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Marriage Boot Camp - General Discussion

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Tanisha is unwatchable. Her husband is very unfortunate looking and yet gets booty on the side. He must talk a good game because boyfriend isn't attractive!

I think they are all big old fakers trying to extend their 15 minutes.

And Gretchen has obviously been told she is like Oprah and then adopted that stupid, stupid line that she repeated. Dear lord. She is the fakest fame whore of all.

I don't know a lot about Trista and Ryan but they seem okay relationship wise. I guess we will see.

This show is a car accident I can't turn away from. Oh the shame!!

Tanisha ruined the first episode for me. Gretchen, too, with her 'white Oprah' nonsense. I'm more interested in Trista and Ryan and why they've decided to do this show. Other than a few appearances on television for Bachelor/Bachelorette related specials and a couple of stories in People, they've been pretty low-key. I think Ryan is still a firefighter in Colorado, too. I hope they are getting paid generously for this nonsense.

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Taneisha was so annoying, I won't be able to keep watching if she's the main focus because she's annoying.


I Can't believe Trista and Ryan did this. They must Need the money. They seem like they're smart enough to know this wouldn't be how to save their marriage if it needs savings but who knows. All these reality "stars" just seem to want to be on tv any way possible. Didn't they just do like a vow renewal show or something?

Not my Trista and Ryan! I mean I watched the very special pink wedding and everything. Oh the humanity....


Tanisha needs to take several seats along with the white Oprah Gretchen. Did she lead with that line with the non black couples? I have no opinion of Jwoww as I have never had the pleasure of Jersey Shore but did I hear Mr. Jwoww utter the phrase "extremely deep vagina"? Umkay.


The Braxton couple seems okay for now but I'll reserve judgement until more episodes have aired. I'm all in.

Taneisha was so annoying, I won't be able to keep watching if she's the main focus because she's annoying.


I Can't believe Trista and Ryan did this. They must Need the money. They seem like they're smart enough to know this wouldn't be how to save their marriage if it needs savings but who knows. All these reality "stars" just seem to want to be on tv any way possible. Didn't they just do like a vow renewal show or something?


Yeah, they did a vow renewal special for ABC. I wonder if it was before or after they filmed Marriage Boot Camp. I have to think they need the money. No one who goes on this show wants legitimate help for their marriage.


So, I watched. Dear sweet baby Jesus, please take Tanisha off my screen. I will never in my life understand how she and the women on Bridezillas manage to get men to marry them, meanwhile, I'm a perfectly anger-managed non-drinking sane single 39-year old female with a non-entertainment-industry-related job. Maybe that's the problem--I need to get into "reality TV". Ha ha. NO.

Gretchen saying she's like the "white Oprah" because she asks so many questions is like me saying I'm like the white Michael Jordan because I wear Hanes men's undershirts.

Never in my days did I think that I would like Jenni and Roger and think they are actually well-suited, decent people.

Edited by bilgistic
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Gretchen is such a fucking idiot! "I'm white Oprah because I'll ask you every question 86 times in a row over and over". If you have to ask a question 86 times you're the worst interviewer in history, you brainless twit! People like Gretchen and Kate Gosselin who are clearly morons but find themselves so adorable annoy me to know end. I'm really tired of her and Slade. He's always been a sleazeball. I'm hoping this is their last turn on my tv screen.

Ryan's haircut? What the hell?

Ok, I'm not a fan of Tanisha, but I wouldn't be upset if she sent off on Gretchen just once. Little miss 'white Oprah' is such an attention seeker. The way she tried to make every fight between Tanisha and Clive about her was unbelievable to me. Like way to make yourself the victim in a situation that has absolutely nothing to do with you!

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I don't think I can watch this show as long as she is allowed to constantly go on like that.  I can't stand people like her on TV or in real life, and I really don't get why he is still with her.  And I mean this seriously, because I've seen things like this happen: I wouldn't be surprised if his hearing loss was at least partly a physical manifestation of his need to tune her out.

I wasn't overly impressed with Ryan trying to intervene in one of the many fights between Clive and Tanisha.  But I understood why he was doing it.


Ryan is a professional fireman.  At least he was when he met Trista and I have no information that says that has changed.  As a public service employee, like police officers, he has probably been trained in defusing domestic situations.  I think he may've been trying to use that training, but failed miserably not because he didn't know what he was doing, but that nothing less than electro-shock therapy would get Tanisha's attention.

Tuned in for Trista and Ryan (for the Right Reasons, AKA hope they can work through their issues) and for Gretchen and Slade (for the Wrong Reasons, AKA snark), but dear lord, that Tanisha. I REALLY hope she and Clive don't continue to dominate 85% of this show or I'm just not going to be able to make it through this. No wonder why only someone with a hearing impairment could be married to her; if I were him, I'd turn off those hearing aids most of the time.

Tanisha needs to STFU already. The stupid, pointless fights that escalate from zero to two hundred, with screaming and death threats...I'm starting to think I'm just too old for that nonsense. When I watch this or Bad Girls Club, I have to wonder: where do these people fit into society in the real world? Do they get the cops called on them if, for instance, the waiter brings the wrong drink? Is the store placed on lockdown if the cashier forgets to ring a discount? Where do they work? What happens if there is conflict there? It's like they are some different species, or from some outside feral culture.

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I can't watch this mess. I've never watched Marriage Boot Camp until this, as I wanted to see what was up with Trista/Ryan and... yes... Gretchen. I remember Gretchen when she was with the nice old guy who was dying. To see what she's become... oh, God, just... no.

I've removed it from my DVR. I can't waste much-needed space on this travesty.

Who is Slade (total porn name) anyway? Is he famous for anything besides RH boyfriend?

And who is Tanisha? Yeah, I guess I'm out of touch with D level celebs.

I think Trista and Ryan totally did this for the money. Much like Larry Birkhead occasionally pops up on tv. They seem just fine ... a few minor problems that everyone has. I think they just sign up for things here and there to add to the kids' college funds or something.

According to a couple interviews she's done she actually found out she was pregnant the same week they left to go film the show.  And they were trying to hide it while on the show since no one in their lives new yet and it was early, but I think they said the other couples did catch on, although I don't know if it will actually be addressed in the show.  They did make sure in the first episode to show her turning down the glass of champagne and Tanisha commenting on JWoWW from the Jersey Shore not drinking.  I guess they were saying she had a "medical condition" and that was why she couldn't drink or go in the hot tub etc.  She also said she was dealing with a lot of morning sickness and was afraid she might get sick during one of the confrontations, which puts what she said in the 3rd episode into perspective and why she's so tired etc.  And wow that was way to long about Jwow's pregnancy haha

This show is really stupid, but yet I keep watching. Not sure what that says about me. 

Anyway, Slades sick sun and his seeming lack of support or caring of Grayson was a frequent topic on Rhoc. They started this wanting a baby talk on that show and it was disgusting knowing that he had this son who is sick and to whom he owes thousands in back child support for. He was supposedly wealthy when Rhoc started and he was dating a different girl then lost his was in 2008 because I think he was a mortgage broker or something. So basically it seems reality tv is his only s source of income and he doesn't seem to be sharing any of it with poor Grayson whom he now wants to use for sympathy. So disgusting!

Finally watched this week's episode.  I thought Roger was very likeable and interesting this episode.  Basically he was saying that Jenni is one person around him but cultivates this persona which he dislikes.  That could be a major issue because I don't think she cares.  I remember that she seemed oddly detached in the JS house.  She's very guarded (despite the peeing behind the bar) and didn't mix up too much with the smooshing and all the other sexual shenanigans going on.


Slade is fake and phony.  I do believe that Gretchen loves him and wants to have kids with him.  I also believe that he is in it for the fame and has no real soul so she should run far and farther.  


Trista and Ryan are fine.  If their biggest issue is that he doesn't say I love you enough then they are going to be alright.


Not sure what to think about the Braxton and her hubby.  Drinking vodka for breakfast is pretty hardcore.


Clive and Tanisha just need to get divorced.  Despite the "breakthrough" with that ridiculously stupid exercise, she will continue to be berate him and he will continue to goad her.  It's the dynamic.  

It was telling when Gretchen was on the slab and Slade fake-cried but didn't reach out to her like the others did.


He doesn't care a whit about her.  Seriously, she should cut her losses and find anyone else to be with.  Slade is less than nothing.  My opinion of him dates back to the early Orange County Housewives days.  He is an opportunist of the worst kind and, given his treatment (or lack of it) of his sick son, Grayson, Slade is a poor excuse of a human being.

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