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S18.E27: Live Eviction 9

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Already two pages! Haha hooo yea! I knew the forum would be blowing up. FINALLY. He's finally out. I wasn't that worried that his little sympathy con would work, but I was worried about producer shennanigans with the RT. The fact that Paulie went out and stayed out earned me a little more trust in TPTB. 

I did love how he tried to play off his breakdown as ALL a ploy for sympathy. He was working that angle towards the end, for sure. But no, most of that was just an immature man having a petulant temper tantrum. And overgrown toddler who had his favorite toy taken away and missed his nap. Paulie is a spoiled brat and he's likely not used to things not going his way. There were plenty of other people who went on the block and didn't act like the diva that he did. Victor was voted out and came back in and handled it with more class than Paulie could ever imagine. 

(Speaking of, are we REALLY going to have to deal with someone else coming back in? Enough already! When was that decision made? In the production room after Paulie's ticket was revealed to be a One Way? Hmmm, I might strike my earlier testament of faith towards the showrunners.) 

But back to Paulie. I cannot stand him. When he's not pouting or being a sexist asshole or freaking out over butterflies, he's acting like a game show host on a testosterone overdose. Seriously. Julie said to give a "brief" statement. Brief. And Paulie goes on and on, with his car salesman pitch and douchebro hand gestures. He was so "on" during the eviction ceremony. And quit picking people up! No one cares how strong your muscles are. You suck. I loved when Julie called him about his vague answer regarding the future with him and Zak. "That's a no." Please, Z, stay strong in jury. 

He tried to tell Nat that he was only mean to her because he was upset for Zak, and took it out on Nat. Bullfuckingshit. He didn't give a crap about Zak, otherwise he would have pulled her off the block. 

And his whole refusal to make the pies was just the worst. Not just because it showed what a poor sport he is, but by not getting up and doing it, he was forcing his houseguests to listen to that annoying Zing message over and over. Born and bred competitor, my ass. Real competitors can deal with losing. 


Blargh. Okay, I can't believe I just typed that much about someone I cannot stand. I hope that's all I have to think about him for the rest of the season. 


Did Brenchel seriously name their baby Adora Borealis? I could deal with Adora, but that middle name is insane. 

  • Love 16

My face after Paulie said crying as a strategy doesn't work as well for him as it does for women



I want Nicole to be evicted and then come back in the buy back. I don't know why. I don't even like Nicole. I just think it'll make Paulie cry more if he competes against all women and comes in last place.

Edited by lids
  • Love 14
10 hours ago, Porterest said:

Does Polly really think anyone who watches this show is going to buy his whole 'crying as a strategy' bs?

I'm sure this was an autocorrect fatality, but I love it. I think we should all call him "Polly" from now on, to rustle his macho jimmies. 


10 hours ago, iMonrey said:

On the one hand I like the idea of the co-HoH because it pretty much guarantees either Nicole or Corey will go next. Even if one of them wins HoH, the co-HoH will put up the other one and the rest of the house will vote them out.

And Nicole can't win the co-HOH, because she already won a Care Package. Corey is such a piece of dry toast, I can't see him having enough fans to win it. But we shall see. I always find that opinions here are vastly different from fandom at large. 


9 hours ago, Tiggertoo said:

Paulie:. Crying doesn't work for men as much as women.  Haha!

I know! What kind of BS was that? I was expecting him to have a full-on, Nathan Griffith style "Why am I man????" breakdown. (Sorry for non-Teen Mom watchers.)

10 hours ago, iMonrey said:

I can't decide whether or not I like the name "Adora." 

I think it's cute, but NOT with the middle name "Borealis!"  But she's an adorable baby, and maybe she'll grow up to disappoint her mom and become an astronomer rather than a contestant on Big Brother.  Good luck, Baby Brenchal!

10 hours ago, Nashville said:

Battle Back + Round-Trip ticket + now a Jury buyback = too many second chances in one season.  Remember the Good Old Days, when "eviction" meant you were, you know, actually EVICTED?  :P

You are evicted from the Big Brother house!  But you might get another chance!  And if you don't get that chance, you might get another chance!  And if you don't get those other two chances, here's a shocking twist - you might get yet ANOTHER chance!  

I too miss the old days, when the word "evicted" actually meant something.

I would've paid good money to watch Big Meech knee Paulie in the groin when he attacked her during his final speech, and make no mistake - that's exactly what he did.  Grab her on live television and plant a kiss on her when she had ZERO time to react?  Disgusting on so many levels.

I can only assume that BB stocked the live audience with random CBS staffers and interns, based on Paulie's reception.  Paulie ate that up.  He's got the strangest, smirkiest fake smile that I think I have ever seen on another human being.  It's actually pretty chilling, because we all know that under that forced smile is a lot of rage and tears and butterflies.  He's unstable, and I hope he doesn't get a 14th chance to get back in the house.

Da'Vonne's expression to Z was such a thing of beauty, I rewound my DVR 5 times just so I could fall in love with it over and over again.

Edited by laurakaye
  • Love 13
10 hours ago, Nashville said:

On the other hand I call bullshit on this jury thing where one of them gets to come back in. Paulie is going to be competing against three people who never won anything. We don't want Paulie back, show. Get that thru your thick heads.

Agree, and not even on account of Paulie.  Well... not totally on account of Paulie.  ;)

Battle Back + Round-Trip ticket + now a Jury buyback = too many second chances in one season.  Remember the Good Old Days, when "eviction" meant you were, you know, actually EVICTED?  :P

1000 times this!!! Quit rigging the game, Powers that Be!

  • Love 4
28 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

I would've paid good money to watch Big Meech knee Paulie in the groin when he attacked her during his final speech, and make no mistake - that's exactly what he did.  Grab her on live television and plant a kiss on her when she had ZERO time to react?  Disgusting on so many levels.

Right? He assumes that Michelle is missing out on something because she didn't have a showmance? Bahahaha, okay. How'd that showmance work out for Zakiyah? I think Meech is doing just fine and doesn't need to be mauled by an overgrown toddler. 

  • Love 14

Wow, way to go, CBS, for whitewashing yet another gross display of misogynist behaviour from a house guest! No questions from Julie on his insulting and demeaning behaviour towards women in general and Natalie in particular? Thanks, CBS! Let's just make him out to be a misunderstood but lovable character shall we? Good, that's settled then!

I take some small consolation from the thought that in 20 years time, Paulie and his "boys" will still be trawling the streets of NJ looking for non-existent dates...



  • Love 16
5 minutes ago, AbsoluteShower said:

Wow, way to go, CBS, for whitewashing yet another gross display of misogynist behaviour from a house guest! No questions from Julie on his insulting and demeaning behaviour towards women in general and Natalie in particular? Thanks, CBS! Let's just make him out to be a misunderstood but lovable character shall we? Good, that's settled then!

I take some small consolation from the thought that in 20 years time, Paulie and his "boys" will still be trawling the streets of NJ looking for non-existent dates...



This is killing me!  Especially the guy on the right.  That one will be Paulie. 

  • Love 3
9 hours ago, TimWil said:

Well what I'm saying is I believe, even if he knows there's a buyback comp next Thursday night, he could bolt from the Jury House within days of entering it. He's a pathetic excuse for a person and Bridgette and Day will find lovely ways to mentally torture him. Don't underestimate them. 

The Jury House is not The Big Brother House.


 I'm not quite sure that Paulie understands the meaning of the word 'brief'.

That'll be right up at the top of the list, along with "feminist".


I'm sure this was an autocorrect fatality, but I love it. I think we should all call him "Polly"

Actually some of us have been using Polly in the Live Feeds thread for quite a while. Don't know who started it, but Kudos to 'em.  My fave is "Bawlie", which I think started with an Evel Dick twitter.

  • Love 4

 Highlights for me. 

Julie saying that's a NO ladies and gentlemen! 

James face during butterfly clip.  So, so good.  

Day in the jury house!  Love that girl! 

2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I'm sure this was an autocorrect fatality, but I love it. I think we should all call him "Polly" from now on, to rustle his macho jimmies

Nope!  We often call him Polly in the live feed thread. 


1 hour ago, laurakaye said:

can only assume that BB stocked the live audience with random CBS staffers and interns, based on Paulie's reception.  Paulie ate that up.  He's got the strangest, smirkiest fake smile that I think I have ever seen on another human being.

No doubt about it.  I hate it when they do that. 

1 hour ago, AbsoluteShower said:

Wow, way to go, CBS, for whitewashing yet another gross display of misogynist behaviour from a house guest! No questions from Julie on his insulting and demeaning behaviour towards women in general and Natalie in particular? Thanks, CBS! Let's just make him out to be a misunderstood but lovable character shall we? Good, that's settled then!

I take some small consolation from the thought that in 20 years time, Paulie and his "boys" will still be trawling the streets of NJ looking for non-existent dates...



I have been comparing his behavior to the mob for weeks.  Wednesday's show was the clearest example of him in a chair, arms and leg spread to appear as menacing as possible during his 'meeting' (Paul cheeto scene to refresh your memory).    I am sure his favorite show is the Sopranos. 

Edited by wings707
  • Love 2
2 minutes ago, wings707 said:

 Highlights for me. 

Julie saying that's a NO ladies and gentlemen! 

James face during butterfly clip.  So, so good.  

Day in the jury house!  Oh so good.  

Nope!  We often call him Polly in the live feed thread. 


No doubt about it.  I hate it when they do that. 

I have been comparing his behavior to the mob for weeks.  Wednesday's show was the clearest example of him in a chair, arms and leg spread to appear as menacing as possible during his 'meeting' (Paul cheeto scene to refresh your memory).    I am sure his favorite show is the Sopranos. 

Maybe when he's in jury he can teach the women to make him some gabbagoo...

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, laurakaye said:

I think it's cute, but NOT with the middle name "Borealis!"  But she's an adorable baby, and maybe she'll grow up to disappoint her mom and become an astronomer rather than a contestant on Big Brother.  Good luck, Baby Brenchal!

Wait - isn't that every parent's dream?  To have their child grow up to be a contestant on a reality show?  

  • Love 2
12 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

I know most will grumble at the Brenchel update, but I enjoyed it.  Baby Brenchel has gorgeous eyes and looks just like her daddy - until she cried.  Then she looked just like Rachel.  Hilarious. 

I too could not stop laughing when the baby cried and looked just like Rachel.  I never saw Rachel's season but I've seen her in two seasons of amazing race and that cryface is unmistakable!!

  • Love 3
20 minutes ago, Concrtslt said:

I too could not stop laughing when the baby cried and looked just like Rachel.  I never saw Rachel's season but I've seen her in two seasons of amazing race and that cryface is unmistakable!!

wait WHAT?!? TWO seasons of TAR???? That's it - CBS, you fucking OWE us a Nat/James Amazing Race, you monsters...

  • Love 5

I didn't hate Adora, but Adora Borealis?  No.

I guess if her name really bothers her she can go by "Dora." And actually, "Idora" is a real name that Brendan and Rachel did not make up.


DaVonne gave us a top 10 moment when she turns to Z after Paulie doesn't use the veto...the only thing missing was "Girl no he didn't!" Loved her expression and reaction!

The sad thing is that even up to that very moment Zakiyah was still on the fence about Paulie. After the nominations her half-hearted response was that it "wouldn't surprise her" if Paulie maybe, kinda, had something to do with her nomination. The look DaVonne gave her after the Veto ceremony was priceless, but I honestly still don't think Zakiyah gets it. And that if Paulie gives her the slightest encouragement she'll be right back into him.


Do the houseguests know about the Jury buy back?   If they do, they would be smart to evict a strong competitor this week to insure that Polly doesn't come back

Deliberately evicting "one of your own" because you're under the impression the next person out will come right back in - perhaps with some special power - is a classic mistake. Just ask Lawon.

I fear that even if by some miracle Paulie doesn't come back into the house we haven't seen the last of him. By now there have been so many siblings on this show I'm anticipating a "sibling" edition of BB with Cody and Paulie, Vanessa and Tiffany, Liz and Julia, Rachel and Elissa, etc.

Edited by iMonrey
  • Love 3
4 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Speaking of, are we REALLY going to have to deal with someone else coming back in? Enough already! When was that decision made? In the production room after Paulie's ticket was revealed to be a One Way? Hmmm, I might strike my earlier testament of faith towards the showrunners.

I don't think it's a coincidence that the HG that found the secret room first had the RT ticket. All they had to do was have one in all of the envelopes initially, then swap out the remaining envelopes for one-ways after he left. That created the "it could be anyone" illusion while actually rewarding the right HG. So, they could have started planning another way for somebody to come back as soon as it became unlikely Paul would be voted out by now, and it became certain when the PoV wasn't used this week. I expect a comp that will favor the women in the Jury House.

  • Love 5

I don't think it's a coincidence that the HG that found the secret room first had the RT ticket.

I wouldn't be surprised if this Round Trip ticket twist was hogwash.  The way it ended was fishy too.  During the live broadcast in this episode, Julie instructed each individual HG to open his or her envelope one at a time.  She had Paul wait til the end, and then the last two HGs finally opened theirs together. Completely orchestrated.  No pretense in the opening of the final envelopes:  the cameraman/producers forgot all about the other envelope being opened and instead zoomed-in on Paul before he revealed the RT. 

My allegation: TPTB probably kept the RT ticket out of play (due to no plot-worthy HG needing to be saved) and then slipped it to Paul for the final reveal for closure to this "twist." 


Do the houseguests know about the Jury buy back?

Julie mentioned it only to the audience.  I believe it she said the HGs would learn of this twist next Thursday.

Edited by K-9
  • Love 1
16 minutes ago, K-9 said:

My allegation: TPTB probably kept the RT ticket out of play (due to no plot-worthy HG needing to be saved) and then slipped it to Paul for the final reveal for closure to this "twist."

That would cross the line legally. Comps (including getting an envelope from a secret room) don't have to be "fair" and give everyone an equal chance, but the producers can't rig things to the point of certainty by hand-picking a winner like that.

Hey, thanks for all the responses to my questions about the buy back.  I'm just now getting back to the board - it's been that kind of a day - but didn't want anyone to think your help was unappreciated.  "Cause it weren't.

Loved Da's look when she saw that Polly won the Veto.  Sorry that I won't be able to see her look when she reads that Z has been interviewing that she "wasn't all that close to DaVonne".   Oh, yeah, we all saw that.

  • Love 1
12 hours ago, K-9 said:

I wouldn't be surprised if this Round Trip ticket twist was hogwash.  The way it ended was fishy too.  During the live broadcast in this episode, Julie instructed each individual HG to open his or her envelope one at a time.  She had Paul wait til the end, and then the last two HGs finally opened theirs together. Completely orchestrated.  No pretense in the opening of the final envelopes:  the cameraman/producers forgot all about the other envelope being opened and instead zoomed-in on Paul before he revealed the RT. 

My allegation: TPTB probably kept the RT ticket out of play (due to no plot-worthy HG needing to be saved) and then slipped it to Paul for the final reveal for closure to this "twist." 

Julie mentioned it only to the audience.  I believe it she said the HGs would learn of this twist next Thursday.

Maybe I wasn't paying close enough attention to the show, but I thought that each hamster opened their envelopes one at a time, and when it was down to Paul and whatshername, Julie told Paul to open his next.  After he found the winning ticket in his envelope, there was no need for the last hamster to open hers.

But it was still stupid for production to have the hamsters open their envelopes one at a time.  It just wasted time, much like the introduction of Rachel and Brendens baby, that thing went on forever.  It's hard to believe that there wasn't enough footage of life in the house to show, so it solidifies with me that production has a set story they want to tell, and they'll do everything possible to tell only that story,  If their scrip doesn't match what' really going on, they'll ignore as much as they can, put stupid time sucks into the show, and then rig events to try to force the story.

12 hours ago, LoneHaranguer said:

That would cross the line legally. Comps (including getting an envelope from a secret room) don't have to be "fair" and give everyone an equal chance, but the producers can't rig things to the point of certainty by hand-picking a winner like that.

If I recall correctly, BB isn't considered a game show, so they don't have to follow game show rules.  They can manipulate to their heart's content without having to answer to anyone.

Edited by Zahdii
  • Love 2
4 hours ago, Skycatcher said:

Actually some of us have been using Polly in the Live Feeds thread for quite a while. Don't know who started it, but Kudos to 'em.  My fave is "Bawlie", which I think started with an Evel Dick twitter.

Ahhh okay, well I love it. Definitely fitting. But now I think I like Bawlie better. 


2 hours ago, iMonrey said:

The sad thing is that even up to that very moment Zakiyah was still on the fence about Paulie. After the nominations her half-hearted response was that it "wouldn't surprise her" if Paulie maybe, kinda, had something to do with her nomination. The look DaVonne gave her after the Veto ceremony was priceless, but I honestly still don't think Zakiyah gets it. And that if Paulie gives her the slightest encouragement she'll be right back into him.

Zak has no perspective and no backbone. I can see Paulie waltzing into the Jury House and having her eating right out of his palm again. I really do not know what is wrong with that girl. She acts like Paulie's treatment of her can be chalked up to the little quirks we overlook in those we love. "Oh, Paulie, completely ignoring me and hitting on other girls. That's just so him, hehe". 


2 hours ago, LoneHaranguer said:

I don't think it's a coincidence that the HG that found the secret room first had the RT ticket. All they had to do was have one in all of the envelopes initially, then swap out the remaining envelopes for one-ways after he left. That created the "it could be anyone" illusion while actually rewarding the right HG. So, they could have started planning another way for somebody to come back as soon as it became unlikely Paul would be voted out by now, and it became certain when the PoV wasn't used this week. I expect a comp that will favor the women in the Jury House.

Very interesting insights. And I do hope you are right about the RT. It made me so angry to think everyone got a chance, when Paul was the one who found the room and how to get in. 

  • Love 1
11 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Zak has no perspective and no backbone. I can see Paulie waltzing into the Jury House and having her eating right out of his palm again. I really do not know what is wrong with that girl. She acts like Paulie's treatment of her can be chalked up to the little quirks we overlook in those we love. "Oh, Paulie, completely ignoring me and hitting on other girls. That's just so him, hehe". 


I can only hope that Da'Vonne keeps Z away from Bawlie and manages to talk some sense into her...but that, sadly, will probably only last as long as they are in the jury house.  

  • Love 1
16 hours ago, SteveAC10 said:

Don't you mean Grodner's screen?

Nope.  AG =/= God, no matter what Grodner thinks.


16 hours ago, parisprincess said:

After the fifth person goes to the jury house, the following HOH comp will include the five evictees. The houseguest who lasts longest gets HOH and the evictee who lasts longest returns to the house. That's how it was done at the previous buy back.

IIRC, odds are the HoH/JBB comp will be the split-wall version of The Wall - HGs on one side, Jurors on the other, last Juror standing wins returnee status and joins the other HGs in the HoH comp.

Which, if that's the case, means an evictee could conceivably go from the Jury House to the HoH Room in one comp.


15 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Sigh, I want to believe the scales have fallen from Z's eyes wrt Paulie. I have a feeling however that she'll jump right back on him if she perceives even the tiniest of openings.

I'm sure the converse could be said of Paulie as well. 



5 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:
5 hours ago, AbsoluteShower said:


This is killing me!  Especially the guy on the right.  That one will be Paulie. 

Actually "Paulie" is the guy in the middle, in the track suit.  :>

Edited by Nashville
  • Love 4

I think it's just a coincidence that Paul ended up with the 2-way Ticket.  He was the 1st to crack the puzzle.


I agree....I wonder whether because he was the first one there, there was only a two-way, or all were two-way and then replaced with one-ways when the other clowns figured it out.


Day's reactions to the video Z brought were priceless.  

My favorite moment of the night, after the eviction.

Lol at how deluded Bridgette is. No, nobody is scared of you and no, you didn't blow up the house.

  • Love 2

I think it says a lot about Paulie (none of it flattering) that when Julie asked him who betrayed him the most he pointed out James because he fell under Natalie's "spell." You could tell he caught himself mid-sentence when he started to say it was because James fell for Natalie but by then it was clear what he meant. Women = evil temptresses, who get inside your head and steer you wrong.

  • Love 5
7 hours ago, iMonrey said:

I think it says a lot about Paulie (none of it flattering) that when Julie asked him who betrayed him the most he pointed out James because he fell under Natalie's "spell." You could tell he caught himself mid-sentence when he started to say it was because James fell for Natalie but by then it was clear what he meant. Women = evil temptresses, who get inside your head and steer you wrong.

I think Paulie shares a lot of Danny Vermin's views on women.

Edited by Nashville
Removed a jokey emoticon, 'cause I ain't really joking.

Found y'all a present: http://bb18gifs.tumblr.com/post/149154452594

Also classic: Julie's face as Paulie insisted his whole week was strategy. And was that...flirting? Gross. Do not take liberties with the queen, dude. That interview was a great example of why I couldn't take his crying seriously. He never felt bad about anything except feeling bad, i.e. the fact that things weren't going his way. Hashtag, crybaby.

Adora is a cute baby so I was fine with the segment. My true BB OTP are Dani and Dominic though so I await the future on-show unveiling of Baby Briones.

Edited by innocuouspuff
  • Love 5
4 hours ago, Zahdii said:

If I recall correctly, BB isn't considered a game show, so they don't have to follow gam sow rules.  The can manimulat to their heart's content without having to answer to anyone.

Whatever they might call it, it fits the definition under the law as to what needs to follow those rules and I've never seen anyone dispute the claim that they have a compliance company watching over production. I don't think there's much case law here, so it wouldn't be a shock if they're pushing the boundaries, but they need to be able to claim a good-faith effort at running an honest contest.

From disregarding what the word "consent" means (i.e., grabbing women who marginally seem to tolerate you and kissing them is not cool in 2016) to "I guess crying doesn't work as well for guys as it does for girls" to picking up the spouse of the President of Viacom, I agree with others and think this is the last we've seen of Paulie.

I think production has set their sights on Paul now. He's entertaining, a decent competitor, gives good DRs, turned on an unlikable ally at the right time and he has catchphrases you can hear popping up on editions of this show for years to come. Can't you see him in a chair with Julie next year: "Your boy is pissed about the lack of friendship among this year's houseguests!"

Was thrilled to see Rachel call out the fact that the show hasn't had a woman winner in five years. I mean...they probably don't care, but it was nice to see someone else acknowledge it.

  • Love 2

From disregarding what the word "consent" means (i.e., grabbing women who marginally seem to tolerate you and kissing them is not cool in 2016) to "I guess crying doesn't work as well for guys as it does for girls" to picking up the spouse of the President of Viacom, I agree with others and think this is the last we've seen of Paulie.

Let's hope so!  Hugging someone is one thing - picking them up, kissing, etc -  not OK.  What a creep. 

  • Love 4

To those who think Da'Vonne will be able to talk some sense and set Zakiyah straight: that's an interesting dream but I think we all know it will not happen.  Zakiyah will "mmm-hmmm" as usual and possibly even fake-cry, just like she did with Natalie, but as soon as Paulie walks through the door, she'll destroy any dignity and integrity she could have salvaged being away from that vile human excrement and will be back to humping his leg.


For fuck's sake, this is the same girl who, after hearing Natalie calmly and rationally explain how Paulie was using her as basically a piece of meat, tearfully thanked her, then scurried to Paulie, claiming Natalie "attacked" her.  And then, after witnessing first-hand the horrific hateful display Paulie made to Natalie in the HOH room in front of almost everyone, she still fucked him in a bumper car to make him feel better so he won't be mad anymore.

It'd be a shame to say this, but Zakiyah has proved she's jealous, needy and desperate, and if no amount of warnings and cautions from Da'Vonne inside the Big Brother will do anything to sway her, I seriously doubt anything Da'Vonne tells her in Jury House will ever get through her thick skull.  And that really is a shame, since Zakiyah is a beautiful woman, I just wish she had the inner beauty to go with it.  (I have NOT forgotten all of her needless and nasty cruelty she dished out to Bridgette on a near-daily basis.  She should not be forgiven for that.)

She'll immediately forgive Paulie for any indiscretions and be right back to being used by Paulie as a sex-doll, until he's bored with her and discards her like an old pair of shoes.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, HeShallBMySquishy said:

She'll immediately forgive Paulie for any indiscretions and be right back to being used by Paulie as a sex-doll, until he's bored with her and discards her like an old pair of shoes.

I think you're probably right.  Even after telling the world that he wont be having a relationship with her after the show, Paulie has admitted that he's afraid to sleep alone and none of his boys will be there to cuddle with him so he'll have to get Zak to forgive him, at least until Corey gets to the jury house.

  • Love 2

the spouse of the President of Viacom

Julie's husband is the president of CBS; Viacom is a separate entity with its own leadership. In BB context she is literally the boss' wife which is why I'm always amazed when HGs are snide to or overly familiar with her. She may play it off gracefully during the show but afterwards she could easily make her displeasure known in ways that wouldn't be good for the offending HG. Even if production doesn't instruct them not to do stuff like what Paulie did, you'd think they'd be savvy enough to be more careful.


She'll immediately forgive Paulie for any indiscretions and be right back to being used by Paulie as a sex-doll, until he's bored with her and discards her like an old pair of shoes.

That's my concern too. In fact, I could see her getting pregnant to try to hold onto him, assuming she isn't already knocked up with his kid. Ugh. It's sad how she doesn't seem to recognize her value. She doesn't need to settle for a d-bag who doesn't even want her.

  • Love 2
9 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

I think you're probably right.  Even after telling the world that he wont be having a relationship with her after the show, Paulie has admitted that he's afraid to sleep alone and none of his boys will be there to cuddle with him so he'll have to get Zak to forgive him, at least until Corey gets to the jury house.

I really hope I'm wrong and wish I could be optimistic about this, for Zakiyah's peace of mind.  However, I've had women very close to me that I love dearly who have been in almost the exact same situation with their men treating them like pieces of meat, and yet, no matter how horribly they're treated and made to feel lower than dog shit, they've always gone back.

I do feel for Zakiyah, knowing her past history, but I feel even more for Natalie.  I've had to do the same thing, sit a woman down and, as gracefully as I can, explain the situation as I see it.  And the same thing has happened, they've cried and thanked me, but after one stern dismissive talking-to from their man, I'm the one she blames for "sticking my nose in where it doesn't belong."  And yet, the next time it happens, I'm one of the first she calls.  It really is exhausting and deeply sad, but with certain women, there really is nothing you can do or say for them to see the light.  They never will, which is why, instead of being optimistic, I'm being realistic.

(BTW the woman is not only still with this asshole, she married him, so...)

On topic: holy shit was this episode rather boring.  I thought there would be more excitement and rejoicing when that repulsive Polly was evicted, it was still disappointing from an entertainment perspective, just like the double-eviction episode was lacking.  And I usually love the double-eviction episodes!

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I think you're probably right.  Even after telling the world that he wont be having a relationship with her after the show, Paulie has admitted that he's afraid to sleep alone and none of his boys will be there to cuddle with him so he'll have to get Zak to forgive him, at least until Corey gets to the jury house.

I don't get this.  Who is afraid to sleep alone after age, I don't know, 4 at the oldest?  He's a single guy, who does he live with? 

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