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Donald John Trump: 2016 President-Elect

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1 hour ago, Frost said:

This perspective is really interesting.  Donald's followers don't care if he says ridiculous, outlandish things all the time because they don't care so much about the words, just the emotions.   I don't know if I buy it completely.  I think too many actually believe Donald will build a wall across the entire border with Mexico, Mexico will pay for it, and it will be 100% successful in keeping out illegal immigrants.  I think there are also a lot of Donald supporters who are feeding on the anger and distrust he continuously spouts because they feel disenfranchised or left behind without worrying about the specifics.  Both groups are scary parts of the electorate.  Just in slightly different ways.

I think there's definitely a sizable portion of his supporters who are more about the emotions (anger, frustration, prejudice, disenfranchisement etc.) he gives voice to and amplifies on their behalf, and aren't too concerned with how his plans will work in reality or his lack of knowledge, competency etc.  (I see the rise of Palin last time around in the same way. It was more about what she represented on some level rather than the hollow substance underneath.)  That explains his Teflon like resistance among his base no matter what inexcusable thing he says or does.  Could also be his base actually subscribes to whatever inexcusable thing he says or does, so there's that. ;)  Unfortunately, the racist, misogynist talk does have an audience.  Ugh, still trying to get that image of that women wearing a tshirt inviting Trump to grab her pussy out of my mind.  And the men who told cameras that plenty of women wanted Trump to grab theirs.

1 hour ago, Kromm said:

But there is a part of his base who admire that he bags successive hot trophy wives. That he's sexually aggressive. That he's willing to USE immigrants then crush them under his heel, because that reinforces how much "lesser" they are (to him and his supporters). 

Agreed.  I would venture that one reason he appeals to white males who feel stripped of power in today's more gender equal and globalized society is that Trump has all those alpha male things that they want but can't get anymore.  Riches, women, power, power over women and immigrants. ;)

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On the "have a beer or coffee with scale" how could anyone not think Hillary won? She was poised and confident but not arrogant, obviously knowledgable, and seemed to actually care about her country and making life better for people. Smiling or listening seriously (without smirking or eye rolls--how did she do it?) to Trump, she seemed like someone who would be kind and personable in real life.

Trump scowled and glowered his way through the whole thing--occasionally giving way to a disgusted eye roll or self-satisfied smirk. To me, he came across as more of a bully than ever--including cutting off the moderator and the gratuitous "what a nasty woman!" crack.  Yet his base at today's Ohio rally was thunderous--and he was out there lying to them again like nothing happened.  (He did toy with everyone, briefly promising, "I will accept the results of the election (dramatic pause)....if I win!" 

Andrea looked exhausted on the plane last night. Yet there she was today, hosting her show and fact checking some of Trump's rally this morning (some of the worst lies--about Gore, about Brazile getting the questions, etc. Gotta give it to her. I'm not a fan (normally) but gotta give it to her today. She's turning 70 in a week!

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2 minutes ago, peacheslatour said:

I'm just glad that now that the debates are over, I'll never have to see his hideous, bloated visage or hear his bigoted, hate filled ranting ever again.

I hope and pray that you are correct. And I'm not even the praying type. I won't feel totally comfortable til Nov. 9th (I hope).

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1 hour ago, MulletorHater said:

Oh, and he said he didn't even know "those people."  Isn't that the point though?  He didn't know them but he felt free to let his fingers and tic-tac scented lips doing the roaming?  

I totally believe him that he didn't know the women who were accusing him of inappropriate touching.  He didn't know them, he just saw them, felt entitled, and touched them (or tried to).  Agreed that its the whole point.  He didn't know these women, they didn't know him, other than who he was, he had no right to try and touch them like that, yet he felt he was entitled to do so because he's a sexual preditor. 

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55 minutes ago, NewDigs said:

And he just rolled that line out at his now-happening Ohio rally.

"I will accept the results of the election (pausepausepause) IF I WIN!"

Cue rapturous applause from  the Trump-bots.

And now he's doubling down on when it's okay to contest an election. WIth lots of examples. Wonder how long he can hold the crowd's attention with that.

James Carville said last night that even if Donald throws a temper tantrum when he loses, and while his hard core supporters will think the election was rigged and a big conspiracy, that most of his supporters will accept the loss and move on.  I agree.  Maybe it will help them see that this horrible man is completely anti-democratic and cares more about himself, his ego and his image than them and the country as a whole.  It will probably be too much to expect any self-reflection, with his fans asking themselves why they were drawn to this scary creep.  Perhaps when he starts using them to support his next scheme they'll get a clue.

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10 hours ago, backformore said:

Everything I'm reading - people are OUTRAGED that Trump won't say he'll accept the results of the election.  


If he had stopped at simply saying he won't accept the results, it wouldn't have been as bad.   But he couldn't resist adding, "I'll keep you in suspense."

I think that was the single most selfish, narcissistic thing I have heard this man say yet.   With those five words, he informed the American people that his self-interest supersedes national unity, the basic tenets of our democracy, and the future of every man, woman and family in this country.   It was tantamount to a threat.   Elect me, or else.   He's under the delusion that he's already calling the shots and we all better play according to his rules.

Hopefully we will be able to disabuse him of this notion in 19 days.

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3 minutes ago, Kitty Redstone said:

James Carville said last night that even if Donald throws a temper tantrum when he loses, and while his hard core supporters will think the election was rigged and a big conspiracy, that most of his supporters will accept the loss and move on.  I agree.  Maybe it will help them see that this horrible man is completely anti-democratic and cares more about himself, his ego and his image than them and the country as a whole. 

Carville is wrong and... they won't do that last.

We come to what IMO are the two most common kinds of remaining Trump supporters. The ones who admire him for what he is (domineering and taking whatever he wants), and the ones who see this election as a Holy Mission, a test of their godliness, their piety.  

Are either of those groups going to move?  No. The ones who love his attitude want him to be defiant and a bully, and the ones who see this as a Holy Mission see this all as a test, and the souls of dead "babies" being "murdered" and "sodomites" insulting God by imitating one of their "holy rituals" (marriage, which they want to claim exclusive ownership of). 

I suppose there are exceptions to even those broad strokes, because it's hard to peg any large amorphous group with one or two strokes, but IMO enough people will feel those ways that his "Trump Network" will be ready and waiting to go with all of his outraged base on board already.

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While I think Donald's supporters are completely misguided and wrong, I don't think the majority of them are Hofferian true believers.  This disparate group of people are united by negatives, not positives, and that can only get someone so far.  And when the more normal of them see what a nightmare his hard core fans are, they won't stick around.  The gun-lovers, anti-abortion advocates , and anti-gay rights people, etc., will go back to the standard-bearers that existed before Donald.  Smart Republicans will see the "bigly" opportunities here as well.

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33 minutes ago, Kromm said:

Carville is wrong and... they won't do that last.


I tend to agree with Carville.   Trump's supporters have hitched their wagon to the myth that he's a winner.  If Trump loses the election, that myth implodes.   He'll become a loser overnight.   Sure, he'll try to perpetuate and milk the mob's rage but a loser he'll be, and I suspect that over days and weeks the crowd will drop its placards, put away its t-shirts, and go back to the business of trying to get by everyday, because loyalty to Bonnie Prince Donald doesn't pay the bills.

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11 minutes ago, millennium said:

I tend to agree with Carville.   Trump's supporters have hitched their wagon to the myth that he's a winner.  If Trump loses the election, that myth implodes.   He'll become a loser overnight.   Sure, he'll try to perpetuate and milk the mob's rage but a loser he'll be, and I suspect that over days and weeks the crowd will drop its placards, put away its t-shirts, and go back to the business of trying to get by everyday, because loyalty to Bonnie Prince Donald doesn't pay the bills.

Trump is one of those people though that while on the surface he bellows about "winners and losers" (and that's something he truly does outside of the election according to books people have written), also likes playing the victim (but at the same time not admitting he is).

To me that results in him acting after the election like he's been robbed, but using it to round up every outraged unhappy malcontent out there, every conspiracy theorist, every Tea Partier, every hardcore bible literalist, under one ongoing brand/banner. He'll talk Alex Jones and Breitbart and maybe even people like Sarah Palin into working for this Trump Network thing and leverage his power that way. And I honestly believe those disparate outraged people love being on the outside/playing the victim too. If Trump actually won, most of them wouldn't even know what to do with themselves after that.

Like them, ultimately Trump may even prefer it. Playing the victim and the put upon and wronged one permanently.

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21 minutes ago, millennium said:

I tend to agree with Carville.   Trump's supporters have hitched their wagon to the myth that he's a winner.  If Trump loses the election, that myth implodes.   He'll become a loser overnight.   Sure, he'll try to perpetuate and milk the mob's rage but a loser he'll be, and I suspect that over days and weeks the crowd will drop its placards, put away its t-shirts, and go back to the business of trying to get by everyday, because loyalty to Bonnie Prince Donald doesn't pay the bills.

He never pays his bills. I hope that after this all of his bills come due. The invoice from China alone will bankrupt him (again) and we all know what Putin does when one of his minions displeases him. He better start checking his taco salads for Polonium.

Edited by peacheslatour
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15 minutes ago, Kromm said:

He'll talk Alex Jones and Breitbart and maybe even people like Sarah Palin into working for this Trump Network

IOW, people that even Faux News won't touch.  I predict an eventual power struggle over the Drumpf "empire" between Ivanka and her husband on one side and her brothers on the other.   The sons seem to know that their dad favors Ivanka over them, by their body language after the debate.    Just to make it a soap opera, I predict Melania will side with the sons and something might happen with one of them.   There will be an outraged wife.  I've been recovering from last night by watching the soaps today.   Tiffany will be an outsider, and of course Barron will be with his mum.

Last night, after Hillary walked over to Chris W and then to the audience, Drumpf definitely seemed to be eyeing her nether regions.  He's just a dirty old lech. 

Edited by atomationage
Tiffany is often forgotten, and little Barron too.
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1 hour ago, Hanahope said:

I totally believe him that he didn't know the women who were accusing him of inappropriate touching.  He didn't know them, he just saw them, felt entitled, and touched them (or tried to).  Agreed that its the whole point.  He didn't know these women, they didn't know him, other than who he was, he had no right to try and touch them like that, yet he felt he was entitled to do so because he's a sexual preditor. 

Some of them he didn't know and yet felt entitled to grab or kiss them just as he described doing on the tape. But let's not forget some of them he DID know, like the People magazine writer and Jill Harth (whom he was doing business with) and some others. Also Nancy O'Dell who hasn't denied that Trump put aggressive moves on her, as he told Billy Bush.

Then, yes, there's the woman today who was waiting for a car outside the U.S. Open and Trump walked by, took her arm, touched her breast and said, "Don't you know who I am?" It's so consistent with the overall abuse of power he routinely shows in other parts of his life, too.

Today Don Jr. said that being president "would be a step down" for his father from running his amazing big fat company that we don't get to know any financial details about. So vile, all of them.

ETA: His people will never doubt him. They adore him and think he is the one person they can trust in this terrible, corrupt world. It's a "Trump University"-style swindle of people who are completely unable to perceive that they are--or ever could be--being conned by him, too.

Edited by Padma
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1 hour ago, Padma said:

 (He did toy with everyone, briefly promising, "I will accept the results of the election (dramatic pause)....if I win!"

Which just makes him look and sound like the clueless, nimrodic maroon he is! Because why wouldn't someone who WON not accept the results that state he or she won?

I need to take some Excedrine MIGRAINE.?

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3 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Which just makes him look and sound like the clueless, nimrodic maroon he is! Because why wouldn't someone who WON not accept the results that state he or she won?


And my god, how much more clueless could he be?  I feel like Chris Wallace was practically screaming "SAY YOU'LL ACCEPT THE RESULTS DUMBASS!" when he went through his long winded preamble to asking Trump the question, and even giving him the gimme of "Your running mate and daughter already said they'll accept the results."  That was a gimme of a question and he STILL blew it.

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2 hours ago, MulletorHater said:

Someone joked last night that his tranquilizers wore off 20 minutes into the debate and that his team has yet to master an extended release formula.  Poor thing--NOT.

Maybe they need one of those tranquilizer dart guns the game wardens use.


1 hour ago, madmaverick said:

The more I see of Trump (And boy, have we been subjected to him more than enough this election season!  Need a proper detox after.), the more I can't stand the guy and wonder how people around him can stand him.  Those who live with him, those who work for him.

He must pay them well, or they believe they will be well compensated one day.

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41 minutes ago, Moose135 said:

Maybe they need one of those tranquilizer dart guns the game wardens use.


He must pay them well, or they believe they will be well compensated one day.

That'd be fun. General Flynn could aim a tranquilizing dart at him from the audience at the halfway mark.

I was seriously wondering how he'd make it through the debates. He actually did a little better than I expected, especially because during the Republican primary debates, he continually broke the rule of "no consulting with aides on stage during breaks".  I actually didn't think he'd be capable of lasting 90 minutes on his own. He faded, but still made it through.

I -did- like Chris Wallace's curve ball at the end, "Give us a closing statement".  Of course, that should be easy for two people who've been campaigning for over a year. But--while its getting no attention today--I thought the differences in their answers were stark. Hillary was articulate, asked for voters' support and spoke about her goals for the country. Donald just was negative and angry and focused mostly on how awful she was. I don't know how CW got away with doing that--when,apparently, they didn't want to do closing statements, but I kind of liked it.

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Donald Trump is Conan the Barbarian dressed in an expensive suit.

And the Republic party had better realize that is his goal for them now, not the Democrats. 

ETA It's actually kind of remarkable how much Trump is trolling not just the Republican party, but his own campaign staff with his refusal to state that he will accept the results of the election. From Politico


According to a transcript of his remarks, though, Trump could have gone a different route with his rhetorical jab. “I would like to promise and pledge to all of my voters and supporters, and to all of the people of the United States, that when the results come in on election night, I will accept — without delay or hesitation — the concession speech of Hillary Rodham Clinton,” an alternate version of his transcript sent out to reporters said.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/10/donald-trump-accept-election-230098#ixzz4Nf2aTDoQ 

I wonder if Kellyanne started day drinking when she heard his "If I win." comment.

Edited by xaxat
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2 hours ago, Kitty Redstone said:

While I think Donald's supporters are completely misguided and wrong, I don't think the majority of them are Hofferian true believers.  This disparate group of people are united by negatives, not positives, and that can only get someone so far.  And when the more normal of them see what a nightmare his hard core fans are, they won't stick around.  The gun-lovers, anti-abortion advocates , and anti-gay rights people, etc., will go back to the standard-bearers that existed before Donald.  Smart Republicans will see the "bigly" opportunities here as well.

What concerns me are those people who crawled out from under their rocks because they were emboldened by Drumpf and his racist, anti-Semitic and "outsider" rhetoric.  I mentioned upthread that there is documented evidence that Drumpf was the useful idiot through whom the alt-right and these other fringe groups were able to take their message mainstream.  They were planning to take over the GOP for years, but were waiting for the "right" person to come along.  And, they found him in Drumpf.  Those folks aren't going anywhere.

I think we will see some of the same things we saw during the first Clinton Administration, and it played out quite a bit during the Obama Administration.  The rise of right-wing terrorism (which the GOP studiously avoids talking about) wouldn't surprise me.  I'll never forget how fools like Sean Hannity jumped on deadbeat rancher, Cliven Bundy's, bandwagon and the nearly round-the-clock coverage Bundy and his band of terrorists received on Faux News.  Nor, will I forget the sight of anti-government militia people training their weapons on government officials.  The Jade Helm 16 conspiracy nonsense, as well as other foolery was also startling.  And, there will be talk of succession yet again by the people in certain states because they would rather die than have the "evil Hillary" rule over them.  Oh, and, of course, they'll want "their" country back.

If Trump TV becomes a thing, it will compete with Faux News as a propaganda arm of not only the GOP.  But, Trump TV will allows the alt-right's revolution to be televised.

I sincerely hope I'm wrong.

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Debate topics are no big secret. If you had been paying attention throughout the campaign....
you would've known the "debate questions" ahead of time as well!

Edited by springtime
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Trump's supposedly "walking back" his debate comment that he won't accept the election results. I get that he may have been joking when he said "if I win," but I just heard the long version of his statement at a rally today. 


"Of course I would accept a clear election result, but I would also reserve my right to contest or file a legal challenge in the case of a questionable result. I will follow and abide by all of the rules and traditions of all the candidates who came before me," Trump said. 

He's already stated that the results will be questionable. And notice all the comments from his surrogates and on social media about Al Gore. He's going to use Gore, wrongly, ridiculously since that was completely different and not initiated Gore, who was ahead, as justification for not accepting the results and goading his supporters to protest and perhaps violence. 

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2 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

He never pays his bills. I hope that after this all of his bills come due. The invoice from China alone will bankrupt him (again) and we all know what Putin does when one of his minions displeases him. He better start checking his taco salads for Polonium.

Yeah, and you can hear in his voice how much he despises  'CHINA!'   I have long wondered if part of Trump's decision to run for prez was a mis-guided attempt to have some authority to change laws so he didn't have to pay China.   If you listen to him, he seems to believe that the president of the USA has ultimate power to enact and enforce laws. 

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19 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

Something tells me The Donald would be EXTREMELY pro-choice if he knocked up a mistress and would potentially be on the hook for massive child support.

Well, if Marla Maples had followed though on Drumpf's demands when she was pregnant, Tiffany wouldn't even be here.

Since Marla moved across country to raise their child, Drumpf ended up being nothing more than a monthly check, with two-week annual visits at Mar-a-Lago.

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3 hours ago, random chance said:



Lost my post, but not all the quote boxes.  Sorry.

Homeland Security should shuffle the Threat Level Code.  Threat Level Orange should be the highest, most severe terror level.

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19 minutes ago, MulletorHater said:

What concerns me are those people who crawled out from under their rocks because they were emboldened by Drumpf and his racist, anti-Semitic and "outsider" rhetoric.  I mentioned upthread that there is documented evidence that Drumpf was the useful idiot through whom the alt-right and these other fringe groups were able to take their message mainstream.  They were planning to take over the GOP for years, but were waiting for the "right" person to come along.  And, they found him in Drumpf.  Those folks aren't going anywhere.

I think we will see some of the same things we saw during the first Clinton Administration, and it played out quite a bit during the Obama Administration.  The rise of right-wing terrorism (which the GOP studiously avoids talking about) wouldn't surprise me.  I'll never forget how fools like Sean Hannity jumped on deadbeat rancher, Cliven Bundy's, bandwagon and the nearly round-the-clock coverage Bundy and his band of terrorists received on Faux News.  Nor, will I forget the sight of anti-government militia people training their weapons on government officials.  The Jade Helm 16 conspiracy nonsense, as well as other foolery was also startling.  And, there will be talk of succession yet again by the people in certain states because they would rather die than have the "evil Hillary" rule over them.  Oh, and, of course, they'll want "their" country back.

If Trump TV becomes a thing, it will compete with Faux News as a propaganda arm of not only the GOP.  But, Trump TV will allows the alt-right's revolution to be televised.

I sincerely hope I'm wrong.

I agree, and think right-wing terrorists are indeed a big threat.  These people have been around for a long time and they are nothing if not fanatical and persistent.  But I believe there are enough good people in this country who can and will stand up to their hate and ugliness.

While I think Donald is without a doubt a fascist, he's also a money-grubbing carnival barker.  He can gain supporters who dislike Hillary Clinton, who dislike congressional gridlock, who are distrustful of government and Washington politics, and who are afraid of foreign-born people and disappearing white privilege, but it would be a financial disaster for him to try to get these people to accept Alex Jones, Stormfront, etc. 

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1 hour ago, Padma said:

I -did- like Chris Wallace's curve ball at the end, "Give us a closing statement".  Of course, that should be easy for two people who've been campaigning for over a year. But--while its getting no attention today--I thought the differences in their answers were stark. Hillary was articulate, asked for voters' support and spoke about her goals for the country. Donald just was negative and angry and focused mostly on how awful she was. I don't know how CW got away with doing that--when,apparently, they didn't want to do closing statements, but I kind of liked it.

When they did the closing statements, my brother texted me saying: "It's polish vs poison."  I'd say that was a pretty accurate assessment.  

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"If I win".  Not 'when', Donald? ;)  The guy's just all fun and games, isn't he?  He never took this enterprise seriously from the beginning, and he still doesn't get the ramifications of all he's done and said by the end.  He doesn't listen to good advice, he doesn't care.  He thinks he knows it all.  Arrogant fool.

The way his core supporters continue to cheer at the most obnoxious things he says is still disturbing.  I do not want to hear heckles of 'Hillary for Prison' and 'Lock her up' at her inauguration ceremony. 

Edited by madmaverick
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There's a local Congressional race where the Democrat is running ads against the incumbent Republican connecting him to Trump, and the incumbent Republican is running ads connecting the Democrat to Clinton.  Er, this is California, does he not know Hillary is winning California is a landslide?

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1 minute ago, Moose135 said:

Interesting video comparison from NBC News.  Looks like Michelle Obama isn't the only one Melania borrows from.


Man, they are the ultimate trolls. 

Speaking of trolling, Roger Stone, conspiratorialist and garbage human, has organized the campaign's own "exit polling". I don't believe for one hot second these assholes think the election is "rigged" -- they're using these goon squads to intimidate voters in minority precincts. 

Stone told the Guardian that around 1,300 volunteers from the controversial Citizens for Trump grassroots coalition would conduct exit polling in Cleveland, Detroit, Philadelphia, Las Vegas, Milwaukee, Fort Lauderdale, Charlotte, Richmond and Fayetteville – all locations in pivotal swing states.

Fuck these people back to their basements in hell. 

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2 hours ago, ClareWalks said:

Something tells me The Donald would be EXTREMELY pro-choice if he knocked up a mistress and would potentially be on the hook for massive child support.

I was saying something similar last week. There's nothing that will convince me that Donald Trump hasn't paid for an abortion or 10.

I was at a benefit and the matriarch of one of those very wealthy families that give a lot to republican candidates and causes was there and we started chatting. My mom knew her through a number of boards that they both served on and I knew a couple of her grandkids. The matriarch and I were chatting about me attending law school. The matriarch said we can always use a lawyer for the family in case one of the kids gets into trouble (she lists a very very long list of transgressions, including gets knocked up or knocks someone up). Actually the list was so long that I asked her to stop because I was still friendly with some of her grandkids and didn't need to know that Trip got in trouble for dog fighting (an exaggeration, but there were other reprehensible things listed). So I'm pretty sure that Donald has paid for an abortion due to his own actions, a couple for Jr., and probably some for Erik.

Edited by HunterHunted
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Rajini Vaidyanathan‏@BBCRajiniV

Sheila and Charles in Mesa, Arizona are for #Trump, but cringe at some of the things he says. Wild have loved it if his son Donald Jr ran.


The guy who implied women should quit the workplace if they can't handle harassment?  Oh please, hell no.

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30 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

So I'm pretty sure that Donald has paid for an abortion due to his own actions, a couple for Jr., and probably some for Erik.

The ultimate irony would be if Trump has provided more abortions than Planned Parenthood.

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2 minutes ago, madmaverick said:

The guy who implied women should quit the workplace if they can't handle harassment?  Oh please, hell no.

Then I guess he wouldn't mind my fist in his face or my foot in his crotch. Stupid ass.

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So, the election's rigged and Trump has said he won't accept the outcome of the election (that hasn't happened) if he isn't the winner. What could possibly go wrong?

Jim Moseley is buying extra ammunition and stocking up on canned goods.

He is a Donald Trump supporter in South Carolina, and he is preparing for “war.” The civil war he thinks will start if Hillary Clinton is elected president.

“Once the trucks stop rolling, the grocery shelves will go empty and gasoline rationing will go into effect,” Moseley, who calls himself a “Christian soldier,” wrote in a Facebook message early this week. 

“Liberals will have targets on their backs, as their behaviors are pretty much evident . . . race wars will begin as well, as your skin color will be your uniform!”

The Star first met Moseley, a 59-year-old retired salesman, outside a Christian bookstore during the South Carolina primary in February. He was shopping for an anniversary card featuring a Bible verses. He was friendly and polite.

(bolding mine)

I hope that Jim Moseley is an outlier. 

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49 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

I was saying something similar last week. There's nothing that will convince me that Donald Trump hasn't paid for an abortion or 10.

I honestly keep expecting something like that to leak.

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7 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

People are saying he looks pale and ill: His handlers made him quit with the spray tan.

People were saying he wasn't sniffing and seemed low energy: He was going through withdrawl.

He was tweeting at 5:am: They gave him back his phone and coke.

Yea, he was not sniffing this debate, but he was perspiring & wiping his brow & chin and kept sipping water & fidgeting with the microphone.  

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As a practicing Catholic, I find it disgusting that either Trump or Clinton was invited to sit beside the Cardinal.

Trump's a lying, racist, misogynist satyr and Clinton advocates abortion.  

I normally keep my personal religious views in check when discussing politics, but this time they are at a Catholic function, and I find their presence as guests of honor wrong in so many ways.

Edited by millennium
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8 hours ago, MulletorHater said:

Well, he was doing some sniffling last night and he seemed quite thirsty.

Someone joked last night that his tranquilizers wore off 20 minutes into the debate and that his team has yet to master an extended release formula.  Poor thing--NOT.

His pancake makeup was a poor match and HD television is definitely not his friend.  Meanwhile, Secretary Clinton looked well put together and rosy cheeked.  Plus, she smiled and laughed quite a bit.  She exuded confidence and schooled that petulant titty baby last night.

I thought Hillary looked fabulous last night (I'm close to her age), her hair was shiny and styled great, her make-up gave her a glowy look and the white pantsuit was more flattering than some others she has worn.  She didnt sweat(Like Trump), she looked confident and self-assured.

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1 hour ago, Padma said:

I hope Trump gets roundly panned for that Al Smith dinner speech. (He did get boos--well deserved ones, imo).

Seems like he either didn't know, didn't understand, or didn't CARE about the actual purpose of the dinner.

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