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Donald John Trump: 2016 President-Elect

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7 minutes ago, Chicken Wing said:

I knew that's what he meant. We saw that it was the three eldest children -- the full grownups -- who were involved in his campaign, not Tiffany (and certainly not Barron, who looks bored out of his mind when he has to attend something). But it's a very tactless way to kind of single her out of the bunch. So rude. Why couldn't he just say that he was proud of his children, the end, without specifically naming which ones actually helped? Could it be that he doesn't think before he speaks? Nah, that can't be it.

Let me preface what I'm going to say that I don't want to offend anyone that has a child or relative with a learning disability. I've worked for five years with mentally 'challenged' young adults and I'd never in a million years mock them. I applaud parents of children with disabilities on how they care for and love their children.  We good now?  Okay.

The first time that I saw Barron at the RNC, I thought he might have some kind of disability, autism came to mind. He just didn't look emotionally connected at all. I had to go to google to read more about Barron. There's not much information except that he goes to a private boarding school in Manhattan and that he has his own floor in the Towers that he shares with a nanny. Check out images of Barron and from pictures of him when he was a baby right to today, it's almost impossible to find one of him laughing and there's only a couple of him even smiling. Melania focuses all her attention on him, she's extremely protective. Melania, told Parenting magazine that he's “very strong-minded, very special, smart boy. She said Barron “knows exactly what he wants." She adds that his personality is why she calls him “little Donald."

Well, HO-LEE-CRAP! I feel sorry for the people that will live long enough to see the 'second coming of Trump'.

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44 minutes ago, BW Manilowe said:

Eric Trump Tweeted, then deleted, a photo of his completed ballot. Sharing your completed ballot with anyone, including on Social Media, is illegal in New York (at least City, if not State).


It really makes you wonder if Uday and Qusay were dropped on their heads at birth.  Ivanka isn't much better but at least she's so nervous about her "brand" that she didn't want an ad released of her speaking to suburban women in Pennsylvania.  Bless her little mercenary heart!

And, speaking of mercenaries, I imagine that Drumpf's lawyers earn every penny of the retainers he and his organization (or his unwitting cult members through their donations) pay them.  Those lawyers must be on call 24/7 to respond to Drumpf's latest summons to file whatever lawsuit or motion he demands be filed, no matter how nonsensical the lawsuits or motions may be.  I wonder what will happen when those law firms finally tally up all those billable hours, plus out-of-pocket costs and other fees, and present the bills to Drumpf.  Hopefully, they got most of their money up front because they will be the next targets on his ever-growing fecal roster.

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1 minute ago, MulletorHater said:

 Drumpf's lawyers earn every penny of the retainers he and his organization (or his unwitting cult members through their donations) pay them will stiff them on.  Those lawyers must be on call 24/7 to respond to Drumpf's latest summons to file whatever lawsuit or motion he demands be filed, no matter how nonsensical the lawsuits or motions may be.  I wonder what will happen when those law firms finally tally up all those billable hours, plus out-of-pocket costs and other fees, and present the bills to Drumpf.  Hopefully, they got most of their money up front because they will be the next targets on his ever-growing fecal roster.

Fixed it for you.

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13 minutes ago, HumblePi said:

The first time that I saw Barron at the RNC, I thought he might have some kind of disability, autism came to mind. He just didn't look emotionally connected at all. I had to go to google to read more about Barron. There's not much information except that he goes to a private boarding school in Manhattan and that he has his own floor in the Towers that he shares with a nanny. Check out images of Barron and from pictures of him when he was a baby right to today

I went looking at his images - it looks like NVLD or maybe Asperger's - he never makes eye contact, could just be ADHD though.  I'm pretty sure that tRump has it, both by how he is today - and that he was rather uncontrollable as a child which landed him in military school.  My kids have issues, but they are 2E which I'll bet Barron is.  You didn't offend me. :)

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All I've read is that Barron seems to be encouraged to be a mini-Donald (even looks like him). Melania told a magazine interviewer, "He's not a jeans sort of child". It reminded me of how one of the USFL people saw Don Jr at 12 come to a game in his short pants and long socks and blazer, looking cowed and uncomfortable and felt sorry for him. Always some image to uphold.

Trump's major domo/longtime butler at Mar-a-lago likes to talk about how Barron, at two or three, said to him in a very authoritative way, "Anthony, come here. We have to talk about what you just did."

I have a feeling he's a brat.

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6 minutes ago, Padma said:

All I've read is that Barron seems to be encouraged to be a mini-Donald (even looks like him). Melania told a magazine interviewer, "He's not a jeans sort of child". It reminded me of how one of the USFL people saw Don Jr at 12 come to a game in his short pants and long socks and blazer, looking cowed and uncomfortable and felt sorry for him. Always some image to uphold.

Trump's major domo/longtime butler at Mar-a-lago likes to talk about how Barron, at two or three, said to him in a very authoritative way, "Anthony, come here. We have to talk about what you just did."

I have a feeling he's a brat.

Triumph the insult comic dog has a hilarious skit up on Youtube, where he has this kid impersonating Barron at a book signing. OMG, hilarious, the voters really think it's him and he's saying all these offensive things just like his father. There's a woman standing right near him and she's playing his nanny and of course he says something sexist to her...dumb asses really are getting copies of the book signed.

Edited by Keepitmoving
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He'll be a heinous little shit, just like his father and his older brothers. The Trumps have some bad genes. Hopefully Barron is too busy doing the cyber to ever bother people the way his father has, though.

That family is absolutely vile, and I already know that history will look at this time and say, 'why the hell were these awful people ever given any attention by anyone?'

And yes, the cops need to remove those Trumpstains from the polling place. Right now.

Edited by Danny Franks
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Judge Shoots Down Trump Campaign's Lawsuit Alleging Voting Irregularities in Nevada


A judge has refused to issue an order to seize ballots in a lawsuit filed by Donald Trump's campaign that accuses a Nevada county of keeping polls open beyond closing time Friday, the final night of early voting.

The order would have impounded ballots at early voting sites to determine whether they were cast by voters who didn't make it into line by the scheduled closing time. But Clark County Judge Gloria Sturman sided with the county. "I am not going to expose people doing their civic duty to help people vote ... to public attention, ridicule, and harassment," Sturman said Tuesday during an emergency hearing. "I'm not going to do it."

The lawsuit — filed Monday night in state court — alleged poll workers at four different polling places in Clark County, Nevada, did not follow protocol. One of the polling sites is in a primarily Hispanic neighborhood in Las Vegas. According to the Trump campaign, the poll workers decided earlier in the day that they would keep polls open until 10 p.m. PT, well beyond their appointed 7 p.m. closing time.

Under Nevada law — as in most if not all states — voters may vote as long as they were in line at the time that the poll was scheduled to close.

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4 minutes ago, Bookish Jen said:

Call me a horrible person, but I want Trump's downfall to be positively epic. I haven't hated a political candidate this much since Scott Walker and Sarah Palin arrived on the scene.

Well, then count me in as a horrible person too bc I want an epic loss .. so YYOOOGE by which  to use as a yardstick to measure all future epic losses. There. I said it.


Edited by ari333
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15 minutes ago, Danny Franks said:

He'll be a heinous little shit, just like his father and his older brothers. The Trumps have some bad genes. Hopefully Barron is too busy doing the cyber to ever bother people the way his father has, though.

That family is absolutely vile, and I already know that history will look at this time and say, 'why the hell were these awful people ever given any attention by anyone?'

And yes, the cops need to remove those Trumpstains from the polling place. Right now.

I wonder if he's allowed to just be a kid.  I think I've only seen one picture of him dressed casually and that was at some daytime event at Mar-a-Lago and he was with his parents who were dressed to the nines.  Of course, Drumpf walked a few steps ahead followed by Melania and Barron.  I so agree about that family being vile.  

When I think of all the invective hurled at the Obamas, it just makes my blood boil.  I felt the same way when the GOP paraded Governor Half-Wit and her family onto the stage at the convention, with baby-daddy Levi Johnston.  I remember when the campaign had to quickly announce that the governor's then 16-year-old daughter was pregnant but was "engaged" to Levi.   There was even speculation about a White House wedding.  They also cleaned up that roughneck Levi and made him take down his social media postings especially since he bragged in one that he was a redneck and fucking proud of it.  Now, just imagine how the GOP and the Evangelical right would have reacted if the Obamas had to announce that one of their daughters was pregnant and then paraded the child's father onstage at the DNC convention as a part of the family.

Folks would have lost their minds.  Yet, with the Palins, I barely heard a peep or a squawk.  I typically heard, "Well, these things happen in today's families."

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1 hour ago, rcc said:

Controlling and arrogant little men who have so little respect that they can't let their wives vote in peace without their every move watched in a voting booth.

Or they just can't read and need to look at their wife's to see where the little x's go..............

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Just like a tweet I saw where someone asked, imagine back in 2008 if Barack Obama had 5 children with 3 different women and was on tape talking about grabbing pussies.

These hypocritical and self righteous religious right wingers supporting Trump make me ill.

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2 minutes ago, charming said:

Just like a tweet I saw where someone asked, imagine back in 2008 if Barack Obama had 5 children with 3 different women and was on tape talking about grabbing pussies.

These hypocritical and self righteous religious right wingers supporting Trump make me ill.


That is all.

Edit to add:

I thought pussy grabbing was frowned on in the Bible.

Edited by ari333
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7 minutes ago, Bookish Jen said:

Call me a horrible person, but I want Trump's downfall to be positively epic. I haven't hated a political candidate this much since Scott Walker and Sarah Palin arrived on the scene.

Well, I'm going to take a seat right beside you on that bus.  I am really trying to guard my thoughts.  I've had my fill of these despicable people and I'm pissed off that Hillary felt she had to walk back her commentary on the basket full of deplorables.  She should have let that shit stand because they have done everything they can to validate what she said.

I thought things were really bad when that idiot Palin's campaign rallies started to resemble Klan rallies.  I can't believe this shit is happening in 2016!

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2 minutes ago, MulletorHater said:

Well, I'm going to take a seat right beside you on that bus.  I am really trying to guard my thoughts.  I've had my fill of these despicable people and I'm pissed off that Hillary felt she had to walk back her commentary on the basket full of deplorables.  She should have let that shit stand because they have done everything they can to validate what she said.

I thought things were really bad when that idiot Palin's campaign rallies started to resemble Klan rallies.  I can't believe this shit is happening in 2016!

I grew in a town with lot of Palin types. It was brutal

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52 minutes ago, Padma said:


All I've read is that Barron seems to be encouraged to be a mini-Donald (even looks like him). Melania told a magazine interviewer, "He's not a jeans sort of child". It reminded me of how one of the USFL people saw Don Jr at 12 come to a game in his short pants and long socks and blazer, looking cowed and uncomfortable and felt sorry for him. Always some image to uphold.


Isn't that similar to the story the guy who went to college with Donald Jr. said? That the one time Trump came to the school it was to take Jr. to a Yankee game. Kids were all hanging out hoping to get a look at him. Jr. opened the door wearing a Yankee jersey. Trump slapped in the face and told him to put on a suit.

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Anyone been reading tweets from @kurteichenwald?  Brutal stuff.



Bottom line: In 6 months, I have never found a real Trump friend or anyone who isn't paid by him who has anything nice to say about him.

16. Source: "I have never had someone lie to me right to my face more than Donald Trump. He is incapable of telling the truth."

15. Source: "The casinos ran well til Trump took over management. (after death of executives.) It was utter chaos. He's a horrible person."

14. ...(continuation: theft of antique) He told them it was more valuable 4 the antiques to be seen a Mar-a-Lago then 4 him 2 pay for them."

13. Source: "He told an elderly couple he was 'trying out' some of antiques they sold. Then he refused to return them or pay for them."...

12. Source (close to Trump.): "Don makes himself out to be this business genius. If not for the family money, he'd be living on the street."

11. Me: "Trump says at rallies he never settles cases, but he has a lot." Source: "Well, in his mind, he means it in a broader sense."

10. Source: "A lot of members of the family believe Don tricked his (then demented) dad into rewriting the will to cut his brother out."

9. Diffrent source: "Its ridiculous how much Donald cheats at golf. It's like he's incapable of admitting he lost. I dont play him anymore."

8. Source: "I played in a charity golf event. Trump's team lost, but after he took the scorecard, he changed it so they won. Everybody knew"

7. Source: "This whole campaign is a con. There's a reason he flipped on abortion. He'll say whatever he needs to say to win."

6. Source: "I've known him and his family for a long time. Trump is really a bad, bad guy."

5. Source: "Don almost ruined my life. We met late and he told me he did it because I didn't give him enough public credit for my success."

4. Source: "This 'close family' thing is a pose. He was the worst father. He was particularly abusive to Don Jr., physically and mentally"

3. Source: "Don believes everything he says. He can't tell what's true or false."

2. Source to me: "What you don't understand about Don is that he's mentally ill."

1. Source: "If you asked Don, he'd call me his best friend." Me: "What would you call him?" Source: "A clinical sociopath."

Kurt Eichenwald ‏@kurteichenwald  5h5 hours ago

Today, Im going to recount a few statements said to me by people close to Trump during my six months investigation of him 4 @newsweek.


And I don't know how to link it here but just watched a FB live video from the BBC Newsnight page with Martin Amis and Ann Coulter.  My gosh, she's a horrible woman.  Props to the others for keeping their cool. Don't know how you guys can stand her.  Unfortunately, I would not be surprised if she has lots of supporters.  Read about her comment about grandparents being in the US on twitter, not sure what the context was, but sounded like coded racism to me.

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Damn. Those are some stinging accounts from Trump's 'friends'. Like I say, it seems like the only people willing to spend time with him are those he pays for. And that includes his family. I very much doubt any of those kids would want anything to do with him if it wasn't for the inheritance.

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3 minutes ago, Danny Franks said:

Damn. Those are some stinging accounts from Trump's 'friends'. Like I say, it seems like the only people willing to spend time with him are those he pays for. And that includes his family. I very much doubt any of those kids would want anything to do with him if it wasn't for the inheritance.

I had no idea he had a brother who got disinherited?  What happened to him?

As for him being a bad loser, I can well believe that.  Wasn't there another write up of how he couldn't even stand it when his first wife was a better skier than him? Juvenile. 

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6 minutes ago, DeLurker said:

I fully admit that I could barely stand to listen to Trump during the debates, but has he ever provided any substance for his numerous plans that will make America great again?

The fascinating thing to me still is that his supporters just don't seem to care that there are no details.  He voices sentiments and slogans that appeal to them, and that's apparently enough.  He can have no details and lie endlessly and still get support.  I'm seriously concerned that future populist demagogue are going to be learning from his playbook without doing the stupid stuff.

I linked to this piece in the Hillary thread, but it's maybe even more relevant here.


And I do think Trump knows branding and knows selling, and that's why he's been able to get as far as he has, and enough people to buy his BS.

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Joss Whedon@joss

We need to try & understand Trump supporters by JUST LISTENING *spends 1 hr on voting line w/Trump supporter* No we're good nvr mind


I hear ya, Joss.  Sorry, but at this stage, I do think some Trump supporters are truly deplorable and impossible. 

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16 minutes ago, madmaverick said:

12. Source (close to Trump.): "Don makes himself out to be this business genius. If not for the family money, he'd be living on the street."

Yep.  I think it was Newsweek that did an analysis and they found that Donald would have more money now if he had done nothing but sit on his inheritance.  He's a failure as a businessman and only has money because he's bilked so many other people out of theirs.

13 minutes ago, DeLurker said:

I fully admit that I could barely stand to listen to Trump during the debates, but has he ever provided any substance for his numerous plans that will make America great again?

No.  He just makes empty promises to bring back [insert applicable industry here] to whatever crowd he's lying to at the moment.

Edited by Kitty Redstone
proper tense is good
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9 minutes ago, madmaverick said:

I had no idea he had a brother who got disinherited?  What happened to him?

As for him being a bad loser, I can well believe that.  Wasn't there another write up of how he couldn't even stand it when his first wife was a better skier than him? Juvenile. 

I'm pretty sure the brother that was disinherited was the one who died pretty young from severe alcoholism.  The delightful kicker?  The will that Donald helped draft specifically excluded Freddy Trump (his brother) and when Freddy's children challenged it, Trump stopped paying for the medical expenses for his nephew's infant son (who had cerebral palsy and seizures) - and those were medical expenses he had promised to pay for.  Asshole.

Edited by Princess Sparkle
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There are supporters who believe "Make America Great Again" is a concrete plan. I'm related to one, in fact.

I hope that Trump's electoral misfortunes also obliterate Pence's political career. Don't show your waxy, dead-eyed, woman-hating, gay-abusing face in 2020, please and thank you.

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Update from MSNBC re: Lawsuit in NV

It was just reported that they allowed people to get into the lines after the polls closed. And remained open for those voters. Those are the votes in dispute. Sounds like the judge has little patience with the Trumps.

Edited by NewDigs
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7 minutes ago, Princess Sparkle said:

I'm pretty sure the brother that was disinherited was the one who died pretty young from severe alcoholism.  The delightful kicker?  The will that Donald helped draft specifically excluded Freddy Trump (his brother) and when Freddy's children challenged it, Trump stopped paying for the medical expenses for his nephew's infant son (who had cerebral palsy and seizures) - and those were medical expenses he had promised to pay for.  Asshole.

Well, it certainly goes a long way toward explaining why other than his brats, no one else in Drumpf's family has campaigned for or with him, or given interviews where they spoke glowingly of him.

Not only do I want this clown utterly destroyed and humiliated, but I also want his surrogates to suffer the same fate.

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13 minutes ago, Princess Sparkle said:

I'm pretty sure the brother that was disinherited was the one who died pretty young from severe alcoholism.  The delightful kicker?  The will that Donald helped draft specifically excluded Freddy Trump (his brother) and when Freddy's children challenged it, Trump stopped paying for the medical expenses for his nephew's infant son (who had cerebral palsy and seizures) - and those were medical expenses he had promised to pay for.  Asshole.

Thanks for the info. That's horrible.

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19 minutes ago, madmaverick said:

I had no idea he had a brother who got disinherited?  What happened to him?

As for him being a bad loser, I can well believe that.  Wasn't there another write up of how he couldn't even stand it when his first wife was a better skier than him? Juvenile. 

Donald Trump's older brother died, he was an alcoholic.  Donald says that is why has never been a drinker.  Apparently the older brother was the father's favorite & was supposed to take over the family business.  I find it odd that Donald's sister, who is a Federal Judge, has never appeared with him or made any kind of statement to support him.

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20 minutes ago, BuckeyeLou said:

Donald Trump's older brother died, he was an alcoholic.  Donald says that is why has never been a drinker.  Apparently the older brother was the father's favorite & was supposed to take over the family business.  I find it odd that Donald's sister, who is a Federal Judge, has never appeared with him or made any kind of statement to support him.

Perhaps she's a good Judge of character....

Thank you, I'll be here all week!

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22 minutes ago, Silver Raven said:

Odds on Melania divorcing the Donald within a year?  Or will he keep her around till he finds a younger model, by blackmailing her about her illegal status?

I can totally see him threatening Melania with him being able to take her son away from her if she does not tow the line.

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