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God, these women certainly take delight in cruelty. Especially Bethy but no surprises there. And did she never hear of casual comfy daywear? Or will we always be treated to thongs and near nipslips? For a moment I wondered if she packed something of Brynn's for her big reveal. What a fucking bitch. And I don't doubt she took great glee from LuLu's pain. Her simpering little sniffsniffs were ridiculous.

And Sonja, boo-fucking-hoo at "I lost my lover!" I don't believe your revised and extended and expanded timeline, at all.

I'm surprised whoever installed Moaner's weave hasn't forcibly uninstalled them. Ditto those atrocious fake boobs. She looks desperate. Really really desperate.

Bet Bethy would have been all kinds of pissed off had the ladies declined her dinner invite but she had no issue joining Ramona at Bagatelle. Though that Sandbar was really lame by almost any beach standard and I expected more from Miami.  But Dorinda meant well and all she got from B was a drawn-out explanation of what a "village idiot" she is. Awful.

If I had to choose sides I'd be standing by Dorinda and LuLu. 

  • Love 23
18 hours ago, BlackMamba said:

Someone already mentioned this but yes the end of this episode smells like Bethenny got her text on the Tom pics from good buddy Andy Cohen! 

I wouldn't be surprised if it's Andy but I just keep scratching my head....

WHO number 1) has Bethennys personal cell # that 2) would dare text Bethenny at 2:30 in the morning ? That is not a huge list of people. Strange. Stinks to high heaven of RHONY storyline driven manipulation. 

  • Love 11
3 hours ago, WireWrap said:

MO, we just don't know enough about Tom/his real life/personality to judge him as a famewhore or to suggest he is only marrying Luann for her money and/or her fleeting fame.

I agree. 

Raise your hand if you haven't done something dumb in a bar like making out with someone inappropriate.  Normally I'm quite perfect but on occasion I have been known to have a couple and get a little handsy on the dance floor.  Not a good look! So I can't come down too hard on Tom at this point.  More information is needed before the moral outrage from me.

2 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

Apparently all is good with the Countess, Tom and her kids: 

Mazel tov as Andy would say.

  • Love 7
33 minutes ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

I wouldn't be surprised if it's Andy but I just keep scratching my head....

WHO number 1) has Bethennys personal cell # that 2) would dare text Bethenny at 2:30 in the morning ? That is not a huge list of people. Strange. Stinks to high heaven of RHONY storyline driven manipulation. 

And they would have to know he was engaged to Lu, and recognize him, although, he seems to be well known among a certain group of divorcees.  Bethenny wasn't at the party. Had she ever met him? Could she pick him out of a crowd, or did she just know that he dated and "had (an) encounter(s)" with Sonja?  And they had to know Bethenny would salivate over be tortured by having this information.  The whole situation smells. Like a smelly smell, that smells smelly.

  • Love 12
3 hours ago, NewDigs said:


If I had to choose sides I'd be standing by Dorinda and LuLu. 

Watching this show is now like a demented dinner party crossed with games you play on the road, but on the last day of the trip (the point where everybody hates each other, hates chips,  hates Twizzlers, hates the smell of gas, hates  dropping by “friends” along the way) but there’s ONE PERSON STILL ENJOYING IT who says, “Hey, guys! I never got my turn after we left Nevada! So, if  Mussollini, Pol Pot, Hitler, Stalin, Idi Amin, Ceausescu,  Julius Caesar – and Bethenny – were all available to spend the weekend with you, who  would you pick?” And you look at each other and stop the car and make that person exit the vehicle, right in the middle of the desert, because despite that list of madness and killing and terror, you all know that NO SANE PERSON IS EVER GONNA PICK BETHENNY and you speed off into the night -- suddenly hungry for Twizzlers -- and you all high five and sing songs and when you get home and open the car door hanging off the handle is a METAL HOOK SIGNED,  "LOVE, B.”

That’s how it is for me, watching the show these days.  I'm picking dead tyrants over the horrifically scary urban legend that turned out to be real.

Edited by film noire
  • Love 12
On 8/19/2016 at 0:24 PM, Celia Rubenstein said:

That's an interesting theory.  My personal theory is that Tom is just pig who'd follow his dick into a forest fire if that's where it was pointing. 


If Luann is "the one" why is Tom in the Regency sucking on some other woman's face?  


You are assuming Tom sees being married and fucking around as mutually exclusive options.  Apparently to him, they are not.

I think Tom simply wants the benefits of being married (whatever they are to him), and he wants to mess around on the side, too.  It's not that hard to understand. 


My takeaway from her special was the exact opposite.  Luann struck me as incredibly dependent (financially, socially, and professionally) on men.

If not for the men in her life, I honestly think Luann would be emptying bedpans in a Connecticut nursing home.  That's what she was doing when she met the one guy who got her into her first pageant.  That is how she got into modeling where she met another guy who moved to Europe with her.  Where she met another guy who got her in another pageant that led to her going to a party where she met a different man who put her on TV.  From there she met yet another man, some rich dude she lived with for years who introduced her to high society. And one weekend when he was out of town, she met the count and married him only two weeks later.  

I don't want to totally denigrate all her accomplishments, that would be unfair. She seized opportunities and capitalized on them herself, no one else did that for her.  But I don't think it is accurate to say Luann ever made her way in the world without help from men, especially for social connections that were key to her success in life.   And she seems especially dependent upon attention from men for her happiness, now.  

I'm in the camp that thinks Luann is actually a very insecure person, despite her bawdy, self-confident image. Especially now that she is getting older.  I wonder if that is part of the reason she is settling for someone like Tom.

That is how I feel.

I do think she is very frugal and has been going after comps since the beginning.  There was the brouhaha about Ramona's designer not lending Lu clothes on R's request and the friends of Carole's who designs dresses (the wife did jewelry and face yoga) that she asked for comps.  

She was a mom between snagging Alex and getting her Hamptons show so she wasn't working while in Gstaad (smokey eye, updo!).  That began when they came back to the states.  I don't see her as a hustler always making shit happen.  I see her as someone who took opportunities as they came up and used her name to open doors (no shame in that game).  But to paint her as a mover and shaker is not the Lu *I* see.  

  • Love 10
On 8/19/2016 at 0:38 PM, Yours Truly said:

But surely Lu's not the first to want to make things more serious.

He may think with his dick but considering he's been playing the field for this long, doesn't have to beg for sex and has managed to hold onto to his bachelor's status it seems that he doesn't make long term decisions with it.

That's what I'm trying to say.

She may be the 1st who doesn't care that he will still be swinging his dick around as long as she isn't embarrassed.  

Also, maybe she was the 1st to say yes.  Just cause he hasn't been married doesn't mean its by his choice.  

  • Love 4
56 minutes ago, AnitaKnight said:

And they would have to know he was engaged to Lu, and recognize him, although, he seems to be well known among a certain group of divorcees.  Bethenny wasn't at the party. Had she ever met him? Could she pick him out of a crowd, or did she just know that he dated and "had (an) encounter(s)" with Sonja?  And they had to know Bethenny would salivate over be tortured by having this information.  The whole situation smells. Like a smelly smell, that smells smelly.

When Bethy told Carole she had the pix Carole said something to the effect that it was a good thing he's bald because it's easy to identify bald guys.

Maybe it's just me but I don't find that to be the case. When I saw that Skinny /Watermelon shot, for a brief second I thought Dennis was Tom.

And I still have a soft spot for Sonja. She sometimes seems kind of vulnerable but also has a certain élan. And I don't think she's malicious.

  • Love 10

Other than Dorinda and Jules why did any of these women even go other than to stick it to Luann.

Ramona is delusional if she really thinks Tom was flirting with her.  Ramona was doing the flirting.  If she knows Tom is a tomcat why would she want to continue to have anything to do with him.

Sonja is delusional if she thinks Tom had a thing for her other than sex.  She made it all about her.  It was supposed to be about Luann.

Beffy is just such a nasty person.  She took great delight in shaming Luann on camera.  Nothing she can do will change my mind on that.  And once again we are treated to how bin an ass she is and we get to see her ass.  Was that Bryn's swimsuit? cause there sure wasn't much of it.

Carole, you would do well to crawl out of Beffy's butt.   She looks a fool every time she and Beffy put their heads together.  She did not disappoint.

Dorinda may have been stirring the pot but seems genuinely happy for Luann.

Jules is once again clueless.

They will try to take Luann down every chance they get.  It's inevitable.  They aren't her friends and never were.  While I feel sorry for her, she is old enough she should know better.    Old Tomcat won't change his ways I'm afraid.

  • Love 3
7 hours ago, WireWrap said:

Honest question here, How did you come to this conclusion, "He gets fame from her -- he's been apparently craving that for a long time"? He was a blip on the show it's first season, about 9 years ago, for less than a couple of minutes, if that. He has never been seen out with Sonja in the 10 years she claims she has been with him, let alone on camera with her. He went out on a few dates with Ramona but again, was never filmed "dating" her. Now at present, he has been on the show this season a handful of times, and has not even spoken all that much on camera. On top of all that, he hasn't tried to create drama (aka/fights/drunken behavior) on camera to keep the cameras focused on him, (ahem....John). So how does one come to the conclusion that he is seeking "fame" when he didn't go for it when dating/seeing/bonking Ramona/Sonja, and that "fame" is his main reason for being with Luann and not love?

I think if he wanted fame he would have openly dated Sonja - especially since she has been supposedly having sex with him on and off since before she started on the show. There more shame IMO in dating Ramona.  She's a walking embarrassment. 

  • Love 9

I didn't mind Bethenny season one but once she tasted success, she's become insufferable. The row of Skinny Girl crap in the hotel was classic and she's so not looking good almost naked. This is why women should be leery of getting huge fake boobs. If they're so skinny that they're looking emaciated, the huge mounds on their chest look ridiculous. She needs to eat a few sandwiches, dress more her age, and then get a reduction on those implants. She looks like a freak.

I think at the last moment she realized that this was a bad call and she'd end up looking horrible. She wanted to be the center of attention and stick it to Luann, and she did it. But she's got egg on her face and looking like the bitter, angry mean girl she has become. As the camera rolled and Luann was so sincere, she must have had it dawn on her. Her attack on Luann at Dorinda's was nauseating and he way she treated Jules at her house was horrible. Now she's attacking Carole and Dorinda. She went after poor, pathetic Sonja already. Nice way to work that "brand", Skinny Puke. Although I find Kelly on the OC to be the ultimate in horrible housewives, Bethenny has long been in my list of runner-ups. She's a real narcissist. Along with Ramona.

I am not a Luann fan particularly but she is sympathetic here. I don't know what her deal is with Tom but she's happy and that's good for her. The other women are so jealous, it's disgusting. Ramona is a sick woman and always has been. It was so obvious that Mario was running around and seeing it go down in public was amusing as she was so self righteous and mean spirited. She's so envious, it's nauseating. She needs to get an age appropriate haircut, wardrobe, and attitude, as many said above me here. I have no sympathy for her at all.

Sonja is mess. I can't help but feel bad for her as she's so unhappy and desperate for her old life. I just feel bad and she's deteriorated on this show. It's sad to see how she was her first season and how she is now. She's someone worthy of pity, really. It's sad as she seems likable no matter how sad and wasted and slutty she is. She's just pathetic but, under it all, seems kind.

Dorinda drinks too much but she's a nice person. She stirs too much shit but she wants to stay on the show. Jules is a non-entity. Carole is dull at best. I liked her with Heather as I thought you could tell they had a real relationship. Her role as Bethenny's sidekick is distasteful and her boyfriend looks as if he wants out every time he's on. Maybe he doesn't like the camera but I think he does. More than her.

I think this "stunt" works to make Luann seem as if she's a victim of gossip and a lecherous guy. The ones who are coming off bad are Bethenny and Ramona. They're bitter, mean girls looking to bring someone down who dares to be happy. And get screen time. Well, enjoy it, Ladies, as you look horrible. And Sonja's descent into the pity party is cemented even more. 

  • Love 15

I have no problem with how Bethenny passed on the information.  If she wanted to stick it to Luann she would have told her at the bar in front of everyone.  She has no relationship with Lu other than the show so the show is where it happens.  You can tell she is disgusted by Ramona's behavior when she found out.  I loved that she refused to show her the picture.  So you see a lot of Bethenny hate here but this one I don't get at all.  The worst thing she could have done was say nothing and just sit and laugh and collect photos for Luann whole sad relationship.  Because it is going to be sad.  I can't remember who said it but there is a phrase, when a man tells you who he is you should listen.  Well effin everyone of her friends and then starting on bar girls tells me everything I need to know about Tom.  I just feel bad that Luann doesn't think more highly of herself.  She deserves better.

  • Love 8
7 hours ago, WireWrap said:

The UES is like a small town, and like small towns, they go to bars/restaurants close to home/where they/their friends live. He described meeting Luann as having an asteroid hitting him, I think he fell hard for Luann just as she did him.

As for him cheating, although I consider kissing/making out with another woman cheating, sadly, most guys (and some women) do not and no one, not even Bethenny, has said that he slept with or put his "dick in" any part of the other woman.

IMO, we just don't know enough about Tom/his real life/personality to judge him as a famewhore or to suggest he is only marrying Luann for her money and/or her fleeting fame.

I guess only time will tell what kind of man he is and his "motives" in marrying Luann, Oh, and visa versa! LOL

Maybe so, but if RHONY were the NY Knicks and the same woman had dated 3 members of a basketball team, I'd feel perfectly comfortable calling that woman a groupie and not chalk it up to it being a small town.  The cast is small; he's supposedly already been through 1/2 of it.  Surely, there are other women in NYC that he could feel hit by an asteroid by (and maybe manage actually keeping his tongue out of someone who isn't his finance?)

And come on, do you *really* think people don't consider sticking your tongue down someone else's throat in a make-out session isn't cheating because they haven't swapped genital parts yet?  When did this become the norm?  That may be the line they use on the woman who desperately wants to believe her man didn't *actually cheat* but if you saw your neighbor's husband in a passionate makeout session with someone other than his wife, you'd call it cheating.  If you saw your kid's fiance in passionate makeout session, you'd call it cheating.  Maybe the cheater is using that as an excuse to get out of being considered a cheater, but that defies credulity.

Luann is a beautiful, elegant woman.  Or she was before she started pushing this desperate soulmate storyline.  I have no doubt a man wouldn't feel like he was struck by her.  But all I need to know about this guy is he's (supposedly) dated 1/2 the cast, engaged to one, and is playing tonsil hockey with someone else shortly after the asteroid hit him.  Maybe he never dated Ramona or was Sonja's 10 year fuck-mate.  But he's admitted to the "actions he regrets" because they "hit a rough patch."  So I feel fine in judging him to be an asshole based on that alone.

Edited by sasha206
  • Love 18
1 hour ago, QuinnM said:

I have no problem with how Bethenny passed on the information.  If she wanted to stick it to Luann she would have told her at the bar in front of everyone.  She has no relationship with Lu other than the show so the show is where it happens.  You can tell she is disgusted by Ramona's behavior when she found out.  I loved that she refused to show her the picture.  So you see a lot of Bethenny hate here but this one I don't get at all.  The worst thing she could have done was say nothing and just sit and laugh and collect photos for Luann whole sad relationship.  Because it is going to be sad.  I can't remember who said it but there is a phrase, when a man tells you who he is you should listen.  Well effin everyone of her friends and then starting on bar girls tells me everything I need to know about Tom.  I just feel bad that Luann doesn't think more highly of herself.  She deserves better.

She didn't tell Luann then for a couple of reasons. 1, she had already told over half the group about Tom/the photos, Carole, Ramona, Sonja and her friend Sarah. 2, Luann had 2 people there that would immediately reach out and support Luann, not Bethenny. Bethenny needed to tell Luann when she was alone with her without anyone that would comfort Luann and chastise/dare to question Bethenny's "evidence" or her motives. Something I find odd/telling, that no one, be it Carole or the others, question why this guy sent Bethenny the photos/info/play by play about this to begin with, no one. I hope that Luann, Dorinda or Jules asks that question next episode or at the reunion, why did he send it to Bethenny to begin with. ))That does not excuse Tom making out with another woman in any way shape or form though.((

  • Love 10

After watching re-runs of the last few episodes, I'm struck (but not surprised) by what a strategist Bethenny is.  At some point, she realized that she had alienated herself from the group - basically all but Carole cowered in fear and kissed her ass.  "Forgiving Sonja" was a way of adding to her team.   She'd had bad blood with Sonja, LuAnn, Dorinda, and just recently Jules - which meant that it was pretty much her and Carole on an island of their own.  (Hurricane Ramona, who tries to be Switzerland, can't really be claimed by either side because she can't sit still for that long and is DESPERATE to keep that apple)   Although she knows they're all scared of her to some extent because of the pull they believe she has with TPTB, even she realized that it might not be good to have four of them gunning for her and that there is power in numbers. I think she actually does have to worry about ratings, since she's using the show for free advertising.  Sales appear to be hurting, and I believe it dawned on her that being feared and/or hated by all may not help her in regard to her own longevity on the show - and potentially her business(?)

I believe she also realized how vulnerable she might be because of her crap storyline and the fact that a much larger one developed which did not involve her - even worse, it involved LuAnn, of all people - and two of the others.

Becoming palsy walsy with Sonja had nothing to do with feeling bad, with being the bigger person, or anything other than adding a member to Team B.  I see a line being drawn between Bethenny and her siamese twin and the others, and it's much less faint now that Jules will never be Team B.   Dorinda seemed to be a bit of a wild card, but now it looks pretty likely that the poor Village Idiot will stick with Jules.  That makes Ramona the wild card, but you never know with that one the way she flips and flops and "dances" about.  

Bethenny has her hands full with running damage control while doing damage on camera.   She was also hoping that being all nicey-nice before grabbing a hold of this storyline with her hungry, bare hands would make it more likely that viewers would believe that it's coming from a good place when she lovingly drops that bomb on TV, for millions to see.  

Also interesting is Carole's attempt to distance herself from her.  I can't help but think that Bethenny chewing her ass about being late was planned by the two of them.  If not, I hope Carole tells her to go to hell.  I love it how Bethenny repeatedly acts as the self-appointed judge of what is or is not "acceptable".  As if she has anything resembling manners?!  I can't believe I ever liked her.  

If this has been discussed, my apologies.   I THINK I've read everything, but at a pretty quick pace and I didn't see much that wasn't All Tom All the Time!  

Edited by straightshooter
  • Love 18
2 minutes ago, sasha206 said:

Maybe so, but if RHONY were the NY Knicks and the same woman had dated 3 members of a basketball team, I'd feel perfectly comfortable calling that woman a groupie and not chalk it up to it being a small town.  The cast is small; he's already been through 1/2 of it.  Surely, there are other women in NYC that he could feel hit by an asteroid by (and maybe manage actually keeping his tongue out of someone who isn't his finance?)

And come on, do you *really* think people don't consider sticking your tongue down someone else's throat in a make-out session isn't cheating because they haven't swapped genital parts yet?  When did this become the norm?  That may be the line they use on the woman who desperately wants to believe her man didn't *actually cheat* but if you saw your neighbor's husband in a passionate makeout session with someone other than his wife, you'd call it cheating.  If you saw your kid's fiance in passionate makeout session, you'd call it cheating.  Maybe the cheater is using that as an excuse to get out of being considered a cheater, but that defies credulity.

Luann is a beautiful, elegant woman.  Or she was before she started pushing this desperate soulmate storyline.  I have no doubt a man wouldn't feel like he was struck by her.  But all I need to know about this guy is he's dated 1/2 the cast, engaged to one, and is playing tonsil hockey with someone else shortly after the asteroid hit him.  It's not a good look.

LOL  The cast may be small but the UES isn't very large either and the number of available single women of Luann's, Sonja's and Ramona's age that like to travel and have fun/party and that are beautiful/good looking may make it even smaller. From all accounts, Tom has dated a number of UES women and never felt like that before with any of them, it seems that he and Luann really connected.

As I said, I personally think making out with someone other than you SO/spouse is cheating but there are people (mainly guys) that think the opposite. See B Clinton for how stupid some men are about what constitutes sex or cheating. LOL

Luann was like this with her first husband. She was in another relationship when she met the Comte yet left with him and married him very, very quickly. Then she met Jacques and moved in with him very quickly and now Tom. Luann doesn't hesitate when she knows what she wants. As far as what Tom exactly did or didn't do and if there were any other factors in his bad behavior, we just don't know yet. We haven't heard the full story, all we have heard is Bethenny's second hand version of what he did. I want to hear Luann's version before I condemn a guy we don't know.

  • Love 4
10 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

LOL  The cast may be small but the UES isn't very large either and the number of available single women of Luann's, Sonja's and Ramona's age that like to travel and have fun/party and that are beautiful/good looking may make it even smaller. From all accounts, Tom has dated a number of UES women and never felt like that before with any of them, it seems that he and Luann really connected.

As I said, I personally think making out with someone other than you SO/spouse is cheating but there are people (mainly guys) that think the opposite. See B Clinton for how stupid some men are about what constitutes sex or cheating. LOL

Luann was like this with her first husband. She was in another relationship when she met the Comte yet left with him and married him very, very quickly. Then she met Jacques and moved in with him very quickly and now Tom. Luann doesn't hesitate when she knows what she wants. As far as what Tom exactly did or didn't do and if there were any other factors in his bad behavior, we just don't know yet. We haven't heard the full story, all we have heard is Bethenny's second hand version of what he did. I want to hear Luann's version before I condemn a guy we don't know.

You're a nicer person than I am! I enjoy condemning.  :)

But yes, very good point about Lu and her history with relationships.  She's not exactly someone who should throw stones.

Whatever the case, I hope I'm wrong and that if the two of them *really* love each other, they are happy together.  I still don't believe Lu is that giddy over this guy though. I'm sure she's happy to have a companion who apparently has family money and isn't a bad looking guy.  I'm sure as beautiful as she is, she's acutely aware of aging and the field of men that lessen as that happens so maybe she's okay with letting him do his thing while she can have flings with Johnny Depp look-alike pirates.  

  • Love 2
11 minutes ago, sasha206 said:

You're a nicer person than I am! I enjoy condemning.  :)

But yes, very good point about Lu and her history with relationships.  She's not exactly someone who should throw stones.

Whatever the case, I hope I'm wrong and that if the two of them *really* love each other, they are happy together.  I still don't believe Lu is that giddy over this guy though. I'm sure she's happy to have a companion who apparently has family money and isn't a bad looking guy.  I'm sure as beautiful as she is, she's acutely aware of aging and the field of men that lessen as that happens so maybe she's okay with letting him do his thing while she can have flings with Johnny Depp look-alike pirates.  

Oh, don't get me wrong, I love to talk smack about them as well and did so against Luann last season and at the beginning of this season. Sadly, Bethenny's behavior has made the rest of them, to varying degrees, look nice(er). LOL And Yes, she, Luann, should have kept her mouth shut about Carole/Adam last season but that was the only time I think Luann ever went in on someone else's relationship.

In a statement Tom made, someone posted it up thread few pages ago I believe) he alluded to he/Luann hitting a bump in the road right before the makeout session happened. That would explain Luann's forced giddiness on the yacht before Tom arrived (she feared he would not show and it would be caught on film) and his lapse in judgment with the make out session.  Oh, and Tom is not related to the supermarket family, his money is from his own business, not a family business. I also hope that Luann gives up pirates as well, that is, unless she can talk Tom into dressing as one for Halloween or bedroom fun. LOL

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 3
Just now, WireWrap said:

Oh, don't get me wrong, I love to talk smack about them as well and did so against Luann last season and at the beginning of this season. Sadly, Bethenny's behavior has made the rest of them, to varying degrees, look nice(er). LOL And Yes, she, Luann, should have kept her mouth shut about Carole/Adam last season but that was the only time I think Luann ever went in on someone else's relationship.

In a statement Tom made, someone posted it up threada few pages ago I believe) he alluded to he/Luann hitting a bump in the road right before the makeout session happened. That would explain Luann's forced giddiness on the yacht before Tom arrived and his lapse in judgment with the make out session.  Oh, and Tom is not related to the supermarket family, his money is from his own business, not a family business. I also hope that Luann gives up pirates as well, that is, unless she can talk Tom into dressing as one for Halloween or bedroom fun. LOL

Ah, yes.  Beth makes Atila the Hun seem like a nice person.  

And thanks for the clarification on the family money!   

  • Love 3
Just now, sasha206 said:

Ah, yes.  Beth makes Atila the Hun seem like a nice person.  

And thanks for the clarification on the family money!   

Yes, Attila had more compassion for others than Bethenny. He killed outright where she tortures/toys with her victims/enemies for hours/days before she eviscerates them. LOL

As of now, there is very little known about Tom other than what Bethenny is spewing and she is the one planting the seeds that he is a fame whore and that he is after Luann's money. No one remembers what Luann or Dorinda have to say about him because it is complimentary and Bethenny's vomit is more salacious. LOL

  • Love 8

Yes, LuAnn has exhibited pretentiousness and, sometimes, stuckupness. Yes, LuAnn has gloated. But, gloating--amongst these women?! Really, please!                                                                           But BetheME! ...NOW, Bethenney's™ essence --a coupling of egoism & malevolence incarnate -- is disturbingly disgusting.     ...in possession of health(both she+child), definite wealth, and relative youth...     Yet, seemingly, for her, THE WORLD IS NOT ENOUGH.

Edited by BookElitist
  • Love 7
10 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

That is how I feel.

I do think she is very frugal and has been going after comps since the beginning.  There was the brouhaha about Ramona's designer not lending Lu clothes on R's request and the friends of Carole's who designs dresses (the wife did jewelry and face yoga) that she asked for comps.  

She was a mom between snagging Alex and getting her Hamptons show so she wasn't working while in Gstaad (smokey eye, updo!).  That began when they came back to the states.  I don't see her as a hustler always making shit happen.  I see her as someone who took opportunities as they came up and used her name to open doors (no shame in that game).  But to paint her as a mover and shaker is not the Lu *I* see.  

She is not a mover or shaker but rather she always has something going, imo.

When she moved back to the US, she had that small cable show, so it seems to me that she was establishing herself here in view of getting a TV spot which she did.

Many women in her position (Sonja for instance) would just sit on their ass, spending their husband's money.

She might not be a shaker and mover but rather a hustler, imo.

  • Love 12
2 hours ago, straightshooter said:

Yes, Bethenny said it.  

Yes, she did. I guess this woman announced to everyone at the bar that she was a "playboy bunny" before she started to make out with Tom and Bethenny's spy reported that to Bethenny as well because as we all know by know, Bethenny only tells the truth....she never fabricates stories, embellishes them, exaggerates them or outright lies! ))insert eye roll(( ! LOL

  • Love 3
15 hours ago, BookElitist said:

Yes, LuAnn has exhibited pretentiousness and, sometimes, stuckupness. Yes, LuAnn has gloated. But, gloating--amongst these women?! Really, please!                                                                           But BetheME! ...NOW, Bethenney's™ essence --a coupling of egoism & malevolence incarnate -- is disturbingly disgusting.     ...in possession of health(both she+child), definite wealth, and relative youth...     Yet, seemingly, for her, THE WORLD IS NOT ENOUGH.

Sonja was a busy little bee in Miami:  http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-new-york-city/season-8/episode-19/videos/unseen-moment-you-cant-tell-anyone (unseen clip), Luann is acknowledging the press, which Sonja helped create, was taking its toll.  I can see there being some serious concerns that every time Luann is asked about her engagement Ramona, Bethenny and Sonja come up.

Just a reference, Luann and Tom's engagement ran on February 8th, Bethenny announced on February 10th, that Tom had bedded Ramona and Sonja-or at least that is how Page Six  phrased it.  On February 17th, the Post story about BL, before Lu ran, and that was also the night Tom stepped out.  The party was on the 19th, and Bethenny apparently dropped the bombshell on the 22nd-coincidentally the day after the Bethenny dating married man story. http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-new-york-city/season-8/episode-19/videos/unseen-moment-you-cant-tell-anyone  Just interesting how this all plays out.  So Bethenny knew before confronting Luann, there was about to be some rain on her parade. 

Amazing how this little tidbit never got out before this last month.  And Bravo did schedule it so it was almost a full month in the release.  I wonder if ti kepp Luann quiet they offered her the "Before They Were Housewives" show?

  • Love 4
15 hours ago, WireWrap said:

In a statement Tom made, someone posted it up thread few pages ago I believe) he alluded to he/Luann hitting a bump in the road right before the makeout session happened. That would explain Luann's forced giddiness on the yacht before Tom arrived (she feared he would not show and it would be caught on film) and his lapse in judgment with the make out session. 

Only LuAnn and her whirlwind (worldwind) romances could invent the seven-week itch. 

Sonja, in an effort to one up LuAnn, declares that she and Tom hit their seven-week itch during the second week of each new year for ten years. Or was it that they never hit their seven-week itch? No matter. The most important thing is that they were together for 10 years (in secret).

Ramona declares that it was either on their 2nd date or their 12th that Tom grabbed her hand, looked soulfully into her eyes, and declared that he would never have a seven-week, seven-year, or seventy year itch with her. Upon hearing Tom's declaration, Ramona proceeded to pester the group next to them to take a picture of her and Tom. "Hello. Hello!!! Excuse me! Can you take a picture of me and my boyfr... hello Mario. I didn't see you there."

  • Love 4

LOL Maybe Tom just wasn't prepared for the negative press he/they received after they got engaged. Within hours of it, everything about him once dating Ramona and his alleged hookups errr, I mean 10 year "love affair" with Sonja came out in the press! LOL I think that just might be a bit much for most men to face so quickly but, alas, that is the world Luann lives in and he either needs to steps up to it and accept it or walk away with his tail between his legs. LOL

  • Love 1
On 8/20/2016 at 3:00 PM, WireWrap said:

The UES is like a small town, and like small towns, they go to bars/restaurants close to home/where they/their friends live. He described meeting Luann as having an asteroid hitting him, I think he fell hard for Luann just as she did him.

As for him cheating, although I consider kissing/making out with another woman cheating, sadly, most guys (and some women) do not and no one, not even Bethenny, has said that he slept with or put his "dick in" any part of the other woman.

I've lived all over this town, including the UES and thankfully don't know any men who don't consider making out with a woman other than their FIANCE to be not cheating. It's gross, it's disloyal, and it is certainly not the actions of someone who loves you.

I hope Lu doesn't marry this loser. She may be obnoxious sometimes, but she doesn't seem unkind to me. She deserves better. All of us do, frankly. 

  • Love 12

Now that I know how quickly LuAnn jumps into relationships, so many things make more sense. Especially with Ramona, I've wondered why Tom kept insisting that he only went out with Ramona 2 or 3 times when Ramona said it was 5 or 6. It's because Tom knows that one regular date is equivalent to one month in Lu years. Most people wouldn't think 5 or 6 dates is a significant or extensive romantic history, but 6 dates in Lu years is 6 months. It's the same thing Carole and Adam. They met at LuAnn's house and went out twice the next week. That's like 3 months in Lu years. Carole was just being an asshole by not informing Lu five minutes after meeting Adam that she, Carole, potentially saw a future with him. If Carole was any kind of friend, she would have pulled LuAnn aside due that weekend, told LuAnn that there was something between her, Carole, and Adam, that she can see herself being with Adam for a couple of years and that they would co-author an insufferable vegan cookbook. Gawd Carole!!!!

  • Love 9

Holy guacamole Ramona's post divorce dating/sex advice:  http://ramonasinger.com/2016/08/17/dating-after-divorce/

How many men would date Ramona for six months?  To quote Tamra Barney Judge, is your ass jealous of the shot that comes out of your mouth?

If Ramona wants to remain pure and chaste for six months-here is a big hint, drop the macramé dresses, the bad boob job, the hair extensions, quit the touching flirting, calling a no sex date "baby" at his engagement party, come-ons, and most of all get a brain.

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, Otherkate said:

I've lived all over this town, including the UES and thankfully don't know any men who don't consider making out with a woman other than their FIANCE to be not cheating. It's gross, it's disloyal, and it is certainly not the actions of someone who loves you.

I hope Lu doesn't marry this loser. She may be obnoxious sometimes, but she doesn't seem unkind to me. She deserves better. All of us do, frankly. 

That mind set does exist but it isn't something they broadcast to we women, heck, we even had a President of the US say that oral sex is not considered "sex/cheating" and he got away with it for the most part! LOL

From what Tom said in an interview, he/Luann "hit a bump in the road" (or something to that effect) directly before this happened. Maybe he called off the engagement but because the engagement "party" was set to be filmed for the show, Luann said nothing and hoped he would have a change of mind. Which would explain her weird, OTT behavior on the yacht before Tom arrived, she may have been terrified he would be a no show and that the cameras would catch it all.

I don't know, at this point, none of us know what really happened other than he locked lips/tongues with an unknown woman directly before the party. His behavior is not something I would forgive but I am not Luann and it is her/his decision to make. And, bottom line, we do not know the whole story, just Bethenny's second hand info that she is using to hurt Luann, not to protect her, so I am willing to wait until we have more info from other sources independent of Bethenny.

If, in the end, they do go through with the wedding, I hope he never repeats this sort of behavior (or worse) again and I agree, Luann does deserve better, just like the rest of us.

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 3

I love boat rides.  The sand bar trip sounded and seemed like more fun then the other girls sitting and eating at another restaurant   

    Bethany was very nasty this episode   What was with her calling dorinda 

 The village idiot.    That wasn't very nice.  It also wasn't the meanest thing she did.  

 I can see why Luanne should be told about tom.   It was the way it was done that was the issue JMHO 

  • Love 4

Random thoughts (heck, it's been four days since the episode aired and how much more can we say):

The trip to the Sandbar was a bit of a disappointment because there didn't seem to be much going on.  However, for me, the trip was more organic.  More natural.  There didn't seem to be much posturing and it made it enjoyable to watch.  Kind of a throw back to earlier seasons of RH.  Who has the money.  Carole going in a kayak to get food.  OK.  She screwed up by getting ice cream rather than getting the other women hot dogs (like the one she got for herself).  Like others have stated, it was far more adventurous and fun to watch rather than going to some freakin restaurant...again.

Did Carole go on the sandbar trip because others think she's too tied to Beth or did she go because of Beth's ranting about her being late the night before?

And gosh Beth, the one who has bleeding out of every part of their body (those were her actual words), you sit on your bed in tiny bikini cross legged?  I don't want to sit across from any woman in a tiny bikini cross legged.  Sorry but that's as distracting to a straight female as much as a horny man (in a different way).  But...Beth apparently thinks she has the best bod ever and needs to show it every chance she gets....at least that's what I get from the number of instagrams she posts of herself in a bikini.

How would Beth know the woman in the pictures with Tom was a former playboy bunny?  And why was it 'necessary' to say that?  Quite honestly, I apparently missed the part when Beth said that.  Let's turn the knife into Lu's heart as much as one can....and then semi cry about how hard it was to tell Lu about this.

Edited by breezy424
  • Love 10
On 8/20/2016 at 10:51 PM, sasha206 said:

Maybe so, but if RHONY were the NY Knicks and the same woman had dated 3 members of a basketball team, I'd feel perfectly comfortable calling that woman a groupie and not chalk it up to it being a small town.  The cast is small; he's supposedly already been through 1/2 of it.  Surely, there are other women in NYC that he could feel hit by an asteroid by (and maybe manage actually keeping his tongue out of someone who isn't his finance?)

And come on, do you *really* think people don't consider sticking your tongue down someone else's throat in a make-out session isn't cheating because they haven't swapped genital parts yet?  When did this become the norm?  That may be the line they use on the woman who desperately wants to believe her man didn't *actually cheat* but if you saw your neighbor's husband in a passionate makeout session with someone other than his wife, you'd call it cheating.  If you saw your kid's fiance in passionate makeout session, you'd call it cheating.  Maybe the cheater is using that as an excuse to get out of being considered a cheater, but that defies credulity.

Luann is a beautiful, elegant woman.  Or she was before she started pushing this desperate soulmate storyline.  I have no doubt a man wouldn't feel like he was struck by her.  But all I need to know about this guy is he's (supposedly) dated 1/2 the cast, engaged to one, and is playing tonsil hockey with someone else shortly after the asteroid hit him.  Maybe he never dated Ramona or was Sonja's 10 year fuck-mate.  But he's admitted to the "actions he regrets" because they "hit a rough patch."  So I feel fine in judging him to be an asshole based on that alone.

I don't think everyone would allow it to destroy a relationship. I think that's the point.

  • Love 5
20 minutes ago, Yours Truly said:

I don't think everyone would allow it to destroy a relationship. I think that's the point.

The discussion was whether it would be consider cheating or not just because the act of sex hasn't occurred.  I contend that to suggest cheating only occurs if genitals are involved is merely an excuse given by the cheater to get out of a jam and a way for the cheatee to whitewash what actually occurred.

 Many people have been cheated on and still go forward with the relationship; but that wasn't point of my comments.  

  • Love 3
On ‎8‎/‎18‎/‎2016 at 8:31 AM, Sai said:

That sandbar trip seemed lame.  I didn't know it was an actual sandbar.  I thought they would be at a sandy beach with a bar.  They never even got off the boat.

So what was the deal with the Sandbar? I thought it was going to be a large sandbar with a shack on it or the name of a bar on Biscayne Key (which is what confused the others), but it turned out to be a bunch of boats in the middle of the bay.

On ‎8‎/‎18‎/‎2016 at 11:16 AM, rhys said:

Many years (decades?) ago, I read in Ann Landers or Dear Abby that if one learns of a cheater (Tom), one (Beth) confronts him ~not~ the cheatee (Lu). So, Beth was correct in trying to reach Tom.  Kind of like saying: "Tom, you need to tell Lu as a courtesy at least since others already are aware of your indiscretions. You owe that to Lu."

I think that's why she wanted to talk to Tom on the phone.

I thought telling Tom would be the wrong thing to do b/c he's never tell Luann what he did.

  • Love 2
20 minutes ago, sasha206 said:

The discussion was whether it would be consider cheating or not just because the act of sex hasn't occurred.  I contend that to suggest cheating only occurs if genitals are involved is merely an excuse given by the cheater to get out of a jam and a way for the cheatee to whitewash what actually occurred.

 Many people have been cheated on and still go forward with the relationship; but that wasn't point of my comments.  

Since Tom has admitted to "actions he deeply regrets" I would say it is cheating.  Kelly  was upset when she saw Ramona lip locking the owner of Hooters.  If you are in a committed relationship you should not be kissing other people while flirting.  The exception being if you are an actor or actress and it is part of the script.  Luann felt like he cheated and come Wednesday unless we hear her excuse it on a technicality, I would say she felt cheated on.  Had Tom not been kissing the woman or spent an hour with her there would no questionable behavior and Luann would not have been hurt and humiliated.

I don't have a problem with people working through such an incident.  Had Ramona and Mario's reconciliation stuck I would still consider them a couple.  I think the problem lies that some think it is open season on denigrating the relationship.  It will always be the relationship with a * to some.

I still think the biggest reason for all this is Bethenny and some of the cast thought it a storyline and were more intent on busting Luann in a lie than really celebrating her engagement or the depths of her hurt when Tom publicly humiliated her.  Had Luann walked away from Tom, it would have been a set up, a plotline, publicity seeking stunt.

  • Love 4
23 minutes ago, sasha206 said:

The discussion was whether it would be consider cheating or not just because the act of sex hasn't occurred.  I contend that to suggest cheating only occurs if genitals are involved is merely an excuse given by the cheater to get out of a jam and a way for the cheatee to whitewash what actually occurred.

 Many people have been cheated on and still go forward with the relationship; but that wasn't point of my comments.  

Oh, I was still in the mind set of applying the concepts to Lu's situation.

It's funny, I used to be a hard ass about stuff like that when I was younger... As I've gotten older my position on certain things has softened.

Not that I'm settling or think there isn't good reason for having the basic views we have about relationships.  There's just a level of understanding and perspective that I've been able to gain over the years. It's helped a great deal in how I soldier through life.

I try not to get too caught up in the details, however unfortunate they may be. Of course that doesn't mean I accept carte blanc rachetedness in my life but I don't give it any more life than necessary when it does cross my path.

I kinda think that's how Lu storms through her life.

  • Love 5
30 minutes ago, Yours Truly said:

Oh, I was still in the mind set of applying the concepts to Lu's situation.

It's funny, I used to be a hard ass about stuff like that when I was younger... As I've gotten older my position on certain things has softened.

Not that I'm settling or think there isn't good reason for having the basic views we have about relationships.  There's just a level of understanding and perspective that I've been able to gain over the years. It's helped a great deal in how I soldier through life.

I try not to get too caught up in the details, however unfortunate they may be. Of course that doesn't mean I accept carte blanc rachetedness in my life but I don't give it any more life than necessary when it does cross my path.

I kinda think that's how Lu storms through her life.

Well, yes we were talking about how the mindset and whether that applies, I suppose.  I was making a general statement of how in love Tom must be if he's swapping tongues with another woman while they are supposed to be in the can't-get-enough-of-each-other stage.  But yes, maybe that is the way Lu views the cheating -- that it aint cheating if genitals weren't engaged!

Edited by sasha206
  • Love 2
1 hour ago, sasha206 said:

The discussion was whether it would be consider cheating or not just because the act of sex hasn't occurred.  I contend that to suggest cheating only occurs if genitals are involved is merely an excuse given by the cheater to get out of a jam and a way for the cheatee to whitewash what actually occurred.

 Many people have been cheated on and still go forward with the relationship; but that wasn't point of my comments.  

In my humble opinion, there are varying degrees or shades (50 anyone??) of grey in some actions.  For me, this is one of them.  Going on the assumption there was a full on make out session, my answer would be yes there was cheating, but to a lesser degree than had they slept together.  It's like stealing a pen from work is stealing, but not the same as taking $50K from a little old lady --- both technically stealing, different degrees.  

Tom said he made a mistake, Lu has decided to continue the relationship.  Had he been swinging from the chandelier with Ramona on his back while Sonja awaiting in the bed below them, maybe she would have made a different decision.  I can understand giving someone I love a chance for redemption, but maybe as YourTruly so eloquently put it "as I've gotten older, my position has softened."  I would want to be given a chance to change for the better. 

  • Love 7
23 minutes ago, Normades said:

In my humble opinion, there are varying degrees or shades (50 anyone??) of grey in some actions.  For me, this is one of them.  Going on the assumption there was a full on make out session, my answer would be yes there was cheating, but to a lesser degree than had they slept together.  It's like stealing a pen from work is stealing, but not the same as taking $50K from a little old lady --- both technically stealing, different degrees.  

Tom said he made a mistake, Lu has decided to continue the relationship.  Had he been swinging from the chandelier with Ramona on his back while Sonja awaiting in the bed below them, maybe she would have made a different decision.  I can understand giving someone I love a chance for redemption, but maybe as YourTruly so eloquently put it "as I've gotten older, my position has softened."  I would want to be given a chance to change for the better. 

You all are nicer than I am.

I wouldn't want to marry someone who when a "rough patch" was hit was in a bar making out with someone else while we were engaged.  If that rough patch meant the wedding was called off and they were on a break, then that's different.  Otherwise, you have someone who is not only disrespectful enough of his fiance to cheat, but you also have someone disrespectful enough to not even offer the slightest bit of discretion and is making out in public.. 

And I also don't buy the old "you caught me before anything really happened."  They may have started making out and the bar and worked their way back to each other's places for the swapping of body parts.

But that's me.  Cheating so early into the relationship doesn't bode well for the person who believes she found her soulmate.

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, zoeysmom said:

I still think the biggest reason for all this is Bethenny and some of the cast thought it a storyline and were more intent on busting Luann in a lie than really celebrating her engagement or the depths of her hurt when Tom publicly humiliated her.  Had Luann walked away from Tom, it would have been a set up, a plotline, publicity seeking stunt.

Do you think Bethy (and the others) thought Lu's engagement was fake, just drama for the cameras, and would end after the season was over?  Thus, they figured that would explain him kissing someone else, and assumed Lu wouldn't truly be upset because it was a fake engagement?  And when Bethy saw that Lu was hurt, she realized it actually was a real relationship and she realized she screwed up and made herself look bad?

  • Love 2
On 8/20/2016 at 7:51 PM, sasha206 said:

Maybe so, but if RHONY were the NY Knicks and the same woman had dated 3 members of a basketball team, I'd feel perfectly comfortable calling that woman a groupie and not chalk it up to it being a small town.  The cast is small; he's supposedly already been through 1/2 of it.  Surely, there are other women in NYC that he could feel hit by an asteroid by (and maybe manage actually keeping his tongue out of someone who isn't his finance?)

And come on, do you *really* think people don't consider sticking your tongue down someone else's throat in a make-out session isn't cheating because they haven't swapped genital parts yet?  When did this become the norm?  That may be the line they use on the woman who desperately wants to believe her man didn't *actually cheat* but if you saw your neighbor's husband in a passionate makeout session with someone other than his wife, you'd call it cheating.  If you saw your kid's fiance in passionate makeout session, you'd call it cheating.  Maybe the cheater is using that as an excuse to get out of being considered a cheater, but that defies credulity.

Luann is a beautiful, elegant woman.  Or she was before she started pushing this desperate soulmate storyline.  I have no doubt a man wouldn't feel like he was struck by her.  But all I need to know about this guy is he's (supposedly) dated 1/2 the cast, engaged to one, and is playing tonsil hockey with someone else shortly after the asteroid hit him.  Maybe he never dated Ramona or was Sonja's 10 year fuck-mate.  But he's admitted to the "actions he regrets" because they "hit a rough patch."  So I feel fine in judging him to be an asshole based on that alone.

Really good comparison.

  • Love 3

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