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S06.E01: Put A Ring On It / S06.E02: Tweet Tweet

Tara Ariano
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14 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

Thank you!!

And that was how I knew Catelynn will never leave Tyler. He was going to another state to live with some guy while he studied to become an actor? I see. If my man told me that, we'll I would tell him to stay right there in that state with that man. Be well my love. I will fly the pride flag in your honor, and fight hard for your rights. 

 There was no logical explanation for Tyler to live with some random man other than...fact gathering? Why didn't he get his own apartment? That always baffled me. But it really didn't. 

No, I don't think Tyler has any sexual interest in Cate. I think Carly was the truest "first time and oops" baby and got stuck with Cate. 

I don't want to go down this rabbit hole again so I'll stop.

Agree, agree, agree. Bye bye!

Tyler couldn't get away from Cate fast enough. Sure, let me try being an actor and go where there is a thriving movie scene - New Orleans?

Catelynn gave out these excuses about how they were still a couple such as "we are stronger than ever" and “I love him, and I need to stand by him.”

Whatever was really going down in the bayou, the fact remains this was just one of many times that Tyler was showing his true colors. He was and still is a selfish prick. Still, Cate waited for him. For sure, this girl is not going to leave Tyler. If she didn't leave him then, she sure as hell won't leave now especially now that Nova is in the picture. Cate wanted to be engaged. She got it. She wanted marriage. It took some time, but she got it. She wanted a baby. She got it. All of these quick fixes to make her happy are just dragging her down further.

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Someone mentioned Kim laughing at Tyler's joke to Cate and yeah I agree her distaste for Cate has been evident badly for the past couple years. In the beginning I sort of understood why Kim wasn't all yay to them being engaged and Etc because they were kids but I remember a scene where Tyler came over and announced they were moving in together and Kim was not into it.  She really doesn't like Catelynn for some reason. It's. It like Tyler is that great either. Just because he doesn't have a problem with eating and weight( or at least one that isn't superficially seen), all he is doing is getting filmed by mtv. Tyler isn't different than any other of these guys the girls pick up, except mtv seems to think he is.

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Tyler is Kim's special baby boy. Kim likely feels that Catelynn is dragging her son down, he could do better, and that darn Catelynn locked him into a relationship too young. That attitude could also play into why Tyler is so full of himself. I'm glad I don't have to watch my MIL talk crap about me on TV every Monday. Ignorance is bliss.

The episode is re-running right now and I'm really seeing Catelynn is picking up on April's mannerisms. That little head shake April does when she speaks with attitude, Catelynn does that too now.

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I wonder if Tyler would be called out more for the asshat that he is if he weren't so effeminate.  He has this girlish Justin Beiber quality to him that makes him look harmless, but is he any different from any of the other guys? Somehow the original story of Cate giving up the baby to keep Tyler was twisted into a fairytale of Carly being given away for a better life. No,  It was give up the baby or I'm out.

I think he was given a pass because he seemed so small and harmless. He's cute and cuddly. Kinda like a baby.  Babies are sweet. Babies cant hurt you. Babies shit on you and it's cool cause it's a baby. Ahhh, baby shit. But this ain't baby shit  he's been flinging. This is grown man shit. And it ain't cute and it's never been nice. He's been tossing this shit at Catelyn for years and she's just lapping it up.

He's been a douche from the beginning, but somehow he had teen girl's swooning over how great he was to Catelynn. No. No he hasn't. Right from the start he's been making this girl dance for him. Hes told her from the beginning that she wasn't good enough and will never be good enough.

 Package all of his antics up and stick it in Ryan's body.  How would he have been received?  Would it be so "America's Sweetheart" couple? Or would the abuse he heaps on her be called out more? I dunno.

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3 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

I wonder if Tyler would be called out more for the asshat that he is if he weren't so effeminate.  He has this girlish Justin Beiber quality to him that makes him look harmless, but is he any different from any of the other guys? Somehow the original story of Cate giving up the baby to keep Tyler was twisted into a fairytale of Carly being given away for a better life. No,  It was give up the baby or I'm out.

I think he was given a pass because he seemed so small and harmless. He's cute and cuddly. Kinda like a baby.  Babies are sweet. Babies cant hurt you. Babies shit on you and it's cool cause it's a baby. Ahhh, baby shit. But this ain't baby shit  he's been flinging. This is grown man shit. And it ain't cute and it's never been nice. He's been tossing this shit at Catelyn for years and she's just lapping it up.

He's been a douche from the beginning, but somehow he had teen girl's swooning over how great he was to Catelynn. No. No he hasn't. Right from the start he's been making this girl dance for him. Hes told her from the beginning that she wasn't good enough and will never be good enough.

 Package all of his antics up and stick it in Ryan's body.  How would he have been received?  Would it be so "America's Sweetheart" couple? Or would the abuse he heaps on her be called out more? I dunno.

That's a good point. I also think the reason why Tyler's been put on a pedestal is because of the adoption. Right from the get-go, he's been treated as the best father on the franchise for giving up his child when he was only a teenager. I don't think it really matters what he looks like; for the past seven years, MTV's been acting like he's boyfriend of the century for sticking by Cate after they adopted Carly out. Maybe his more effeminate qualities help, but I think he was always going to be the franchise's golden boyfriend no matter what, which makes it better when he had that twitter meltdown over people calling him out for calling Catelynn a heifer. He truly thinks he's untouchable, but now that his uglier moments are actually being shown on TV, it's becoming obvious that this isn't the case. I just wonder about the heinous shit he's said and done that didn't make the cut. 

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18 hours ago, WhosThatGirl said:

Someone mentioned Kim laughing at Tyler's joke to Cate and yeah I agree her distaste for Cate has been evident badly for the past couple years. In the beginning I sort of understood why Kim wasn't all yay to them being engaged and Etc because they were kids but I remember a scene where Tyler came over and announced they were moving in together and Kim was not into it.  She really doesn't like Catelynn for some reason. It's. It like Tyler is that great either. Just because he doesn't have a problem with eating and weight( or at least one that isn't superficially seen), all he is doing is getting filmed by mtv. Tyler isn't different than any other of these guys the girls pick up, except mtv seems to think he is.

I think Kim wanted more for Tyler. Kim isn't super successful herself, but she is far from April. She somehow escaped Butch and went on to live a fairly normal, happy life. I think she worked really hard to raise those kids to move beyond their circumstances. I don't think she necessarily dislikes Cate. I think she just dislikes the idea of them being so permanently together so young. Those two have barely spent a minute apart. How do you find yourself when you're constantly attached to another person? From the age of 13! I just see her as a mother thinking that settling down and having a family so young was a mistake. The trouble is, she doesn't seem to hold Tyler accountable for those things as well. He's a big boy and he could have grown a spine and told Cate he wanted out for once and all and moved on, and allowed her to move on, a long time ago. But he won't. Kim needs to realize that her son has become addicted to this low level fame and he has no more ambition than his schlumpy wife does. 

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Unfortunately I don't think that Kim will ever realize that the problem isn't Cate but Tyler himself. She's delusional if she thinks that without Cate Tyler would be some great success. That wasn't in the cards for Tyler; he's too lazy and egotistical and has no ambition beyond gathering likes on social media. Without Cate, Tyler would have found another girl with low self esteem to keep under his thumb. Cate's a convenient scapegoat for both Kim and Tyler.

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She's delusional if she thinks that without Cate Tyler would be some great success. 

Word!  What the hell do they DO all day?  If your entire existence depends on social media likes, what do you sit there and think about all day??

And this asswipe is about as supportive as Butch was to him as a child.  Tyler needs some therapy himself, and Kim ought to mind her own dang business.  Get your head out of the clouds, lady, if your precious son hadn't met Caitlyn, he'd be lucky to have a job at Mickey D's.

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19 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

Somehow the original story of Cate giving up the baby to keep Tyler was twisted into a fairytale of Carly being given away for a better life. No,  It was give up the baby or I'm out.

I took the original story to be giving up the baby for a better life, and the "or I'm out" was there but not prominent.  But on Teen Mom, I started seeing more of Tyler's m.o. and controlling ways, and the "or I'm out" became more apparent.

But either way, the fact remains that from what we can tell, Carly has a better life, and any means justifies that end as far as I'm concerned.  I don't think Cate's life would be better if she'd kept Carly; it certainly wouldn't have been better if there weren't Teen Mom money coming down the pike, and even with it, I'm not sure.  I don't care about Tyler.



 Package all of his antics up and stick it in Ryan's body.  How would he have been received?  Would it be so "America's Sweetheart" couple? Or would the abuse he heaps on her be called out more? I dunno.

On 16&P when Tyler was standing up to Butch and April about the adoption, I was impressed, and I'll admit that part of that had to do with the fact that he looked 12 years old.  That scene of him telling Butch that he wouldn't be responsible for another person growing up the way he did really got to me--I remember seeing it in previews and I really did think he was way younger than he actually was.  Maybe that colored my views.

Regardless, I'm still impressed.  Whatever his motivation, he didn't want to keep that baby, and if that meant threatening Catelynn with the one thing she's non-negotiable on (keeping Tyler), then so be it.  I wish more "fathers" would be similarly adamant, or at least not enabling, where they just go along with the girl's plans dreams of a happy family and then just disappear once it's too late. 

That said, I still hate Tyler. 

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Catelynn and Tyler have really changed the story on why they adopted Carly out several times. First it was because Butch and April provided an abusive, dysfunctional environment that was in no way appropriate for a baby. Then they said they gave her up so they could go to college and get great careers. Then Tyler said that they gave Carly up so they could be regular teenagers again. Then Cate said she gave Carly up to keep Tyler around. Then he said in the recent "Being Butch" special that he gave Carly up because Butch never taught him how to be a good father. It's like they have to have some grand, important, special reason for choosing to give up their firstborn. Their original reason---"We live in a shitty environment and are way too young to be parents"---doesn't seem to cut it anymore. Everybody who watched their first episode knows they were completely justified in not wanting to keep Carly, but Catelynn and Tyler don't seem to think so given that they keep adding reasons for giving her up. I don't know if it's regret pushing them or the fact that they've been hailed as these selfless heroes since they were sixteen. Either way, it's weird. 

Edited by geekamonggeeks
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I feel like everyone was impressed with the choice they made at 16 and it was the right choice, from what we saw in Cate's 16 and pregnant episode. They didn't even need to give a reason. The viewers were impressed by this choice and yes, the more they add on reasons at this point.. they don't need to and it does take away the impact. 

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4 hours ago, ghoulina said:


Maybe they feel like they are in a better place with with  Butch and April,  and don't want to hurt them and say it again. That having them as parents really pushed them into that decision.  Or maybe it's a jumble of all those reasons.  For me, it doesn't matter at the end Carly has a better life and that imo,  is all that really matters. 

Eta: I'm not sure why the quote box is in my post. 

Edited by imjagain
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Catelynn and Tyler were not ready to be parents then, and they sure as hell are not ready to be parents now.

I have never felt these two should have ever raised Carly. Hell, I don't think they are capable of raising Nova. I just don't believe that at a time when a female is pregnant, and full of emotions due to her pregnancy and other matters such as possible adoption, that she should be threatened with anything that concerns her or her unborn fetus. Sure in the end it is great that Carly went to B&T,  I just don't believe that is how it needed to happen. If Tyler were to threaten to divorce Catelynn if she didn't shed 75 pounds because he doesn't want a fat wife and it would be the best thing in the end because she would be a healthy person anyways, that would be horrible. In fact, that is pretty much the message he is sending to her right now on the show.

Cate doesn't need to be threatened. She needs the truth. Tyler is an asshole because he made that threat about leaving Catelynn if she didn't give up that baby, but how many times after that did he threaten to leave her for other reasons? He kept dragging her along, letting her believe he wanted to marry her and then proposed to her. After that, he broke it off how many times? Maybe this was another time where Tyler should have been adamant and made it clear he wasn't wanting to marry her and allow Catelynn to live her life. Kinda sad that I even typed that out, as if Catelynn's life depends on what Tyler wants in life.

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39 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

Catelynn and Tyler were not ready to be parents then, and they sure as hell are not ready to be parents now.

I have never felt these two should have ever raised Carly. Hell, I don't think they are capable of raising Nova. I just don't believe that at a time when a female is pregnant, and full of emotions due to her pregnancy and other matters such as possible adoption, that she should be threatened with anything that concerns her or her unborn fetus. Sure in the end it is great that Carly went to B&T,  I just don't believe that is how it needed to happen. If Tyler were to threaten to divorce Catelynn if she didn't shed 75 pounds because he doesn't want a fat wife and it would be the best thing in the end because she would be a healthy person anyways, that would be horrible. In fact, that is pretty much the message he is sending to her right now on the show.

Cate doesn't need to be threatened. She needs the truth. Tyler is an asshole because he made that threat about leaving Catelynn if she didn't give up that baby, but how many times after that did he threaten to leave her for other reasons? He kept dragging her along, letting her believe he wanted to marry her and then proposed to her. After that, he broke it off how many times? Maybe this was another time where Tyler should have been adamant and made it clear he wasn't wanting to marry her and allow Catelynn to live her life. Kinda sad that I even typed that out, as if Catelynn's life depends on what Tyler wants in life.

I was actually struggling to come up with the words, but you did it perfectly. Yes, adopting Carly out was the best thing these boneheads did, but Tyler wasn't cool to threaten Catelynn like he did. Sure, it led to a good outcome (for Carly, anyway), but it shouldn't have come down to that. If he were a really supportive partner, he would've just reminded Cate of all the reasons why adoption was the best choice when she was having second thoughts. None of this "The baby goes or I do" crap. I think that's why Cate tries to come up with all these grand reasons for the real reason she gave up Carly. She definitely knows she would've kept Carly had Tyler not pressured her so much even if it meant raising her child in a filthy, chaotic environment fraught with emotional abuse, drug addiction, and alcoholism. So she says things like, "We gave Carly up so we could go to college and get good careers" because she thinks it's a better justification. Her admitting a few years ago that she ultimately went through with the adoption so Tyler wouldn't leave her was telling. She knew he would've abandoned her and their child if she chose to parent after all. She knew he wasn't trustworthy or reliable, and he still isn't seven years later. No wonder she's so depressed. 

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I have to say while Jen and Larry clearly did things that enabled their own son to be an irresponsible loser type, I love how hard they work to make the entire group a family. When she announced the engagement at the MTV party in LA -- Larry is seen hugging Maci; Jen is hugging Maci's fiancé; then Larry is seen holding Jade -- who is not even his grandchild -- while hugging Maci's fiancé and giving him a kiss on the cheek as you would for a son. They really are trying to make a family for Bentley and showing that they will accept his mom, stepdad and half sister even though they aren't related to these people in any way.

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I'm rewatching the end of the second episode and the scene with Maci and Taylor is so incredibly fake. You could see Taylor waiting for his cue when Maci was blathering on about joining gym memberships. I'd be insulted that these two are trying to pull the wool over our eyes if they weren't so pathetic. 

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19 hours ago, cereality said:

I have to say while Jen and Larry clearly did things that enabled their own son to be an irresponsible loser type, I love how hard they work to make the entire group a family. When she announced the engagement at the MTV party in LA -- Larry is seen hugging Maci; Jen is hugging Maci's fiancé; then Larry is seen holding Jade -- who is not even his grandchild -- while hugging Maci's fiancé and giving him a kiss on the cheek as you would for a son. They really are trying to make a family for Bentley and showing that they will accept his mom, stepdad and half sister even though they aren't related to these people in any way.

Jen and Larry are the best.  

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C&T - So, Cate will work on her mental issues just so she could be pregnant again? She will also lose weight because of that, too? Why bother when you're gonna be reckless with your diet just like you were when you were pregnant with Nova. I'm at the point where nothing surprises me from these two, but when I watch them and actually hear them on the show instead of just reading here, they can really make me repulsed and shocked all over again. It was funny when she came to sit with T and was like:"Finally!" Yeah, you finally have a chance to sit around all day. If it wasn't for that attention-seeking Nova of yours, life would be so much more easier. She looked surprised when she heard pot can interfere with her medication. It's like they get more and more stupid and you'd think they are already on the bottom line of the IQ level.

Maci - I don't buy her acting in any scenes. Even if the proposal was real, that talk about possibly being pregnant was insulting our intelligence! It looked like Taylor couldn't contain his laughter while trying to ask her about her possibly being pregnant. P.S.I know this belongs in the Maci section, but I am officially  disgusted by Ryan and not attracted at all ever since this animal scandal appeared.

Amber - All I want to say is that Matt's friend seems like a random guy who got payed. I'm sad that they cut Leah's hair. I am waiting for Amber to come and say how that whole Twitter thing with Farrah/Jenelle was a misunderstanding, because obviously he didn't explain himself in a way that she understood, so obviously it's all been cleared and they are going forward with the wedding. I admire him for being able to lie so good that it looks like even he's buying it. He really looks like he has his stories and arguments straight, so no one can take him off the show and at the same time take away the attention that comes with it that he's enjoying so much. I hope that makes sense, lol.

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C&T - So, Cate will work on her mental issues just so she could be pregnant again? She will also lose weight because of that, too? Why bother when you're gonna be reckless with your diet just like you were when you were pregnant with Nova. I'm at the point where nothing surprises me from these two, but when I watch them and actually hear them on the show instead of just reading here, they can really make me repulsed and shocked all over again. It was funny when she came to sit with T and was like:"Finally!" Yeah, you finally have a chance to sit around all day. If it wasn't for that attention-seeking Nova of yours, life would be so much more easier. She looked surprised when she heard pot can interfere with her medication. It's like they get more and more stupid and you'd think they are already on the bottom line of the IQ level.

This so much!! I laughed out loud when I got to the bolded part. I am actually shocked there isn't a head or ass mark on that couch where Catelynn sits all damn day just like Gary's couch. 

They are the new Beavis and Butt-Head of MTV.

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My DVR is not recognizing these episodes so I know I'm late to the party, but I'd be remiss if I didn't stop by just to say STFU, Farrah.

Creepy ass Sophia ripping open that gift whilst staring into the soul of the poor person happening to stand in front of her, is what nightmares are made of.

Just how many animals are living in that kennel that Amber calls home?I counted at least four, excluding the ones living beneath the floorboards.

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On August 25, 2016 at 2:19 PM, eskimo said:

I think what bugs me the most about Tyler giving Cate crap about her health is that he does not live a fit and healthy lifestyle himself.  He just isn't fat.  Yet.  He's not thin because he overcame his issues and took control of anything, he's thin because of his DNA.  His health habits aren't much different than hers.  If Tyler just sits, smokes and eats, he too can get fat.  Right now his metabolism is pretty close to, or already in, it's prime.  He could still gain weight.  And a lot of it.   

And as @ghoulina points out, thin does not equal healthy. Not by a long shot.

On August 25, 2016 at 0:48 PM, geekamonggeeks said:

That's what Catelynn needs to do. Instead of making these huge, sudden changes to her diet, she needs to take baby steps. She also needs to start exercising, even if it's just walking around her neighborhood for thirty to forty minutes a day. It would really do her a world of good. However, if she tries changing her diet all at once, she'll probably get overwhelmed and give up out of frustration. Tyler pushing her to lose weight as quickly as possible isn't helping. It's a slow process, but it can work a lot better if she doesn't bite off more than she can chew (pun certainly not intended). 

Why isn't she putting Nova in the stroller and taking her to the park? A walk in the fresh air every day and playing with Nova, pushing her in the swings and going down the slide with her would do Cate a world of good. I know she's depressed and I feel for her, but she needs to try to do something to help herself. Its like she doesn't even believe that she's able, that she's worthy. Like she couldn't possibly have an idea of her own that is any good at all. She's so beaten down and down on herself. Breaks my heart. She's never had any kind of life. Crazy dysfunctional abusive childhood, teen pregnancy, overbearing passive aggressive gaslighting boyfriend/husband. Poor girl is a mess.

On August 26, 2016 at 8:06 PM, evilmindatwork said:

I am surprised that they are not out and about more given that they own several dogs. My one dog has me out and about, logging several miles long walks per day.

Do they have leash laws where they live? Maybe they just let the dogs out on their own. I'm not a dog person but it seems to me that if you have a dog, you want to go throw a stick from time to time, right? Between taking the dogs out to play and taking Nova to the park, Cate could get plenty of fresh air and exercise!

And she would benefit enormously from regular meetings with a nutritionist. She would probably start feeling (physically, anyway) better very quickly if she gave up junk food and soda. I haven't had either in years and the thought of them makes me queasy now. Not even for losing weight, but just for her general health.

Edited by Pepper Mostly
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Tyler irks me for so many reasons but his fixation on Cate's weight is ridiculous. He eats the SAME things she eats. When he made that heifer comment, he was acting like she was eating a HUGE chicken and cheese quesadilla while he was eating a garden salad -- and that totally wasn't the case. And if he thinks he still looks he looked 7 yrs ago in high school, he needs to grab a mirror. He was truly skinny in high school. Now his face has puffed up. Given a lifestyle of sitting around and not even working and both of them eating take out junk all the time, if he gets into the habit of cracking open a beer after a long day of social media "work," he is right on track to be a tubby 35 yr old man.

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I have obviously missed a period of time on the show. How long have Farrah's parents been divorced? 

Also how can you be clean and sober for 3 years ( Matt) and drink  big tall beer? I know there is non alcoholic beer but doesn't it just come in a bottle??   The cousin seemed on the up and up but I'd still be leery if a cousin called after 10 years because your ugly mug is on tv. 

I'm going  over to read about Ryan and if it's true it's beyond scary. The city where I live has a 24 year old sitting in jail since October for sick sick animal abuse. He's going away for a long time because the community and DA as kept it in the the press and will be prosecuting to the maximum we are think. 

I always find Farrah's interactions with her daughter so put on and over done. Like if i keep saying how much I love you everyone will think I'm a good mom.  When mom was drunk and took Simon ou for a lecture her manner is exactly like Farrah. 

I wanted to reach in the screen and smack Tyler into next week.  Ass doesn't think the parents  who are raising their daughter is entitled to privacy?  So full of himself like he is doing something functional with his life. 

Who was poor Amber trying to channel on the bench talking to the producer? Lauren Bacall ? Greta Garbo? 

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Amber and Matt are both supposed former addicts who drink. Apparently they think you can't compare drugs and alcohol. Maybe they're right, I don't know. But I also suspect that Matt was never really an addict and made it all up to create a bond with Amber. 

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On 8/29/2016 at 1:42 PM, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

Jen and Larry are the best.  

I just can't figure out how Ryyyne spawned from those two.


I feel so bad for Cate.  I'm another person who suffers from depression, and I can understand how getting up from the couch seems insurmountable.  I have those feelings too.  It sounds easy to just say, "Just take a walk!" but when you're depressed, your mind can't do it.  I can't imagine having to deal with Tyler's remarks on top of it.  His "You need to get your psychological problems under control" is terribly insensitive and cruel, and it doesn't help the problem at all.  Implying that her needing antidepressants is a weakness and something she needs to quit is only fueling her feelings of worthlessness.  It makes me sad that she sees Sad Panda as a qualified doctor.  He's nothing but a quack famewhore.  His first comment to her about her "hiding everything behind that smile" made me mad.  He should let her share her feelings without making her feel like she should be hiding them.

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Where was Matt's "cousin" for the past ten years? Of course he has good things to say about Matt. He hasn't seen him or talked to him in TEN years! In those ten years Matt has been an accused rapist, he created over 9 children, he left behind children and women in his wake, and he failed to pay support to those kids. I haven't seen a handful of cousins in twelve years. Anything I have to say about them would be from the time period I dealt with them, not what they did during the time I had no contact with them.

Amber knows not to raise her voice or voice any concern she has to Matt. Remember that screaming shrew that used to get into Gary's face and push him around? How I would love to see her get in Matt's face and let him have it. Sadly, she won't. Matt has her where he wants her. Anytime she tries to speak, Matt cuts her off.

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On ‎8‎/‎29‎/‎2016 at 1:42 PM, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

Jen and Larry are the best.  

Can we get a "Being Jen and Larry" episode?  Also a "Being Papa Jeff" episode, for Corey's dad from TM2?

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4 hours ago, marshmallow said:

I just can't figure out how Ryyyne spawned from those two.

I think I said this in the thread for the most recent episode, but I'm now convinced that Ryan is a Changeling. Somewhere out there the REAL Edwards son is living a nice, successful, happy life. Not killing cats or going through girls like they're dryer sheets. 

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3 hours ago, teapot said:

Can we get a "Being Jen and Larry" episode?  Also a "Being Papa Jeff" episode, for Corey's dad from TM2?

I'd watch those. I deleted Being Butch without watching it. Too. Much. Tyler. Honestly, though, I'd love a Being Dawn special. I would die laughing at her malapropisms.

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34 minutes ago, Katt said:

I'd watch those. I deleted Being Butch without watching it. Too. Much. Tyler. Honestly, though, I'd love a Being Dawn special. I would die laughing at her malapropisms.

is it awful that Being Suzi would fascinate the shit out of me?

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18 hours ago, Katt said:

He eats too much salt, which is rather fitting when you think about his attitude. 

Spot on.

Tyler's spin-off, if it were to happen, should be titled Being a Prick.

I want MTV to entice Catelynn with her own spin-off show about her losing weight. They would give her a bonus check of xx amount of money for reaching a certain goal weight. We'd watch her journey as she gets fit, trim, healthy, buys a new wardrobe as she feels physically better about herself.

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5 hours ago, SPLAIN said:


Tyler's spin-off, if it were to happen, should be titled Being a Prick.

 I had to splain myself to my husband just now, I was laughing so hard! Ha ha ha

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7 hours ago, Katt said:

Honestly, though, I'd love a Being Dawn special

For a moment, I thought you meant Dawn the social worker and I was like, "Get out of here." We could watch Dawn lie to prospective birth parents, attend all of Catelynn and Tyler's parties, try to snatch Nova and sell her to the highest bidder. All kidding aside, is anybody else a bit creeped out that Dawn is still so heavily involved in Catelynn's and Tyler's lives? I've never been involved in an adoption situation, but I was always under the impression that the adoption agent really ceases playing a role once everything is finalized. Meanwhile, you have C&T involving Dawn in all of their milestones. The fact that she misled them about expectations in order to get them to hand over Carly just makes it so much worse. It skeeves me out that many of their issues have stemmed from her initial lying, yet they still look at her like she's a family friend. Ugh. 

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I really wanted the show to do Being specials with all the parents. Mostly because I wanted to see Jen and Larry. Larry who I love! I'm iffy about Jen. I think she probably enabled Ryan more than Larry did. It's obvious at times when talks to him and it's obvious how over Larry has been. But they are so good to Maci, and Taylor, and Jayde. They watched Jayde a couple of times.  I think Maci explained it well to Taylor though, they have known Maci since she was a teenager, her and Ryan did date when she was 16. They've known her for quite some time. I remember they really wanted Maci and Ryan to work out, they were going to pay for their honeymoon and all that. 

But I was hoping all the parents were going to get a Being special. Can you imagine a Being Debra special? Or a Being Micheal special? 

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Why is Farrah even back? She's a pig.  She was so rude at the beginning! I can't even stand her face, her child is a little psycho,  and her mom and Simon? Please leave. 

I just think Bentley is a doll. I love him.

I feel for Cate. I had postpartum after my son and it so insidious. I didn't see it and when I finally did, it was horrible.  People around me saw it but didn't say anything.  I hope she's ok and doesn't just listen to Dr Drew. 

Amber needs to leave that creep.  He's horrible! He's just awful and I'd never leave my kid with him. 

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Dr. Drew needs to have a sit down with all the Teen Moms and Dads and Dustin Diamond and Jon Gosselin, so that the latter can explain to the former where they are headed with no education, real jobs, or attempts to save their money. Why are Tyler and Catelynn buying another house?? Why do so few of these people seem to work at anything? What happened to last season when Tyler's mom was attempting to explain to him that his MTV "job" has an end date and he needs to be prepared?

Season after season, they sit on couches, find guys, and make more babies. And that's about it. I laugh the hardest at the idea that these girls are going to make social media their career. They're not famous or charismatic enough to pull that off.

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9 hours ago, geekamonggeeks said:

For a moment, I thought you meant Dawn the social worker and I was like, "Get out of here." We could watch Dawn lie to prospective birth parents, attend all of Catelynn and Tyler's parties, try to snatch Nova and sell her to the highest bidder. All kidding aside, is anybody else a bit creeped out that Dawn is still so heavily involved in Catelynn's and Tyler's lives? I've never been involved in an adoption situation, but I was always under the impression that the adoption agent really ceases playing a role once everything is finalized. Meanwhile, you have C&T involving Dawn in all of their milestones. The fact that she misled them about expectations in order to get them to hand over Carly just makes it so much worse. It skeeves me out that many of their issues have stemmed from her initial lying, yet they still look at her like she's a family friend. Ugh. 

I'm sure you've taken a look into those faith-based adoption agencies, they are all really, really questionable when you get down to it. And I don't think C&T realize that she's a huckster. Eventually she'll stop taking their calls because they have nothing more to offer her or her organization. Any responsible person in her position should have pushed the closed adoption option as they are clearly not mentall prepared to sort of have this little "side baby" someone else is watching for them while they were ostensibly getting their lives together. The minute there was the notion of the two kids, Carly and Nova, having this great relationship, that's a red flag, they should have said "No, not a good idea, and not a good idea because of YOU guys, not the kids." 

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2 hours ago, ginger90 said:

I have never purchased a house by giving a check and receiving the keys in the front yard. Ever.

I haven't either because there's always been a mortgage. When I was much younger, my best friend basically did though. She bought a trailer/mobile home, which is just like buying a passenger vehicle. Well, it's exactly like it because it is technically a vehicle. Same title, tag, and registration. Anyway, the trailer was in a trailer park.  She owned it but rented the lot. If a used mobile home is not declared "real property", which is basically the home and land are declared one and are taxed accordingly, it can be sold like any other vehicle. 

The land could be a little more complicated. It's still pretty easy if there are no liens against it. Or rented. I hope C&T didn't go that route though. Maybe they got it at auction? I don't know. 

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41 minutes ago, starfire said:

Didn't Cate and Tyler announce after last season that they were starting some sort of service to find missing people? Whatever happened to that brilliant idea?

They probably stopped talking about it when they couldn't get a network to pick it up because it was lame. Or because TLC already has a show about reuniting long-lost family members. Or when they realized they needed licenses to actually do this sort of thing. Or it got too hard reading and signing paperwork. Catelynn and Tyler have never accomplished any of the goals they set for themselves. They graduated high school by the skin of their teeth and barely went to college. Hell, they couldn't even get married before having a kid of their own. It's no surprise that they've apparently given up on their new TV show. Who wants to see more of Catelynn and Tyler? 

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21 hours ago, teapot said:

is it awful that Being Suzi would fascinate the shit out of me?

I would SO watch this.

14 hours ago, geekamonggeeks said:

For a moment, I thought you meant Dawn the social worker and I was like, "Get out of here." We could watch Dawn lie to prospective birth parents, attend all of Catelynn and Tyler's parties, try to snatch Nova and sell her to the highest bidder. All kidding aside, is anybody else a bit creeped out that Dawn is still so heavily involved in Catelynn's and Tyler's lives? I've never been involved in an adoption situation, but I was always under the impression that the adoption agent really ceases playing a role once everything is finalized. Meanwhile, you have C&T involving Dawn in all of their milestones. The fact that she misled them about expectations in order to get them to hand over Carly just makes it so much worse. It skeeves me out that many of their issues have stemmed from her initial lying, yet they still look at her like she's a family friend. Ugh. 

At this point, Dawn is also a co-worker of Tyler & Cate. They do speaking engagements and appearances to promote adoption for Bethany. You better believe that if they hadn't been on TV Dawn would NEVER have spoken to T & C ever again after the adoption was finalized. She would have avoided their calls. (At least that's my impression from what I've read about the services Bethany provides to birth moms after the adoptions are finalized - ie: there are no services.)

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Tyler is an ass. I feel so sorry for Cate. I can't imagine my mother in law having so much input into my married life that she gets to dictate whether or not (and how) I can grow my family. With my husband backing her up.

And any husband who lets hims mommy have such a huge influence over his MARRIED LIFE is just a nightmare as a husband and doesn't deserve the title of "man."

Poor Cate. No wonder she is depressed. It's her against Tyler and his mommy. And trying to protect April from the judgement that she honestly deserves.

He walks around like he's the Queen of the Holler (a'la Leah Messer). I can't believe that Cate's friend thinks he's hot. Ew. They're not teenagers anymore, they're all in their 20s and...just no. 

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Tyler's never been hot. He's always been a scrawny little prick with a stupid hair cut, a small head, and a big ego. Plus, he has that footprint tattoo in the middle of his chest, and it's so awkward-looking. Especially when he takes "sexy" shirtless pictures and it's the first thing you see. 

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We purchased our home outright, no mortgage. I still went down to the real estate office to make it official. There isn't AS much paperwork, but there are still papers to be signed on both ends. I'm pretty sure they probably did this as well, but staged the keys-check moment to have something to film. I actually don't have an issue with Tyler and Cate buying another house, though. They probably own them both outright, so it's not like they have two mortgages. Owning property is never a bad thing, IMO. They could eventually turn one into a rental and get some passive income going; which would be smart, considering neither one of them have a career of any kind. Plus, I think it's good for Tyler to be DOING something. A little more pulling up boards, a little less playing on social media. 

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Why isn't she putting Nova in the stroller and taking her to the park

Big fat WORD to your entire post!  But, if Caitlin is as depressed as she seems, it can be impossible to get dressed, get the baby ready for an outing, all that that entails.  No way she's getting off that couch at all except maybe to go get cigarettes and fast food.

Someone posted on here a while back, asking why nobody ever stands around talking about Tyler's faults.  I would love so much to see Cait suddenly stand up and start feeding everything right back to Mr Perfect.  And his mother.  


Tyler's spin-off, if it were to happen, should be titled Being a Prick.


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