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Donald John Trump: 2016 President-Elect

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31 minutes ago, MulletorHater said:

Why do I get the distinct impression that Drumpf and his team have been reading Lord of the Flies?  

Not to worry. It is well documented that he doesn't read.

I'm pretty sure that's why he's so eager to get Kushner the PDBs, so Jerod can read them and tell him if there's anything he -really- needs to know about.

7 minutes ago, Giant Misfit said:

Jezebel has an excerpt from Megyn Kelly's new book. This excerpt is particularly jarring:

Top contenders: Hannity and the crew at Morning Joke. I find it interesting of the surety expressed by whomever it was who told her to "get behind" Trump. I got no love for Kelly, especially after making nice with Trump, but I have no reason to doubt her anecdotes aren't accurate here.

I agree with you on MJ, that really fits them.  But the real master of that technique is Bill O'Reilly. And Trump just takes it from him, exactly as described.

Hannity, on the other hand, is a lap dog and expected to be as such.

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I saw this point raised on twitter - If Rump goes home on the weekends all the residents will need to go through White House level security to enter their homes.  And, what if they want to have dinner guests, a friend stops by, a relative visits, etc? The environment created for the residents of the building is going to be awful.  The speculation was that a level of inconvenience that high will reduce the value of the homes in the building and residents are going to be angry.  

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2 minutes ago, windsprints said:

I saw this point raised on twitter - If Rump goes home on the weekends all the residents will need to go through White House level security to enter their homes.  And, what if they want to have dinner guests, a friend stops by, a relative visits, etc? The environment created for the residents of the building is going to be awful.  The speculation was that a level of inconvenience that high will reduce the value of the homes in the building and residents are going to be angry.  

Do you think he cares about that?  It's all about him and what he wants--or didn't want.  He didn't want to do the job of being president and he's going to make it a miserable experience for everyone.  Just so long as he gets to feel special and gets to Tweet 24/7 and enhance his "brand."

I'm also curious if he and his wife have started looking at schools for Barron in the Washington, D.C. area.  Will they receive recommendations from people in the know, or will they insist that he finish out the school year at his current school?

See, this is what happens when voters call your bluff and you have to actually follow through.

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Do you think he cares about that?  It's all about him and what he wants--or didn't want.

I think he could care about the value going down. Not because he needs the money but because it would be all over the news and he we know how he reacts to criticism, etc. But about the people being inconvenienced, I agree, he wouldn't care at all. 

Edited by windsprints
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5 minutes ago, MulletorHater said:

I'm also curious if he and his wife have started looking at schools for Barron in the Washington, D.C. area.  Will they receive recommendations from people in the know, or will they insist that he finish out the school year at his current school?

Again, silly you!  Melanoma and Earl will stay in NYC.  Our Orange Overlord doesn't need Melanoma there - Ivanka will be there to play First Lady.  Having his (actual) wife around would hamper his getting all that good p*ssy he's expecting to get as PO**S.  And Earl is too young to be of any use to him yet.  No, they best stay at The Tower and get on with their lives as best they can.

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I'm also curious if he and his wife have started looking at schools for Barron in the Washington, D.C. area.  Will they receive recommendations from people in the know, or will they insist that he finish out the school year at his current school?

School?  That kid isn't stepping foot in a school with other little humans, not happening. He'll be home schooled where ever home actually ends up being. 

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3 hours ago, HumblePi said:


Today the tenants of these three apartment buildings in the NY West Side said "yer outta heyah"

Boy do I miss my city and its people. Their loathing of the shit specimen that was just elected to the oval office smells like roses to me.

Oh NY, NY you do me proud.

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14 minutes ago, Keepitmoving said:

School?  That kid isn't stepping foot in a school with other little humans, not happening. He'll be home schooled where ever home actually ends up being. 

Does that poor kid know how to interact with other kids or other people ? Just watching him stand behind the Thing during the ughh victory speech the kid was looking everywhere and had no smile on his face. He looked blank.

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29 minutes ago, windsprints said:

I think he could care about the value going down. Not because he needs the money but because it would be all over the news and he we know how he reacts to criticism, etc. But about the people being inconvenienced, I agree, he wouldn't care at all. 

Even if any media source actually dared to report it, he'd just deny, deny, deny.  He'd talk about how successful the building is, how everyone tells him they want to live there, like the First Family (ugh, I almost vomited typing that) lives there.  All the best people are begging to get in there.  He gets calls, so many calls every day, it's ridiculous, of people begging to get a place in the building.  No other building in the country has a waiting list like this one.  

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I like the visual of just removing the T from Trump Place.   I know the rest is probably down by now, but I laughed at the thought of all the TRUMP names across the world being change to RUMP.   (especially Chicago, please!) 

The issue of staying in NYC -  the Secret Service would have to have lodging, so the agents would rent space, from Trump,  and the taxpayers would pay for it.   He talks about how much the campaign cost him, but there's plenty of instances where he was renting out his plane, space in his hotels, even buying wine from Eric's company - paid for by the campaign, but the profits go back to the family.   It's the equivalent of taking money out of your right pocket and putting it in your left, and calling it an expense.    I have no doubt that Trump will find every way possible to allow his businesses to profit from his presidency.  AND I suspect his not taking a salary is another way to avoid taxes - maybe he'll claim his term as president as a charitable contribution.

I also wonder if taking a salary would mean that his tax records would be public, there's no way he's turning down money unless it benefits him in some way.

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4 minutes ago, KerleyQ said:

Even if any media source actually dared to report it, he'd just deny, deny, deny.  He'd talk about how successful the building is, how everyone tells him they want to live there, like the First Family (ugh, I almost vomited typing that) lives there.  All the best people are begging to get in there.  He gets calls, so many calls every day, it's ridiculous, of people begging to get a place in the building.  No other building in the country has a waiting list like this one.  

You forgot about how he'll say the people complaining are losers and he will sue them. 

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1 minute ago, windsprints said:

Local news just did a story about the security (10 mins ago): SECURITY HAMPERS BUSINESSES NEAR TRUMP TOWER AFTER ELECTION

(all caps are theirs, I'm not screaming it at you all)

If any of those business owners voted for Trump, because it's not like he didn't get any votes in NYC, then I hope their businesses fail miserably just like I hope small town America and that Rust Belt remains hollowed out. If they voted for the democrat, then I wish them all the best and fume on their behalf.  But if they voted for him, fuck them. Because clearly the restaurant he went to the other day, was very welcoming, he knew where to go for some applause. So NYC has them, Trump supporters, they are outnumbered by the haters which I am very proud of, but they exist. 

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10 minutes ago, windsprints said:

Local news just did a story about the security (10 mins ago): SECURITY HAMPERS BUSINESSES NEAR TRUMP TOWER AFTER ELECTION

(all caps are theirs, I'm not screaming it at you all)

Fifth Avenue is a mecca for tourism but what a nightmare and expense for the NYPD having to be a heavy presence there 24/7.  If he was smart, which he's not, and if he was considerate of the businesses and people that work on Fifth Avenue, which he isn't, he'd find some kind of hideaway mansion in Westchester County and maybe be a neighbor to Hillary's. Or he could always take his $45 million dollar estate in Greenwich, Ct off the market and move into that for a while. It would certainly take the pressure off the secret service and give New York's Fifth Avenue back to them. The Greenwich mansion has enough private property for a helipad which it might already have which would make scooting back and forth to the other white mansion in D.C. very easy.


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6 hours ago, Deanie87 said:

Let's not kid ourselves. With each passing day and news item it has become clear that the only thing Donald Trump thinks about, cares about and works for is Donald Trump. Not the country, not justice, not his fellow Americans. I would be all for giving him a chance if he was capable of behaving in a way that convinced me, even a tiny bit, that he was even marginally fit for any public office, was motivated by anything but vengeance and narcissism, and wasn't setting the course to grift this country and make it just another acquisition of Trump, Inc. Or even if anyone in his orbit could relieve my worry.  But it's just getting worse.

I think you've nailed it. We've had our share of narcissists and paranoids (Nixon) in the White House before, but never a full blown narcissist who sees himself as the very center of the universe.  Imagine how much his new job title will go to his already massively inflated ego. Among those who see Trump for the man he really is, demand for depression counseling and medication is steadily climbing. Time to buy Pfizer, Forest, and Lilly stock.

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3 hours ago, FuriousStyles said:

Anyway, not to give anything away but there's a part in the doc where they show some of Trump's worst moments over the campaign season...where he'd had black people pushed and kicked out of his rallies...where you can hear him say "In the good old days, the police would treat them rough and they would think twice about protesting"...you have that juxtaposed with footage from the 50s and 60s with the exact the same thing happening....black people being pushed and spat on. It was very startling to watch.

If anyone's interested in a clip of this part:


1 hour ago, Giant Misfit said:

Top contenders: Hannity and the crew at Morning Joke. I find it interesting of the surety expressed by whomever it was who told her to "get behind" Trump. I got no love for Kelly, especially after making nice with Trump, but I have no reason to doubt her anecdotes aren't accurate here.

I believe it. Out of the 41 people Trump follows on Twitter, they are 3 of them. (And the 41 isn't even that many to begin with, considering the 20 or so accounts that are his family members, his businesses, his brand, his campaign (Kellyanne actually not one of them).)

4 hours ago, HumblePi said:


Today the tenants of these three apartment buildings in the NY West Side said "yer outta heyah"

Love that. Going to save that RUMP PLACE photo for a bit for a laugh.

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6 hours ago, Padma said:

The WH Communications Office always comes up with cool names, don't they? Inc. Renegade for Obama, Deacon for Carter, Rawhide for Reagan and Lancer for JFK (Jackie was "Lace"). Michelle is "Renaissance", Malia "Radiance" and Sasha "Rosebud". The most unflattering one I know of is Frank Sinatra's. He was a close enough Kennedy pal to need one---they gave him "Napoleon".

Unfortunately, I wouldn't choose anything so nice for this group. Trump already got better than he deserves with Mogul.  For Melania I'd choose "Mistress", Barron= Mini-Me, , Don Jr="Magnum", Eric="Mauser",  Ivanka="Merchant", Jerrod="Mastermind"; Tiffany=(Misfit's too mean, so)..."Maple"

Bannon, of course though not a family member would have to be "Macchiavelli"

Reichsfuhrer would suit him better than Machiavelli, but if it has to be an M there's always Mein Kampf.

I hope the person who chose Mogul as Trump's code name reflected on the etymology of the word before selecting it.

Edited by Constantinople
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I'm happy for Olbermann.  He liked his apartment in Trump Tower, but sold and moved this year because he hates the guy and didn't want the association.  I'm sure he never thought he'd actually be president, but I'm glad at least he, esp. as a majorly (bigly) public critic, doesn't have to deal with all the b.s.  people are enduring from him now.

I know he doesn't own much of that building anymore, but still.  26 floors of businesses and 32 floors of million dollar and multi-million dollar residences--not good for anyone that he's still in residence.

I would say I couldn't believe the selfishness of staying there (and he's not getting any other place in NY, because it's TT that's "home"), but it's Donald Trump. I can believe anything.

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6 hours ago, Padma said:

The WH Communications Office always comes up with cool names, don't they? Inc. Renegade for Obama, Deacon for Carter, Rawhide for Reagan and Lancer for JFK (Jackie was "Lace"). Michelle is "Renaissance", Malia "Radiance" and Sasha "Rosebud". The most unflattering one I know of is Frank Sinatra's. He was a close enough Kennedy pal to need one---they gave him "Napoleon".

Unfortunately, I wouldn't choose anything so nice for this group. Trump already got better than he deserves with Mogul.  For Melania I'd choose "Mistress", Barron= Mini-Me, , Don Jr="Magnum", Eric="Mauser",  Ivanka="Merchant", Jerrod="Mastermind"; Tiffany=(Misfit's too mean, so)..."Maple"

Bannon, of course though not a family member would have to be "Macchiavelli"

Melania forever will be known to me as: "Moose&Squirrel". 

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1 hour ago, backformore said:

AND I suspect his not taking a salary is another way to avoid taxes - maybe he'll claim his term as president as a charitable contribution.

I wouldn't be surprised if he puts it in his "Trump Foundation" and then makes it into a charitable contribution to Erik's charity, since Erik turns around and books Mar-a-lago at top prices for his lavish fundraisers.  That way he'd get the money eventually in his business so he could write it off with deductions, meanwhile get good PR (and a charitable deduction on his personal income tax return. Win-win! So much winning! (I think he's right, that we're going to get sick of him winning.)

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So if Trump continues to live in the penthouse, the businesses will go out of business. Forty-60 percent of your business being lost-those places won't make it.  Talk about ruining property values.  It sounds like Trump is going to have to put on his big boy pants and move.

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I find it so interesting that DT loves his son-in-law so much.  I do find the Little Trumps, Jr and Eric, to be ignoramuses when they speak.  

I wonder if Secret Service will prohibit the sons' frequent African kill trips?  Risk of gun accidents, maybe?  God, I hope so.

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23 hours ago, Bastet said:

Scientific American reported on Trump's pick of Myron Ebell (and other anti-science nutjobs being appointed to the transition team) back in September.  Surprise, not a peep in the mainstream media then.

As scary as it is contemplating what Ebell will allow in relation to Greenhouse gasses, my more bitter long term fear goes WAY beyond that. A decade of backsliding (because even if the Dems take power again in 4 years they're it would take years to rebuild the power of the EPA) on Greenhouse gasses, as bad as that will be is going to be a pittance compared to what a guy like Ebell will allow with stuff like Toxic Waste disposal.

I think we will be back in the mode of the 1950s, where all the regulations will be stripped, and companies will literally go back to dumping their chemical byproducts wherever it is cheapest for them. In rivers. In empty lots where it sinks into water tables. Incinerated so it goes into the air.  You know. Neat stuff like that.

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As scary as it is contemplating what Ebell will allow in relation to Greenhouse gasses, my more bitter long term fear goes WAY beyond that.

With good reason.  He thinks the danger of pesticides is a myth conjured by "anti-chemical activists," for one thing.

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21 hours ago, HumblePi said:

okay, that explains it. I'm way too old to know what it is, but Fox is enough anyway so I don't need to.


He thinks we're all idiots. 


Here's the thing. If you showed those two tweets saying exact opposite things to a hardline Trumpeteer (or even now much of the vast middle who voted for him anyway), they'll spin into a deflection mode and/or some ridiculous unsupported statement about how the "liberal media" is making this up and/or how Twitter must be run by Hillary supporters who hacked his account, etc.

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5 minutes ago, Bastet said:

With good reason.  He thinks the danger of pesticides is a myth conjured by "anti-chemical activists," for one thing.

So his punchlist will be:

--Allow/encourage/deregulate where and how companies can dump their toxic waste. After all... why waste a perfectly acceptable river?
--Allow/encourage/deregulate use of pesticides. Because those scientists who say they are bad aren't making sense! Bugs are bad for you! How could getting them off our crops POSSIBLY be bad?
--Allow/encourage/deregulate air quality controls. Or at least allow the states to regulate it themselves... meaning local lobbies will pop up in each state... you know... it's all part of that master plan to get rid of the lobbyists!

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19 hours ago, Padma said:

I feel somewhat better with Giuliani at State than John Bolton. Giuliani seems unhinged with moments of possible lucidity and morality (very iffy on that last one). Bolton is a lunatic who no one in Washington or around the world wants anything to do with.  I have no idea how he's a top contender.

Elliot Cohen's smackdown of Trump et al today reminded me about Republicans I really DO like (the title is my words, not his--but the sentiment is real!):

I Thought Conservatives Could Work For Trump & Co for the Good of the Country But After Getting To Know Them--Hell No!

As of about the last day, Trump's also apparently looking at South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley as Sectetary of State, or possibly other Cabinet positions. He's supposedly also looking at Haley's Lieutenant Governor for unspecified positions on his Cabinet.


I also read Pence has supposedly removed the lobbyists from the Transition team.

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11 hours ago, sacrebleu said:

Fun activity! Trump's Secret Service codename is 'Mogul' following protocol, all members of his family will have code names beginning with "M". Make up names for Melania, Don Jr, Ivanka, Eric and Barron! (I'm guessing Tiffany won't get one, poor kid doesn't get much of anything from her dad.)

According to Peter Alexander from NBC News, reported/Tweeted yesterday & linked to upthread (I'm pretty sure, because I posted it), Barron, Tiffany & Eric were all placed under Secret Service protection as of yesterday (or it might've been Monday). So, Tiffany is under protection, even if she is coming off like Trump's least favorite child.

Ivanka was already under protection, according to the report. Nothing was said about Don Jr.'s protection status.

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4 hours ago, MulletorHater said:

See, this is what happens when voters call your bluff and you have to actually follow through.

The only part of this I'm really enjoying is thinking about DT's private remorse.  He was going to have a BLAST with his new post-election toy--the T-tv network that would have been his own personal 24/7 forum for trashing Hillary's every move, pointing out how he would have done it better, explaining exactly how he was the actual winner, accusing (and suing) dozens--hundreds!--of people for the double-dealing that cheated him of the presidency.  Big crowds of fans everywhere he went, cheering and sympathizing, asking for autographs, buying tickets to hear him speak.  Dumb busty blondes wearing "Grab This!" t-shirts with glittery downward pointing arrows. . .

Now he can look forward to Reince Priebus handing him 17 reports every morning, that Jared has to explain to him.  And lots of expectations, doubtful expressions, disappointed faces.


4 hours ago, Padma said:

I agree with you on MJ, that really fits them.  But the real master of that technique is Bill O'Reilly. And Trump just takes it from him, exactly as described.

I saw someone ask Bill O'Reilly, when the two of them were being filmed in the back of some limo:  "Aren't you friends with DT?  Don't you go to ballgames together and stuff?  What's he like?"  And BO'R said yes, he was a great guy, lots of fun, knows EVERYONE, but very thin-skinned.


4 hours ago, windsprints said:

But about the people being inconvenienced, I agree, he wouldn't care at all. 

Have you seen that interview with the Secret Service guy shaking his head about the magnitude of securing "Penthouse One"?  He said the side street was already closed and they were thinking about whether they'd have to close Fifth Avenue.

Close Fifth Avenue???


3 hours ago, ClareWalks said:

If he can't get it, he can grab it!

Right.  Because, man, he's REALLY famous now.

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10 hours ago, needschocolate said:

We have been re-watching The West Wing and one of the storylines we are currently viewing is when the vice president has to resign because he had an affair and the president had to settle for a vice president he didn't want because he was the one that congress would approve.  This got me wondering about 2 things --

1) Does congress have to approve Trump's cabinet members?  With the Reps having majority in all of congress, I don't have much hope that they will not approve whomever Trump wants, but it might be worth writing to your congress people anyway.  

2) The West Wing vice president resigned because he was having an affair, which seemed perfectly believable 12-13 years ago when the episode first aired.  What will qualify as a scandal now?  Funneling government money into your business - not a scandal.  Having cabinet members spouting  white supremacist messages - not a scandal.  The first lady having worked illegally and posed for nude photos - not a scandal.  

Why? The same reason that rich people like them (and not all rich are this way) do anything - because they think they can profit off of it somehow, or at least, profit by reducing their expenses.  They don't want to raise the minimum wage because it would cost them money.  They don't want to have those pesky environmental laws because it will cost them money.  They don't want healthcare for everyone, because businesses would have to foot part of the bill and it would cost them money.  

Well, he did look straight into the camera during the 60 minute interview and say, "Stop it!"  

There were always a certain number of people who are going to always vote for the Republican, and those people may or may not be idiots, but I agree that Trump won largely because of the idiot vote. The ignoramuses  voted for Trump because he believes the same, ridiculous, illogical, factless garbage they do.  

As my mother once said - "Water seeks its own level, and so does mud."

Regarding the VP's resignation on The West Wing: As I remember, Hoynes' resignation wasn't just because he had that affair. It was also because he apparently blabbed some government-related stuff to her, in the course of "pillow talk", that he shouldn't have.

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9 hours ago, Padma said:

The WH Communications Office always comes up with cool names, don't they? Inc. Renegade for Obama, Deacon for Carter, Rawhide for Reagan and Lancer for JFK (Jackie was "Lace"). Michelle is "Renaissance", Malia "Radiance" and Sasha "Rosebud". The most unflattering one I know of is Frank Sinatra's. He was a close enough Kennedy pal to need one---they gave him "Napoleon".

Unfortunately, I wouldn't choose anything so nice for this group. Trump already got better than he deserves with Mogul.  For Melania I'd choose "Mistress", Barron= Mini-Me, , Don Jr="Magnum", Eric="Mauser",  Ivanka="Merchant", Jerrod="Mastermind"; Tiffany=(Misfit's too mean, so)..."Maple"

Bannon, of course though not a family member would have to be "Macchiavelli"

The Communications Office selects the names? Since it involves the Secret Service, I thought they were responsible for choosing the names.

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7 hours ago, stewedsquash said:

Haha Trump ditched the media and went out to eat. And they think he is in DC having secret meetings and is still in NYC having them. I think the media is going to need a vacation after the 8 years are up. 

God forbid he gets 8 years! Let's see if he gets through the first 4   years before he even tries for a second term. Hopefully he'll hate the job so much he'll be a "1 and done" POTUS, if he even makes it through 1 term.

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7 hours ago, Shannon L. said:

Oh dear, God....do we have to think of it as 8 years?  Can we just start with 4?  I don't think my heart or stomach can handle anything more right now. 

I still see him getting bored to death and giving up.  Now, whether he does that officially (which I doubt--he's going to want to keep his new title) or just lets Pence take over behind the scenes?  Time will tell.

Even if he gives up & officially resigns the office, or he leaves the office by 1 of the "normal" ways--he chooses not to run again, he loses re-election, serves 2 full terms, or dies in office--from January 20th he'll forever & always have the titles "President Trump/Former President Trump" unless a court acts to take the titles from him.

Edited by BW Manilowe
To add something.
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As each day goes on, the gravity of how bad this whole situation is sinks in deeper and deeper. 

The thought that the POTUS would see absolutely nothing wrong with posting random tweets with whatever fleeting thought crosses his mind at any given moment just completely scares the crap out of me.

I find myself wondering if we average Americans are in any way like the average German citizens in the early 1930's.

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3 hours ago, sleekandchic said:

I find it so interesting that DT loves his son-in-law so much.  I do find the Little Trumps, Jr and Eric, to be ignoramuses when they speak.  

I wonder if Secret Service will prohibit the sons' frequent African kill trips?  Risk of gun accidents, maybe?  God, I hope so.

I don't think the Secret Service ever stopped Cheney's hunting trips--& he accidentally shot 1 of his friends on 1 of them, as I remember--so I doubt they'll say they can't go on safari (or whatever they called the trips). Unless it's deemed to be a situation that's too hard to protect them in, logistically, financially, or whatever.

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If Trump wants people to give him a chance, he needs to stop the crap like this that swirls around him. 

Per reuters article from yesterday:

"Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, who helped write tough immigration laws in Arizona and elsewhere, said in an interview that Trump's policy advisers had also discussed drafting a proposal for his consideration to reinstate a registry for immigrants from Muslim countries."

And then Trump surrogate today with Megan Kelly

Higbie: Yeah, and to be perfectly honest, it is legal. They say it will hold constitutional muster. I know the ACLU is going to challenge it. But I think it will pass. We’ve done it with Iran back a while ago. We did it in World War II with Japanese. Call it what you will… maybe wrong, but…

Kelly: Come on, you're not proposing we go back to the days of internment camps, I hope.

Higbie: No, I'm not proposing that at all.

Kelly: You know better than to suggest that. That's the kind of stuff that gets people scared, Carl.

Higbie: Right, I’m just saying there is precedent for it. And I'm not saying I agree with that.


Kelly: You can't be citing Japanese internment camps as precedent for anything the president-elect is going to do.

Higbie: Look, the president needs to protect America first. If that means having people not protected under our constitution have some sort of registry to understand, until we can identify the true threat and where they are coming from, I support it.

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7 hours ago, Giant Misfit said:

Jezebel has an excerpt from Megyn Kelly's new book. This excerpt is particularly jarring:

Top contenders: Hannity and the crew at Morning Joke. I find it interesting of the surety expressed by whomever it was who told her to "get behind" Trump. I got no love for Kelly, especially after making nice with Trump, but I have no reason to doubt her anecdotes aren't accurate here.

I wouldn't be surprised if she made nice with Trump due to an order from Fox News.  She may have figured "Fine, I'll make nice with him, just to make my last year here more bearable, and to get some of this crap I've been taking off my and my family's back.  After this, I'm out, I'm going to ABC or CNN."

I'm really not looking forward to the next 4 years.  When Glenn Beck is a voice of reason, you really start to wonder who screwed with the space time continuum and somehow threw everybody into an alternate dimension.

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3 hours ago, candall said:

The only part of this I'm really enjoying is thinking about DT's private remorse.  He was going to have a BLAST with his new post-election toy--the T-tv network that would have been his own personal 24/7 forum for trashing Hillary's every move, pointing out how he would have done it better, explaining exactly how he was the actual winner, accusing (and suing) dozens--hundreds!--of people for the double-dealing that cheated him of the presidency.  Big crowds of fans everywhere he went, cheering and sympathizing, asking for autographs, buying tickets to hear him speak.  Dumb busty blondes wearing "Grab This!" t-shirts with glittery downward pointing arrows. . .

Yeah, I have wondered if that was his plan - ever since he talked about the election being RIGGED.  all the shouting and posturing might have been how he planned to deal with his eventual defeat.  Trump loved being on the campaign trail - speaking to groups of supporters, who believed every word he said, cheered, chanted, bought his hats.  If Hillary won, he could have started out right away with his TV channel, ranting about how she STOLE the election.  He was all set up for it.  I think Hannity was going to be given a huge role, he cranked up the Trump ass-kissing to a crazy level in the last weeks of the campaign.  Trump would have a whole network - Ivanka would get a show on fashion, Melania would get something that rivaled QVC, the boys would get hunting shows or whatever else their small brains could figure out.  And all the ads would be for Trump products.   Millions would tune it, he'd make a fortune. AND he'd be able to control the message through his "news"  shows. 

But that was only if he lost.  It's easy to remain popular if you're not actually DOING anything to solve problems, just bitching about how others aren't doing it right.  He'd have money and power, but little responsibility, no commitment (if it didn't work out he could declare bankruptcy)    All he did was trash Obama and the Clintons for the past year.   Since election day, he's shut up and said complimentary things about them.  It's all suspect.   Maybe the plan WAS to lose to Hillary, that was why he hadn't made staff decisions yet.  SO all the assholes he was going to put on TV - he put in the WHite House instead. 

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