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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!

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Curious... Would you all watch a Newlywed show centered around this couple? I think I'd watch that over another season of 19 Kids.

I would absolutely watch a show centered around the kids with only occasional appearances of Jim Bob and Michelle. As more of the kids (theoretically) get married, they could do a season with a couple episodes per married couple and one, two at the most for the kids at home and JB & M



Would you all watch a Newlywed show centered around this couple? I think I'd watch that over another season of 19 Kids.



YES! I would find that so much more interesting than a 19 kids show.


(Also- wow did they find a bridal shop to cater to fame whores. There is a Jill Duggar Dillard link on their website! http://www.avalaurennebride.com/#!untitled/c2de)

Edited by Skittl1321

The Jill doesn't take regular showers?


To be fair, not everyone can or should take showers everyday (if that's 'regular' for most people). For people with eczema, for example, daily showers only irritate and make the condition worse (I can vouch for this). There are also certain hair types that shouldn't be washed every day either (shout out to my curly haired folks!). 

I would much prefer that over another special or spinoff featuring Famy Duggar.

 Or a spin-off featuring the Smuggars. 

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If both he and she are virgins, she is at virtually 0% risk of cervical cancer .

If she has become sexually active, she should start seeing gynecologist. She/he will discuss sexual health with her, and there is also breast health to consider. Always a good idea to see a doctor too if one plans on getting pregnant in the near future.

Even nuns have women's health issues.

  • Love 6


To be fair, not everyone can or should take showers everyday (if that's 'regular' for most people). For people with eczema, for example, daily showers only irritate and make the condition worse (I can vouch for this). There are also certain hair types that shouldn't be washed every day either (shout out to my curly haired folks!).


I have dry curly hair that I wash once a week. But I shower every day.


I also don't get the feeling the Duggars have excema. What they have is 20+ people living in a house/bus without nearly enough showers. 

Having taught upper elementary school-I cannot imagine how badly that house smells.

I do think as vain as the girls seem to be, they do shower daily. But no way the howlers do.

Edited by Skittl1321

Curious... Would you all watch a Newlywed show centered around this couple? I think I'd watch that over another season of 19 Kids.

Would I watch? Yes. Do I think such a show would be the best thing for Jill? HAIL to the NO. I feel like Jill's best chance for breaking free of the Big Duggar Circus is to get away from the TTH and away from filming as much as possible. It would be pretty much impossible for she and Derick to live a somewhat normal life, to get used to one another, and to possibly veer away from the extreme teachings of ATI/IBLP if they were on television. Too much pressure to uphold the family image, because let's face it, the only other way they could make a Jill & Dill: Newlyweds show that people would actually watch is if they took the "fish out of water" angle and did things like send them to a nude beach. Or a Jeans West.


Statistically, I'm thinking, at least ONE Duggar child is going to leave the religion they were born into. Does anyone know how often this happens among the Quiverfull/Gothard/Vision Forum types? With 19 kids, I feel like it's safe to say that some will ease up on the legalism and turn fundie lite, some will stay in the cult, and some will leave completely. And I'd like for those kids to have as much space to do that as possible, which I just don't think they could get if they had their own show, KWIM?

  • Love 5

My dress was originally strapless and I had to have sleeves added to it. I bought from a boutique that carried over 2000 dresses and all of them were strapless. My mom and I decided it was easier for dress shops to carry sleeveless dresses because they can fit every body type. 


They also make a fortune in alterations.  One of the bridesmaid dresses I wore was meticulously measured for.  The old lady even made me strip off the snug thin top I was wearing.  It still ended up too long (interesting since I'm 5'9"), too loose in the waist, hips, and bust, and the sleeves were so loose they fell off.  So I paid for the alterations - a fee for every area, including each sleeve.  It's a racket, no doubt about it.

  • Love 3

As an aside, while they measure for the dresses, they still only order a standard size.  They try to make the best guess (supposedly) based on the measurements.  For anyone wearing a strapless gown who doesn't want to spend a lot in alterations, I recommend a corsette back dress.  It saved the wedding for one of my daughters when the dress we ordered came in late and was a size off.  It adjusted fine.

  • Love 1

Oddly positioned photo so hopefully that's just taken by a guest and not by the photographer. With the way Joseph and JD are standing next to Derick, it would only make sense to have bridesmaids on the other side for some symmetry, instead we have the parents of the bride and JB looks like he's about a mile away from Derick. And couldn't they have sprung for turquoise ties for the younger boys? I like the bridesmaid dresses -- conservative but not over the top.

The white on Jana's dress isn't as obnoxious as it is on Anna's.  Anna looks a little stuffed into her dress and it would hang more nicely if it were a little larger.  I love the little flower girl taking off her shoes.  She'd had it with the proceedings.  I don't think I'd ever put a grandma in the same color as the attendants and not that much of a color spot.  She looks good in the dress but I think a coordinating color would be better. 

  • Love 1

I like Grandma Duggars matching color dress.  I guess J'chelle wanted to match JB so she wore gray (drab imo).  I do like the bridesmaid dresses but I don't care for the white at the bottom.  It looks like their slip is showing.


The white on the bottom is so distracting!!! It would have been smarter to just get a white dress and do the blue trim at the neckline and skirt (or the waist) or stuck with the blue and done a white bottom with a white neckline. As it is the white looks like it was tacked on (which I'm sure it was). 

  • Love 2

Is it my screen or is Josiah rocking a pencil mustache ala a villain in a 1920s silent movie?

Anna doesn't look to preggers, but that's probably since she's so conviniently holding her bouquet right infront of her would be belly.

Poor Jordyn seems to be crying her eyes out and no one cares, story of her life.

Jill must have spent hours on pinterest planning this thing. Their internet access must not be as limited as they claim. In the "how we met" page of Jill and Derrick's wedding page, Jill pretty much admits she facebook stalked Derrick before their courtship.

  • Love 4

Mary looks very nice. That blue flatters her. The gray totally washes Michelle out, which makes her blend right into the background and is therefore a good thing... for EVERYONE else. I think the bridesmaid dress looks sweet on Hannie but is way too juvenile for the older girls. Memories of frumpers. The flower girls are adorable. I love Josiah's 'stache just because he's got the balls to wear it. It's jaunty and reckless, almost hipster on him. The bride and groom look great and so damn happy. 


I feel better now, having got that out of my system.

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I'm not sure why, but the 3 crosses in the background of the dip picture irk me.  It would have been beautiful without them.  The picture also should have been taken from a little higher up, you can't see Jill's face very well.  I still like the one where they are laughing at each other better.


Family portrait:  I think Michael looks adorbs in his little ring bearer outfit!  The dresses have totally been altered, they had to have added on the last blue panel and the white panel to make the dressess longer.  I wish she had gone with the two tone (white/beige on top, blue on bottom), it would have looked better. Which girl is standing next to Jill? She looks so happy!  What's with their shoes? They should have worn cream, white or even maybe black ones, and they need to be more strappy, Jana's and Anna's are too clunky, and the boys all have on different colors!  Come on!  You can rent mens' shoes can't you?  The older younger boys are too old to be rockin those driving caps, and once again....what's with the 2 different colors?  Mackenzie looks way cute too.  Joy Anna is almost unrecognizable and Jinger and Jessa are so dark!  Except for Smuggar and JD, I have no idea how to tell the other boys apart.  I think Grandma did what most grandmas do, "What are your colors dear?" and then bought a dress that matched the colors.

  • Love 1

Poor Jenny. Wonder how she's dealing with the absence of the only mom she's ever known. Presumably, she didn't follow through on her threat to lasso Jill to a chair, or whatever.


I like the fact that Jill asked Johannah to be a bridesmaid and didn't just lump her in with the howlers. She looks so happy in the photo.

Jill pretty much admits she facebook stalked Derrick before their courtship

This makes me really happy. You KNOW those kids all have conversations that Boob and Michelle have no knowledge of ... right? I hope so, anyway.

Bridesmaids - looks like your slips are showing.  And what the heck Jessa?  Those are some super casual sandals for your sister's wedding!  Anna's shoes are cute.  I too am glad Johanna could be a bridesmaid and not lumped in with the younger girls.  I wonder if it was Jill's choice to have the flower girls or if J'Shell guilted her into having the little ones in the wedding?

I'm not sure which child is by Jana's feet, but I am cracking up that she has one sandal on, one sandal off, and is showing off her underwear.


Nike!  I think it's Mackynzie.


Jill must have spent hours on pinterest planning this thing. Their internet access must not be as limited as they claim. In the "how we met" page of Jill and Derrick's wedding page, Jill pretty much admits she facebook stalked Derrick before their courtship.


Her only purpose in life is to be a wife and mother.  I have no doubt that this obsession with weddings is encouraged.


Isn't that Jinger?  She's kinda the darkest complexioned one of the bunch, isn't she?


By process of elimination, it has to be Jinger.  I don't know if I've ever seen her without a hideous perm.


I'm not sure why, but the 3 crosses in the background of the dip picture irk me.  It would have been beautiful without them.  


Typically I would agree with you, but three crosses is one of the religious symbols I really like.

Nike!  I think it's Mackynzie.



Her only purpose in life is to be a wife and mother.  I have no doubt that this obsession with weddings is encouraged.



By process of elimination, it has to be Jinger.  I don't know if I've ever seen her without a hideous perm.



Typically I would agree with you, but three crosses is one of the religious symbols I really like.

I like it too usually. But having it featured at the side of a wedding photo like that kind of bothers me. 

After looking at this picture,


1.  This must have been shot number 105 from family member 105... they are all tired of smiling.  Michelle actually looks like her eyes are crossed, and she is only smiling on 1 side of her face like a stroke victim.  She blends into the background, which I find wonderful, given that she wants to be the center of attention.

2.  Mary and Anna need different dresses, they don't look good in these styles,

3.  The white slip modesty whatever detracts from what would otherwise be very nice dresses for everyone else.  Really, seriously, we couldn't go with the flow and show our knees?  

4.  Either they didn't rent shoes, or they ended up being short some men's shoes and had to make do. 

5.  The vintage look for the flower girls and younger boys is cute.

  • Love 2

Seen some other pictures on the FJ site. The ring bearers used old bibles wrapped in lace - I really like it, looks really nice. The article says the bouquet had hydrangea's in it - I don't see any, but think it is beautiful.  A picture of the maids with Jill is posted (cheesy pose), Anna is not pregnant, Jessa has this look on her face like, "this is so stupid, but I'll smile" and Jinger looks completely different with her straight hair. They all have big clunky brown sandals on and it doesn't look good.  I like the wood cuts with the quotes on them, they put up some cloth draping on the altar and it looks really nice. There is a way better pic of Jill looking at her dress.  Pic of the 4 flower girls holding chalkboard signs looking throuroughly bored with proceedings.  Why isn't Marcus in a little bowtie and hat too?


Oh yeah, the white things at the bottom look slightly better in the People pic, the fabric looks to be the same as the blue/mint/whatever material, has the same design on it.

Edited by Ripley68

I like to see more of exactly what Michelle is wearing.  I'm surprised she didn't go all out and actually wear her wedding dress vs. putting it on display!


Yes, Jinger's the one overdosing on the self-tanner.

Edited by MrMattyMatt
  • Love 1

I like it too usually. But having it featured at the side of a wedding photo like that kind of bothers me.

I like three crosses symbolically too. However the ones at Cross Church are huge & bug me a bit personally. I didn't realize they had them at their Springdale location. That have them at their Rogers location right off I49. Rumor has it that one of them houses some cell tower equipment. I don't know if that's true or not.

The cake looks kind of shabby chic.


I've done quite a bit of sewing when I was younger and in no way an expert but, I was checking out the bridesmaid dresses again and I think that the girls sewed it themselves.  Or someone else sewed it for them.  A professional seamstress would have made sure that the second and third layers were of the same length.

Edited by abseedee
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Totally Angeltoes! 


I'm sorry, but those shoes are just totally horrible - we couldn't have found some nice cheap pumps?  And I would swear that they have someone standing in for Jinger, niether of the pictures look at all like her!  Look at the bridesmaid picture - it doesn't look like her at all!


It looks like they took pics before the wedding - Derik isn't wearing a wedding ring in the close up pic where they are looking at each other.

Edited by Ripley68

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