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S18.E35: Nominations 12

Tara Ariano
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Victor, you are not unevictable (and that's not even a word, dude). You have been evicted. Twice. But unfortunately, you're like that strange odour in my garbage can. After a week of just dealing with it, I scrub it out and the smell goes away, just like you did that first time you were evicted. Yay! And then, two weeks later, it's back, choking me with its nastiness, just like you coming back into the house the first time. Boo! So I scrub it out again and it's gone, just like you getting evicted the second time. Yay! But wait, no, here it is again, burning my nostril hair, just like you coming back into the game again. Boo! One day, I will be rid of that smell and one day, you'll be gone from this game. Hopefully before you win because twice evicted.

Pablo, the fucking pool floaty gets his own segment? Are you kidding me? I still stand by the fact that Big Meech grabbing Pablo on her way out the door is the funniest moment this season. 

I see Nicole went from that uh- interesting choice of top and Daisy Dukes during the last Veto episode to a Little House on the Prairie high neck and long sleeve ensemble.  I also noticed that she stole a catchphrase from her Bestie 4 Lyfe Christine: "I'm/I was sooo scaaaared."

Game of Harry Potter, indeed. That was the most interesting you've ever been, Corey, and you were asleep. Seems fair, you put me to sleep all the time.

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10 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

I see Nicole went from that uh- interesting choice of top and Daisy Dukes during the last Veto episode to a Little House on the Prairie high neck and long sleeve ensemble. 

I was thinking the same thing about Little House!  And it was like, mauve, to make it extra ugly.

I like how when Nicole does it, it's "pretending" but when others do it, it's lying and playing dirty. 

I enjoyed seeing Corey try to blame Nicole for making him vote out Michelle and then getting caught doing it. He hasn't really made any enemies, has he?

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Well, I can't say I feel sorry for James and Natalie who spent (that we saw) the whole week doing absolutely no campaigning. Michelle crying before being evicted was kind of funny? "You mean, I didn't campaign at all, Paul really didn't say anything too offensive [that we saw] and you're evicting me? But why?"

Victor was spot-on in his assessment that James and Natalie turned on him the week they got Paulie out of the house. I like loyal players, so I like Victor's reasoning. Even though I think he really needs to get rid of Natalie. James without Natalie will do nothing. Natalie without James might find another gear, and start playing the game without being held back by one of the worst players ever. Every time, it seems her instincts have been better than his. People should be afraid of Natalie without James. Maybe then she can be the player to take all these boys down.

"It's time to start playing Big Brother." Gee...where have I heard that before? ::yanks football from James before he can kick it::

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Ugh. Paul getting in that rooster statue's face and screaming his "OHHHHHHH", and then the moron apparently thinks roosters lay eggs .......

And then there's Victor, standing there in front of everyone and pointing out he needs just one more win to make an even ten.  And those morons N/C/P will probably let him get to the end.  Friiiiiieeeeeendship!

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31 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Pablo, the fucking pool floaty gets his own segment? Are you kidding me? I still stand by the fact that Big Meech grabbing Pablo on her way out the door is the funniest moment this season. 

Game of Harry Potter, indeed. That was the most interesting you've ever been, Corey, and you were asleep. Seems fair, you put me to sleep all the time.

Then Paul had to whine about it.  He and his ego get worse every week.  Like Victor's.  Vic is totally right about James/Natalie loyalty, not that Nicorey are to be trusted.

They get more disgusting every week.  Crotch itch indeed.  Fuck you, Nicole!  You get what you deserve.

James is just pathetic.  I want him gone.  Enough of this showmance.  Pictor should realize Natalie would help them get Nicorey.  James is useless, but would probably be a vote for Nicorey.

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Yeah, there's a reason you've been evicted twice and it's the same reason you've come back twice. You're the family pet that they keep dropping off further and further into the woods but they keep finding their way back. The "unevictable" (as mentioned, NOT a word) thing has gotten to his huge head lately. I'll be dumbfounded if his 'friendship' with Paul and dumb and dumber last to final two.

Also, if I never heard Paul screaming OOOHHHHH!!!! again it would be too soon. The two of them were both on my last nerve tonight. Also on my nerves about Paul? IF you're going to have a giiiiant chest tattoo you don't let your dark chest hair mat grow back to obscure it.

I'm glad that Nat didn't say "I told you so" to James even though she DID tell him so. If she was calling the shots they'd be in a much better state right now. Anyway, that continues to be a wierd deal. I think they love each other but aren't in love with each other ya know? I mean there was a lot of "your my best friend" and even a "your my solemate" but they still act very ambiguous about if they have any physical spark. Like they've both fast forwarded through dating/marriage and now seem to be that cute old couple holding hands at the park enjoying their golden years.

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59 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Game of Harry Potter, indeed. That was the most interesting you've ever been, Corey, and you were asleep. Seems fair, you put me to sleep all the time.

I saw the full video, and: 


As he was shrieking Harry Potter, he was frantically picking his nose and flicking off what he found.  I don't know how they edited that out, but I appreciated it.

40 minutes ago, Wandering Snark said:

And tonight he got his own fade-to-grey pic. Classic.

I missed that part last week, but now that I've seen it:


I wish Michelle would have taken a knife to it, because - see next spoiler

16 minutes ago, PaperTree said:

Then Paul had to whine about it.  He and his ego get worse every week.  Like Victor's.  Vic is totally right about James/Natalie loyalty, not that Nicorey are to be trusted.


Production intervened and gave the damn thing back to him.  I guess Paul thought that, unlike Michelle, he was being kind and gentle when deriding Bridgette into a cringing, crying mess.  Fuck you, Paul.

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Ugh....cant believe I made it through the entire episode...I almost switched it off a couple of times. It was just too much watching those smug cock sure a-holes lounging around up in the HOH room.

Its so tiresome at this point that Victor seems to win everything...and Paul is running the game and tweedle dee and tweedle dum sit by seemingly unaware that they cannot win against them and should have gotten Paul out when they had the chance.

There is now absolutly no suspense left in the season....its going to be Derrick and Cody all over again with Paul filling the Derrick role and Victor as Cody.

We might as well just spend the rest of the season in the jury house....it will be more intersesting.

I'm so mad about Jatalie being on their way out that I'm almost bitter enough to hope that the season ends in a bust with Corey against impossible odds stumbles into the winner's seat. That would a great last laugh on the season.

Anyone know how this FALL EDITION is going to work on CBS Acess....I assume there will be live feeds but will there still be three shows a week?

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Does this show really think we want to watch a half hour of the chicken wire HoH? Why not just show us paint drying? Have y'all noticed almost every HoH this season has been a TBC so they can waste 1/2 of the Sunday show on it? Lazy ass production.


Um, Corey I noticed you had a persistant genital itch during the HOH competition. You might wanna get that looked at. 

I noticed that too. In fact . . . I flipped on BBAD Friday night (God knows why), and saw Corey getting out of one of the bumper car beds in the HN room and start grabbing at the front of his shorts, then he picked up a drink and held it in front of his crotch as he walked through two rooms. I figured maybe he was trying to hide a boner but after seeing him grab at himself again in this episode, I don't know what's going on down there.

The Harry Potter thing was just downright strange. I want Julie to show that footage to the HGs during the next live episode and make him explain it.

I was kind of impressed with the calm and rational way Victor laid out his argument against James. I don't think much of Victor's brain power but he handled that situation admirably and without emotion. Corey and Nicole barging in, plopping themselves and down blocking any further conversation was kind of hilarious.

Pablo for the win.

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In his DR sessions James always sounds like he's reading off a teleprompter. And Natalie seems medicated in hers. And Victor and Paul yell too much in theirs. Say what you will about Nicole but at least her DR sessions have a natural, conversational air about them.

Edited by TimWil
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Oh, I was cracking up at Victor and Corey's version of school life in Ubly.  And although Nicole was burying herself in her blanket, I have a feeling she loved the attention.

I also loved the edited good-bye to Pablo complete with fade to grey.  

Edited by mojoween
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45 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

Does this show really think we want to watch a half hour of the chicken wire HoH? Why not just show us paint drying? Have y'all noticed almost every HoH this season has been a TBC so they can waste 1/2 of the Sunday show on it? Lazy ass production.

I came here to comment about this as well. I can't imagine a single person enjoyed having to sit through half and hour of people meticulously trying to move an egg along chicken wire. Once they get down to this point of the game (around 6 players left), they should incorporate a jury house segment into each Sunday episode. By that point there's enough jurors to make it interesting, especially since there can be unresolved anger towards each other from getting voted out. Even just an update on how they've been doing would make for more interesting TV than what we got today. When the most interesting part of an HOH comp is getting to watch an egg dribble it's way down a ramp, the bar is set pretty low. 

Not sure who I'm rooting for at this point. James and Natalie's fate seems to be pretty sealed. Whoever survives this week will most likely get picked off next week. If I'm being objective, I guess Paul's playing the best game of those who are left, but he's just so damn annoying that I can't bring myself to root for him. Between the over the top hair and beard, the wacky clothes, the non-stop catchphrases, the yelling and OOOHHHHing, wearing a rubber duck nonstop, etc., I have never seen someone more obnoxiously desperate for attention. If he could tone it down a few dozen notches, I'd probably enjoy his game play because he actually does strategize and keeps his head in the game. 

I respect the competition wins that Victor is pulling out, but I don't like the fact that he's on his THIRD chance in this game. I know he won his way back in both times, but still. Someone who got voted out twice kinda taints a victory in my eyes, if he were to win this whole thing. 

Corey and Nicole are useless. How they got this far is beyond me. I look forward to Paul and Victor obliterating them once they reached their precious final four. Their gloating about how they are actually going to get to final four together was so annoying. Like, you made this alliance at final 7 while you were in power and guaranteed final 6 already. Sit down. 

I've never had such a love/hate relationship with a show lol. 

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14 minutes ago, JZone said:

I came here to comment about this as well. I can't imagine a single person enjoyed having to sit through half and hour of people meticulously trying to move an egg along chicken wire. Once they get down to this point of the game (around 6 players left), they should incorporate a jury house segment into each Sunday episode. By that point there's enough jurors to make it interesting, especially since there can be unresolved anger towards each other from getting voted out. Even just an update on how they've been doing would make for more interesting TV than what we got today. When the most interesting part of an HOH comp is getting to watch an egg dribble it's way down a ramp, the bar is set pretty low. 

Bolding mine. It could be worse. You could be a feed watcher and sit through the whole hour and 45 minutes of people moving an egg through chicken wire to run it down a ramp and end in failure at the end. By the 60 minute mark, you start questioning your choices in life. By the 75 minute mark, you reach for the booze and pray for a quick end. 

Edited by Callaphera
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Victor/Paul/Corey on the class size conversation was hilarious.

That was a hard comp. They should have been really frustrated.

Nat and James do realize they come off shady and liars right? I'm so glad Victor called him out on their own actions. James and Nat keep saying how they had a final 4 with Corey and Nicole, that Corey and Nicole turning on them while ALSO saying at the same time that Natalie never wanted Victor out, she wanted Corey evicted. Then how the hell did you have a final 4 that you were honoring?

Nicole and Corey were right not to honor anything from Natalie.

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I didn't mind all the time spent showing the egg challenge.  That thing was difficult--I felt the frustration and anxiety, too!

I said on Thursday that giving Victor the $5k would pay off because it was perceived as Friendship!  Interesting that neither Victor nor Paul ever considered it was really more about Suspicion!  Anyway, it would have been wasted on James--he couldn't have done much worse at the egg game if he had been trying to throw it.  And he's soooo sad about Natalie going on the block, the guilt from "selling out" likely would have killed him.

I would love to see Natalie having to backpedal that whole "I'd use my veto on you, Jamesy" line of bullshit.  Please.  James might be willing to fall on his sword, but she's not that punch drunk.  Agree with poster above that Natalie is much more cunning and would be the smarter eviction.

I did not like Natalie volunteering that looks weren't a big factor in her attraction to James.  Thaaanks.  Give you a medal, Caterpillar Eyes.

Edited by candall
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1 hour ago, mojoween said:

Oh, I was cracking up at Victor and Corey's version of school life in Ubly.  And although Nicole was burying herself in her blanket, I have a feeling she loved the attention.

I was enjoying the class-so-small jokes; in fact, I was making up my own jokes in the same vein.  Before they even got there, my own favorite was "The only school play any class could put on was Waiting For Godot".

So when (I think) Victor said, "the school play...", I was immediately on the edge of my seat saying, "Go there!!!  Yes!!!"

...and then I realized *I* was waiting - on a Waiting For Godot reference from Victor. 

Or Corey. 

Or Paul.

And I reached for the tequila. 


A little too meta, that.

Edited by Nashville
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2 hours ago, mojoween said:

If BB could release a slow-motion gif of Victor taking the hair band off and shaking his hair out that would be super.  I need it for, um, research purposes.

If you dvr'ed it you could play it back in slow motion. (Not that I've ever done that.)

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4 minutes ago, K-9 said:

Corey was the only one who placed an egg in the Have to avoid becoming a HaveNot.  No one else did.  Which HGs became the HaveNots?

If you looked closely through the course of the comp, three players - Corey, James, and Paul - all played a Have egg.  Corey's was the only one the broadcast paid exceptional attention to, however; I'm guessing to provide background to Nicole's questioning of Corey over the strategic ramifications of the move.

In any case:

  1. Three HGs (Corey/James/Paul) played the Have egg.
  2. Victor and Natalie did not - but Victor won HoH, and Natalie won the "Never a Have-Not" ACP.
  3. Nicole, as outgoing HoH, didn't have the opportunity to compete in the playing of a Have egg - so I'm guessing she was exempt.

...so in all probability, there will be no HNs this week.

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I knew Corey was a robot. Look at him malfunctioning in sleep mode.

Just a tip to Natalie and to others. If someone that you are interested in or dating is insecure in their looks, saying things like I don't care about looks or I have dated all types of guys, ugly guys, etc. that does absolutely nothing to make the other person feel better. You just make it sound like their looks are a obstacle you overlook because you like them. Say you find them attractive. Since you are into me, I have no reason to assume you don't mean it.

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14 minutes ago, Jeebus Cripes said:

That was the most bizarre and hilarious sleep-talking I've ever seen. What is Harry Potter World? Is this a theme park, or nonsense from Corey's mind?

I imagine that's the place he goes to in his head when he has that spaced out look in his eyes or when he's pretending to be into Nicole.

Edited by Racj82
missing words
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7 hours ago, K-9 said:

Corey was the only one who placed an egg in the Have to avoid becoming a HaveNot.  No one else did.  Which HGs became the HaveNots?

And then they showed the Harry Potter World sleep talking scene and he was in the have-not bed???????

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A little shocked, but pleased, that Vic won HOH. I figured this comp would be a shoe-in for someone with tiny hands, like Nat or James. But I guess Vic and Corey had more of an advantage with the overhead part of it. 

So tired of all the chest bumps after a win, especially when try-hard Nicole inserts herself. She just LOVES being the popular girl, doesn't she? 

Also, Paul, don't yell at the chickens!

So confused how Corey ended up in the bumper car room, dreaming about Harry Potter, when he's a Have. 

I thought James's little talk with Nat was super cute. "Am I on your bucket list?" Hahaha! They're a cute couple and decent people, but as game players.....got nothing for them. James pretty much confirmed my belief that being with Nat is his "win" and he no longer cares much about the game. And she's too scared to do anything without him. 

At this point, I'm rooting for Vic or Paul, but more than that, rooting for Nicorey crash and burn.

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11 hours ago, NeelyOh said:

I like how when Nicole does it, it's "pretending" but when others do it, it's lying and playing dirty. 

She infuriated me to no end with all her talk about how 'dirty" James and Natalie were. First, what did they do that was so shady? Any shadier than Paulie's actions? Or any of hers? More importantly, this is Big Brother! No one gets out 100% clean. It's not like you were playing with those 2 from day one. Victor was logical in his assessment of the situation, but for Nicole to act like they're Dr. Will levels of "dirty" was just ridiculous.

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10 hours ago, candall said:

I did not like Natalie volunteering that looks weren't a big factor in her attraction to James.  Thaaanks. 

She didn't even realize how insulting that was to James.  Nobody wants to hear that they are loved in spite of their appearance.  Not that I wasted a lot of pity on James at this point.


1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

She [Nicole} infuriated me to no end with all her talk about how 'dirty" James and Natalie were

Really! I was amazed when she said that.  Didn't she just lie and say she had a final four with them last week?

I was rooting for Natalie to win a few weeks ago, then she started to be all over the place, James is suddenly revealed as a sort of half-hearted father and I started remembering how awful he talked to Natalie when he was in the pool that day and his general "my woman," stuff.  I can't stand Nicole.  Corey's a moron. Paul or Victor?

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I think that both the footage of Corey talking in his sleep and the conversation between James and Natalie were old footage that they decided to air last night to fill up some time.  I couldn't stand Paul at the beginning, but he's grown on me.  I think he's very funny.  His DR's crack me up.  I would like to see Victor win.  How many other contestants have ever won their way back into the house twice?  I don't care that he's been evicted twice. Evictions are never really about who "deserves" to be there, they are always about who has the power and what they choose to do with it.  Victor is honest, and loyalty really means something to him.  It would be refreshing to see someone win who didn't back stab his way through the competition.  Plus, he had to fight harder than anyone else to be there.

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9 minutes ago, JudyObscure said:

She didn't even realize how insulting that was to James.  Nobody wants to hear that they are loved in spite of their appearance.

In her defense, I've dated guys who were good-looking and guys who weren't. It's about the personality for me. Guys who aren't good-looking become attractive to me  even in looks because of their personality. (Conversely, there are good-looking guys that cease to attract the moment they open their mouths.) But it can be difficult to phrase that well so that it doesn't sound like you're just trying to make someone feel good if people are sensitive, so she may have tried to simply go with what she thought he'd believe. Also, they haven't known each other that long, and none of these people seems to have mastered diplomacy. Hell, I'm not sure a few of the HGs have ever MET diplomacy.

That said, I think James looks fine, so I've never understood people harping on his looks. It's his personality and stupid crap he says that would do me in.

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12 minutes ago, simplyme said:

That said, I think James looks fine, so I've never understood people harping on his looks. It's his personality and stupid crap he says that would do me in.

James isn't horrible looking,  but his hair is SO greasy. Has he been a have-not all summer, and won't tolerate the cold showers?


14 minutes ago, babs1226 said:

 I couldn't stand Paul at the beginning, but he's grown on me.  I think he's very funny.  His DR's crack me up.  I would like to see Victor win.  How many other contestants have ever won their way back into the house twice?  I don't care that he's been evicted twice. Evictions are never really about who "deserves" to be there, they are always about who has the power and what they choose to do with it.  Victor is honest, and loyalty really means something to him.  It would be refreshing to see someone win who didn't back stab his way through the competition.  Plus, he had to fight harder than anyone else to be there.

Totally agree. In fact, because Vic has survived two evictions just makes him all the more deserving, IMO.  And the thing is, they never go right back after him when he comes back in. His social game is pretty strong. I can't really think of anyone who has major beef with him.

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At this point, I would like to see Natalie win just to enrage Nicole.

That being nearly impossible, I have to go with "relatively" honest Victor.  My Mom is from Nowhere, LA, so what the hell.

They can put the rest of them in Pandora's Box and set it out for the trash.

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I think that both the footage of Corey talking in his sleep and the conversation between James and Natalie were old footage that they decided to air last night to fill up some time.

You're probably right, but I saw Corey sleeping in the bumper car Friday night on BBAD which is live, so for some weird reason he is sleeping in there sometimes.

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10 hours ago, Jeebus Cripes said:

What is Harry Potter World? Is this a theme park, or nonsense from Corey's mind?

There is The Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal in Orlando.  I've never been there, but they say it's the whole Harry Potter experience with Hogwart's Castle and everything.  So maybe Cory's either been there or wants to go there.  

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The "Have Nots" term seems to last from Saturday to Saturday (Saturday mornings are when they reveal the Have Not food) so Cory was still a Have Not until midnight Friday night/Saturday morning. HOH however starts right after the win. It's a bit confusing. 

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3 hours ago, simplyme said:

In her defense, I've dated guys who were good-looking and guys who weren't. It's about the personality for me. Guys who aren't good-looking become attractive to me  even in looks because of their personality. (Conversely, there are good-looking guys that cease to attract the moment they open their mouths.) But it can be difficult to phrase that well so that it doesn't sound like you're just trying to make someone feel good if people are sensitive, so she may have tried to simply go with what she thought he'd believe. Also, they haven't known each other that long, and none of these people seems to have mastered diplomacy. Hell, I'm not sure a few of the HGs have ever MET diplomacy.

That said, I think James looks fine, so I've never understood people harping on his looks. It's his personality and stupid crap he says that would do me in.

I think we all see what she meant but saying things like looks don't matter to me are clear sentences that makes it looks like you are saying you are not attractive but... It is a slippery slope though. I've lost track of how many times I've heard that my personality is what makes me attractive. In reality, that is a very kind thing to say and no harm is intended. But, to someone who's insecure, you might as well call them ugly. Like, you can't think of anything about me physically that's attractive too? 

I get what Nat was saying but that's just not the best way to go about it.

I'm happy for Victor. People can bring up his eliminations but he's worked harder than most of the people in the house to still be in this competition. Much harder. 

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What I want to happen: Vic wins, Paul comes in second, Nicole and Corey....can they just disappear? 

What I think will probably end up happening: Corey wins, Nicole comes in second, Paul third and Vic fourth. 


Edited by Summerday
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2 hours ago, Racj82 said:

But, to someone who's insecure, you might as well call them ugly. Like, you can't think of anything about me physically that's attractive too? 

Yes, that's what I meant by her comment being insulting to James.  It was like she was saying, "Looks don't matter to me, really they don't, so you needn't worry about how ugly you are."  Come on,  I'm not a James fan, but he isn't a troll.  He carries himself in an attractive, masculine manner  and has pleasant features, no reason for Natalie to act like she's looking past something awful to get to the personality underneath.  

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