ever diplomatic guy, can't even hide his eyeroll and disbelief.


Things like this are why I've been rooting more and more for David.  He has pretty great control of his reactions in moments like this, and can really read the room and sniff out a rat.  His offhand "there seems to be a big meeting on the beach" to Will was perfectly expressed and perfectly timed.  These are the Survivors I enjoy watching the most, who can sniff out what's going on, keep their cool, and act on it without too much drama or bluster.  I think Jay also has a really good nose for people.

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15 hours ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

I'm on the lonely island of liking Will, though.  Like @simply me (who I think is actually just me sleep-posting), I didn't see immaturity.  I saw someone who understands the game and came to play to win.  There's nothing wrong with trying to dethrone a king in power.  That's the best kind of move for your resume, really, and bonus-- it's good for viewers, too.

I'm on that island as well. 

14 hours ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

I can believe Ken is both a really nice guy and also grating as hell to be around 24/7.  That's most of the people I know.  

Right! And it all depends on the personality and the temperament of the people Ken's interacting with as well. Will just may not be able to deal with Ken's Ken-ness the way David can.

11 hours ago, green said:

Will ... did show maturity on one issue.  Instead of taking revenge on Ken on the spot he controlled his emotions and played Survivor and not Personal Revenge.

I completely agree.

5 hours ago, hincandenza said:

Which leads me to my last thought: the advantage in the game on day 36.  I had a thought tonight that what if the advantage is something big and related final TC like the ability to remove one person from the jury.  It'd be a hell of a twist, although I suspect the producers would never tweak the "sanctity" of the final vote ...

They actually did this very thing last season. Michele won the power to remove a jury member from the jury, thus eliminating them from voting. I hope this LA isn't just that same advantage again.


My least favorite thing about the loved one ep is knowing I'll have to come read 40 or so indignant posts about how ridiculous their emotions are. 


Edited by peachmangosteen
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2 minutes ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

I thought the advantage Ken now holds was described as an advantage in the challenge on or shortly after day 36.  Not that I listen that closely.  But that would exclude jury tampering.  

I've never heard about it referring specifically to a challenge before. I'll have to rewatch that scene.

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2 hours ago, waving feather said:

Another funny moment was when Ken told his alliance what he did and their reactions were priceless. David, the ever diplomatic guy, can't even hide his eyeroll and disbelief

I loved David's reaction! Priceless.

It was "Okay, you're my friend and I'm not going to publicly say how stupid you were in that moment, but I'm sure as hell going to think it."

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I've been thinking more about Ken's decision. I didn't watch the actual scenes. (I said "Oh, fine, just vote him out for being an idiot" and hit fast forward.) Is there any chance that he thought that he was trying to protect David rather than himself? If Will is lying about him being the target, than he's probably not going to actually vote with them. He's thinking that David is the more reasonable target, so if he can suss out that Will's lying, they can make a different plan?

It would still be a dumb move, but at least there would be a thought process beyond "My name came up?! Kill the messenger!" (Bias note, I never thought Ken was going to win this, because I would be shocked if he was strategic enough to vote out David as soon as he doesn't need him. I was, however, enjoying watching him and was interested to see if he could say anything but "loyalty!" at the final TC.)

The other thing I thought of - Will killed his own big move. Had he gone back to the David's group and said "Hey, that was fucked up, but I'm still voting with you guys. By the way, they've switched to Hannah because now they are worried that someone will play an idol on Ken" Adam would have at least had a reason to think about the vote going their way. As it was, he appeared to want to punish Ken and the rest of the group for Ken's BS. Adam went in to tribal with no idea what Will would do so he made his own "big move." If you leave people unsure of what you are going to do, they will try to plan around you doing what they don't want. At least, the good players will.

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Regarding the loved ones visit, I mainly like it because I like to look for physical similarities in family members...such as, does Jay look like his sister?  Does David look like his dad?  That's about it, unless the loved ones participate in the challenge.  Otherwise, bringing them out for a quick hug and as spectators to a challenge is rather boring.

That said, I hope they never completely do away with the Survivor Auction, but I have to wonder if this season will have one, since the rewards have all been tons and tons of food.

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3 hours ago, Special K said:

Things like this are why I've been rooting more and more for David.  He has pretty great control of his reactions in moments like this, and can really read the room and sniff out a rat.  His offhand "there seems to be a big meeting on the beach" to Will was perfectly expressed and perfectly timed.  These are the Survivors I enjoy watching the most, who can sniff out what's going on, keep their cool, and act on it without too much drama or bluster.  I think Jay also has a really good nose for people.

Although David had his own bonehead move in the week before, where he told Bret he was taking out Zeke. If he'd kept his mouth shut and constructed an idol play as a back up plan to keep his numbers, they may not have gone to rocks and he'd still have Jess. I'm still not sure what made him think he could trust Bret and Sunday with that, those 2 have always been on opposite sides from him and the Gen X/millenial thing has fallen by the wayside at this point. 


I can believe Ken is both a really nice guy and also grating as hell to be around 24/7.  That's most of the people I know.  

That droning voice would do me in within a couple of hours, I think. Nice isn't the opposite of boring or grating, it just means he wasn't out and out nasty to people. It definitely doesn't mean a conversation with him wouldn't be somewhat excruciating at times. 


I mean Will telling him his name had come up wasn't Will betraying Ken.  He was trying to help him.  And yes for Will's benefit as it should be.  But it would have benefit Ken more in the short term.

Yeah, that's the part that I really didn't understand. Will says he wants to work with them and reveals their plan, which was 100% accurate, so...how is any of that Will's fault? It just seems tone-deaf on Ken's part to run to Jay, even if he did believe they had a connection. Did Jay come to Ken with vote out plans? If not, probably safe to say Jay's not working with him. 


One could argue that Will erred by telling Ken he was the target.  Of what use was that information, really?

Information like that is usually (with rational players) used as currency, to gain trust, etc. But Ken's not quite wired that way, so it ended up blowing up the place, but it normally wouldn't go like that. 


I think it was simplyme a few pages back who wrote an excellent defense of Will; I do feel for him, and while I'm more than twice his age- and then some :'( - I can imagine it would be frustrating if everyone treated you like a little kid, as Sunday so ungracefully demonstrated at tribal.  And he did have quite a look on his face when Adam pulled out his idol, because he knew that not only does he once again look like a non-entity, it turns out his potential alliance just wasted a perfectly good HII that no one knew about. He has little reason to side with David's crew now, except as an obvious feint to blindside them.

Which I think is Will's ultimate plan. He was gunning for Zeke, then David, then Jay. So I don't think he was planning to side with them next vote anyway, he's planning to flip back and forth until the big threats are gone. 

Re: the reward stealing advantage:


IMHO dumping this white elephant on somebody - and letting everybody else KNOW you dumped it - is the smartest play.

Based on one of Jay's extra scenes, no one else knows Adam gave this to him, it was done on the family visit in front of Jay's sister and Adam's brother only. So hopefully Adam is smart enough to tell the others what he did, because I kinda think Jay is smart enough NOT to. 

Not that this advantage is as big a deal anymore now that the family visit is done, but who knows what other reward challenges might have and this is the thing that Jay/Taylor were trying to use to bury Adam earlier. 

Also, I have to give Adam a lot of credit for using that so cleverly. I was absolutely positive he was going to make a horrendous social misstep with that "advantage" but he handled it perfectly by not using it and by saying so BEFORE he lost, so it had even more meaning. 

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I can't find it to link to it, but Chris was quoted in an exit interview somewhere on here recently saying that Ken is a really, really nice guy.

Consider the source. Chris strikes me as being kind of a jerk - he was kind of an asshole to Zeke when he got to Ponderosa, although they eventually "made up." He gave Jessica the cold shoulder too. So I'm not putting a lot of stock into Chris's judge of character.


You don't think Will's anger to Ken was justified?  

I totally think it was justified! Why wouldn't Will be angry? Ken just about blew up his whole game!


He panicked and was confused and made a mistake, big deal.

Ken didn't "panic" when he pulled Will aside in the first place, he didn't even know Zeke's alliance was targeting him at that point. And he didn't even need to care who they were targeting because his own alliance had the numbers. I'm sorry but nothing is going to convince me that Ken is anything but an entitled idiot who thinks he hung the moon.

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16 hours ago, pamplemousse said:

I'm surprised that people are writing Ken off so completely now. He panicked and was confused and made a mistake, big deal. People do that all the time on this show.

I'm a bit disappointed, but I definitely haven't written him off. Many of these players this season have had a moment where they made a really stupid move. Unless it continues week after week, I think there's room for redemption. I only write people off if they turn out to be a horribly nasty person or play like crap on a regular basis. I will keep an open mind with Ken. I remember just a few weeks ago thinking Adam was totally torpedoing his game, and now he's doing much better. So I try to wait and make judgements closer to the end. 


10 hours ago, SlackerInc said:


One could argue that Will erred by telling Ken he was the target.  Of what use was that information, really?


See, I think Will did that not to "save" Ken necessarily, but to prove to that side that he was really working with them. He gave them intel from his previous alliance, so he thought that would mean something to them. If Ken would have just kept quiet and let it all play out, they would have seen what Will was trying to prove. 

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6 hours ago, waving feather said:

ITA that Will was trying to help Ken and gain his trust but Will is also a bit naive in thinking that the only way to build trust is to share information. Since intel is vital in this game, Will should have thought twice when is the right moment to share. This is not the first time, either. He goes about the wrong way sometimes to gain approval / trust from people (e.g. telling Zeke about Jay's idol to get into Zeke's good books).

So, while Ken was silly for running to the other side and confronting them about it (I literally LOL-ed when he was like "Look at me" to Jay like he was some scorned lover), Will could have avoided all this trouble by keeping his mouth shut a bit more.


Yes but also remember Ken was going on and on to Will that he had to "prove" his loyalty to him, Ken or else.  What else did Will have to prove himself to Ken with but that intel?  I think it is 100% on Ken period.

2 hours ago, Jalyn said:

I've been thinking more about Ken's decision. I didn't watch the actual scenes. (I said "Oh, fine, just vote him out for being an idiot" and hit fast forward.) Is there any chance that he thought that he was trying to protect David rather than himself? If Will is lying about him being the target, than he's probably not going to actually vote with them. He's thinking that David is the more reasonable target, so if he can suss out that Will's lying, they can make a different plan?


No.  It was all about Ken upset that his name dare be mentioned. 

And if he was actually thinking about David or any other member of his alliance he should have talked to them all before acting and pretty much by so doing trying to blow up all their chances in the game. 

Again it was Will controlling his rightful anger and, in the end, Adam playing his idol that bailed out Ken.  Or rather Hannah since Ken's hissy fit sent the other alliance after her instead of Ken in case there was an idol left and Ken's alliance now knowing the vote was to be for Ken. 

Ken screwed over both Will and Hannah.  And Adam felt he had to waste that alliance's last idol because who knew what Will would really do after being screwed over so badly. 

One of the worst moves in Survivor history since it impacted so many other people and their one safety net idol.  All because Ken freaked out at the thought anyone would dare consider writing his name down.

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On 11/30/2016 at 10:59 PM, sadiegirl1999 said:

I am blown away that what, 2 episodes ago, Jay was at the bottom? He's Teflon.

I laughed when Adam called Bret a "loo-sah" at the loved one visit.


I'm always tickled when they show people in opposite alliances actually being friendly with one another.

On 12/1/2016 at 2:12 PM, TheFinalRose said:

I have always liked Jay. He has a Harry Styles air to him.

Yes! That must be why I like him so much. Hah.

7 hours ago, waving feather said:

ITA that Will was trying to help Ken and gain his trust but Will is also a bit naive in thinking that the only way to build trust is to share information. Since intel is vital in this game, Will should have thought twice when is the right moment to share. This is not the first time, either. He goes about the wrong way sometimes to gain approval / trust from people (e.g. telling Zeke about Jay's idol to get into Zeke's good books).


I have never been a fan of Will because he seemed boring af , and now that he's shown some personality, I am even less of a fan. His game is really meta and it's not fun or interesting to watch. I thought it was weird when he was telling people "I want to make a big move so I have something on my resume if I make it to final tribal council!". Telling people that's your plan is probably a good way to get people to keep it from happening. Why would someone else want you to build your resume and become more "dangerous" to sit next to? He did the same thing when he told Zeke about Jay's idol- "I'm telling you this to build trust with you, because sharing information builds trust!". Just share the information and let the rest happen on it's own! Saying stuff like that out loud to someone makes it sound like a scam.

But getting back to this week... it's not really a "big move" if it doesn't get you further in the game, is it? Going from the bottom of one group to the bottom of another is a bad idea. In addition to poor strategy, his confessional when he was yelling at the camera about not being a goat and about being mad at Ken were extremely creepy. Ergh. Hoping he goes next.

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2 hours ago, laurakaye said:

That said, I hope they never completely do away with the Survivor Auction, but I have to wonder if this season will have one, since the rewards have all been tons and tons of food.

I hate when they don't do the Survivor Auction. I feel like they haven't been doing it much lately and since it's so late in the season, I don't think we'll get one this season either. Boo!

28 minutes ago, charleeeeeeeeene said:

His game is really meta and it's not fun or interesting to watch. I thought it was weird when he was telling people "I want to make a big move so I have something on my resume if I make it to final tribal council!". Telling people that's your plan is probably a good way to get people to keep it from happening. Why would someone else want you to build your resume and become more "dangerous" to sit next to? He did the same thing when he told Zeke about Jay's idol- "I'm telling you this to build trust with you, because sharing information builds trust!". Just share the information and let the rest happen on it's own! Saying stuff like that out loud to someone makes it sound like a scam.

I like Will, but this is so true. And hilarious.

28 minutes ago, charleeeeeeeeene said:

Going from the bottom of one group to the bottom of another is a bad idea. 

I don't think Will planned on joining David's alliance. As someone mentioned upthread, he was probably wanting to take Zeke out now and then reform with another group to take out David, and then Jay. He's not really playing an 'alliance' type game. He has flipped alliances a few times already.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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3 hours ago, ljenkins782 said:

Information like that is usually (with rational players) used as currency, to gain trust, etc. But Ken's not quite wired that way, so it ended up blowing up the place, but it normally wouldn't go like that. 

Except that as we have discussed in this thread, it has happened many times that players have freaked out when they discovered their name was going to be, or had been, written down.   Even if Ken didn't completely screw the pooch like he did, one might predict that he would act nervous after being told, in such a way that might tip off the other side. I just don't see much of an upside.

2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

See, I think Will did that not to "save" Ken necessarily, but to prove to that side that he was really working with them. He gave them intel from his previous alliance, so he thought that would mean something to them. If Ken would have just kept quiet and let it all play out, they would have seen what Will was trying to prove. 

 I understand that he wasn't looking to do something concrete with that information but just to show himself as a loyal ally at least in this vote.   The problem, in addition to what I just wrote above, is that your trustworthiness is not demonstrated until after the vote.   And by that time you will have demonstrated it in a much more important way anyway, by voting with the other four.  Before Tribal Council, it might even make you look less trustworthy--because the only real reason to give information like that, that would actually affect the game is to make a feint that keeps an idol from being played on the correct player. 

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8 minutes ago, DEL901 said:

Did Ken just make himself the perfect goat?

I believe so. At this point, the only one I think he could possibly beat would be...uh...I don't know. Maybe that bug that was stuck to Taylor?

Edited by Rachel RSL
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What makes Ken's mistake irredeemably stupid is that the exact same thing happened to him when he told Jessica her name was going down.  It made no sense to her and she ran immediately to Lucy.  Ken knew how that screwed things up, and he still did the exact same thing.  Idiot. I think Ken reacted the way he did because he thought he had some freaking trust cluster with Jay.  Double I'd iot.  And anyway why in the world blow up someone who might possibly be working with you when you are down in the numbers?  Triple ... yeah I don't need to say it again.

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On 12/1/2016 at 8:08 PM, Winston9-DT3 said:

I'm on the lonely island of liking Will, though.  Like @simply me (who I think is actually just me sleep-posting), I didn't see immaturity. 

Ha. I'm going to start using the excuse "I'm asleep when I post" as my defense for all crimes I commit against the English language.

SimplyMom is watching Survivor with me this season. It's the first time she's ever watched the show, so some things she finds a bit confusing. I get great joy out of her comments.

The one that struck me this week was the one she made as Ken approached Jay and asked Jay if they were going to vote for him, because Will had told him they were. SimplyMom said in disgust, "This show has to be scripted. No one could be that stupid."

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Two comments regarding this episode:
1. Jeff read 4 votes for Hannah and three votes for Zeke therefore it's not yet totally clear that Will voted for Zeke. There is a chance he could persuade everytone that he actually voted for Hannah or play with both sides. Right?
2. Did anyone consider that Ken did this whole thing to take the heat off his name and make the other side argue with each other, thus the leaving after he set up the fire?

I'm afraid we are gonna see a Jay win and I'll be really PISSED if that happens.

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2. Did anyone consider that Ken did this whole thing to take the heat off his name and make the other side argue with each other, thus the leaving after he set up the fire?

Yes. I believe that was mentioned a few times either here or in the Ken thread and even us Ken fans agree that he was just being a bonehead.

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2 hours ago, himela said:

Two comments regarding this episode:
1. Jeff read 4 votes for Hannah and three votes for Zeke therefore it's not yet totally clear that Will voted for Zeke. There is a chance he could persuade everytone that he actually voted for Hannah or play with both sides. Right?
2. Did anyone consider that Ken did this whole thing to take the heat off his name and make the other side argue with each other, thus the leaving after he set up the fire?

I'm afraid we are gonna see a Jay win and I'll be really PISSED if that happens.

1. No.  Everyone knows how Jeff stacks votes for drama.  Besides, as many here posted, Will's vote was shown and he has a distinct way of writing extra large and angling his "E's".

2. No again.  Read above just a dozen posts back from yours for my post on that.  There are tons of other posts here debunking that theory as well. 

Ken might be a nice guy but he is just totally dumb when it comes to playing Survivor.  In fact people here have quoted a number of exit interviews that say the same thing from booted players.

Edited by green
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On 12/1/2016 at 6:13 PM, iMonrey said:

I think the more interesting question is what happens after someone like Adam plays a HII because they must have to stop the cameras and re-arrange the votes in the urn. If nobody had played the idol, the votes would have come out "One for Hannah, one for Zeke, two for Hannah, two for Zeke, three for Hannah, three for Zeke," etc. But since the idol was played all four votes for Hannah came out first.

We're assuming Jeff is not told in advance that someone is playing an idol (although - who knows? - maybe they do have to tell him in advance for that very reason) and clearly the votes are arranged in a specific order for maximum "drama." 

I'm assuming Jeff can't just look down and see which votes are which in the urn, otherwise everyone who gets up to vote could look in there and see who the other target is. They must be instructed to place the votes crease-side up so nobody can see them when they put their own vote in the urn. Then Jeff goes off to "tally" the votes and he and the producers arrange them in the order they want to pull them out.

They must have to stop and re-arrange them when someone plays an idol. I think that would be funny to see. "Oh, you're playing an idol? OK hold on a sec you guys, I'll be right back."

I think if we were able to see outtakes from this show it would be horribly disillusioning. 

I disagree. Even if they're told to put in the votes face-down, Jeff can easily reorient them so that he can see them, or mark them in some way. Even if not, he knows the order of the votes, so he can pull them out out-of-order. Not that hard to remember.

On 12/1/2016 at 6:19 PM, Haleth said:

That is an interesting point that maybe Probst deliberately did not show the final vote in order to keep everyone guessing whether or not Will flipped. Production should have made sure his actual ballot wasn't shown to the remaining survivors though.

Probst did the same thing he does every time an idol is played: he first showed all the votes for the immune person, and then just enough votes to determine who goes home. Strictly standard procedure. There was nothing unusual in him not showing the last 2 votes. They only conceivable reason he might not show Will's vote (if he had voted for Hannah) would be just to screw Will over, which he wouldn't do. But all the Survivor fans in the cast know that he is completely predictable out this, and they saw that he showed only 4 Hannah votes, so they'll know only 4 votes were cast for Hannah. So Jay will know, David will know, Adam will know, Hannah will know, Bret and Sunday will probably know. Ken will not know.

On 12/2/2016 at 9:02 AM, Rachel RSL said:

I still want to know the stuff that's none of my business. Like why it took 4 years for this woman to contact him. Was he in hiding? Did she need Maury Povich to confirm who the father was? Enquiring (nosy) minds want to know!

Well, I don't know about real life, but on TV and in the movies at least, moms often hide secret children from their daddies because they don't want the daddies in their life in any way. Again, I don't know anything about real life. :)

On 12/2/2016 at 11:23 AM, Winston9-DT3 said:

I thought the advantage Ken now holds was described as an advantage in the challenge on or shortly after day 36.  Not that I listen that closely.  But that would exclude jury tampering.  

I don't think they've ever mentioned a challenge, but now that I think about it, an advantage that removes a person from the jury would probably play out on Day 38 rather than Day 36, right? You'd probably want that to occur only after everyone is on the jury and the final 3 are settled.

On 12/2/2016 at 0:52 PM, Jalyn said:

I've been thinking more about Ken's decision. I didn't watch the actual scenes. (I said "Oh, fine, just vote him out for being an idiot" and hit fast forward.) Is there any chance that he thought that he was trying to protect David rather than himself? If Will is lying about him being the target, than he's probably not going to actually vote with them. He's thinking that David is the more reasonable target, so if he can suss out that Will's lying, they can make a different plan?

It would still be a dumb move, but at least there would be a thought process beyond "My name came up?! Kill the messenger!" (Bias note, I never thought Ken was going to win this, because I would be shocked if he was strategic enough to vote out David as soon as he doesn't need him. I was, however, enjoying watching him and was interested to see if he could say anything but "loyalty!" at the final TC.)

Well the thing is, what plan? As far as Ken and David and Hannah knew, they had no idol. So they had no plan, other than hope Will was telling the truth and hope for the best. You're right, as far as they knew, it totally could have been a trick by the other side to get them not to play an idol (or play it for the wrong person maybe), but it was irrelevant because they didn't know Adam had no idol. So Ken had no reason to determine if Will was lying or not. Actually the person who really needed to find out if Will was lying or not was Adam, since he needed to figure out whether to play his idol.

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3 minutes ago, serenitynow said:

When Adam was stuck under that log, they showed his brother's face and he had such a "Geezus, dude" look on it that I laughed.  Plus his lackluster "I know you're trying."  

His brother had second-hand embarrassment all over his face when Adam was not only stuck under the log but wailing. Adam said later on that that was his oldest brother and Adam is youngest in the family. Adam as a person makes so much sense to me now - smart but a people pleaser.

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"Who's ready for love?"

Nothing takes me out of a Survivor episode quicker than that lameass line from Jeff.

I thought pouty Jess at tribal council was ridiculous. Get over yourself Jess. It's just a game, and bad luck has always been the most underrated aspect of it.

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On 12/1/2016 at 6:06 AM, waving feather said:

Also, during tribal, he turned around to look at and actually talk to Will, instead of talking about him like everyone else was doing. And to finish it off, telling Will to go with his gut and letting him know he will respect Will's decision. So now Will feels assured with newfound confidence... given by Jay.

Yes! I love his assertiveness. Like when he told Michaela "Yes? I did vote for you." Loved it! 

Of course, if we were dating and he told me "Yes. That dress does make you look fat," that would be grounds for an argument.

On 12/1/2016 at 1:15 PM, Special K said:

And, finally, early on I thought that Jay looked like he could be cast as a villian on Game of Thrones, and I still stand by that.  I mean that in a good way. Kind of.

I can totally see that. Preferably, a character that lasts a long  time. 


On 12/2/2016 at 8:02 AM, Rachel RSL said:

I still want to know the stuff that's none of my business. Like why it took 4 years for this woman to contact him. Was he in hiding? Did she need Maury Povich to confirm who the father was? Enquiring (nosy) minds want to know!

Did they get to know each other for at least minutes? Did he charm her with his morning sun talk? Does he ever do things intentionally humorous? 

14 hours ago, serenitynow said:

When Adam was stuck under that log, they showed his brother's face and he had such a "Geezus, dude" look on it that I laughed.  Plus his lackluster "I know you're trying."  

As i watched this, I could imagine the ridicule he was gonna get as soon as he was  back home. 

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So what is the official call in regards to revealing the rest of the votes to the cast? Are they made aware after the shoot?

If not I don't understand. Why shouldn't they know this, it would help with strategy. What I wonder are their reasons NOT to do this?

If they are keep more in the dark than even the TV audience then that screws over a player like Will. All he can do is assure the other 4 he voted for Zeke, but they will have no proof, and so neither 100% trust.

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On 12/5/2016 at 1:22 AM, allthatglitters said:

So what is the official call in regards to revealing the rest of the votes to the cast? Are they made aware after the shoot?

If not I don't understand. Why shouldn't they know this, it would help with strategy. What I wonder are their reasons NOT to do this?

If they are keep more in the dark than even the TV audience then that screws over a player like Will. All he can do is assure the other 4 he voted for Zeke, but they will have no proof, and so neither 100% trust.

Everyone there playing the game knew the votes.  Will's handwriting is unique and his vote was included in the ones Probst read.  Also most everyone but Klueless Ken would know how Probst does this stuff all the time for TV drama.  And David can always explain it to Ken afterwards.

As to the questions about how Probst would have rearranged the votes after the idol was played for said dramatic effect?  I always figured he had them stood up on edge inside the urn on the left and right sides of same if it was a one vs one vote as a go to all along these years.  He could then easily pull them for effect whether an idol was played or whatnot.  But maybe that is too logical for Probst.

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On 12/7/2016 at 6:47 PM, Wandering Snark said:

I usually picture that Probst has the votes arranged in the urn like a V so one side was votes for player A and the other side has the votes for player B. When he's off screen he arranges them and knows how he'll pull them for best effect.

I always assumed Production arranged the votes for maximum effect before Jeff started pulling them - and if an idol play changes that, then it's not like we're going to see them say "CUT!!!" while a production assistant grabs the vote urn and ducks behind a tree for a sec....  :>

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13 hours ago, Nashville said:

I always assumed Production arranged the votes for maximum effect before Jeff started pulling them - and if an idol play changes that, then it's not like we're going to see them say "CUT!!!" while a production assistant grabs the vote urn and ducks behind a tree for a sec....  :>

Yes, that could be too *laughs* ... these little 'timeouts' could also explain why Probst's hair and makeup were done in the middle of a rainstorm last episode. CUT! MAKEUP!!! ;-)

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