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S02.E08: All Stars Supergroup

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After last week's episode, I had a prediction about the finale, and those 8 minutes just reinforced it for me - I think Katya's taking this thing home. For most of the season, I thought the winner's narrative would be "Alaska, who lost out before, storms the competition and gets the crown",  but now I think the narrative is "Katya, always in second place, overcomes her anxiety and comes in number one when it counts - the final". 

That is all spoiler free prediction, but between last week and those 8 minutes, Alaska would be getting a hell of a bad edit for a winner. 

but now I think the narrative is "Katya, always in second place, overcomes her anxiety and comes in number one when it counts - the final".

Yeah, I think that's likely. I think Alaska's outperformed Katya in the actual challenges, but Katya's wittier and isn't melting down. There's time for Alaska to pull it together and have a redemption, but Lenin in the streets/Dostoyevsky in the sheets is going to be pretty hard to top.

I felt bad for Detox in the sneak peek, too. It seemed like she wanted to enjoy the moment of being with her friends, and Alaska flipped out over it. I'll be really curious in Alaska's interviews what she says about WHY she wants this so badly. She's got a great career and a great fanbase. Why does she see the crown as so important?

I thought today was Thursday, and I was going to watch last week's and this week's episodes tonight. I was traveling and missed last week, although I read the comments here. And then I realized I have to wait another day. I even got queso...which I ate half of anyway.

I did watch the preview above, and I'm not sure what to expect. I did find Roxxy's quote while filling an uncomfortable moment with "...I'm...lost..." very endearing. It's at about 8:28, between others vying to justify their place on the show. She followed it with a very understandable grimace, too. I hate tension too, so I understand.

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Well, congratulations to Alaska, but I saw this ending coming from outer space.  I would have loved to see Katya pull it out, but other than season 7 I've never been surprised by who RuPaul picks - it's usually the obvious favorite.  And Roxxxy, what can we say, except "get off the stage, this was WAY overdue."

Odd that they didn't use a RuPaul song for the final lip sync - and I have to say, I prefer something a little more high energy than something slow and soulful from Gladys Knight for the final lip sync.

Edited by DasFlavorPup
  • Love 6


All is right with the world of Ru. FINALLY!! I feel like I've been waiting for this since S5...

I never got Katya before this season. I have to say I "get" her now. And I adore her. Though I usually hate her runway (ducks rotten tomatoes). Hated Alaska's blue look btw.

Detox got MUCH better and matured.

Roxxxy- in over her head.

Edited by Granimal
  • Love 4

What a bunch of rigged, fake bullshit!  Fuck this!  Katya won the fan vote by 150,000, but every one of the ballots were flushed down the toilet...it feels like november 8th already.  What a waste of a season, all just to hand Alaska a title.  Imagine the creative possibilities of advancing queens outside of Sharon's inner circle?  Katya slayed this challenge, this season, Alaska was just fucking obnoxious, and never more so in this episode with her stupid leotard reading 'anus' and her blue/black performance look, her smeared makeup.  Maybe give it a rest for five minutes?  Where is michelle to ask 'who is the real alaska' beyond the overdone shtick?  If I never hear her fucking voice again, I'll be glad. 

I can't beleive Katya was fucked over a second time.  And not only her, but also my girl Tattiana, who deserved to be in the final 3 at least, and all the queens who were left out so that rolaskatox could avenge Jinx for season 5.  No way I'm tuning in for the reunion next week. 

If you already decided the winner before the show is even taped, please just make it a one-hour special and crown that queen, don't drag us along for 8 weeks of bullshit. 

Edited by Glade
  • Love 19

I'm sad. That was probably the least I've been into a finale in a long time. The pacing was off; it felt rushed and disjointed. The Alaska redemption was perfunctory, inauthentic, and tacked on. The editing this season has been phenomenal in a lot of ways, as far as giving us good drama at least, but they should have either axed the "Alaska has a nervous break that couldn't be any less endearing if it tried" footage, or beefed up the vulnerability and remorse in the aftermath. It was off-balance and weird.

I know by the time S9 rolls around I'll be ravenous for it and forget about how much this season lost me, but tonight it really did. The queen voting twist wasn't great, scrapping lip sync for your life was a big mistake imo, and the judging on the whole kind of turned into an ass-kissing fest of the judges' favorites. It's pretty crazy to look back and see how hard Michelle came swinging for Adore in the first episode, and then see Alaska basically evade every single classic critique: she showed no vulnerability, most of her runway looks were the exact same silhouette, all of her lip syncs used shtick and props as a crutch and she never captured any of the songs' emotions. Go ahead and crown her, but liven up the proceedings by challenging her to push further, and leave us as the viewers in more suspense.

Being pragmatic, I'm okay with Alaska's win - I don't like it, and I don't like her anymore, but it was admittedly earned - but it wasn't just Alaska that appeared to lose her spark this season; the show did too. I feel like they need to back to showing the process of drag more, with longer workroom scenes and tracking the ups and downs of the queens prepping for the challenges, as well as bringing back the damn design challenges. And I need judging that makes sense again! This was maybe the first season where I felt more weeks than not that they got it wrong. 

Blergh. On the plus side, Detox won me over. I'm a Willam fangirl and therefore wasn't too into Detox after the DWV breakup, and I wasn't a fan of hers in S5. But I think she turned out consistently stunning looks, all of which fit her aesthetic but were very different from each other (ahem, Alaska). 

  • Love 10
54 minutes ago, kieyra said:

To quote Hamilton:

No! Booooo. 

(I didn't realize how bad I wanted Katya to win until I got my hopes up and then it was snatched away from me, especially after Alaska's 'tude this season.)

Ugh, that. Two weeks ago, you could have told me Alaska was winning the season and I would have said of course she is. But man, I really had a moment of hope there -- especially with Katya's affect in the THs!

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I am thrilled Alaska won. Any other outcome wouldn't have felt fair to me. Overall, I feel she definitely did the best. Many of her performances were top-notch in my opinion. Week to week, I looked forward to see what she would produce. I also think she has stepped up her drag ten-fold since Season 5. She always looked extremely polished and a few of her looks had me gagging. She's come a long way from the somewhat ratchet style of yore.

I actually really enjoyed this season a lot. Even though Alaska was picked as the front-runner from the beginning, I don't think it was fixed. She really and truly went out there focused and earned it. And it wasn't a slam dunk either. Starting last week, many people thought Katya would be the one crowned.

Speaking of Katya, she is obviously the people's choice. She also won by being her lovable self and increasing her popularity. I think she is very intelligent and funny and had some good moments. I just think overall she is not at the same level. But people wanted her to win to the degree that it almost doesn't matter that she didn't. 

Detox also impressed me immensely. For whatever reason she did not live up to her potential in Season 5, and she has now remedied that. Her runways were consistently sickening and I enjoyed many of her performances quite a bit. She has so much to be proud of here.

And Roxxxy. Well bitch can slay a runway like few out there. She was out of her league in the finale, but it wasn't her fault.

It was also so great to see Tatianna have a strong showing and gain a whole new audience. She has mad skills and I'm excited to see her reap the rewards from that.

And lastly, Alyssa was just my everything this season. She was the heart of the show as well as the much needed comic-relief. She was the star of the show to me and I have a much stronger appreciation for her and what she does than I ever did before. 

Edited by delicatecutter
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I'm ok with Alaska winning, I was on her team since the beginning until last week, but I did not like her blue look for the challenge. 

Katya was robbed. Luv. Her. SO much. I always liked Detox and she like several others in AS2 really increased my appreciation and total fan girlishness as the season progressed. 

Can't say anything negative about Roxxxy at this point, for me she tried her best and was saved again and again by others to make it as far as she did. 

I'm sure there's more but I am tired and will go to sleep humming Ru's "Read U, Wrote U." Available on iTunes. (wink)

33 minutes ago, rustyspigot said:

Roxxxy had to leave early to catch the bus.

Woooah! So bad, it's good lol.

I love Katya - she was fantastic in the dance number. I just wish she would stop with the frumpy looks, unless it's really, really played up for comedy. I think that's what got her beat. Either go extreme frumpy for comedy, or pull out the glam 100% as in the dance number. The in-between stuff, as in that goofy dress she wore for the crowning, is what's holding her back. Kati is so beautiful that it's a crime for her to hide it. 

I can see why Alaska won - she really, really killed a  lot of those challenges - but yeah, give me Katya.

  • Love 4

I got spoiled here, and spent a lot of time during the final trying to find one book in a room full of boxes of books. Found it!

It should not have been up to Alaska and Detox to send Roxxy home, the format of the show was bad.

In 24 years or so, they should have AS10, and ten All Stars winners. I wonder if they can have a best of the All Stars show? As long as Chad isn't dead (love Chad, just referencing the mean comment Chad read about Ru making her the winner because she was going to die soon. Chad is fine, as far as we all know. And in on the joke.)

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Alaska's win retroactively makes me bitter for Ginger Minj's loss. I have always believed Ginger Minj was going to win until fan vote went overwhelmingly to Violet. I am actually a HUGE Violet Chachki fan and get really pissed when she's dismissed as a look queen because she's a killer performer. BUT the challenges in s7 favored Ginger Minj's style, and I don't think there's any denying that Ginger slayed Violet by the terms of the show.

So if Alaska can still win on merit despite fans overwhelmingly picking Katya, why couldn't Ginger beat Violet?

Also, I guess I should applaud the honesty of the edit, but why did the show need to show us the gory details of Alaska's meltdown. I'm sure we would have read about it if it hadn't aired, but it wouldn't have been the same. Honestly, I would rather not have seen it because I would be way happier for Alaska if I hadn't. Like I get that she's talented; I get that she performed wonderfully; and I think most of the time she's a pleasant, fun person. But the bratty behavior was too recent and the bad taste is still in my mouth. I just can't be happy for her.

The in-between stuff, as in that goofy dress she wore for the crowning, is what's holding her back.

I think she's going more for Russian dress up aesthetic than frumpy, but it's probably more commitment to the character than is wise for this type of competition.

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, annewithaneee said:

I'm sad. That was probably the least I've been into a finale in a long time. The pacing was off; it felt rushed and disjointed. The Alaska redemption was perfunctory, inauthentic, and tacked on. The editing this season has been phenomenal in a lot of ways, as far as giving us good drama at least, but they should have either axed the "Alaska has a nervous break that couldn't be any less endearing if it tried" footage, or beefed up the vulnerability and remorse in the aftermath. It was off-balance and weird.


Agreed about the editing and pacing of this episode. It jumped around way too quickly and Alaska's edit in this seemed off. I believe she really is a super fan but why was it only brought up now? I can't recall her mentioning it as much in the episodes prior. Before this episode it was just her drive to win and be the best. I'd have preferred if we had this super fan narrative from the get go.

As for the finale. Pretty anticlimactic. Alaska is a deserving winner. I was mad at her last week but her social media stuff in light of the backlash has been hilarious. She is very talented and polished. It's just it was all so predictable. They did a bit of a fake out with last week's episode where you felt Katya maybe had an outside shot but other than that Alaska was the clear winner for the bulk of the competition. Far more so than even Bob last season.

I feel horrible for Katya. I mean she's endeared herself to even more fans and probably come out the best in this alongside Alyssa but not winning even one of the lip syncs? She killed all of them.

I'm curious to see the reunion next week since we have been promised tea. I especially want to know what set Coco off on Roxxxy. Probably just Coco being Coco but she did say all would be revealed soon or something.

I didn't realize this was the finale.

Loved the new RuPaul song, including all the ladies' raps. But Detox's gave me life.  Yaaaaaas, girl, with the X!

Once they kicked Roxxie off the stage, erh, I mean, named the top 3, I was super excited and thought I would be happy with any of them taking the title.  But when Alaska was announced, I was actually devastated that Katya didn't win.

I also wish they had done an upbeat lipsync.

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Since the show is pretty much 90% (to say at least) scripted, why give us winners that we can see from miles away, specially on all stars? (where there should be multiple choices). Geeezz, I know that logo/producers always saw something extra on Alaska that I didnt, but it was needed to give her most of the wins, go away with most of the cash (unless the money prises are also fake)? This season started of really well, but went downhill the last three/four weeks. Its like they want to have a audience full o people watching it for hate the queens. Damm, even their choosen one they made away to make people dislike her. 

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On 10/12/2016 at 3:24 PM, Princess Sparkle said:

I think Katya's taking this thing home.

I'm still living in this world you painted for me, Princess Sparkle -- a world with blue skies and talking kitties and my drag king butler bringing me and Katya cups of Tati's fresh T -- instead of the bleak, boring state of Alaska. What a mess the editors made of this finale. They want us to applaud this "win" after making us watch Alaska behave badly a SECOND time? Not enough I had to live through her bitter, entitled, self-aggrandizing meltdown last episode, this week she had yet another assault and brattery moment --  trying to flee Rolaskatox like some hapless chick in a fifties monster movie -- and that blue look? Toddler got into the damn woad.  Plus, that super fan speech --  so contrived, so rehearsed, so stale -- so over her. 

Katya was magnificent -- from podcast to rap to final words,  she had charisma, uniqueness, nerve and talent -- she was robbed.

Still can't believe how quickly this season went to hell; the minute Tatiana was voted off the second time, this thing lost every bit of joyful momentum. 

Edited by film noire
  • Love 15

This feels correct.

And I'm glad we can finally admit that the fan vote does not matter, because it never has. If it did, Adore, Pearl, and Kim Chi could've been our winners. It has never been America's Drag Race. The producers are the judges, and that's how I think it should be.

All of the top 3 KILLED it this season and in this episode. After the speeches, though, it was clear that it was between Alaska and Katya. Still, kudos to the editors for really managing to keep the suspense - this might be the first time in RPDR history where the winner wasn't completely obvious.

All in all, the season ended up exactly how I predicted it. But the road to getting there wasn't at all what I expected, so I was pleasantly surprised instead of bored.

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32 minutes ago, film noire said:

Still can't believe how quickly this season went to hell; the minute Tatiana was voted off the second time, this thing lost every bit of joyful momentum. 

This about sums it up but with the addition of Detox eliminating Miss Alyssa Edwards is what sent this series into deep Rigger Morris Miss Alyssa Edwards).

I really can't add much more that hasn't already been already so eloquently stated, so, congrats to Alaska (ya big baby!) and especially to The Divine Katya, Queen of Our Hearts! 

Oh, is there a reunion show on next week?

Edited by marsha
i'm not sure

What annoyed me about Alaska's superfan speech is that although I think you should know what to expect when you come onto a show that's been on for multiple seasons (meaning any queen who doesn't have a character planned for Snatch Game is just plain stupid), loving the show obsessively doesn't mean you deserve to win. If that were the case, think of all the football fanatics who "deserve" Super Bowl rings. Or how about all the tone deaf people who have watched every season of American Idol. Do they deserve recording contracts? Of course not. So while I think it was okay for her to mention how much she loves RPDR, that shouldn't have been the focus of her speech. The question was why do you deserve to win instead of the other queens, not give us a review of the previous seasons. And the thing is that she did so well this season that she could have just said, "Look at me! I'm fabulous! I've been slaying the runway and killing the challenges! I have memorable performances! I have amazing looks! I've been kicking ass consistently this season!"

I wanted Katya to win but I think that she sometimes goes too frumpy with her looks when she should be going glam. I didn't totally hate her final runway look but it was a very different kind of look from the other three queens. Her hair and makeup looked gorgeous but her dress was so heavy in every way (color, texture, shape) in an opening night at the opera kind of way while the other three looked so light and airy in a red carpet way.

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Oh, meh. She's going to be even more insufferable now!

I had to restrain myself before the crowning. I literally had to hold onto the couch as I got this mad feeling I was going to throw something at the TV, and I am not a thrower! Go on, you know it's going to be Alaska, I told myself, as I carefully gripped the edges - because it's been coming at me loud and clear all season, but I did start hoping after that unzipping of the monster last week, and it did seem possible for a moment in there that Katya might win. But no..

Jeez, I am bitter and twisted they couldn't have thrown her one lousy ten thousand during the season. It was revolting, the Alaska favoritism in the lipsyncs, aside from everything else... and there was a lot of everything else in this series.

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This episode was fascinating to watch, mainly because I've never seen a winner of the show get a worse edit the closer they got to the crown. I thought her Final Speech was sort of exhibit A of what Alaska has been all season: funny but cold. I still think she deserved the win, but I wish the road to it hadn't been what it was.

  • Love 4

I think part of the issue with Alaska this season, at least for me, is that I don't think I've every seen any reality show contestant, except maybe Rob Mariano, work So Hard to win. Michelle said it - Alaska started auditioning for Season 1. Didn't get on again and again. Sharon auditions once, gets on, wins. Alaska must have, on some level, thought that her finally getting on S5 was less about her talent and more about her situation with Sharon. It would not surprise me in the least if she said that every thing she did since her season was geared toward an All Stars appearance and a laser focus on winning. She was a fully debugged drag robot, with very little of her original spontaneity or humor. The meltdown was a hardware malfunction.

Alaska earned the win, and I respect that, but I wanted it for Katya so very much. I can only hope that the overwhelming love from the fans and her astonishing personal progress eases the sting for her. It will likely serve her better in the long run.

Edited by Ananayel
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That was kind of ... underwhelming.  It's final three, no whoops, here's a crown.  The end.  I guess I'll take it if it means I never ever have to hear about Rolaskatox ever again.

I went into this liking Alaska and Katya both very much even if I thought Alaska was probably the stronger and more polished queen overall.  Alaska did very well in most of the challenges and certainly deserved those wins and on that basis I guess the big win in the end, but for all the inevitability of it I also come away feeling pretty flat toward her now.  It was definitely one of the stranger eventual winner edits I've ever seen.  I don't know if it was supposed to be an eleventh hour fake out to make the audience think Katya actually had a chance to slip in there past her or what.

The real winners of the season for me at least are the other queens who improved their public standing.  Katya comes off looking like the best most loved queen to come out of the Drag Race franchise to never win a crown.  Alyssa Edwards goes from caricature dragged down by a stupid feud with Coco in her season to an endearingly kooky larger than life persona in her own right.  I even came away fully appreciating Detox for probably the first time ever.  I'm never going to love her the way I do some, and between her lackluster season where she seemed to think she could coast to a crown and the ridiculous Rolaskatox bitchiness I never understood the appeal.   But she's got a fierce vision and aesthetic all her own.  Roxxy, well, at least Roxxy accomplished her goal of no longer being remembered just for being an unbearable bitch to Jinkx.

Edited by nodorothyparker
  • Love 8

I was hoping beyond hope that Katya would pull this out but not surprised that Alaska won.  Prior to last week I was comfortable with either of them winning but after Alaska’s melt down I was left with a bad taste in my mouth regarding her.  I just have a thing about reality TV rewarding bad behavior.  I know the drama brings good TV but it has become so cliché that people come on to shows intentionally being bitchy and nasty to get producers to keep them around.  Not that that applies to Alaska in this instance.  I just thought the meltdown was a bad look and that is what gave Katya the edge for me. 

That being said Alaska did bring it and performed well throughout the competition so in that sense I see why she won.  I just wish Katya had won more money.  The good thing is that I think her profile has raised enough that they she will be alright and get a lot more bookings.   

Well, if time has proved anything, it's that once again my guess for a winner's edit is totally wrong.  I do wonder if this means there's other footage of Alaska being a nightmare, because if that's what made it to air, I can only assume there's much worse that got cut out.  I have never seen a winner's edit on any show, much less this show, be quite so bad.  I was never a huge fan of Alaska on her original season, but at least then all I thought was that she was overrated.  Now I just think she's an asshole who pouts and lashes out when things don't go her way.  The venom in "Remember what happened last time it was a loveable freak and the three of us?" combined with Detox's face and reaction right after that said a lot ot me.  

I didn't realize how much I wanted either Katya or Detox to take the crown until Alaska won.  I am actually surprised at how far this season went in endearing Detox to me.  I couldn't STAND Detox on season 5 - though, to be fair, season 5 is so toxic to me that the only two people I walked away liking were Jinx and Alyssa - but I full on LOVED her this season.  Truly, the winners of this season for me are Katya, Detox, Alyssa, and Tatianna.  Roxxxy earned back a lot of goodwill from me too.  

  • Love 9
11 minutes ago, Princess Sparkle said:

Truly, the winners of this season for me are Katya, Detox, Alyssa, and Tatianna.  Roxxxy earned back a lot of goodwill from me too.


Alaska's win left me cold. Which is awful, because I started out this season really wanting her to win. She has become so much  more polished since season 5 and she clearly really wanted the victory. Katya I FLOVE, but she hasn't had as much time to polish up her looks and character as Alaska. I almost wish they'd saved Katya for AS3, because she could have run away with that shit.

  • Love 6

That dance number was everything! I need that song in my brain all the time now.

Okay with Alaska winning, we were thrown for a loop into thinking Katya might have a chance. Yawn. I am not as fond of her now as I was before, but she is a damn fine queen. That rap was the bomb, once you get to read it word for word:

Hey girls, my name’s Alaska
I got a tiny little question to ask ya
Who’s that bitch that’s on the top?
Oh wait, that’s me. Hey, Porkchop!
You’re born naked, the rest is drag
But your face just needs a paper bag
Gimme a challenge and I’ll crush it all
Changin’ the game like my name’s RuPaul
Line them up, front to back
I’m sending bitches home like a heart attack
Mess with me and you’ll wind up in a casket
I’m Dorothy, you’re Toto, GET IN THE BASKET!
I’ll read you down, beneath the ground
Could you hold my purse while I snatch the crown?
Legacy, remember my name
‘Cause you’re gonna see me hangin’ in the hall of faaa-aaaa-aaa-aaa

  • Love 1
32 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:


Alaska's win left me cold. Which is awful, because I started out this season really wanting her to win. She has become so much  more polished since season 5 and she clearly really wanted the victory. Katya I FLOVE, but she hasn't had as much time to polish up her looks and character as Alaska. I almost wish they'd saved Katya for AS3, because she could have run away with that shit.

This is a good point and one of the reasons I think the show handed Alaska the win. Post season 5 Alaska has really built up a brand and done a good job getting that brand out there. I think that translates into a lot more visibility and $$ for WOW and the show. I mean Alaska's little 'Anus thing is possible' at the end plays right into that. It's catchy and memorable and it ties into her single & her tape product. All one nice corporate package. Katya just hasn't had as much time to build her brand and her style of drag does not lend itself to the type of ventures someone like Alaska would pursue (I could never see Katya as an AA Girl even though she's certainly pretty enough). My impression from Ru is that an all star earns the win not just on how well they do on the show but also based on their entire body of work outside of the show. Chad had been working away as a drag queen for years before appearing on DR and I think his win was to recognize that. Similarly I think Alaska was given the crown because of her growth post show and how well she has positioned herself in terms of advancing drag to the mainstream. I mean she has a children's book out! You'd never have seen something like that before DR. 

I've read speculation that Alaska got a bad edit because she spoiled the season to her then bf and he posted about it online. Obviously, Ru frowns upon this type of thing and while he couldn't change who won the show, he sure could make Alaska look bad in the process. I don't know if this is true, but if it is then it certainly worked. Alaska fans who are excited about her win (like me) clearly seem to be in the minority. 

I think Alaska earned her win, but I'm unimpressed with her attitude.  Katya and Alyssa remain my faves, and Roxxxy redeemed herself.  Too bad Tatianna or Alyssa wasn't in that final four, though…that would have been a true all-star battle.  Oh well.  I'll probably watch the reunion for any tea, but I'm not expecting much out of it--more of a "well, it's on, guess I'll watch".  

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