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S04.E05: Honeymoons, Part 2

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1 hour ago, humbleopinion said:

Derek decided to go for the lowest blow-Heather's age.

Heather, you now have permission to say what a tiny dick he is... has.

Wonder if the producers were wincing when Derek was spewing the wine/milk and no spring chicken TH or were they happy with the sound bite.

Thing is, I doubt that Heather would lower herself to make such low blow statements about him.  Even if she did, she certainly wouldn't insult all men in the process. 

Derek gave himself away to be what I thought he was all along.  There's a reason this guy has been unable to find love if you want my opinion.  After that comment it's obvious why.

The truly ironic thing is does he even look in the mirror?  He is older than she is, and with an attitude like that he is most definitely NOT aging like fine wine or whatever he said men do.  He wishes! 

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I have mixed feelings about Heather. She does seem cold and snobby so I haven't liked her from the start. But even though she hasn't been attracted to Derek, she has tried to start every day on a positive note. She talked about developing chemistry in one of her talking heads so it seems like she was open to the possibility. I don't blame her for not being attracted to Derek- looks or personality. 

Im so sick of Tom and Lily. Perhaps it's just that I find her very unattractive and he's not much better and a little creepy, but I hate watching them all over each other. I'm terribly uncomfortable with it. We fuckin get it already. 

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Mr. Snarklepuss tends to favor the man's side in most of these relationships.  That said, from day one he has NOT defended Derek.  He thinks he's an immature asshole.  Who does he think he is - Bart Simpson with the cap turned backwards?  It's obvious that he hasn't really grown up and that's why he takes the child position in his dealings with Heather.  We hear so little about his real life that it makes me wonder if he isn't a spoiled kid who floundered around and is only half an adult at the age of 35 or whatever he is.  It would certainly explain the misogynistic comment.  Usually these guys have been smothered by their mothers and actually turn into misogynists as a result.

Derek reminds me of a male high school friend I reconnected with on Facebook a few years ago.  He would take everything everyone did personally and then end up insulting and rejecting them over it.  He would anticipate everyone's rejection and read it into everything they did and said.  It was obvious to me in this episode that Derek was doing that with Heather.  So she was going through the motions - Dude couldn't be a man about it and give her time to come around?  She's supposed to suddenly get sweet on him after all the arguing or he throws a little temper tantrum?  What an asshole!   They may be married but that doesn't mean Heather is obligated to be happy with him.  Give her something to be happy ABOUT.  This guy is not even trying.  It's like unless she's crazy about him he won't even meet her half way.  I thought she was really trying hard especially after how badly she felt about him over the smoking and yet he gave her no points AT ALL for that and instead found more to throw at her.  She WAS giving it a rest and just going with the flow and HE was the one stirring the shit and then spewing sour grapes.

Edited by Snarklepuss
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All this is true HOWEVER if Derek had been matched with soomeone with a personality like Sonia - sweet, easygoing - they would have had a much better time. Thats the thing about Heather - she is not sweet, and I dont think it has anything to do with Derek. The other girls in this experiment are sweet (even though Lily's giggling gets on my nerves while watching the show). Someone who is not sweet will of course, in an annoyed state, run out the cave without even notifying her husband/partner, or will speed away while bikeriding or rarely crack a smile, things like that. This quality I believe is what can attract a man the most, and may be why Heather is single at 32. 

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2 minutes ago, kat12379 said:

All this is true HOWEVER if Derek had been matched with soomeone with a personality like Sonia - sweet, easygoing - they would have had a much better time. Thats the thing about Heather - she is not sweet, and I dont think it has anything to do with Derek. The other girls in this experiment are sweet (even though Lily's giggling gets on my nerves while watching the show). Someone who is not sweet will of course, in an annoyed state, run out the cave without even notifying her husband/partner, or will speed away while bikeriding or rarely crack a smile, things like that. This quality I believe is what can attract a man the most, and may be why Heather is single at 32. 

I know plenty of non-sweet women who have found love and husbands.  I don't think being sweet is a prerequisite to finding love for women by a long shot or several really dominant, jaded, hard women I know would never have found love.  Derek is just not the right temperament for her that's what it is, IMHO.  She is barely cracking a smile because she doesn't like Derek and had just come off of several arguments with him, not because she isn't capable of being happy.

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6 hours ago, Neurochick said:

I noticed that Nick is very self conscious and very aware of the cameras; he often nervously glances at them.

I would tend to be hesitant to have sex on TV. Heck even kissing on TV would make me uncomfortable, but then again, I owuld never have signed up for a show like this. it is certainly a consideration of different behaviors. 


I don't think I could stand being around either Derek or Heather for more than a few seconds, Neither is an appealing person, I think Heather wants out and is trying her hardest, but I think Derek wants the money they get if they complete this show, so there you go.  I seriously doubt if they survive living together more than  a day or two if any time at all.  I don't think they get the money (rumored to be 50K) unless they are together for 6 weeks. 

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8 hours ago, VanSensei said:

I just cringed like a stadium hearing the world's worst national anthem rendition. That's all I'll say for anyone who doesn't want to be spoiled. For fuck's sake, Derek.

cringed like a stadium?!

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Derek....you are a tool.  Instead of EXPECTING to get some action because you are on your honeymoon why not try to put your best foot forward rather to sit back, smoke and whine like a little baby that your wife BREIFLY held a surfing instructors hand while he was helping her or brushed a bug off of him.  THIS is what you equate to 'physical contact'?!  The way he expects to confront her on any little transgression, expects intimacy, physical and EMOTIONAL attraction, etc. is like because he signed up for this boom, you're married show, that he can just waltz right in and plop his sorry ass down and be in a marriage/relationship with someone without any work and to expect the same level of love, affection and leeway during the tough conversations as if they had been a couple for three years as opposed to an arranged one of three days.

As far as his comments about her age and her not being his type....holy shit dude.  ANY sort of sympathy I had for him for her being too judgmental at first completely evaporated and has me looking at Heather in a new light that maybe....just maybe she saw things that we have not seen that had those red flags go justifiably way up.  I am willing to now give her the benefit of the doubt and none to him. 

Now specifically about the age comment....what a petty little manchild he is.  And in this specific case my friend Derek, you may want to reverse your milk and wine comment.  She looks her age while you look closer to my age of 51 rather than her age.  One should not throw stones about age when you are prematurely grey, have awful tattoos (one nicely nestled above your man boob), and have one of the worst bodies ever cast on this show.  The only type of 'fine wine' you are is a 'fine whine'.

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Wow.  Derek and Heather are both just...yuck.  So I guess the experts were right.  They ARE a perfect match (as long as they stay drunk)!!

I still have hope for the other two couples. *fingers crossed*

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6 hours ago, Racj82 said:

I didn't even get mad at Derrick and his milk line because it was all bs. As soon as he said that basically crumbled and thought out loud about the fact that she isn't attracted to him. I don't applaud the behavior at all but he clearly makes silly/superficial comments to guard his actual feelings or to defend himself. See the alcoholic line from last week. 

Thinking about this more, I have to agree, Derek was just upset.  People say all types of shit when they are upset.  Sometimes I think people are looking for something, anything to go wrong.  Someone said there's a reason Derek is still single, well it's probably the same reason Heather is still single.  Neither one of them knows who they truly are and what they truly want.   

When Derek first saw Heather, he talked about how beautiful she was, that she had beautiful blue eyes.  Now he's calling her old?  Nope, Derek is just pissed that Heather isn't into him.  I don't think Heather was expecting Brad Pitt or someone with movie star looks, but she might have expected someone more sophisticated.  What was funny was how UN-sophisticated Heather became, after a few drinks; "chug it, chug it, chug it."  I was as stunned as Derek. 

The one thing I think is cool about Derekm is that he speaks Farsi, I mean most Americans, I think, don't speak a second language fluently, and I bet Farsi's not the easiest language to learn.

Edited by Neurochick
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13 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

The one thing I think is cool about Derekm is that he speaks Farsi, I mean most Americans, I think, don't speak a second language fluently, and I bet Farsi's not the easiest language to learn.

The Defense Language Institute is a great opportunity for young military service members.  Imagine being 19 or 20 and speaking fluent Hindi, Russian, or Urdu.

On topic, I do agree that Derek was hurt and upset, but, in the very best case scenario, that was pretty stupid to say on camera. 

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Derek and Heather just rub each other the wrong way and bring out the worst in each other. He's hurt by her rejection and lashes out with stupid comments about her appearance. She's so turned off by him and shows her disappointment by nitpicking anything and everything about him. Rinse, lather and repeat. A vicious cycle. That relationship is doomed and no amount of emergency counseling by the experts is going to save it.

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It was stupid to say on camera.  However I've never been on a reality show, so I don't know what dumb shit I might say on camera; I'm sure in my life there are people who have said worse stuff than what Derek said.

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27 minutes ago, jamblastx said:

Derek is also a former military man who should know about discipline including knowing when to bite your tongue and the THINK before you speak.

I actually find his interviews refreshing especially since everything has to be political correct this days. No sugarcoating, just very direct and authentic. Should he have said dog years? No but since he can't speak to an outside abt this, I guess speaking on camera was an outlet for him. It hurts to be rejected. BTW he is human.. human > military. 

The producers should have edited it out but it was too juicey.

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"What;s our biggest regret" "Not completely finishing medical school". WHAT? Lily went through medical school (and almost finished it??)

Oh, I about fainted when she said that.  I was too busy counting the number of times she said "me and Tom" so I find it hard to believe she was in medical school.   I need proof that she even is a college graduate!

I'm sending her and the producers a grammar book. Gosh, they just throw this show together.

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9 hours ago, qtpye said:

Short story...he was into her, she did not like him, end of story.  I have no idea if it was the smoking, but I felt like she was turned off by him from the beginning and getting to know him made it worse.  This is not a situation where his personality make up for the lack of physical attraction.  If anything, the more she got to know Derek, the less she liked him.

I think there's something more to why Heather doesn't like him than what we've seen on the show. As I remember, in the beginning she did say that she thought he was handsome. I wonder if she changed her mind once she saw his tattoos? ;) But yes, I think there are several things she doesn't like about him, and they just added up, and his attitude didn't help either.


7 hours ago, Snarklepuss said:

I'm beginning to see what Heather saw about Derek from the start that she revealed in her argument with him about what he does being "low class".  He just IS low class and she had his number from day one.  Her comment about being mentally and physically exhausted said it all. She risked a LOT to find love and THIS is what they thought she should be matched with?  I'd be insulted if I were her.  And Pastor Calvin seems to be putting it all on her.  What a cop out - once again the "experts" don't want to take responsibility for having made bad matches and instead blame the participants.

ITA. I think she's extremely disappointed with the match the "experts" found for her. I haven't seen anything so far that they agree on or anything they have in common. And I so agree about Pastor Calvin! He only yelled at Heather, but I didn't hear him do the same to Derek, and Derek was not faultless in all this. You're absolutely right; the "experts" are trying to push the responsibility on the participants (specifically, on the woman in this case).


7 hours ago, Nowhere said:

I have mixed feelings about Heather. She does seem cold and snobby so I haven't liked her from the start. But even though she hasn't been attracted to Derek, she has tried to start every day on a positive note. She talked about developing chemistry in one of her talking heads so it seems like she was open to the possibility. I don't blame her for not being attracted to Derek- looks or personality. 

Im so sick of Tom and Lily. Perhaps it's just that I find her very unattractive and he's not much better and a little creepy, but I hate watching them all over each other. I'm terribly uncomfortable with it. We fuckin get it already. 

I agree. Heather did try to turn a new page, especially on the last day. Was she rude when she left the cave? Yes. She shouldn't have just turned around and walked away. I don't know why she does things like that, but I wonder if it's because she's so used to being on her own and doing things on her own that she's not used to accommodating other people? Or is it because she just doesn't like him? Either way, instead of pushing his annoyance aside and trying to make the best out of their last day, Derek chose to confront her right away, which certainly didn't help her mood and didn't gain him any affection from her. 

About the surf instructor, on one hand I can understand Derek's jealousy, but on the other hand I still think it was a red flag how he went on and on about it. I think he's a jealous and controlling type, and Heather might have just dodged the bullet by checking out of this "relationship."

I have to say I'm sick of all the kissing between Tom and Lilly, too. And somebody mentioned Lilly's "me and Tom" here before, so now every time she said that, I cringed. :D (BTW, I think Derek does the same thing: he says "me and Heather.")


2 hours ago, jamblastx said:

Derek....you are a tool.  Instead of EXPECTING to get some action because you are on your honeymoon why not try to put your best foot forward rather to sit back, smoke and whine like a little baby that your wife BREIFLY held a surfing instructors hand while he was helping her or brushed a bug off of him.  THIS is what you equate to 'physical contact'?!  The way he expects to confront her on any little transgression, expects intimacy, physical and EMOTIONAL attraction, etc. is like because he signed up for this boom, you're married show, that he can just waltz right in and plop his sorry ass down and be in a marriage/relationship with someone without any work and to expect the same level of love, affection and leeway during the tough conversations as if they had been a couple for three years as opposed to an arranged one of three days.

As far as his comments about her age and her not being his type....holy shit dude.  ANY sort of sympathy I had for him for her being too judgmental at first completely evaporated and has me looking at Heather in a new light that maybe....just maybe she saw things that we have not seen that had those red flags go justifiably way up.  I am willing to now give her the benefit of the doubt and none to him. 

Totally agree.

Also, about Derek "just saying that thing because he was upset," if he said that about women at all, it means he does think that way.

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No, I don't think Nick is attracted to Sonya. He's a guy. They are all horny. If he was attracted, he would be doing the deed already. Lord knows she's ready. 

Derek is interesting. I just don't picture him in the military. Wasn't he a marine? They are super disciplined and neat and clean to a fault and he just doesn't fit the mold. Miss fancy pants Heather said he was a slob.  I wish we knew more about his background. I, too, am impressed that he speaks Farsi. Did he learn the language in the military or did he learn as a child? He looks like he could be of middle eastern nationality. Anyway, having said all that, he did make an ass of himself on camera talking about Heather's age. His ego is clearly crushed. You could tell in the middle of his rant that he realized he was making a mistake but it was too late. 

Lilly was going to medical school and is now selling houses? What? 

The honeymoon seems to be lasting forever. I really don't care about watching all of them doing their fun vacation activities. Let's get to the day to day nitty gritty of reality. It's gonna be good. 

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Did some Googling about medical school in Nicaragua and came up with this link  for you to read if you wish.

Sit back because the font is big and bold and may will bump against your eyeballs.


Lily applied and entered med school from high school eliminating the 4 years needed to get a BS before you apply to med school which is the process in the US.

Tom is realizing that his wife is very ambitious, driven, hard working and may tolerate his slacker life in the honeymoon phase but if he is to keep her he has to step his game up or she will lose interest.

Tom playing coy with where and how he lives may be producer driven but will crumble the trust the two have built during the honeymoon.

We will see....

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23 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Derek is interesting. I just don't picture him in the military. Wasn't he a marine? They are super disciplined and neat and clean to a fault and he just doesn't fit the mold. Miss fancy pants Heather said he was a slob.  I wish we knew more about his background. I, too, am impressed that he speaks Farsi. Did he learn the language in the military or did he learn as a child? He looks like he could be of middle eastern nationality. Anyway, having said all that, he did make an ass of himself on camera talking about Heather's age. His ego is clearly crushed. You could tell in the middle of his rant that he realized he was making a mistake but it was too late. 


According him (and a brief flash of a certificate/degree), Derek was in the Navy and learned Farsi at the Defense Language Institute.  And I agree.  He did make an ass of himself on national television.

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Derek was Navy. I take it that is where he learned Farsi. Agree Nick is not into Sonia. I don't know if they would be doing the deed if he was into her but heck I just don't see it with them at all. She is the only one into them. 

I haven't watched the episode yet (getting ready to) but was watching the confessions one and Tom is kind of coming off like an ass in it. Saying that a real estate agent shouldn't have to drive a nice car to sell a place as long as she is attentive to him and nice. He said how all that money means is faking it until you're making it and how it makes him want to gag. Then says he is worried that Lilly is faking it until she makes it. WTF??? No one real estate agent drives a crappy car. She is right in the fact that people are not going to want her to drive them around in some old car to show homes. Those customers are going to wonder about who they are buying a place from. Then he says later in it he is falling in love with her which is why there is a lot of passion. If his attitude is really that way, I can't see them lasting. He is coming off more and more like he looks down on most people because they are not like he is. 

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When Derek first saw Heather, he talked about how beautiful she was, that she had beautiful blue eyes.  Now he's calling her old?  Nope, Derek is just pissed that Heather isn't into him.  I don't think Heather was expecting Brad Pitt or someone with movie star looks, but she might have expected someone more sophisticated.  What was funny was how UN-sophisticated Heather became, after a few drinks; "chug it, chug it, chug it."  I was as stunned as Derek. 

Did anyone notice when Heather asks Derek if he has done a beer bong??

Between that and the "Chug it........." guess we need a frat party! These two just need to stay in separate caves!

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49 minutes ago, BunnySlippers said:

Also, about Derek "just saying that thing because he was upset," if he said that about women at all, it means he does think that way.

I don't know if Derek meant what he said but he shouldn't have said it.  Nothing pays off like restraint of tongue and pen. 

Just because someone was in the military doesn't mean that they're disciplined once they get out of the military. 

Nick and Sonia:  I have been reading posts where people say he is NOT into her.  I'm not sure.  I think the cameras have a lot to do with shit.  I also think the producers probably ask them every morning, "did you consummate your marriage yet?"  That would make me NOT want to have sex.  It would be funny if they actually DID have sex but decided not to tell the producers yet.  The thing is that Nick and Sonia actually LIKE each other and that is VERY important for a real relationship.  Many people have lots of sex only to find out they hate each other. 

I once knew a guy I was just friends with for a whole YEAR; until shit got real one Saturday afternoon.  Damn, was I shocked, but that taught me that some guys just take their own sweet time.  Sometimes the guys who want to jump on you after the first five minutes are the ones you have to worry about.  And yes, they are married, but they really don't know each other and can split up within six weeks.  (maybe sooner if they really hate each other)

Edited by Neurochick
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22 minutes ago, Vinyasa said:

Oh, I about fainted when she said that.  I was too busy counting the number of times she said "me and Tom" so I find it hard to believe she was in medical school.   I need proof that she even is a college graduate!

I'm sending her and the producers a grammar book. Gosh, they just throw this show together.

Near as I can tell she never got a degree.  As far as medical school goes, it's not impossible that she got in a second-rate Caribbean school without an undergraduate degree - but I strongly doubt she did that.  She probably means she attended a Caribbean premed program but dropped out after about a year (all general ed requirements, never taking major classes), then "studied Anthropology at the University of Houston" but never got a degree (same here, it's unlikely she started with classes in her major).

She was in FL by 2014 so that gives her around 4 years for her education but, since I doubt her unnamed "medical school" credits (if she got any) would transfer to Houston, she had to start over.  Even if she didn't take a break, that gives her a year at phony medical school and 2 (maybe 3) years at Houston.  She MIGHT have been able to take some major classes if she pushed herself but I doubt that happened.

So, she dropped out of 1 college with the intent of eventually studying medicine and 1 college with the intent of eventually studying anthropology, but probably never actually studied either.

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1 hour ago, jamblastx said:

Derek is also a former military man who should know about discipline including knowing when to bite your tongue and the THINK before you speak.

My EX is a former military man who also attended the defense institute in DC.  And no, he never learned to bite his tongue with women but he was "disciplined" when it came to the military.  

Still have to watch the episode.  

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Evil Queen I love you I just watched Confessions and was about to post the same thing. Tom is a major dick and I hope Lilly dumps his butt and finds somebody that appreciates her sweet nature. Last week when she got upset he did a backflip and assured her he did not mean her and he understood about the car and her profession. So WTF is this diary cam, if I was Lilly seeing that tonight even if I remained with him I would be tearing him a new one and doubt his sincerity. As for the we fight because of passion, I will just repeat what I said last week I get major controlling vibes from Tom it seems like he will say anything so the little woman will put out even if he does not mean it at all. Also why the heck was he so upset that he needed to leave and stay away long enough for Lilly to go to sleep only to return and wake her as he did not want to go to bed angry. Last week it looked like a minor event, he tried to set her up so she couldn't get upset for his 'non-materalistic' lifestyle and she she rightly called him on it and he 'corrected' her and all was happy again. If anybody had the right to be angry it was Lilly, I would not be surprised if he patted her on the head, told her not to worry her pretty little self about it and just screw him and it will all be alright.

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I find all the grammar talk here, interesting.  I worked in a place where English was the second language of many of the people in the lab, and guess what, it was at an Ivy League school?  Just because you don't use proper grammar, doesn't mean you're stupid, it just means you don't use proper grammar, period.  And guess what, I never had a problem understanding anyone.

Edited by Neurochick
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3 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

I think it's interesting, all the "grammar" talk.  I worked in a place where English was the second language of many of the people in the lab, and guess what, it was at an Ivy League school?  Just because you don't use proper grammar, doesn't mean you're stupid, it just means you don't use proper grammar, period.

Correct use of they're, their, and there, does not make one morally superior.  

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Heather is the biggest joy vacuum.  Like a mega industrial size Hoover of joy. 

Nick is very hard to read. I like how playful he and Sonia are with each other so maybe there is a chance. I'm suprised about some of the speculation that he may not be attracted to her because of her body type. When I saw her I immediately thought he told the experts his celebrity crush is Kourtney Kardashian and he likes petite and curvy.  I don't think she has a weight problem at all. 

The experts so far are doing a better job with advice and exercises. I hope they keep it up through the season. 

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Heather is not a TV friendly type person (I wouldn't be either, I'm quiet and not smiley all the time) but I don't think she is awful either. Derek seems to have some crappy ideas about women. Saying Heather is old at 32 is kind of stupid considering he is older, and of course many women marry older now. I wish I knew what Derek and Heather were both expecting out of a marriage. I know it must hurt to think Heather isn't attracted to him but what about the things he says about her. The person playing her in a movie would be Kathy Bates? What kind of thing is that to say about your wife? I wish the show would have chosen another couple.

I like Sonia and keep shaking my head at people saying she is a very big girl or big girl. She is curvy but not even remotely overweight or big. A big girl is 250 pounds, Sonia probably wears a size 6. I don't get the idea Nick really is attracted to her but I guess things could develop. Tom and Lilly were my favorite couple at first but now they seem like they are too aware of the cameras. Like last season I really liked Tres and Vanessa, and they had the same kind of instant attraction, but I don't know they came across more real. I feel like Tom and Lilly are faking things to an extent to make an impression on camera. 

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2 minutes ago, Booger666 said:

Heather is the biggest joy vacuum.  Like a mega industrial size Hoover of joy. 

Nick is very hard to read. I like how playful he and Sonia are with each other so maybe there is a chance. I'm suprised about some of the speculation that he may not be attracted to her because of her body type. When I saw her I immediately thought he told the experts his celebrity crush is Kourtney Kardashian and he likes petite and curvy.  I don't think she has a weight problem at all. 

The experts so far are doing a better job with advice and exercises. I hope they keep it up through the season. 

But she's the one who's 37, has 3 kids and STILL has abs showing.  She was shredded at Sonia's age.

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Someone noticed the "me and Tom" thing last week, so that this week, I could've counted them.  It's like a speech impediment - once you've heard it, it gets stuck and it's ALL you hear.  And whoever mentioned that Derrek does the same: Thanks.  Now I'll hear that next week.  Here's what I noticed (all by myself!): Derek refers to Heather constantly as "THIS girl".  Like he doesn't even feel comfortable enough with her to use her name.

ETA: I want to add that, as a mother of a U.S. Marine, don't put too much stock in that whole neatness thing.  They are well trained to be neat and tidy on base, and on duty.  They are all about rules, and they know how to follow them ("Are we clear?  Are we clear???"  Crystal). And I'll admit his appearance is forever and always clipped and tidy.  He looks like a Marine in civilian clothes.  His demeanor is not exactly aggressive, but self confident and assured.  Decisive.  Almost commanding.  But he's still a slob in his own house.  Just saying.

Edited by Happyfatchick
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Derek will get to the age where he won't be able to get it up anymore but It wouldn't be right if Heather said that on TV.  Unfortunately all he did was make himself look like a superficial tool.

Remember that chick who married Hugh Hefner?  (Can't remember her name and too lazy to Google.). She criticized him publicly about his sexual performance and everyone hated her for that.

Rule of life:  never criticize someone about something they can't change.  It may be a mic drop but it's not a win.

Edited by Paddywagon
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Now if Tom wanted Lily to like him for him he would have told her about his stupid crappy bus already! UGH Not sure how he is doing everything right as he claims the Pastor told him. He can't just say "hey this is how I live, so what are your thoughts?" or something like that. 


Nick and Sonia just are so not happening. Dude quit trying to push your damn clothing line. This should have not been allowed. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth and the shirts are ugly as crap. Which he also made sure to give her ones to wear as well didn't he? Sorry but feeling he figured this is a way to push his idea for a clothing line. I can't believe she agreed to wear any of it. UGH


This editing on the Derek/Heather is just so pathetic. The surf thing. In his TH he was looking high again. That whole holding the surf instructor's hand...are you kidding me? Dude you can't get why she wouldn't hold your's? I can't imagine why. SMH If he had not ever smoked anything or just done it once and quit I think she might have tried a little more than she has. She said at the wedding he was good looking and kissed him at the altar. Sure she didn't like all those neck ones but I get that and that it was the photographer that pushes all that stuff to the point it is awkward and not natural at all. Something the show needs to quit pushing. Yet I didn't see flirting with the surf instructor though in what they showed. The backwards cap thing is annoying. I can see doing it in certain situations like the cave but why is he wearing it inside the hotel room? UG  LMAO at the whole surf instructor thing. She flicked a bug and its rubbing his chest. When he said that he started smirking. I don't get why Derek started shit up. The walking away I saw it as she may have thought he was behind her and she looked back when she was going up the ladder yet saw he wasn't but was almost up the ladder. I know I have walked ahead of my husband thinking he was behind me and at some point turned around and he was further back. He has done the same thing. Heck we both have had it where we would be saying something and in those situations at times and turn to realize we were talking to our self. LOL It happens. Yet he saw her going and turned around with his attitude like screw her instead of saying hey wait up a second or something. He instead had a tantrum over the surf instructor and stuff. I am not ok with them always shaming and blaming the one that shouldn't be in this show. Where is the yelling at Derek on his tantrum? He had one with the Pastor too but if he did yell at him it wasn't show because editing is wanting her to come off in bad light. I do agree there is so much with these 2 that we have not seen that may have happened. At the end there she looked like she was trying. He is an ass for that comment and the dog years. For those saying things about her age and not being married....why is that an issue in at all? He is 35 and same thing so why is that not being mentioned for those snarking on her 32 and not married. IMO I would think he is a man child more into his wanting to being a "rapper" and smoke his pot and its why he isn't. While with her I would bet she isn't because she has had her career and was enjoying the travel that came with it before settling down. Which I wouldn't blame her. Why is it that Derek and some are acting like 32 is so old? Of all things too coming from a guy in his mid 30s who looks way older than he is. Seriously those saying she was drunk? How many beers did he have? I think the chug it was to be goofy and try to lighten the mood up. She didn't look drunk but he did at that point. She looked it a little later on though I will say. Yet I don't blame her if she was. I would be too with dealing with that dude. The way the edit on this part was, it was terrible. They BOTH had plenty of drinks to in some scenes coming off drunk but they were mixing them with scenes of one or both not drunk looking. Then on top of it reusing scenes or overlaying things said with other scenes. They really need to fire the people that edit this show and get people that can do the damn job better already. In the preview for next week with their so called "emergency" meeting ("Experts" should be meeting with them each week no matter what IMO), the Pastor asking something about them wanting to be done...PLEASE say yes and be done!!! 

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1 hour ago, Liberty said:

Viva Wyndham sure cheaped out on Nick & Sonia's accommodations.

Yes! Couldn't the production company have sprung for three damned suites? Or at least rooms with two beds and a table. Having to eat on an ironing board? Come on.

Nick's basic attraction to Sonia is still up in the air for me, but it does seem like he has a lower sex drive than some of the other guys we've seen (Vaughn, anyone?). Or maybe even compared to men in general! He's so emotionless and flat that I'm having a hard time getting a sense of who he is other than reticent. We know the cast questionnaires and interviews focus a lot on sex and it's hard to believe that Sonia, who specified that it's important to her, would be matched with a man who rated it lower.

Edited by lordonia
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18 minutes ago, lordonia said:

Nick's basic attraction to Sonia is still up in the air for me, but it does seem like he has a lower sex drive than some of the other guys we've seen (Vaughn, anyone?). 

It's been my experience when a guy is this passive about kissing or even just touching he's either gay, cheating or not attracted to me. I'm sure they're out there, but I've never met a man, especially as young as Nick, with a "low" sex drive. 

It might be too early to tell what's up with Nick or not up. LOL. But it was just weird how at certain moments he should've kissed her, like when he gave her the anniversary gift, but he didn't. Even him wiping food off her lips looked awkward and like he was touching a friend instead of someone he's attracted to. He acted way more interested at their wedding, the reception and the morning after (their first diary as a couple was particularly sexy when they were on the bed. He was shirtless and Sonia was still in full make up and they kissed). Now it's like Sonia is completely friend zoned. 

Maybe it is the editing. After all, none of these scenes are that organic and have to be set up before they're shot. So he could be showing an attraction to her, but the editing is making it seem like he's not to create a "dramatic" storyline. 

Edited by Enero
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26 minutes ago, Paddywagon said:

Derek's approaching the age where he won't be able to get it up anymore but It wouldn't be right if Heather said that on TV.  Unfortunately all he did was make himself look like a superficial tool.

Remember that chick who married Hugh Hefner?  (Can't remember her name and too lazy to Google.). She criticized him publicly about his sexual performance and everyone hated her for that.

Rule of life:  never criticize someone about something they can't change.  It may be a mic drop but it's not a win.

Huh? I don't like Derek but he's 35, not 85 - or even 50, which is when men commonly start to see a decrease in sexual function.

Heather and Derek aren't going to see each other naked anyway, so it's moot.

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45 minutes ago, cardigirl said:

Correct use of they're, their, and there, does not make one morally superior.  

I never said it did.

18 minutes ago, lordonia said:

Yes! Couldn't the production company have sprung for three damned suites? Or at least rooms with two beds and a table. Tom and Lily having to eat on an ironing board? Come on.

Nick's basic attraction to Sonia is still up in the air for me, but it does seem like he has a lower sex drive than some of the other guys we've seen (Vaughn, anyone?). Or maybe even compared to men in general! He's so emotionless and flat that I'm having a hard time getting a sense of who he is other than reticent. We know the cast questionnaires and interviews focus a lot on sex and it's hard to believe that Sonia, who specified that it's important to her, would be matched with a man who rated it lower.

That's a good point about the questionnaires. I wonder what Nick said about that.

I just like how he and Sonia can have fun together. It's so refreshing to watch after the train wreck of Heather and Derek and the constant kissing/bus talk avoiding/looking down on people who are "materialistic" thing with Tom and Lilly. I hope Nick will loosen up and show some emotion soon (I hope he does like her), but there must be some fight on the way, because I think it was Sonia in one of the preview clips who took off her ring in the car.

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43 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

Right, we know; most men want a woman to have 38DD boobs and the body of a 13 year old girl, let's keep it moving.

Not true Neurochick, we will accept 36DD in some cases....just as long they aren't 32 years old or older ;)

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Just finished watching the episode.  Interesting to read everybody else's thoughts.  Mine?

I still love Tom and Lilly.  I was very happy when Tom told Pastor Calvin he'd leave behind his bus if Lilly wanted.  I think in the earlier shows the bus was a deal breaker for him so the sign that he is willing to be flexible on that is promising.  

Nick and Sonia.  I don't know, I like them.  I like him, I like her, I like them together.  Maybe it is because I'm older but I don't necessarily read gay or friend zone into the fact that a man doesn't want to sleep with somebody he almost literally just met.  There are men like that out there and they tend to make really great husbands so I'm still seeing potential here.

Heather and Derek.  Dear lord, and I thought Ashley and David were bad last season.  These two...words fail me.  I think they are well on their way to being worst MAFS couple ever and considering the competition they've had, it is quite an accomplishment.

Did anybody else see the announcement that the next season starts July 26th?  I have the sinking feeling I'll be there watching, much as I hate myself for doing so.

Edited by henrysmom
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9 minutes ago, Empress1 said:

Huh? I don't like Derek but he's 35, not 85 - or even 50, which is when men commonly start to see a decrease in sexual function.

Right, but it's just as easy for her to criticize him for that.  My point is there are some things you can't change and only a superficial tool would bring them up as a fight tactic.

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1 hour ago, humbleopinion said:

Did some Googling about medical school in Nicaragua and came up with this link  for you to read if you wish.

Sit back because the font is big and bold and may will bump against your eyeballs.


Lily applied and entered med school from high school eliminating the 4 years needed to get a BS before you apply to med school which is the process in the US.

Tom is realizing that his wife is very ambitious, driven, hard working and may tolerate his slacker life in the honeymoon phase but if he is to keep her he has to step his game up or she will lose interest.

Tom playing coy with where and how he lives may be producer driven but will crumble the trust the two have built during the honeymoon.

We will see....

Interesting....I would take it that when she moved here she realized she couldn't just jump from that kind of school to one here to get in that field that it would take much more when it comes to school. More than she might have wanted to bother with maybe or could handle. Who knows.

1 hour ago, crazychicken said:

Evil Queen I love you I just watched Confessions and was about to post the same thing. Tom is a major dick and I hope Lilly dumps his butt and finds somebody that appreciates her sweet nature. Last week when she got upset he did a backflip and assured her he did not mean her and he understood about the car and her profession. So WTF is this diary cam, if I was Lilly seeing that tonight even if I remained with him I would be tearing him a new one and doubt his sincerity. As for the we fight because of passion, I will just repeat what I said last week I get major controlling vibes from Tom it seems like he will say anything so the little woman will put out even if he does not mean it at all. Also why the heck was he so upset that he needed to leave and stay away long enough for Lilly to go to sleep only to return and wake her as he did not want to go to bed angry. Last week it looked like a minor event, he tried to set her up so she couldn't get upset for his 'non-materalistic' lifestyle and she she rightly called him on it and he 'corrected' her and all was happy again. If anybody had the right to be angry it was Lilly, I would not be surprised if he patted her on the head, told her not to worry her pretty little self about it and just screw him and it will all be alright.

LOL I forgot to add about that too with him leaving and waking her because he didn't think they should go to bed mad. Well she had already gone to bed. I would have been pissed he woke me up like that. Which he was only thinking about himself there by doing so too. But why did he have to leave like that to the point she fell asleep while he was gone? That was not mentioned at all and if it was over the materialistic issue well he needs to get over himself on it. For someone that is supposedly this laid back surfer dude...he is so not coming off like that at this point. I have known may laid back surfer dudes and live in a city full of them. None come off as this guy does. He has a chip on his shoulder for some reason. 

1 hour ago, Booger666 said:


Nick is very hard to read. I like how playful he and Sonia are with each other so maybe there is a chance. I'm suprised about some of the speculation that he may not be attracted to her because of her body type. When I saw her I immediately thought he told the experts his celebrity crush is Kourtney Kardashian and he likes petite and curvy.  I don't think she has a weight problem at all. 

The experts so far are doing a better job with advice and exercises. I hope they keep it up through the season. 

EEEWWWW if that is who he claimed his celeb crush is but I am thinking he probably just picked a name and that was it. Those people are horrible and not attractive at all for many reasons. Mind you she wasn't always shapped as she is right now either but Sonia is way prettier than any those people and seems to have a sweet personality which we know those people do not have.

18 minutes ago, Enero said:

It's been my experience when a guy is this passive about kissing or even just touching he's either gay, cheating or not attracted to me. I'm sure they're out there, but I've never met a man, especially as young as Nick, with a "low" sex drive. 

It might be too early to tell what's up with Nick or not up. LOL. But it was just weird how at certain moments he should've kissed her, like when he gave her the anniversary gift, but he didn't. Even him wiping food off her lips looked awkward and like he was touching a friend instead of someone he's attracted to. He acted way more interested at their wedding, the reception and the morning after (their first diary as a couple was particularly sexy when they were on the bed. He was shirtless and Sonia was still in full make up and they kissed). Now it's like Sonia is completely friend zoned. 

Maybe it is the editing. After all, none of these scenes are that organic and have to be set up before they're shot. So he could be showing an attraction to her, but the editing is making it seem like he's not to create a "dramatic" storyline. 

I get the feeling he is gay...maybe bi but I don't think so. Every time they have ever kissed it is awkward. The dance lesson...they only kissed because the couple teaching them pushed it too. The ones at the wedding Nick would make a face of disgust as he went in and came out of the kiss. It was terrible. I do think that they could make great friends though. They obviously do not hate each other but I don't see it going past friends with these 2. 

18 minutes ago, Empress1 said:

Huh? I don't like Derek but he's 35, not 85 - or even 50, which is when men commonly start to see a decrease in sexual function.

Heather and Derek aren't going to see each other naked anyway, so it's moot.

Actually took it as a point that him bringing up the age was wrong when he should look in the mirror since he is older than her. And sure he is 35 but sexual issues in men can start as early as in their 40s. Really certain other factors in things with him could make it happen at his age as well. There are many reasons it can happen aside from one's age. Its just not something men would want to mention or have called out..especially the younger in age they are.

Edited by Evil Queen
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What is wrong with "me and Tom?"  You insist on "Tom and me?"  Aren't you nitpicking a little?  Guess putting oneself first is maybe self-centered...but not grammatically incorrect.  On the other hand, if one (and I am using 'one' in order to be grammatically accurate) uses the "I" or "me" first, one is more likely to select the correct personal pronoun.  My personal peeve is the use of "I" when "me" would have been the correct choice.  

Excuse me if now I am nitpicking!  

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Someone noticed the "me and Tom" thing last week, so that this week, I could've counted them.  It's like a speech impediment - once you had it, it gets stuck and it's ALL you hear.  And whoever mentioned that Derrek does the same:. Thanks.

Exactly! They can say what they say "me and Tom", "me and Courtney", "me and Jason" etc. but there are production people that should be catching this because it is annoying.  And it is not just from one person or  just one season.

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