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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!


Shout out to everyone participating in the conversation about Jill’s miscarriage/stillbirth. You’re navigating a difficult topic with respect and thoughtfulness and your contributions are kind, considerate, constructive and informative. 

Thank you. 💚💚

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15 minutes ago, dariafan said:

Could Derelict’s cryptic tweets have anything to do with the earlier raid? 

That’s what I’m wondering!  I mentioned this earlier, but I wouldn’t put it past Derelict to make an anonymous phone call to put a bug in the ears of the authorities.  IMO he’s chomping at the bit, wanting to see Boob’s world go up in flames.

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1 hour ago, farmgal4 said:

No, he’s not.  He was on one of Jill’s IG videos in his pajamas.  He was playing with his tallywacker, so it was obvious that he had on underwear.

Love tallywacker!  I haven't seen that one in a long time. 😄

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2 hours ago, farmgal4 said:

No, he’s not.  He was on one of Jill’s IG videos in his pajamas.  He was playing with his tallywacker, so it was obvious that he had on underwear.

So she doesn't even look at what she is posting.  Inept.

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2 hours ago, farmgal4 said:

That’s what I’m wondering!  I mentioned this earlier, but I wouldn’t put it past Derelict to make an anonymous phone call to put a bug in the ears of the authorities.  IMO he’s chomping at the bit, wanting to see Boob’s world go up in flames.

If that happened, and Jill ever found out - I'd fear for her mental health.

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44 minutes ago, sheshark said:

So she doesn't even look at what she is posting.  Inept.

She looks but doesn’t care. She once posted a video of herself cooking. Izzy walked in obviously having woken from a nap in need of the bathroom. She swung the camera toward him, realized he was clutching his crotch, and swung the camera back to the food. Did not stop the video and send him to the toilet. Did not reshoot the video, edit the video, or fail to post the video. Clearly noticed what was on the video; clearly did not care.

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3 hours ago, farmgal4 said:

No, he’s not.  He was on one of Jill’s IG videos in his pajamas.  He was playing with his tallywacker, so it was obvious that he had on underwear.

Time for him to watch Uncle Jeremy's sermon.

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6 hours ago, not you again said:

What I cannot wrap my brain around is -  not including that she was a full time SisterMom to several siblings - she was raised in a house with literally over a dozen younger siblings, and they all stayed home all day.  How can she act like children getting up to mischief is new to her?

She's probably exhausted from spending most of her life so far caring for siblings that she now has no energy left to parent her own.  I suppose with all the people constantly around when she lived in TTH and even more so in their smaller home pre-TLC, kids getting into any mischief was harder because there were people to tattle on you a few feet away at all times.  With a (relatively) "empty" home with two boys and herself during the day, she may not have caught on that you have to actually pay attention what small kids are up to most of the time if you're the only adult around (and you don't have sister-moms/older sibs to tell on/correct your smaller kids for you). 

I also assume Jill ran out of f*cks to give about parenting her buddies when she was around age 16 unless the cameras or her parents were close by (and then the kids would be on their best behavior anyway).  She probably also had the older kids in her buddy group manage younger ones as well so that less of the work fell only to her.  By the time Jill had her own kids, she was (unfortunately, but perhaps understandably) over parenting in a lot of ways.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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24 minutes ago, not you again said:

I totally get that, but the rest of my thought (that I left floating around in my head, lol) is that it becomes 2nd nature to an experienced parent to minimize opportunities for disaster - our bathroom doors stayed closed when our kids were that age, and I instinctively pushed things away from the edge of counters, scanned the yard for potential problems, checked the car for situations that could come up while the car was in motion, etc.  Go to a restaurant with me and I still reflexively move all the condiments far, far away and my "baby" is now 22.  😄  It was for MY benefit more than being worried about the kids, if you're the one that's going to have to clean up.  That's what I can't understand about Jill, unless of course she's just manufacturing content for her social media.

Great points. Heck, I don't have kids, but for all the years I lived with dogs and/or cats in the house I was in the habit of "minimizing opportunities for disaster" with them. The last 11 years I lived with one small dog who wasn't a big chewer, but I still closed closet doors, put shoes away, and didn't leave things on the floor or low surfaces, that might have been tempting for him to explore and try to play with. He died a couple of weeks ago, and since then I've sometimes stopped short as I do things around the house and realize I did something that way to keep things away from my dog - and that's no longer necessary.

It's been interesting to realize how many things I did - automatically - to keep a little dog safe. I can't imagine that anybody who's halfway trying to be a good parent to little kids would do less - but then, there's Jill. And that, people, is just so damned sad.

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On 11/13/2019 at 7:52 PM, Growsonwalls said:

Ok I saw Derick "making fun" of Sam video and honestly didn't find much wrong with it. It was actually kind of funny. If you know kids around that age they do get very repetitive and often an outlet is needed for the 1000th time they said "I burped." I'm glad Sam is being taught his ABC's though! That's a relief. I do think Jill and Derick are trying to give Izzy and Sam a better education than the J'Slaves and if they're not perfect at it they're at least trying.

I truly believe that Derrick doesn't want to raise idiots.  So I think at their age level he's comfortable with Jill doing some home schooling but I do think that at a certain point he will either tell her they're going to public school or getting them into those homeschooled groups. 

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20 minutes ago, Oldernowiser said:

“Mommy, what’s ‘Homeland Security’?”

My mind went straight to the local news as well. Then I remembered exactly WHO we were discussing. If Jill wasn't  afraid of TV's before, she sure as hell is now. Those suckers are unplugged all across DuggarLand.

Except for whoever is in charge of messing with that website.  

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I'm sure you meant "dealer."  Does autocorrect mess up your posts, too?  I post on Sister Wives, and when I type "horndog" it comes out as corndog!

I've never bought Scentsy.  I get migraines in the detergent aisle at the store, sometimes.

Poor Jill.  She spends so much time trying to look good for her #besthubbyevah, that her boys run wild.  Such insecurity.

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36 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

I'm confused. Izzy was watching TV a laptop and only became aware of who he was watching, when they said, the Duggars? And did Jill not tell the boys what she was putting on? 

Yeah I'm confused too, he should have recognized the people on the show.

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20 minutes ago, galaxygirl76 said:

Yeah I'm confused too, he should have recognized the people on the show.

I doubt Jill is showing them recent episodes of CO. Probably went back to episodes in which she appeared, so people may look a little different to a four year old.

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56 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

I doubt Jill is showing them recent episodes of CO. Probably went back to episodes in which she appeared, so people may look a little different to a four year old.

That's true, but when it comes to Meeechelle and the Boob they haven't changed their hairstyles since the '80's.

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Its funny that she said they didn't have  TV so was hard to watch the rough cuts, and then someone else said good you are keeping them from watching reality TV.  Hilarious when the Duggars are reality TV.  Good enough for them to do and us to watch, but, not good enough for her kids, according to the poster?  Jill didn't say this, but a poster did.

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17 hours ago, xwordfanatik said:

I'm sure you meant "dealer."  Does autocorrect mess up your posts, too?  I post on Sister Wives, and when I type "horndog" it comes out as corndog!

I've never bought Scentsy.  I get migraines in the detergent aisle at the store, sometimes.

Poor Jill.  She spends so much time trying to look good for her #besthubbyevah, that her boys run wild.  Such insecurity.

Autocorrect HATES me   But you are correct.  I typed dealer and it went wonky 

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Well so much for us hoping that Jill would take the boys back to the library,  possibly for story time.  

Jill seemed very excited about the toy track.  Too bad she can't realize that the boys (Izzy in particular) would have so much fun experiencing different toys & activities at a preschool. Things that only the preschool has that would make the boys look forward to going. I was always impressed with the different activities my son's preschool teachers came up with way back when.  One of my favorites was when the class made Stone Soup for their snack after the teacher read them the story.  I still remember son of Barb's excitement in telling me all about it esp the part that Miss Brenda did put a stone in the soup (well, it was really a large unpeeled potato but she had the kids believing it was a real stone.)  Each of the students brought in an ingredient for the soup, like in the story so it was a nice lesson over all. 

Too bad Izzy & Sam have to show their curiosity  & eagerness to learn by doing things that get them in trouble.  And their dippy mother has to post it all on her social media.

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In case anyone gives a flying fuck, today is the 6th anniversary of Jill and Derelict's first meeting in Nepal (it's in her stories). I went ahead and read the blog post so you don't have to. 😘

The TLC crew was only there for a week; Jill and Boob stayed on another week. And, because I know y'all are burning with curiosity, they exchanged I love yous shortly after they began courting (and Boob was asleep). He said it first. 

Boy, I bet he's got buyer's remorse now. 😁

Edited by Sew Sumi
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I cannot suffer with @Sew Sumi alone:

6 Years Ago Today…

Nov 22, 2019 | Family Blog | 1 

By Jill

6 years ago today I was halfway across the world in Nepal when our love story officially began!! 

Derick and I had been talking over Skype and texting since August 2013, but hadn’t officially met until my dad and I flew to Nepal in November with the TLC film crew tagging along to capture our first meeting. After nearly one week in Nepal, he popped the question and asked me to be his girlfriend, or in Duggar terms…he asked if I’d like to begin an official “courtship” with him…and of course I was thrilled to say yes! 

Today, I’m so grateful to be married to my best friend, Derick Michael Dillard! Life isn’t perfect, but there’s nobody I’d rather be walking this journey hand-in-hand with than him! 

Fun Facts:

1. Tea is a big part of Nepali and Tibetan culture, so Derick drank a lot of it during his two years in Nepal. However, before our relationship began, I didn’t have a hankering for tea (or coffee), but as our relationship developed and I came back home after the trip, it kinda became a sentimental drink…and of course now caffeine general helps me stay alive while chasing the kiddos around. haha 

2. This didn’t make it on camera, but Derick first said “I Love You” the night after we were officially boyfriend and girlfriend (other than that one time over the phone I think he slipped and caught himself saying it, lol.). He had picked up some fried rice from a street vender for a late dinner and brought it to the room my dad and I were in and we stayed up talking for awhile. As he left that evening (our chaperone may have fallen asleep haha) he said, “I love you”…and of course I followed up with “I love you too!” 

3. The previous fun fact sheds light on this fun fact for those of you who followed our story back then…Did you know that after Derick asked to court me, we didn’t actually leave Nepal right away?! (shh!) The film crew departed, but my dad and I actually stayed for another week (total trip was 2 weeks) and I got to be there over Thanksgiving (thanks Scott  ). Because of the way everything worked out, I ended up being even more surprised (pleasantly of course  ) when Derick asked me at the “end” (5th day) of our trip to be his girlfriend, then it was super special to have the next week to connect even more without cameras!

What dates are special to you from your love story and do you do anything fun to remember them and keep the spark alive? 

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11 minutes ago, galaxygirl76 said:

I like that she just calls it boyfriend and girlfriend. 

I doubt she could say that when they were actually courting. Mechelle, especially, seems to think those terms are too worldly. 

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1 minute ago, Sew Sumi said:

I doubt she could say that when they were actually courting. Mechelle, especially, seems to think those terms are too worldly. 

More like Michelle thinks she’s the only person who ever deserved to have a boyfriend. Everyone else can have a courtship. 

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2 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

A GODLY courtship. The Duggars are all about one-upping everyone else. 🙄


 Seriously, whatever this new scandal is, when we find out the details it’s going to one-up a lot of people. 

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It’s so weird that she used the term “girlfriend” because we are so used to Duggar terms and courtship. She’s at least aware enough to call a spade a spade. 

Jim Bob fell asleep on the job?! Quelle surprise! 

I remember thinking six years ago that Jim Bob must’ve seen something in this Derick kid if he flew his favorite child out to Nepal to meet him and basically arranged their whole relationship/subsequent marriage. I wonder if he regrets letting his Jilly Muffin marry Derick now that their relationship is obviously  strained. 

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Hey, wait a minute here, Jill. I thought one of the Official Duggar Family Courting rules was that no one is allowed to say "I love you" until AFTER the engagement ring has been accepted. Evidently, Jim Bob was 'asleep on the job'.

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