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S18.E29: Head of Household 10, Nominations 10

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Was I the only one having a flashback to the 90s whenever they showed Natalie in the DR? The ponytail, the lipstick, the choker, the spaghetti strap tank top... it was like I was heading to my first day of high school in 8th grade. 

I don't think Michelle realizes the power she could have in that house right now. Yes, you are the lone person in the middle of three duos. But two of those duos are taking a shot at the third. After this, those last two duos will have to take a shot at each other and you'll be the extra vote they need. Honestly, it's a great position to be in if you can play it right. And I don't think she can.

As much as I wanted to see Nicole's smug face on the block, I think the noms were pretty solid. Both Paul and Victor have great strengths that could get them to final 3. You have to take your chances when you can. But I definitely hope Nicole's the replacement if either of them come down. Because Fuck you, Nicole.

  • Love 8

I love that HOH.  

So Paulie poisons the well on his way out to save Nicole and Corey.  Ugh.

No Nat!  Nicole is still a snake!  Take out Corey!

Yet Victor or Paul would be tough to get out later.  Tough point in the game when all of your options could have bad consequences.

Friendship Times with Paul.  I'll change the channel.

I'm surprised Michelle won the Care Package.  I thought Paul or Vic would win it.

"See Oh HOH what does that mean?"  Wow!

Tough choices on the nominations.  This returning juror will wrench any plans that get made this week.  I'm rooting for Bridgette!

  • Love 5

Way to go Nat, so psyched you won that HoH.

But arrghh... Nat! Back away from Corey and Nicole and don't trust or HELP them!! As Vic would say, "No bueno!"

I don't disagree with how noms went down but I still don't like James/Nat pairing with dumb and dumber...

Interestingly Nicole's voice is even more annoying when put in slo motion!

  • Love 9
9 minutes ago, Wandering Snark said:

Way to go Nat, so psyched you won that HoH.

But arrghh... Nat! Back away from Corey and Nicole and don't trust or HELP them!! As Vic would say, "No bueno!"

I don't disagree with how noms went down but I still don't like James/Nat pairing with dumb and dumber...

Interestingly Nicole's voice is even more annoying when put in slo motion!

There are only 7 left not including Victor.   Paul is not going to help Nat!   They have no choice but to work together.  

Edited by wings707
  • Love 1

Ugh, I'm torn. Paul and Victor are entertaining, but it's satisfying to see two guys up on the block after an almost non-stop parade of Evict the Women. I wish Michelle got to nominate Nicole like it seems she wanted. Kind of feel like she was talked out of that one (likely with the idea that if they didn't nominate both, one could win the veto and take the other down and they'd both be safe).

What I don't understand is why James and Natalie don't realize that making an alliance with another showmance means that if one of them wins and it's four of you left, you cannot make any deals. You have made an alliance with a person who will never put either of you above their partner. I suppose you could say the same about Paul and Victor, but they seem like they could be pretty much out for themselves. It's just different when it's a showmance. Look at the trail of bodies the Austin/Liz duo left in their wake last year. Get out the other showmance.

This better not result in Corey winning. I could abide by anyone else left winning except that vacuous waste of space.

  • Love 9

Well fuck that noise.  Natalie says with a straight face that Victor and Paul are a team and will only save each other?

What the fuck do you think that you and James and Corey and Nicole are?!? Fuck's sake.

Argh I cannot wait until Wednesday I have to read veto spoilers.

Michelle, you suck at this game if you can be talked so easily out of what you want.  And YOU made Nicole make those horrible noises in the DR when she was crowing about being safe and for that I cannot forgive you.

  • Love 9
8 minutes ago, Eolivet said:

This better not result in Corey winning. I could abide by anyone else left winning except that vacuous waste of space.

That sent chills down my spine. Yikes.

That said, I think it is smart to get the best competitor and/or most liked people out of the house. THAT said, agreed that aligning with another couple is no bueno, especially when one of them can win comps. 

  • Love 2

Oh no! James and Natalie are my favorites but her winning HOH was the WORST thing that could have happened to night. And the nominations just sealed their fate...they are done...why...because of Thursday

When Paulie comes back into the house (is there anyone who doesn't believe this?) he will imediatly Bro up with Corey. If Victor goes home...Paul will  bitter and ally himself with the Paulie, Corey and Nicole and they will vote out either James or Natalie. Their only hope is that is if Victor wins and he doesn't hold a grudge...otherwise after tonight they are done.

First time I ever fastforwarded through a HOH comp. I'm sorry but watching people root around in sludge in night vision isn't very engaging television. Also the Friendship with Paul was a quick FF too.

Annoyed that the Co-HOH thing screwed up the alone time for James and Nat.

Meech rocked the early 1970's look. Someone wanna buy her a coke?

Edited by North of Eden
  • Love 1
2 hours ago, Callaphera said:

I don't think Michelle realizes the power she could have in that house right now. Yes, you are the lone person in the middle of three duos. But two of those duos are taking a shot at the third. After this, those last two duos will have to take a shot at each other and you'll be the extra vote they need. Honestly, it's a great position to be in if you can play it right. And I don't think she can.

As much as I wanted to see Nicole's smug face on the block, I think the noms were pretty solid. Both Paul and Victor have great strengths that could get them to final 3. You have to take your chances when you can. But I definitely hope Nicole's the replacement if either of them come down. Because Fuck you, Nicole.


2 hours ago, PaperTree said:

"See Oh HOH what does that mean?"  Wow!

Michelle is just so stupid.  I have said this before, I live in the vicinity of where she lives and I know the school system she went to.  There are no Einsteins coming out of there.

2 hours ago, Eolivet said:

What I don't understand is why James and Natalie don't realize that making an alliance with another showmance means that if one of them wins and it's four of you left, you cannot make any deals. You have made an alliance with a person who will never put either of you above their partner. I suppose you could say the same about Paul and Victor, but they seem like they could be pretty much out for themselves. It's just different when it's a showmance. Look at the trail of bodies the Austin/Liz duo left in their wake last year. Get out the other showmance.

James has let me down and now Natalie has tool.  I do not think either of them will be in the final and it's their own fault.

1 hour ago, North of Eden said:

Meech rocked the early 1970's look. Someone wanna buy her a coke?

Oh buy her a Coke Cola!  I first read it to mean she was selling coke with her 70s look.  I grew up in the 70s and That 70s Show was right on the money.  They didn't go the coke route but it was there.  That's what the parents did at their neighborhood cocktail parties and it was usually supplied by the babysitter.

  • Love 1
57 minutes ago, Pazlovejoy said:

At the end of tonight's show they confirmed that a houseguest will be returning on Thursday. Are the current houseguests aware of this? I hate it when a twist turns a reasonably smart strategy into a very dangerous one. I know that's the BB slogan, expect the unexpected, but it's annoying.

I guess expect the unexpected means:  How can we, as a crew, get out ideals into the game.  We have our favorites too.

24 minutes ago, backformore said:

 I was getting really annoyed at Nicole for all that nail polish and remover on leather furniture, and being so careless.   And then I was even more annoyed at her nasal WHINING when she kept knocking stuff over. 

I have never heard of a clumsy nurse.

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, Pazlovejoy said:

At the end of tonight's show they confirmed that a houseguest will be returning on Thursday. Are the current houseguests aware of this? I hate it when a twist turns a reasonably smart strategy into a very dangerous one. I know that's the BB slogan, expect the unexpected, but it's annoying.

Nope!  Julie's never mentioned it on any of conversations with the HGs.

Wow, this episode All About The Whines.  The first 16 minutes, in the dark, when everyone cranked it up to 11, was unbearable--I had to FF.  We got bonus whining when Nicole kept knocking stuff over and Michelle couldn't work the string on America's Giftbox.  And Natalie has picked up some of Nicole's trademark speech patterns:  ". . . eeeeaaaaand . . . "

  • Love 3

These girls ALL irritate me. Nat sounds like a little girl and James? UGH! I wonder why she couldn't go in as a strong young woman with a strong, fierce attitude instead of the flirty, bimbo she actually admitted she was. I mean she was clinging on to Victor, and whoever  until James (bottom of the barrel) ended up with her,  that's not a good player. Plus she does anything "Jamsie" wants. Please correct me if I'm wrong because I kind of stopped watching and only watch the broadcast shows at this point, and it's basically just background noise that gets put on mute as soon as that horrible voice of Nicole speaks!

  • Love 7

Man, I am really torn this week. I really like James and Nat, but I also (God help me) like "your boy" Paul. I totally think from James/Nat's perspective, getting rid of Paul and Victor would be the way to go. I think they would stand a better chance of beating Corey and/or Nicole with the jury. Nicole has done diddly squat in this game, and all the girls already ON the jury have issue with her. If James or Nat went up against Paul, I think Paul would win. Hands down. But I don't think it would be so cut and dry if they went up against Corey or Nicole. 

So yea, I get it. But....dang, I really think Paul has played a good game. And he's cracked me up as well. (His freak out over losing his shoe had me in stitches, I don't know what it is about him....) Victor....eh, he's alright, but I'm not going to get all butthurt about it. 

Really, I just want to see Corey and/or Nicole go, because I just don't think either deserves to be here at this point. What have they done? Hide behind the bro alliance for protection, that's what. Nicole has won literally nothing, and Corey is the very definition of a follower. I just don't like seeing them get their way, even if I know it was probably the smartest move for Nat to make. 

Not sure if it was the best move for Meech. I am sure Paul/Vic would take each other to the end, but so would Nicole/Corey and Nat/James. She's the third wheel no matter what. But I do think Paul has a soft spot for her and she might have lasted longer if she hadn't pissed him off. 

Honestly, I didn't feel like Paul fought very hard. Maybe he was just resigned to the fact that he was going up? Maybe he thought if he pushed too much, he'd piss Natalie off? I don't know, but it felt like he was all, "If you have to put me up, I understand". I thought he should have been strategizing and presenting reasons why Corey and Nicole are more of a threat. It might have been a tough sell, but damnit, at least TRY. 

I did love when Corey was trying to talk to Michelle in the bathroom and she was just all, "mmmhmmm, yea, mmmhmmm....how does my hair look?" Bahahaha. Just a noise in the background, indeed. 

Edited by ghoulina
  • Love 8
11 hours ago, PaperTree said:

I'm surprised Michelle won the Care Package.  I thought Paul or Vic would win it.

"See Oh HOH what does that mean?"  Wow!

And she couldn't get it open either!!! That girl is a hot mess. 


7 hours ago, jumper sage said:

I have never heard of a clumsy nurse.

My mom is a nurse and she's pretty damn clumsy. But she's a psych nurse. Not sure if that's any better.....

  • Love 3
13 hours ago, Petunia13 said:

Victor's kinda hot ? 

I'm  starting to hate Nicole and James. 

You're late boarding the train, but welcome aboard! I never understood the love for the messy, overly cautious, always playing to America, person that is James.  Nicole is a complete waste of potential.  Two opportunities to win and she plays the same "hide behind her man" approach that lost her the game in BB16.
Victor ceased to be hot when he turned full on El Douche and threw those beads at Michelle and Bridgette. It's indicative of how short people's memories are that Michelle would say that Victor has never done anything against her.  Reason #451 of why I can't stand Michelle.  The pickings are slim on who to root for at this point. I'm waffling between Natalie, whose noms I think will absolutely come back to bite her, and Paul.  Based on game play alone, Paul is more deserving.

  • Love 4

Judging by the little clip of her spilling things all over the place, I'm guessing the show thinks Nicole is just adorable. And I suppose there are fans who think that too. I'm just not one of them. Her nasal voice is irritating as hell and she behaves like a small child. I don't think there's anything particularly cute about a grown woman who acts like a little girl.

The same goes for Natalie, frankly. I'm sure she's sweet and genuine but she, too, acts like a child. The one person the whole house was united against was Paulie and he's the one she chose to listen to and believe when it came to making her nominations? Really?  Why not at least confront Paul and ask him if he ever said he was going after James? I get that it makes sense strategy-wise to nominate two competition beasts who could potentially win this thing, but the main reason Natalie kept giving was the Paul was coming after James. Which is something Paulie claimed. Good God she's an idiot.


When Paulie comes back into the house (is there anyone who doesn't believe this?) he will imediatly Bro up with Corey.

Yeah - here again the show seems to have miscalculated the audience's expectations if they think we're all big Paulie fans. Just showing his black and white photo on the memory wall made me shudder. If he gets back in the house I'm out of here until the finale.

  • Love 8

Natalie lost me at the way she presented herself in the nomination ceremony. All smiley and bouncy, laying on thick her super cutesy side. Normally decent people show a little bit of tact and humbleness while nominating people who thought they were working with you. Stab in the back indeed. Why didn't she confront Paul with the accusation of planning to get out James? Why automatically believe Nicole? 


That leather trunk was really nice and I don't think it was meant to be a table. Anyone with half a brain and who has used nail polish remover before knows that if you spill it on something, DON'T rub it in and take the finish off. Hasn't Nicole ever watched herself on TV and realized her voice is awful? If I heard a tape of myself and I was a nasally drone, I'd work hard at getting rid of it.

At this point in the game, Corey and Nicole do not deserve to win, since they've done nothing. Neither does James. Natalie does for the fact she got rid of Paulie and flipped the game. Victor does for reworking his game after elimination and being a comp beast and Paul does for his social game and manipulation of others as well as knowing when to jump the Paulie ship. Big Meech could be a contender if the plays the rest of her game right. She's in a good position, but doesn't realize it. 


So anyone for the win at this point except Nicory and James. (I have the right change that depending on future game moves)

  • Love 9
4 hours ago, iMonrey said:

The one person the whole house was united against was Paulie and he's the one she chose to listen to and believe when it came to making her nominations? Really?  Why not at least confront Paul and ask him if he ever said he was going after James? I get that it makes sense strategy-wise to nominate two competition beasts who could potentially win this thing, but the main reason Natalie kept giving was the Paul was coming after James. Which is something Paulie claimed. 

And she didn't even hear it from Paulie.  She heard it second-hand from Nicole, who was standing there with Corey and Paul, and all three of them were shaking their heads in agreement, saying, "yes, Paulie, you're right, we'll do just as you suggest."  So I assumed Paul was just giving lip service to Paulie, who was on his way out the door.  If anything, I thought Nicole and Corey were planning to heed Paulie's advice and target James.  

It was all kinds of weird, especially in light of how genuinely thrilled Victor and Paul were when Natalie won while Nicole was sporting her "who farted?" face.  

Edited by Snaporaz
  • Love 4
45 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

Judging by the little clip of her spilling things all over the place, I'm guessing the show thinks Nicole is just adorable.

Doctor says, "Nurse, scalpel.  Stat!"  *Nicole goes to hand him the scalpel and she drops it on the contaminated floor, "Oooopsy." (Giggle giggle).

*Before anyone says, "She's an ER nurse, you idiot, not a surgical assistant" just know my hands are covering my ears and I'm going "Blah, blah, blah, blah, -- I can't hear you."  You're overthinking it.

  • Love 5

Why automatically believe Nicole? 

Especially since she had to know Corey and Nicole would say anything to stay off the block. I'm tempted to think Natalie was just using this as an excuse to nominate Paul and Victor simply because they are competition threats but her DRs suggest she actually believed the hearsay about Paul coming after James and it was her primary motivation. She had convinced herself Paul was lying to her based on what people she had been actively working against were telling her. That's just dumb.

  • Love 4
3 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

She had convinced herself Paul was lying to her based on what people she had been actively working against were telling her. That's just dumb.

Or Paul actually was lying to her and she sensed that from familiarity with his body movements, speech, etc. It's not something you do consciously, but some people are good at that and have honed it as a skill. If you work with the public or are a very social person, it can come in handy.

Either way, it was a good justification for getting rid of the bigger threat instead of letting him hang around.

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, J.D. said:

Doctor says, "Nurse, scalpel.  Stat!"  *Nicole goes to hand him the scalpel and she drops it on the contaminated floor, "Oooopsy." (Giggle giggle).

*Before anyone says, "She's an ER nurse, you idiot, not a surgical assistant" just know my hands are covering my ears and I'm going "Blah, blah, blah, blah, -- I can't hear you."  You're overthinking it.

I wasn't even annoyed at her being clumsy - but at using stuff like nail polish and remover on someone else's stuff without protecting the surfaces.  Acetone cane take the finish off surfaces.  She should have either done her nails on a counter, or covered the surface of the furniture with a towel, to prevent damaging anything.  

I'm just a stickler for that kind of stuff, it irritates me when people aren't cautious when it's so easy to prevent a mishap.

  • Love 5

See Nicole, this is why you can't have nice things... she didn't learn from ruining the finish with her polish remover so instead of saying "Okay, not a good place for this" and moving on she dumps over her polish AND giant cup of coffee. *shakes head* I agree, she's not real quick at putting things together, is she?

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, simplyme said:

Or Paul actually was lying to her and she sensed that from familiarity with his body movements, speech, etc. It's not something you do consciously, but some people are good at that and have honed it as a skill. If you work with the public or are a very social person, it can come in handy.

Either way, it was a good justification for getting rid of the bigger threat instead of letting him hang around.

Something left out of the edit regarding Nat's decision to put up Paul:. 


It got back to Natalie that it was Paul, not Paulie, who originated the "fake tits"slur, and he took great pleasure in using it and mocking her behind her back.

  • Love 1

Either I don't understand this game, or many of the HG's don't.  I love Natalie, but what's with trying to make deals in the black box?  She seemed to think it was an endurance comp (and called it such on BBAD).  And who in an endurance comp makes repeated comments of being in so much pain they're about to drop out - whilst trying to make deals?  You're supposed to say you can do this all night and act tough.   No one's about to make a deal with someone seconds from quitting.  I'm glad she won, but ........ this was yet another comp in which we have no way of knowing if the win was legitimate.  I think it was, but it was strange how they brought out their discs, seemingly unaware of how many they add.  But somehow able to align themselves in exact order of least to most.   

And any guesses as to why Michelle was blowing a blow dryer under her shirt with that filth all over her?  I actually had a dream about that slime and losing my shoes in it. Michelle was first out - she should have been first to shower. 

  • Love 3
7 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

See Nicole, this is why you can't have nice things... she didn't learn from ruining the finish with her polish remover so instead of saying "Okay, not a good place for this" and moving on she dumps over her polish AND giant cup of coffee. *shakes head* I agree, she's not real quick at putting things together, is she?

You have to give Nicole some credit; at least SHE didn't try to drink the nail polish remover a la Aryan.  :)

  • Love 2
9 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

And any guesses as to why Michelle was blowing a blow dryer under her shirt with that filth all over her?  I actually had a dream about that slime and losing my shoes in it. Michelle was first out - she should have been first to shower. 

I was wondering about that too...just eeewweee....

15 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

And any guesses as to why Michelle was blowing a blow dryer under her shirt with that filth all over her?  I actually had a dream about that slime and losing my shoes in it. Michelle was first out - she should have been first to shower. 

I haven't watched the ep yet but it seems like they force the HGs to remain in their challenge clothes waaaayyy longer than is necessary.  Maybe the shirt or bra was chafing and she figured if she couldn't change or wash the shit off she'd at least dry it?  

20 hours ago, backformore said:

I wasn't even annoyed at her being clumsy - but at using stuff like nail polish and remover on someone else's stuff without protecting the surfaces.  Acetone cane take the finish off surfaces.  She should have either done her nails on a counter, or covered the surface of the furniture with a towel, to prevent damaging anything.  

I'm just a stickler for that kind of stuff, it irritates me when people aren't cautious when it's so easy to prevent a mishap.

I think the HGs know this house is full of cheap, prop crap selected to be abused all summer then tossed out or back into the prop house.  I recognize Ikea furnishings every season, e.g.  (Because I have a houseful, so no judgment, but it's cheap crap.)  They're probably so sick of the house and the rules and the bad living conditions they just don't care.  But I have a feeling when I see the scene I'll be cringing and wanting to smack her.  

11 minutes ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

(Because I have a houseful, so no judgment, but it's cheap crap.)  


I doubt if Nicole made a cost analysis first. That would mean thinking.  What scares me most is that after all those spills she was still setting things down on the slopping edge of the leather cushions instead of the flatter center. I once had someone come to visit me and plop down to polish her shoes on my perfect, pale tan carpet.  Yes, permanent stains, because she didn't have the sense or consideration to put down a newspaper first or do it over the tile floor, two feet away.   All this doesn't just say clumsy to me, it says STUPID.  If I ever had the misfortune to get Nicole as a nurse, I honestly would ask for someone else before she kicked out all my plugs, knocked out my IV and then, when I was discovered half dead, whine that she was sooooreee aaaay-end why dinent I push the budden that was across the rooooom?

  • Love 5
14 minutes ago, JudyObscure said:

I doubt if Nicole made a cost analysis first. That would mean thinking.  What scares me most is that after all those spills she was still setting things down on the slopping edge of the leather cushions instead of the flatter center. I once had someone come to visit me and plop down to polish her shoes on my perfect, pale tan carpet.  Yes, permanent stains, because she didn't have the sense or consideration to put down a newspaper first or do it over the tile floor, two feet away.   All this doesn't just say clumsy to me, it says STUPID.  If I ever had the misfortune to get Nicole as a nurse, I honestly would ask for someone else before she kicked out all my plugs, knocked out my IV and then, when I was discovered half dead, whine that she was sooooreee aaaay-end why dinent I push the budden that was across the rooooom?

To be fair, I'm pretty sure most nurses aren't in the habit of doing their nails in the patients' rooms.  :D

  • Love 1
On 8/22/2016 at 1:29 AM, jumper sage said:

I guess expect the unexpected means:  How can we, as a crew, get out ideals into the game.  We have our favorites too.

I have never heard of a clumsy nurse.

Well I was a waitress for 45 years. Hauled armloads of plates and drinks all day long. Get me home and I'd walk right into the dam wall. Just yesterday I spilled water all over the coffee table. I am incredibly clumsy but when I was in "server" mode I was graceful as a ballerina. Go figure.

  • Love 7
On 8/22/2016 at 11:44 AM, jumper sage said:

I wouldn't want a clumsy nurse to say.......insert an iv.


19 hours ago, Sayla Vee said:

For me, the problem wouldn't be the manicure, but rather the stupidity she exhibits.


2 hours ago, eurekagirl mOo said:

Well I was a waitress for 45 years. Hauled armloads of plates and drinks all day long. Get me home and I'd walk right into the dam wall. Just yesterday I spilled water all over the coffee table. I am incredibly clumsy but when I was in "server" mode I was graceful as a ballerina. Go figure.

@eurekagirl mOo has deftly illustrated an excellent point it was already on my mind to make; i.e., you can't necessarily judge a person's on-the-job performance by the way they act/do off the job - even if (in your own mind) the actions/tasks being compared would seem to be direct correlatives.  I personally know a CFO who has deftly steered a regional office of a national healthcare agency through over a decade of chronic underfunding while never missing the mark on meeting required levels of healthcare delivery, but can't balance her own checkbook at home.  In college I dated an ER nurse for a while who off-the-clock was the biggest cauldron of emotional confusion and indecisiveness you ever met in your life - but when she got into "game mode" (as she put it) she turned into a dynamo of machine-gun efficiency, to the point doctors willingly got out of her way.  And I know a bartender who at work can ferry 8 or 10 individual drinks PLUS an ice bucket full of beers from behind the bar through a packed floor to several different customers' tables, get all the drinks to the right people, and not spill a drop in the entire process - but off-the-clock can't cross THAT SAME FLOOR SHE WORKED ALL NIGHT empty-handed without tripping over a paperclip, or catching her shoe on the carpet.  At such times I call her "Grace" - when I'm not calling her "daughter", that is.  :)

Point being - people's professional personas and capabilities are sometimes worlds apart from those same traits in their personal life - and the better they are at their job, the bigger the gulf is likely to be.

Edited by Nashville
  • Love 6

What I don't understand is why James and Natalie don't realize that making an alliance with another showmance means that if one of them wins and it's four of you left, you cannot make any deals. You have made an alliance with a person who will never put either of you above their partner.

Well, that's true if people are playing solely on emotion, but in fact there could be team-ups based on logic; a Nat/James/Nicole/Corey final four is nicely balanced, in fact.  The two girls could team up, because they know that BB Juries tend to be really sexist, with men winning all 5 split-gender finales (Will, Boogie, Dick, Andy and Steve beating Nicole, Erika, Daniele, Gina Marie and Liz, respectively).  Or James and Nicole could go for Final Two because they know there's only one vet on jury (Da'Vonne) besides themselves, and there might be too much pro-newbie bias to overcome unless it's vet v. vet at the end.

But even if people just stick to their showmances, it still makes a good excuse for the Final 4 Veto-holder's eviction decision.  If Nat wins HoH and Nicole wins Veto, it might be bye-bye James, but she would be able to be all "I'm sorry, I couldn't evict Corey" and not generate much resentment. I mean, it would still be rather unlikely for Natalie to take Corey to the F2 in this scenario, IMO.

So I don't think that even if a "2+2" showmance alliance cuts down on the possibility of a 3 v. 1 Final Four, it doesn't mean the F4 would be free of drama. Plus, there's nothing to say that once we reached F5, the couples wouldn't be scrambling to pick up the single player (be it Michelle or whomever) to use as leverage against each other.  But we'll see.

Edited by DAngelus
  • Love 1

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