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S03.E10: The After Show

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Bringing over from the Jessa's Announcement thread: my  DVR picked up the preview, and JD, Joe, and Josiah are conspicuous by their absence. It was filmed when Jessa was 17 1/2 weeks, and she still hadn't had an ultrasound, yet she and Ben still played the "twins" game with the leghumpers. 

They filmed this in TN for some reason. Special guest can be no one but Jeremy. Snore. 

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46 minutes ago, Whyyouneedaname said:

while scrolling thru FB I seen the Counting On page and they have a pic of all of them on the couch....Babe is front and center beside Cringe.

He wasn't in the preview, but they did show Cringe's jaw drop, so the special guest really couldn't be anyone else. 

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1 hour ago, Whyyouneedaname said:

and lord have mercy the topic of discussion is, get this, a 50 page questionnaire Jim Bob gives to each of the guys before they can ask the girls out. Surely they mean 50 questions...smh.


The only ones who make it through an experience like that are the famewhoriest of the famewhores. Any guy who's actually a functional adult would run and never look back.

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Someone needs to send that questionnaire back in an envelope in ashes. Christ....these people are crazy!!!

Just now, tabloidlover said:

PTSD from a shower rack????    Are these people for friggin real????

It...sniff sniff...was a shower rack!! Sob...sob.

Jill is such a Debbie downer. Girl must have been a pain in the ass to live with.

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Oh Jill you sad, pathetic excuse for a human being. A shower rod caused all that poor acting? That just goes to show how well her parents "education" prepared her for anything outside the womb.

And Scott's last question should have been "so is there ANYTHING interesting going on with ANYBODY?" He just phrased it incorrectly.

Edited by Chicklet
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Derick just answer the damn question! Will plans change if down in the dumps Jill gets pregnant...yes. Noooooooo...he has to blather on with some shit about boasting of tomorrow, god and doors opening and shutting, etc.

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Glad the sons in law (Derek) spilled the beans on the ridiculous 50 pg questionnaire. WTF is wrong with JB!? The ONLY guys who are even approaching are the losers sitting at home who for some reason can't attract a girl otherwise. Even fundie guys meet their women in "regular" ways -- church; their sisters' friends; college; [gasp] a job. The Duggar girls don't have that advantage since they can't ever leave the home for these activities. I could even see [barely] a guy that you got friendly with in college that you wanted to date (or were secretly dating) being told -- well you have to ask my dad and let me warn you he requires 50 pgs of personal info; I could EVEN see a boyfriend putting up with that bc he has gotten to know this girl is awesome and has spent a few yrs with her and sucking it up and dealing with the personal intrusion by JB. But a stranger who merely sees a cute girl on TV!? Um -- no -- he won't even bother. And the only guys who will bother are those who desparetly need a wife bc they can't get one on their own, which is the case for all 3 sons in law. Derick has ZERO personality or game but he knew he'd be parent approved and be assigned a wife bc he was a fundie with a college degree. Ben was 17/18 yrs old with no way to support a wife -- so he was like WTH, I'll give I a shot maybe I'll make the cut. And Jer -- appears to have personality issues and is a famewhore so again, worth it for him to deal with the questionnaire.

How hard is Jill praying that she gets pregnant bc that means they don't have to go back to Central America?! Does health have anything to do with male fertility? Derick doesn't exactly look healthy enough to get her pregnant right now. If Jill scares so easily that a shower rod falling sends her running to the safe room and emailing people for prayers -- maybe Central America isn't for her. I mean she is DISTRAUGHT that they had to talk about "plans" for what to do if something happened. I know it's unnerving, yet I know people who work for Exxon and such who are given corporate briefings before Central American travel bc kidnappings/ransom/extortion are real risks. I mean the US Olympic swimmers were held up in Rio and shaken down for cash.

You can tell Jill feels "inadequate" that Jessa is pregnant with child no. 2 first.

What was with the look on Jinger's face when asked about children -- she just looked at Jer super concerned as he spouted off about the Lord. Worried already?! He's an east coast Italian with 2 siblings -- he may not be down with "as many as God gives us."

So Jana bought an old tattoo parlor? Or I guess daddy did? Good for her -- she seems to enjoy that stuff, so I HOPE she gets to do some of the reconstruction/remodeling -- not just JD. Though knowing this family, the boys will do the actual work and Jana will be brought in on the last day to stage the place so that when potential retail tenants come in, there aren't paint cans all over the floor. I feel bad for how sad Jana looks ALL THE TIME. Maybe an interior design business IS what she wants and yet of course she can't have it bc she doesn't have an MRS.

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So Derick's mom was there helping with Spurge and Izzy.  Where were the other grandmothers?  Babe was right about he and Jinge being affectionate.  I bet they have kissed.  I liked the face she made when Babe was trying to answer the question about starting a family.  I think she is ready to wait and  help God to figure out the blessings.  

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6 minutes ago, cereality said:

So Jana bought an old tattoo parlor? Or I guess daddy did? Good for her -- she seems to enjoy that stuff, so I HOPE she gets to do some of the reconstruction/remodeling -- not just JD. Though knowing this family, the boys will do the actual work and Jana will be brought in on the last day to stage the place so that when potential retail tenants come in, there aren't paint cans all over the floor. I feel bad for how sad Jana looks ALL THE TIME. Maybe an interior design business IS what she wants and yet of course she can't have it bc she doesn't have an MRS.

This is the only part I saw. They all made stink faces and weren't ready to fess up, until goaded by the Queen B,  that it was a TATTOO PARLOR,  for eff's sake. Like hazmat had to come in first and wash the wordly, ungodly, decadent, heathen stench out of the place before they could set their holier-than-thou feet into it. Sickening. Glad that's all I saw.  Glad I missed Jill's fake sobbing-on-cue for yet another sympathy ploy to continue the show. Aaaaaand.....did they drag out Anna?

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1 hour ago, cereality said:

I feel bad for how sad Jana looks ALL THE TIME. 

Agree, agree, agree!  It's like a shadow hanging over her.  I can see the sadness in her countenance.  Even when she smiles or laugh, it seems forced and doesn't go all the way up to her eyes.  Looking at the girls tonight, to me, Jana is the prettiest one of all of them.  I just want her to be happy.  She needs to get away from the family - period, even if she has to clean houses for a living and go to school at night.

One more thing, Ben's body language is telling.  He leans away from Jessa, he doesn't smile when she looks up at him with that supposedly adoring smile.  The kid looks trapped.  He's 20 or 21 years old, with a toddler and a baby on the way.  I really thinks he regrets marrying so young. 

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I'd like to give a shout out to Scott. Thanks for answering some of our questions, but you started with the easy ones. Next time please ask some of the tough and real questions.

And Jill, yikes. Two people very close to me, went to work one day, and never came home. These deaths happened years apart and in two different countries; the US & Canada. It's called life. And while I'm at it, please be tested for Zika exposure prior to becoming pregnant.

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where can we get a copy of this questionaire????

Jim Bob couldn't write something like that.  Must be a Gothard publication. darn.  I would LOVE to read that. 

Does Jim Bob save the applications and put them in a scrap book? 

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13 minutes ago, Marigold said:

where can we get a copy of this questionaire????

Jim Bob couldn't write something like that.  Must be a Gothard publication. darn.  I would LOVE to read that. 

Does Jim Bob save the applications and put them in a scrap book? 

It's possible this is it. Absurdity upon absurdity. Jizm Bob (and maybe Bill Gothard) pretending that he believes in some kind of self-reflection. When all it is is another weapon of power to intimidate people with. You'd truly have to be nuts to be willing to fill this out for a chance at a Duggar.


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1 minute ago, babyhouseman said:

The shower rack was an ungodly heathen 

She was still so visibly shaken months later and this is after she knows the cause was a shower rack falling????  Something is not right with Jill and she seriously needs to see a professional STAT.

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Wedding clipshow next week, possibly the actual wedding to air the week after? That would put Saturday as the wedding date into serious play. Especially with Jinger remarking that the wedding would be in "a few weeks" during the episode, taped over a month ago. 

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OMG. A shower curtain??? It was obvious before but seriously these two lunatics are doing absolutely nothing to help the people of Cintral Murica, they can't even mentally handle being there. A fucking shower curtain! 

I legit cannot believe it.  Jill needs psychiatric help and Derrick better just leave this womanchild home next time he goes over there.

I also can't believe they are doing a clip show again and I am watching it. So far it is very boring, aside from the lunacy of Jill.

I am sick to death of hearing about how much they hate cintral murica when they are doing absolutely no good to any of the people down there and are just likely a giant menace and waste of resources. Just stay somewhere local. They at least have running water in West Memphis, East St louis or Englewood. Just as much violence so you can still bitch and complain about how much danger you are in when you can easily leave ( bet the locals wish they had that option)

Also totally shallow of me but Jill and Jinger both look awful IMO. Jana Joy and Jessa look nice. 

ETA: I also must have missed this the first time around but did Jill really hand off her giant ass toddler to a 9 year old on a moving escalator???? She truly has awful judgment

Edited by yogi2014L
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And, somehow I have left the tv on TLC, not really watching it, but this show is back on again.   

I noticed that none of these people really laugh.  They smile a lot, but it looks like put on smiles, fake.  Like they've all been taught smile no matter what.......well other than when shower racks fall.   I mean they act like they're laughing, that someone said something funny, but I think the funny has been drummed out of them all.  They are all stilted, awkward people.   They stumble around for words, nothing seems natural with them.  

I saw the show was airing again, and I was like oh it's the children of the corn again.

Maybe one of the younger set will have the opportunity to escape.  The problem is, this is all they know. 

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I thought this was the season finale. Wonder if they will end up showing the wedding after all? I still have an inkling that it's already happened, privately, but the Duggars aren't telling us.

50 pages of questions? Geez, who the hell does Jim Bob think he is? And did I understand correctly that Ben did not have to answer said questions? I'm sure he wouldn't have been able to, considering his age and lack of employment when he moved to the Duggar compound.  

I'm now thinking of that scene from My Big Fat Greek Wedding, where Toula's finance has to be baptized in a wading pool of oily water in the Greek Orthodox church, in order to be allowed to marry her. I wonder what else Jim Bob requires of the grooms? Anything else in regards to the cult of Gothard that they aren't telling us about?

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Mr. Bitter Apple and I were at Happy Hour watching the World Series, so I missed this shitshow, but Jill seriously had a nervous breakdown over a goddamned shower rod? I just can't. They better start doping Jill up like Michelle before she completely goes off the deep end. 

Regarding Bin and his body language, I've always noticed how stiffly he sat beside Jessa in their TH's. Every time she gives him the adoring gaze he just stares straight at the camera. At this point I'm undecided who will murder their spouse first, Derick or Bin.

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2 hours ago, Churchhoney said:

It's possible this is it. Absurdity upon absurdity. Jizm Bob (and maybe Bill Gothard) pretending that he believes in some kind of self-reflection. When all it is is another weapon of power to intimidate people with. You'd truly have to be nuts to be willing to fill this out for a chance at a Duggar.


I read all these nosey questions and am just flabbergasted at the intrusive questions asked of ADULTS!  I did enjoy the comments.

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When the "surprise guest" Jeremy (who else), appears on the set and Jinger jumps up, I noticed AGAIN just how awful her hair is.  When my kids were early teens, aged 13 to 14, they went through a nasty unwashed hair stage.  Jing's hair, especially the back of her head, is a horrible, tangled , uncombed, even DIRTY looking mess.

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2 hours ago, Churchhoney said:

It's possible this is it. Absurdity upon absurdity. Jizm Bob (and maybe Bill Gothard) pretending that he believes in some kind of self-reflection. When all it is is another weapon of power to intimidate people with. You'd truly have to be nuts to be willing to fill this out for a chance at a Duggar.


Oh, he isn't creative, this is probably exact document the guys received.

Imagine filling this out and finding out your wife is a dud: doesn't seem to bond with the kid, hands him over whenever possible,  can't clean, can't stay home alone whether you are on a mission or at a 9-5.

Do the 9-5 thing again, but get your family away from JB or you ruin the next generation. She is barely weaned.

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