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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!

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Think of all the earthly belongings Jill, Derick and Israel obtained within the last year (wedding gifts, baby gifts and a household full of Pinterest ideas) to be left behind

If they ever had much control over them in the first place. I'm sure Jim Bob has everything good hoarded away. The leftovers can be sold for a tidy profit.


I still maintain this is good for Jill, but can we start taking bets how long it'll be before she has a meltdown?



Now, he's getting surgery in his mouth and his jaw so that he doesn't have to put the mascot costume on anymore.

It'll take much more than jaw realignment. FWIW I don't think D is ugly, just unkempt.

Edited by JoanArc
  • Love 2

I'm just now seeing The Dillard Family website and my immediate observations are 1) what exactly is this mission opportunity and why would I give money when the only details are "god laid it upon my heart to purpose to seek wisdom for an amazing ministry opportunity for this season of my life to....... beg for money to go overseas" (sadly, many will indeed blindly donate, because they are Duggars and said all the magi words. Totally). 2) Excellent timing to go over seas when the show is cancelled and to run from the Josh scandal. 3) will they take any J-slaves or Howlers with them, because Jill has worse separation anxiety and co-dependency than a room full of cocker spaniels. She'll pawn her spawn off on some Nepali family and be attached to Derrick, if they don't bring a buddy or two. Free any of them at this point. 4) SAVED THE BEST FOR LAST - NIKE - I love love love how the modesty courting poster child has banners of DATE ASIAN WOMEN in semi-scantily clad clothing as the add on the bottom of the page. Idiots. Jill is definitely an idiot, and I think Derrick is just an idiot with a degree.

Did they say where they're going? As offensive as it it would be to native Catholic population, I'd like to see them in a rapidly developing country with a large middle class, like Brazil, where Jill would have access to decent medical care if she needed it. Nepal is just too fragile for her baby, and their presence would be a burden.

Jill in Palestine would be interesting.

Edited by Kokapetl
  • Love 2

Question - I thought the church the person belonged to paid/supported the mission work. Is that how it works or does the person/persons doing the missionary work depend on donations? Just wondering....


***I also can't see Jill being able to adjust being away from her family for any length of time. She has never left her small town and only lived in her own home for one year. Even then, there is always someone there with her.

Edited by NEGirl
  • Love 4

Kokapetl - they absolutely did NOT say where they were going or what they would be doing, but they'll take donations!

Question - I thought the church the person belonged to paid/supported the mission work. Is that how it works or dose the person/persons doing the missionary work depend on donations? Just wondering....

Not always. Speaking from what i personally know first hand - evangelical, usually Baptist or non-denominational but sort of Baptist groups like Campus Crusade for Christ, etc., - missionaries have to drum up almost all of their own support. They usually do this through speaking at churches and obtaining prayer partners who pledge a monthly amount, which is typically paid to the parent organization, then goes to the missionary to fund housing, food, materials, money, etc. There's a certain amount they must earn to go and then extra funding goes to them as well to improve/increase ministry or whatever. It's a constant sales pitch with prayer letters, blogs, Skyping, dog and pony shows at churches when they're stateside, etc.


Mormons typically raise their own funds for the 2 year male stints. 

It was 2 handed and more like a horizontal sack of potatoes, and she didn't want her blouse to get dirty.


Like carrying a cookie sheet to slide into the oven.

I also balk at the  word "fan." How about "people who are, in varying degrees, embarrassed by and/or proud of their fascination with the Duggars and seek to normalize this obsession by anonymously hanging out with other like-minded people on message boards?" Can anyone come up with something more concise?


  • Love 5


Did they say where they're going? As offensive as it it would be to native Catholic population, I'd like to see them in a rapidly developing country with a large middle class, like Brazil, where Jill would have access to decent medical care if she needed it. Nepal is just too fragile for her baby, and their presence would be a burden.

Jill in Palestine would be interesting.

Wherever they end up, I think Jill we be surprised when the locals don't immediately flock to her belief system

  • Love 2

Think of all the earthly belongings Jill, Derick and Israel obtained within the last year (wedding gifts, baby gifts and a household full of Pinterest ideas) to be left behind 


If this ministry was planned for- Why didn't they focus on minimal necessities and request ministry donations from their family and friends instead of junk!

Because they thought this was something they would be called to do in the future until Derrick got to see what the great and powerful Oz was like behind that curtain. 


Sure she will go but has she given serious consideration that now with a baby she won't be able to minister much unless she has a nanny lined up to go with them. I think she is delusional if she thinks she can live out in an area that has nothing longterm.

This is Jill we're talking about. Mechelle was her example. Of course she hasn't thought about this logically. Everything is sunshine and unicorns in her world. 

  • Love 2

I'm proclaiming it here: Jill is an idiot who will dump her baby off on the first person who she says the Lord has led into their lives to bless their puroseful countenanceing for ministry totally in this season of life etc. so she can chase after Derrick.


She's her mother's daughter. She's more interesting in spewing illogical and false info about midwifery and infant care than she actually is concerned about taking care of her own child. Then if something goes wrong, she'll regurgitate some weird statistic (like 2/3rds of all homes have cases of sibling molestation. 66%, or all the people in the world could stand shoulder to shoulder and live in Jacksonville) an STILL not get that she's made stupid choices.


The only difference in Michelle and Jill, is that Jill hasn't yet learned not to steamroll her own wussy husband, whereas Michelle knows how to manipulate the strings to make it look like Jimbob is in charge.

  • Love 6

ITA what the heck are they thinking? Everyone has problems but up and leaving isn't going to fix anything. Where the heck are they going to live?


Weren't they planning on this before everything else happened?  Maybe I'm alone in this but I kind of admire them for sticking to their plan.  I'm not a Duggar (or Dillard) fan, but, I have a hard time finding fault in this. Hmm in looking back at my posts maybe I've gone soft towards Jill lately. I'm having a hard time critiquing whether or not she's carrying her child correctly, too.

  • Love 6

I'd be stunned if Boob doesn't list that house - he is going to need the $$.

The house is part of the Duggar Trust. It's not going anywhere. I wonder what becomes of all the crap they bought to furnish that barn, including the 8000 pictures? 


I doubt they're going to Nepal. Our crack detectives have ascertained that Jill does not have the education to be a SBC missionary. I am pretty sure that they hitched on with Mike Schadt at SOS Ministries, the Central American "mission" that the Duggars have used for several years. Don't forget, Schadt married Benessa, so he's super tight with the Duggar clan. 


They knew they were going *someplace* in April, because they had that footage in the can during the season finale, unless they were filming right up to the finale on 5/19 (the day InTouch released its first article without the actual police report). At that time, I can vouch that Nepal was not letting anyone in who didn't have a very specific skill set. My coworker's daughter was in Kathmandu during both earthquakes and had been offered flights OUT that she refused; she felt she could be of more help at Ground Zero. 


At any rate, just a few simple reasons that they won't be going to Nepal. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
  • Love 8

But does TLC really want to devote the resources necessary to tape for weeks on end whereever the Dillards land? Yes, they were highly-rated, but they are going to lose a big chunk of the hate-watch audience. To me, it doesn't sound very cost-effective, and we know that TLC does everything on the cheap. I doubt you'd see the Enlows living in Nepal or Central America, taping Jill's portion of the spinoff. I also don't think that there would be a lot to tape beyond initial culture shock and a delivery of Dilly2 early next year. 

  • Love 3

I wonder if God laid it upon their hearts to unload the bounty of wedding and baby gifts to finance this mission. I'd like to think that Jill knows the ins and outs of eBay. 


Wherever they go, I'm sure these two will be very helpful. Jill can help the locals by delivering babies and discouraging birth control and Derrick can prepare taxes. 


I'm off to the prayer closet now. 

  • Love 13

Does this mean they're not trying for baby #2? Or they are trying and would be perfectly fine having baby #2 born in Central America or Nepal or wherever even though that wouldn't make him 'Merican??


"Birth Abroad to Two U.S. Citizen Parents in Wedlock

A child born abroad to two U.S. citizen parents acquires U.S. citizenship at birth under section 301© of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) provided that one of the parents had a residence in the United States or one of its outlying possessions prior to the child’s birth. The child is considered to be born in wedlock for the purposes of citizenship acquisition when the genetic and/or gestational parents are legally married to each other at the time of the child’s birth and both parents are the legal parents of the child under local law at the time and place of birth."



  • Love 1

I give Jill a month tops before she decides that God doesn.t want her to be overseas. I can't imagine Jill giving up all the comforts of home and with a new baby I just can't imagine it lasting for long.

. I totally can see it. I see it being many opportunities good for them. If they serve as missionaries and have some sort of support base who's keeping up with them daily. Someone they report to. Someone who knows what's going on with them - their health needs, etc. some higher power who's radar is locked on that little family. Assuming it is that it's true that they aren't striking out on their own, and someone without a plan is interested and supportive, I can see this having some positive effects.for their long term.

It would be an exit strategy to get out of Tontitown (many times referred to Hell, Arkansas). It gives Derick thE needed mission to go Help those people he worked with before. Even with the assumption of a bigger organization, it's going to force them to live like new newly weds. Make decisions together, live together, introduce this child to diversity in cultures. If they stay long enough, it will give them an opportunity to grow and depend solely on what's at hand or can conceivably get. All without JB'influence. Gives the chance to see how normal people, even normal Christians, live their lives. They will definitely be in some "sink or swim" situations where they, and they only, can work together to figure it out. I can't help but see it as mostly positive for them at this point.

I'm giving them a solid "B" just for determining to break away from the Duggar circus. They will come back a much different couple than when they leave.

I'm half asleep trying to make my point. Please excuse any glaring typos.

  • Love 12

Think of all the earthly belongings Jill, Derick and Israel obtained within the last year (wedding gifts, baby gifts and a household full of Pinterest ideas) to be left behind 


If this ministry was planned for- Why didn't they focus on minimal necessities and request ministry donations from their family and friends instead of junk!

Now Jessa won't need a baby shower ;p

  • Love 3

From the Duggar Family Official.  They will be leaving in July.  International destination not mentioned and not a short term mission.. 




eta:  I'm wondering who if anyone is getting dibs on the McMansion.

I'll say it, and if this makes me Bitter Betty, table for one, I'm owning it.


They've lost their minds. And I'm with Bitter Apple; if they make it two months, I'll be shocked. Bringing a baby into the middle of a disaster zone is stupid in the first place.

  • Love 3
Wait until Jill finds out that "ministry" does not consist of flowered hair bands and nail painting.

Good call, Missy Vixen ! My Interwebz vote of the day !!!


It also does not include painting flower pots to put in front of your non-existant home, Glow-in-the-dark, electronic KJV Bibles that no one can read because they don't speak English, or signed photos or Duggar books.


The arrogance and ignorance is just staggering. Reminds me of the, oh...two dozen or so times the whole family trooped out to "help" the unfortunate victims of some disaster, and they were LATE, commanded all attention on themselves, did little to NO actual work, and made things more difficult for the unnamed, anonymous volunteers who were actually there to HELP people. 


They are self-aggrandizing, self-congratulatory famewhores, and it appears that Jill and Derrick are just chips off the old Blob.


Stay home in your gross flip-flops, Jill, take care of your baby, and hope for some clarity in the wake of the family scandal. Running off to a third world country with a newborn and your limited skills (and limited husband !) isn't doing Nepal, or anywhere else, any favors.


Jesus on a cracker, is this for real ? Is THIS the solution to the Josh problem ? 


Shame, shame, shame. Such a pity.

  • Love 21

I think this is good for them. And they should go before they have either too many children, or Jill has something go wrong with a pregnancy, or there is a reason not to go. And those reasons are easy to come up with. (Ie, we just got married and settled in our home. What about all our stuff? All that can be kept in storage if she wants to keep it, or spread among future Duggar couples, who won't have the huge weddings she did if she wants to do that. But it's just stuff. That's any easy issue.)

  • Love 5

I think the McMansion will be kept vacant for them to return. That previous owners couldn't find tenants and allowed it to deteriorate so much suggests there's practically no demand in the area for a tacky Mediterranean style McMansion designed for a small suburban lot.

The way Derick makes his decisions is a little strange. I'm not religious, and I don't know how the mind of someone who is normally works, but the way Derick changes his life plan practically monthly on what he considers God's input seems odd.

Edited by Kokapetl
  • Love 5

I'm guessing that even without filming, Derick was simply following the basic Southern Baptist route to become a missionary. And that has a great deal (a Great Deal!) to recommend it. But now that he's been exposed to a wider faith world, he is seeing that there are other ways to go about it. There are some drawbacks to those ways, but let's be honest, for someone in Derick's situation, Jill and her desire to have so many children (and thus unlikely to be able to fully complete the educational requirements) is a major drawback to the SBC model.

I'm not going to pass any judgement on what they are doing until I have a real sense of what they ARE doing. I've seen a lot of good things come out of missions, and some not so great things. But I can say similar things about almost every career path, honestly, so I'm ok with waiting.

But I'm glad for their family's sake that they will be out of AR and away from the family compound. What I have seen over the years is real growth in the children away from their parents and regression when in close proximity. I'd like to see more of them leave, no matter the reason.

  • Love 8

At Alive Jessa said the Duggars are doing a central American mission in July...so I bet they're all dropping Jill and Derrick off.( And filming it, natch)


"Our hope is that all peoples of the world would come to repentance and put their hope in the Lord, Jesus Christ." So this is all about converting those famous non-Christians -- Catholics? Oy.


That said, I'm glad somebody in the clan is making some effort to strike out on their own. But I'm hoping that this is more about service than passing out the proper Bible translation.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 3

"Our hope is that all peoples of the world would come to repentance and put their hope in the Lord, Jesus Christ." So this is all about converting those famous non-Christians -- Catholics? Oy.


That said, I'm glad somebody in the clan is making some effort to strike out on their own. But I'm hoping that this is more about service than passing out the proper Bible translation.


ITA. I don't expect them to convert many people, so functionally this is a way to break from the immediate influence of JimBoob et al. I really think they need to be on their own as a family for a while, and if this means they go through some sort of Kabuki theater exercise of being missionaries in Central America, so be it. Maybe Jill will learn how to function more independently, or at least survive with fewer nail polish options. Almost anything would be better than staying close to JimBoob's influence.


And yes, there are 10,000 reasons not to do this. But it's always easiest to stick with the status quo, the comfort zone, the known life. They are leaving a highly dysfunctional environment, and whether they go to Guatemala, Minnesota, Antarctica, or Paris, at least they're leaving.


I'm glad they're not going to Nepal, though.

  • Love 17

Just from a logical standpoint, the announcement wasn't done very well.  They are essentially asking people to donate to a charity with no statement of beliefs, no long-term plan and no actual details.  I would like to think that only the most fervent of leghumpers would donate without knowing where they are going or what they are planning on doing with the money.  Is it going towards their house or Bibles or education or Izzy's cloth nappies? It is a bit silly to ask someone to donate money without knowing where the money is going.   

  • Love 13

Just from a logical standpoint, the announcement wasn't done very well. They are essentially asking people to donate to a charity with no statement of beliefs, no long-term plan and no actual details. I would like to think that only the most fervent of leghumpers would donate without knowing where they are going or what they are planning on doing with the money. Is it going towards their house or Bibles or education or Izzy's cloth nappies? It is a bit silly to ask someone to donate money without knowing where the money is going.

You'd expect them to atleast mention where they're going. I'll assume it's going be a Catholic country, Duggars don't consider Catholics Christian, but the fact Catholics are already mostly 'Christian' appeals to their laziness. It could be Guatemala, or it could be the French Riviera.
  • Love 4


at least they're leaving.


I'm glad they're not going to Nepal, though.

Are you sure they aren't going to Nepal? But...YES! At least they're leaving!

Maybe they're planning to go with my daughter and SIL to Nicaragua. As sad as this sounds, I'd MUCH RATHER my daughter and 4 grandchildren go into the "mission field" with Jill and Derrick than her own husband!! So there you go: without any sarcasm, I've posted that I'm fonder of J/D than my own SIL.

Admittedly, the bar was P.R.E.T.T.Y. low.

  • Love 10

Derick wants to be a star. He needed the attention of his school's student body, but he was butt ugly so they had to put him in a mascot costume. He runs off to Nepal soon afterwards where he can play the role of white messiah and get all the attention of the unwashed masses he hands bibles and porridge. Then, he marries mouselike reality TV star after a courtship with her famewhore father. Now, he's getting surgery in his mouth and his jaw so that he doesn't have to put the mascot costume on anymore. He got that ambition baby look in his eyes/This week he mopping floors next week it's the fries.

Everyone thought Derick would be Jill's savior. Show her another life? Education? Freedom? A feminist mother-in-law would surely show her the way. No. Like attracts like. He wanted a meek slave. She wanted another master-father. Match made in a Heaven --- a heaven that they wouldn't invite most of us into because we don't blindly follow the wisdom of our fool fathers.

He calls her his Proverbs 31 woman wife. Barf.

Awesome post. Great insight!

  • Love 2


If I wouldn't lose my job, I'd totally put this up as a motivational poster in my classroom. Hilarious!

How about "Strike while the iron's hot, D-listers! Fame is fleeting!". There's no swearing.




And a crew staying behind for awhile to get footage of Jilly, who apparently lacks a word of Spanish,

Remember the Jacksons? The Spanish tutors? Jill speaks Spanish. We've seen it on air many times.


How well Jill will adapt to using an outhouse, potentially no electricity/water/internet/instagram/pinterest, no daily filming, contrived plots, a populace that is hostile/indifferent (that's the same thing to Jill), and only Derick as her sole emotional support is anyone's guess. I think God will magically lead him back to working a while collar job at an American Fourtune 500 in short order.


How's she going to maintain that hair? This whole thing is like kids excited to camp in the back yard, and them coming screaming back inside the next morning because there's bugs and no Nintendo.

Edited by JoanArc
  • Love 13

I rewatched an episode pre Benessa wedding where Benessa and Joy were working out with weights in the warehouse. I had to backtrack it 3 times to observe the industrial shelving lining the room. These shelves were just bursting with totally, unorganized, hoarding clutter. I was shocked. Will that be where Jill's wedding gifts will end up?

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