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The Other Duggars: The Lost Girls and Amy

Message added by Scarlett45

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Grandma scrubs skid marks out of Jackson's undies for room and board. She seems pretty devoted to supporting her children and grandchildren in their endeavours. I don't get a puppet master vibe from her. She bought a house (that backs onto an interstate, also adjacent to the on ramp to the interstate) for Josh because he needed it. She supports Amy in her 'not gonna happen' music career. She's a live in laundry maid for her son, because her son's family need her help.

  • Love 2

Ha, ha. Got my son BOM tickets for his birthday. We'll meet Elder Price from the 12th row. 


I'm not feeling a lot of love for Grandma Duggar now. She must have know what was going on in that house during the Josh years and said and did nothing. She's not a prisoner and has made some interesting choices that she will live with. I wonder what Grandpa knew.

  • Love 6

King Dill Pickle reminds me of a crying brat that didn't get the extra cookie he expected at school.  


Dude- you are no one!  Your fiancé is no one.  She has a voice like 20,000 others in LA right now singing at karaoke clubs.   She has no stage presence.  She tries to rip people off.   Her bit of "Jesus" attitude just locks her away from many of the true country music followers that want to hear a little beer, dancing and heartache.  


The ONLY reason you got an episode was because of your crazy relatives!  They are done and so are you.  Pay for your own wedding and tell Dillon to get a freaking clue.  He is NOT a celebrity. 


ETA:  The only people that think you two are celebrities.



Edited by truthtalk2014
  • Love 9

I'm not feeling a lot of love for Grandma Duggar now. She must have know what was going on in that house during the Josh years and said and did nothing. She's not a prisoner and has made some interesting choices that she will live with. I wonder what Grandpa knew.

A lot of people in her situation wouldn't rock the boat. Her access to her grandchildren was/is at the discretion of JimChelle.

I'm not sure she did nothing either. She bought the mold house from Michelle's dad over a year before Josh married Anna, and I don't think Pa Ruark was living there at the time of sale. I think Josh was, and it was hushed up.

  • Love 4

I'm not always sure why people think parents and grandparents of Amy or even Josiah or Marjorie can make them do things.


Not really. If they had good parents they might tell them how to act but that doesn't mean

they will. I don't know whether Amy's parents are good parents or not.  It depends on the

person how much influence their parents or grandparents have on them.  For me, my

parents and grandparents have a huge influence on me. I will never wear jeans to a church

because my grandmother taught me always to dress nicely in a church. Every time I hear

the Duggars changing words from God or Jesus, I can hear her telling that is a big no-no. 

My great-grandfather who knew most of my life influenced me on how I view

God, the Bible and the world.  When ever the Duggars would go on their anti-gay

talk I can still hear him say 'God didn't say that', or well most of things they say

I can still hear him saying 'God didn't say that'.

  • Love 6

I don't wear jeans to church either, but if that's what you mean by influence, that isn't what I mean. That kind of stuff went WAY beyond my parents, while how to make decisions was something I learned to do without relying on a church community, for instance. That included who to marry. Stuff like that. I keep hearing phrases like "shut it down" and I really wonder if these adult people are going to just meekly go, "oh, ok."


I think that "shutting it down" is more about influence than force.  Many mothers have "shut down" their daughters for breaking etiquette rules (ex. perceived gift grubbing) when they felt that their daughters were in the wrong. Many of the daughters have listened to their moms, whether they felt goaded into it or realize they were wrong. Amy is almost 30 and an adult, but Deanna and Mary can still point out that she is being a grifter. They may have already told her that she is tacky and she is ignoring them. I think Amy would listen to their advice though since she seems close to Mary and Deanna and she seemed to listen to their advice when they went clothing shopping in her Nashville special. I think they are all so used to freebies and special treatment that they don't care. They want Amy to get those presents. 


I was surprised how vocal Amy and Dillon were about TLC not filming the wedding. I'm even more surprised that TLC would make the wedding into a special or even a multi-episode build up. I just never had interest in Amy other than her relationship with Joy Anna.  

Edited by Cocka doodle dont
  • Love 5

Mary and Deanna and she seemed to listen to their advice when they went clothing shopping in her Nashville special. I think they are all so used to freebies and special treatment that they don't care. They want Amy to get those presents.


I wondered if their grifters or they didn't want Amy to feel left out as her cousins got

more and more famous. They got to go travel the world, fans, the huge weddings and

so many gifts. Also a camera crew following them around for a decade. Or maybe they

are just like their relatives who can't accept its over.

I don't wear jeans to church either, but if that's what you mean by influence, that isn't what I mean. That kind of stuff went WAY beyond my parents, while how to make decisions was something I learned to do without relying on a church community, for instance. That included who to marry. Stuff like that. I keep hearing phrases like "shut it down" and I really wonder if these adult people are going to just meekly go, "oh, ok."


 I do apologize, that's not what I thought you meant. 

Edited by andromeda331

Actually Amy was my favorite of the older Duggars.  She had a personality, unlike her cruel cousins who thought it great sport to surprise her with a clown on her birthday when Amy was horribly afraid of clowns.  

The few things I know about Amy I like.  She wasn't allowed to chaparone one of Josh's & Anna's dates because she completed admitted she would let them do whatever.  Also when it was time for the family to go on some car ride and sing she brought her headphones so she could listen to regular music.  And recently she made a comment about how JB knows he can't control her.  

  • Love 4

I believe many independent adults allow themselves to be influenced by others at various times. I also wonder if Deanna and Grandma D are aware of Amy's not-so-subtle request for money and gifts.


I know for sure if that I was doing that, at any age, my mom would let me know how inappropriate it is, and would strongly encourage me to knock it off. And out of respect to my mom's wisdom, and my mom herself, I most likely would have listened.

  • Love 2

What I would love to know is how the family interpreted the many gifts. Did they think they were from adoring fans? Did they laugh and think "what fools"? Did they think they converted that many folks? 



That's an excellent question. I also would love to know how they felt. I can't imagine being anything but horrified and mortified if people I didn't know were sending me presents. Heck, that's my feeling when people I do know give me presents -- hate thinking that anyone feels obligated to give stuff to me. So I feel as if they must have to justify it to themselves in some way. But maybe not. They're God's chosen, and I'm not, maybe.

It's hysterical that she's already soliciting gifts and she doesn't even have a date yet. That's so Duggar.


First things first, you know.

  • Love 8
Who's going to take one for the team and send Famy a card? God, what a famewhore.  https://instagram.co...en-by=amyduggar 


Wow. Full of herself much?

No wonder she's calling herself Duggar. She and Jim Bob are two peas in a pod. Imagine the overwhelming joy of someone who gets to own a "handwritten letter" from this idiot. And all for the low low price of sending her a card or "and etc."


If Amy is willing to hand write all of these letters, why didn't she instead just privately reply to each of the (supposed) emails that asked where they could send something? That would have been an appropriate personal response and not a public pandering for gifts. 

  • Love 7

That's an excellent question. I also would love to know how they felt. I can't imagine being anything but horrified and mortified if people I didn't know were sending me presents. Heck, that's my feeling when people I do know give me presents -- hate thinking that anyone feels obligated to give stuff to me. So I feel as if they must have to justify it to themselves in some way. But maybe not. They're God's chosen, and I'm not, maybe.


First things first, you know.


I don't think Boob & Me-chelle ever had one single qualm about getting free stuff, or asking for free stuff. Or ever will. I don't even think they're sincerely grateful for all they do receive. Me-chelle gives every indication of being a much-spoiled and entitled last born, someone who actually expects that others will smooth the way ahead, and strew roses on the path to boot. And from what I've heard on the show about him and even from him, I'm guessing Boob feels like this time in the limelight now is His Turn. His right - something that's owed him because he never received the storybook-perfect childhood and family life he clearly wanted SO much. They both feel they've earned all the treats and bonuses they get, and earned them not just because of their childhoods, but because they've managed to have All Those Kids. An achievement worthy of unending praise and support - and apparently Free Stuff - in their belief system. I bet if Quiverful stated that having as many tiny toys as possible was what really made God love you, value you and hustle you right into Heaven, Boob would now have 2 or 3 million little Matchbox cars lined up at the TTH, instead of kids.

Edited by Wellfleet
  • Love 9

The few things I know about Amy I like.  She wasn't allowed to chaparone one of Josh's & Anna's dates because she completed admitted she would let them do whatever.  Also when it was time for the family to go on some car ride and sing she brought her headphones so she could listen to regular music.  And recently she made a comment about how JB knows he can't control her.  


I'm not what you could ever call an Amy fan. Her on-camera personality is way too "on" for me - too false. I don't think anyone is ever THAT giddily-happy about almost everything. She seems to be in a perpetual state of "audition." But she's proof that being raised by JL and Mary didn't have to result in an adult who would be attracted to cults because of a less-than-idyllic childhood. Deanna was raised in the same home as Boob, by the same parents, and yet in many ways her life has been diametrically-different from his. She "fulfilled righteous desires" before marriage, so much so that a pregnancy resulted. And she kept that baby, which in the early 80s had to have been much more difficult to do, especially in the rural South, than it is now. Moreover, she raised that baby to be a Christian but fairly independent and tolerant, unlike Boob whose own kids are in so many aspects 180 degrees different from Amy. Yep, Amy is proof that Boob's issues are probably much more Boob's own problems, and not due to all the poor parenting he had to endure. Poor little picked-on Boob... time to eat some worms. 

  • Love 12

The kid in the middle, is that Jackson? He's dressed like Dr. Po (whatever his name is, the vet in Alaska). Or just came back in from milking. And what is HE wearing? I swear, it looks like shorts over jeans. Can't be, I know, but what IS that? And do we have to post such an odd picture? Only the kids who aren't Duggars actually look like they followed the instructions to "look at the camera and say cheese!" Can we crop the butt out at least?


Do you mean Dr. Pol? Who's a vet in Michigan? :-)


But, yeah, that's just what he looks like -- minus all the cow poop, of course.

  • Love 1

I'm not what you could ever call an Amy fan. Her on-camera personality is way too "on" for me - too false. I don't think anyone is ever THAT giddily-happy about almost everything. She seems to be in a perpetual state of "audition." But she's proof that being raised by JL and Mary didn't have to result in an adult who would be attracted to cults because of a less-than-idyllic childhood. Deanna was raised in the same home as Boob, by the same parents, and yet in many ways her life has been diametrically-different from his. She "fulfilled righteous desires" before marriage, so much so that a pregnancy resulted. And she kept that baby, which in the early 80s had to have been much more difficult to do, especially in the rural South, than it is now. Moreover, she raised that baby to be a Christian but fairly independent and tolerant, unlike Boob whose own kids are in so many aspects 180 degrees different from Amy. Yep, Amy is proof that Boob's issues are probably much more Boob's own problems, and not due to all the poor parenting he had to endure. Poor little picked-on Boob... time to eat some worms.

The sexual revolution is generally thought to have spread to society at large by the seventies, so having a baby out of wedlock in 1986 probably wasn't that outrageous.

I've never believed that JimBob had bad parents. Daddy's obituary from Springdale News:

After graduating from Fayetteville High School in 1955, he attended the University of Arkansas, and served in the Army ROTC. He married Mary Duggar in 1960. In 1962, he became a third generation real estate agent in Duggar Realty that his grandfather J.T. Duggar established in 1933.

He loved buying and selling property, cars, and making "big" trades. Among many of his real estate transactions, he sold sites for the Springdale Holiday Inn & Convention Center, McDonald's on U.S. 412, Heritage Funeral Home and the new Tamales Restaurant coming soon on 48th Street. He was an incredible salesman.

JimBob certainly didn't have a hardscrabble childhood. His parents cared enough to send him to a private school, I suspect because he was a target for bullies
  • Love 2

JB didn't start slandering JL until after his passing. I have long thought that Jana wrote the obituary. We've speculated on  these issues here (and back to TWOP) for quite a while. 


I always am amazed that MARY sits back and lets Boob do that. That is what makes me think that their marriage may not have been as happy as they've made it out to be. Seriously, would anyone here allow their sons or daughters to flat-out slander their father, presuming Dad didn't deserve it and your marriage was actually a happy one? It's simple human nature, AFAIC. 

  • Love 1

The sexual revolution is generally thought to have spread to society at large by the seventies, so having a baby out of wedlock in 1986 probably wasn't that outrageous.

I've never believed that JimBob had bad parents. Daddy's obituary from Springdale News: JimBob certainly didn't have a hardscrabble childhood. His parents cared enough to send him to a private school, I suspect because he was a target for bullies


In general, I agree that out-of-wedlock babies were not the life-ending shame in 1986 that they were in 1926. However I still think there weren't any beaming faces of joy to be seen when Deanna announced her pregnancy with Amy. This was, as best we can tell, a fairly-strict Southern Christian family in a small, conservative rural community in a very red state. I don't believe JL and Mary were weak parents either - or that Boob had a tough childhood. But he definitely gives the impression that HE thinks he did.

  • Love 5

King Dill Pickle reminds me of a crying brat that didn't get the extra cookie he expected at school



I wonder if he'll actually go through with the wedding once it sinks in that all he'll be getting is Amy herself, not TV stardom, a cushy seat on the Duggar Easy Livin' Train and a ton of free goodies.


I don't think they laughed. They never laugh at anything else



The only time they laugh is at someone else's discomfort: a little boy who falls in a pit, a little girl with her head stuck in a railing, a bridal couple whose car has been trashed, a girl scared of clowns. Those all may seem like trifling little incidents, but they add up to a pattern of selfishness and cruelty. These are ugly, mean people, even beyond their hateful political posturing.

Edited by Albanyguy
  • Love 14

I wonder if he'll actually go through with the wedding once it sinks in that all he'll be getting is Amy herself, not TV stardom, a cushy seat on the Duggar Easy Livin' Train and a ton of free goodies.



The only time they laugh is at someone else's discomfort: a little boy who falls in a pit, a little girl with her head stuck in a railing, a bridal couple whose car has been trashed, a girl scared of clowns. Those all may seem like trifling little incidents, but they add up to a pattern of selfishness and cruelty. These are ugly, mean people, even beyond their hateful political posturing.

I agree.   They also laughed at the cat they tried to hit.   Imo, that is a huge character flaw.

  • Love 13

The big Southern Baptist split takes place in 1979, and was over things like a hard line about abortion being murder. So by 1986, while there wouldn't have been smiles about having a baby before marriage, there would have been some pride in her not having had an abortion and keeping it. That she was 26 and likely independent by that point meant the adoption question was likely off the table.

  • Love 2

It is clear from Amy's not so subtle plea for gifts and money that grandma Duggar and Deanna are grifters just like Jim Bob. If they had any class, they would have shut Amy down.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't it come out around the time the tabloid busted Josh on the molestations that he and Grandma Duggar would work the phones together back in the day to get local businesses to donate goods and services to the Duggars when they lived in that little 3 bedroom house and had around 12 or so kids at the time?? If this is true, then why would we expect Grandma Duggar to talk Amy out of begging for money and gifts? Being tacky and expecting stuff from strangers isn't really new to Grandma either. Heck, she could be the one who invented it.

  • Love 8

The comments on Amy's Instagram are getting more frenzied! Apparently they may be married in just a few days and the "knocked up" comments are everywhere.

Also she has a photo of her and Dill together and captioned it saying she ran into him at church. Don't they know when the other one is going to church???

I'm going through Pickles photos in date ascending order, I'm up to May 2014, at this point Amy has dumped Reed within the past year, and is posting pics of herself in bed with some minor league baseball player.

And by handwritten letter she means handwritten letter...that Jana writes. Amy is far too famous to be bothered with the scut work, dontcha know.

I wonder which letter it will be.


I agree.   They also laughed at the cat they tried to hit.   Imo, that is a huge character flaw.

Absolutely. For all of their wholesome Christian values, I've seen them be completely thoughtless, cruel and downright mean plenty of times. Remember when Boob was in El Salvador and they all went to gawk at that family that lived in a shack with no electricity or running water? Boob asked the mother how many children she had, and she said something like "8 but 4 of them have died" and Boob...without missing a beat...said "Well I have NINETEEN! HEH HEH HEH!" He didn't even hear her answer. He was only asking the question to set up his big mic-drop moment. It was painful to watch.

Edited by Aja
  • Love 14

I wonder which letter it will be.

Absolutely. For all of their wholesome Christian values, I've seen them be completely thoughtless, cruel and downright mean plenty of times. Remember when Boob was in El Salvador and they all went to gawk at that family that lived in a shack with no electricity or running water? Boob asked the mother how many children she had, and she said something like "8 but 4 of them have died" and Boob...without missing a beat...said "Well I have NINETEEN! HEH HEH HEH!" He didn't even hear her answer. He was only asking the question to set up his big mic-drop moment. It was painful to watch.

Rude as fuck. That woman who lives in poverty lost 4 kids. Have some respect Jim Dim
  • Love 11

The comments on Amy's Instagram are getting more frenzied! Apparently they may be married in just a few days and the "knocked up" comments are everywhere.

Also she has a photo of her and Dill together and captioned it saying she ran into him at church. Don't they know when the other one is going to church???

Dillion is a printer maybe he was dropping off materials at church and they ran into each oither?


I'm going through Pickles photos in date ascending order, I'm up to May 2014, at this point Amy has dumped Reed within the past year, and is posting pics of herself in bed with some minor league baseball player.

The baseball player was her next victim. I think he appeared on the show once, but I might be mixing him up with Reed(tayloronline). The baseball player's last name was Sample, forget his first name offhand. I think they broke up not long after your picture evidence, after which she had her first stint with KDP. 


Too bad Famy has likely deleted all evidence of her girls' trip to Florida when she cheated on KDP the first go-round. THAT would be fun to be spreading all over the interwebz right about now. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
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Message added by Scarlett45

If your post is not PRIMARILY about the Duggars, it will be removed. Please stick to the topic or take it to Small Talk, thank you.

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