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Donald John Trump: 2016 President-Elect

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15 minutes ago, Kitty Redstone said:

I particularly liked this dig:

And it's still much more polite than calling them knuckledragging throwbacks who have no place in public life.


then there was Melania's reaction when Donald told George Stephanopoulos that Melania will be giving a 'few speeches' on his behalf.....


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13 minutes ago, atomationage said:

Melania and her husband did an interview with Stephanopoulos which ABC is pimping now.   She said she doesn't want to campaign anymore.  She's busy with Barron.  Her husband said she'll be making some more speeches. 

I don't think she ever wanted to campaign in the first place.  I'm thinking she got an upgrade on her pre-nup to entice her to do what little she's done.  

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32 minutes ago, Padma said:

ROFL! That's great! I want a giant poster of -that- tea party!

A few days ago someone said s/he might dance (in the privacy of home) if when Hillary wins. It made me think of how cool a national dance would be. Apparently, Hillary's already on it! http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2016/10/hillary-clinton-reveals-plan-for-big-national-dance-party.html

I'm a she and it was me with the prancy dance woohoo idea.  I will do it in my living room :-) WOO!

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 One man even says that “unfortunately” he’s not a man of “vigilante violence” but there are many others who will take to the streets with guns in protest. “Unfortunately” you’re not a man of vigilante violence? Really? If you feel that’s an “unfortunate” thing, then why aren’t you one? Maybe he doesn’t even know what that statement means – he is a Trump supporter, after all.


Your whole post is excellent, but when I read the article this morning, that line stuck out to me, too! Why would someone say it's "unfortunate" that they're not a vigilante. That makes no damn sense!


18 minutes ago, Rapunzel said:

The Trump supporters also say that based on the number of Trump signs they see in yards vs. Hillary signs, that Trump should definitely win and if he doesn’t, then of course it’s rigged. Yeah, because we all know that the number of signs in yards are always a true indication of the outcome an election. If you live in a private community like mine, signs aren’t allowed.


This was something I was thinking about this morning. I live in FL, and it has been a little disheartening that the only political signs I see are for Trump - and other Republicans - but in the grand scheme of things it doesn't mean much. While I've seen quite a few Trump signs, the number doesn't compare to the businesses and homes I've seen without Trump signs, or any signs, period. The people with the signs are probably part of that vocal minority, the same as the people who go to his rallies. 

I'm so glad I didn't watch that crappy interview Trump and his whole brain dead family did with GMA. Just reading some quotes from it make me want to punch something - preferably that Cheeto Mussolini - very hard! Though I kind of love how Melania and the Orange One still remain so out of sync. I seriously do not see that marriage lasting long if he doesn't (hopefully doesn't) win. At one point George S. asks Melania about getting or about giving more speeches and she says "we'll see." And then Donald immediately contradicts her and says she'll be giving two or three more speeches. Either Melania was trying to be coy or possibly lying or Donald just came up with the idea and didn't bother giving his wife a heads up about it. Come on man, you've got to give your wife's team some time. There are a lot of speeches to watch and listen to before you decide on just the right one to plagiarize blatantly.

I think the part that had me seeing red the most was him once again dismissing his accusers as all liars and/or fame seekers. Then when he's asked about the People reporter he asks why she wouldn't have come forward sooner. GS says it was because she was scared and Donald just dismissively says "Give me a break." He then says something nonsensical about if she had written about it, she would have won a Pulitzer. Even when he's talking about someone writing about him being a SEXUAL PREDATOR he sees it as something to boast about. Like because the article is about him somehow that would automatically translate to a huge, award winning success. Because everything with the name Trump in it (or on it) is an unqualified success - you know like steaks, magazines, fake universities, etc.

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37 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

I didn't watch the GMA interview, but based on the comments I've read here, what Melania said about social media, sounds verbatim what she said to Anderson Cooper(?) when she was defending Drumpf's ass after the Access Hollywood tape was released.

I didn't realize until now that Melania might be a little more clever than I thought.  Mr. Orange-Glo is on Twitter at all hours of the night bullying, demeaning, and slandering anyone who dares to speak out against or about him--especially women.  The former Miss Universe comes to mind.  He even claimed that she had a sex tape out there.  Either it's Melania's way of throwing shade at her sponsor because she knows he's a serial cheating predator, or she truly is brain dead and doesn't see the irony in her mission as would-be FLOTUS.

And, speaking of which?  Trump steaks?  How much do you want to bet that those steaks look, feel and taste like fungus-infested shoe leather?

To this day, I'm still pissed to the highest of pissivity that that fucker got control of the old Post Office Pavillion.  It's only fitting that the opening of his newest hotel was marred by protests by the hired help.

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I think Donald sprung it on her.  And if she makes a mistake, he will be right there to point a finger and laugh at her.  This is a man who's only real joke at the Al Smith Dinner involved humiliating his wife.  Everyone can see that he has no respect for her, and deep down she has to know that.

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2 minutes ago, MulletorHater said:

To this day, I'm still pissed to the highest of pissivity that that fucker got control of the old Post Office Pavillion.  It's only fitting that the opening of his newest hotel was marred by protests by the hired help.

WHAT? How did I NOT KNOW this???!!!!

Where are all my DC/MD peeps going to be on Nov. 8? I've discovered in this forum that there are at least two of you are my neighbors, so to speak! I don't mind saying I wouldn't mind getting drunk with y'all.

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8 hours ago, Pixel said:

Well, the star selection process is obviously rigged, so...

Actually, it is. That isn't even conspiracy, it's just fact. You do some politicking to get asked, but mostly it's about giving them money.

25 minutes ago, Kitty Redstone said:

I think Donald sprung it on her.  And if she makes a mistake, he will be right there to point a finger and laugh at her.  This is a man who's only real joke at the Al Smith Dinner involved humiliating his wife.  Everyone can see that he has no respect for her, and deep down she has to know that.

Read up on how often he humiliated the other wives. I mean the world didn't see most of it, but even the little bit it did is fairly enlightening.

For example, there's the story Ivanka tells (in her book) about how Trump once left Marla standing on a airstrip runway because she was running late. He ordered the plane to take off without her, right after Ivanka (also on the plane) pointed out that Marla was running down the tarmac towards the plane.

Edited by Kromm
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15 minutes ago, Kitty Redstone said:

I think Donald sprung it on her.  And if she makes a mistake, he will be right there to point a finger and laugh at her.  This is a man who's only real joke at the Al Smith Dinner involved humiliating his wife.  Everyone can see that he has no respect for her, and deep down she has to know that.

And, mind you, according to Rachel Maddow, it turns out he plagiarized that joke from a political cartoon by RJ Matson in The Roll Call.  Apparently, nobody in that fambly has an original thought in their heads.  Double Standard

21 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

WHAT? How did I NOT KNOW this???!!!!

Where are all my DC/MD peeps going to be on Nov. 8? I've discovered in this forum that there are at least two of you are my neighbors, so to speak! I don't mind saying I wouldn't mind getting drunk with y'all.

Yep!  What is Trump's newest hotel used to be the old Post Office Pavillion.  Hopefully, enough people will find anything with his brand so stank that they refuse to have anything to do with it and it will count as another business failure on his ledger.  We were just joking if Drumpf saw D.C. as a battleground and was campaigning here on the down low.

I'll be voting at an early voting center on Connecticut Avenue this Saturday.  I have no idea what I'll be doing on Election Night.  Probably on my knees in prayer like I was in 2012.

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2 minutes ago, MulletorHater said:

And, mind you, according to Rachel Maddow, it turns out he plagiarized that joke from a political cartoon by RJ Matson in The Roll Call.  Apparently, nobody in that fambly has an original thought in their heads.  Double Standard

This doesn't surprise me.  He is entitled, selfish and completely lacking in creativity.  Seriously, how have the people of New York tolerated this bore for all these years?

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32 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

WHAT? How did I NOT KNOW this???!!!!

Where are all my DC/MD peeps going to be on Nov. 8? I've discovered in this forum that there are at least two of you are my neighbors, so to speak! I don't mind saying I wouldn't mind getting drunk with y'all.

I'm in the Baltimore area. Hoping to vote tomorrow! Heard there was an hour wait at my local polling place.

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By the way for some REAL perspective on Trump? Read some OLDER articles about him before any attempts at reinvention. 

For example, a good Vanity Fair 1990 article: After The Gold Rush BY MARIE BRENNER SEPTEMBER 1990: 


You can see SO much in common with what we still see. For example, the writer talking about how impatient/easily bored Trump is. How he was obsessed with his image (he laughably compares how he looked in a photo for another article to Robert Redford, when speaking to this Marie Brenner). How angry he is when people question how rich he is (when Forbes took him off their "richest" list he was livid). How obtuse he seemed about people's reactions (there's an example with Bob Tisch in the article where Trump, witnessed by this writer, is clearly totally oblivious to Tisch's actual reactions to something). How he talks in the third person, as himself as a brand and that he "free associates" (the writer's nicer way of describing the rambling word salad he does). 

And remember... this was all in 1990!

The big one for me is this:


Donald is a believer in the big-lie theory,” his lawyer had told me. “If you say something again and again, people will believe you.”

We KNOW this is a vital part of his current behavior. A key thing we see constantly.

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6 minutes ago, ChromaKelly said:

I'm in the Baltimore area. Hoping to vote tomorrow! Heard there was an hour wait at my local polling place.

I have quite a few friends in Prince George's County, Maryland who went to the polls today.  They said the lines were long but they felt it was worth making their voices heard.

The stunts that some of Drumpf's supporters keep pulling to suppress the vote and intimidate people are beyond disgusting.  You think they would have learned from what happened in 2012.  The more people are denied something they consider precious, it only makes them more determined.  It's 2016 and we're still fighting this battle!  

Oath Keepers Poll Watching

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7 minutes ago, MulletorHater said:

I have quite a few friends in Prince George's County, Maryland who went to the polls today.  They said the lines were long but they felt it was worth making their voices heard.

The stunts that some of Drumpf's supporters keep pulling to suppress the vote and intimidate people are beyond disgusting.  You think they would have learned from what happened in 2012.  The more people are denied something they consider precious, it only makes them more determined.  It's 2016 and we're still fighting this battle!  

Oath Keepers Poll Watching

Okay. Their video literally has a dude with an eyepatch. A kind of rednecky/survivalist looking guy, but WITH A FUCKING BLACK EYEPATCH.

So we are living inside a piece of lame post-apocalyptic fan fiction now?

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1 hour ago, atomationage said:

Melania and her husband did an interview with Stephanopoulos which ABC is pimping now.   She said she doesn't want to campaign anymore.  She's busy with Barron.  Her husband said she'll be making some more speeches. 

There is something so inauthentic  about her whole "taking care of Barrrooon" schtick. Being a full time mom to heeem, lol.  Ivanka has given birth during this campaign and has two other young kids, not that I am any great fan of Ivanka. I wonder what kind of pre-nup she (Melania) has.  It may be much less than imagined, possibly like the net worth of her husband. She may be treading carefully and doing what she has to in order to hang on to what she has. Don't forget, Marla only got a million, pocket change to Trump.

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30 minutes ago, MulletorHater said:

I'll be voting at an early voting center on Connecticut Avenue this Saturday.  I have no idea what I'll be doing on Election Night.  Probably on my knees in prayer like I was in 2012.

Maybe we can pray together! I'll be hunched on my sofa, drinking Johnnie as I watch the results and pray. I remember getting so depressed and drunk in 2012, when it seemed like Romney was winning, and I was reading texts from my friend who was providing said information, instead of watching the results. Safe to say I was whammied by the time Obama was named the winner and got his second term.

22 minutes ago, ChromaKelly said:

I'm in the Baltimore area. Hoping to vote tomorrow! Heard there was an hour wait at my local polling place.

I'm in Rockville, and early voting started today, but my meds prevented me from waking up this morning (got the flu), so I'll be forcing myself to go first thing tomorrow==one of the polling places is the Circuit Court in Montgomery County. Haven't read or heard about how long the lines were or if there were any problems. Then again, no voter id needed here, so the process here is pretty seamless.

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11 minutes ago, MulletorHater said:

I have quite a few friends in Prince George's County, Maryland who went to the polls today.  They said the lines were long but they felt it was worth making their voices heard.

I live in a suburb of Chicago, and I early voted yesterday.  Thankfully, no long lines here yet.  But, I'm really irritated.  I live in a somewhat Republican leaning area of Illinois (we're mostly a blue state, but there are little pockets of red here and there, and I live in one), and the poll workers there were asking for ID's.  I checked out the website about early voting before I went in, to make sure I was headed to the right location, and it specifically states that you are not required to show ID to early vote.  When called on it, the poll workers kind of hemmed and hawed and came out with "we're just asking to see ID's so it's easier for us to get the proper spelling of everyone's name when we enter them into the system."  Yeah, right.  My doubt was confirmed when I heard another woman there say to one of the workers "well I think you should be asking for everyone's ID, or people will be lying about who they are."  The worker replied "me too, but people like that (inclining his head towards a voter who was telling them they're not allowed to ask) are why we can't."  It pisses me off that we're still getting poll workers trying to push through these GOP voter ID measures, even in places where they've never been in place.  How many times do they need to be told "no" on this topic?  Meanwhile, let's listen to their candidate talk about how the voting is going to be rigged.  The only side trying to rig it is your side, Cheetos.  

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When called on it, the poll workers kind of hemmed and hawed and came out with "we're just asking to see ID's so it's easier for us to get the proper spelling of everyone's name when we enter them into the system."  Yeah, right.  My doubt was confirmed when I heard another woman there say to one of the workers "well I think you should be asking for everyone's ID, or people will be lying about who they are."  The worker replied "me too, but people like that (inclining his head towards a voter who was telling them they're not allowed to ask) are why we can't."  It pisses me off that we're still getting poll workers trying to push through these GOP voter ID measures, even in places where they've never been in place.

Are you going to report them?  Here there is a hotline, but I just did a quick search and didn't find an equivalent in Illinois (meaning a hotline manned by the State; there are voter protection hotlines provided by the ACLU and numerous other organizations).

Edited by Bastet
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Hah! I knew that link was FALSE. Which one, you ask? Well, on my Facebook feed was an article by bipartisonreport.com, about Drumpf asking that the election should be cancelled and he should be the winner. Then, right below, pure false clickbait about how Tom Hanks "Destroys Hollywood and LIberals by voting for Trump." I sure as fuck didn't click on it, but went to snopes.com, where it was debunked.

Jeebus Cripes.

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41 minutes ago, KerleyQ said:

I live in a suburb of Chicago, and I early voted yesterday.  Thankfully, no long lines here yet.  But, I'm really irritated.  I live in a somewhat Republican leaning area of Illinois (we're mostly a blue state, but there are little pockets of red here and there, and I live in one), and the poll workers there were asking for ID's.  I checked out the website about early voting before I went in, to make sure I was headed to the right location, and it specifically states that you are not required to show ID to early vote.  When called on it, the poll workers kind of hemmed and hawed and came out with "we're just asking to see ID's so it's easier for us to get the proper spelling of everyone's name when we enter them into the system."  Yeah, right.  My doubt was confirmed when I heard another woman there say to one of the workers "well I think you should be asking for everyone's ID, or people will be lying about who they are."  The worker replied "me too, but people like that (inclining his head towards a voter who was telling them they're not allowed to ask) are why we can't."  It pisses me off that we're still getting poll workers trying to push through these GOP voter ID measures, even in places where they've never been in place.  How many times do they need to be told "no" on this topic?  Meanwhile, let's listen to their candidate talk about how the voting is going to be rigged.  The only side trying to rig it is your side, Cheetos.  

I also live in a suburb of Chicago (south) that is heavily red. Lots of Trump signs down here. I was asked for my voter card. I said I didn't have one, but I had ID. She said she'd take that since I offered, but she wasn't allowed to ask for it. Confused, I asked her what would have happened if I'd had neither.  She said you have to have either a voter card or ID.  I'm still having trouble wrapping my head around that. You can't ask for ID, but some form of ID is required?  Makes no sense at all. She mumbled some crap about it being because of the way they have to look people up to early vote, but it smells like bullshit to me.

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I feel happier every time I read that a Hillary supporter has already voted. Thank you all. That weirdness in Chicago should be reported--doesn't sound right at all. 

What nerve these Trumpkins have in whining about fake "rigging" of elections by Democrats when they are colluding (inc. with Roger Stone) to steal it for him themselves--while the head of their cult is embracing support from a foreign government to overthrow OUR democracy on his behalf! You can't fix hypocrisy OR stupidity apparently.

Here's another woman coming forward who's been groped by him: https://www.yahoo.com/news/former-miss-finland-says-donald-trump-grabbed-her-in-2006-210304032.html

It would make me so happy for something so damning to come out that even his most slavish followers HAVE to face the fact that their leader is a great big fat orange liar.  It is so disgusting that he not only lies about himself but defames other people for actually telling the truth. (Oh, and the People magazine writer's story is the most credible of all. And makes him look like an even bigger idiot with his faux-rage about "why she didn't write it and win a Pulitzer." I know he's stupid--and apparently has great contempt for his supporters--but really? As IF he wouldn't have slapped down a lawsuit ASAP for a "he said/she said" inflammatory story like that. (Now that he's described his own M.O. on Access Hollywood, luckily, it's different.)

Loved re: that GMA interview, General McCausland's smackdown of our would-be fuhrer for "not knowing a damn thing about military strategy" : http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/donald-trump-hell-teach-military-expert-couple-things/story?id=43083480 

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1 hour ago, MulletorHater said:

I have quite a few friends in Prince George's County, Maryland who went to the polls today.  They said the lines were long but they felt it was worth making their voices heard.

The stunts that some of Drumpf's supporters keep pulling to suppress the vote and intimidate people are beyond disgusting.  You think they would have learned from what happened in 2012.  The more people are denied something they consider precious, it only makes them more determined.  It's 2016 and we're still fighting this battle!  

Oath Keepers Poll Watching

It's sad (in a pathetic sort of way) that these Oath Keepers are so insulated and paranoid that they think people ride around by the bus load to commit voter fraud.  I mean, really.

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Has anyone asked Trump to name the last year America was actually great? Because I'm probably going to disagree.

As a character in a new time travel drama recently said, "I am Black. There is literally no place in American history that would be awesome for me." 

Or for LGBT, or many women or Native Americans or. . . 

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One of the things so infuriating about Trump's "it's rigged" nonsense is what while it has been well investigated and documented that voter fraud is so rare as to not register, every.single.election shows us that, on the flip side, instances of voter misinformation and intimidation jeopardize and even outright deny people their right to vote.  Stuff like those poll workers asking for ID in a state where that is not a requirement, and far worse, happens, and not infrequently.  That is a legitimate problem each election.  Fraudulent voting?  Not so much.

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Some interesting excerpts from this article:  http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-10-27/inside-the-trump-bunker-with-12-days-to-go



To compensate for this, Trump’s campaign has devised another strategy, which, not surprisingly, is negative. Instead of expanding the electorate, Bannon and his team are trying to shrink it. “We have three major voter suppression operations under way,” says a senior official. They’re aimed at three groups Clinton needs to win overwhelmingly: idealistic white liberals, young women, and African Americans. Trump’s invocation at the debate of Clinton’s WikiLeaks e-mails and support for the Trans-Pacific Partnership was designed to turn off Sanders supporters. The parade of women who say they were sexually assaulted by Bill Clinton and harassed or threatened by Hillary is meant to undermine her appeal to young women. And her 1996 suggestion that some African American males are “super predators” is the basis of a below-the-radar effort to discourage infrequent black voters from showing up at the polls—particularly in Florida.

The Trump team’s effort to discourage young women by rolling out Clinton accusers and drive down black turnout in Miami’s Little Haiti neighborhood with targeted messages about the Clinton Foundation’s controversial operations in Haiti is an odd gambit. Campaigns spend millions on data science to understand their own potential supporters—to whom they’re likely already credible messengers—but here Trump is speaking to his opponent’s. Furthermore, there’s no scientific basis for thinking this ploy will convince these voters to stay home. It could just as easily end up motivating them.

Regardless of whether this works or backfires, setting back GOP efforts to attract women and minorities even further, Trump won’t come away from the presidential election empty-handed. Although his operation lags previous campaigns in many areas (its ground game, television ad buys, money raised from large donors), it’s excelled at one thing: building an audience. Powered by Project Alamo and data supplied by the RNC and Cambridge Analytica, his team is spending $70 million a month, much of it to cultivate a universe of millions of fervent Trump supporters, many of them reached through Facebook. By Election Day, the campaign expects to have captured 12 million to 14 million e-mail addresses and contact information (including credit card numbers) for 2.5 million small-dollar donors, who together will have ponied up almost $275 million. “I wouldn’t have come aboard, even for Trump, if I hadn’t known they were building this massive Facebook and data engine,” says Bannon. “Facebook is what propelled Breitbart to a massive audience. We know its power.”

Since Trump paid to build this audience with his own campaign funds, he alone will own it after Nov. 8 and can deploy it to whatever purpose he chooses. He can sell access to other campaigns or use it as the basis for a 2020 presidential run. It could become the audience for a Trump TV network. As Bannon puts it: “Trump is an entrepreneur.”


I wonder how long it will take for the fans of Cheetos Mussolini to realize that they've been used?

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10 hours ago, atomationage said:


It's pretty irritating that the media is still giving drumpf free publicity, and that we have to hear his words every day.


It's my personal suspicion that CNN is in Trump's pocket and always has been despite his complaints about the "Clinton News Network."

CNN is ALL Trump, ALL Day.  Corey Lewandowski gets more air time than some of the CNN anchors.   Anderson Cooper and the rest dabble in Trump criticism, but it melts away in the heat of the ever-burning Trump spotlight and the near-constant focus on the Wikileaks hacked information.

Maybe I'm naive, but I am flummoxed by how okay the media is with the Wikileaks material.   It has been established that Russia hacked this information in an attempt to influence our national election -- and our own media is happily disseminating it regardless that is intended to help destroy the integrity of our democracy.   If it were ISIS that hacked the emails, would they still disseminate it?  Would that be okay?   To aid a terrorist organization just because the details of the emails whet the public's curiosity?   What's the difference between ISIS and Russia here? 

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40 minutes ago, Bastet said:

One of the things so infuriating about Trump's "it's rigged" nonsense is what while it has been well investigated and documented that voter fraud is so rare as to not register, every.single.election shows us that, on the flip side, instances of voter misinformation and intimidation jeopardize and even outright deny people their right to vote.  Stuff like those poll workers asking for ID in a state where that is not a requirement, and far worse, happens, and not infrequently.  That is a legitimate problem each election.  Fraudulent voting?  Not so much.

Agree. The facts just don't support wide-spread voter fraud  by any means. I live in CA and here you can register to be a permanent mail voter, which is what I am as are most of my friends and colleagues. Many of us travel a lot for business, so it helps with that, along with just generally being quite convenient, other than having to go to the Post Office to mail it to make sure you get the right amount of postage on it. That would be the worst thing that would happen - spend all that time filling in that card, especially with all the Props and Measures that we have - only to have it not reach the right location because of insufficient postage. 

I did have a ballot card not reach me via mail during the specified window for one election once (it was a mid-term and not a Presidential election), but I called the voting office and they sent me a replacement along with a legal statement that I had to sign and return, along with a copy of my license, swearing that I did not receive my original card and, therefore, was not committing any kind of voter fraud. At least they send you a notice in the mail long before the actual mail in ballots are to arrive to ensure that you are aware of the date range in which you should receive it and, that if you do not receive it by a certain date, to call so they can send you a replacement in time.

This year, however, I admit that I am glad that I didn't have to deal with any Poll Watchers or deal with any potential harassment from Trump supporters, though being in Southern CA, which is largely blue and the area I live in is largely blue, I hope that those that do go in person don't have to put up with it either.

Edited by Rapunzel
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1 hour ago, Bastet said:

Are you going to report them?  Here there is a hotline, but I just did a quick search and didn't find an equivalent in Illinois (meaning a hotline manned by the State; there are voter protection hotlines provided by the ACLU and numerous other organizations).

I'm definitely reporting them.  I just need to figure out where to report it.  That's my project for tomorrow - find out where to report them and get it done.  

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2 hours ago, millennium said:

CNN is ALL Trump, ALL Day. Corey Lewandowski gets more air time than some of the CNN anchors. Anderson Cooper and the rest dabble in Trump criticism, but it melts away in the heat of the ever-burning Trump spotlight and the near-constant focus on the Wikileaks hacked information.

I'm not optimistic at all (because ratings are good, thank you and goodbye), but I deeply HOPE that the non-Fox news networks will do some soul-searching about their political coverage after this shitstain of a year.

Is it possible, please, to hire responsible, experienced, journalists who are able to keep their personal views to themselves and who discuss/dissect the candidates and their platforms? Instead of handing over every show to outside commentators? There's a place for pundits and opinion-based political panels, but confine them to their own specific shows. ALL the partisan puppets/surrogates of either major party add nothing AND AREN'T NEWS because they're unable to discuss. They merely spout.

Edited by lordonia
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4 hours ago, Landsnark said:

His new hotel is across the street from that Irish bar and Union Station????  What an asshole.

It's actually up closer to the White House - between 11th and 12th on Pennsylvania. Across from Mr ebk's favorite place for dinner between Saturday shows, Central by Michel Richard.


4 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

I'm in Rockville, and early voting started today, but my meds prevented me from waking up this morning (got the flu), so I'll be forcing myself to go first thing tomorrow==one of the polling places is the Circuit Court in Montgomery County. Haven't read or heard about how long the lines were or if there were any problems. Then again, no voter id needed here, so the process here is pretty seamless.

I'm in Silver Spring and I think, for the first time ever, I'll be voting early.  I have Monday off and can't think of a better way to spend Halloween that voting!   Hope you feel better!!

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4 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

I live in a suburb of Chicago, and I early voted yesterday.  Thankfully, no long lines here yet.  But, I'm really irritated.  I live in a somewhat Republican leaning area of Illinois (we're mostly a blue state, but there are little pockets of red here and there, and I live in one), and the poll workers there were asking for ID's.  I checked out the website about early voting before I went in, to make sure I was headed to the right location, and it specifically states that you are not required to show ID to early vote.  When called on it, the poll workers kind of hemmed and hawed and came out with "we're just asking to see ID's so it's easier for us to get the proper spelling of everyone's name when we enter them into the system."  Yeah, right.  My doubt was confirmed when I heard another woman there say to one of the workers "well I think you should be asking for everyone's ID, or people will be lying about who they are."  The worker replied "me too, but people like that (inclining his head towards a voter who was telling them they're not allowed to ask) are why we can't."  It pisses me off that we're still getting poll workers trying to push through these GOP voter ID measures, even in places where they've never been in place.  How many times do they need to be told "no" on this topic?  Meanwhile, let's listen to their candidate talk about how the voting is going to be rigged.  The only side trying to rig it is your side, Cheetos.  

Where in the suburbs? I grew up in Glen Ellyn and live in Chicago right now. Also, they can't ask for your ID in IL at all. It's against the law. The way they check is to look at your signature on file and how you sign the rolls that day.

3 hours ago, Pixel said:

I also live in a suburb of Chicago (south) that is heavily red. Lots of Drumpf signs down here. I was asked for my voter card. I said I didn't have one, but I had ID. She said she'd take that since I offered, but she wasn't allowed to ask for it. Confused, I asked her what would have happened if I'd had neither.  She said you have to have either a voter card or ID.  I'm still having trouble wrapping my head around that. You can't ask for ID, but some form of ID is required?  Makes no sense at all. She mumbled some crap about it being because of the way they have to look people up to early vote, but it smells like bullshit to me.

It is bullshit and they are doing it on purpose. We can't let them get away with this at all.

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49 minutes ago, maraleia said:

Where in the suburbs? I grew up in Glen Ellyn and live in Chicago right now. Also, they can't ask for your ID in IL at all. It's against the law. The way they check is to look at your signature on file and how you sign the rolls that day.

It is bullshit and they are doing it on purpose. We can't let them get away with this at all.

Also, if anything is out of the ordinary, people should contact the press--CNN (which Trump watches most, btw), a major newspaper, etc. Also Huffington Post wants emails about anything of interest related to the election "The Scoop" --  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/contact/

Great photo--Melania looks and sounds in her GMA interview like a perfect Bond villain. A nice first lady representing Americans and making sure their rights are respected? Not so much....

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Rachel maddow just had a clip on that made me laugh.   Trump, doing an interview in, I think 2014, said "I was the best baseball player in New York when I was young."   The interview goes on, and he says that from an early age, he was always the best player in every sport.    Rachel giggled about it, and so did I, because it is so typical of the way Trump talks about himself.  Not a "pretty good" player, not saying he was on a good team - but the BEST. 

(too bad he was so tragically disabled that he was ineligible for the military draft, huh?)

Edited by backformore
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2 hours ago, millennium said:

The BEST damn 4-F you ever saw.

LOL, excellent!

And I thought my biggest snort today would come from Trump at his Florida rally: "We should just cancel the election and give it to Trump."


Edited by candall
the actual quote is more outlandish than my paraphrase.
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15 hours ago, atomationage said:

Sounds a lot like the guy in The Philippines. 

And if you were standing on the "L" platform on Wabash, the letters really stuck out like a sore thumb. 

I hope several lawyers step forward to defend the Hollywood Blvd vandal.

On the nicknames, for me, it's a tossup between Scumbag Billionaire (Trevor Noah), and Berlusconi Knock-off (Samantha Bee)

I'm responding to your mention of the new Philippine President, President Duterte, because I'm half Filipina (female) through my Dad. During the Filipino election, I saw a number of US media outlets refer to him as "the Filipino Donald Trump".

Edited by BW Manilowe
The Philippine mention was quoted; I missed it.
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21 hours ago, lordonia said:

Why the hell would Trump have a star on the Walk of Fame, anyway? Because of The Apprentice? Naw. Those things are bought and paid for, but his star still seems to violate their own rules:

" ... star candidates have to be famous for at least five years, and have, as Di Bona puts it, “unchallengeable” expertise in what the Chamber deems a core entertainment category—television, movies, radio, live theatre and music. Reality and Internet stars are notably excluded."

"All star applications carry a $30,000 sponsorship fee."

Trump's star is apparently for hosting The Apprentice or The Celebrity Apprentice; he got it in 2007, in the Television category. At that time, people in "reality" television were eligible to be honored by the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

They only enacted the "no reality (or internet) stars" caveat after the Kardashians achieved fame, because they were apparently getting too many requests by Kardashian fans (maybe also Kanye, on Kim's behalf) trying to get Kim, perhaps the other family members as individuals, or perhaps the family as a whole, honored with a star & the people making the requests weren't following the CORRECT process for nominating a celebrity for a star, among other things. The CORRECT procedure for nominating an eligible celebrity for a star is on the Walk of Fame's website (walkoffame.com), for what it's worth. And they also probably enacted the "no reality stars" caveat because they don't want the Kardashians on the Walk of Fame any more than at least those of us interested in pop culture/Hollywood history want them there.

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I know this is a small thing when you look at the mountain of reasons to hate Trump, but I've always been interested in history. So, I have to stop from throwing something at the TV whenever he says, "___ is the best/worst ____ in the history of this country". No, NAFTA wasn't the worst deal ever, Hillary is not the most corrupt politician ever, and the media treatment of him is not the greatest pile on in history.

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