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S33.E03: Your Job Is Recon

Tara Ariano
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Hannah a. Shut your damned piehole, he said he didn't want to talk RIGHT THEN so that means stop fucking talking and b. Don't open and close your legs like that while you're sitting because it's gross.

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Didn't Jeff say that everyone was going to fall in love with the millennials and want to be just like them?  that's a pretty unlikable group.

Lucy spoke!

Hmm, CeCe seems too obvious.  Going to be nervous for Ken, even if they're idiots to get rid of him.  I can only imagine the uproar if Lucy gets it.  

Edited by LadyChatts
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7 minutes ago, LadyChatts said:

Didn't Jeff say that everyone was going to fall in love with the millennials and want to be just like them?  that's a pretty unlikable group.

Lucy spoke!

Jeff said that? I think he's getting senile! I don't like anyone on that tribe either. 

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2 minutes ago, Straycat80 said:

Jeff said that? I think he's getting senile! I don't like anyone on that tribe either. 

Pretty much.  He said that everyone was not only going to love the millennials, but people would relate somehow to one tribe or the other-and he predicted more people would find themselves relating to the millennials.

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6 minutes ago, Straycat80 said:

Jeff said that? I think he's getting senile! I don't like anyone on that tribe either. 

Do you suppose that his love for the Millennials has to do with wanting to stay forever young?  Someone in another thread pointed out that Survivor has had a generational battle before, albeit not one that was hyped to the skies, in Africa.  Back then, the young, lazy upstarts were...the Gen-X gang!  What did Jeff think of that generation in Africa, I wonder?

Oh, how times change...

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Taylor called Will one of the top people in his alliance, over Michelle? Very interesting. Did Michelle even get a confessional this episode? I don't recall hearing her thoughts on basically saving her four-person alliance.

Happy that CeCe survived the vote. If her strategy in the balance beam portion of the challenge was so terrible, why did we not hear any of her tribemates tell her to step aside?

I can't tell if David is going to make it to the end or be out early merge, as he getting quite a bit of airtime.

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#Blindside!! Probably for the best after last episode, and he kinda came off as Rupert's Uncle with the ego.

Shut up, Hannah. Shut up, Hannah. But most of all, shut the fuck up, Probst. "CECE TAKING FOREVER ON THE BEAM!! YOU CANNOT SPELL 'ULTIMATE FAIL' WITHOUT 'CECE'!!!" "Wait, that's not-" "SHUT UP, I'M BUILDING A NARRATIVE HERE!!!"

Most of these people are still a blur. And there's a Lucy?!? Since when?

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2 minutes ago, mojoween said:

Fuck off Probst I don't care if "millenials" still do that there is no reason to not type out the word you on a full keyboard.  It's not like we're using the number keys any more.  Also vinyl is way dope man.

Yeah, that's my lawn and I want you off it.

I was barely through the first episode before the whole emphasis on the generation gap made me want to break out the hard liquor.  It seems so forced.  Does every thing someone does have to be followed by, "Yeah, that's how we Millennials do things," etc. etc.  I don't walk around in my real life doing things and saying, "Yep, that's how we Gen-Xers do it."  (Okay, occasionally I do, but not fifty times in a forty-five minute time span.)

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1 minute ago, vb68 said:

Hey Paul, great social game there, Bud.

I'm liking Ken more every episode.  And  for the third episode in a row, I always end up thinking,"there's a Lucy?" 

Uh-oh.  I'll bet she winds up winning, because that's what a lot of us thought whenever we thought about Michele last season.

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What is the name of the female Asst. DA on the Gen X tribe?  I like her.  I think she was the mastermind of the blindside.  She had a poker face throughout, but if you looked closely, a sly expression.

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Goodness Hannah what part of "let Zeke have space" don't you get? The man wanted to be left alone to cool off and she just kept talking. I'm glad that Zeke & Adam didn't go all rabid dog on her and just wanted some time to think.

Hannah is setting herself to be the loser of Survivor with the whole "use me" thing.

This whole gen-x/millenial thing is so tired already with the differences between the age groups.

Cece really should have sent her bag off seeing as how 3 gen-x moved passed her, but Paul and the other woman didn't do all that great either.

Good riddance Paul won't miss you at all. 

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1 minute ago, susannot said:

What is the name of the female Asst. DA on the Gen X tribe?  I like her.  I think she was the mastermind of the blindside.  She had a poker face throughout, but if you looked closely, a sly expression.

Jessica.  She was so boring pre show, but I've really liked her since the season started.

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1 minute ago, susannot said:

What is the name of the female Asst. DA on the Gen X tribe?  I like her.  I think she was the mastermind of the blindside.  She had a poker face throughout, but if you looked closely, a sly expression.

That would be Jessica. I'm liking her more than I expected to pre-season. She seems pretty good at answering questions at tribal as well.

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To paraphrase Adam:  

"Who was most responsible for saving Figgy last night?  It was Michelle and then Jay. Figgy sucks at Survivor. We need to vote her or Taylor out as soon as possible though


They still don't see the biggest threat on that tribe.

Atleast we got to hear Lucy's voice this episode. Poor Paul though.  Yeah great strategy telling the women in your alliance that you are on your own if I decide to go with the bros.

Oh and Ken is the other threat, like Michelle, that nobody sees coming.

Edited by LanceM
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I kind of like Ken but don't understand why he isn't part of the alpha male alliance. It's strange to see a good looking guy outside of the alphas. Had he done something to annoy the top 6?  

Dave kind of cracks me up. The blindside was well done. Paul is 52?  (Is that what he said?). Sheesh, he looks 10 years older than that.  Must be that harsh FL Keys sun.

The Millennials are all worthless. 

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That was a good blindside. I think it's funny that Paul had no clue what he said that was wrong. I get that sometimes people let things slip out or say things they shouldn't, but usually people realize they made a mistake.

My favorite quote was Michaela talking about the Gen-Xers not letting them have fishing gear. "If they were our parents, they would have let us have it." Well, of course. That's why they thought they could ask.

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Ha Ha Paul! 


Didn't Jeff say that everyone was going to fall in love with the millennials and want to be just like them?  that's a pretty unlikable group.

I don't want to be like any of them, Gen-X or Millennial. They are fine people, but I don't need to be like any of them. 

I kind of like Chris. He's got a Viking look to him.

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Now that was satisfying. Goodbye Paul, you oversized windbag. And the look on his two bros faces was priceless. What...the "girls" made a move? But, women are so dumb...how could they do that?

Could not have made your contempt for the women on your tribe more obvious, Paul. And your two sidekicks are just as dumb.

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Was it Michaela that made the comment that 'our parents would have voted to give us the fishing gear if they were here'?  Uh, no, your parents would have been just as competitive as these Gen Xers.  You aren't starving, and you can get up and go find some food.  Way to build on the millennial stereotypes. 


CeeCe needed to give that bag to someone else, this is not the first time she has slowed them down in a challenge needlessly.

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 Paul is 52?  (Is that what he said?). Sheesh, he looks 10 years older than that.  Must be that harsh FL Keys sun.

Yeah that was my thought everytime I saw him.  I'm a Gen-Xer and he looked more like my dad.

Edited by vb68
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Michaelah  was just a blur in that challenge.  Awesome.  I liked her a lot this week.

So glad it was Paul and not Ken.  All that bragging about being a rock star, master fisherman, leader of men.  Ugh.  The best was right before tribal when someone asked him if the girls were okay and he gives that smug little nod and smile like, "Yeah, sure. I told them how to vote."

I really like Jessica of the pink eye.  Very calm and wise.

Hannah was unbelievably obtuse with Zeke begging her to give him time and her saying over and over, I just want to be sure you don't think I'm the worst person in the world. I wanted Zeke to say no, but you're the front runner for most annoying person in the world.

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The only reason I can see the other guys giving Ken the cold shoulder is that they either feel threatened by him in taking control and being a provider, or he just doesn't want to do the bro thing, but they don't want to include any of the ladies or David long term.

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At the end of the balance beam part, Chris went over with a bag, and Paul was standing alone with a bag.  Next shot is Paul going over with no bag, and then Chris going again with a bag.  So all those on the tribe giving CeCe grief can get bent.  They could have saved time if Chris didn't have to go a second time.

Also Gen X's puzzle was nowhere NEAR done. It really wasn't that close.

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4 minutes ago, mojoween said:

At the end of the balance beam part, Chris went over with a bag, and Paul was standing alone with a bag.  Next shot is Paul going over with no bag, and then Chris going again with a bag.  So all those on the tribe giving CeCe grief can get bent.  They could have saved time if Chris didn't have to go a second time.

Also Gen X's puzzle was nowhere NEAR done. It really wasn't that close.

It really wasn't, for all Jeff tried to create some tension there.

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Sweet Christmas, Hannah shut up! She is still one of the people that I like but omg please be quiet. Adam and Zeke were being totally reasonable and she just kept going on and on. Very happy in the way Zeke and Adam handled being blindsided. Still love Zeke. Taylor is super annoying and cocky for getting his girlfriends ass saved last week by someone else. He didn't have anything to do with Mari's outster that was Michelle and to a lesser extent Jay and even Figgy (for the talk she had with Michelea).

I never understand people who brag about being good at something on Survivor, it very rarely works. Example Paul, going on about being a good fisher..... ummmm how bout you actually catch something first. I would never volunteer or bring up something I'm "good" at until I actually produced results. Gen-X will be interesting now.

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32 minutes ago, ShadowSixx said:

Hannah is setting herself to be the loser of Survivor with the whole "use me" thing.

I still think David, he of the unprompted "I'll turn on my tribe in a second!" has loser of Survivor written all over him, as his goal is clearly to be Cochran-from-his-first-season. "You guys are so much cooler than my tribe!" guys never win, as far as I can recall.

I like Ken, but when he was talking about Paul, it sounded like he said Paul was "incontinpent." Which sounds like a cross between "incompetent" and "incontinent." Which is not an image I want to associate with Paul.

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So I am the oddball who is not all gushing for Ken. I think he's kind of an odd duck and moody...so not my type (but I like him as a player on Survivor). I think he didn't get in on the bro fest because he doesn't mesh and even seems to have contempt for the other fellas. 

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