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S33.E11: About To Have A Rumble

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Ken, Ken, Ken. WTH!!! Wow, he really blew up his game this episode and forced Adam to use his idol, which could have been useful done the line. That was really stupid. I was actually totally on Wills side on this, what were you thinking Ken.

I like Ken but I wonder if he'd even have a chance at getting votes if he makes it to F2.   Even his alliance thought his testing strategy was a dumb move, his physical game is good but not great, and Will compared a conversation with him to having one's fingernails and toenails pulled out.  The only vote he might get would be Hannah's since she may still be crushing on him but even that's iffy, since she may feel like she owes her vote to someone who saved her (like Adam) or to someone who was willing to save her if necessary (like David).  

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14 minutes ago, enchantingmonkey said:

If this hasn't been answered yet, Adam's mother passed away a couple days after Final Tribal was filmed.

Wow, that sucks. I hope he got to see her again.

David's alliance mates really suck at this game. First Hannah doesn't even bother lying to Zeke about her flipping last week. Then Adam and Hannah believe Sunday about voting for Ken and make David burn his idol for nothing. Then this week, Ken totally blows everything by telling Jay that Will was flipping. Then Adam plays his idol for nothing because Will still flipped. 

How come no one was looking for the re-hidden idol that David played?

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Terribly edited episode.  It was obvious Zeke was out from the pre-credits sequence.  Took away all the suspense.  I also think at this point that they are very transparently telling a story about why Ken won more than anything else.   Which is great news for Ken fans, but not very interesting if you don't have a rooting interest, though I do probably like him the most of these not very interesting people.

Tribal council pretty firmly demonstrated why 18 year olds should not be allowed to play Survivor.  They're too unsure of their own identity and desperately want to assert themselves as an adult which makes them basically random and that's not fun.

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Goodness Ken, STFU. Testing and all that shit is reserved outside of Survivor like a relationship or something. You don't bring that kind of stuff into Survivor. Survivor you basically have to be able to read people and keep your guard up.  All that other stuff is a big no, ask Woo. Pretty boys aren't that great at this game.

Good that Zeke is gone. Goodbye.

I was expecting all of them to vote for Ken because of his stupidity but Adam played it for Hannah which I didn't see her vote coming at all. It was funny how Hannah is clueless once again at TC which is now a running gag. Also nice to see Jay look shocked. Their plans barely if at all work and it's just hilarious. 

I did feel bad for Adam during family time. My roommate said she would have stolen the award if she was Adam if she wasn't picked.

If I were them I would have gotten rid of Jay. He's an immunity threat, he's made some moves so I wouldn't even have bothered with Zeke. It's funny to me who these people think are the biggest threats and yet most of the time they're so far off the mark.

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If I were them I would have gotten rid of Jay. He's an immunity threat, he's made some moves so I wouldn't even have bothered with Zeke. It's funny to me who these people think are the biggest threats and yet most of the time they're so far off the mark.

This.  When Zeke said in his final words about going after David's alliance too soon, it made me think of the game Jay is playing.  He's definitely playing, but I think he's waiting for just the right time to make his move that no one will see coming.  He's already got the goods to argue for a win.  And he's more of a challenge threat than Zeke.  However, I'm glad the outcome was Zeke leaving tonight.

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My son is 19 and I told him if he went on Survivor I would totally be the mother coming out wailing "my baby! blat blat blat" and he said he would want his father to be at the top of his list of family members picked to come on the show.

I'm not going to lie, I freaking LOVE family day. I like the ones better where the family members participate too though.

I thought the editing gave away Zeke going with his interview at the top of the show but then the editors threw in a monkey wrench of Ken interviewing twice about winning the million for his daughter so I was nervous up to the very end.

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12 minutes ago, KaveDweller said:

How come no one was looking for the re-hidden idol that David played?

Probably because it probably wasn't re-hidden. There have been exceptions, but they usually don't rehide an idol post-merge if there's another idol still in play. Especially if there are TWO idols still in play.

Although to be honest, they probably ARE looking for idols, but they usually don't show fruitless searches.

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31 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

Has there even be a Survivor contestant who's been more offended then Ken about being (possibly) voted for? God! He is so self involved. All is does is talk & talk & talk. If he didn't have his looks he wouldn't even be on this show. That said, I would kill to look like him. I'm shallow that way.

I think there have been a lot - I don't have the good memory for seasons/episodes/contestants that some of you do, but I know it's been bitched about here many times :)

29 minutes ago, rustyspigot said:

I'm sorry, but Adam wailing while stuck under that log had me laughing my ass off.

Another wasted idol save. On Hannah no less.

Will got immature quick.

Adam getting stuck made me laugh because every time that activity comes up in a challenge I realize that if I went on Survivor, I'd get stuck under the log, thinking my butt isn't as big as it is :)  But this is the first time I've seen it happen to someone!

I don't think Will got immature - he's in high school after all.  If they're not shy around the grown-ups, chances are they're showing off.  And always being melodramatic!  (Former high school teacher here :)  He's just coming out of his shell a little bit.  

Sorry Ken fans, but I turned agin him tonight - he did do exactly what Jessica did to him way back when.  And if he thought his side had the five votes, why go upsetting things?  "Cute but stupid!"  (that quote is from Niles Crane's bird :)

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28 minutes ago, Haleth said:

I still don't see Ken winning, except maybe against Sunday or Hannah.  To me he still seems like a follower (when he doesn't go rogue and nearly torpedos his whole alliance).  Yes, he's pretty and wanting to give his daughter a better life is sweet, but he has to start playing more strategically.  Right now Jay, Adam, or David will walk away with this. 

I agree and he looked pretty bad this episode. 

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10 minutes ago, legaleagle53 said:

So who came out for Bret?

His dad.  Also, Jay said something about his mom not being able to be there or come out.  Is there a reason?  I know Jay has said he's playing this for his mom and sister, and seems like he's very close to his family.

Speaking of which, I was kind of surprised we didn't hear or see more of the loved ones back at camp.  I know Adam was the more interesting story to follow (I hate saying that, given the circumstances), but I was kind of surprised that there wasn't much of the others back at camp.

Edited by LadyChatts
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 You know you work in the pharma industry when you watch that scene with Adam and his brother and yell at the TV "We have a trial that you could try to get your mother into!!"  That scene made me weep.  I've seen so much cancer in my family (dad, husband) and because I work on cancer trials I feel like I live and breathe cancer.  Hearing that she passed soon after filming is just painful.

I was hoping for a David/Ken final four, with David playing Fischbach and Ken in the J.T. role, except that in this case I think David would win.  But Ken really screwed the pooch tonight, big time.  Ugh.  Feeling good about David's chances; I'd like him to win.  And then give Adam the money.  :-)

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1 minute ago, brilliantbreakfast said:

I was hoping for a David/Ken final four, with David playing Fischbach and Ken in the J.T. role, except that in this case I think David would win.  But Ken really screwed the pooch tonight, big time.  Ugh.  Feeling good about David's chances; I'd like him to win.  And then give Adam the money.  :-)

It does feel like there will be an ending like this.

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Okay well the good news is we've got what is always the weakest episode of the season out of the way. The family visit has been a flawed premise ever since season one with Sean's dad came stumbling out of the motor boat into the surf. Come on people....you just your family what three weeks ago? And you are going to see them again in less time. Man up. And Adam....what to say there...I mean if your mom is sick and may not make it would you really trade precious time to go play SURVIVOR and MAYBE win a million dollars and even if you did that million won't buy back the lost time. I'd give everything I have right now to have my mother back.

Now about Jay...so help me if he slithers his way to the end and wins this season will have a black mark on it big time. His only redeeming feature is he has a hot sister but that's it. Sorry. I did not need to be reminded how he and Little Big Man Will blew up Michalas game at a time when there was no guarantee that the merge was gong to happen the next day or episode. You don't vote out your strongest team member if you are not 100% certain there won't be another challenge between the teams.

I feel for Jessica....it was a terrible way to go out and you can SEE the pain still on her face and I have to wonder if they flew  her loved one all the way out there for nothing....I guess they must have.

Can someone please tell me why Sundae is still in this game? Unless she's a designated goat I see no point to her.

Man this season has gone on a long time. It seems like a million years ago since the fall of the mail man and the subseuent voting our of all the beautiful Asian women.

Edited by North of Eden
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20 minutes ago, LadyChatts said:

His dad.  Also, Jay said something about his mom not being able to be there or come out.  Is there a reason?  I know Jay has said he's playing this for his mom and sister, and seems like he's very close to his family.

Speaking of which, I was kind of surprised we didn't hear or see more of the loved ones back at camp.  I know Adam was the more interesting story to follow (I hate saying that, given the circumstances), but I was kind of surprised that there wasn't much of the others back at camp.

His mother has health issues from what I have read.

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I know everyone's raging about Ken right now but I think Will is so, so, so stupid.  It's hard for me to watch.  I GUESS it's funny?  It's really weird.  Like imagine you're playing Jeopardy and a person just stomps all over the place yelling "I want to play the game! I want to be really good at this game and I want to win!" but that person has no idea how to do it, instead he just says that over and over again.  It's so weird.  It's like Will was brought onto the show on a Take your Kid to Work Day.  And everyone else has to be nice to him and show him around.  But fuck, I actually have to watch it!  I don't think it's even really age for him, is it?  Like I think I would dislike him even if he were 10 years older.  

I think something about Ken's personality and demeanor, I don't expect him to be good at the game so I'm not disappointed.  He did what I would expect him to.  But I stereotyped Will to be some kind of nerd/prodigy on first sights and he's so the opposite and I'm really let down and confused.  I judged a book by its cover, and it's just... a pamphlet.  

Ken is harmless.  He's a soulful artist type.  He just wants to chop coconuts.  He'll vote for whoever he's told to. But Will could end up doing something really stupid.  Although, what is even stupid at this point?  I guess I fear for one of my favourites prematurely leaving the game....  

Getting rid of Zeke was a good, bold move for the Other Side.  "Good for Will".  LOL.  Every time I think a great move was made there's always someone who is like, Well I, would have done this.  Okay, great I guess.  Zeke had people he was leading around by the nose.  He had his final 3 all locked up.  Even if David's site hated Zeke, they probably would have granted Zeke a win over fucking Bret and Sunday.  So I like the move.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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30 minutes ago, LadyChatts said:

Speaking of which, I was kind of surprised we didn't hear or see more of the loved ones back at camp.  I know Adam was the more interesting story to follow (I hate saying that, given the circumstances), but I was kind of surprised that there wasn't much of the others back at camp.

Well, they spent so much time dragging the family out to the reward challenge, one at a time, with Jeff having to ask a personal question of each and every one, that there wasn't any time left to show them on the barbeque. Which is a good reason not to have this particular reward so friggin' early!

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49 minutes ago, ShadowSixx said:


If I were them I would have gotten rid of Jay. He's an immunity threat, he's made some moves so I wouldn't even have bothered with Zeke. It's funny to me who these people think are the biggest threats and yet most of the time they're so far off the mark.

I was thinking similar. How last episode and this episode seemed to be a war between Dave and Zeke with each leading a side. But it dawned on me that it's Adam and Jay who are the true threats on each side. I think Zeke and Dave were not far behind them but Adam and Jay are really really playing.

I also don't get the 'Ken for the win' or 'Ken's getting a winner edit' posts. No strategy game play at all and hardly any social game and mediocre on physical game. I also agree with whoever said 'he's pretty but he ain't THAT pretty'.

So I feel F3 should be Adam, Jay and Dave. But doubt it will be. Dave has gotten the best edit. I am rooting for Adam but will be fine with any of the three I mentioned.

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1 minute ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

I think something about Ken's personality and demeanor, I don't expect him to be good at the game so I'm not disappointed.  He did what I would expect him to.  But I stereotyped Will to be some kind of nerd/prodigy on first sights and he's so the opposite and I'm really let down and confused.  I judged a book by its cover, and it's just... a pamphlet.  

Why?  I would not have expected Ken to be good at the game, or anyone else to be good at the game.  People are discounting Ken. I feel that his stoic  demeanor gives him a chance just as much as anyone else.

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Why what?  Aren't you and I saying the same thing, that we both "would not have expected Ken to be good at the game"?  Ken is innocent.  He's not manipulative.  He doesn't hide his strong feelings when he's feeling them.  He's earnest.  He's the most earnest who's ever earnested.  Was Fabio earnest?  There's Ken's path to a win then.  He'll have to play like Fabio.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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50 minutes ago, mojoween said:

My son is 19 and I told him if he went on Survivor I would totally be the mother coming out wailing "my baby! blat blat blat" and he said he would want his father to be at the top of his list of family members picked to come on the show.

I'm not going to lie, I freaking LOVE family day. I like the ones better where the family members participate too though.

My DDs are 17 and watched with me. They said 'what's with all the old people like moms and dads coming out??? I wouldn't pick that'. When Hannah's mom came running out hysterical, I said 'that's how I'd be' and it's true. I'd also give them a big look over to see if they were healthy.

Edited by Lamima
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I thought it was very smart of Jay to "make amends" with Adam after clashing with him in the past. He really played that reward challenge decision well. So if he was ever in the final 2 or 3, Adam would not be 100% opposed to voting for him to win.

And at his point, everyone has blown their HII except for him and his is the most widely known amongst the tribe.

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11 minutes ago, azshadowwalker said:

Ken is a non-entity. I don't find him especially attractive, and his personality is non-existent. To me, he is all the things people accused Michelle of being. Apparently, not being a young, attractive woman has its perks... 

The editing shows Ken a lot, so I don't really agree with the analogy.  The editing barely showed me Michelle, except until the end.  She may have a great personality, a winning one, or a horrible one. I wouldn't know.  I wasn't shown it.  I wasn't shown any nuances of her character, or I've forgotten them.  I've seen Ken's character, I've gotten my glimpses of it and I personally enjoy it.  Everyone has a personality, even quiet or 'boring' or stoic type people.  Even Will has one even though I hate it.  I personally enjoy Ken just fine.  

The analogy to the editing that Michelle got would be like Sunday.  Or Will, before he revealed himself to be so idiotic.  I don't remember people accusing Michelle of being unattractive, I remember people accusing her of not doing much game-wise.  So yeah, that analogy I get.  If Ken wins the game, I think the same pitchforks will arise.  But now, people are enjoying what they get, which is what I think people did with Michelle until she won.

Seeing my father and mother on the island would make me the most emotional, but I'd pick my brother because he'd help me win.  My father's never watched the show and I think my mom would be fangirling over Jeff or something.  For sure she'd try and hug him.  

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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Speaking of Ken, I don't even know if he will even be around to receive the reward after he had to go make a mountain out of a molehill. It should have been a cut-and-dry vote but then he got all offended, you could see he lost it when he shook is head and said "What? That's not right." Like he was saying "But I don't deserve to go home yet... must. make. things. right." and then he ran off to right this horrible wrong. Like people have said it was about as 'slick' as Jessica's move was when she heard her name. And soon they will have more in common than holders of the Legacy, they'll be on the jury together.

Also I was just happy that Sunday could finally sleep at night since she no longer had to sleep with one eye open worrying about Jess coming to get her.

ETA: Has Hannah learned a lot of movie lines, and entertains people, by rote?

Edited by Wandering Snark
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So happy to see Zeke go.  I liked him earlier but he became very arrogant and obnoxious over the past few episodes.  I just realized who he reminds me of...Syndrome from The Incredibles.

Ken was foolish to tell on Will.

Will whining for more respect made me respect him less.

Adam "wasted" the idol, but I think he wasted it well.  He solidified his Trust Cluster with Hannah, David and Ken into a real alliance and also added a big move to his resume for FTC.  He also helped his chances with the jury by a) Winning the immunity challenge b) Not stealing the love reward c) Giving away the reward steal advantage. 

If he gets to FTC, all that, plus finally sharing what he has been going through with his mother's cancer could possibly put him over the top.

Edited by Bryce Lynch
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As stupid as Ken's move was, by the end I was way more annoyed with Will and his whole, "Well, now I want to vote out Ken because he blew up my game, blah blah". This season has been so full of "revenge" votes it makes me sick. Thank goodness Will put Zeke's name down at the end but his immaturity was really obvious tonight. 

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Jebus, Hannah, shut it.  Jessica didn't die, she just left a reality TV show.

Zeke said he expects to be safe, so I predict he's going home. Haha, yes, I was right.  Never brag.

I always hate the loved ones episodes.  They've only been gone a freaking month.

Aw, Adam, when Hannah mentioned her mom having beaten cancer.

Yay, Adam!

Well, that all blew up in Will's face, didn't it?

No, Probst, Jessica was not voted out at the last tribal council.

What is it with people using their idols?

When did Hannah's name come up?  I thought it was Zeke and Ken.

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2 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

Ken has always reminded me a little bit of Coach.  Not the crazy Amazon natives trying to eat him and dragon stories, Coach, but the takes himself too seriously in the honor and integrity department,  Coach.  I like Ken, but that testing of Will to the detriment of his entire alliance was crazy pants stuff.

Now that you mention it I totally see the similarity! I love Ken, but I was doing the patented Picard Facepalm throughout that whole sequence. (Mind you, I always loved Coach too - batshit but totally wonderful.) I will be interested to see how Ken will be doing with his alliance in future episodes.

Edited to add: make that the double facepalm.


Edited by PerfidiousAmber
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I'm 52 and I don't think I would cry at the family visit if I was playing the game. Does that mean there is something wrong with me? My philosophy has always been with these reality shows is that it's only 30, 35 or 39 days. It's not 10 years. I'll see you in two weeks when you pick me up at the airport. BTW! I'm single...so maybe there is something wrong with me. LOL!!!!

Edited by ByaNose
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Will is dumb, saying all that shit about he's here to play and all that, but if he makes it to final 3 with Jay. He's gonna have no leg to stand on. Jay is gonna take credit for the big moves and his immunity threat and Will is gonna be looked at as the flunky who tagged along. He'll more than likely will get credit for the Zeke vote but his first big move should have been to get rid of Jay, so he wouldn't be looked at as Jay's flunky. He doesn't want to get rid of Jay because Jay has been upfront with him. So what? Like Gervase, he wasn't going to win over Tyson and annoying ass Phillip, no way his ass was gonna win anything. People this season really don't know what they're doing. 

Bret isn't making any moves at all, Ken is being too self involved, Hannah is just going whereever the wind takes her which is Cluelessville, Sunday going after the wrong people. They have no shot at winning whatsoever, Will to me is trying too hard. At this point they might as well eliminate themselves.

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16 minutes ago, Silver Raven said:

I always hate the loved ones episodes.  They've only been gone a freaking month.

Being isolated from your family for a month cannot be easy on everyone.  If I go on a trip, I can still message or video chat with my mother all the time.  If you go on this show there's absolutely zero interaction with your family. You can't even look at pictures of your family to see their faces.  Also you are surrounded by people that you potentially hate.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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1 hour ago, enlightenedbum said:

Terribly edited episode.  It was obvious Zeke was out from the pre-credits sequence.  Took away all the suspense. 

I guess I suck at reading editing, because I was in suspense all the way through tribal council. I actually thought the editors did a really good job with this episode. They showed the Hannah vote idea as almost an afterthought by Zeke's group, like that "Oh, we come up with this last minute second-guess at a vote that nobody really buys into, but we're going to show you anyway to throw you off" and...it was actually right this time! They did vote for Hannah! And then they showed so much of Ken -- usually an indication someone is going home -- and played up how affronted Will was about not being listened to, I thought for sure that Ken was a goner. They had Zeke at the beginning, then virtually ignored him throughout the episode -- not really giving him confessionals or anything that would be a tip-off that he was leaving. I liked it! They changed up their formula, to me. I was actually almost more shocked than when they went to rocks, because that was just one surprise. This was several in a row: OMG Adam is playing his idol?!? OMG they actually voted for Hannah?!?! OMG Zeke is going home?!?!

Though I have to say I think Zeke's group definitely outplayed themselves  -- seriously, David has an idol he burned, and suddenly they just "know" he has another one? I know he's found two, but since that alliance is so fond of playing idols to save others, why not vote David and be done with it? Has David ever played an idol to save himself? Why would he start now?

The answer to that is probably why there's no more "Zeke's group" in the first place.

Edited by Eolivet
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1 minute ago, Eolivet said:

I guess I suck at reading editing, because I was in suspense all the way through tribal council. I actually thought the editors did a really good job with this episode. They showed the Hannah vote as almost an afterthought, like that "Oh, we come up with this last minute second-guess at a vote that nobody really buys into, but we're going to show you anyway to throw you off" and...it was actually right this time! They did vote for Hannah! And then they showed so much of Ken -- usually an indication someone is going home -- and played up how affronted Will was about not being listened to, I thought for sure that Ken was a goner. They had Zeke at the beginning, then virtually ignored him throughout the episode -- not really giving him confessionals or anything that would be a tip-off that he was leaving. I liked it! They changed up their formula, to me. I was actually almost more shocked than when they went to rocks, because that was just one surprise. This was several in a row: OMG Adam is playing his idol?!? OMG they actually voted for Hannah?!?! OMG Zeke is going home?!?!

I'm with you. I thought it was going to be Will (because irony), then Ken, then Hannah when they suddenly switched their vote to her. I didn't expect Will to vote for Zeke at the end or especially not Adam playing his idol.

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One of the other things that may overshadow Ken's stupid move is the fact that Will has now made himself to be a flip flopper who can't be trusted. By either alliance.

With the exception of the Zeke vote, most of his votes were less strategic and more emotional ("You pissed me off and now I want to vote you off!) - someone like that will not last that much longer. I just have to hope he goes before Ken...

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Oh, Ken. You're so smart pretty!


Has there even be a Survivor contestant who's been more offended then Ken about being (possibly) voted for?

I didn't get the impression that he was offended, more that he was shocked and made a bonehead move out of panic. I don't think he has any shot of winning but I want him to make it to the final TC because I really really like looking at him. Why, yes, the water is great here in the shallow end, thanks for asking!

The interactions between Jay and Adam tonight were sweet. That was nice to see.

I realized tonight that I really love Hannah. I should probably find her annoying but I just think she's adorkable.

I also loved Will inadvertently weighing in on our goat discussion!

Edited by Rachel RSL
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1 hour ago, NYCFree said:

Ken did exactly what he was offended Jessica did to him.  Ken told Jessica the group was gunning for her, and she promptly goes and asks the leader (I forget her name) "are you after me?"  Will says they want you gone, so Ken goes right up to Jay to say "Will says you want me gone, is this true?"

THIS! What is with these people!?


1 hour ago, Lingo said:

Adam "wasted" his idol, but I understand him doing it. It's a pivotal vote, he couldn't be certain about Will (especially after what Ken did), it's a good time. He's hoping that will give him a solid majority to the end.

I totally agree, and at least it solidified his loyalty and trustworthiness in the alliance.


42 minutes ago, Wandering Snark said:

I can't help that I kinda liked that Will had his thunder (flipping) overshadowed by Adam "saving" Hannah. I expected Will to stand up and stamp his feet saying "But I FLIPPED!! I MADE A MOVE!!! DAMN YOU ADAM!!"

BWAHAHAA I just about spit out a mouthful of beer all over my keyboard after I read this!

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I must be heartless, because I hated the "let's bring out the loved ones" segment.  It dragged on forever.  I looked at the timer on my DVR and it was at 20 minutes before that was all over.  Each one had to be introduced individually, each one had to get talked with a bit, each one had to have the contestant cry.

I have mixed feelings about Adam.  I have had family members survive cancer, and I have had family members succumb to cancer.  On the one hand, I feel for him.  On the other hand, his mom had stage 4 cancer and he STILL went on to the show.  I don't care if it was his dream or whatever to be on the show.  I would have stayed home and spent time with her, knowing that she was in bad shape.  He could always have asked TPTB to defer his appearance until some point in the future.  I particularly hated the weepy face reaction shot when Hannah said that her mom was a cancer survivor.  And then we got another weepy face reaction shot when Will and his mom hugged, because, you know, it's a mom and her son.  If he didn't want to spend all of his time worrying about his mom and not seeing her, he could have stayed home.

Did the other castaways know about Adam's mom?  I am not sure if we ever saw him telling them, but after 30 days of sitting around, I thought maybe it must have come up?  But they didn't seem to know, otherwise wouldn't everyone have wanted Jay to pick Adam first so he could get some news from his brother?  As it is, if I were one of the others and didn't know the situation, I would have thought that Adam was overly weepy and dramatic.  What's the harm in telling?  Did he think that people would want to vote him out because they would be afraid he would win a sympathy vote?  Must be.  That's why Jeremy didn't want anyone knowing his wife was pregnant and he pulled it out when he needed it.

So glad that Zeke is gone.  What an arrogant turd.  I hated how he said that he wanted to win the game as much as he wanted to see David lose.  Was that really necessary?  I'm glad that Will flipped, but the fact that Adam still felt the need to use the idol showed that they didn't trust him.

I like Ken, but that was a really dumb move.  I fast forwarded a little bit of the strategy discussion.  Zeke's alliance was planning on voting for Ken.  How is it that Adam knew they were targeting Hannah?  Was that discussed and heard?


2 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

Man, hard not to feel for Adam. I'm thinking the last thing his mother told him before he left was, "Whatever you do, don't quit for me. That's a punk move, and I know you're not a Jenna."

See, I feel the opposite.  I wasn't a big fan of Jenna, but I actually gained a lot of respect for her for that.  I think they said her mom was stable and doing OK when Jenna left, but then Jenna said she got a "feeling" and just thought there were important things than the game, and left.

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