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35 minutes ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

TWO WEEKS. I am very ready for this ep to unfold!

(Prays to the Bravo gods the Olympics feed doesn't make this go worse than a party hosted by Dorinda! I only got half of RHoNJ!)

I'm commiserating with you on the DVR part...I got the first half of NJ too. In anticipation of more Olympic scheduling shenanigans, I set my DVR to tape NY at 2 separate times...hoping this works

  • Love 2
6 minutes ago, ridethemaverick said:

Bethenny looked slightly less ugly this episode. Her behavior was still gross though.

I felt a sense of dread for the entire episode waiting for the moment. It wasn't enjoyable, it wasn't funny, and it wasn't fun to watch. I'm not a huge Luann fan but I hated this and I hate that Bethenny and her crew enjoyed it so much.

Ramona has too much money for her weave to look like that. 

I don't know.  Bethenny seemed extremely upset and emotional when she was telling Luann.  She didn't seem to be enjoying it one bit.

  • Love 21

Poor Dorinda, everytime she makes plans with these bitches they screw it up. The Sandbar excursion didn't seem much fun though.

Ramona really looked like something the cat dragged in. Wonder what she had done the night before that the camera's didn't catch? 

Not a fan of Luann's but When Bethenny said she didn't have a choice (or something like that) about telling her the big secret about Tom I called B.S. She could have kept her big mouth shut. But then what would these past few episodes been about? Just watching everyone eat and drink? This whole season has basically been about Luann, Tom, their engagement. Nary a word has been said lately about Bethenny and her massive amount of bleeding, thank the Bravo gods! 

  • Love 14
4 minutes ago, ryebread said:

Beth telling Lu about Tom seemed pretty real and raw.  I watched Luann age about 5 years in the 20 seconds after Beth told her that she was going to show her some pictures.  "Don't do this to me..." Her jaw was tight and she looked broken.  That said, I think Lu's known all along that Tom was a cat but wanted the $$ and the ring so bad that she looked the other way.  Just like she did in her marriage.

I believe she and Tom had an arrangement that they could both jump the fence, on occasion, as long as they were discreet.  He broke the code by doing it at the Regency.  "In front of everybody!  The whole town knows it now."

So the reason they are still together is that she didn't have to forgive him for the cheating - only for his indiscreetness.

Still say there isn't going to be a wedding.....

Not necessarily. I just said this on Reddit but Lu is a RHOBH veteran and now she knows that not only did he cheat, but that cheating is now a storyline (and when she watches this season, realizes how much Bethenny made it a bigger storyline by all her gossip. With the count, there wasn't this level of public scrutiny 

  • Love 2
3 minutes ago, snarts said:

What even worse than watching Bethenny sit half naked reveling in her moment to crush luann's happiness, was Sonja's increasingly delusional memories of her time with Tom.  She was going to meet his parents?  Wait, that must've been on her yacht in the South of France with her diamond & fragrance businesses and the Nigerian football team.

Ramona is so incredibly rude. I was hoping Dorinda was really going to lay into her.  Hypocrite Bethenny scolding Dorinda for yelling?  How rich coming from the shrieking harpie.  And again, Carole surprises me with how well she navigates this trip.  Friendly to everyone, that's how to be an adult. 

Edited to fix: yelling not telling

Yeah, when did Sonja become someone with reliable memories. If Bethenny wasn't trying to bring Lu down, she'd point out Sonja's increasing hyperbole re: to her and Tom and not take what Sonja says as gospel

  • Love 7

I have a headache, and I don't get headaches very often, from this ridiculous episode.  I just wanted to scream at them and say, "Shut up."  Beth, Ro, Sonja and Carole just kept beating this dead horse over and over again.   It felt like 95% of the episode was talking about 'Tom'.

And sorry, Beth made the decision to tell Carole on camera and then Ro who of course is going to tell Sonja.  If Beth was 'sincerely' upset she would not have said anything to the other women.  I think, if anything, she got a bit emotional because when the moment came for her to actually tell Lu, she realized that this is not as much 'fun' as she thought it would be.  She's been wanting to take down Lu all season.  She didn't get the pleasure she thought she would.

Ro was such a bitch to Doris.  Just be honest.  Ro pulls this stuff a lot.  Remember the Berkshires at Heather's house.

Oh, I can understand Beth being upset because the other women were late but Carole apologized.  Let it go Beth and stop harping. 

Edited by breezy424
  • Love 15

This episode annoyed the crap out of me.  Bethany keep crowing that they got 3 extra episodes out of her shannagins and she sure put herself in the center of things on her terms:. "clock in" drop a bomb, "clock out", she milked it for all it was worth.  At the end of the dinner she asked: is there anymore food coming? No? I'm out of here and she fled.  Her "avoidance" of Luanne was so transparently about her getting more scenes.  Just tell her already, gheeeze!  Also, I absolutely noticed that despite her fish allergy (cause of the big scene with Heather at Dorinda's last year) she was the first to grab at the seafood tower when it hit the table.

Dorinda's "sand bar" excursion was pretty sad (where were all the food truck boats?) but she let it slip at dinner that she really didn't "plan" it.  And Carole, WTF??!!! for an alleged pot head, you are the worst munchie/junk food sourcer in the world!

Ramona lumbering to the dinner table to save seats and Bethany braying get a set for ME did crack me up, only bright spot of the episode.

  • Love 17
12 minutes ago, BlackMamba said:

This episode only proved to me how much Bethenny will stop at nothing to see someone as unhappy as she is.

I caught when she said in her talking head she was getting satisfaction at the thought of telling LuAnn that Tom is cheat.  And yet she wants to play it off like she was something sympathy, concerned friend.  I truly believe she wanted Carole or Ramona to be the one to let the cat out to LuAnn about Tom, but when Carole said she would deny it, Bethenny was stuck.  It's like get real!  Her dramatics of telling LuAnn at the end didn't remotely win me over, it was all an act for the camera.  

As for Sonja,  tired of her being all heartbroken over Tom's sausage strokes!  The point of friends with benefits is that - friends with benefits.  She talks as if Tom was her man for the last 30 something years.  No he just dicked you down whenever you wanted it.  That's not a relationship!  Move the hell on!

Just like Madonna, JJ and the others, Sonja's make believe stories grow by the minute. As for Bethenny, she doesn't realize she can't hide her enjoyment of causing others pain, it is a obvious as her new jaw line!

11 minutes ago, Straycat80 said:

Poor Dorinda, everytime she makes plans with these bitches they screw it up. The Sandbar excursion didn't seem much fun though.

Ramona really looked like something the cat dragged in. Wonder what she had done the night before that the camera's didn't catch? 

Not a fan of Luann's but When Bethenny said she didn't have a choice (or something like that) about telling her the big secret about Tom I called B.S. She could have kept her big mouth shut. But then what would these past few episodes been about? Just watching everyone eat and drink? This whole season has basically been about Luann, Tom, their engagement. Nary a word has been said lately about Bethenny and her massive amount of bleeding, thank the Bravo gods! 

It is telling that before Bethenny was bleeding all over the place, she was reveling in attacking others and mocking them, then she was boo hoo'ing about bleeding out of every orifice but as soon as she can launch a new, even more nasty attack, she is up and about with nary a word about her fibroids/bleeding! 

8 minutes ago, 100PercentPain said:

Bethenny did seem sincerely upset. I'm having a hard time with it because if she was that concerned about how it was going to make Luann feel, she could have dropped the bomb off camera, but the emotion in both women was pretty hardcore during that scene. I was legitimately holding my breath. 

On a lighter note, the trombone humping was a little weird, but wasted Jules with disheveled hair happily proclaiming how much she doesn't wish Michael was there while performing the "suck it" gesture was amazing.

Those bitches bailing on Dorinda's sandbar trip. She made it nice, y'all! 

Bethenny was not upset about telling Luann, she was enjoying every second of it. What she wasn't ready for was that Luann was really hurt and she knew this was going to blow up in her face! Her actions leading up to and including telling Luann showed how much she was looking forward to destroying Luann!


Here is a preview for the final episode, pay attention to what Bethenny says when she is talking to Carole at the beginning of the video... http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-new-york-city/season-8/episode-20/videos/luann-doesnt-like-the-way-this-looks

  • Love 22

The cackling in anticipation of humiliating Lu was truly disturbing...does Bethy live to be cruel? She has been milking this gossip for weeks, just waiting to deliver the coup de grace. And bringing in some blond, smarmy looking snitch to double down on the attack. What decent human being would do this?

Old Bethy looked oiled up, like a snake, waiting for her prey in her thong and bolt-ons. 

What I wouldn't have given to see Lu slap that ho across her ugly mug. 

  • Love 24

Does Bethenny travel everywhere with a trunk full of SkinnyGirl products to display?  Every single time we see Bethenny, whether it be at home or in a hotel room, or a rented house (with the exception of the weekend at Dorinda's Berkshires home), there is a full display of her products.  I'm surprised that she didn't yell at Sonja to turn the bottle that she was holding so that the camera could catch the logo.  

I'm still digesting the rest of the episode, so that's all I've got for now....

  • Love 15
3 minutes ago, SweetPickle said:

Bethenny calling Sonja, Chrissy Snow, cracked me up! That was gold. 

Does anyone else think production was the one to send Beth the pics of Tom? I thought it from the beginning and then when she said "I'm not the one doing this to you". That really made me think production sent the pics and told her she had to tell her on camera. 

No, on her radio show, Bethenny says she was sent a text with pictures from some guy she know and she took it to the producers so they could get the guy to sign the release and appear on camera. Her comment, "I'm not the one doing this to you", was that Tom cheated on Luann, so it was Tom that did this to her.

  • Love 8

I'm going to have to watch a few minutes, then post.  Otherwise I will never remember. 

First off - I don't know who writes the episode description for DirectTv, but they're not a Lu fan - "While Luann continues to gloat about her engagement ....."

When I saw that car door open followed by long skinny legs, I thought it was Jules.  Damn Dorinda's got great legs. 

I really hope that Dorinda mixes a Xanax with her alcohol. Otherwise she really is a sloppy drunk who seems to have issues with alcohol.  Why doesn't she see she's the butt of the joke with Bravo?  How could she let them get away with that tagline?

Mixing anti-anxieties with alcohol isn't great, but wow.  She's one drink away from being a fall down drunk.  And the subtitles??

"Don't comfameezumased!"  

And the arms?  Oh Doris. 

  • Love 12
3 minutes ago, Petunia13 said:

I don't get it. If Luann is the whore, slut, and crappy friend Bethenny says she is...why does she give a damn if Luann's man is a cad, liar, prince, or alien? Beth is acting like its her personal responsibility or business as though she's Lu's mother or life coach. 

Because she wants to take the "Countess" down, she want to hurt her and destroy any happiness that she has because Bethenny hates when someone she doesn't like is happy in/with their lives. She, Bethenny, needs for everyone else to be as miserable as she is.

  • Love 23

Bethenny set Luann up. She sent her toady Carole to question Luann for the duration of the trip and then drops the bomb at the end of the trip right before she leaves. She didn't understand that Luann actually likes Tom and now she looks like an asshole.

And I still can't believe Dorinda 's reaction of Bethenny calling her the village idiot. Dorinda will store that nugget in her wallpapered closet.

AND Carole is dressing like a figure skater now. Good to know.

  • Love 10
23 minutes ago, Petunia13 said:

I don't get it. If Luann is the whore, slut, and crappy friend Bethenny says she is...why does she give a damn if Luann's man is a cad, liar, prince, or alien? Beth is acting like its her personal responsibility or business as though she's Lu's mother or life coach. 

That's Bethy's main problem with trying to sell us on her concern for Luann.  It's not believable because we've seen Bethy spewing vitriol at or about Lu all season.  She's not a well wisher! 

  • Love 22

I normally dont agree with Bethenny but when she called Sonja "Chrissy Snow"  I holled because it was spot on.   How Sonja has been carrying on about the Tom thing is ridiculous. Prime example why people like Sonja should never do FWBs at all if they know will get dicknotized into thinking they are in something deep.  It's like what does Sonja want Tom tell her??  Ok yes he banged your friend and gave her a ring but it wasn't like you were clamoring for the same thing! 

Ooo I knew I forgot something.   Did you hear Bethenny was trying to pull a Jacqueline a'la RHONJ and call Tom to tell him off!   Again this woman needs to know her place and learn boundaries.   Why is LuAnn's life all of sudden her business and her storyline especially since she claims they are not friends??  

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 14
34 minutes ago, snowblossom2 said:

Yeah, when did Sonja become someone with reliable memories. If Bethenny wasn't trying to bring Lu down, she'd point out Sonja's increasing hyperbole re: to her and Tom and not take what Sonja says as gospel

Sonja: I can't believe she's minimizing what I had with Tom. We had a relationship. We had a ten year relationship. I've lost my lover.

Me: OK, Kathryn Calhoun Dennis.

Kathryn Calhoun Dennis: What does that mean!!!?!?! Whitney and I had a relationship. We had a five day relationship. We lived together for five days. It wasn't a one night stand. We were together for five days. What do you call that?

Me: We call that a fling. We can also call it a series of five consecutive one night stands.

Sonja: Now they're calling what Tom and I had a one night stand. We were together for ten years.

Me: You had a series of probably 100 one night stands over the 10 years. Even if you put all of those nights together, you still only had a three and a half month relationship with a guy you've known for ten years.

Sonja: The last time we saw each other, we made passionate love and said he wanted me to meet his mother.

Kathryn Calhoun Dennis: Yeah, I even had breakfast with Whitney's mother when Whitney and I lived together.

Me: You woke up and shambled to the kitchen where you had an eggo waffle and some coffee, while Drunkie-O enjoyed her 8:30 breakfast martini.

Me: Let's be real, Sonja is Kathryn's future. Sonja needs to realize that this level of delusion is barely tolerable at Kathryn's age. At Sonja's age, it's just pathetic.

On another note, when will people learn that Ramona doesn't like the outdoors unless it's the Hamptons or the beach at a luxury resort.

We need a Drunkrinda translator.

  • Love 24

Last night's dinner:

As true with the entire episode, I seriously thought Dorinda would have a nip slip.  God help me, I liked Ramona's dress - but not how she looked in it. I've never worn a tiara, and never will, but Sonja's look worked for her. Didn't care for Jules's outfit, but who cares with hair like that?  I liked Lu's bodice, which surprised me.  I'm built like her, but larger breasted, and would never choose that neckline.  I liked Beth's shimmery top. 

Up until this point Lu's relationship with Tom has seemed so fake.  Having seen a flash of genuine feeling (unlike the, IMO, OOT puking of gaiety), I'm reevaluating that what was bothering me is how FORCED it was. So try hard. So unnatural.  Personally, IMO (so don't come at me), Lu was dancing as fast as she could.  She sensed problems but refused to let them get in her way.  So she zipped around all hyped up, seeing marriage/security rather than Tom himself.   We'll see what happens next week. 

I've refrained from commenting on Ramona's implants. Until now.  If she loves them great. If she's as uncomfortable as she looks - down size now.  At her age skin is not as elastic and she doesn't want smaller saggy breasts.  Although, IMO, it would be preferable. 

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