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"The View": Week of 10/10/2016


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Monday: Day of Hot Topics; a special Oprah's favorite things edition of "View Your Deal" with Adam Glassman.

Tuesday: "The View"'s original moderator, Meredith Vieira (documentary, "Tower"). (Yay!)

Wednesday: Hot Topics with Nancy Grace ("Hailey Dean Mysteries"). (Meh)

Thusday: Neil deGrasse Tyson ("Startalk")(Yay again!); Tim Kaine And Wife Anne Holton Sit Down With The Co-Hosts Of ABC's "The View".

Friday: Wendy Williams ("The Wendy Williams Show").

Edited by Jaded
Added: Tim Kaine And Wife Anne Holton
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I loathe Grace, but she could be an interesting guest to have on depending what comes of the debates and Drumpf in the wake of this latest but sadly unsurprising scandal. 

I suggest making sure you turn the volume down no matter what come Monday because the more she tries to spin the louder Jediblahblah gets.  And Monday I expect a loud stream of consciousness that is either "look what's that over there!" or trying to make it sound like she is the biggest critic of the Angry Yam there ever was. 


Nancy Grace. Ugh. Hawking a book series. Well, imho, she must handle fiction better than she handled facts. Well, what she called facts.

This in not only a book series but the latest Hallmark mystery series starring Kellie Martin. I have seen several commercials for it but only recently realized it was from Nancy Grace. The main character is a former prosecutor turned into a highly sought after expert witness. In other words, a real ego trip for Ms. high and mighty!

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 Liked how they addressed Trump's looming moving presence. Complete with big screen looming behind them. Whoopi actually made me laugh. Wow.

They're doing a decent job covering last night's antics, imho.  They've hit more low and highlights in 10 minutes than MSNBC and CNN did in 2 hours. And with less talkover than Morning Joe. Jed even had something sane to contribute.

Ooh. Joy hates hates hates Trump. No holds barred.

  • Love 6

Whoopi is honestly so ignorant its like she doesn't read. Even though Trump was terrible for bringing those woman, they weren't accusing Bill of having an affair, they were accusing him of assault. I am glad Sunny clarified wow. and that was not needed for Joy to call them tramps. Even if they were being used for Political reasons, they are human. 

Pretty good guest list. Was hoping Meredith would be on Friday when Joy is moderating. 

  • Love 1
41 minutes ago, Jaded said:

Whoops acting all offended by Sunny like she insulted her is disgusting. It's like Whoops does this as a feeble attempt to get viewers to be "offended" by Sunny because she feels threatened by her. Seems like this discussion goes on in every weekly thread.

Sunny is the new one to be bullied by the movie star now. But after Sunny's rude and unprofessional behavior the other day she deserves what she gets. You get what you give Miss attorney at law.

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Whoopie is a bitch and Sunny did not deserve that..Whoopie has to understand, that not every Black person is okay, with using the N word...Sunny is not one of them...If there is footage of Donald Trump using the N word, it is a big deal, for a future president to use a racial epithet....I am not surprised at all..I have heard that Donald Trump has an aversion to Black women....

The way that Whoopie went after Sunny was uncalled and it shows that she is a very insecure woman and lashes out, at any perceived threat...Sunny really puts her on the defensive, with her grace, professionalism, intelligence and poise...I cannot stand Whoopie Goldberg, she has to make everything about her, just like Donald Trump..My only beef with Sunny, is that she backed down, to temper Whoopie's rage...She became completely apologetic, for offending Whoopie's sensibilities....Sunny did  nothing wrong, but, express a point of view, that differed from the movie Stah...Whoopie is a vile bitch...

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 19

I thought Sunny's "it's irrelevant" was completely appropriate. Paula was questioning the background of a murder victim whose history had nothing to do with the crime.  Blaming the victim is truly distasteful.  For that reason I also disliked today's conversation regarding Bill Clinton's accusers.  As Whoopi likes to say, we don't know, we weren't there.  The women deserve to be heard at least, but not in the context of Hillary's campaign. I do think it was incredibly hypocritical of Trump to parade them before the cameras.  "He did it first" is not an excuse for your own behavior unless you are 7.

  • Love 20
17 minutes ago, Haleth said:

I thought Sunny's "it's irrelevant" was completely appropriate. Paula was questioning the background of a murder victim whose history had nothing to do with the crime.  Blaming the victim is truly distasteful.  For that reason I also disliked today's conversation regarding Bill Clinton's accusers.  As Whoopi likes to say, we don't know, we weren't there.  The women deserve to be heard at least, but not in the context of Hillary's campaign. I do think it was incredibly hypocritical of Trump to parade them before the cameras.  "He did it first" is not an excuse for your own behavior unless you are 7.

I loved Sunny even more after that exchange with Paula...They always do that with Black victims of police brutality.  They try to dig up dirt on them to paint them as horrible people, to justify their deaths.. It actually plays into some people's fears of Black men...Paula was very insensitive and indecent at that moment, to question the victim's family members, who were in pain, over their loss. There is a time and a place for everything..Sunny was great, in how she shut down, that type of  salacious questioning by Paula..

Edited by Apprentice79
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3 hours ago, rcc said:

I was referring to Paula asking a question and the attorney saying "It's irrelevant." Rude and uncalled for.

I thought Sunny was also inappropriate when she did that to Paula. If they were in Hot Topics and Sunny wanted to criticize her (the next day), I'd cheer, but they are allowed to ask whatever questions they want to during an interview and Sunny doesn't get to dictate who can ask what.

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4 hours ago, Apprentice79 said:

My only beef with Sunny, is that she backed down, to temper Whoopie's rage...She became completely apologetic, for offending Whoopie's sensibilities....Sunny did not nothing wrong, but, express a point of view, that differed from the movie Stah...Whoopie is a vile bitch...

It must be that chair/proximity to Whoopi since that was Nicolle's downfall too.  Change places with Jed, Sunny!

When they do interviews I wonder who writes the questions.  Did Paula the journalist come up with that one or did a producer put it on the blue card for her to ask?

Dang it, I'm going to miss the Kaines and Neil deGrasse Tyson.

Edited by Haleth
  • Love 1
21 minutes ago, Haleth said:

It must be that chair/proximity to Whoopi since that was Nicolle's downfall too. 

When they do interviews I wonder who writes the questions.  Did Paula the journalist come up with that one or did a producer put it on the blue card for her to ask?

Dang it, I'm going to miss the Kaines and Neil deGrasse Tyson.

Did I  Miss something? Kane's and deGrasse ? 

4 hours ago, Blissfool said:


Whoopi, saying "four former sitting presidents" sounds redundant. 

Well I was thinking that there are many, many dead presidents trying desperately to get out of the tombs to yell, "Hell no!"

When Whoopi said she still uses the N word I was embarrassed for her.  If women don't like the C word we certainly don't run around saying it.  Makes no sense to me.

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3 hours ago, backformore said:

today's tiff between Whoopi and Sunny made NO SENSE at all.   Whoopi is not offended by the N-word, Sunny said she is offended by it, Whoopi feels Sunny is trying to disparage her by disagreeing with her.   

Message Whoopi was delivering was DO NOT DISAGEEE WITH ME!!

I cannot bring myself to rewatch it, but here's what I think I heard.  They were talking about the fact that apparently someone has video or audio of Trump using the "n" word.  Whoopi doesn't think that is as bad as the pussy grabbing audio.  Then they got into a pointless argument about the "n" word.  Sunny said she didn't like being told that the "n" word is okay.  Then Whoopi went off on her telling her how to feel and think or something like that.  Then  Sunny said she wasn't doing that (but she kind of was) and so she backed down.  Going to commercial Sunny seemed to be smoothing it over with her.  Whoopi was way OTT, loud and talking over everyone and waving her arms around.  Everyone else stayed out of it.

My problem with this was Whoopi's logic.  She seems to think that everyone agrees that what Trump said about grabbing pussy is completely not okay.  But some people are okay with the "n" word, so that isn't as bad.  Except, Whoopi, there are plenty of people out there defending Trump, saying the locker room banter stuff as a defence and even accusing women in the video/audio of being part of it.   So it just seemed like a senseless comparison to me.  I think what Trump said vile and disgusting, but it's not new, as I believe Joy said.  So if there is a tape of him using the "n" word, it will be bad but his supporters will point to other people using the "n" word.  Instead Whoopi threw a fit and completely messed up the discussion.

4 hours ago, Bmarsh said:

Whoopi is honestly so ignorant its like she doesn't read. Even though Trump was terrible for bringing those woman, they weren't accusing Bill of having an affair, they were accusing him of assault. I am glad Sunny clarified wow. and that was not needed for Joy to call them tramps. Even if they were being used for Political reasons, they are human. 

Yes, Joy was out of line.  Whether those women were victims or not, they shouldn't have been shamed by women who were discussing Trump's disgusting words about another woman.  I felt embarrassed for Joy.  The point they were making was Trump bringing those women to the debate was victimizing Hillary.  It's actually kind of complex, they shouldn't have waded into that one.

  • Love 8
49 minutes ago, jumper sage said:

Well I was thinking that there are many, many dead presidents trying desperately to get out of the tombs to yell, "Hell no!"

When Whoopi said she still uses the N word I was embarrassed for her.  If women don't like the C word we certainly don't run around saying it.  Makes no sense to me.

My bold.  No we don't, but I can help it when "giant C word" hops into my mind when I'm watching Whoopi abuse others.

  • Love 10
34 minutes ago, bannana said:

Yes, Joy was out of line.  Whether those women were victims or not, they shouldn't have been shamed by women who were discussing Trump's disgusting words about another woman.  I felt embarrassed for Joy.  The point they were making was Trump bringing those women to the debate was victimizing Hillary.  It's actually kind of complex, they shouldn't have waded into that one.

I think that Joy was trying to make a joke and it fell flat..Joy has been on edge, since the election started and she is fearful of what a Trump presidency would be like....Trump exploiting those women to embarrass Hilary and Bill was beyond the pale..Given that, he once trashed them, by saying that, they were unattractive. Now, he is sympathetic to their cause..Whatever! 

  • Love 14
38 minutes ago, bannana said:

Then they got into a pointless argument about the "n" word.  Sunny said she didn't like being told that the "n" word is okay.  Then Whoopi went off on her telling her how to feel and think or something like that.  Then  Sunny said she wasn't doing that (but she kind of was) and so she backed down.  Going to commercial Sunny seemed to be smoothing it over with her.  Whoopi was way OTT, loud and talking over everyone and waving her arms around.  Everyone else stayed out of it.

My problem with this was Whoopi's logic.  She seems to think that everyone agrees that what Trump said about grabbing pussy is completely not okay.  But some people are okay with the "n" word, so that isn't as bad.  Except, Whoopi, there are plenty of people out there defending Trump, saying the locker room banter stuff as a defence and even accusing women in the video/audio of being part of it.   So it just seemed like a senseless comparison to me.  I think what Trump said vile and disgusting, but it's not new, as I believe Joy said.  So if there is a tape of him using the "n" word, it will be bad but his supporters will point to other people using the "n" word.  Instead Whoopi threw a fit and completely messed up the discussion.


My bold.  I understood it the other way.  I thought Whoopi was saying that Sunny can't tell HER how she feels and thinks.  I may be wrong ....

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I don't understand why Whoopi got so nasty over Sunny feeling that Trump's use of the N-word is a terrible thing.  Just because Sunny feels that way and Whoopi feels differently doesn't mean that Sunny was belittling Whoopi's opinion or point.  Why did she take it so personally?  It was weird and came out of nowhere.  

I had the feeling I was listening to the tail end of discussion that began in the makeup room and that is why Whoopi's anger seemed disproportionate to what Sunny was saying onstage.  She was already worked up about it.  Joy seemed to also be a part of that prior conversation and she was also questioning Sunny's reasoning, although in a far less nasty way than Whoopi was.  And she certainly wasn't taking Sunny's opinion as a personal affront.  I agree with the other posters here who have said that Whoopi really is starting to appear to have a bit of a chip on her shoulder where Sunny is concerned.  I think Sunny intimidates the hell out of her, lol. 


4 hours ago, Bmarsh said:

... and that was not needed for Joy to call them tramps. Even if they were being used for Political reasons, they are human. 

I think when Joy called those women "tramps" she was making a joke about how Hillary Clinton might phrase an apology to the women in question... "I would like to apologize to those tramps that have slept with my husband"  were words Joy was facetiously suggesting Hillary would use.  Joy was not seriously describing the women as "tramps." 

Did anyone else get the sense that Joy was frustrated with dingbat Sara repeatedly suggesting that there is any doubt about what a cheatin' horndog Bill Clinton has always been or if Hillary Clinton realizes it?  LOL 

It must be so hard to sit there and try to have a discussion about current events with someone who is so ignorant and having to politely school them about how their entire point is non-sensical because it is founded upon a misunderstanding of what is common knowledge to most Americans.  Jeez. Sara is "nice" but she is just dead weight during any serious discussion.  

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22 minutes ago, Medicine Crow said:

My bold.  I understood it the other way.  I thought Whoopi was saying that Sunny can't tell HER how she feels and thinks.  I may be wrong ....

Yes, you are right MC, I worded it poorly originally.  What I meant was Whoopi went off on Sunny because she felt that Sunny was disregarding her feelings or views or something like that.  And Sunny said she wasn't doing that, but she kind of sort of was.  It was such a stupid argument!

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1 hour ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

Can someone tell me where I can watch the show online?  Of course I managed to miss it today.  I only seem to catch the ones devoted to Kardashian updates and people I've never heard of promoting projects I have no interest in. 

Try this:


It looks like full episodes are available.

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3 hours ago, Apprentice79 said:

I think that Joy was trying to make a joke and it fell flat..Joy has been on edge, since the election started and she is fearful of what a Trump presidency would be like....Trump exploiting those women to embarrass Hilary and Bill was beyond the pale..Given that, he once trashed them, by saying that, they were unattractive. Now, he is sympathetic to their cause..Whatever! 

Well, personally, I laughed. I had no problem with the joke itself, it was more that she thought all the women were former lovers, but it was more than that. Whoopi seemed not to know they were more than former lovers either. Sunny tried to explain half-heartedly, but she must've had the wind sucked out of her sails because of batshit Whoopi in the first round of topics.

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Whoopie has mentioned before her use of the "n"word and has caused discussion at the table.  

Trump has already waded in the "n" waters by suggesting Putin has used the word to describe President Obama.  It's an interest statement for him to make since I doubt the Russian language has such a word.  

Ive said this before, I think that if Trump uses the word to discribe the president, his poll numbers will go through the roof, I think a lot of his base is saying it. 

Sunny is getting under Whoopie's skin.  In addition to all the good things we've said about her here, people seem to like and respect her. 

I really like the banter between (kidding) between Sarah, Paula and Joy.  You can see Joy really likes them.

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Whoopi is so damn defensive and rude I am getting tired of watching. She is the highest paid but 3rd worst host (behind Raven and Candace). 

They were having a lighthearted conversation about money making people happy, and saying poor people don't have time to have mental breakdowns and whoopi had to come in and go off about hard she has it I guess. She completely missed the point, of course poor people have mental breakdowns but they don't have the time or money to do it!!!! 

and then she gave sunny a dirty look and tried lecturing her about how sunny was being rude to lonely rich people like wtf is her problem. Sunny and Paula need to be on the same day and take whoopi out. 

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Both Joy and Jed today looked like the make-up people  on the show need a lesson in how to achieve a softer, more subtle look. Especially with Joy, the harsh dark colors don't do her any favors.

And Whoopi's coat looked like what you wear when you're camping and you have to gather firewood.  

But the big question is - did something happen to her hair? Cause her braids/dreads look different, and I swear they are attached to that damn hat.

Edited by backformore
  • Love 5

Sunny was not only right to put Paula on blast for her tasteless treatment of that police brutality victim's family, ITA with Sunny that the victim's past crimes are irrelevant because that's just what they are-past. As far as I'm concerned, the only time that a police brutality victim's criminal record should matter is when they're posing a serious threat to the cop(s) at the time. 

  As for Joy's calling the Clinton accuser's "tramps," while I agree that that was a poor choice of words, I also believe that anyone who accuses any President- past, present or future-of rape had better have much more than innuendo to prove it. What's more, they shouldn't be publicly endorsing someone who not only brags about sexually assaulting women, he jokes about it. These women have a right to be heard, but that doesn't mean I have to believe them. 

Edited by DollEyes
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