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9 hours ago, poeticlicensed said:

Remember this is Anfisa. She has no interest in exploring her neighborhood. Now if Jorge gave her a big wad of cash each morning, she could hire a car service to take her shopping and she probably would lay off the iphone for a little while. 

If they were in L.A. it would be one thing, but it looks like they're in Irvine.  Where there's no real public transit to speak of, and there's nothing to do.  Trust me I lived there for 7 of the longest years of my life.  

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3 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:

Very good point. I was thinking climbing up and down hills and intense heat and her being very out of shape. I forgot about the walking in sand part.

She had to have been legitimately exhausted! (As was the camera crew I'm sure!)

Haha I'm glad to hear people defending the "sand dunes are a bitch" thing. I've trekked up dunes before, and especially once the grade gets steep, you can basically look at the one you're about to climb and multiply its height by five. It's not like climbing a normal hill, because that sand gives in with every step, so it can take you five steps to get the length of one normal stride on solid ground. Hell, physical fitness aside, that trek was harder for Nicole than Azan because she's much heavier, sinking in more, and making more work for herself. And yeah, I bet the cameramen really weren't loving it either. She's lazy, but for me that scene just epitomized why you don't go on a long vacation in a hotass climate with an aspiring fitness model you've never met in person. Nothing about Nicole screamed "you know, I bet she'd enjoy trekking through the desert!", and he seemed to not care about or anticipate what she'd be comfortable doing. Granted, in her shoes I would have just politely declined that trip and explained I was 100% sure it would kick my ass and make both of us miserable, but he showed basically zero compassion or trying to understand where she was coming from once she started redlining. Then again, he's after a green card and not in this for her at all, so I'm not sure why I expected him to give a damn anyway.

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3 hours ago, newyorkgirl said:


I feel that half of the men on this show have been accused of being homosexual.  What evidence is there that Azan is gay?  

The hot pink shirt he wore to the airport.

But seriously, it was like he struggled to keep his lunch down every time he had to kiss her.   He was repelled by her.   He had no natural ease in her presence and seemed very agitated being near her.   JMO, but I don't think he likes women.

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3 hours ago, Matias130 said:

This is a side note, but is Jorge Latino? He was speaking Spanish pretty well on the phone and the spelling of his name is the Spanish way. His sisters all seem American and he does too but I was thrown off by his Spanish speaking abilities. 

I lived on So Cali for a few years.  He def is Latino, just maybe one of those kids who eschewed his upbringing. Dime a dozen in LA.  

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40 minutes ago, suzsqueak said:

If they were in L.A. it would be one thing, but it looks like they're in Irvine.  Where there's no real public transit to speak of, and there's nothing to do.  Trust me I lived there for 7 of the longest years of my life.  

Amen. I lived in LA, Marina del Rey to be exact.  Nothing to do but walk around to the Coffee Bean or Gelsons. 

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17 minutes ago, millennium said:

The hot pink shirt he wore to the airport.

But seriously, it was like he struggled to keep his lunch down every time he had to kiss her.   He was repelled by her.   He had no natural ease in her presence and seemed very agitated being near her.   JMO, but I don't think he likes women.

Well, Azan not liking Nicole does not necessarily mean he does not like women, she is probably not his type. 

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3 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:

Security meaning he works and she benefits financially?

Pretty much.  Or depending on what her situation was in the Ukraine, maybe having a home to live in that she doesn't have to share with multiple family members or missing certain creature comforts (I mean, if Pedro - was it Pedro?- was psyched about having hot water to shower in, maybe there's something similar Alla didn't have on the regular over there, I don't know).  There's a reason she wants to be over here, and whatever it really is, whatever American ideal she is after, she might think Matt can provide it for her.  

But yeah, lol, Matt working and Alla being a stay at home wifey, sure, she'd probably dig that too.  I have my moments where I start thinking it might be a good gig to look into myself... lol (I'd be terrible at it. My boss gave us a 3-day weekend for the hell of it and I came into work anyway because I just didn't know what to do "FREE TIME? WHAT IS THIS NONSENSE? WHAT DO PEOPLE DO WITH THIS? WHAT DO I DO WITH MY HANDS?")

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4 hours ago, newyorkgirl said:

Why does not one talk about the huge age difference between Matt and Alla.  Thirteen years!  There is so much discussion about the same age difference between Dani and Mo.  Alla has a child and she is not model beautiful but I don't think that she has to settle for a man 13 years older who has been married and divorced three times.   She seems like a good person but I was concerned when she talked about bringing her sister to the USA.  I am all for immigration but it kind of smelled like marriage fraud to me.  

I actually don't really have anything against Matt.  I don't know the circumstances of his three divorces.  He is weird but does not seem "evil."  He actually looked hurt when Alla said that she does not love him. Yet, he came to her defense.  

a man 13 years older is not so unusual.  Biologically it makes sense.  An older woman is not as likely to bear children that a younger man would probably (eventually) want.  An older man can still father a child and hopefully is more stable financially...which is good for the family.  

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2 hours ago, annewithaneee said:

And yeah, I bet the cameramen really weren't loving it either.

(Nicole's climbing the sand dune) Maybe the cameramen had the luxury of riding in some kind of dune buggies with their equipment. 

3 hours ago, KateHearts said:

The iPhone feature used to track someone doesn't make noise.

My iPhone has the option of playing that pinging sound to locate the phone. 

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And seriously, you gotta respect Alla's honesty. If she was some two-bit scammer, all she would have to do is lie and say, yes, she loves him. (Not that that d-bag Pat would believe her anyway). But she's sticking to her guns, and she's honest. And I respect that. People are so single-minded about what love is. They think their definition of passionate love is the ONLY type of love. But in so much of the world, love is only achieved AFTER marriage, since dating/living together isn't commonly or traditionally practiced. I mean, even in America, I dated my now-husband for a year before I knew I LOVED him. But they only have 90 days (plus the few visits beforehand)! The type of love achieved in that short of time is the kind that burns fast and often peters out. The type of love that remains, achieved through growth and shared experience -- that's the kind that lasts. And I think Alla is wise enough to know the difference, and that's why she doesn't take that word so lightly. So why doesn't she get more respect for that? Seriously, all of the haters in Matt's life need to mind their own business. I'm team Alla all the way. :)

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  7 hours ago, Kangatush said:

I think Alla is comfortable with the idea of marriage as something besides love. Matt is not a bad man, will treat her and Max well, and could be a really solid companion. I think whether or not she sticks around post green card is entirely up to how she is treated. If Matt listens to his horrible friends and starts treating Alla badly, why should she stay?

Totally agree here.  I think Alla might want some form of companionship and security.  Maybe Matt provides that in the way or to the degree she wants/needs.  

And maybe these people are all sitting at home laughing at US getting all worked up over their lives (except Danielle because social meeedya) lol.  I'd love that.

Yeah, I know of some old people who got married for companionship. God knows it wasn't for the sex! LOL. A lot of people don't want to spend their life alone, and are not the kind of passionate head-over-heels, faller-in-lovers that is so idealized in mainstream media. "Being deeply in love" is not the only acceptable reason for wanting a life-partner. And I think Alla understands the difference.

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16 hours ago, MrSmith said:

We don't have children, but we do have a couple of nieces and several nephews. If any of them ever were to watch this season (or any show with a person or character who acts substantially similar), I would use it as a teachable moment. Anfisa and Jorge both are object lessons in what not to do and how not to act.

So is Nicole...full of teachable moments for how NOT to behave...at the table...in public, in another country.

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12 hours ago, Major Bigtime said:

Actually, TLC/Sharp Productions picks couples with good back stories, yet won't show the public the truth. Each season, we hear couples say "No, no, we actually met a couple of years ago and have been spending a lot of time together." The show wants us to believe these people are only just now getting to know each other but I think I can safely say most of the viewers are not that dumb.

Of course, in the case of Nicole and Azwan, they truly had NOT met before. but yes,TLC does seem to be fudging the alone time. Anfisa and Jorge, for instance, traveled together for quite some time yet the show keeps making it seem like this is the first time they've been around one another (despite the fact that on the first episode they showed pictures of their vacations). 

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7 hours ago, smarte said:

Yeah, I know of some old people who got married for companionship. God knows it wasn't for the sex! LOL. A lot of people don't want to spend their life alone, and are not the kind of passionate head-over-heels, faller-in-lovers that is so idealized in mainstream media. "Being deeply in love" is not the only acceptable reason for wanting a life-partner. And I think Alla understands the difference.

That's absolutely fine, IF Matt wants a marriage like that as well.

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11 hours ago, Matias130 said:

Well, Azan not liking Nicole does not necessarily mean he does not like women, she is probably not his type. 

So much this. There are plenty of women I've met in my life (especially when I was single) that I thought were pretty and yet weren't my type. And I never got excited by being in their presence or had any desire to even kiss them.

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For all who are speculating on "love" in Ukraine, I am ethnically Ukrainian, married to a Ukrainian man, and I have spent a considerable amount of time in Ukraine.

Most women in Ukraine marry Ukrainian men for love.  Before the collapse of the USSR, age disparate relationships were rare, and people married very young, under 25.  They usually lived with their parents until they could obtain their own apartment, which in Kyiv (where my husband is from), could be a decade or more.  People usually went on lists for apartments at their workplace, and that is how apartments were distributed.

After the collapse of the USSR, Ukrainian women (and Russians for a time) flocked to meet Western men.  The system had collapsed, life was very difficult (people lined up for bread in Moscow), and marrying a Western man was an escape from grinding poverty.  Mail order bride sites developed in both countries.  When Putin came to power, he eventually destroyed the "mail order bride" industry in Russia.  It is still a MAJOR source of income in Ukraine, for translators, flower delivery people, hotels, restaurants, taxis, etc., and the women advertising themselves on the sites.    Pay per letter sites are common, with maybe 10% of girls listed receiving 99% of the letters, and pay per view porn is common in Ukraine as well.  A significant number of women, including married women, supplement their incomes by writing to Western men.  

Currently, Ukraine's economy is a basket case.  Ukrainians are literate and well educated, but the average income is under $3000 annually.  People survive because most have housing and most have ties to a village, so they can supply themselves with food.  My husband's relatives are from the city, and he supplements them to survive.  This, too, is common, as over 5 million Ukrainians work abroad.

In regions in Western Ukraine now, electricity has been cut to tens of thousands of homes, because people don't have money to pay for it.  I don't know what will happen this winter, as gas prices, per the IMF, are no longer subsidized.  The country is mired in corruption, with no future.  That is why Alla is willing to marry a man she doesn't love.  She wants to get out of Ukraine, she wants to ensure her son has a future, and Matt is her ticket out.  From her perspective, she could do worse.  He is not as old as many Americans who go to Ukraine to look for foreign wives (20 plus age differences are not unusual, but those marriages rarely last beyond citizenship, and most men are looking for young women they could not score at home).  He is good looking and in good shape (very rare among Ukrainian bride seekers).  From what I have seen in the program, he is also far more normal than most mail order bride seekers.  So, from Alla's perspective, she has chosen a guy with a poor track record, but he is attractive and doesn't seem to be a control freak.  He is weak, and most Ukrainians are not, but I think she can live with this because he seems kind.

So, I would say that, in the "mail order bride" business with which Ukrainian women are now very familiar, love is not a prerequistive to marriage, in fact, love just does not exist in the overwhelming majority of these transactions.  Some women hope it will develop over time.  Those same Ukrainian women likely would be willing to marry a rich Ukrainian man, but those are few.  If they were to marry the "average Ivan" in Ukraine, they would definitely be seeking a love match.

Really enjoyed reading this information. Very informative and makes a lot of sense in regards to Allas' motives. Honestly both of them seem like nice people. I say all the best to them. I think they have a good chance at success.

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2 hours ago, MrSmith said:

So much this. There are plenty of women I've met in my life (especially when I was single) that I thought were pretty and yet weren't my type. And I never got excited by being in their presence or had any desire to even kiss them.

You probably didn't date or ask them to marry you either. Those things are a sign to women that you ARE interested, lol.

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  13 hours ago, millennium said:

The hot pink shirt he wore to the airport.

But seriously, it was like he struggled to keep his lunch down every time he had to kiss her.   He was repelled by her.   He had no natural ease in her presence and seemed very agitated being near her.   JMO, but I don't think he likes women.

Well, Azan not liking Nicole does not necessarily mean he does not like women, she is probably not his type. 

Sorry but she would not be a lot of people's type. She needs to take care of herself and her physical condition for sure! This will surely turn out to be another Danielle and Mohammed situation if it proceeds.

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1 minute ago, Xena1833 said:

Sorry but she would not be a lot of people's type. She needs to take care of herself and her physical condition for sure! This will surely turn out to be another Danielle and Mohammed situation if it proceeds.

She may not be Azan's type, but millions of plus-size women in this country do find partners and have happy relationships.

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44 minutes ago, Xena1833 said:

Sorry but she would not be a lot of people's type. She needs to take care of herself and her physical condition for sure! This will surely turn out to be another Danielle and Mohammed situation if it proceeds.

It's more than her not being his type.   I can't explain it further.   It's an intuition thing.

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14 hours ago, Granny58 said:

it may have been deliberately harsh because she was angry at how Patrick treated her and Matt allowed it.  

That may be the case. I also think that Alla, while her English is very good, doesn't have the facility in the language to fully express her meaning.

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1 hour ago, DangerousMinds said:

You probably didn't date or ask them to marry you either. Those things are a sign to women that you ARE interested, lol.

Good point. lol Very true. If I wasn't interested in them, I kept them solidly friend-zoned.

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Real Eyes, thank you so much for your insight. I believe what you're saying about Alla. The trouble is, does Matt believe it and understand it?

These American men seem to convince themselves that the women marry them because they're head-over-heels in love and can't resist - when the light of day shows that this is not the case.

These marriages can work if everybody's on the same page and understands that it is, essentially, a business transaction meant to provide security for the woman and sex/children for the man. Expecting anything else is a recipe for massive disappointment and disillusionment. As we've seen more than once, even on this contrived show.

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45 minutes ago, preciousperfect said:

Her being obese is the very least of her problems...

What's more, her weight is probably just a visible symptom of her other problems. My mom was very heavy most of her life, including yo-yo'ing between a somewhat healthy weight and a definitely unhealthy weight (350-400#), and I know that mostly had to do with how she felt about herself, her life, and what her relationship with her mother and siblings was like at the moment. She drilled it into our heads (my younger brother's and mine) to never marry a "fat girl". Took me a very long time to overcome that "weight bigotry" and, even now, it still pops up from time to time. And my wife was heavy when I married her, but we cleaned up our diets and hit the gym and she's kept the weight off for a decade now. (Of course, it helps that I've been supportive and positive and that we did it together, rather than a mean douche putting all the responsibility on her.)

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16 hours ago, mrsh said:

More than that, he drives a very expensive Audi. That car costs easily over 100k. I don't know if he owns, leases or rents, but I'm sure it has bluetooth. If my Toyota Sienna has Bluetooth, no excuse for his expensive Audi not to. He's so blinded by Anfisa's fake boobs that he cant see she cares nothing for him.

He leases that car for sure. They are living in fast food and living in a mediocre apartment. He isn't a wealthy man 

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A lot of people date for 3 months or 6 months and say "I love you" and I feel Alla is talking about true love. She has tried to explain it many times. There is no way that Matt really "loves" Alla. He doesn't even know her. Its obvious to me that her definition of love comes from being with someone over time, not the quick infatuation love. I have had so many friends say "I love him" when they never even went through anything together. You really learn to love someone experiencing life's boring things as well as big life crisis.  She keeps saying that she defines it more deeply- like real, true love not puppy love. Then she says they have a good relationship and she wants to marry him. It's not her culture, it's her. And I think she is being mature about defining love that way, because once you have gone through bad times with someone, the death of a family member for example and you see what they are really made of, things like that lead to a deep, true love for a spouse or boyfriend. Just dating and the amount of time they know each other they have not had time to really grow to love each other. She is the only one making sense. Azan and Nicole saying "I love you I love you" is completely stupid. Same with the rest of them. 

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If Nicole wants a demonstrative husband who appreciates "BBW", maybe she should go back online to seek her own Nigerian Prince. Someone like Lowo would not only have trouble keeping his hands off her, he'd romance her with flower petals, ply her with cupcakes and never criticize her eating habits. Who knows, maybe Lowo himself is back in the Available-Prince-Seeking-a-Green-Card Pool. 

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1 hour ago, DangerousMinds said:

She may not be Azan's type, but millions of plus-size women in this country do find partners and have happy relationships.

It's not necessarily her weight. She is uneducated, rude, disrespectful child-woman with poor impulse control. It's not about her weight. Bless her heart. Maybe seeing herself portrayed in the series will be an eye opener for her. I'm sure that her friends and family are cringing at some of her behavior. She is very young - Bradenton isn't the best local for continuing to broaden her world view. But her trip to Morocco may have opened her eyes a bit more than is evident from the episodes to date. 

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20 hours ago, Matias130 said:

This is a side note, but is Jorge Latino? He was speaking Spanish pretty well on the phone and the spelling of his name is the Spanish way. His sisters all seem American and he does too but I was thrown off by his Spanish speaking abilities. 

A person can be Latino and American, fyi. Latino refers to one's ethnicity and American refers to nationality. I'm sure you didn't mean anything by this but the question could be taken quite offensively.

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21 hours ago, NahorsNeighbor said:

Patrick is the best TV villain of 2016. He is such an unrepentant douchebag.

Also, our theory is Azan is gay and wants to get out of a country where that is a death sentence. He picked an easy target and wants to come here to live the life he wants. It's the only explanation that makes sense. Come on over Azan. You be you.

I despise Patrick yet love Bev (Melanie & Devar) which is interesting.... Double standard I guess. Patrick is definately Matt's mouthpiece. I still say because Matt is a twin he was the for lack of a better description the weaker twin who struggled more and was coddled and has attachment issues with his mom, and women thereafter. He will take acceptance wherever it's given, gazing longingly at Patrick as Patrick sticks up for him, attaching to that instead of defending his fiancee!

I have been on that thought train re: Azan for a while. That guy that was at the airport when Nicole arrived in Morocco? He and Azan may be out and proud one day in a Western country and I hope they can if that is their destiny. 

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2 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:


2 hours ago, preciousperfect said:

Her being obese is the very least of her problems...

Agreed. I'm just sorry she seems to get so much shaming for it. She has plenty of other things to work on in life.


100% cosigned. I think as the season progresses it's lessening a little, but there's been a lot of that at least in these threads, and it bums me out. There's a lot of unattractive, troubling qualities about Nicole. Weight's pretty far down the list for me.

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I agree too. But it does seem that her weight is tied into a bunch of her other issues. Like her blindness that it's unlikely a guy who supposedly "works" as a personal trainer would truly believe she's his soulmate. 

My SIL (who got us into this show - thanks Emily!) is a speech therapist for the Chicago Public School system. She thinks it's likely Nicole has some sort of cognitive disability based on her speech, mannerisms, etc. She's 99% sure Danielle does. That might explain why her family seems so indulgent with her.

Speaking of - what does Azan do anyway? Huge demand in Morocco for personal trainers where average wage is $9K/year? Is he even working if he was able to spend five weeks playing video games with Nicole? Maybe she brought an XBox with her as a down payment (see everybody in Hell!).

Edited by Jennifersdc
Damn that pesky grammar
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3 hours ago, spankydoll said:

It's not necessarily her weight. She is uneducated, rude, disrespectful child-woman with poor impulse control. It's not about her weight. Bless her heart. Maybe seeing herself portrayed in the series will be an eye opener for her. I'm sure that her friends and family are cringing at some of her behavior. She is very young - Bradenton isn't the best local for continuing to broaden her world view. But her trip to Morocco may have opened her eyes a bit more than is evident from the episodes to date. 

Bradenton is close to beautiful beaches that get a lot of European tourists. Whether she chooses to interact with people who are not just like her is another question.

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I have to say that, compared to the "No Hassle Castle" in KY, Liberty Diamonds could be the Poor Man's Tiffany's of Irvine, CA! (although they might already have a REAL Tiffany's!) 

Edited by magemaud
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Nicole and Azan: Everyone keeps saying that he's only in it for the green card, yet I've never seen him express any great desire to be in the US. He is not a Mo. I think he is young and dumb and thought Nicole was different than she is. Spending this time with her showed him all her very unattractive qualities. And I don't really think it's the weight. He was all about being intimate with her that first night. And then he pulled away the more of her personality he saw. Even if someone isn't your type, personality can go a long way towards making you attracted to them. And vice versa. People you initially found attractive can turn really ugly with a bad personality. He called her lazy, which she is, and was appalled by her eating habits. He said he wanted her healthy. Healthy doesn't have to mean skinny. And I think it is so incredibly telling that in her TH back home Nicole said she thought Azan could change. No mention of the fact she agreed to some changes too. And same with the family dinner. Her mom and sister want to think the worst so she told them the worst. If it had been my family member who told me there had been fights, I would have asked what they were about.

Lowo and Narkyia: Am I the only one who would be creeped out by a room decorated with my own pictures?

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Nicole and Azan: Everyone keeps saying that he's only in it for the green card, yet I've never seen him express any great desire to be in the US

I just keep coming back to the fact that he proposed to her within 3 weeks of knowing her. A woman with a child. A woman with a religious background he has zero interest in experiencing. He doesn't come across as flighty, impulsive, or unintelligent, he seems to love  his home, and he doesn't show any signs of being infatuated like Nicole is. So if he's not in it for the trip to america, what is he up to then?

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35 minutes ago, Kangatush said:

He was all about being intimate with her that first night. And then he pulled away the more of her personality he saw. Even if someone isn't your type, personality can go a long way towards making you attracted to them. And vice versa.

The look on Azan's face when he turned away after she finally disappeared at the airport after 10,000+ goodbye's & 'I love you's' was chuckle-worthy. He seemed to me to be really trying, since the camera got a full facial on him, to not heave a deep sigh of relief. If they weren't following him out the door he might've been skipping & doing big jumps clicking his heels together in the air all the way to the cab.

I don't have trouble believing he told her to 'shut the f*ck' up. With the way he couldn't get a word in edgewise she could have easily provoked it even if he never cussed before... she's a patience tester to say the least.

How is he going to put up with her in America, even for the length of time it would take to get the green card? It just doesn't seem like he'd even want to go through with it. If the family is behind this to get one of them to the states he might just be begging for some other penance he could do right now instead.

Narkyia - that's a long way to go for a booty call.

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6 hours ago, preciousperfect said:

Her being obese is the very least of her proble

6 hours ago, preciousperfect said:

Her being obese is the very least of her problems...

I agree with that statement. For starters she knew absolutely zero about his culture, she comes across as being very needy and first and foremost she has a young child to consider in all of this. I hope for her sake this relationship goes nowhere. He simply is not into her anyway.

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3 hours ago, Jennifersdc said:

I agree too. But it does seem that her weight is tied into a bunch of her other issues. Like her blindness that it's unlikely a guy who supposedly "works" as a personal trainer would truly believe she's his soulmate. 

My SIL (who got us into this show - thanks Emily!) is a speech therapist for the Chicago Public School system. She thinks it's likely Nicole has some sort of cognitive disability based on her speech, mannerisms, etc. She's 99% sure Danielle does. That might explain why her family seems so indulgent with her.

Speaking of - what does Azan do anyway? Huge demand in Morocco for personal trainers where average wage is $9K/year? Is he even working if he was able to spend five weeks playing video games with Nicole? Maybe she brought an XBox with her as a down payment (see everybody in Hell!).


5 hours ago, spankydoll said:

It's not necessarily her weight. She is uneducated, rude, disrespectful child-woman with poor impulse control. It's not about her weight. Bless her heart. Maybe seeing herself portrayed in the series will be an eye opener for her. I'm sure that her friends and family are cringing at some of her behavior. She is very young - Bradenton isn't the best local for continuing to broaden her world view. But her trip to Morocco may have opened her eyes a bit more than is evident from the episodes to date. 

7 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:

She may not be Azan's type, but millions of plus-size women in this country do find partners and have happy relationships.

Point taken but it seemed to me that Azan  was not aware of her plus size status when he met her face to face. He made comments right away about her size. Obviously he only saw head shots while they were communicating. 

7 hours ago, preciousperfect said:

Her being obese is the very least of her problems...


6 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:

Agreed. I'm just sorry she seems to get so much shaming for it. She has plenty of other things to work on in life.

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