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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!


Shout out to everyone participating in the conversation about Jill’s miscarriage/stillbirth. You’re navigating a difficult topic with respect and thoughtfulness and your contributions are kind, considerate, constructive and informative. 

Thank you. 💚💚

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21 hours ago, MarysWetBar said:

Has anyone considered that Jill either had a miscarriage in Danger America or even worse,  was guided to having an abortion due to Zika?

That would certainly cause her to be fearful and want to go home. She would feel pretty sinful about the second possibility due to Jeebus.

She would never, ever, ever have an abortion IMO.  

4 hours ago, laurakaye said:

I literally did not know the human forehead contained that many folds of skin.  Well done, Jill.

She looks batshit crazy in that pic.

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54 minutes ago, farmgal4 said:

She would never, ever, ever have an abortion IMO.  

She looks batshit crazy in that pic.

What if her headship told her it was best? 

I mean. .we all know how open this bunch of loons is to admitting they have a child with delayed abilities. *cough*lick*slurp*cough*

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I feel like this group could go either way with abortions and I wouldn't be surprised. 

On the one end, they'll never have an abortion because of Jebus. Plus the honor of raising an extra special snow flake child would bring her the attention she is losing to Jessa's second pregnancy and Jinjer's engagement. We all know how Jilly Muffin loves attention. They would milk that poor disabled child till the end of time!

On the other hand, these people are the kings and queens of do what I preach and not what I practice. Josh is proof that they are as judgmental as they come, but the first ones to sin. And we've seen many other examples of their hypocrisy over the years. I can picture them finding out that they are having a disabled child and deciding to "nip it in the bud" so to speak so that the leghumpers don't think that they must have sinned in order for the almighty to punish them with an "imperfect" Jesus soldier. They have a reputation to maintain after all, aren't they God's favorite family #beyondblessed? Plus Jill doesn't have a sister mom army yet to pawn a disabled child of to. She already seems super annoyed that she has to take care of the Big White Baby all on her own without Janarella.  I mean these are the same people who preach "leaving it up to God" for family planning, yet they have their fertilization calendars tacked up on the family fridge, they aren't the sharpest tools in the shed when it comes to logic.

Edited by fuzzylollipop
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The fact that they ignore and cover-up Josie's delays tells me they're not as open to having an "imperfect" child as they'd like us to believe. Granted, I don't expect myself as a viewer to have a "right to know" what Josie's specific issues are, however her lack of progress leads me to believe she's not receiving any real outside intervention. Contrast that to Will from the Little Couple who had speech issues, worked with a therapist and has made drastic improvements ever since. Josie's usefulness as a prop for Michelle expired five years ago, now she's just one of the pack.

Edited by BitterApple
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1 hour ago, BitterApple said:

The fact that they ignore and cover-up Josie's delays tells me they're not as open to having an "imperfect" child as they'd like us to believe. Granted, I don't expect myself as a viewer to have a "right to know" what Josie's specific issues are, however her lack of progress leads me to believe she's not receiving any real outside intervention. Contrast that to Will from the Little Couple who had speech issues, worked with a therapist and has made drastic improvements ever since. Josie's usefulness as a prop for Michelle expired five years ago, now she's just one of the pack.

Yes, I want to clarify that I don't know what is going on with Snowflake Josie and it really IS their business whether to share that with anyone that isn't family, but I don't believe they shelter her out of caring or respect for her dignity.. .anyone remember the seizure in her little panties on the countertop ON CAMERA??

If they are hiding it, it's because they see her as flawed.  And that sickens me because I worked with disabled kids and in MY world, they are closer to God than any of us will ever get.

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14 minutes ago, MarysWetBar said:


If they are hiding it, it's because they see her as flawed.  And that sickens me because I worked with disabled kids and in MY world, they are closer to God than any of us will ever get.

My son has a mild disability. He was in early intervention starting at age 2.  He was able to start regular public school with his peers because of the services he received. I can't say for sure whether or not Josie is receiving services that she is entitled to under the law, but if she is not, it is shameful and sinful.  Thank you for your comment. It made me cry.

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11 hours ago, BitterApple said:

The fact that they ignore and cover-up Josie's delays tells me they're not as open to having an "imperfect" child as they'd like us to believe. Granted, I don't expect myself as a viewer to have a "right to know" what Josie's specific issues are, however her lack of progress leads me to believe she's not receiving any real outside intervention. Contrast that to Will from the Little Couple who had speech issues, worked with a therapist and has made drastic improvements ever since. Josie's usefulness as a prop for Michelle expired five years ago, now she's just one of the pack.

Agree so much with everything said here and also loved the two posts after this. I think what I bolded here also includes my disgust with them using Josie as an accessory and then losing interest in her and not bothering to get her any real help that we've been aware of.

I don't expect them to elaborate, but I wish they'd assure us that Josie is OK and if she's having some challenges, that they're being addressed. Kate Gosselin recently came out about one of her kids having some challenges, did not elaborate, but let us know. 

Drooling, saying "mawwied" instead of "married" at age 5, 7 and being carried everywhere, still eating with her fingers...I wonder if they DO really think Josie was some sort of "punishment" , rather than understanding WHY a high risk pregnancy is called such, and Josie suffers the consequences of their feckless, mindless breeding. Their ignorant beliefs are not helping Josie be all she can be. 

Parading her around the pro life forums as a show pony and letting her run around like a feral kitten, rather than treating her like her own little person is really sickening to me.

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Josie is 100% perfect there is nothing wrong with her. God would never ever give the Griffter family anything but perfect kids. I hope you caught my sarcasm. 

Edited by Rabbittron
Can't spell without coffee
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3 minutes ago, Churchhoney said:

Every thread I read today boils down to just one thing. Jim Bob and Michelle have done terrible terrible things to all these children, from the oldest to the youngest, and continue to do them.

19 human beings created and warped just to boost the egos of two idiotic assholes. It's the stuff of nightmares. And it'll never end because all these kids are so screwed up that, while some can probably gain a little mental health eventually, none of them has the slightest shot at full recovery. Depressing as hell.

Damn, Churchie! Thanks for articulating everyone's disgust with these parents and what they've done to their kids in so few words. I've wondered more than once if this forum is good for my mental health, because almost every post fills me up with hurt for what's been done and still being done to these kids. All to feed to egos of two narcissists.

i had loving parents who encouraged me and all 3 of my siblings that we could do anything we wanted to do if we believed we could do it, gave us the tools and resources to do it,and I still struggled with depression. These kids never got the advantages of real life experiences to discern just HOW effed up their upbringing is! I can only imagine how messed up these kids really are and what they're struggling with: mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.  

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Sometimes I wonder about my mental health, too. There are sick people all over the world, I'm not clutching my pearls and fainting over that. What makes me teeter precariously on the edge of sanity is the fact that they are praised, given a TV show and marketed as wholesome, cute, dear, precious examples of Godliness...and there are still apparently enough people who believe that, despite the fact that their child molested their other children and they essentially did nothing except pray about it (and pressured the victims to forgive their abuser with no therapy, no support) and that is common public knowledge...and the fact that their creepy practices and massive subjugation of the females is common public knowledge...and their obsession with "modesty" and sexuality is common public knowledge...and their active hate campaigning is common public knowledge.

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14 hours ago, BitterApple said:

The fact that they ignore and cover-up Josie's delays tells me they're not as open to having an "imperfect" child as they'd like us to believe. Granted, I don't expect myself as a viewer to have a "right to know" what Josie's specific issues are, however her lack of progress leads me to believe she's not receiving any real outside intervention. Contrast that to Will from the Little Couple who had speech issues, worked with a therapist and has made drastic improvements ever since. Josie's usefulness as a prop for Michelle expired five years ago, now she's just one of the pack.

I think it's easy to say and believe that you would gladly take any child God chooses to send, but then be completely shocked and overwhelmed if you actually do have a child with delays. Just the trauma of Josie being a micro preemie must have been horrible. I can imagine a woman being totally and genuinely against abortion until she comes up against reality.

I have a nephew whose family is Quiverfull and they, most horribly, had a very damaged child, which they knew to expect due to prenatal testing - but they "chose life." The baby did not live long and there was big medical intervention all along the way. The other kids even learned to help with her feeding tube. She was much loved but it was horrible.  I don't know if that changed their views on abortion (don't think so), but they have not had any further children  

Michelle gave it one more try after Josie. Maybe her fertile days are over, or maybe she is using family-planning methods  

(I am not saying that Josie is a burden, or that she has insurmountable delays or is not cherished. I am talking in generalities.)

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I believe the smiling lady guiding Izzy is his grandmother, Miss Cathy.   Every time I see Iz with his paternal  grandmother, I am reminded that I've never seen Spurge with his; or any of his paternal family members, for that matter.  What is up with that?

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14 hours ago, MarysWetBar said:


If they are hiding it, it's because they see her as flawed.  And that sickens me because I worked with disabled kids and in MY world, they are closer to God than any of us will ever get.


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GOD!  Those purple headband shots of Jill, 2 of them, both show the consequences of her raised eyebrow facial gesture she always makes.  So young and she has forehead grooves already because of it. Is Botox mentioned in the Bible??


Can anyone tell what is up on Jill's computer screen that she's "studying"? 

It looks like a preacher for godssake. We're bingewatching "Orange is the New Black," and she's bingewatching  preachers.  Yikes.

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4 hours ago, Adeejay said:

I believe the smiling lady guiding Izzy is his grandmother, Miss Cathy.   Every time I see Iz with his paternal  grandmother, I am reminded that I've never seen Spurge with his; or any of his paternal family members, for that matter.  What is up with that?

I wonder, too.  Where does Cathy live vs. the Seewalds- is it a matter of distance that we don't see as many visits with the Seewalds?  With their private plane and flying all over the place for other stuff, I"m surprised they don't make it to see the S grandparents more often.  Or maybe they do, and the S's aren't as comfortable with having it splashed all over social media and People mag?  

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22 hours ago, farmgal4 said:

She would never, ever, ever have an abortion IMO.  



1. My former pastor's wife had an ectopic pregnancy and had to have the pregnancy terminated when I was in the church years. Let's just say there was a very loud argument between the pastor and me when I asked him to explain exactly how this was different than a medically induced abortion. I left the church shortly afterward.

2. I went to church with a currently very famous Christian singer. (If I mentioned her name and you spend time in Christian circles, you'd know who she is.) I sang in the church choir with her mother for years. Several teenage daughters of church members were pregnant without benefit of marriage when I was in my late teens. This woman's mother, and I quote: "If that was my daughter, we'd be at the clinic so fast your head would spin."

I have recounted these incidents to say that the Duggars and others claim they would NEVER have an abortion, all life is sacred, bla bla bla, but none of us would be standing in the OB/GYN's office with them. They have the money, the D-list fame, and the HIPAA protection to make sure it was called a "D&C" or a "miscarriage" instead of what really happened. Funny things happen when those who insist it's a SIN are confronted with a fetus that has encephaly or another significant and heartbreaking birth defect.


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32 minutes ago, Missy Vixen said:

1. My former pastor's wife had an ectopic pregnancy and had to have the pregnancy terminated when I was in the church years. Let's just say there was a very loud argument between the pastor and me when I asked him to explain exactly how this was different than a medically induced abortion. I left the church shortly afterward.

2. I went to church with a currently very famous Christian singer. (If I mentioned her name and you spend time in Christian circles, you'd know who she is.) I sang in the church choir with her mother for years. Several teenage daughters of church members were pregnant without benefit of marriage when I was in my late teens. This woman's mother, and I quote: "If that was my daughter, we'd be at the clinic so fast your head would spin."

I have recounted these incidents to say that the Duggars and others claim they would NEVER have an abortion, all life is sacred, bla bla bla, but none of us would be standing in the OB/GYN's office with them. They have the money, the D-list fame, and the HIPAA protection to make sure it was called a "D&C" or a "miscarriage" instead of what really happened. Funny things happen when those who insist it's a SIN are confronted with a fetus that has encephaly or another significant and heartbreaking birth defect.


I don't disagree with you, and yet... if some of the teenaged transgressors of your congregations did not have abortions, that does seem to indicate there is a real stigma and some (many?) Christians choose to hew to it.  (Ironically, I was almost going to ask if we'd gone to the same church, as that scenario was replicated in my parents' church, but we didn't have anyone famous, ha.)

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1 hour ago, queenanne said:

I don't disagree with you, and yet... if some of the teenaged transgressors of your congregations did not have abortions, that does seem to indicate there is a real stigma and some (many?) Christians choose to hew to it.  (Ironically, I was almost going to ask if we'd gone to the same church, as that scenario was replicated in my parents' church, but we didn't have anyone famous, ha.)


Some did not, but it left me wondering how many might have and kept it quiet. To say I was shocked at the mother in question's comments was an understatement. They were super-Christians. The admission that an abortion would be an option for any member of their household was shocking.

I think it happens a lot more than any of us know. 

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On 9/8/2016 at 4:06 PM, queenanne said:

I dunno, I feel like I have to cut them a pass on green french fries, because a specialty of theirs is apparently the previously-discussed raw cucumber slices with salt and vinegar.   Maybe the acceptance of pickles trickled down slowly to fresher greens.

I am quite sure the Duggars only eat canned vegetables.  Their food garage is filled to the gills with pallets of cans.  Fresh produce needs washing!  And chopping!  And cooking!

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I was watching a rerun of an old episode of dharma and Greg today.  One of the characters was doing an interpretive dance of dharma' s conception and birth for her birthday.  It was completely stupid, as most interpretive dance is.  Ymmv.

Anyway, I know I'm an ignorant heathen, I don't get how waving your arms, making faces and what not is supposed to convey some sort of serious message.  This is how you minister to people, derrick Dillard?  To each his own I guess.  But if I were stuck watching this weirdo, my respone would be a basic WTF?

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I think both Derrick, the parents and even Jill herself expected was that she would be able to function as an independent adult, even though she had never lived on her own. Jill had helped her parents for years with a lot of the work of raising her sibs and housework.  She had the best education from the "School of the Dinning Room Table" and was working towards becoming a lay midwife. I think her expectation was that after taking on so much responsibility at home she was ready to move out and start her family. I think she expected they would stay in Arkansas, maybe near her family. 

I think she expected  to have a lot of little girls since she loved playing with the little girls (kids 16-19) so much.  She is good with her Lost Boy buddy, but she seems mostly to prefer the company of women and girls (except Derrick). One thing I think both she and Derrick didn't realize is neither of them have much in the way of social skills.  Ben and Jessa seem happier in part for their ability to socialize and make friends. Jill, raised on Gothard, probably didn't think socialization is that important as isn't important in Gothardism. I think she counts on the Duggar name and identity to win friends and influence people and is surprised to see it doesn't mean much to so many people. 

She also expected to be pregnant much of the time and be able to give birth without all those major complications like she had with Israel. Her mother was pregnant pretty much every year before Josie and she expected to fall in her mother's footsteps. 

She's probably eating green beans in lieu of French fries as a healthier option and calling them "green french fries" may make them more appetizing to her. 

Edited by Temperance
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4 hours ago, Temperance said:

I think both Derrick, the parents and even Jill herself expected was that she would be able to function as an independent adult, even though she had never lived on her own. Jill had helped her parents for years with a lot of the work of raising her sibs and housework.  She had the best education from the "School of the Dinning Room Table" and was working towards becoming a lay midwife. I think her expectation was that after taking on so much responsibility at home she was ready to move out and start her family. I think she expected they would stay in Arkansas, maybe near her family. 

I think she expected  to have a lot of little girls since she loved playing with the little girls (kids 16-19) so much.  She is good with her Lost Boy buddy, but she seems mostly to prefer the company of women and girls (except Derrick). One thing I think both she and Derrick didn't realize is neither of them have much in the way of social skills.  Ben and Jessa seem happier in part for their ability to socialize and make friends. Jill, raised on Gothard, probably didn't think socialization is that important as isn't important in Gothardism. I think she counts on the Duggar name and identity to win friends and influence people and is surprised to see it doesn't mean much to so many people. 

She also expected to be pregnant much of the time and be able to give birth without all those major complications like she had with Israel. Her mother was pregnant pretty much every year before Josie and she expected to fall in her mother's footsteps. 

She's probably eating green beans in lieu of French fries as a healthier option and calling them "green french fries" may make them more appetizing to her. 

I agree. Totally. :) 

This is just one of many ways JB & M are harming their kids. If Jill had any semblance of a typical childhood she would be adjusting a tad bit better and would have had an idea of what was to come after she said I do.

Jessa, IMO, is fairing better because she hasn't had to experience real life yet. She is living exactly the way she was before, just not in the "main house". Jessa is living the life that Jill was expecting and the only life she was 'prepared' for.

Jill planned a smooth natural childbirth - didn't happen. Jill expected to spend every married moment with her husband - isn't happening. Jill expected to bless the folks of Central America with her Godly friendship and change their lives - yep-nope.  Jill imagined her life the way many young teenagers do when they are practicing their first crush's last name with their own first name. Jessa did too and wait until baby #2 comes along, it'll be a wake up call.

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1 hour ago, Churchhoney said:

I may be hallucinating, but I'm pretty sure I remember hearing about the green french fries in the past.

I don't think Jill's making this up as an FU netz.

Do you mean here?


Q: How do you serve your meals? Is it buffet style? Also, what do you do with picky eaters? — Bernadette Slater, Elko, Nev.

Michelle: We serve our meals buffet-style. We've got so many little guys, so this works very well for us. Picky eaters … there's not much of an option [for them]. We try to make things that we know the majority will eat. I'm not hard about that kind of thing. I tend to blend up my veggies so they don’t even know they're there.

Jim Bob: Or dip them in something [like] ranch dressing!

Michelle: We eat a lot of salads and broccoli. They call broccoli "green trees." Also, the Duggars love pickles. They'll take a can of green beans, spray them with vinegar, then put salt on them.

Jim Bob: Green french fries. We encourage them to eat stuff at least once, and they usually acquire a taste.

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Jilly Muffin needs to step up to the next season of life.  This season is called being a grownup. Welcome to this thing we call life.

Being a grownup requires Jilly Muffin to figure out what she wants from her life.  A wife and mother is one part, but what about the rest?  How will you pay your bills when the TLC money dries up?  Since her appendage, excuse me-husband, has a case of wanderlust and may not want a conventional life, how are you going to adjust?  Jilly may not live in one place for very long.  She needs to develop skills she didn't imagine she would need when she was doodling Jill Dillard on her jersey pillow.  But that's just life.  She may not have the maturity to deal, but it's time to grow the hell up.  We all had issues with our childhood that impacted our lives.  But moving on is part of this grownup season of life.  I suspect she will never move on from the being the bestest little girl in the world, Jesus loves me best because I'm just so gooood, nothing really bad will ever happen to me and my life SHOULD BE PERFECT.  Well Jilly, good luck with that.  So far it doesn't seem like it's working out all that great.

I think those eyebrows up pictures are her what the hell happened look. 

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4 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

I see all of these photos of Jill and Derrick in Antigua Guatemala, is that where they are stationed? I recall up thread mentioning they were in El Salvador. 

They purportedly attended intensive Spanish language classes there.  I say 'purportedly' because we've seen no evidence that either one of them actually learned any Spanish at all.

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The funny thing about their time in Guatemala is the Dullards were making such a huge deal about keeping their location secret due to security concerns yet they plastered pictures of themselves in well known tourist areas all over social media. Not too quick on the uptake, these two.

Edited by BitterApple
autocorrect is killing me today
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6 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

I agree. Totally. :) 

This is just one of many ways JB & M are harming their kids. If Jill had any semblance of a typical childhood she would be adjusting a tad bit better and would have had an idea of what was to come after she said I do.

Jessa, IMO, is fairing better because she hasn't had to experience real life yet. She is living exactly the way she was before, just not in the "main house". Jessa is living the life that Jill was expecting and the only life she was 'prepared' for.

Jill planned a smooth natural childbirth - didn't happen. Jill expected to spend every married moment with her husband - isn't happening. Jill expected to bless the folks of Central America with her Godly friendship and change their lives - yep-nope.  Jill imagined her life the way many young teenagers do when they are practicing their first crush's last name with their own first name. Jessa did too and wait until baby #2 comes along, it'll be a wake up call.

 Great points from everyone on this thus far!

Jessa has it easier than Jill since nothing for her really changed, except she has more privacy and a legion of sister-minions at her beck and call. But she's still believing that her life is a cakewalk.

Real life as we know it hit Muffy hard because she'd only experienced her insular sort of reality.  She's 25, going on 15, and I know I'm being generous. How else did we expect a Sheltered Girl Afraid of Everything to fare, if we're all being completely honest? She's been a wife and mommy in training since she was 5 years old, but she and her siblings have missed the crucial socialization and age appropriate life experiences and rites of passage that were supposed to go with all of that.

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36 minutes ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

Real life as we know it hit Muffy hard because she'd only experienced her insular sort of reality.  She's 25, going on 15, and I know I'm being generous. How else did we expect a Sheltered Girl Afraid of Everything to fare, if we're all being completely honest? She's been a wife and mommy in training since she was 5 years old, but she and her siblings have missed the crucial socialization and age appropriate life experiences and rites of passage that were supposed to go with all of that.

It's not just that they've never experience life in the real world.  They've been actively shielded from it, told it was evil and should be avoided at all costs or they'd be going straight to hell. It's no wonder Jill is so scared all the time, I think she'd feel the same way if they were living anywhere but on the compound. The language barrier, cultural differences and potential hazards perhaps make it worse for her in El Salvador; but I think she'd be afraid to live anywhere except with her parents within shouting distance.

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"If that was my daughter, we'd be at the clinic so fast your head would spin."

I've often though soulless-at-the-core Michelle or her daughters would get an abortion if it suited their purposes. God help Anna if she gets knocked up again.






Edited by JoanArc
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50 minutes ago, doodlebug said:

It's not just that they've never experience life in the real world.  They've been actively shielded from it, told it was evil and should be avoided at all costs or they'd be going straight to hell. It's no wonder Jill is so scared all the time, I think she'd feel the same way if they were living anywhere but on the compound. The language barrier, cultural differences and potential hazards perhaps make it worse for her in El Salvador; but I think she'd be afraid to live anywhere except with her parents within shouting distance.

100% agree! I guess I'd be scared of everything too if I'd been her, when away from the house, I'd still be waiting for my parents' approval, even though what I wanted to do would have caused me no harm or brought any eternal consequences upon my head. She's had "Duggar Approved" drilled into her psyche since she could speak. Forever wondering, "is this okay/safe/sinful to say/think/do/wear and would God be okay with this, would have to be very paralyzing to her. They were scared to crawl off their blankets FFS!

One of the posters pointed out that he/she was surprised that Muffy and Scruffy never sought companionship from any fellow SOS expats. I am too, since that seemed like a steady source of new friends to be made and nice and wholesome experiences to be had. 

Derick grew his hair and a man bun and a scruffy beard, which for most Fundies is a sign of rebellion. How she tolerated that without voicing any disapproval, unless she ceded to "her headship", is beyond me. Duggar rules go above and beyond what most Fundy and Fundy-Lite rules and standards would require.  Chops to Derick for pulling off the ultimate FU to Boob. 

I remember the TH that Boob did when he introduced us to Derick, that "he'd be a great match for Jill, since she's had an interest in serving on the mission field". He seemed to make it sound like this was Muffy's sincerest wish.  It may well have been, based on the mission trips, but a long tour of duty turned out to not be her cup of tea.  Certainly, before one decides to be a doctor or a vet, one volunteers at a clinic or hospital for several months "to see what it's like" before one commits to years of school or training. 1 oo 4 medical students "wash out", and there's no shame in admitting that something is "not for me". 

Hopefully, no one would really give her a hard time for admitting this.  If nothing else, it got her away from Boob for a taste of somewhat limited freedom, even though she rarely invoked it. Derick, though a religious man, is far more worldly than Jill could ever dream of being, and can obviously see what a disservice has been done to her by this sheltered upbringing. 

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1 hour ago, ariel said:

That answers my question.  They use canned green beans. Canned gb's are vile.  If you can't get fresh (which you can most times of the year), at least use frozen.

Aside from lasagna and heat and serve rolls, I'm not sure they know there is anything frozen. Not sure they know there's anything fresh, at all.

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7 hours ago, queenanne said:

Do you mean here?


Michelle: We serve our meals buffet-style. We've got so many little guys, so this works very well for us. Picky eaters … there's not much of an option [for them]. We try to make things that we know the majority will eat. I'm not hard about that kind of thing. I tend to blend up my veggies so they don’t even know they're there.


I call bullshit on the "blending up the veggies". That would require pre-planning. We've all seen that J-Chelle does not do that. She also seems to forget that she has said previously that fresh fruit "doesn't last" at their house, so she doesn't buy it.

And $20 says that Jilly Muffin is PG again because she wants everyone to know she's eating a vegetable that isn't a pickle.

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12 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

This is just one of many ways JB & M are harming their kids. If Jill had any semblance of a typical childhood she would be adjusting a tad bit better and would have had an idea of what was to come after she said I do.



Her parents thought it was more important to teach her bankruptcy law and tell her fiance he must never, ever use a credit card than give her any meaningful information on how to live an adult life. She did J-Chelle's grunt work and got no practical, useful information on how to function not only as a wife, but as a partner in any relationship.

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12 hours ago, Missy Vixen said:

 She also seems to forget that she has said previously that fresh fruit "doesn't last" at their house, so she doesn't buy it.

I've ways wondered what Michelle meant by that ... is she saying fruit doesn't last because no one eats it and it lays around and just goes bad, or does she mean fruit doesn't last because the kids eat it so quickly? Because if the kids are eating it I'd think that would be a good thing and she'd want to encourage it. And I know as kids we loved fresh fruit. It never hung around long enough to spoil and go to waste in our home. Is that a thing that actually happens?  I dont understand what she is talking about.

I suspect what she really means is fresh fruit is too expensive to supply for all those kids and keeping a supply around would require frequent shopping which she doesn't want to deal with, even if she was willing to spend the money.

I hope that between the influence of Derick and her time in Central America, Jill has developed more of an appreciation for fresh fruits and vegetables than her mother instilled in her. Although the canned green bean French fries aren't very encouraging. Maybe they are just something from her childhood she developed a taste for. But she should consider steaming up some fresh beans and using those.  They'd have to taste better. Although she comes from a crew who didn't know how to make mashed potatoes, so steaming beans may be beyond her capabilities.

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