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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!

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58 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

Jill posted the release date as September 12th.

Either it was changed or better chance is I misread it yesterday.  I do see today it is the 12th.  

So why was she thanking Jinger & Jeremy for making "this possible"?  The other two people she thanked appear to be their pastor and his wife.


Edited by auntieminem
ETA question.
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2 minutes ago, Notabug said:

Eh, if it comes down to it, I'd rather Jinger supports Jill privately as a loving sister rather than performative love for her on SM.  In other words, I'd rather have a mani/pedi than a 'like' on Insta.

Jinger had to know that Jill would say something, though. Especially now that she's pimping her new book. 

It will be interesting see what kind of promo tour the publisher puts Jill on. Will it be as intense as Jinger's?

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13 hours ago, Salacious Kitty said:

Jinger had to know that Jill would say something, though. Especially now that she's pimping her new book. 

It will be interesting see what kind of promo tour the publisher puts Jill on. Will it be as intense as Jinger's?

My only (unfounded) hope is that those interviewing Jill will ask better follow up questions.

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Looks like Jinger and Jeremy were guilted into doing something publicly since Jill had been so public in supporting Jinger.  It particularly looked bad when JB's attack dog Jed! was going through the comments on Jill's posts liking all the ones that criticized her.  Glad Jill enjoyed her spa day, though.  

I just had to say - she put Greek yoghurt in her coffee?  I think yoghurt is the most disgusting stuff around, but I think even if you liked it, that would be nasty.  It reminds me of a friend of mine who hates mayo, but wanted tuna salad so used sour cream instead.  Was glad I didn't have to eat that.  Yuck.

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Jeremy posted on Jill's IG that thanked the Vs saying  "Love you guys!!"  So I wonder if that is sufficient  to stop people from bugging Jinger to support her sister. Jill of course responds with a "Thanks  bro!❤️ "   I don't think that family members should feel like they have to make public all their well wishes or support. However it would be nice if they would publicly support her book. Maybe they want to read it first. 

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1 minute ago, Salacious Kitty said:

Sadly, her family don't strike me as readers. Well, Jessa read that hateful Abbie Halberstadt's M is for Mama garbage, and pimped it out. 

She never did the same for her own sister. 

Oops quoted my own post. I should know better. Oops! 😱

Edited by Salacious Kitty
5 hours ago, Meow Mix said:

Looks like Jinger and Jeremy were guilted into doing something publicly since Jill had been so public in supporting Jinger.  It particularly looked bad when JB's attack dog Jed! was going through the comments on Jill's posts liking all the ones that criticized her.  Glad Jill enjoyed her spa day, though.  

I just had to say - she put Greek yoghurt in her coffee?  I think yoghurt is the most disgusting stuff around, but I think even if you liked it, that would be nasty.  It reminds me of a friend of mine who hates mayo, but wanted tuna salad so used sour cream instead.  Was glad I didn't have to eat that.  Yuck.

It's somethng like people who hate mayo with potato salad.  You can go the vinaigrette route for a tuna salad.

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6 minutes ago, Meow Mix said:

Whoever wrote that has a different definition of rare than the rest of us.  I see they still have to sit on the same side of the table or they'll get divorced or something.

How can she gaze adoringly into his eyes if she's sitting by his side?

I get neck cramps just looking at them.

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Bringing this over from the Amy et al topic.

17 hours ago, Snow Fairy said:

Found this on Reddit




16 hours ago, Salacious Kitty said:

You can see FF's signature on the right hand column. I imagine Jana and JD signed below that, but the screenshot didn't capture their signatures. 

I believe the contract had separate signature blocks for the adult kids (the age of legal majority - adulthood - is 18 in almost all US states, including Arkansas) - but only SOME of them. IIRC the screenshot was from the point in the documentary where Jill disclosed that her parents had been signing contracts on behalf of some of the kids who were actually legal adults but were described on the contract as minors. (How about that, JB and Michelle? A blatantly false written representation on a legal document - exposing your arrogance, greed, and deceit.)

That may have been the same signature page that Jill signed the day before her wedding. She said she was "running through the kitchen" when one of her parents stopped her and said, you need to sign this. The document was on a kitchen counter. She said the signature page was partly covered, nobody told her what it was, but it seemed like something routine, so she signed it and rolled on. Later on when she and Derick approached TLC to be reimbursed for their expenses re Israel's birth (which they had NOT wanted to be filmed for the show but TLC insisted they were obliged to), TLC said it's in your contract. Which led to "what contract?" and at first Jill was sure someone had forged her signature because she didn't remember signing a contract. Then she was shown the signature page, and realized that's what she signed in the kitchen on the day before her wedding.

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1 hour ago, GeeGolly said:

Legal age varies all the time. From buying alcohol, renting automobiles, joining the military, etc. Its TLC's contract so they choose what age works for them.

TLC doesn’t control contract law for the state of AR. They cannot determine that someone 20years old is still a minor and needs an adult/guardian to sign for them just because it’s advantageous for them. That’s different than car rental which isn’t an employment contract and is based on insurance rates. TLC is going to protect themselves legally- it was JB and Michelle who manipulated the emotional trust of their children, I hold them to a higher standard than the production company. 

1 hour ago, Zella said:

It's really sad. Even the Shiny Happy People producer who did a Reddit AMA last week, when asked about online snark communities, said something along the lines of "Snark on. Snarkers were the first people in the general public to call bullshit on the Duggars and realize something was very wrong in that house." 

I’ve said for a while that I’m sure we will see a number of changes to labor and employment laws surrounding monetized social media as the kids whose lives were monetized will become adults and sue. We have Coogan’s Law because Jackie Coogan became an adult and sued. I bet in the next 15yrs the regulations around children appearing in reality tv and social media will be radically different. Just a theory I have. 

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Just now, Scarlett45 said:

TLC doesn’t control contract law for the state of AR. They cannot determine that someone 20years old is still a minor and needs an adult/guardian to sign for them just because it’s advantageous for them. That’s different than car rental which isn’t an employment contract and is based on insurance rates. TLC is going to protect themselves legally- it was JB and Michelle who manipulated the emotional trust of their children, I hold them to a higher standard than the production company. 

Thank you! I was drafting a reply on this point when your post popped up. You said it better than I was going to. 

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28 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

I certainly am not a lawyer, but from my understanding there are no laws or rules pertaining to children appearing on a reality show. I would think this would allow TLC some leeway in writing their contracts.

I think I misunderstood your original post- I was speaking to the fact that the children that were legal adults being manipulated by Jim Bob to sign documents giving TLC rights to footage. TLC wasn’t going to look out for those kids- and they had to get the signatures to film, so JB emotionally manipulated his kids and wasn’t truthful with them. Where I am coming from is that I’m not surprised TLC didn’t see this as their problem- they had the signatures they needed by law, they were satisfied. 

JB/Michelle signing for the minor children was expected, they couldn’t sign for themselves. But state law determined who was a minor, not TLC’s business model. 

Yes there are currently no laws and rules regarding minors appearing in reality tv- but there are employment and contract laws which govern filming obligations, the use of likenesses, using people in promotional materials, etc- those items required permission from the legal adults (for themselves) and the parents/legal guardians (for the minors). 

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On 6/9/2023 at 1:01 PM, Salacious Kitty said:

I hope it KILLS Jinger's sales. 

I guess I don't understand this thinking. To me, Derick is worse than Jeremy, and Jill and Jinger are on equal footing. I think Jill's "changes" are far far more dangerous than Jinger's. She's all hippy, dippy in her appearance and I believe that leads to people thinking she's more open and potentially understanding. However, I think her brainwashing comment, pulling her kids out of school and general support of Derick during the entire Jazz thing, speak volumes. I don't wish Jill and Derick any more success than any other Duggar. 

She already tends to get a pass and people don't react as rabidly to reporting her to sponsors and getting her dropped because she "seems" nice. I will never forget that Jill was the snitch and daddy's little girl, well into adulthood. I don't think that just magically goes away. 

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2 hours ago, AstridM said:

Jill was the one who went to her parents to report Josh’s abuse. IMO, her sisters owe her a lot of thanks. 

But that was after admitting to years of snitching on her siblings.  And correcting them in interviews.  And telling them to be more godly & less worldly on camera.  And pridefully holding herself up as the example they should follow.  She admitted it all.

Yes, she did a very important thing by telling what Josh did.  

But that doesn't give her a lifetime pass to be a self-righteous, bigoted, ignorant, untruthful and selfish grifter.  And then be congratulated for it.

Edited by SnapHappy
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I think Jill and Jinger both deserve credit. Jinger for taking a stand against Gothard and condemning some of the ways she was raised and Jill for taking some baby steps and (temporary) bigger steps and realizing JB is "not who she not thought he was".

Although IMO Jinger has walked farther away than Jill from the bullshit, neither get credit for "breaking away" from Fundy hate.

Jinger is bougie and Jill is nutty crunchy. What's on the outside doesn't necessarily mean the inside is different too.

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4 hours ago, charmed1 said:

It’s probably not a coincidence that Olivia said she was triggered by the documentary, particularly Jill’s segments.

Hell, Tuesdays trigger Olivia, especially if it gets her attention. Girl is a walking talking new-agey self-help manual.   (I almost said "podcast" but I think she actually has one)

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On 6/11/2023 at 11:50 AM, Meow Mix said:

Yes, vinaigrette makes sense.  Sour cream in tuna salad does not.


Whoever wrote that has a different definition of rare than the rest of us.  I see they still have to sit on the same side of the table or they'll get divorced or something.

I love mayo, but I swear Hellman's has changed their recipe and the mayo is just not as good. It has a chemical-ly aftertaste. I've started using half mayo, half sour cream for salads that call for mayo, and I've liked them so far.

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She did make more of an effort for the memoir. The promotion for the kid's book was laughably bad because it was so nonexistent. I think at one point they even promised a live about it on social media that ended up being hours late, and they both looked like they'd just rolled out of bed and had nothing really coherent to say. I suffered extreme secondhand embarrassment just watching them flail around and try to promote that book. 

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3 minutes ago, Zella said:

She did make more of an effort for the memoir. The promotion for the kid's book was laughably bad because it was so nonexistent. I think at one point they even promised a live about it on social media that ended up being hours late, and they both looked like they'd just rolled out of bed and had nothing really coherent to say. I suffered extreme secondhand embarrassment just watching them flail around and try to promote that book. 

That's more promotion than I remembered. 😃

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On 6/12/2023 at 1:35 PM, GeeGolly said:

I certainly am not a lawyer, but from my understanding there are no laws or rules pertaining to children appearing on a reality show. I would think this would allow TLC some leeway in writing their contracts.

I'm so confused by the contracts that were shown in SHP. My understanding was that TLC did not issue individual contracts to each Duggar because TLC signed contracts with the Duggar LLC (which is common practice). Therefore, all payment went to the LLC and the members of the LLC were contractually bound to "perform." 

So we are shown the contract from 2012 which has the Michelle signature (presumably on behalf of the Duggar children as a representative of the family LLC), but also Josh signing on behalf of himself (though I seem to recall that Anna signed for Josh). This makes me wonder if that snapshot of that contract was really the contract with the LLC - and not TLC at all. 

Then the 2014 contract which Jill did sign separately the day before her wedding... same scenario.

Does anyone have a zoomed out version? Are these contracts directly with TLC?

The wording would be so interesting.

And I still say that I have no idea why Derick, Mr. wordly accountant, did not think to even look into the contractual obligations until the time of Israel's and then Sam's birth. Instead of looking into it - he quit his stable job with health insurance - and decided to live off of "mission donations" while fathering two children. There have to be conversations that occurred that we don't know about. Did he just assume they'd be taken care of?

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6 hours ago, Tuxcat said:

I'm so confused by the contracts that were shown in SHP. My understanding was that TLC did not issue individual contracts to each Duggar because TLC signed contracts with the Duggar LLC (which is common practice). Therefore, all payment went to the LLC and the members of the LLC were contractually bound to "perform." 

So we are shown the contract from 2012 which has the Michelle signature (presumably on behalf of the Duggar children as a representative of the family LLC), but also Josh signing on behalf of himself (though I seem to recall that Anna signed for Josh). This makes me wonder if that snapshot of that contract was really the contract with the LLC - and not TLC at all. 

Then the 2014 contract which Jill did sign separately the day before her wedding... same scenario.

Does anyone have a zoomed out version? Are these contracts directly with TLC?

The wording would be so interesting.

And I still say that I have no idea why Derick, Mr. wordly accountant, did not think to even look into the contractual obligations until the time of Israel's and then Sam's birth. Instead of looking into it - he quit his stable job with health insurance - and decided to live off of "mission donations" while fathering two children. There have to be conversations that occurred that we don't know about. Did he just assume they'd be taken care of?

Actually Derick was a full-time employee at Walmart when Izzy was born and they went to TLC asking them to cover their out of pocket bills.

I think something was up by then. Maybe Ben and Jessa's partially TLC funded honeymoon. Or Maybe Jessa and Ben went to TLC and negotiated a new contact when they were married.

Something woke up and pissed off Derick prior to Izzy's birth.

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