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LSSC: Season Two Episode Talk

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I never had it in for the woman as an actress - Emma, Sliding Doors; she's a big part of some of my favourite movies - but how she can lend her name to this snake-oil peddling is beyond me.

Whatever else Stephen Colbert is or is not, I believe he's sincere and has integrity (or at least tries). I can see why he'd have a special hate on for this nonsense.

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Stephen's cards with words printed on them was giving me retro vibes, like INXS' Need You Tonight/Mediate.

Speaking of carnal needs, has anyone seen that clip of some woman who orgasms by just looking at a picture of SC? It was on one of those cable shows (Real Sex maybe?) that tries to be sexy, but is more like watching naked aunts and old hippies talking about their lingams and yonis while body-painting each other with pudding. *shudder* I remember watching it and just cracking up uncontrollably because this woman claimed she climaxed, like, six times in one minute while on camera, looking at SC's pic.  Now, I wasn't laughing at the Stephen-Colbert-as-hot* aspect of it; it's just that to me it looked like she merely slow blinked and tada! but if true, hey, more power to her. Please, someone confirm that this existed so I don't sound like a raving lunatic.

*Was actually thinking at his awesome Macron-as-an-even-hotter-Trudeau joke that damn, if SC were POTUS in 2020, dayum, that'd be a fine triumvirate of world leaders. (And please don't break my heart by telling me Stephen is totally joking when he mentions running in 2020. It's all that keeps me going on some days.)

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On 7/13/2017 at 10:53 PM, SomeTameGazelle said:

I think I may be in love with Andy Serkis. Or maybe with Stephen watching Andy Serkis reading Trump's tweets.

Oh yes.  I love late night TV, and many things can get me to crack a smile, but few things can make me laugh out loud the way this did.  

Edited by Fable
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It's Andy's eyes...they're incredibly warm. And he has that voice, which is so much deeper and richer than I'd expected.

I suppose he must have a fair bit if charisma for the personality to shine through the motion-capture like it does...but yeah, I find him sexy too.

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The "visit with an oligarch" was kind of chilling. I am not sure what the show thought made that a good idea, though I did find the "Tibetan gym"(?!?!?!) amusing and I kind of want to see that take off and become a thing-- not the weapons throwing, but the combination of ball bouncing exercises (please, no testicle jokes) and balancing on whatever that suspended contraption was and so on-- with or without the colorful decor. I did wonder if they were punking Stephen, though. I mean, a Tibetan practice hardly anyone in the world does? Not just not a lot of people, but like literally hardly ANYONE? Really? There is a lot of interest in Tibet, and people talking about other Tibetan things; I'd think if there was anything like this, it would have leaked by now.

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4 hours ago, possibilities said:

The "visit with an oligarch" was kind of chilling. I am not sure what the show thought made that a good idea, though I did find the "Tibetan gym"(?!?!?!) amusing and I kind of want to see that take off and become a thing-- not the weapons throwing, but the combination of ball bouncing exercises (please, no testicle jokes) and balancing on whatever that suspended contraption was and so on-- with or without the colorful decor. I did wonder if they were punking Stephen, though. I mean, a Tibetan practice hardly anyone in the world does? Not just not a lot of people, but like literally hardly ANYONE? Really? There is a lot of interest in Tibet, and people talking about other Tibetan things; I'd think if there was anything like this, it would have leaked by now.

I'm pretty sure he was bullshitting Stephen about how rare Tescao is these days, but it seems more popular in Russia than Tibet, maybe? I don't know if I'm ready to expend the effort to find out, but they are teaching kids classes, so...


I was surprised how easy going he was with the tom foolery considering all the other terrifying things about him though. 

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I realize and told the hubby before the election that the comedians would have an instant four years of material no matter who won, but is anyone else getting burnt out?   I didn't vote for either major candidate, but I just think that Colbert is running it into the ground with his hatred.     I read an article stating this, but can't remember where.  As much as I love Jon Batiste, I ditched the show. 

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1 hour ago, Brandi Maxxxx said:

I want Stephen to tear into him as much as possible.

Understood.  It's just making SC look unlikeable as well.

Edited by Babalooie
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1 hour ago, Brandi Maxxxx said:

Before the election I thought the show needed to take a break from being about Trump all the time. Now that he's the president, I want Stephen to tear into him as much as possible.


4 minutes ago, Babalooie said:

Understood.  It's just making SC look unlikeable as well.

Steven isn't the only one doing it-Seth, Trevor, Sam...and I, for one, am grateful and appreciate it.

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5 minutes ago, Babalooie said:

Understood.  It's just making SC look unlikeable as well.

I tend to think that given his ratings put him over Jimmy Fallon overall during his Trump takedowns,  I'd be surprised if viewers who are tuning in more now than before are watching because they find him wholly unlikeable. 

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3 hours ago, Babalooie said:

Understood.  It's just making SC look unlikeable as well.

I don't agree.  He's must see tv for both me and my mom.   She watches him live, I dvr him.  Both of us would vote for Stephen for President.

Edited by partofme
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Like Keegan-Michael Key's character, Luther, President Barack Obama's anger translator, I see SC's Trump monologues to be an interpretation of the reactions of those who are frightened, repelled, or offended by Trump, and also maybe how Trump might see himself when he is alone at the end of the day. Sometimes these monologues are over the top for me, but given the high ratings, I guess SC is representing the feelings of a lot of people.

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I want to be best friends with the Russian guy who defined "covfefe" as something embarrassing to regret and when Colbert wanted to show him the Trump handshake was immediately ready to counter with "you be Trump, I will be Trudeau."  Stephen looked like he wanted to take him home in his luggage. 

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On 7/21/2017 at 7:30 PM, partofme said:

I don't agree.  He's must see tv for both me and my mom.   She watches him live, I dvr him.  Both of us would vote for Stephen for President.

Same here. I DVR and sometimes can't watch until the next morning, but I never miss the show if I can help it. He brings a much-needed lightness to some serious, heavy stuff.

I don't think his comedy is strictly for laughs and giggles. It kind of never has been just about that.

Something I deeply and absolutely feel sure about -- Stephen Colbert is not only hilarious, he is also sincere.  

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I enjoyed the Russia show when he asked a guy his (Colbert) name and the Russian said "Jimmy Colbert" - too funny.

I like Colbert on this show.  When he first started out I thought he was B O R I N G!  But I loved his show Comedy Central show, so I stuck it out a few more weeks.  Finally I couldn't take it.  I had to go back to Fallon.

Colbert hit his stride with the political monologues.  He was trying so hard not to be the same guy that was on Comedy Central that he was losing viewers.  It was the political stuff that made him funny in the first place.  I do cringe sometime when he uses excessive vulgar language.  I know he has a very low opinion of #45 (as do I); however, you don't have to be vulgar to be funny IMO.

I also love his impression of Jeff Sessions and Lindsey Graham - that southern-belle accent kills me every time!

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I don't think the vulgarity is to be funny. I think it's truly to underscore the point of how he feels about 45. Isn't this situation the textbook case of appropriate use of vulgarity?

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MM is the sexy.  So much so that I didn't even notice the mullet until the interview was nearly done.  who else could get away with that??  He's a great story teller too, I highly recommend his Fresh Air interview if you've never heard it.

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On 8/1/2017 at 3:44 PM, Medicine Crow said:

I wasn't impressed with the stupid skit Stephen did with Matthew last night!!  Those stupid skits made me stop watching Jimmy Fallon!!

I don't mind skits in general and in this case the back story of how this was Matthew McConaughey's favourite skit from an obscure show Colbert did and that he had an in joke with his friend with added an extra layer of interest. 

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1 hour ago, SomeTameGazelle said:

I don't mind skits in general and in this case the back story of how this was Matthew McConaughey's favourite skit from an obscure show Colbert did and that he had an in joke with his friend with added an extra layer of interest. 

For me that was the only bit of interest in that skit. 
McConaughey and Colbert are both fascinating, talented, intelligent performers, but the skit was meh.

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5 minutes ago, possibilities said:

I am not a fan of McConaughy, but I enjoyed him with Colbert. I'm actually re-evaluating my aversion to him. He seemed like a genuine fan, which I never would have imagined him to be. And also a big old dork.

I literally thought the same thing. I was like. "Huh. I'm enjoying him a lot right now!" I think he'd be hilarious on a sketch comedy show.

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Completely agreed. I'd be all for listening to him gab on about "Exit 57" some more. Not often you hear people talk about that part of Colbert's TV history :p.

In regards to tonight's episode, I laughed way too hard at the whole "local milk people" thing. I just kept picturing milkmen delivering bottles to people's homes, and for some reason, that made that bit that much funnier to me. 

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1 hour ago, Annber03 said:

In regards to tonight's episode, I laughed way too hard at the whole "local milk people" thing.

I was clapping as if he could hear. 
But I was also a little conflicted; I mean, it's not nice to make fun of the mentally challenged.
Hypothetically speaking (so it's not about a political entity) is it okay to make an aging person's mental lapses the butt of a joke just because that person is a despicable human being in a position of power? FWIW, this could also apply to my landlord, although nothing he says ever makes me laugh. IDK. Maybe if Colbert met my landlord, he could do a bit about him that would make laugh. I guess maybe if there is a hell, I'm going there with my landlord. Or maybe I can be forgiven because I've confessed like SC.

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14 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

Hypothetically speaking (so it's not about a political entity) is it okay to make an aging person's mental lapses the butt of a joke just because that person is a despicable human being in a position of power?

In a word, yes.  When that despicable human being is being propped up by enablers and literally has the power to end life on Earth, making fun of him is the least offensive thing someone can do. 

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I was young when King of Queens came out and so I feel like I grew up with Leah Remini so I'm always going to have a soft spot for her but I thought that was a great interview. I find the whole Scientology thing fascinating so I can't wait to watch her documentary. 

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17 hours ago, Delwyn said:

I think Trombone Shorty got me pregnant...

I usually FF the musical guests but I stuck around for this one!! Damn. I had a feeling Colbert liked them, too. He always talks up whoever the guests are, but when he announced TS I thought there was something different and more genuinely excited in his voice, which is why I initially decided to give them a chance despite being super-exhausted and ready for sleep. Glad I did!!

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18 hours ago, Delwyn said:

I think Trombone Shorty got me pregnant...


45 minutes ago, possibilities said:

I usually FF the musical guests but I stuck around for this one!! Damn. I had a feeling Colbert liked them, too. He always talks up whoever the guests are, but when he announced TS I thought there was something different and more genuinely excited in his voice, which is why I initially decided to give them a chance despite being super-exhausted and ready for sleep. Glad I did!!

Just watched this. Wow. They did a great job of conveying what an incredible performer he is. I've seen him live and been absolutely blown away, but some of the recordings haven't captured that magic. So good job Late Show crew!

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53 minutes ago, possibilities said:

I had a feeling Colbert liked them, too. He always talks up whoever the guests are, but when he announced TS I thought there was something different and more genuinely excited in his voice, which is why I initially decided to give them a chance despite being super-exhausted and ready for sleep. Glad I did!!

Jon Batiste and Trombone Shorty went to  the New Orleans Center for Creative Arts at the same time; they apparently go way back. From the February 3, 2014 issue of The New Yorker;


Troy Andrews, the horn player better known as Trombone Shorty, and Jonathan Batiste, the hot-shot pianist, first met when they were twelve and eleven, at jazz camp, in their home town of New Orleans. Andrews was already something of a star; he’d been a bandleader since he was six. Batiste had only just taken up the piano, having grown up playing percussion with his family, in the Batiste Brothers Band. Andrews had admirers, a circle of kids who tried to talk the way he did. Batiste kept to himself and didn’t talk at all.

They reconnected in high school, at the New Orleans Center for Creative Arts, and became friends.

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3 hours ago, Miss Dee said:

Oh my Lord, Stephen eating the hot wings was AWESOME. I might have to check out Sean Evan's YouTube show.

I appreciated that they kept it vegan according to that bet. I was wondering why the milk looked so strange until Sean mentioned the wings  

Stephen rushing through "Hell is the absence of God's love" was very heartfelt in that moment.  

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1 minute ago, Delwyn said:

Stephen rushing through "Hell is the absence of God's love" was very heartfelt in that moment.  

Agreed :). I loved his reactions to the hot wings themselves, too.

Really enjoyed his interview with Niecy Nash tonight-they had a rather cute rapport going on. 

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