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All Episodes Talk: Orange is the New Yuck!


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Just now, ByaNose said:

The worst part of TODAY Baby Thon is that we will have it all over again with Jenna. This will be Jenna's 3rd kid but it will seem like the first one for the TODAY host.

 In the eyes of the show, nothing will ever top Hoda becoming a mom. They love the whole story—cancer, older mom, adoption. At least Jenna gets real sometimes about the crappy parts of being a parent. With hoda every day is magical and perfect with her kids!

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In the eyes of the show, nothing will ever top Hoda becoming a mom. They love the whole story—cancer, older mom, adoption.

I think it's a good story that probably resonates with their target audience.  The show most likely would have closely followed Dylan's journey with IVF and fertility treatments if she hadn't gotten pregnant unexpectedly.  I can take or leave them, but I think viewers like sob stories and people overcoming adversity, talk and reality shows wouldn't feature them so much if those kind of narratives failed to click with audiences.

26 minutes ago, junemeatcleaver said:

I think it's a good story that probably resonates with their target audience.  The show most likely would have closely followed Dylan's journey with IVF and fertility treatments if she hadn't gotten pregnant unexpectedly.  I can take or leave them, but I think viewers like sob stories and people overcoming adversity, talk and reality shows wouldn't feature them so much if those kind of narratives failed to click with audiences.

 But the thing is we’ve all already heard hodas story about a hundred times already. I am tired of it. 

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58 minutes ago, Bronzedog said:

Today's opening of the 'Hoda  Loves Hoda' hour was the most puke inducing thing I've ever seen.  Hoda allegedly face timing Haile, telling her that "mommy has to go start the show."  Gag.  I'm not sure she can get much more unlikeable.

Wait a minute. Hoda’s a mom? I didn’t know that. She never talks about it. 

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8 hours ago, OpalNightstream said:

Wait a minute. Hoda’s a mom? I didn’t know that. She never talks about it. 

You know Hoda.  She’s so humble she probably didn’t want to draw attention to herself.  She was probably also concerned that the producers would think she’d want to take an extraordinarily long maternity leave.

  • LOL 8
10 hours ago, OnTime said:

I don't really mind Maria Shriver but too much of her is too much. She is ok in small doses.

It was unbearable with her and her daughter together.

Ugh! The daughter. The daughter who grew up rich, went to college, didn’t have to work to pay loans off, wrote a book titled, “I Just Graduated . . . Now What?” and, then married rich actor Chris Pratt and still doesn’t really work because she’s a quasi Kennedy and married to an actor. That said, I’m not bitter at all. 

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In today's installment of "How Has Hoda Been So Successful?" an assistant is explaining a phone app that shows how much time you spend on your phone. The woman says her phone shows she's spent over 40 hours and brain trust Hoda says, "Okay.  A whole day."  Yes, Hoda.  In moron land, days are now 40 hours long.

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2 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

In today's installment of "How Has Hoda Been So Successful?" an assistant is explaining a phone app that shows how much time you spend on your phone. The woman says her phone shows she's spent over 40 hours and brain trust Hoda says, "Okay.  A whole day."  Yes, Hoda.  In moron land, days are now 40 hours long.

Well see, in her world she did take a three month maternity leave:)

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14 hours ago, ByaNose said:

Ugh! The daughter. The daughter who grew up rich, went to college, didn’t have to work to pay loans off, wrote a book titled, “I Just Graduated . . . Now What?” and, then married rich actor Chris Pratt and still doesn’t really work because she’s a quasi Kennedy and married to an actor. That said, I’m not bitter at all. 

Well, according to the good folks over at the Daily Mail, her Now What? involves making daily coffee runs, going to the gym and shopping.  The sight featured endless photos of her doing this daily all summer for some inexplicable reason.  I guess because she had just become Mrs. Chris Pratt?  Because otherwise, who the hell cares?  How ever did she find the time to write a book?  🙄

Edited by Cementhead
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14 hours ago, ByaNose said:

Ugh! The daughter. The daughter who grew up rich, went to college, didn’t have to work to pay loans off, wrote a book titled, “I Just Graduated . . . Now What?” and, then married rich actor Chris Pratt and still doesn’t really work because she’s a quasi Kennedy and married to an actor.

The only thing worse than Maria was Maria and her daughter.  Ugh.  So pretentious.  I will take all Hoda's dumb mom stories over these two asshats.

  • LOL 1
46 minutes ago, Bronzedog said:

Does Carson get 5 months of paternity leave?

Probably if he wants it.

Just about anyone who works for a company with more than 1000 employees can wrangle whatever time they want for family leave.  You won't get paid for the whole time off.  You probably will have to pay for your own health benefits/coverage. And you may end up having a different job when your leave has concluded.

Most folks cannot swing all those conditions.  But if you have earned a few million dollars per year for a decade or two, it's not all that unrealistic.

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2 hours ago, Pickles said:

Savannah was getting all choked up talking about her buddy Matt and the rape allegations. I was halfway expecting her (and Hoda) to end the segment professing their love for their friend Matt. 

I know KLG & Hoda were still in contact with Matt after he was fired. I doubt they were as friendly to the victim. The stars have to stick together. I highly doubt none of them knew nothing going on with Matt. They just chose to look the other way and be apart of the "in crowd".

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47 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

I highly doubt none of them knew nothing going on with Matt. They just chose to look the other way and be apart of the "in crowd".

It's the same with Gayle on the CBS morning show, she still talks about how she's still friends with Charlie Rose.  And I don't know why Meredith Vieira is being lauded as a hero, she said she speaks or texts with Matt all the time in a recent interview with People promoting her new game show.

I really think the on air talent closely connected with Matt should be let go, starting with those two who looked like they were close to sobbing this morning.  Hoda, Savannah, Al, they should all go.  Stop inviting Meredith to guest host as well.  Keep Craig, Sheinelle and Dylan and build the show up again from there.  I'll probably keep watching, so I'm part of the problem, too, but still.

Has anyone heard or read his statement?  It's practically novel length.  Good God.

Edited by junemeatcleaver
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Matt had a lot of influence. Matt was supportive of Savannah and Meredith. I don't see either one of them going to the suits at NBC to make a report. Meredith did what was appropriate by telling Brooke to go to HR. I would have done the same. 

Many people knew of Matt's infidelities. They most likely thought that this was just another indiscretion. It puts coworkers in an awkward position when it is happening on the job. No one has offered if they were friendly with Brooke, either then or now. 

NBC now has a policy in place to discipline employees who keep this information quiet. I don't think there was a massive cover-up. I think employees just wanted to stay out of it and keep their jobs. 

The pearl-clutching this morning was a bit too much. Yes, this information is disturbing but we didn't need to hear all of the comments expressing disbelief about Matt's behavior or sympathy for the victim. It is old news but just now with more details. 

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I saw the Instagram photo of  Hoda and Savannah all upset about Matt . I am sure he is a sleaze and did assault women .  I have to say that the woman mentioned in the latest story confused me . He raped her during their first encounter so she kept seeing him and going to his apartment and dressing room to have an extramarital affair . I am sure If Savannah used her skills as a lawyer to talk about the story objectively she’f be raked over the coals .

I think Matt did assault women and I am glad he is gone for many reasons . He was a creep to Ann Curry along with the other good old boys group , but I think this story is weird .  I also think that Today now has to make us know that they are “family”, and we have to hear about pregnancy and babies constantly because  they need to convince women that they were not enabling jerks who enabled a jerk and fired women if he didn’t like them !

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1 hour ago, goldenpuppy said:

He raped her during their first encounter so she kept seeing him and going to his apartment and dressing room to have an extramarital affair

It reminds me of the situation that happened with our former governor here in Missouri and his alleged victim.  He assaulted her and she continued to see him.  It seems like these types of situations aren't uncommon.

I still can't get over how long Lauer's statement was.  It was as long as a damn New Yorker article.

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I do agree that the reason they are OTT with the baby stuff is because they want to portray that they are a happy family. I'm sure they knew all about Matt's affairs and looked the other way. They thought it wasn't their business but still were friends with him. I'm just amazed that they can all deny that none of them knew any of this was going on. All of these morning shows (and, tv in general) are thick as thieves. It happens in the real world too but they are different because they are selling something to the public that's isn't real.

Edited by ByaNose
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I’ve figured out I think Hodas  incessant laughter is a nervous reaction when she doesn’t know what else to say/do. I feel bad for her coworkers. I know someone irl who does it and it makes everyone really uncomfortable in her presence. This, however, is tv and someone should be telling her how annoying it is for everyone. She’s a 54 year old woman, not a middle school girl! 

Edited by OpalNightstream
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1 hour ago, seasons said:

Woo hoo! 

did you know that hoda's book is out today???


That "book" is such a crock of s&$*. It sounds like the second author just went to Hoda's Instagram and plucked all the vapid fodder she had posted from there and put it into a book. I can't believe people would want to buy that crap. 

1 hour ago, OpalNightstream said:

Why are they celebrating Craig’s wedding anniversary?? Who cares!

It's too much! It's like they're going way overboard to show these people as loyal spouses and family people. I don't care about their personal lives as long as they're not out there raping people or doing other illegal things. Spare us. 

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3 hours ago, GoGamecox said:

That "book" is such a crock of s&$*. It sounds like the second author just went to Hoda's Instagram and plucked all the vapid fodder she had posted from there and put it into a book. I can't believe people would want to buy that crap. 

But you (we) know it's going to be a best seller.  🙄

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So, a Hoda has a co-author for a book that is a compilation of other people’s quotes ?  Translation- Hoda did nothing but pick out some corny quotes she finds on the Internet , and the other author did all of the work .

Hoda posted a picture of Haley with purple glasses at some Sesame Street event.  Were the nannies too busy to take care of Haley  ? Her hair looked like it hadn't been brushed and she just looks messy .  I don’t get why Hoda can’t wipe her kid’s runny nose or comb her hair before taking her out or putting her picture online . 

Haley also sadly has the same annoying smile that Hoda has !  She has learned to show her teeth in the same fake expression that Hoda has ! 

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Rowan Farrow's book was an eye opener for me. I prefer the Today Show over the other morning shows but now I feel so dirty after watching it. Matt Lauer and his crimes are mentioned towards the end of the book. The real disgrace is that Rowan Farrow had the goods on Harvey Weinstein and NBC refused to report it! It is disgusting how these men covered for each other. All of them are part of the Good Ol' Boys Club. 

Rowan Farrow will never get another gig at NBC.

Having said all that, I don't understand why any woman would agree to meet a man in his hotel room to discuss business or their career. Harvey Weinstein isn't staying at the Motel 6. He is staying at a 5-star hotel that has a lobby and restaurants, etc. There are plenty of places to meet without ever going to his room. 

I don't want to hear any more stories about Matt Lauer on the Today Show. If NBC did not know about Matt's behavior it is because they did not want to know. Matt made a lot of money for NBC and they wanted him on air for as long as possible. NBC was complicit. 

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So, a Hoda has a co-author for a book that is a compilation of other people’s quotes ?  Translation- Hoda did nothing but pick out some corny quotes she finds on the Internet , and the other author did all of the work .

Those dumb affirmation and inspiration quotes are insanely popular, it's easy money for Hoda and her publishers.


It's too much! It's like they're going way overboard to show these people as loyal spouses and family people.

Up next Dylan's husband surprises her with flowers before she goes on maternity leave!  Carson and Siri Daly coo over their sonogram pictures!  Willie and Christina Geist talk about falling for each other in middle school again!  It's all so transparent.

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11 minutes ago, Axie said:

Poor Andy Cohen!  Apparently he can't afford shampoo or food since he's still dirty and has been talking through a mouthful of food for most of the show.

Andy Cohen is one of The reasons we have trash tv (real housewives) so they figured he’d be a good fit for a morning show that used to be respected and deliver real news? The only purpose he is serving on this show is making Hoda laugh at every little thing he says. He could say “it’s cold outside” and hoda will start her side splitting laughter because she’s just so fun!

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4 hours ago, Axie said:

Poor Andy Cohen!  Apparently he can't afford shampoo or food since he's still dirty and has been talking through a mouthful of food for most of the show.

A little of Andy Cohen is all I can take!  I could not believe they had him on during the 8am hour, filling in for Carson, I guess?  Gads, No....its enough to see him at 10am!

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The only time I ever willingly subjected myself to Andy Cohen was the first year he co-hosted the New Year's Eve special with Anderson Cooper.  I lasted about 10 minutes.  And questioned the taste and sanity of the American public that made this guy so rich and famous.  And also side-eyed Anderson and wondered just how someone I like so much could be friends with such a giant ass. 

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10 hours ago, OpalNightstream said:

So that Charlie and Hailey meet Elmo segment was entirely too long. Why did they think we wanted/needed to see that?

I thought it was cute that kids were waving and trying to get Muppets attention. They are so innocent. I’m 55 and I watched them on PBS all the time. I’ll give Today a pass on this one. That said, I didn’t realize Hailey was one of the kids. She got so big and was wearing glasses I didn’t recognize her from the pictures had posted. Time sure flies.

Also, we had St Maria Shriver on again today (all week) and, Hoda hangs on her every word. I think it’s sort like of having KLG with her. She’s friendly with Jenna but she isn’t friends with her outside the show. I know Jenna & Savanah are bff though. 

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Lets pass the Joker's Law aka the Hoda Law.  This law will forbid the Joker from doing the following:

  • Being in any segment that has dogs like today, I wanted to throw up when I saw holding that dear rescue dog knowing that she gave away or made Blake disappear how dare she ask someone to adopt when she can not keep Blake or at least at know
  • Act like she knows whats it like to be an overworked person, mom etc when she has all the resources to not be tired.  Lets face it those kids are photo ops so she can have more attention
  • Say I love you I love you to each person she interviews I want to throw up
  • Has Andy Cohen on with her for anything although we know why she loooves him because they both are media hog think they are funny and oh so popular with the everyday folks.  If I had a dime for everytime someones says I love you Andy I love you Joker ooops Hoda what are they doing to say I hate you Andy I hate you Hoda the person would never get on air or print
  • Forbid her from fake - that would mean she would not be on TV!!!!!!!!!

Anyone want to add things to this law and does anyone want to pass it!

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28 minutes ago, 1SimonMom said:

Lets pass the Joker's Law aka the Hoda Law.  This law will forbid the Joker from doing the following:

  • Being in any segment that has dogs like today, I wanted to throw up when I saw holding that dear rescue dog knowing that she gave away or made Blake disappear how dare she ask someone to adopt when she can not keep Blake or at least at know
  • Act like she knows whats it like to be an overworked person, mom etc when she has all the resources to not be tired.  Lets face it those kids are photo ops so she can have more attention
  • Say I love you I love you to each person she interviews I want to throw up
  • Has Andy Cohen on with her for anything although we know why she loooves him because they both are media hog think they are funny and oh so popular with the everyday folks.  If I had a dime for everytime someones says I love you Andy I love you Joker ooops Hoda what are they doing to say I hate you Andy I hate you Hoda the person would never get on air or print
  • Forbid her from fake - that would mean she would not be on TV!!!!!!!!!

Anyone want to add things to this law and does anyone want to pass it!

Yes to all of this. Can I add:

singing and dancing like a foolish old woman trying to act like she’s in college. 

ass kissing JLo. 

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