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S11.E20: Reunion Part 2

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Just when I think my disdain for Kelly cannot be deeper, she makes that "I'm smelling something rank" face and says she has no remorse or regret after watching video of herself acting like a horse's patootie. 

Vickie will never understand that she's being unethical with her conflict-of-interest/charity/insurance leads malarkey. Why? Because she cannot understand the concept of ethics.

Tamra isn't my idea of a Christian by a distance of, say, 1K miles, but she does seem to be thinking things through a little bit more than she used to.

Meghan has grown on me some. Never thought I'd say that. Her husband, however, is still a clown and a jerk.  I've heard she won't be back next season owing to new baby and all. I'll miss her. Never thought I'd say that either.

Shannon is shrill and rigid and wounded by life. I'll give her a pass on some things she did this year I don't care for. I never liked her much, but I don't actively dislike her.

Heather is, though I hate to say it, sometimes my favourite. She is intelligent and not afraid to showcase those brains. Sometimes she flaunts her IQ too proudly. As I have been accused of the same character flaw, I won't throw rocks at her.

Please, TPTB and all the gods of television: If you can remove only one of these women from our innocent TV screens next season, let it be Kelly. If you can make it a twofer, I'd love for her to hook Vickie along with her. Pretty please? With oranges on top? And champers?

  • Love 23
1 hour ago, Bronzedog said:

It was actually not just snow but a blizzard with the winds so strong, few survived.  The worst part was when she was walking uphill, during the blizzard,people were shooting paintballs at her.  And, worst of all, her husband was deployed to Oklahoma.  And, God only knows what they eat there.

You forgot.  She was barefoot.

  • Love 7
56 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

I can't think of a time we haven't heard about Briana working and being exhausted, until this season when she got sick. 

Briana is upset because she feels she and Ryan's vocational accomplishments have been diminished.  Well maybe if you didn't accept a new Yukon (which she referred to as a bribe) and accepted help with your new home (granted there was a plan sell the OKC home and buy the new home back from Vicki).  Vicki is the one who has to put herself center stage in the acquisitions she  makes on behalf of her kids.  Recently it was about the Alaskan she gifted to her entire family and Steve.  I would be on board with Briana if she perhaps mentioned she also got a big old fat paycheck from Bravo.  Last year it was all about her making six figures and having an $1100 a month mortgage payment.    

I saw no purpose in Briana appearing.  Her clearing the air about her vocational pursuit and an update on her health-which we already had from the finale crawl.  No questions about when Ryan would be joining her or if he would be joining her.  Waste of time.  No montages of all the digs she took at mom-calling her a dirty fighter, losing her friends.  It seems a little unfair she gets yet another paycheck to come on and "set the record" straight.  We get it you work.

I am not buying she works a 14 hour shift-maybe with commute time? 

I was just about to post the same thing - Vicki is the one that wants to showcase what she does for her kids. She mentioned that she bought Briana the home but did she also clarify that it was a loan and that Briana intended to pay her back? Vicki also said that she has to work hard to give her kids what she does. No Vicki, you could work as hard you need to support yourself and allow your kids to be adults. If you have money to lend to your children, then fine, but she is suggesting that her entire career is surrounded by this pressure to provide for her children. Of course people are going to think that you're spoon feeding your children who don't really do anything but collect money from mommy. And you're right, Briana being there was pretty useless. Perhaps she would have better suited going home after her shift to get some rest than to show up and get prepped for just 5 minutes of camera time where you only got to speak for 1 of those minutes.

  • Love 3

ETA, as for her claim of working 14 hours, it is more than possible that she was asked to work a double but could only do a 1 1/2 shift because of the reunion filming. Nurses are frequently asked to do double shifts.

Uh, not as much anymore.  Juries are increasingly awarding millions of dollars to claimants who claim their doctors/nurses were too exhausted to give them proper diagnoses/treatment.  ESPECIALLY since Brianna works in the E/R.  

I personally think she and Ryan have split up ... they will just quietly announce a separation during the off-season.  Then Brianna will be Vicki's plus one.  

  • Love 5

In the midst of all this I was really, really hoping for Andy Cohen to stand up and say "You know, we've taken this franchise as far as we can. It was a good ride, but it's over. The Real Housewives of OC as we know it, no longer exists. Thank you for your services, you are all dismissed without renewal of contacts." Dropped the mic and exited stage left. 

Edited by Juneau Gal
  • Love 14
13 minutes ago, WordsWordsWords said:

Just when I think my disdain for Kelly cannot be deeper, she makes that "I'm smelling something rank" face and says she has no remorse or regret after watching video of herself acting like a horse's patootie. 

Vickie will never understand that she's being unethical with her conflict-of-interest/charity/insurance leads malarkey. Why? Because she cannot understand the concept of ethics.

Tamra isn't my idea of a Christian by a distance of, say, 1K miles, but she does seem to be thinking things through a little bit more than she used to.

Meghan has grown on me some. Never thought I'd say that. Her husband, however, is still a clown and a jerk.  I've heard she won't be back next season owing to new baby and all. I'll miss her. Never thought I'd say that either.

Shannon is shrill and rigid and wounded by life. I'll give her a pass on some things she did this year I don't care for. I never liked her much, but I don't actively dislike her.

Heather is, though I hate to say it, sometimes my favourite. She is intelligent and not afraid to showcase those brains. Sometimes she flaunts her IQ too proudly. As I have been accused of the same character flaw, I won't throw rocks at her.

Please, TPTB and all the gods of television: If you can remove only one of these women from our innocent TV screens next season, let it be Kelly. If you can make it a twofer, I'd love for her to hook Vickie along with her. Pretty please? With oranges on top? And champers?

I like Heather.  Sure she is snooty but she seems like a good friend who will keep a confidence even if you piss her off.  She has the same bday as Mr. Natalie and there are some similarities such as being a smartypants.  I have told him on more than one occasion that correcting someone's grammar or spelling makes people want to punch him in the throat (me for example!).  But they are loyal to a fault and are also honest.  They may keep things close to the vest but honest and warm.  But no mistake once you blow it you are not back in with them.  They will be cordial but that is it.

Vicki always looks like she is waiting for someone to blow her cover.  She KNOWS she sells everyone out and she is waiting for someone to spill.  I am asking Santa Claus for a Vicki free OC next season.  I have been good this year and totally deserve it.

Kelly is not just crazy but FUCKING crazy.  Has no self awareness, no shame, no memory, cannot follow a linear thought, and during filming her eyes were always red/glossy which looked to ME that she was always slightly drunk.  She must be a real peach to be around in real life.  It feels, like many stated throughout the season, that she was trying to make Michael look like the bad parent and crazy one.  All his divorce atty has to do is show the episodes where she loses her gd mind and she has trashed her own case.  I have a hard time believing she has any redeeming qualities based on what I have seen and what her police reports etc state.  And yes Kelly there are rules regarding fights and arguments.  We live in a civilized society.  You are over 40 and no one should have to tell you that.  You'd think it would have come up during any one of the many trips to the courts, atty, counselors whatever.

Tamra I go back and forth on.  She is shifty but knows the game.  While she may not be book smart she is people smart and can manipulate the shit out of anyone and any situation.  Just lose the public religious stuff.  

Meghan, meh, go have a baby and relax.

Shannon, well I generally like her but jeezus lady keep your marriage stuff between you and your husband.  It makes me itchy and VERY uncomfortable knowing these girls know everything.

During the reunion when Kelly would not shut that trap of hers I was hoping that everyone would just get up and walk off  Should have just told Andy to let them know when the Kelly hour was up cause they need a drink.  And for the love of all things holy, stop saying INTERLOPER!

  • Love 22
58 minutes ago, AuntieDiane6 said:

Uh, not as much anymore.  Juries are increasingly awarding millions of dollars to claimants who claim their doctors/nurses were too exhausted to give them proper diagnoses/treatment.  ESPECIALLY since Brianna works in the E/R.  

I personally think she and Ryan have split up ... they will just quietly announce a separation during the off-season.  Then Brianna will be Vicki's plus one.  

I disagree, my niece is a nurse and is asked to work overtime time to time. Oh and she is an ER Trauma nurse. I suspect that Briana is now working regular hours, 8 hour shifts, so working a double would not be uncommon and we don't know if she is still working in an ER.

  • Love 11
1 hour ago, Natalie68 said:

Kelly is not just crazy but FUCKING crazy.  Has no self awareness, no shame, no memory, cannot follow a linear thought, and during filming her eyes were always red/glossy which looked to ME that she was always slightly drunk.  She must be a real peach to be around in real life.  It feels, like many stated throughout the season, that she was trying to make Michael look like the bad parent and crazy one.  All his divorce atty has to do is show the episodes where she loses her gd mind and she has trashed her own case.  I have a hard time believing she has any redeeming qualities based on what I have seen and what her police reports etc state.  And yes Kelly there are rules regarding fights and arguments.  We live in a civilized society.  You are over 40 and no one should have to tell you that.  You'd think it would have come up during any one of the many trips to the courts, atty, counselors whatever.

I love and agree with every word...EVERY WORD.   My biggest concern is that TPTB will see our comments about Kelly as "interest" (they don't care if it's negative) or that we prove that she's "good TV."   My advice to Bravo is to get rid of her before she causes a lawsuit...or several!

  • Love 10
1 hour ago, Juneau Gal said:

In the midst of all this I was really, really hoping for Andy Cohen to stand up and say "You know, we've taken this franchise as far as we can. It was a good ride, but it's over. The Real Housewives of OC as we know it, no longer exists. Thank you for your services, you are all dismissed without renewal of contacts."

I'd like to add a sentence, "And Vicki, for your information, this was never your show.  Never. Your. Show."

  • Love 16
1 hour ago, WireWrap said:

Well, to be honest, none of these women or other cast members talk about their Bravo paychecks, none of them, so Briana is not hiding or denying anything.  Also, Bravo did air a preview of the reunion that included Briana saying more but then for some reason edited it out. Hopefully that means that Vicki is gone next season.

ETA, as for her claim of working 14 hours, it is more than possible that she was asked to work a double but could only do a 1 1/2 shift because of the reunion filming. Nurses are frequently asked to do double shifts.

I am sorry but no one else talks about needing to be respected for their vocation on the show.  To me, Briana's rub needs to be with her mother-not the rest of the cast r the audience.  Tamra has said more than once it is her money that funds the gym.  Well Briana should not pretend the Bravo money doesn't stuff their coffers because it does.  She can be down to earth with saying $50k is a lot of money.  By virtue of her hideous mother she has a chance to make a lot of extra money and chose to do so leaving her children's father back in Oklahoma to pursue the dollars-this decision to buy a new home in OC was made before she got ill.  I am not buying she needed to move home because of her health or this or that.  Her mother needed her because she was out of friends on the show.

Briana has the unfortunate trait from her mother about talking about how she works all the time, as if no one else does.  By virtue of employment on the show all these women work.  Some just have more outside pursuits, Tamra, Heather and Vicki. 

I never thought it a good idea for Bravo to make Briana a RH and life intervened and she got ill and her role was diminished.  It was Vicki pushing for Briana to be a full time RH.  Try as she might, there was really no financial commonality with the other RHs, although close to the same age as Meghan, no commonality or real desire to have some bonding friendship.  I just shrug because she seems so determined to maintain a friendship with Tamra-why?  Tamra is old enough to be her mother and has a child her age.   So I guess things worked out for the best her opting out this season.

As to the working OT-Briana knew for a significant period of time she would be filming-I can't imagine why she would work the night shift the day of filming.  It is not as if some ER revolves around her to keep functioning.  I have to go with AUNTDIANE6 there is definitely an issue with medical and first responders working excessive hours and it does come up in litigation.  I have always wondered why Briana doesn't find a nursing job that doesn't involve overnight shifts or the extra long shifts. 

  • Love 6
7 hours ago, Lizzing said:

Agreed.  And I also found it a bit eye roll inducing that the particular Japanese restaurant was some sort of hallowed ground because that's the last place she saw Kevin Dubrow alive.  First, I'm pretty sure Heather was the one that picked the restaurant.  (I get that the sushi was a "thing" because Meghan was about to be pregnant, but there have got to be more places in Orange County to get sushi than that restaurant.)  Second, if it's such a place of sad memories, why bring this gaggle of fools to the restaurant?  She's been on the show long enough to know what goes down whenever three or more housewives gather.

However dumb Heather's argument about the restaurant was, Kelly's inability to understand that the walls of the restaurant were literally made of paper really just catapults her to the top of stupidest housewives, at least west side of the Mississippi division. (I'm given to believe that Teresa Gudice is a barely sentient box of hair, but I gave up on NJ after S1E1, so I can't opine on who takes the stupidity title between the two.)

 The shady use of "calm down" never fails to remind me of the Hot Wives of Orlando, so that's good for a laugh.

Don't you use the "C-word" around here! Calm down!!!! Calm down!!!!!! Kelly resembles no one I've ever encountered in real life, so your reminder of the Hotwives makes me realize that Kelly is a Hotwife of Orlando.

I will say that this season has been fantastic just in terms of vocabulary:

  • notrocious
  • shart fighting
  • ghost fellatio
  • vowel renewal
  • monkey wrap

I have learned so much this season thanks to Kelly. I've learned that polarizing is a compliment, that anger management teaches you to be angry and violent, and that puppets control masters.

I cannot believe that Kelly thinks that Vicki has her back. Vicki is a woman who by her own telling was too self absorbed and impatient to attend a single one of Brooks' chemo treatments when she "thought" he had cancer. This is the man that she loved deeply and fiercely that when he left her, she collapsed in the driveway crying. But when she thought that Brooks' cancer reoccured, she couldn't be arsed to support the love of her life as he was battling cancer. There are only two conclusions that can be reached from Brooks cancer debacle: Vicki's a liar who was in on the scam or Vicki is so self-absorbed and self serving that she can't be loyal. From Vicki's version of last season, she was too selfish to accompany Brooks to treatment. Either way, she's not trustworthy or reliable.

Did anyone see the tiny disclaimer at the end of the episode?  It came right before they listed Andy's producer credit. It was something like this: "Vicki is no longer associated with the organization discussed on this program. Bravo is not affiliated with this organization and discussion of the organization should not be considered approval of the organization by Bravo."

I've never seen them do that. I'm sure that they would like to keep Vicki around because she's terrible and can be relied upon to bring the drama, but I'm sure Bravo and NBC Universal is pissed that they had to run that disclaimer.

Edited by HunterHunted
  • Love 13

Kelly has explosive qualities that make her perfect for reality tv but an awful human being to be around. and BRAVO knew it before they signed her up and I fully expect them to sign her up for season #2. For BRAVO, the deadly sin is to be dull and KMD was never that.  Otherwise, what does this crew have to offer? Vicki and Tamara's storylines, like their hair,  are fried. I find them completely unworthy of the tv time they are afforded. Heather only has wealth ... and we've seen about everything she has to offer in that dept. (besides her house but I've seen pics already on Instagram and it looks pretty fug to me). Shannon still brings it ... wealth and a screwed up marriage.  I enjoyed Meghan, mostly because Jimmy was so cold to her.

If Tamara, Vicki and Heather all sign up again for next season then the cast still needs an ignoramus like Kelly because otherwise there is nothing but a boring, endless cycle of cocktail parties and 10:30 am lunches in  empty restaurants between these ladies. Unless they go the New Jersey route and sign up the Beador inlaws for their next season drama.  

And those behind-the-scenes clips show a really ugly side of Heather, swearing up a storm, stomping off and being demanding. I think Heather struggles with her participation on this show because she knows it has a very trashy side but she tries to convince herself that it's just all silly fun and she's above it all. But then Kelly drops the C word and Heather goes berzerk.  And you only go bezerk when someone hits a raw spot and I think Heather's raw spot is that deep down being on reality tv is not what she wanted for herself. The price she is paying is association with people like Kelly and I think she feels that it isn't worth the little career momentum she's been able to carve out for herself. So I see a woman screaming with frustration at the deal with the devil she made. 

  • Love 8
8 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Kelly, yes, she is a nutter but really what do we expect her to do when the entire reunion she is ganged up on, criticized, and called out on every wrong thing she did and said all season? She's backed in to a corner and has nowhere to go except down, so she's going to fight back. It's her own fault of course but I wouldn't expect her to sit there and just take it. 

I agree with you.  For all of their feigned shock that Kelly won't apologize, Kelly would be no better off apologizing because the other keep harping on her pattern of being awful and then apologizing and it meaning nothing.


Shannon sure has turned in to a self-righteous know it all. I remember one or two season's ago her own kids telling her she drinks to much and needs to get a grip on it so she can just STFU now, please. 

I've been wondering how much of the way Shannon is behaving towards Vicki and Kelly is a reaction to David's affair.  The thing with Vicki seems messier.  But a lot of the time when she is ranting at Kelly it feels like it goes beyond Kelly being awful to be around and she is a little bit of a proxy for David's mistress because she views Kelly as having done the same things to another family.  The reunion P1 and the 70s party especially felt that way.

51 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

I am sorry but no one else talks about needing to be respected for their vocation on the show.  To me, Briana's rub needs to be with her mother-not the rest of the cast r the audience.  Tamra has said more than once it is her money that funds the gym.  Well Briana should not pretend the Bravo money doesn't stuff their coffers because it does.  She can be down to earth with saying $50k is a lot of money.  By virtue of her hideous mother she has a chance to make a lot of extra money and chose to do so leaving her children's father back in Oklahoma to pursue the dollars-this decision to buy a new home in OC was made before she got ill.  I am not buying she needed to move home because of her health or this or that.  Her mother needed her because she was out of friends on the show.

Briana has the unfortunate trait from her mother about talking about how she works all the time, as if no one else does.  By virtue of employment on the show all these women work.  Some just have more outside pursuits, Tamra, Heather and Vicki. 

I never thought it a good idea for Bravo to make Briana a RH and life intervened and she got ill and her role was diminished.  It was Vicki pushing for Briana to be a full time RH.  Try as she might, there was really no financial commonality with the other RHs, although close to the same age as Meghan, no commonality or real desire to have some bonding friendship.  I just shrug because she seems so determined to maintain a friendship with Tamra-why?  Tamra is old enough to be her mother and has a child her age.   So I guess things worked out for the best her opting out this season.

As to the working OT-Briana knew for a significant period of time she would be filming-I can't imagine why she would work the night shift the day of filming.  It is not as if some ER revolves around her to keep functioning.  I have to go with AUNTDIANE6 there is definitely an issue with medical and first responders working excessive hours and it does come up in litigation.  I have always wondered why Briana doesn't find a nursing job that doesn't involve overnight shifts or the extra long shifts. 

I  do think she wanted to go to her old Dr.s to find out what was going on with her health but the overwhelming reason was to help her mother on the show and I don't fault Briana for either. She gets slammed for not "supporting" Vicki by speaking out against her mothers tactics and she gets slammed when she sides with Vicki or comes back to film with her to help her mother. What do people want her to do, other than not be on the show at all, what? Also, I have yet to see it reported that Briana was ever slated to be a full HW, nowhere other than here. No bloggers have made that claim, no reports about Briana being offered a full time HW position and even if that is what Vicki wants, we don't know it is what Briana wants because she has never expressed a desire to be 1 publicly. Can you show me where it was reported that Briana was hired as a full HW but gave it up because she was too ill? Maybe I missed it.

Nurses work overtime, believe me it happens far more frequently than people thing.

44 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

Don't you use the "C-word" around here! Calm down!!!! Calm down!!!!!! Kelly resembles no one I've ever encountered in real life, so your reminder of the Hotwives makes me realize that Kelly is a Hotwife of Orlando.

I will say that this season has been fantastic just in terms of vocabulary:

  • notrocious
  • shart fighting
  • ghost fellatio
  • vowel renewal
  • monkey wrap

I have learned so much this season thanks to Kelly. I've learned that polarizing is a compliment, that anger management teaches you to be angry and violent, and that puppets control masters.

I cannot believe that Kelly thinks that Vicki has her back. Vicki is a woman who by her own telling was too self absorbed and impatient to attend a single one of Brooks' chemo treatments when she "thought" he had cancer. This is the man that she loved deeply and fiercely that when he left her, she collapsed in the driveway crying. But when she thought that Brooks' cancer reoccured, she couldn't be arsed to support the love of her life as he was battling cancer. There are only two conclusions that can be reached from Brooks cancer debacle: Vicki's a liar who was in on the scam or Vicki is so self-absorbed and self serving that she can't be loyal. From Vicki's version of last season, she was too selfish to accompany Brooks to treatment. Either way, she's not trustworthy or reliable.

Did anyone see the tiny disclaimer at the end of the episode?  It came right before they listed Andy's producer credit. It was something like this: "Vicki is no longer associated with the organization discussed on this program. Bravo is not affiliated with this organization and discussion of the organization should not be considered approval of the organization by Bravo."

I've never seen them do that. I'm sure that they would like to keep Vicki around because she's terrible and can be relied upon to bring the drama, but I'm sure Bravo and NBC Universal is pissed that they had to run that disclaimer.

This may be what gets Vicki fired! For TPTB to feel the need to put this disclaimer up speaks volumes to me and I am hoping that means she is gone for good! LOL

  • Love 7

Nurses generally work 12 hour shifts which can turn into 13+ hours by the time you bring the next nurse up to date on the patient, when your shift is ending. Brianna probably works nights and weekends, because you get paid significantly more than day shift. She left Oklahoma to be on Bravo's payroll and to give Vicki a storyline.

  • Love 7
6 minutes ago, TheFinalRose said:

Kelly has explosive qualities that make her perfect for reality tv but an awful human being to be around. and BRAVO knew it before they signed her up and I fully expect them to sign her up for season #2. For BRAVO, the deadly sin is to be dull and KMD was never that.  Otherwise, what does this crew have to offer? Vicki and Tamara's storylines, like their hair,  are fried. I find them completely unworthy of the tv time they are afforded. Heather only has wealth ... and we've seen about everything she has to offer in that dept. (besides her house but I've seen pics already on Instagram and it looks pretty fug to me). Shannon still brings it ... wealth and a screwed up marriage.  I enjoyed Meghan, mostly because Jimmy was so cold to her.

If Tamara, Vicki and Heather all sign up again for next season then the cast still needs an ignoramus like Kelly because otherwise there is nothing but a boring, endless cycle of cocktail parties and 10:30 am lunches in  empty restaurants between these ladies. Unless they go the New Jersey route and sign up the Beador inlaws for their next season drama.  

And those behind-the-scenes clips show a really ugly side of Heather, swearing up a storm, stomping off and being demanding. I think Heather struggles with her participation on this show because she knows it has a very trashy side but she tries to convince herself that it's just all silly fun and she's above it all. But then Kelly drops the C word and Heather goes berzerk.  And you only go bezerk when someone hits a raw spot and I think Heather's raw spot is that deep down being on reality tv is not what she wanted for herself. The price she is paying is association with people like Kelly and I think she feels that it isn't worth the little career momentum she's been able to carve out for herself. So I see a woman screaming with frustration at the deal with the devil she made. 

I suspect (hope) they fire Vicki, which means they would most likely bring Kelly back. I wouldn't mind Kelly returning for a second season as long as Vicki is gone. Next season would be Kelly calming down and making amends with Tamra, Heather and Shannon throughout the season for a more united show by the time the reunion filming rolled around. LOL

  • Love 2
5 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

I  do think she wanted to go to her old Dr.s to find out what was going on with her health but the overwhelming reason was to help her mother on the show and I don't fault Briana for either. She gets slammed for not "supporting" Vicki by speaking out against her mothers tactics and she gets slammed when she sides with Vicki or comes back to film with her to help her mother. What do people want her to do, other than not be on the show at all, what? Also, I have yet to see it reported that Briana was ever slated to be a full HW, nowhere other than here. No bloggers have made that claim, no reports about Briana being offered a full time HW position and even if that is what Vicki wants, we don't know it is what Briana wants because she has never expressed a desire to be 1 publicly. Can you show me where it was reported that Briana was hired as a full HW but gave it up because she was too ill? Maybe I missed it.

Nurses work overtime, believe me it happens far more frequently than people thing.

This may be what gets Vicki fired! For TPTB to feel the need to put this disclaimer up speaks volumes to me and I am hoping that means she is gone for good! LOL

I will go with not being on the show at all.  Vicki has said repeatedly even on WWHL, she wanted Briana has a fulltime RH.  I think they were very close this year to giving Briana a very expanded role, given the initial amount of time, the house buying, Briana moving out to making that come true.  I will buy Briana wanted to be close to her docs, but they weren't the ones who ended up treating her -it was the Mayo clinic.  The day Tamra and Shannon had lunch there was a pretty clear message about the house buying-and the house buying was back in December.  I am working off conjecture that any chance of an expanded role up to and including full time status as a RH were dashed when Briana spent a month in the hospital.  So I don't think there needed to be some big announcement it is fairly logical conclusion.  

Again I don't understand Briana, who just very recently re-entered the job market decided to schedule a super shift the night before filming.  I will say this it felt like throughout  the season when Vicki was giving updates on Facebook and her blog that Briana and her husband were withdrawing to some degree from the RH payroll/lifestyle.  I think it had a lot to do with Ryan being denied a medical discharge.  Who knows maybe come the time to re-enlist this spring he will be granted the discharge. 

I am just over Briana and have been for a long time.  She and her husband have chosen noble professions but they don't meld well with a RH lifestyle.  Plus I don't think it will ever be a good idea to have a mother daughter team on any RH franchise.  Briana saying she was tired of being portrayed as the only family member who shunned Brooks fell pretty flat with me.  Vicki's brother Brooks vacationed with Brooks and Vicki, Michael went out to dinner with him so it is not as if they all had the same degree of disgust for Brooks.  

  • Love 9

Cannot help but have some empathy for Brianna.   Look what she had for a role model.  Considering that, I think she turned out fairly well.   I don't believe she pulls the "work" card as much as Vicky does.  And, honestly, her health issues are primary......it can take years to confirm Lupus and it can hit every part of your body, and it is exhausting.   Her medical problems have been going on since she was quite young and lupus is not all that is going on.    That said, I thought she seemed happy to see Ryan when he showed up for her birthday.  And although he is not my cup of tea by any stretch of the imagination,   she chose to have two kids with him and seems to like being married.    Vicky was the biggest phony in the world, in more ways than one,  and one of her major offenses to me  was being the loving mother in law, just so she could be in Brianna's good graces and see her grandchildren.   Not sure if Michael would have a real job or not, without his mother, but he at least can ignore her to some degree and perhaps have a real life.  Brianna could use our support and not condemnation for being born into that family IMO

  • Love 14
2 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

I will go with not being on the show at all.  Vicki has said repeatedly even on WWHL, she wanted Briana has a fulltime RH.  I think they were very close this year to giving Briana a very expanded role, given the initial amount of time, the house buying, Briana moving out to making that come true.  I will buy Briana wanted to be close to her docs, but they weren't the ones who ended up treating her -it was the Mayo clinic.  The day Tamra and Shannon had lunch there was a pretty clear message about the house buying-and the house buying was back in December.  I am working off conjecture that any chance of an expanded role up to and including full time status as a RH were dashed when Briana spent a month in the hospital.  So I don't think there needed to be some big announcement it is fairly logical conclusion.  

Again I don't understand Briana, who just very recently re-entered the job market decided to schedule a super shift the night before filming.  I will say this it felt like throughout  the season when Vicki was giving updates on Facebook and her blog that Briana and her husband were withdrawing to some degree from the RH payroll/lifestyle.  I think it had a lot to do with Ryan being denied a medical discharge.  Who knows maybe come the time to re-enlist this spring he will be granted the discharge. 

I am just over Briana and have been for a long time.  She and her husband have chosen noble professions but they don't meld well with a RH lifestyle.  Plus I don't think it will ever be a good idea to have a mother daughter team on any RH franchise.  Briana saying she was tired of being portrayed as the only family member who shunned Brooks fell pretty flat with me.  Vicki's brother Brooks vacationed with Brooks and Vicki, Michael went out to dinner with him so it is not as if they all had the same degree of disgust for Brooks.  

I like Briana but I am hoping that Vicki is not back next season, which would mean no more Briana and I am fine with that. Vicki trying to push Briana as a full HW is on her, not Briana and we have never heard Briana express the same desire. As for this season, Briana was sick well before filming began then she had the surgery that led to the leg infection that prompted her return to the OC. I do think she agreed to help Vicki out filming wise if she were needed but Kelly took her role as Vicki's new sidekick seriously and Briana wasn't needed so we will never know how much she agreed to film this season.

As for her work schedule, she may not have been able to get the day off because she would be low man asking for time off as she was a new hire. Although I am sure she is back to nursing, she did not say where she was working let alone that it was in a hospital ER, for all we know she may be working at a less stressful nursing position for now.

Vicki has other siblings and I think that is who Briana was referring to, not Billy.

  • Love 5

I adore both of Vicki's kids.  I may stand alone on this but Vicki did an outstanding job raising them.  I also like Briana on the show.   Heather and Meghan are pretty level headed, but Briana manages to be the same but without Heather's pompous air and Meghan's flat personality.

And, she calls her mother on her BS.  I'd like for Vicki and her kids to stay.

Edited by Jextella
  • Love 4

Just finished Andy's new book.  Not as much Housewives dish as I'd hoped. Only thing that seems to be consistent is that he dreads the reunions, and the jockeying for the seat next to him starts months in advance.  OC is the only one I watch consistently but it's also the franchise he talks about the least in the book.  Does not seem overly fond of any of the OC ladies but he does seem to have a real soft spot for Theresa and NeNe. A real outside-of-business friendship with Carole and Bethany. He appreciates Sheree and soothes Vicki by calling her the O.G. but not much in the pages.

He said that there was serious lobbying by Heather and Shannon to get Vicki removed from the show before the Xanax reunion last year. They presented a ton of evidence that she was lying about the cancer and his response to them was that it would be more interesting to see her defend herself.

Overall, not as gossipy (about the housewives) as I was hoping for - but a distracting trifle. He talks a lot about loneliness and aging. A lot about loneliness. Oh, and he's constantly listening to show idea pitches from the husbands/boyfriends of housewives. Almost all were stupid.

  • Love 12
3 minutes ago, Jextella said:

I adore both of Vicki's kids.  I may stand alone on this but Vicki did an outstanding job raising them.  I also like Briana on the show.   Heather and Meghan are pretty level headed Briana manages to be the same but without Heather's pompous air and Meghan's flat personality.

And, she calls her mother on her own BS.  I'd like for Vicki and her kids to stay.

And here we are at the reunion and not one of Briana's comments is being used.  That is my frustration.  It is as if the show is some weird family therapy for Briana and Vicki.  Briana crosses all sorts of lines of family loyalty and yet they are never brought up unless it involves Brooks.

As to Michael he sat right there during the cancer charity scam and gave his approval.  He is not above the fray in questionable decision making.  Just because he called Brooks out for not having cancer he was all in on selling insurance from a newly created charity that seemed to revolve around selling insurance.  For Vicki to say they were separate entities is a joke.  The great cancer charity raised a grand total of $143.00 on GoFundMe the charity's choice of fundraising.  Had it not been for heather, Tamra and Meghan the whole bogus cancer charity would have been glossed over.  Michael was right there as the co-pilot.  If Vicki's kids are being judged as accomplished then they also need to be held to task when they make bad adult decisions.

  • Love 10

I think Heather's plan is to take down the O.G.'s of the O.C. until SHE'S the O.G.  A poster above mentioned she's been campaigning to have her private friends on the show.  She would LOVE to have her friends on this show with her, with herself being the Queen Bee.  I find Heather to be extremely boring and now Shannon is,too.  Can you imagine this show if it were only Heather, Shannon, Toned Down Tamara, and a couple of Heather's goody two shoes friends as the cast?!  How boring would that group be on a vacation?  I'd be dying for someone wacky in the cast to whoop it up! 

If Vicki and Kelly are gone next season I think we'll see Heather turning on first clueless Shannon and then blindsiding Tamara as she takes the girls out.   I wont watch it if Heather and her personal coven are all there is to see... 

  • Love 7
20 hours ago, DrivingSideways said:

and my favorite quote - Vickis "we all talk behind each other's back".

I mean, this is what I keep going back to.  Of all the reasons to dislike Vicki -- which are myriad, because it's Vicki -- these women are going to choose "She talks about other people" as their hill to die on?  They all talk crap about each other.  Some more clunkily (Kelly) and some more daintily (Heather) but it's pretty much the premise of the show at this point and the purpose of their talking heads.  In that scene at the mud bath, they were all chiming in about Shannon's marriage.  Vicki is absolutely right in that respect.  They're hypocrites.

That said, she really is nutrocious.  She always was a narcissist, but in the past couple of seasons it's gotten quite pronounced.  I long for the Vicki who only crashed her son's college parties.  Where are the keg-stands of yesteryear? 

  • Love 5
48 minutes ago, ladle said:

I mean, this is what I keep going back to.  Of all the reasons to dislike Vicki -- which are myriad, because it's Vicki -- these women are going to choose "She talks about other people" as their hill to die on?  They all talk crap about each other.  Some more clunkily (Kelly) and some more daintily (Heather) but it's pretty much the premise of the show at this point and the purpose of their talking heads.  In that scene at the mud bath, they were all chiming in about Shannon's marriage.  Vicki is absolutely right in that respect.  They're hypocrites.

That said, she really is nutrocious.  She always was a narcissist, but in the past couple of seasons it's gotten quite pronounced.  I long for the Vicki who only crashed her son's college parties.  Where are the keg-stands of yesteryear? 

I wonder if Vicki is eyeing Trump's election and thinking "I could do that!"  

  • Love 5
6 hours ago, biakbiak said:

Andy was the person who first person mentioned that Briana had just come from a long shift and since people are always stating that Briana doesn't work and lives off Vicki amd this show I completely understand why she would in fact want it known that she does work.

I cut Briana a lot of slack.  She's ill, has two boisterous little boys, a husband who probably has PTSD, and a mother who demands her needs always take center stage.   Good for her if she can suck it up and deal with Vicki until she and Ryan can get their lives sorted out.  

However, at this stage in her career, it would behoove her to get out of long ER shifts and get into telephonic case management.  She has experience enough, and could work at home.  

  • Love 11
4 minutes ago, Former Nun said:

She may have taken the only job offered due to (perhaps) schedule demands.  She has health issues.  I have lupus and wouldn't want to work even ONE full shift.  

That is what has never made sense to me Briana works the long shifts with huge health issues.  I would think she would be better off doing telephonic case management.  She seems competent so why take on the toughest workload?

  • Love 6

Kelly saying if she didn't attend anger management she would have beat Tamra's ass. 

i know Kelly meant that as a credit to her composure but really talk about delusional. Tamra lifts weights for hours a day, isn't close to keeling over or a crying jag since she cut out the alcohol, whereas Kelly is a puffy addled bag of nerves, and Tamra is scrappy & been around the block like from before her HW days. While Kelly is all mouth. 

Also what the fuck is this all this shading physical violence on David who I am not defending by any means since I've been the recipient of DV but don't trash someone for raising a hand or decry verbal abuse but being open about your inclination to do the same, Vicki and Kelly. They are everything they claim to be victimized of and afraid of. 

I do not shade Brianna for working and working long hours I do the same. She is so her mothers daughter tho since that's a matter of pride and hyperbole w the parasite who birthed her. Also she's as materialistic and braggadocios as Mama. 

Vicki has never looked better but still is very unattractive and pig like in her face. Pigs are cute af so maybe more like a pig mask from a Ryan Murphy show. I can't really fathom a man finding her sexually exciting especially if her shit personality is factored in. However if she's kept next year I imagine she'd be banging Slade.  

  • Love 6

Sure, she's not especially bright, seems contentedly ignorant, and isn't going to win Miss Congeniality, but I'm still mystified at the intensity of the antipathy toward Kelly among the audience and her cast mates alike - well, not really with respect to the cast mates as there is formulaically a universally reviled Ho every season. She's the natural culmination of the pattern that Tams herself established in her half-decade reign of terror.

But Kelly's assertion that she would have RESPONDED to *Tamra's* act of violence with force herself is somehow more offensive and egregious than the perpetrations of physical contact, battery, and assault that Tamra has, you know, actually committed? Ummmm ... what?

My jaw slung open when Shannon - who has been on the receiving end of unwanted pawing from Saint Tammy Sue to the extent that she suffered an emotional meltdown on camera and shrieked "let go of me!" - inserted herself into the debate by pantomiming how Tamra's conduct was completely defensible because it only entailed a shove. If anyone is normalizing violence among these shrews (as if it hasn't already been firmly cemented as part of the status quo by Tams, Porsha Stewart, Ramona Singer, Carole Radziwill, etc.), I don't see how Kelly is the sole or even chief transgressor. And oh what irony in the context of the forthcoming DV scrum.

Speaking of Shannon, particularly vis-à-vis her smug insistence that she doesn't repeat rumors but only facts after her eardrum-shattering "it was youuu!" to Kelly at the '70s party: getthefuckouttahere with that nonsense.

As for Kelly's logic that she no longer regrets referring to Shannon and/or Heather by epithets, I think it's every bit as reasonable as delivering an apology qualified by a dig like "but the difference between me and you is . . ."

Also, it's MISfortunate as Mrs. Dubrow would say that Andy failed to address such reprehensible remarks as "maybe it was irresponsible for her to get pregnant."

  • Love 10
15 hours ago, FamilyVan said:

Yes it kind of reminds me of Top Chef where the rule seems to be never admit that you know you screwed up your dish, instead claim you were pushing the envelope and taking a risk.  To admit a mistake = elimination.  I think on this show however, it's the opposite, and to stay you have to at least feign humility and agree to "start over" and "move on" after apologizing.  I think Kelly came off about as bad as any HW has ever come off, and her stand your ground strategy completely failed.  She went down in flames on this reunion.  

Just have to say - I think the new nickname for Vicki should be fishy-face instead of Miss Piggy.  Have you noticed this look she makes where she is trying to look dumbfounded, her mouth is open in a circle like a goldfish.  It's one of the most irritating expressions.

I cannot STAND her playing-dumb face.  Nobody buys what you're trying to sell Vicki.  I hate to say it, but with that hideous shade of lipstick and each new bit of facial morphing work she has done, she looks more like a blowup doll to me.  YICK, Vick!

  • Love 5
9 hours ago, ChelleGame said:

Just finished Andy's new book.  Not as much Housewives dish as I'd hoped. Only thing that seems to be consistent is that he dreads the reunions, and the jockeying for the seat next to him starts months in advance. [1] OC is the only one I watch consistently but it's also the franchise he talks about the least in the book.  Does not seem overly fond of any of the OC ladies but he does seem to have a real soft spot for Theresa and NeNe. A real outside-of-business friendship with Carole and Bethany. He appreciates Sheree and soothes Vicki by calling her the O.G. but not much in the pages.

He said that there was serious lobbying by Heather and Shannon to get Vicki removed from the show before the Xanax reunion last year. They presented a ton of evidence that she was lying about the cancer and his response to them was that it would be more interesting to see her defend herself. [2]

Overall, not as gossipy (about the housewives) as I was hoping for - but a distracting trifle. He talks a lot about loneliness and aging. A lot about loneliness. Oh, and he's constantly listening to show idea pitches from the husbands/boyfriends of housewives. Almost all were stupid.

[1]: Bullshit.  At him not you Chellegame.  He loves the reunions because it puts him on tv and keeps him in, what is at least the perceived, helm of a good portion of BRAVO's programming.  And I bet the jockeying for that seat gives him the longest erection he has short of going to the emergency for a prick of little hard dick.  And by these women?  Women he plays with and make mockery of and belittles even as he draws his pay and success from them?  Yeah.  Bullshit.  Without the reunions, Cohen would never have gotten his talk show. 


[2]: He really is a piece of shit.  Because the show did everything they could to provide hints and then made sure to cloud the issue.  And then brought her back for this season.  He simply hoped her notoriety would lift the shows ratings, his earning and his level of public attention as he tried to play serious journalist with interviews that in the end only clouded issues even more and let the show appear to be blameless by having someone back who tried to commit fraud with lies about cancer.  He is nothing but a self-serving turd with the same lack of morals and values that lets Vicki stay and the Lying Cheating, Thieving Disgusting Giudices.  The difference is he figured out a way to benefit from the crimes and attempted crimes of others. 

  • Love 12
15 hours ago, WireWrap said:

Well, to be honest, none of these women or other cast members talk about their Bravo paychecks, none of them

It's completely possible that a clause banning discussing their paychecks is part of their contracts. I've worked for companies where talking about what you make was a 'you're fired' offense. It was considered bad for morale to know you were making less than the person next to you or whatever. It's also no one's business--not that I wouldn't love to know the pay scale for these ladies (a word I use lightly).

  • Love 3
6 hours ago, lunastartron said:

Sure, she's not especially bright, seems contentedly ignorant, and isn't going to win Miss Congeniality, but I'm still mystified at the intensity of the antipathy toward Kelly among the audience and her cast mates alike - well, not really with respect to the cast mates as there is formulaically a universally reviled Ho every season. She's the natural culmination of the pattern that Tams herself established in her half-decade reign of terror.

But Kelly's assertion that she would have RESPONDED to *Tamra's* act of violence with force herself is somehow more offensive and egregious than the perpetrations of physical contact, battery, and assault that Tamra has, you know, actually committed? Ummmm ... what?

My jaw slung open when Shannon - who has been on the receiving end of unwanted pawing from Saint Tammy Sue to the extent that she suffered an emotional meltdown on camera and shrieked "let go of me!" - inserted herself into the debate by pantomiming how Tamra's conduct was completely defensible because it only entailed a shove. If anyone is normalizing violence among these shrews (as if it hasn't already been firmly cemented as part of the status quo by Tams, Porsha Stewart, Ramona Singer, Carole Radziwill, etc.), I don't see how Kelly is the sole or even chief transgressor. And oh what irony in the context of the forthcoming DV scrum.

Speaking of Shannon, particularly vis-à-vis her smug insistence that she doesn't repeat rumors but only facts after her eardrum-shattering "it was youuu!" to Kelly at the '70s party: getthefuckouttahere with that nonsense.

As for Kelly's logic that she no longer regrets referring to Shannon and/or Heather by epithets, I think it's every bit as reasonable as delivering an apology qualified by a dig like "but the difference between me and you is . . ."

Also, it's MISfortunate as Mrs. Dubrow would say that Andy failed to address such reprehensible remarks as "maybe it was irresponsible for her to get pregnant."

Here is my theory why Kelly was pretty much universally rejected by viewers and the cast.  When she came aboard she was trying way too hard to be the life of the party (MC Hammered, University of Spoiled Children, Fit this -with the breast to Tamra's mouth) the rest of the cast was pretty much trying to move past the events of the previous season, which extended well into post-season with all the Brooks nonsense.  The next time she did something with some of the others she started with the name calling-you're aloof, mean to Vicki, and BTW I took her to lunch, I am forced to remain in a marriage with a narcissist and it ended my relationship with my fiancé .  So right out the gate she had started with the bad jokes and name calling and some pretty deep stuff about her marriage.  It was like a tidal wave of Kelly.

Kelly had her party and realized it wasn't just Meghan who wasn't moving off her position regarding Vicki it was fairly universal, although to varying degrees.

By the time of the 70s party Kelly entered with five or so drinks under her belt and a bad joke/insult to the host-"you look like a pedophile," to David.  When it didn't get the desired round of laughter she repeated it.  It didn't get any funnier.  Nina and Jacki were out of line but I really don't know of many hosts who jump in and want to referee between guests-especially people they hardly know.  After the initial dust up with Jacki, Kelly and Michael, I could understand why Shannon wanted to get to the bottom of the animosity between Kelly and Jacki, but certainly wrong time, wrong place.  Once Kelly gets something set in her mind it doesn't change.  As Meghan said, she could not figure out what Shannon was setting Kelly up for. 

Kelly claims she was pushed at the sushi party.  No she wasn't pushed by the others.  She was demanding (and not receiving) any sympathy for the "I don't suck dick to pay my bills," comment.   Kelly is so inner directed she did not get the others wanted to move on.  Instead they were "dumb fuck" and "c*nt".  Tamra made the point if it is not true why does it bother you?  Heather and Shannon knew Jacki at that point far better than they knew Kelly and Kelly had just engaged in really bad behavior with the "ugly", "dumb" "no wonder your husband had an affair", comments with her husband by her side and joining in at the 70's party.  Heather wanting to throw her out of the sushi party I guess was some editing because the unseen production footage indicates Heather wanted Kelly gone or she didn't care if she was fired.  Tamra was surprisingly the voice of reason-perhaps because she had been so cruel to others over the years she didn't want to see Kelly get washed out after a half dozen episodes.

So Kelly was once again pretty much shown the door and now she had to work with production to make Heather and the Glamis trip a reality.  Good old Kelly began her hate Heather campaign with her, "how could anyone think I would be inappropriate in front of children?", schtick.  (See restraining order application, filed in September of 2015, after Kelly followed her former fiancé's girlfriend into her child's classroom and ended up in a verbal, physical confrontation, all because the woman said Kelly's handbag was fake.)

After the accident when all eyes were expected to be on Vicki because she was airlifted and her frenemies refused to see her in the ER, There were some bonding moments and finally the spa moment.  Once they gossiped (Vicki incorrectly) about Shannon, there was hysterical Kelly screeching during a spa treatment about her marriage.  Attention delivered, but perhaps not the answers she wanted but she was the center of attention.

Before Ireland there was the party where she created a bit of a scene pointing out her husband being a drunk.  By this point all but Vicki had only really seen or heard about Michael in a bad light.  The big trip and once again it is Kelly who violates others' personal space, even after being asked to stop with the nose flicking.  Then it is "outing Tamra" for telling secrets because her good friend doesn't want to be nose flicked and of course once again no one finds her humorous.  So it is a perfect circle for Kelly from her first appearance on the show to Ireland-she can't stand the rejection of her humor. 

The inconsistency with Kelly (as opposed to saying hypocrisy) is she demands the others stand up to her be it to Jacki and Nina, Shannon or Heather and then consistently derides Heather for being an interloper for standing for her friends.  Vicki failure and eventual betrayal and ostracizing of Kelly led to the big bus scene.  I don't know why Kelly lashes out the way she does but I do understand Shannon, Tamra, Heather and at times Meghan reluctance to engage further with her.  Vicki is just pathetic as she consistently does not defend Kelly or her behavior, sits there like a bump on a log even when Kelly caused the huge and perhaps final divide between Vicki and Tamra, Vicki and Shannon, Heather and Shannon.  I wonder if the Vicki/Kelly love will continue if this is Vicki's last season.  

Comments like the one Heather made are so indefensible and I think Meghan handled it well by calling Heather out and giving her no support.  It was passive response to an ugly comment, but both Meghan and Heather are smart enough to know Heather would give a well deserved apology and it would unremarkable.

  • Love 21
5 minutes ago, Beden said:

It's completely possible that a clause banning discussing their paychecks is part of their contracts. I've worked for companies where talking about what you make was a 'you're fired' offense. It was considered bad for morale to know you were making less than the person next to you or whatever. It's also no one's business--not that I wouldn't love to know the pay scale for these ladies (a word I use lightly).

That's how companies control people. They can't legislate personal conversation. And they are making that mandate so women who make less or POC don't point out the inconsistencies in wages, have proof, and make lawsuits. 

  • Love 12

I don't really know why she was there either, there was really no storyline that involved her this year, like there was when there was such an enormous controversy over Brooks.  I suppose she was just there to endorse Steve?

I agree she works hard as a nurse.  I also think being newly married and having 2 small children must be difficult to live separated from her hubby.  He is not deployed right now, they are living apart by choice, I don't particularly understand it, but I sincerely hope it all works out.

  • Love 5

I agree with everyone who said that Heather is trying to lead the show. I think she wants it to be less insane and more about lifestyles of the rich and maybe not so famous. The addition of Kelly doesn't accomplish that and that's why I think she flipped out. I think she makes herself known a lot behind the scenes and probably leverages Terry's success on "E" to make that matter.  Since BOTCHED is a hit on a sister network, I think it gives her more power than some of the others. 

I can see Andy wanting to see the fallout of the Cancer Scam and, from a business standpoint, it makes sense. It's finishing the story. I don't see Andy Cohen as being different from any other network exec- he wants numbers to be high and will do what it takes to get it. I don't see Kelly being able to accomplish this end.

She is beyond polarizing. Watching her is annoying to me. She is beyond unlikable. I find her repugnant and irredeemable. She doesn't seem to have a conscience or any sense of empathy. She'll apologize if it will work for her. If not, she won't. She'll play as dirty as possible and doesn't care about who gets hurt. She has done this to everyone we've seen her interact with so far besides Vickie and Meghan. I'm sure they are about to get theirs, btw. I can't even imagine how she treats her kid and mother and brother off screen. Her treatment of her husband was shocking at best in light of her current reversal. She's just a bad person and I'm tired of my media time being spent on people such as this. 

Maybe I'm a pollyanna, for those who remember the term, but I liked these shows when they were about families and female relationships that weren't about yelling and plotting and being wasted and disgusting. The first few seasons were interesting and entertaining as they were about the women and their families and the way they interacted with one another, not one outrageous stunt after the other. The table flip seemed to change everything and I thought it was gross. 

I like that four of these women seem to at least on screen like one another and support one another. If that's real or not, I don't care, it's more interesting to watch than some vial woman spewing anger and hatred and lashing out. This was the worst reunion ever, imo, and the last part will be even more disgusting. I think Vickie has also worn out her welcome. If this is her show, she can keep it. I'll watch the other one over this any day. 

The way they caught and highlighted Vickie's plotting with Kelly told me that they may be done with her and her stooge. It showed that she's calculating, not the victim, and she's coming off very badly. The use of "Get off my show" in the promo also shows her to be out of control. I'm hoping she's done.

Edited by Roxy
  • Love 20

If Tamara, Vicki and Heather all sign up again for next season then the cast still needs an ignoramus like Kelly because otherwise there is nothing but a boring, endless cycle of cocktail parties and 10:30 am lunches in  empty restaurants between these ladies.

They need someone kind of flaky-dumb, like Alexis or Lynn.  Not obnoxious ignorant gutter-dumb like Kelly.  I seriously do not know what they were thinking with casting, she has had a drunk and disorderly, TRO's, ??  This is not what viewers want to see (from this show).  It's not bad Girls Club.  JMO.


As to Michael he sat right there during the cancer charity scam and gave his approval.  He is not above the fray in questionable decision making.  Just because he called Brooks out for not having cancer he was all in on selling insurance from a newly created charity that seemed to revolve around selling insurance.

A few months ago, he had himself noted as President of Kill All Cancer on his Facebook page.  When I first went to the website it seemed like an extension of Vicki's Insurance business, not at all a seperate entity that she connected with.  This was a flat out scam.  She is indignant and offended that people are making her out to be a con-woman - she IS!


He said that there was serious lobbying by Heather and Shannon to get Vicki removed from the show before the Xanax reunion last year. They presented a ton of evidence that she was lying about the cancer and his response to them was that it would be more interesting to see her defend herself

I wonder how he thinks this worked out this season and what he thinks will be her story arc for next year - ?? At this point I don't see that there is one that viewers would be interested in.

  • Love 14
27 minutes ago, Roxy said:

Maybe I'm a pollyanna, for those who remember the term, but I liked these shows when they were about families and female relationships that weren't about yelling and plotting and being wasted and disgusting. The first few seasons were interesting and entertaining as they were about the women and their families and the way they interacted with one another, not one outrageous stunt after the other. The table flip seemed to change everything and I thought it was gross. 

I'm right there in Pollyanna land with you, Roxy. You just nailed what is bugging me with the way my favourite reality programs have gone. The first 2 episodes of Atlanta this season are a case in point and really exemplify the devolution from friendships between women and their families (yes, leavened with some rivalry and jealousy too) and their work, interests, homes etc. into pointless nasty narcissistic feuding and the worship of 'shade'. With Atlanta, this is now all it's about, all the talking heads are women being catty and bitchy. The main story line is rivalry over housebuilding, with Sheree having no visible means of supporting her monstrosity which makes me really not interested because there is nothing I can relate to here, ditto with Kenya's 'relationships' with men (fake. make an abuse allegation or a gay slur and repeat).  With NJ, also, it's 'who has the biggest mansion' and who's got the dirt on who can't afford the mansion/plastic surgery/ designer wardrobes/Lexus and that has devolved to the point that Bravo basically endorsed the fraud and criminal behavior of the Giudices by paying them. With OC, I loved the scenes on Havasu in the early early seasons, the drinking and funning and swimming in that murky old lake. The idiotic parenting (Lynn/Tammy/Vicki/Tamra etc), the fairytale happy endings (Lori) and the legitimate family heartbreak (Lori, again to this day) and the women supporting and interacting with one another. Look at our cast at the OC reunion. Look how far away we are now from what the viewers originally tuned in for. It's sad. 

  • Love 11
2 hours ago, Roxy said:

I agree with everyone who said that Heather is trying to lead the show. I think she wants it to be less insane and more about lifestyles of the rich and maybe not so famous.

And this is MORE THAN FINE with me.  Why not try to turn around at least some of the ugliness on television...stuff that's leaking into real life?   Some mighty bad lessons are being taught which will eventually be considered normal.  Even my middle-aged sons refuse to use that "C" word!   Maybe Heather would make a great executive producer and lead Bravo to better things.

Edited by Former Nun
I DO go on...
  • Love 14

And this is MORE THAN FINE with me.

Me too! I want to see rich people's lifestyles, like what they've managed to present on the Beverly Hills version of this series. Shannon, Heather and Meghan have it; possibly Kelly does too, but Tamara and Vicki don't really.  They are still working hard for their cash.  I would actually love to see some of Shannon and Heather's rich family friends join in .... the Newport area is probably full of bored rich housewives with mansions and bad husbands that want to be on the show ... and that is what I want to see.

Why does Bravo stick with Tamara and Vicki? As a viewer I don't need to see the same people every season -- it's the concept of the show I like, and I'd rather see more new people and lifestyles than the same old ones over and over, where they resort to in-fighting out of boredom.  It's not as if there is a lack of prospective cast members to choose from.

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16 minutes ago, Former Nun said:

And this is MORE THAN FINE with me.  Why not try to turn around at least some of the ugliness on television...stuff that's leaking into real life?   Some mighty bad lessons are being taught which will eventually be considered normal.  Even my middle-aged sons refuse to use that "C" word!   Maybe Heather would make a great executive producer and lead Bravo to better things.

Heather would be a far better Queen Bee, because she understands the ins and outs of reality vs. scripted TV better.  The first season Shannon was on, she came off pretty petty and jealous, but I do think Tamra and Vicki were pushing a just as rich RH newbie in her face.  Heather is very good at pulling out a RH strengths.  She does it in such a way that it is overly gooey.  She and Shannon butted heads but now you see a friendship and Shannon even using some of Heather's slams-"grandmother house" and other things in self-deprecation.  Last year Shannon's running gag was about Heather's new house-"I have 13 bathrooms but 14 is obnoxious."  Tamra does a pretty good job of playing the straight man with her I have no idea what the hardware on my doors and cabinets look like.

I remember the worst thing that happened at dinner was when heather became territorial over a chair Shannon was sitting in.  Now it calling people "dumb fuck" and the c- word. 

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One of my problems with Heather Dubrow is that she is a square trying to fit in a round hole mostly.  Shannon balances that a bit but overall Dubrow seems a touch of out of place in an Orange County franchise.  But for me, she also doesn't quite have the Beverly Hills cachet for that franchise.  I often wonder if locked away there isn't an audition tape of her trying to get on the BH show before she got on here.  And yeah, I definitely give the whole Terry dragged her kicking and screaming on the show.  I think it was her idea because she definitely had him in the back seat their first season and it was all about her.  Also I think it was merely her attempt at a loftier version of "I never watched the show, me getting cast just happened so organically and with no interest in the show itself as entertainment".  It is typical wrong footing that she seems to use often.  Her correcting the first two seasons but a part of that.  I think she wanted the whole "I'm really an actress and only on here because my husband" level of superiority.  Its pure passive aggressive bullshit in my opinion.

But Heather taking over as queen bee would change the show from Orange County to Beverly Hills 2.0: Outlet Version.  

I'm the outlier by far.  I'd rather Heather was just a friend.  No Terry at all and I think she would be a bit more relaxed for me to watch.  And just smaller doses of her would be good. 

I do think though that she would like this to be "her show".  But I think if she felt she was in that position she would get lazy and it would be nothing but how great and perfect and wonderfully opulent the Dubrows are and it would be one of those obviously fake facades.  Making Dubrow work for her orange each season, even if just a little bit, keeps her on her toes. 

I wouldn't mind more of the crowd that Shannon runs in.  Maybe not the ones we have seen, but I would love that just almost completely ridiculous Orange County lady (see the clip of Samantha Bee with the Trumpettes On Full Frontal if you want to know what I mean -- maybe not that crazy, but yeah, maybe that crazy).  The ones that Lauri thought her gold digging would put her next to at lunch but from the sounds of it, did not.  Most definitely did not.  If we are getting away from true housewives I want the ones with a room devoted to their stuffed dead pets complete with gold gilding and crystal chandeliers.  The juggle of burbs and baubles never did work even in the original when they would go shopping at places that seemed fake and way beyond their means.  Let alone their dining season two on when it proved they were pretty much Kraft Mac-n-Cheese in their levels of sophistication. 

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