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S11.E07: Something's Fishy

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  On 8/16/2016 at 2:21 AM, Straycat80 said:

I think the whole crying jag from Heather was all an act. There have been many , many other screaming freak outs and swearfests from the other women in the past *Shannon* and Heather never broke into a weepy mess.


Exactly. Kelly's behavior, while disturbing, was not the first time a woman has lost it on this show. Heather was just looking for HER moment.

  • Love 12
  On 8/16/2016 at 2:40 AM, DivaLasVegas82 said:

Tamra made a good point tonight when she said that when she was married to Simon, she took her anger out at him on other people. Kelly may very well be doing the same thing.


Yes, that was probably the most intelligent thing I've ever heard come out of Tamra's mouth.  It's a good point, too.  Almost makes me feel the teeniest, tiniest bit of empathy for Kelly.  

  • Love 12
  On 8/16/2016 at 2:34 AM, WireWrap said:

Heather wasn't on the show when Tamra went after Gretchen/naked wasted and Heather did call out Vicki both last season and this season about the cancer scam. And Heather has never heard any of the HWs, including Tamra, call her or the others names like Kelly just did.

Kelly went from 0 to 100 in 0.01 seconds flat and was nasty to several of Heathers friends in a small confined space.


Even if Heather wasn't on the show when the event took place, Heather did know how vicious Tamra was to Gretchen and Alexis. Heather herself joined in on Tamra's campaign against Alexis whom Tamra once referred to as "Jesus Juggs," which IMO, is almost as offensive as the c-word.

  • Love 10
  On 8/16/2016 at 2:47 AM, enchantingmonkey said:

Yes, that was probably the most intelligent thing I've ever heard come out of Tamra's mouth.  It's a good point, too.  Almost makes me feel the teeniest, tiniest bit of empathy for Kelly.  


I would expect this sort of behavior from him as he is married to Kelly. She was the one with the DV arrest, she had to attend AA and get psych help, not him! LOL

  • Love 8
  On 8/16/2016 at 2:34 AM, WireWrap said:

Heather wasn't on the show when Tamra went after Gretchen/naked wasted and Heather did call out Vicki both last season and this season about the cancer scam. And Heather has never heard any of the HWs, including Tamra, call her or the others names like Kelly just did.

Kelly went from 0 to 100 in 0.01 seconds flat and was nasty to several of Heathers friends in a small confined space.


However, Heather was definitely part of the show when she happily watched Tamra screeching "get the fuck out!" at Alexis Bellino because she had the temerity to - gasp! - show up to a filming assignment. And, if memory serves, Tamra actually shrieked "and you can get the fuck out, too!" when Heather needed reminding of the proverbial pecking order during the aftermath. ETA: Gretchen also pantomimed a man jacking off right next to Heather when Alexis tried to defend herself during that entire imbroglio. ETA2: And there are even examples that don't involve Alexis of Heather enjoying a front-row seat to Tamra's consistent vulgarity and sadism: her attacks on Lizzie's parenting; the sobriquet she devised for Mrs. Rovsek "Kentucky fried titties!"; the mud-slinging brawl with Danielle that was bad enough to be dismembered in editing. etc.

The next season, Heather declared that she would rather have "one fabulous friend than pieces of shit" in reference to Tams and Vicki.

And, of course, she's ironically shouting about "bullshit" during her shock-and-horror burlesque over the language employed by Kelly.

My (subjective personal) opinion? Heather knew she better bring something, *anything* that was teaser-reel-worthy because she couldn't film in Crystal Cove anymore.

I don't exactly disagree that Kelly suffers from a very notable personality disorder but I can never co-sign the disingenuousness and reciprocal breach of etiquette in attempts to eject a fellow guest from an event that one is not hosting. The scenery-chewing hysteria on the telephone to Terry was frankly rather quite weird, too; if my spouse called me sobbing to the point of being unable to choke out for several minutes what exactly had happened, I would be terrified.

I prefer Shannon to the rest of the cast save Meghan but nevertheless find her pretty obnoxious on occasion (why, among all of the epithets, the quibbling over Kelly's reference to herself as "college educated"?).

But she won all the cookies with her droll delivery in the post-blowup tete-a-tete with Tamra: "oh, yeah, you dumb fuck?" She's also dead to rights in her insistence that, tomorrow or five years in the future, Vicki's going to fuck Tamra over again.

Edited by lunastartron
  • Love 19

1. Vicki saying that David scared her because " if I slapped him across the face he would do the same thing" made me want to slap HER in the face repeatedly. Women do not have the right to put their hands on men ( or anyone!), and if she did slap David and he slapped her back in self defense, well tough shit Vicki! Don't assault people.

2. Kelly needs to go from 0 to 50 not zero to 100. I don't blame for everyone being disgusted with her but Heathers freak out was weird- I think Heather is VERY aware that her career and success is too tied up in the show and probably has pressure from Terry to act a certain way

3. Meghans shit is boring, I hope her and Kelly aren't back next season.

4. Shannon is annoying me this season, she just seems so shrill and old and I have literally zero interest in their vow renewals ( aside from the snark factor) 

5. I don't know what is happening but Im digging Tamras redemption tour even if it is fake. 

  • Love 21
  On 8/16/2016 at 2:52 AM, DivaLasVegas82 said:

Even if Heather wasn't on the show when the event took place, Heather did know how vicious Tamra was to Gretchen and Alexis. Heather herself joined in on Tamra's campaign against Alexis whom Tamra once referred to as "Jesus Juggs," which IMO, is almost as offensive as the c-word.


No one, was this vicious their first season, not even Brandi or Tamra!


  On 8/16/2016 at 2:54 AM, lunastartron said:

However, Heather was definitely part of the show when she happily watched Tamra screeching "get the fuck out!" at Alexis Bellino because she had the temerity to - gasp! - show up to a filming assignment. And, if memory serves, Tamra actually shrieked "and you can get the fuck out, too!" when Heather needed reminding of the proverbial pecking order during the aftermath.

The next season, Heather declared that she would rather have "one fabulous friend than pieces of shit" in reference to Tams and Vicki.

And, of course, she's ironically shouting about "bullshit" during her shock-and-horror burlesque over the language employed by Kelly.

My (subjective personal) opinion? Heather knew she better bring something, *anything* that was teaser-reel-worthy because she couldn't film in Crystal Cove anymore.

I don't exactly disagree that Kelly suffers from a very notable personality disorder but I can never co-sign the disingenuousness and reciprocal breach of etiquette in attempts to eject a fellow guest from an event that one is not hosting. The scenery-chewing hysteria on the telephone to Terry was frankly rather quite weird, too; if my spouse called me sobbing to the point of being unable to choke out for several minutes what exactly had happened, I would be terrified.

I prefer Shannon to the rest of the cast save Meghan but nevertheless find her pretty obnoxious on occasion (why, among all of the epithets, the quibbling over Kelly's reference to herself as "college educated"?).

But she won all the cookies with her droll delivery in the post-blowup tete-a-tete with Tamra: "oh, yeah, you dumb fuck?" She's also dead to rights in her insistence that, tomorrow or five years in the future, Vicki's going to fuck Tamra over again.


Yes, Heather did cosign Tamra's dislike of Alexis. But Heather never lowered herself to the level of yelling in someone's face let alone using vulgar language.  Heather is smart enough to know that if she wants to keep her job that she needs to put up with the likes of Tamra and Vicki, hence her comment about "one fabulous friend". LOL

I agree and I found it funny when Heather tried to eject Kelly for the party, really only Tamra or Megan could do that but both of them looked shell shocked as Kelly went on her tirade.

Terry did sound concerned/worried when Heather called him and he seemed to calm her down. I think Heather was tired and just couldn't take the nasty, vulgar fighting that Kelly brings again and I don't blame her 1 bit.

I agree, Shannon was baiting Kelly with the college comment. LOL She is right about Vicki turning on Tamra and

  Reveal spoiler

One of the women  at Shannon's 70s party (the one that knew Kelly) is on the HOA board where Shannon/Heather houses are located and I think she was trying to schmooze her into allowing filming at their houses. If Heather comes back next season and they are in their new hotel house, we will know if that move worked or not if they are allowed to film there. I can't see the HOA stopping them if the camera crew doesn't need to part on the street though.

  • Love 6
  On 8/16/2016 at 2:34 AM, 100PercentPain said:

I've never been a huge fan, but Heather D. earned some respect from me tonight. These shows have always been ridiculous and trashy, but Kelly is a whole different level and I don't blame Heather for bowing out of that shit. Her breakdown in the limo was weird at first, but then when she said, "I don't want to be associated with this" it suddenly made more sense. She was never a household name but Heather had a legitimate acting career for a time and I know she came on the show hoping to help her get back into the game. That doesn't usually work out well and most of these women end up hawking their own products instead (including the Dubrows), but nothing will permanently dash her hopes of being taken seriously as an actress again like being associated with someone like Kelly Dodd. 

I have never quit a RH show before. I will tolerate a lot of bullshit and a lot of terrible people but I won't be back if Kelly is. She is gross. It's hard to take her apology seriously when she's making fun of Heather again 5 minutes later and standing by all of her nonsense in her TH. Girl, bye. Putting aside for a moment the fact that I don't buy Tamra's compassion, Shannon is right that it isn't everyone else's responsibility to fix Kelly's crazy. You can love people and give grace to people and still have boundaries and keep toxic, nasty people who see no problem with their behavior at arms' length. And again, it's hard to take the compassion seriously when Tamra is actively setting Kelly off and stirring shit up again. 

Add Vicki to the mix and it gets even worse. Listening to the two of them bitch about Shannon over Kelly's shitty cooking was downright painful, and it seems we're in for more next week when they lament about the other women hating them because they ain't them. Right. 

Ugh. I can't even get into the rest of the episode. This fucking show. 


I agree with what you said about Heather, she earned some respect from me tonight as well, and I'm not usually a fan. In addition to her acting career, I think both she and Terry are very concerned with their images in general and don't want to be associated with a low-life like Kelly. I still remember back when they had their hoe-down at their new house lot and Jim Edmonds was there (this was before Meghan was on the show) as well as another professional baseball player. Terry said to Heather, "Two ballplayers here, not bad!". It really struck me how impressed they were with themselves that two professional ballplayers showed up at their party. So, I think Terry and Heather are both very, very sensitive to who they are seen with. Yes, Vicki lied about the cancer and Tamara can be a piece of work, but neither of them make my skin crawl like Kelly does. She's base, vile and gross. I don't blame Heather for not wanting to be associated with her.

About Kelly and Vicki's "friendship", I think Vicki is just happy that at least one person is eager to film with her. Kelly, knowing that Vicki is on the outs with everyone else, latched right on to Vicki so she could get more screen time. Kelly will turn on Vicki on a dime when it suits her purpose.

  On 8/16/2016 at 2:37 AM, DivaLasVegas82 said:

I can totally see Kelly coming back. Love her or hate her, she brings the drama.  As far as Meghan returning? I don't know. She's not bringing the drama this season like she did last year. Children are always a blessing, but they don't make for Must-See-TV. So unless she can find a story next season that doesn't revolve around motherhood, I don't see her being on the show for much longer.


I don't know, I get hate watching (hello Whitney Thore) but, for me, Kelly is to the point of being unwatchable.

ETA: From what I have seen of Sarah this season (which is not much), she seems like a decent enough person and is very pretty. WTF does she see in Ryan? Just an opportunity to be on TV?

Edited by absolutelyido
  • Love 19
  On 8/16/2016 at 3:06 AM, yogi2014L said:

1. Vicki saying that David scared her because " if I slapped him across the face he would do the same thing" made me want to slap HER in the face repeatedly. Women do not have the right to put their hands on men ( or anyone!), and if she did slap David and he slapped her back in self defense, well tough shit Vicki! Don't assault people.

4. Shannon is annoying me this season, she just seems so shrill and old and I have literally zero interest in their vow renewals ( aside from the snark factor) 



I also wanted to slap Vicki when she said that. She starts it and then cries victim when the person, be they male or female, fights back likewise, that has been her MO from the beginning.

Their house is sold and now the vow renewal, will divorce court be next season?

  • Love 15
  On 8/16/2016 at 2:29 AM, Bronzedog said:

Troy, bless his little heart, is as homely as a mud pie.  


He looks a lot like his father, I think - I also think his conversations are pretty funny.  

  On 8/16/2016 at 2:32 AM, mbaywife123 said:

Ever have a day where you are just mentally exhausted and can't take any more nonsense?


Yup - today, in fact.  Which is why I used to like these shows, just for a little mental and emotional vacation.  Tonight did nothing except to exacerbate my already stressed out feelings.  

  • Love 13
  On 8/16/2016 at 2:43 AM, lilmarysunshine said:

Kelly comes across as legit crazy/bad to me - not "wacky."  She is really distasteful. Not sure I can stomach another season if she's in it. Surely there are more interesting women in the OC.

And then insisting 20 times over that she's educated and a multi-millionaire. My 14 year old son (who happened to be in the room) said "Wait a minute. Did she just say notrocious? She's so dumb."  I told him I know and the worst part is she has way more money than we'll ever have. lol  


Yes, because, as Kelly informed all of us tonight, she's been a millionaire for a few years now, don'tcha know?  

As Countess Luann sang - "Money Can't Buy You Class".  (I'm sorry for putting that song in everyone's brain now!)   ;-)

  • Love 15

I thought the whole sushi fiasco was hilarious! Kelly is an angry drunk but really who wouldn't be angry if some stranger was saying vile things about you on camera completely unprovoked? I don't buy that Shannon is innocent in any of it. She's extra weird this season & not as fun as she used to be. Also why are these "ladies" sho shocked at the language that Kelly was using? They all curse & I'm sure say worst things off camera so please calm down. Heather though lol she made me laugh the most with her performance. My first reaction to telling Kelly to leave was a loud chuckle. It's not her party & they're filming a tv show also they're all adults. She spoke to her like an angry mom I rolled my eyes so hard. Also the fake tears were a bit much Heather take it down a notch.


*I'm not a Kelly fan I just think they're being very fake shocked. I'm not buying any of it.

  • Love 11
  On 8/16/2016 at 3:06 AM, yogi2014L said:

Vicki saying that David scared her because " if I slapped him across the face he would do the same thing" made me want to slap HER in the face repeatedly. Women do not have the right to put their hands on men ( or anyone!), and if she did slap David and he slapped her back in self defense, well tough shit Vicki! Don't assault people.


I just keep thinking of that OC special where she proudly talked about getting in a producers face.

  • Love 11

I have two questions:

1.  Why did Kelly even call Shannon a C-U-Next Tuesday (I have a hard time even typing that word.)?  As far as I could see, Shannon basically sat quietly throughout the whole of Kelly's meltdown, and only calmly replied - never once raised her voice, never once sounded confrontational.  Granted, Shannon did throw a little jab with the college comment, but it did not deserve the nasty that spewed from Kelly's mouth.  I actually expected to see foam coming out of Kelly's mouth, like some kind of rabid animal.  Anyway, shouldn't that anger be directed at that Nina woman?  

2.  And speaking of that word, I don't think this is the first time we heard it on a RH franchise.  Didn't Teresa Guidice call Danielle Staub that during the table flip in the first season of RHNJ?  

  • Love 12

Kelly has 'issues'.  Anger and alcohol.

I wouldn't blame any of the women if they refuse to film with her because she's a loose cannon.  I can enjoy a good catfight on a RH Show but this was just over the line with the name calling. 

I did enjoy Vicks not being able to get out of the elevator. 

I got Heather when she stood up and shut it down.  Good for her.  The crying in the limo...not feeling it.  I can't sob without tears.

I guess Tamra is trying to help out Ryan and Sarah monetarily by having Sarah 'appear' at some events.  

And yeah, I'm gonna go here.  I don't get why some people feel the need to make negative comments about a three year old's physical looks.  From what I've seen this season, I've found this little boy and his little brother to be very cute and totally enjoyable.  The rest of their family?  That's a different story.

  • Love 24
  On 8/16/2016 at 2:27 AM, movingtargetgal said:

Kelly is definitely acts as if she has low class, white trash, parolee roots.  She is a feral ally cat and does not fit in with the other women or with decent society.  She need rehab, tons of therapy, and at least a year of social training from Prof. Henry Higgens (My Fair Lady) to be fit enough to reenter polite society.



  On 8/16/2016 at 2:43 AM, lilmarysunshine said:

Kelly comes across as legit crazy/bad to me - not "wacky."  She is really distasteful. Not sure I can stomach another season if she's in it. Surely there are more interesting women in the OC.

And then insisting 20 times over that she's educated and a multi-millionaire. My 14 year old son (who happened to be in the room) said "Wait a minute. Did she just say notrocious? She's so dumb."  I told him I know and the worst part is she has way more money than we'll ever have. lol  


As a wise (song)count(str)ess once intoned, "money can't buy you class, my friends..."

  • Love 5
  On 8/16/2016 at 3:58 AM, njbchlover said:

I have two questions:

1.  Why did Kelly even call Shannon a C-U-Next Tuesday (I have a hard time even typing that word.)?  As far as I could see, Shannon basically sat quietly throughout the whole of Kelly's meltdown, and only calmly replied - never once raised her voice, never once sounded confrontational.  Granted, Shannon did throw a little jab with the college comment, but it did not deserve the nasty that spewed from Kelly's mouth.  I actually expected to see foam coming out of Kelly's mouth, like some kind of rabid animal.  Anyway, shouldn't that anger be directed at that Nina woman?  

2.  And speaking of that word, I don't think this is the first time we heard it on a RH franchise.  Didn't Teresa Guidice call Danielle Staub that during the table flip in the first season of RHNJ?  


2. If memory serves me right, Teresa called Danielle a "prostitution whore-a"

  • Love 7
  On 8/16/2016 at 3:58 AM, njbchlover said:

I have two questions:

1.  Why did Kelly even call Shannon a C-U-Next Tuesday (I have a hard time even typing that word.)?  As far as I could see, Shannon basically sat quietly throughout the whole of Kelly's meltdown, and only calmly replied - never once raised her voice, never once sounded confrontational.  Granted, Shannon did throw a little jab with the college comment, but it did not deserve the nasty that spewed from Kelly's mouth.  I actually expected to see foam coming out of Kelly's mouth, like some kind of rabid animal.  Anyway, shouldn't that anger be directed at that Nina woman?  

2.  And speaking of that word, I don't think this is the first time we heard it on a RH franchise.  Didn't Teresa Guidice call Danielle Staub that during the table flip in the first season of RHNJ?  


I don't remember if Tre called Danielle (she did say prostitution whore) that but Joe called Tre that when he was on the phone in Napa.

And of course, the word is one of Erika Girardi's favorites.  Sorry Erika, no matter how you try to spin it, it's derogatory.

  • Love 20
  On 8/16/2016 at 3:31 AM, njbchlover said:

Yes, because, as Kelly informed all of us tonight, she's been a millionaire for a few years now, don'tcha know?  

As Countess Luann sang - "Money Can't Buy You Class".  (I'm sorry for putting that song in everyone's brain now!)   ;-)


(Writes on blackboard like Bart Simpson, "I will read the whole thread first, I will read the whole thread first, I will read the whole thread first..."


(although sometimes our girl Lu makes me think of glass houses & whatnot, especially this season, oy vey!!!)

Edited by teapot
  • Love 6
  On 8/16/2016 at 4:01 AM, Straycat80 said:

2. If memory serves me right, Teresa called Danielle a "prostitution whore-a"


Joe Guidice called Teresa that standing in a vineyard when he may or may not have been on the phone  w/his mistress.  She responded by....trying to have sex w/him in said vineyard in front of the  cameras.   To quote one if the Teen Mom 2 grandmas, "that don't make no sense!" 

  • Love 10

Oh, and watching again - Kelly, who blasted Shannon for the "Indian" comment during their lunch is making fun of the Japanese with several of her comments tonight, especially about adding an "O" to the end of every word.

And, Ms. Kelly College Graduate Millionaire, "Arigato" is not a toast.  It is Japanese for "Thank you very much" or "Thanks a lot".  

  • Love 22
  On 8/16/2016 at 4:14 AM, njbchlover said:

Oh, and watching again - Kelly, who blasted Shannon for the "Indian" comment during their lunch is making fun of the Japanese with several of her comments tonight, especially about adding an "O" to the end of every word.

And, Ms. Kelly College Graduate Millionaire, "Arigato" is not a toast.  It is Japanese for "Thank you very much" or "Thanks a lot".  


Kelly must have grown up hearing Styx "Domo Arigato Mr. Roboto" and thinks she studied Japanese.

  • Love 15
  On 8/16/2016 at 4:01 AM, Straycat80 said:

2. If memory serves me right, Teresa called Danielle a "prostitution whore-a"


They did an entire South Park episode about that.  It was hysterical. 

I think that Heather may have gotten upset so fast because Bravo is setting up this situation and she can't break the fourth wall and she is contractually boxed into a toxic environment she doesn't want to be a part of.  I suspect there has been a lot of unaired drama and clashes and discussions of Kelly's behavior because she was spoiling for a fight from the first second.

They clearly cast Kelly to act just this way because no one has been this awful this fast in any of the franchises.  They intentionally found someone with an anger problems and then encouraged her to lash out.

Tamra, Vicki, and Meghan are all ok with going along with the narrative which has got to frustrate Heather and Shannon.

Meghan didn't get called out on it, but she was intentionally stirring Kelly up at the dinner and Shannon's presence was already enough that she was almost vibrating with rage.  Meghan was asking about the 70's party to turn it into a classic RH dinner.

Vicki is fine with Kelly because she exists to provide an alternate target after the cancer lie.

I think Tamra knows that Kelly has been put in the role she originally had and is sympathizing with her as a result.  This is going to come back to bite her later because Kelly comes off as very unstable. 

For me, Kelly Dodd = Best.Housewife.Evah!

She only said out loud what the rest of us (me anyway) were thinking. I hope she joins forces with Tammy Sue and goes on a drunken rampage that will end this series for once and for all.

Heather crying on the phone in the limo was maybe the funniest thing I've ever seen on RHOC. She's a low budget B............ actress.

And I could seriously watch Kelly and Vicki imitate the others for hours. You know Tammy Sue wanted to join in on that shit.


What? You don't like Heather?



Edited by The Solution
  • Love 4

Kelly, Vicki and tamara all suck!!!! Don't like them at all! Kelly is annoying and clearly has issues when drinking  among other things. Vicki ugly ass is a miserable follower who "plays" dumb! Tamara appears to have grown some, but remains involved in the shit stirring. I didn't get Heather crying in the car either, but  glad she stood up to say SOMETHING. ATTENTION LADIES EVERYWHERE: EVERYONE IS NOT MEANT TO BE DEALT WITH OR IN YOUR LIFE!!!!! LEAVE WELL ENOUGH AND MISERABLE ALONE!!!! LIFE'S TOO SHORT!!

  • Love 8
  On 8/16/2016 at 4:12 AM, teapot said:

Joe Guidice called Teresa that standing in a vineyard when he may or may not have been on the phone  w/his mistress.  She responded by....trying to have sex w/him in said vineyard in front of the  cameras.   To quote one if the Teen Mom 2 grandmas, "that don't make no sense!" 


Right! You know he was talking to another women. Teresa slow ass knew it!!!

  • Love 5
  On 8/16/2016 at 3:36 AM, BloggerAloud said:

I just keep thinking of that OC special where she proudly talked about getting in a producers face.


Vicki is a disgusting, shit don't stink stay in denial ass hole! She deserves to be alone until she comes to terms with who/what she  truly is TRASH!!


  On 8/16/2016 at 3:35 AM, mbaywife123 said:

No, you didn't hear wrong.

Kelly is an idiot!

I would love for one of our super fact finders to dig up her educational background. Start with AZ as her jump off point.


 It's not just for AA people in life the first step is admitting it. If you address it,  it can be changed!! Mbaywfe123 let's start now: A- ANGRY ALCOHOLIC!!!!!!!

Edited by Yolo
  • Love 1
  On 8/16/2016 at 2:48 AM, Petunia13 said:

Kelly no one wants to be you and the only embarrassment to your child is having you as a mother.

candidly speaking she and her husband give me a very unstable and eerie vibe like I would not be surprised if someday they both end up dead in a murder suicide. 


Petunia I love you for saying that!!!! Couldn't have done it better. The icing on the cake would've been somebody slapping the alcohol out of her throat!!!

  • Love 3

This epi annoyed me right out of the gate as I have no interest in Vicki, Brianna or her children. B.O.R.I.N.G. On top of that Brianna said what may be the stupidest comment I have heard in the history of this show when she stated that if she went a penny over budget on the house renovations she would "cry myself to sleep every night for the rest of my life". She is her mother's daughter. No dramatics there. For someone whose husband served in the military she has a very shallow view of what is important in life. Again, her mother's daughter. If Brianna continues to be featured this season I may be out - one Vicki is already too much for me.

Why in the world did TPTB think an low class woman with anger management issues would be something viewers would want to see? I am no fan of Heather's but she gained a few points by telling Kelly off and leaving. I do think she was overdoing it in the limo, but I also do think she was upset. I have zero interest in this woman and at this point am only watching the show for Shannon. If Vicki, her boring family and Kelly are back next year I will not be. And will have a hard time lasting the rest of this season. 

  • Love 9
  On 8/16/2016 at 5:44 AM, UsernameFatigue said:

This epi annoyed me right out of the gate as I have no interest in Vicki, Brianna or her children. B.O.R.I.N.G. On top of that Brianna said what may be the stupidest comment I have heard in the history of this show when she stated that if she went a penny over budget on the house renovations she would "cry myself to sleep every night for the rest of my life". She is her mother's daughter. No dramatics there. For someone whose husband served in the military she has a very shallow view of what is important in life. Again, her mother's daughter. If Brianna continues to be featured this season I may be out - one Vicki is already too much for me.

Why in the world did TPTB think an low class woman with anger management issues would be something viewers would want to see? I am no fan of Heather's but she gained a few points by telling Kelly off and leaving. I do think she was overdoing it in the limo, but I also do think she was upset. I have zero interest in this woman and at this point am only watching the show for Shannon. If Vicki, her boring family and Kelly are back next year I will not be. And will have a hard time lasting the rest of this season. 


They really could cancel this show PERIOD!!!! NO POINT and usually 1 person is annoying when watching TV, but on RHO COULD CARE LESS it's at least 4 annoyances!!!! I think we know who they are!

  • Love 4

You would think having the event at a sushi restaurant Vicki wouldn't come because what is she going to eat? I seriously don't understand how she was confused by the concept of a seaweed salad. If Vicki and Kelly come back next year, I can see their alliance being split because Vicki is such a rube and Kelly likes to think she is worldly.

I actually thought Shannon gave Tamara good advice for actual life, she just forgot she was on a reality show. 

Kelly is the only person who could make Vicki look slightly better. Though the look of glee on Vicki's face when Kelly was complaining about Shannon spoke volumes.

  • Love 7
  On 8/16/2016 at 5:59 AM, biakbiak said:

. If Vicki and Kelly come back next year, I can see their alliance being split because Vicki is such a rube and Kelly likes to think she is worldly.


Vicki will turn on her like she does everyone. And Kelly is such an angry petty bizzle it'll be like a snake fighting w a rat. 

  • Love 7
  On 8/16/2016 at 2:19 AM, TexasGal said:

Kelly needs to lay off the alcohol.  She seems like she has anger issues generally and then just no self control once she's been drinking.  The way her face got so red but the area around her eyes just got all white, like a reverse raccoon, freaked me the eff out.

Heather was probably more upset in the car that Kelly had ignored her edict to leave rather than what happened before that.  And I say that as a (usually) Heather fan.


I think the problem was she went heavy with either concealer or an eye base in a really light shade.

  On 8/16/2016 at 2:52 AM, WireWrap said:

I would expect this sort of behavior from him as he is married to Kelly. She was the one with the DV arrest, she had to attend AA and get psych help, not him! LOL


Yet she was so smug about the court mandated report that said he had a personality disorder.  Maybe to deflect from the fact that it said worse things about her.

  On 8/16/2016 at 4:14 AM, njbchlover said:

Oh, and watching again - Kelly, who blasted Shannon for the "Indian" comment during their lunch is making fun of the Japanese with several of her comments tonight, especially about adding an "O" to the end of every word.

And, Ms. Kelly College Graduate Millionaire, "Arigato" is not a toast.  It is Japanese for "Thank you very much" or "Thanks a lot".  


Next you'll be saying that "Cheers-o!" isn't a traditional Japanese toast either.  I cringe when I hear about Kelly traveling because there's no doubt she's spreading/reinforcing the ugly American stereotype everywhere she goes. 


I quite enjoyed Heather going mom.  It wasn't as awesome as Dorinda ranting about making it nice, but it was still good.  I don't blame her for taking off.  I wouldn't want to be in a confined space with Kelly either.  Really, these events are work for the Howives, and I've been like "I can't work under these conditions." and vacated my office for a break over less.  Really though, she was right, Kelly was the problem and Kelly should have left.  Too bad it wasn't Heather's party to kick her out of.  (true story, I used to work in an open floor plan office and sent someone in a different department home for playing a musical instrument at his desk because he ran out of work and was bored and then had to talk to HR the next day because it wasn't my place to send him home.  So, I might be a little bit of a Heather.)

I think the problem with Kelly even more so than what she's saying is that she appears seriously unhinged.  I actually don't have a huge problem with cunt or dumb fuck, but you won't hear me yelling either at people in a restaurant because I'm not that insane.  It also doesn't help that she just seems trashy and dumb overall.  I did have a good laugh at her proclaiming she's going to sue Nina over the defamatory lies.  When you call your husband Hitler and say you are just with him because it is easier, I think it is logical for people to assume you are only with him for money, especially when it appears he has a lot of it.  It may have been crass to say she was sucking dick to pay her bills, but I think the implication was more gold digger than prostitution whore.  Aside from that, I think you have to prove damages to successfully sue someone for defamation of character.  I'm not sure what Kelly's damage is (in more ways than one).  

Kelly's impressions are lame.  Apparently it really is her thing because she did Shannon on WWHL.  That one was just as bad as her Heather.

The dinner with Kelly and Vicky was hard to watch.  "It's plain, yet good for you." -- because it's really uncommon for people to make plain and/or bland food in an attempt to be healthy.  It's a pretty rookie mistake when trying to cook healthy.  Their harsh self-righteous conversation was grosser than the shitty food they were shoveling into their gaping maws. 

Edited by yourmomiseasy
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  On 8/16/2016 at 2:11 AM, DivaLasVegas82 said:

LoL. I totally agree about Heather. If the scene in the cry with her "crying" was suppose to get casting agents interested in her again, I think she failed. She could have at least sprinkled some water on her face. I didn't see one tear.


OMG this!  The actress was crying hysterically with not a tear and upset over cuss words aimed not at her.  Her husband surely must have been rolling his eyes skyward at her hysteria over the phone like someone at the table had been stabbed.  

Kelly was distasteful, yes, but Heather could have articulated that to her hubby without the phony crying scene.  Why oh why do they think we are so easily led down the garden path.  We are looking right at you!  

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