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The Other Duggars: The Lost Girls and Amy

Message added by Scarlett45

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The snarky me wants to say that JD aka Slingblade has a Murphy tub full of babyshoes and friendship bracelets in his dungeon...err basement. But the nice me knows he's just boring as eff and makes his own coin so he doesn't have to put up with Jimboobs circus or even appear unless there's grub to be had or gitch that need his grammas laundering skills on.


Omg.  Makes me think of him doing a Norman Bates (from the movie Psycho, not the Bates family) thing, where he's dressed up in long denim skirt, green shirt, and mullet wig, with a fake baby bump.  Creepy.

I don't know. Both Jana & JD are curious to me. They're both quiet, neither have had courtships, and they would have been toddlers when M & JB began Blanket Training, and they likely Blanket Trained others. I get weird vibes from both of them. Lets face it if Jana was homely & JD handsome we would have different theories for both of them.


What characters would they be in a psychological thriller? 

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  On 8/29/2015 at 8:31 AM, GeeGolly said:

I don't know. Both Jana & JD are curious to me. They're both quiet, neither have had courtships, and they would have been toddlers when M & JB began Blanket Training, and they likely Blanket Trained others. I get weird vibes from both of them. Lets face it if Jana was homely & JD handsome we would have different theories for both of them.

What characters would they be in a psychological thriller?

John David would be a janitor who feeds a bucket of fish heads to the monster locked up in the basement. Jana would be a nun who won't tell anyone about the circumstances that caused her to suddenly go blind. Both wouldn't make it to the end of the movie alive.
  • Love 3
  On 8/28/2015 at 7:46 PM, Defrauder said:

I may be the only one - but I like this! Outlaws, non religious music. The Big Red outlaw has 19 notches on his pistol! Like a freudian slip or something.

  On 8/28/2015 at 7:46 PM, Defrauder said:

I may be the only one - but I like this! Outlaws, non religious music. The Big Red outlaw has 19 notches on his pistol! Like a freudian slip or something.

They're big on law enforcement.

Duggar drifting with Josh as fat southern sheriff:


And Jason breaks the law:


The second one features a good look at Ben's old hovel. Plus someone's clearly been watching cop shows.

This is probably why they bought a cop car.

Edited by Kokapetl
  • Love 1
  On 8/28/2015 at 6:50 PM, Kokapetl said:

I had a look at Lawson's sequined friend's Instagram, his eyebrows are groomed. That says it all. I rest my case.

I bet he has his own room at the "alert" camp.


Oh dear, what luck being born into this lifestyle,a bit like an alcoholic being born into a Vineyard owner!

  On 8/29/2015 at 4:16 AM, OpieTaylor said:

The video is really well done! Who are these Patton fellows? The older one is really muscular.

I don't know who the Patton fellows are or who the older one is ( I can't keep all of the boys straight) he is really muscular though.  I just loved that the big outlaw who was killed at the end had 19 NOTCHES on his PISTOL.  I see it as a veiled attack on JB himself, the boys knowing he would not be bright enough to catch on.  

  • Love 4

Jana is just Too,Too,Too sweet, especially in Th's. She was probably the most blanket trained,spanked, had to feed and care for infants at a very young age and she has drank the most kool-ade. She is a real Steppherd wife without being married! I loved the pillow video! Ben's old room is a real hovel! Filthy carpet,nasty dirty dishes and clothes everywhere! I never realized it was just off the kitchen. I thought it was in the warehouse!

  • Love 2

I like John David, he stuck up for the little boy that spilled paint on himself. The one Jim Bob was trying to scare the crap out of in the painting flamingos episode. I think John David just doesn't give a crap anymore.

Also I like how he said he didn't have to impress anyone when Jim Bob took him and Derick and Ben on the manly camping trip.

Edited by flyingdi
  • Love 10

I viewed "Pillow Patrol" and the "Big Iron" videos the boys made. It's such a shame that these kids have some creative talents here and they will never be able to do anything with those abilities THAT GOD GAVE THEM. They should be in school taking a video/creative arts expression class, be learning about camera angles, blocking, lighting, etc. Sadly because of who their parents are and what their choking beliefs are, they will never be given the opportunity. These boys could actually make a good living behind the camera in all sorts of jobs. How can their parents be so neglectful of them? What does their father actually think he sons will "grow up" to be professionally? Someone who really cares needs to step up to the plate for these boys. Who knows what talents the girls have but certainly won't ever be allowed to explore and pursue them..such a shame.

  • Love 7

I think Jed was the one who expressed a sincere interest in tv and film production. I also remember Josiah as the only one paying attention and asking the guide questions during the family's Stonehenge tour. If some of the Duggar kids are happy living in Gothard mediocrity that's fine, but it's so unfair that the ones who are bright and creative aren't allowed to pursue their dreams.

  • Love 7
  On 8/29/2015 at 11:42 PM, Fuzzysox said:

He came home for the summer I thought. Is he house sitting Jill's house? So weird that we never see him.

I saw a picture of him in a group shot at Gil Bates' mall church the day after the Keilen wedding. Let's see if the Duggars allow him to go back to Clown College after all that has gone on since he got out for summer break. I kind of think that no Duggar male will ever be allowed to go out alone until their wedding day after Joshgate I & II. 

  • Love 5
  On 8/29/2015 at 11:42 PM, Fuzzysox said:

He came home for the summer I thought. Is he house sitting Jill's house? So weird that we never see him.


Someone else posted earlier that they thought JD had essentially left the fold, but was making himself available for filming, etc. so as not to disturb the family story. Personally, I think that if Joe has gone back to school, the same can be said of him. I find it almost impossible to believe that JB and J'chelle sanctioned school -- even Crown College -- in the first place. Now, with the show gone, and no money coming in, and what I am sure is their desire to tighten the screws on their children even tighter, I think that if Joe goes back to school it will be safe to assume that he has decided to do what most of us hope they all will eventually do, and that is to make his own decisions as a young adult.

  • Love 2
  On 8/30/2015 at 3:22 AM, Sew Sumi said:

I saw a picture of him in a group shot at Gil Bates' mall church the day after the Keilen wedding. Let's see if the Duggars allow him to go back to Clown College after all that has gone on since he got out for summer break. I kind of think that no Duggar male will ever be allowed to go out alone until their wedding day after Joshgate I & II. 

I believe you're right. But if JB & M had any sense they would realize it might not be the big bad world that is messing with their kids' futures. They might want to look in the mirror.

  • Love 3

Astrologically speaking I was wondering who in the Duggar clan would find their lifestyle most incompatible.  Being a Sagittarius myself I find the whole lack of freedom and inability to explore other philosophies and ideas intolerable.  I googled Duggar birthdays and I will now purpose to put my faith on my fellow Sagittarians to rebel and those would be Jinger, Jordyn and Josie. 

  • Love 2
  On 8/30/2015 at 11:53 AM, Defrauder said:

Astrologically speaking I was wondering who in the Duggar clan would find their lifestyle most incompatible.  Being a Sagittarius myself I find the whole lack of freedom and inability to explore other philosophies and ideas intolerable.  I googled Duggar birthdays and I will now purpose to put my faith on my fellow Sagittarians to rebel and those would be Jinger, Jordyn and Josie. 

I'm Aquarius and have a strong compatibility with Sagittarians. Only Joe, born January 20th is Aquarius, though born on the cusp. Maybe he can aid & abet this exploration into freedom. 

  • Love 2
  On 8/30/2015 at 11:53 AM, Defrauder said:

Astrologically speaking I was wondering who in the Duggar clan would find their lifestyle most incompatible.  Being a Sagittarius myself I find the whole lack of freedom and inability to explore other philosophies and ideas intolerable.  I googled Duggar birthdays and I will now purpose to put my faith on my fellow Sagittarians to rebel and those would be Jinger, Jordyn and Josie. 

I don't put a lot of stock in astrology... I'm an atypical Capricorn (I have very little in the way of determination when it comes to getting anything done, and am much more an artsy-fartsy sort...then again I was born two months early, so should have been a Pisces, I think). I do, however, have a strong "contrary" streak which has led me to question authority and away from religion almost entirely, and wherever that comes from (not my upbringing, for sure), I'd hope that at least a few of them have a bit of that.

  On 8/29/2015 at 10:12 PM, floridamom said:

 What does their father actually think he sons will "grow up" to be professionally? Someone who really cares needs to step up to the plate for these boys. Who knows what talents the girls have but certainly won't ever be allowed to explore and pursue them..such a shame.


Unfortunately, the creepy bastard envisions them only in terms of what needed roles they can fill in his life. The question of what roles they might need or want to play in lives of their own doesn't even exist for him. I think Jim Bob started out as a way sick fuck whose sickness over the years has morphed him into an evil one. Those poor kids.

Edited by Churchhoney
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  On 8/30/2015 at 3:24 AM, cmr2014 said:

Someone else posted earlier that they thought JD had essentially left the fold, but was making himself available for filming, etc. so as not to disturb the family story. Personally, I think that if Joe has gone back to school, the same can be said of him. I find it almost impossible to believe that JB and J'chelle sanctioned school -- even Crown College -- in the first place. Now, with the show gone, and no money coming in, and what I am sure is their desire to tighten the screws on their children even tighter, I think that if Joe goes back to school it will be safe to assume that he has decided to do what most of us hope they all will eventually do, and that is to make his own decisions as a young adult.

If the money crunch means no one gets to go to unaccredited $14,000 a year Clown College anymore, that's not really a loss. The only recognized training courses they have are diesel mechanic and hvac technician, and I'm sure he can get those in NW Arkansas.
  • Love 1
  On 8/30/2015 at 12:41 PM, GeeGolly said:

I'm Aquarius and have a strong compatibility with Sagittarians. Only Joe, born January 20th is Aquarius, though born on the cusp. Maybe he can aid & abet this exploration into freedom. 

Sounds like a good plan to me!

  On 8/30/2015 at 12:44 PM, Jynnan tonnix said:

I don't put a lot of stock in astrology... I'm an atypical Capricorn (I have very little in the way of determination when it comes to getting anything done, and am much more an artsy-fartsy sort...then again I was born two months early, so should have been a Pisces, I think). I do, however, have a strong "contrary" streak which has led me to question authority and away from religion almost entirely, and wherever that comes from (not my upbringing, for sure), I'd hope that at least a few of them have a bit of that.

You also may have elements from your moon sign and rising sign that would account for these things.

  • Love 1
  On 8/30/2015 at 2:58 PM, Suz at Large said:


If their affluence goes away, and they're reduced like most people to having to earn money to survive, who knows how things will play out? 


Good stuff.


I think it's always easier to break away from the poor than to break away from the rich. When you're getting free Apple products you have a lot more to lose -- or at least you think you do. That's one reason I've rooted hard for an end to the show. I always thought that would offer by far the best opportunity for more of the kids to open their eyes to the horror and begin making other plans.


I kind of laugh (or want to cry or scream, alternatively...) when I think of all these guys devoted to the 200-year plan or something like it -- but all derived in one way or another from Rushdoony's "dominion" ideas, I think, since he wanted to raise an army of followers, ensure those followers were never tainted by the evil school system and even take over public offices, the way JB tried to do.


I'm pretty sure Phillips came up with the 200-year-plan in concert with Geoff Botkin, famous for fathering the "visionary" never-leaving-home-at-all-and-now-fast-approaching-sell-by-date daughters Elizabeth and Anna Sofia. And of course Phillips sickly raised up and groomed poor teenage Lourdes from his congregation into a pseudodaughter/sex toy. And then there's Jim Bob's mob of sleepwalkers. And all the guys promote the idea that they have, you know, ideas, and that their so-called philosophies and theologies are, you know, philosophies and theologies. But really, when you look at their lives and personalities, it's crystal clear that they have simply invented -- or latched onto, in Jim Bob's case -- theories that allow them free exercise of their massive neuroses and selfishness and even the belief that God's commanding them to follow these paths. As you say, what narcissist of Jim Bob's ilk wouldn't really really love an eternal compound full of slavish followers to boss around and demand worship from, forever?


Woe to the kids who fall into the clutches of anybody who wants earthly dominion or has a 200-year plan. Resistance is futile. They will be assimilated. Dystopian novel plots everywhere you look.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 6
  On 8/30/2015 at 8:42 AM, GeeGolly said:

I believe you're right. But if JB & M had any sense they would realize it might not be the big bad world that is messing with their kids' futures. They might want to look in the mirror.

Yeah, it's not like Josh had to leave home to find an opportunity.

Excuse me, I need to go spend some time with a punching bag. Thinking of those poor sleeping (or not sleeping) children being molested in their home always has that effect on me.

  • Love 5
  On 8/30/2015 at 2:58 PM, Suz at Large said:

Here's a look at some of the motivation behind JB's isolating his kids from the world and thus limiting their roles in life. I really don't have the time, or the fortitude, to delve into the deets. But let's not forget that the Duggars were faithful followers of Doug Phillips, who until his downfall (for sexual abuse of a woman who was a minor when it began - imagine that) was a powerful force in the Christian Patriarchy movement and the fundie homeschooling movement, and ran the Vision Forum. One of VF's teachings was the "200 year plan" which amounted to "outbreeding the heathens," to put it simply. If you look at that a bit, JB's attempt to create a "compound" for his married kids and grandkids to live on, their pulling their kids out of school and keeping them isolated, and many other things about the family, slots right into that 200 year plan. Phillips may be gone but that movement marches on.


I also don't have the fortitude to think too much about JB Duggar. But it seems to me that this 200 year plan would be almost irresistible to a controlling, narcissistic, man. In JB's case, rather than be content to just try to make it work, he also pursued worldly power (running for office, where he plunged in way over his head and crashed) and fame (lucking out with reality TV which also was a huge financial windfall). 


But to stay on the topic of this discussion, the "other" Duggar kids, here's an article from 2011. It predates Phillips' fall from grace which IIRC happened in 2013. This article discusses the patriarchy/Quiverfull movement and its failures to keep the second generation in line. It includes this about a man named Joe Sands, who was raised in a patriarchal Independent Baptist family where physical discipline (beatings with the back of a hardwood hairbrush) was part of growing up:



I've been dubious about any of the Duggar kids breaking away. I'm beginning to understand the dynamics of this culture better, I think, and I'm coming around to the idea that some of them will break off - although probably not in the very near future. But I don't know that we can predict very well which ones. I think that there have been many perceptive comments in this forum about the kids, and this PTV group includes much wisdom. Also, I don't know how the dynamics of the Duggar family will play out because the kids are, at least for now, in the public limelight. And for now none of them have to worry about where the next serving of Tater Tots - or pair of shoes or iPhone - is coming from. If their affluence goes away, and they're reduced like most people to having to earn money to survive, who knows how things will play out? 

This is so informative!  I checked out the link that had to do with Vision Forums vision and how it said Christianity was being persecuted and the answer was to breed as much as one can building an army of Christians.....  I'm sure there are a lot of other crazy ideas that come after but that's as far as I got.


Imagine - outbreeding the enemy as the plan.  Really sick and demented people come up with that kind of plan, the first one i think of is Hitler.  As for JB and Mechelle they are just so easily led it's pathetic.   

  • Love 6
  On 8/30/2015 at 3:31 PM, CofCinci said:

Or her due date?

If you check Amy's instragram, her bachelorette party was last night.


I thought that at first, but I'm sure Amy is very familiar with contraception. Her taste in fancy cocktail dresses is too tight, à la Mariah Carey. When the midriff is exposed, she sucks it in, à la David Hasselhoff:


  • Love 1

Hi all. First time poster here.  Quick question... Just watched the Howlers "Pillow Talk" video... why is there a Welcome Ben banner hanging over the kid's bed.... he's what 13-15 maybe? Even a tweenage girl with a crush would not have that, or would've taken it down or replaced it by now... has this been discussed? Please lead me to your discussion of it, I did not find... thanks.  And LOVE you guys and the topical discussions here. I'm a total fan of you all!! I may make you a banner to hang over my bed now!!!!!  giggle giggle

  • Love 2
  On 8/30/2015 at 3:45 PM, Churchhoney said:

And of course Phillips sickly raised up and groomed poor teenage Lourdes from his congregation into a pseudodaughter/sex toy. 


The underaged kid the preacher man molested was named Lourdes?


I swear, if this was a movie, it would have been written by William Faulkner. 

  • Love 7
  On 8/26/2015 at 4:36 AM, SomePity1066 said:

Additional post to add to my original above...

Star Wars intro graphics at the beginning of the video... ? Really... ? REALLY... ???

Why are all of the hats either ill-fitting, Mr. Potato Head-sized, from Boer War and/or Napoleonic eras, or colonial tricorns ?

Did y'all see Brokeback Mountain ? Midnight Cowboy ? Dog Day Afternoon ?

The irony here is so palpable I can feel it, I can taste it, but knowing that they don't know it is the snark icing on my snark cake...

So let them eat cake ;)

"Big Iron on His Hip"? C'mon now.

  On 8/30/2015 at 5:25 PM, DawgMom said:

Hi all. First time poster here. Quick question... Just watched the Howlers "Pillow Talk" video... why is there a Welcome Ben banner hanging over the kid's bed.... he's what 13-15 maybe? Even a tweenage girl with a crush would not have that, or would've taken it down or replaced it by now... has this been discussed? Please lead me to your discussion of it, I did not find... thanks. And LOVE you guys and the topical discussions here. I'm a total fan of you all!! I may make you a banner to hang over my bed now!!!!! giggle giggle

I think the Lost Girls (Johannah, Jenny, Jordyn) and Josie made it for him. Possibly also Jackson. Edited by Kokapetl
  • Love 2
I may be the only one - but I like this!  Outlaws, non religious music.  The Big Red outlaw has 19 notches on his pistol!   Like a freudian slip or something.


I liked it too! I read all the negative comments and thought it was just something stupid and ridic but it's actually rather well thought out with little clever details, like the iron and the measuring yard stick. Yeah it's dorky and full of nerdy boys of all ages but it's pretty funny too. Perhaps it's because I'm surrounded by nerds (and am one myself too tbh) but I can't really find any fault with this except for the fact that it's very boy club oriented. Girls can be dorks too Duggars!

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  On 8/28/2015 at 7:53 PM, Kokapetl said:

This religious exemption thing is not true. The TTH house property does not have a religious exemption listed against it. They pay about $7,500 a year to the county in tax for the property. Keep in mind it is is a rural/urban fringe property across the road from the town landfill.


Religious tax exemptions are very easy to get. You really have to watch this video and you will get an idea. John Oliver actually opens his own church.


Published on Aug 16, 2015

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Televangelists (HBO)

U.S. tax law allows television preachers to get away with almost anything. We know this from personal experience.

Our Lady of Perpetual Exemption will not be able to accept donations from Church supporters from the states of Mississippi, Nevada,


  • Love 3
  On 8/30/2015 at 3:45 PM, Churchhoney said:

Good stuff.


I think it's always easier to break away from the poor than to break away from the rich. When you're getting free Apple products you have a lot more to lose -- or at least you think you do. That's one reason I've rooted hard for an end to the show. I always thought that would offer by far the best opportunity for more of the kids to open their eyes to the horror and begin making other plans.


I kind of laugh (or want to cry or scream, alternatively...) when I think of all these guys devoted to the 200-year plan or something like it -- but all derived in one way or another from Rushdoony's "dominion" ideas, I think, since he wanted to raise an army of followers, ensure those followers were never tainted by the evil school system and even take over public offices, the way JB tried to do.


I'm pretty sure Phillips came up with the 200-year-plan in concert with Geoff Botkin, famous for fathering the "visionary" never-leaving-home-at-all-and-now-fast-approaching-sell-by-date daughters Elizabeth and Anna Sofia. And of course Phillips sickly raised up and groomed poor teenage Lourdes from his congregation into a pseudodaughter/sex toy. And then there's Jim Bob's mob of sleepwalkers. And all the guys promote the idea that they have, you know, ideas, and that their so-called philosophies and theologies are, you know, philosophies and theologies. But really, when you look at their lives and personalities, it's crystal clear that they have simply invented -- or latched onto, in Jim Bob's case -- theories that allow them free exercise of their massive neuroses and selfishness and even the belief that God's commanding them to follow these paths. As you say, what narcissist of Jim Bob's ilk wouldn't really really love an eternal compound full of slavish followers to boss around and demand worship from, forever?


Woe to the kids who fall into the clutches of anybody who wants earthly dominion or has a 200-year plan. Resistance is futile. They will be assimilated. Dystopian novel plots everywhere you look.

Indeed--or films. Idiocracy, anyone?

  • Love 1

People has a story this morning about Amy's upcoming wedding (this weekend), and how she "can't wait" to change her last name from Duggar.


What a fucking hypocrite! She was Amy Jordan (her father's last name) for many years. Then, when she decided to jump on the Duggar Bandwagon, to hopefully fuel her singing career, she became Amy Duggar. She claimed it was all good, as her parents didn't marry for a long time after her birth, and she was rightfully using her mother's last name. 


I don't care what she calls herself, but I think the back and forth is self-serving and annoying.

  • Love 9

Emme, normally I'd agree w you because it's Famy and it's all about what can get her the most exposure. But honestly, I really can't blame her at this point. The ship is on fire and the rats are trying to escape before the whole thing sinks. If someone has the option to NOT be a Duggar right now, I think they have every reason to take that offer.

  • Love 4
  On 9/3/2015 at 2:58 PM, Valerie said:

Emme, normally I'd agree w you because it's Famy and it's all about what can get her the most exposure. But honestly, I really can't blame her at this point. The ship is on fire and the rats are trying to escape before the whole thing sinks. If someone has the option to NOT be a Duggar right now, I think they have every reason to take that offer.

Yes - I do agree with that. I mean, I'd be fleeing too if I had the Duggar moniker. However, I still find it annoying that she picks and chooses when to be a Duggar. 

  • Love 2

Yipee only two more days til the Rebel Duggar gets married. Amy I hope you have drinking and dancing at your wedding like normal people. Lots of NIKE and lots of fun. Can't wait for the pictures! 


And to MEchelle for the love of Jesus please wear a DRESS something that doesn't look like you rolled out of bed to Famy's wedding. I hope Famy wrote "formal attire" on her invitations.

  • Love 3
Message added by Scarlett45

If your post is not PRIMARILY about the Duggars, it will be removed. Please stick to the topic or take it to Small Talk, thank you.

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