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S07.E01: The Day Will Come When You Won't Be – Pre-Air Speculation and Live Chat

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28 minutes ago, JBody said:

YES. I'm so sick of Negan already and he's had a mere 10 minutes of screen time.

I find Negan to be very annoying. Is he auditioning for the role of a villian in the next James Bond movie? Just shut up & do what you want to do.

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I knew it.  They are going to hold the reveal of who is dead until the end.  Using the everyone is too upset to talk about it BS and not showing anyone but Alexandrians most of the episode.

He's going to cut Rick's hand off.  I live in terror of that.  Taking pieces off the characters they won't kill.

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Remember when Gareth's machete came back to haunt him? I'm guessing the ax may eventually find Negan. 
But we have weeks of monologues before that. WEEKS.

Edited by EllenC
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So they just showed the clip we've already seen, and went to commercial? I was just trying to decide if I'd watch after all, or wait until tomorrow (depending on how I'm feeling, or how others liked it). I'm too tired to deal with it tonight, if people are already annoyed.

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