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S13.E05: Both Sides Now

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Why couldn't she just quietly go in the bathroom, pee on the goddamn stick to confirm whether she was pregnant or not, and then tell Owen first and then the others?  I hate these people.

I liked granny and the family and I'm so glad she said NO.  Too bad that girl was apparently too young for Deluca, because he could use a loving, fun family to be a part of.  

Those were some big-ass cookies.  Yum.

I hate Meredith.

  • Love 21

Thought that was pretty predictable, from Granny June refusing to give over her liver, to Astronaut Dan conveniently supplying Chelsea with a new liver.  But it was nice to take a break from Alex's trial and the love triangle from hell.

But Meredith and Richard were at peak asshole levels this week.  I understood why they wanted Chelsea to get the liver, but the way they went about it was childish.  Granny June had already been waiting 3 years for the liver, and there was a whole room of people who had been waiting, too.  The language she used to the doctors may not have been nice, but you could hear the frustration in her voice.  June might seem like a harmless granny, but she's also human and she was tired of waiting.  And I couldn't blame Bailey for feeling deflated about the whole thing.  

Nice to see DeLuca smiling again.  Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if he and Jo got together.

It was great to see Maggie acting like a doctor and not a lovesick puppy.  Really enjoyed her scene with Stephanie after the astronaut died.  I hope we see more of this and less mooning over Riggs.

Speaking of which, he wasn't bad this week either.  He and Owen were cute, treating the diaper like a real emergency.  Although a poopy diaper can be considered an emergency when they smell bad enough.

Edited by Amethyst
  • Love 8

I don't want to see Deluca and Jo hooking up but I would like to see them as friends.

I thought it was pretty heartless of Riggs to talk about going after Meredith to that poor guy on the gurney in the hallway.  I'm pretty sure he couldn't give two fucks.

Also, this might sound mean but I'm glad Amelia wasn't pregnant because I truly think she's too messed up in the head to be a good mother.  I think deep down inside Owen knows it, too.

Edited by Ohwell
  • Love 2

This seemed like a filler episode. I figured that the younger girl would get a liver, but I figured that the granny would change her mind at the end and let the younger girl have the liver. 

Owen and Riggs were cute with the baby. I was wondering if Jackson was going to mention the double diaper job. The scene with April and Amelia could have been so much more since they both lost babies in the past. I'm wondering if Amelia will end up pregnant or if they are found with an infertility storyline. 

  • Love 2
21 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

The scene in the supply room with Amelia and Meredith is precisely why Amelia knows you don't like her, Meredith. Meredith just sucks the joy out of everything.

She really does.  There's cynicism and then there's just being a jerk.  Going on like that about a wasted hug?  Girl, bye.

I did find it amusing that Amelia wasn't pregnant, but Caterina Scorsone (who is pregnant irl) did the obvious "purse in front of belly" shot when she walked in the hospital.

  • Love 10
5 minutes ago, Gladrags said:

Amelia looked pretty relieved that the stick said she wasn't pregnant, and seemed awfully apprehensive beforehand. 

I couldn't figure out why she was so nervous, especially since she seemed most worried about telling Owen. Wasn't the main reason Owen and Christina split up because he wanted kids and she didn't? He has wanted kids for ages. Why was she so afraid to tell him?

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I found it fillerish too. The whole episode felt like it was just there treading water to stall the storylines.


Who goes and tells people they're pregnant when they haven't even peed on the stupid stick yet?

People who get cornered and accused of looking for drugs while looking for a pregnancy test in a supply closet? Meredith is a surgeon and part owner of the hospital who has been there for 10+ years and well aware that drugs aren't in the supply closets. She's such a bitch throwing it in Amelia's face.


Meredith and the Chief were at peak asshole levels this week.  I understood why they wanted Chelsea to get the liver, but the way they went about it was childish

Agree! Meredith sucked more than Richard though. Even after Bailey explained they aren't allowed to give out information on other patients Meredith blurted out that the other patient was 25 trying to guilt/sway Granny.  As with the clinical trial, rules & ethics mean nothing to her. She does what she wants without consequence, ever.


It was great to see Maggie acting like a doctor and not a lovesick puppy.

Agree. I liked Maggie when she first arrived.  I like her in scenes with characters other than the sisters' scenes.

I wish they would make some effort to explain why Jo is never given surgeries. There's never been anything indicating she isn't a good surgeon yet every week she gets nothing. I get that Stephanie is supposed to be some special snowflake but there's various specialties and Jo could get a surgery every now and then.  I like she and DeLuca as friends since clearly they both need a friend. I'm hoping it stays friends but we'll see. If their friendship deepens I wonder if it will hold when the trial comes around. DeLuca will need to testify because without him there's not much of a case. Jo could be called as a witness but since she was so drunk I'm not sure if they'd call her.

In an episode this boring its good to have the missing Shepherd children as a sitcom within the show.  Examples:

A- Meredith calling Zola and Bailey.  Even she forgets Ellis exists. B-Nathan telling Meredith to come to his place for A/C. Does he have room for the kids? LOL, they should have had her show up at his place with the 3 kids. (in Nathan's defense he probably forgot she has kids).  C-Meredith telling Richard she'd just stay at the hospital all night. Why go home to the kids and let residents watch and page her like the early days when she was a resident?  

Baby Harriet is adorable. I'm sure she'll go into the abyss shortly but at least we're getting a few episodes with her being remembered.

Hoping next week is better.

Edited by windsprints
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that was really....not good and horribly predictable and just blah.  I can't believe this was episode 5.  Literally none of the storylines have moved forward except maybe Owen/Amelia, the only one no one cares about.  

Amelia not being pregnant was the worst reveal since pretty much everyone knew she wouldn't be. duh.  Though I don't think they will go the fertility problems route and she will be pregnant by the end of this season.  Speaking of kids, Riggs apparently wants a milllion...convenient.  I just can't get on board with the Meredith/Riggs thing its just too close/similar to MerDer.  Like someone said last week, Derek wanting Meredith made sense but we haven't seen why Riggs would want to be with Mer.  Such a shame because they could have made this a good story but its just not working.  Meredith herself seems like a completely different person to me.   I can't put my finger on anything specific but I watch old episodes and these and feel like she's a different character.  Ok im kinda of just rambling now but ugh not a great episode for me.

btw, i think I need an new name, i am barely making it through the episodes these days let alone addicted. lol

Edited by Greysaddict
  • Love 9

Amelia not being pregnant was the worst reveal since pretty much everyone knew she wouldn't be. duh.  Though I don't think they will go the fertility problems route and she will be pregnant by the end of this season.

I think she was relieved not to be pregnant. She seemed to shift completely when Meredith said she didn't have to tell Derek about Ellis because he was dead. Instead of infertility I think she'll want to put off having kids for awhile and that will cause tension between she and Owen.


btw, i think I need an new name, i am barely making it through the episodes these days let alone addicted.

lol GreysIMuddleThrough

  • Love 6
11 minutes ago, windsprints said:

I think she was relieved not to be pregnant. She seemed to shift completely when Meredith said she didn't have to tell Derek about Ellis because he was dead. 

Maybe that was what freaked her out, because later she told April that she didn't have to tell her boyfriend the last time she was pregnant because he was dead.  But that should make her happy that Owen is alive and she isn't in that position again.

  • Love 3
Just now, KaveDweller said:

Maybe that was what freaked her out, because later she told April that she didn't have to tell her boyfriend the last time she was pregnant because he was dead.  But that should make her happy that Owen is alive and she isn't in that position again.

I agree with this, but will add that her baby died, so she could also be freaked out by that thought as well.  It was discovered in utero that the baby had no brain, and would die.  She carried the baby to term instead of aborting, so they could use the baby's organs.

With that kind of pregnancy/baby history, I'd be shocked if Amelia weren't freaked out about it, especially since this false alarm forced her to face it.

  • Love 11
4 minutes ago, izabella said:

I agree with this, but will add that her baby died, so she could also be freaked out by that thought as well.  It was discovered in utero that the baby had no brain, and would die.  She carried the baby to term instead of aborting, so they could use the baby's organs.

Yeah, I had the misfortune of watching that awful storyline play out on Private Practice. I actually like Amelia much more when she is happy than when she's being super angsty, so I hope they are not going for a repeat of that.

  • Love 4

I might be in the minority, but I enjoyed this episode. I thought April's family courts response was funny. Finally Meredith listened to Alex. I like the DeLuca/Jo friendship. I wouldn't mind if they were together. I thought it was funny that Jessica showed up for one scene like Patrick used to do in season 8.


Yeah, I had the misfortune of watching that awful storyline play out on Private Practice. I actually like Amelia much more when she is happy than when she's being super angsty, so I hope they are not going for a repeat of that.

I agree. Amelia and April are much better when they are happy.

Edited by choclatechip45
  • Love 4
1 minute ago, ForeverAlone said:

When Granny wouldn't give up her liver to the younger woman, I was convinced the sister was going to have an abortion so she could donate part of her liver (since that seemed like an appropriate Grey's story twist). But instead, there was the liver ex machina with the astronaut dying in surgery and being a perfect match. 

I thought that, too.  Or she would suddenly miscarry.  Either way, her twin would get the liver.

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It was predictable, but at least they threw us a little bit of a curve by having Granny June actually survive.  Bailey having her "Day of Joy" ruined by a selfish old bitty was not at all what I was expecting.


I laughed at the notion that everybody in Seattle apparently has air conditioning.  These Hollywood folks have gone far too long without visiting.

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I also thought Amelia's angst was about her first baby having had a fatal disorder. Has she ever even told Owen? In any real life relationship this would have come up when they discussed trying for a baby, but this is Grey's, so yeah. (I also thought that she would have told April when April was going through a similar situation with her first pregnancy, but April seemed surprised when Amelia mentioned her first pregnancy.)

If I had been on a transplant list for three years, I sure as hell wouldn't have given the organ to someone else when it was finally my turn, unless that someone else was a member of my family.

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I want Jo and DeLuca to be friends. Not a hook up. Because that will more than likely lead to be a road block for an inevitable Alex and Jo reconciliation and DeLuca will be the jerk or something. I don't know. I like them as friends. 

Mer sucks.

i knew Amelia would end up not being pregnant, everyone was too excited for it for it to be happening.

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Riggs and Meredith is so annoying. I laughed when he said she could come to his place for ac..like is her three kids going too. So annoying. Plus Meredith seems to be a stuck up bitch lately so I'm not sure why Riggs is so obsessed.

Is it end of October in the greys universe too. Cause if so lmao at it being that hot. Try googling the weather writers.

Owen and Amelia? Lame! I do not care. I have never like Amelia or Owen and together they are very boring and annoying. Also isn't Amelia a little bit old to have kids? She is in her fourties?  Or what? Not that she can't but it just seems like it would be mentioned. Her dramatic pee stick by candles was hilarious and idiotic.

4 hours ago, windsprints said:

I wish they would make some effort to explain why Jo is never given surgeries. There's never been anything indicating she isn't a good surgeon yet every week she gets nothing. I get that Stephanie is supposed to be some special snowflake but there's various specialties and Jo could get a surgery every now and then. 

I'm surprised they seem to be going back to that rivalry again. It is frustrating though that Jo always seems to do the groundwork and then Steph or Perfect Pnny takeover. She got more surgeries in season 9 and 10 when the writers were actually interested in integrating her. 

I also think part of the problem is the writers not knowing what to do with Stephanie. They don't seem interested in giving her any development outside surgery or any love interest so I guess making her the beatest resident ever is the only way to give her significant airtime.

  • Love 5
5 hours ago, windsprints said:

In an episode this boring its good to have the missing Shepherd children as a sitcom within the show.  Examples:

This made me LOL so much haha, so true though! And yes, Harriett will no doubt join Ellis in the abyss in no time at all lol. It's both comical and extremely sad how awful this show is now. I don't even know why I'm holding out in hope of it getting better, especially when the writers think the idea of Alex chilling in front of the fridge with his gang of gals is prime comedy. 


17 minutes ago, Chas411 said:

I'm surprised they seem to be going back to that rivalry again. It is frustrating though that Jo always seems to do the groundwork and then Steph or Perfect Pnny takeover. She got more surgeries in season 9 and 10 when the writers were actually interested in integrating her. 

I also think part of the problem is the writers not knowing what to do with Stephanie. They don't seem interested in giving her any development outside surgery or any love interest so I guess making her the beatest resident ever is the only way to give her significant airtime.

This is another example of what I hate about this damn show. Jo's one of my favourites so her treatment I just find horrific. Not to mention another week goes by without either her or Alex mentioning each other, never mind the fact that it was only 2 weeks ago where they were still wanting to marry each other and Alex wanted to come home. The writers are acting like they had some forgettable hook up, not a 5 year relationship on the verge of marriage, and the unrealistic way they're having them not interact or even speak about each other is furthering my resentment of this show. I also hope next week is better, I'm so bored and can't even make it through a whole episode anymore. 

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Meredith really annoyed me this week. First of all, Bailey JUST TOLD Granny June that they couldn't tell her anything about the other patient who needed a liver and Meredith's response to that was to tell the whole room how old this girl was. I know that we can't even pretend anyone in Grey Sloan Memorial gives a rat's ass about HIPAA or patient privacy but GOOD LORD. I know that her heart was in the heart place because she was advocating for her patient, but there are rules for a reason and it's annoying to watch them deliberately break them. But then I went back to my weekly morality question: is this worse than cutting an LVAD wire? Nah!

Amelia bugged me even more. Stop running around the hospital telling everyone but your husband that you MIGHT be pregnant. I get when people say they're never late because my period used to be like clockwork. But sometimes your cycle goes kerflooey for whatever reason. It could be stress. It could be pre-menopause. It could just be one of those times when your cycle goes weird for no discernible reason. That's why you pee on a fucking stick before you go around telling multiple people that you're pregnant. I'm with Meredith - don't tell people until you pee on a stick. An acceptable exception is telling YOUR HUSBAND.

During their big secret sharing session last week, did Amelia tell Owen about her first baby? That seems like something you should share with your spouse before you decide to start trying to get pregnant.

I also hated the whole "man doesn't know how to deal with a baby until he miraculously turns into Mr. Mom" storyline with Owen. It's so cliche and uninteresting. And how does Owen, the chief of surgery or trauma or whatever his exactly title is these days, have nothing to do all day so he can just hide in various rooms with Harriet?

I'm okay with Granny June being selfish and not giving that donor liver to Chelsea. She waited three years and there was no guarantee that she would definitely get another liver.

It was nice to see Deluca smile after all these weeks of seeing him bruised and then angry. I am all for him being friends with Jo, but I do not want to see them hook up.

  • Love 5
8 hours ago, chocolatine said:

I also thought Amelia's angst was about her first baby having had a fatal disorder. Has she ever even told Owen? In any real life relationship this would have come up when they discussed trying for a baby, but this is Grey's, so yeah. (I also thought that she would have told April when April was going through a similar situation with her first pregnancy, but April seemed surprised when Amelia mentioned her first pregnancy.)

If I had been on a transplant list for three years, I sure as hell wouldn't have given the organ to someone else when it was finally my turn, unless that someone else was a member of my family.

I thought that Amelia told Owen about her baby in the chapel after Samuel (Japril's first baby) died.  Does anyone remember that?  She definitely told someone and I thought it was Owen.  

8 hours ago, ForeverAlone said:

Yeah, that is another thing. The idea that Seattle is so freaking hot this time of year is utterly ridiculous. It kept taking me out of the episode every time a character would complain about the heat and lack of air conditioning. 


5 hours ago, Marley said:

Is it end of October in the greys universe too. Cause if so lmao at it being that hot. Try googling the weather writers.

I totally would have thought this about the weather too but it has been 85+ degrees in NYC this week, totally un-seasonable and I did have to turn on my AC.  It wasn't standing in front of the freezer type hot but it made the story much more believable for me.  The writers got really lucky the episode happened to air during a east coat heat wave.

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, Rose-1 said:

This is another example of what I hate about this damn show. Jo's one of my favourites so her treatment I just find horrific. Not to mention another week goes by without either her or Alex mentioning each other, never mind the fact that it was only 2 weeks ago where they were still wanting to marry each other and Alex wanted to come home. The writers are acting like they had some forgettable hook up, not a 5 year relationship on the verge of marriage, and the unrealistic way they're having them not interact or even speak about each other is furthering my resentment of this show. I also hope next week is better, I'm so bored and can't even make it through a whole episode anymore. 

I don't understand what this show is/has been doing to Jo.  I really thought we were going to get her back story, her real name, what happened in her marriage, etc but there has been zero mention.   I also thought we were going to get more backstory on Alex and learn why he jumped right into beating Deluca nearly to death...but also no.  Such wasted potential for interesting stories, and good acting from Justin and Camilla.  

  • Love 6
1 minute ago, Greysaddict said:

I don't understand what this show is/has been doing to Jo.  I really thought we were going to get her back story, her real name, what happened in her marriage, etc but there has been zero mention.   I also thought we were going to get more backstory on Alex and learn why he jumped right into beating Deluca nearly to death...but also no.  Such wasted potential for interesting stories, and good acting from Justin and Camilla.  

I think all of that is coming.  The early mid-season finale really screws up their storytelling, IMO.  They insist on revolving everything around the ZOMG!!! cliffhanger that the stories are not flowing naturally.  Its like they have both too many episodes to fill and not enough because the mid-season finale comes so early.  The problem with this particular storyline is that this will be the THIRD time that this stupid proposal/husband/marriage subject has been used for a cliffhanger and nothing has really been resolved.  But in the meantime, they could actually try to make Jo look like a competent doctor and dial back the self-pitying.  Ugh.  Yes, Jo, Stephanie is the best resident.  Don't you remember your "storyline" last year where you complained about how all of the attendings hated you all the time?

Having said that, I love her friendship with DeLuca and I like DeLuca more and more.  Her swollen self-pity gland made me laugh and I loved him in his knitted scarf and giant cookies.  I was also glad to see Jo laugh at herself. In fact it was awesome to see both of these guys laugh and smile again.  I see nothing romantic in their friendship, but their scenes are very cute and right now they are bringing out the best in each other.  I can see them developing a Mer/Alex type of friendship where they call each other out on their shitty behavior.

Owen was carrying the baby around reminded me of a possessive dog with a bone.  If you'll allow me a little casual sexism, his aching womb gets on my nerves LOL!  As did the crying baby.  I had to fast forward through that immediately.  

The dialogue was funny tonight.  Alex' and Mer on the bench and DeLuca not knowing who Ed McMahon is.  Oh, Bailey, I've been there.  Just recently I brought a conversation to a standstill by mentioning that National Treasure Charles Nelson Reilly.  The kidz don't know what they're missing!

  • Love 1

Amelia definitely felt relieved she wasn't pregnant. I'm sensing drama is about to ensue when she realizes she might not want kids and Owen is, as we know, desperate to have a bunch of them. Hey, we've already done it once, why not again?! 

They really should let Jo and Stephanie go if they don't know what they're going to do with them. We're now back exactly where we were a year ago with them, except they get along better. 

I wish something would just happen already on this damn show. It's especially annoying for me because the only other show I'm watching right now is Jane the Virgin (midway through S2 now), and while I know those are two entirely different shows and it's not fair to compare, the neck-breaking pace of JtV just highlights how agonizingly slowly things move on Grey's these days. 

  • Love 3
26 minutes ago, Deanie87 said:

I think all of that is coming.  The early mid-season finale really screws up their storytelling, IMO.  They insist on revolving everything around the ZOMG!!! cliffhanger that the stories are not flowing naturally.  Its like they have both too many episodes to fill and not enough because the mid-season finale comes so early.  The problem with this particular storyline is that this will be the THIRD time that this stupid proposal/husband/marriage subject has been used for a cliffhanger and nothing has really been resolved.  But in the meantime, they could actually try to make Jo look like a competent doctor and dial back the self-pitying.  Ugh.  Yes, Jo, Stephanie is the best resident.  Don't you remember your "storyline" last year where you complained about how all of the attendings hated you all the time

I agree that its coming...the thing is, this was episode 5 (!!) so like when are they going to start addressing it.  I gave them a pass on episode 1, episode 2, then episode 3 but now I'm just getting angry.  This is mostly rhetorical.  I'm sure you are right and there will be some big random blow-up in the mid-season finale leaving us with another cliffhanger that will be dropped when they resume, again.  yay.  Sorry I am not directing this to you I am just annoyed by this entire storyline.  

Edited by Greysaddict
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35 minutes ago, Deanie87 said:

the dialogue was funny tonight.  Alex' and Mer on the bench and DeLuca not knowing who Ed McMahon is.  Oh, Bailey, I've been there.  Just recently I brought a conversation to a standstill by mentioning that National Treasure Charles Nelson Reilly.  The kidz don't know what they're missing!

oh, and I do agree there was some good dialogue tonight.  I loved the Alex and Mer bench scene and I love their friendship (only as friends!!).  One of my favorite scenes was Meredith saying she didn't have to tell Derek about baby Ellis because he was dead and Maggie being like "well this was fun....for a minute".  I realize I do enjoy Maggie when she's not acting like a 12 year old.  

Edited by Greysaddict
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12 minutes ago, Court said:

How old is Deluca supposed to be? I'm 33 and well aware of who Ed McMahon is. 

But, more importantly, do you know who Charles Nelson Reilly is?  

32 minutes ago, Greysaddict said:

agree that its coming...the thing is, this was episode 5 (!!) so like when are they going to start addressing it.  I gave them a pass on episode 1, episode 2, then episode 3 but now I'm just getting angry.  This is mostly rhetorical.  I'm sure you are right and there will be some big random blow-up in the mid-season finale leaving us with another cliffhanger that will be dropped when they resume, again.  yay.  Sorry I am not directing this to you I am just annoyed by this entire storyline.  

I will meet you over at the Speculation thread to discuss...

I agree that Maggie can be funny, as can Kepner.  I liked her talking to herself and welcoming herself back to work.

Instead of the oh so obvious and clichéd I'm pregnant but I haven't taken a test and we all know when I do it will be negative it would have been far cooler to see Amelia confess to someone about how she is scared shitless of having a repeat of her other pregnancy and how she has no idea how to discuss with Owen. It would be more in keeping with the "Amelia and Owen married too soon" story-line they started last episode. These writers are freaking lazy as hell.

  • Love 15

Kind of a ho hum episode.  Not a lot happened on the relationship front or on the continuity front for that matter.

Was glad to see Bailey mentoring DeLuca and he being more light hearted. 

Was weird to see DeLuca and Jo being so chummy especially given we haven't seen them go from point A (I told you about my secret past while you got beat to smithereens)  to point B (funny, joking ha ha! nothing to see here...).

Was nice to see Maggie and Stephanie working together.  I do like the relationship Steph and Amelia have, but this was good to see these two as scene partners. 

Was awesome to see Maggie NOT talk about Riggs.  Holy cow.  She was funny and show off why she si a good doctor.  Also her opening scene where she is giving Alex shit about working in the clinic was funny.

Was funny to see Amelia stride into the hospital with her big, ginormous purse hiding Caterina Scorsone's real pregnant body while talking about being pregnant all day.

We great to her the old Granny say "Screw her. I want my liver."  And when Bailey says "So, that is a no?' she replies "that is a HELL no."  And the capper is her clapping family clapping a little uncertainly then.

Edited by DearEvette
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51 minutes ago, LucyHoneychrrch said:

This was my question too. Why couldn't they have split Granny's donor liver?

A split liver needs to be agreed to and it can be dangerous with two adults involved if the liver doesn't have enough volume to work for both (or either) of them.  I remember reading a few years back that it's safe and becoming increasingly more common for babies to receive a piece of a split adult liver.

  • Love 3

I agree with everybody who griped about the concept of temps in the 90s in Seattle in October.  What did that plot device have to do with anything anyway?  But then again, this is the same show that depicted a blizzard dumping 3 ft. of snow on southeastern Minnesota in a season premiere (assuming early September) and Cristina wearing a hooded parka.

The Middle (Indiana) depicted the kids getting ready to go back to school (assuming Labor Day weekend) and Frankie raking leaves and putting up storm windows, making it look more like late October. 

Sometimes I think there are plenty of people working in Hollywood who've never set foot outside of the L.A. metro area.

  • Love 1
17 hours ago, Stacey1014 said:

This seemed like a filler episode.

To me, it felt like old-school Grey's:  PATIENTS!!!!  Patients with stories that make the docs interact with one another.  Yes, please.  The stories where any of our people might as well work at Costco--love triangles, silly premature pregnancy jubilation--are poor.


8 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I get when people say they're never late because my period used to be like clockwork. But sometimes your cycle goes kerflooey for whatever reason. It could be stress. It could be pre-menopause. It could just be one of those times when your cycle goes weird for no discernible reason. That's why you pee on a fucking stick before you go around telling multiple people that you're pregnant.

Mmm-hmmm--not to mention Amelia's main backstory revolves around death stress and drug addiction.  But she'd have had that feminine hygiene product pre-inserted and ready for duty if she'd only been clear on the date?  Go peddle that nonsense somewhere else.


I have never before criticized you, Richard, but since you're so quick to condemn the old lady who didn't want to risk dying for a stranger, strictly on the basis of age, let's discuss whether your own liver is too cirrhotic to check for a match.  Meredith already gave up a chunk of liver--what's your excuse?


DeLuca made out like a bandit with a whole Rubbermaid tub full of snickerdoodles and that nice scarf while Bailey got stuck with funkytown.  Hee!

Edited by candall
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