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Josh & Anna Smuggar: A Series of Unfortunate Events

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I can easily imagine Anna being told while they were courting but the telling being couched in ways that make Josh look good.   I seriously doubt she had a case by case recounting of what happened.  I think she got the version of the story he spewed to the media when he resigned from the FRC.   I struggled with my thoughts and actions as a young teen and through the bible, my parents, and god, I repented... sort of... sort of not because I am Josh and I am awesome.

Many women stay and it wouldn't shock me if Anna did.  However, many women wait until the storm blows over and all the facts are out in the open (and probably the baby they are very heavily pregnant with drops) and go.   

I'm not speculating on what Anna picks.  I just don't know that yesterday is a good predictor of her fate.

  • Love 5

No, Anna won't leave him, but I don't know how she can stand to ever have sex with him again, knowing full well that he might be fantasizing about his sisters while they're doing it.

It's Anna's duty as a wife to submit no matter what. And this is the most attention joshie boy has gotten. Cnn, gma, today, the view

  • Love 1


I thought about this too. Oprah has the power and clout but didn't use it.  If I am not mistaken, her network is connected to TLC now.   I sadly think that decisions made ALL boil down to money, not the health and well being of children or adults.

Oprah is an abuse survivor, and a billionaire. My fantasy is that she'll write each of the 18 kids a one million dollar check. That's pocket change to her.


It's nice to see the Duggars found the other side of fame. First they love you, then they hate you, then they destroy you. We're on step 2 now.


I can imagine the HRC, RAINN, GLADD, etc, are all salivating at putting Josh's face on billboards, should the show stay on. I still say canceled.


I want a final episode - the megachuch funeral for the Duggar empire. That, I'd watch.

  • Love 7

*Maybe they knew this was coming for a long time, and didn't really give a shit that Si was courting someone not 100% white, who loves the spotlight. They knew there'd be no spotlight by the time they wed.


Really, she's not?  I hadn't heard that.  Where did that news come from?  


I always wondered about the Duggars' views on race.  I can't imagine they're very progressive and accepting.  Every interaction I've seen them have with a person who is not white has seemed awkward and condescending.

  • Love 1

The Duggars have socialized with many non-white families since the beginning of the show. I've never seen any indication that they are full on racist nor do we have any evidence that they disapprove of Marjorie because she's half-Latina. I know these people are the media's current whipping boy but I hate it when traits are assigned to people with no proof.

  • Love 8


I always wondered about the Duggars' views on race.  I can't imagine they're very progressive and accepting.  Every interaction I've seen them have with a person who is not white has seemed awkward and condescending.

Yep, which is why I thought the wheels were coming off the wagon.


I wonder how Marge's family feels about having Jill babysit their kids? Was Josh ever over there? I bet there's a lot of soul searching going on.



I know these people are the media's current whipping boy but I hate it when traits are assigned to people with no proof.

FWIW, these were my views long before this scandal broke. and QF does have a huge racist underbelly. I'll leave it there and won't go OT.

Edited by JoanArc
  • Love 7

FRC isn't a typical corporate employer. They're a DC-based political lobbying entity with a specific agenda. I doubt that their funding or finances are transparent (they aren't a charity or a publicly held) corporation. FRC is in the PR/spin biz AND with a "holier than thou" allegedly "Christian" agenda. So,  FRC's going to cut loose a problematic spokesman in a hearbeat, whatever it costs them in money for a confidential severance deal. That's how that world works. It's not the typical corporate employer/employee situation. 

So I believe Josh got some amount of money and probably a deal that included continuing insurance coverage for his family, in return for making a BS non-statement and going quietly and quickly.



I was thinking that too - That it's pretty good odds they gave him a "severance" package that included money and the company paying their benefits for a period of time to get him out the door as quickly and quietly as possible.


There is a part of me that doesn't want to see the show cancelled - I think it's because of the family size and the idea that everyone is going to be punished for this.  Jill and Jessa lose money for themselves and the kids still at home end up with even less when the family income drops.  I can only hope that Michelle and JB invested for a rainy day.

If they keep on TLC is going to have a lot of meetings to figure out how - do they force the family to drop the fake face they put on and start to be real or does JB demand they go on trying to make us think they have the perfect family and all is always well.

I'd still love to see Jinger and Jana demand their parents give them the TLC money they earned for appearing on the show as adults (they had to have signed their own contracts but I wouldn't be surprised if it had a clause that the money go to the parents or they just turned the money over when they were paid)...............take that cash use it to start a real life, go to school, date, whatever.  Any solution though pretty much screws over the young ones.


Sadly they still have their admirers - besides the support on Facebook I noticed articles at "The Stir" are getting a lot of responses along the lines of - This is fake, It's all gossip, It's blown out of proportion, How dare you tell them how to parent (seriously?) and (my favorite - not) This is a family issue and the person who "blabbed" to the authorities should be ashamed.   Just sad.

  • Love 2

I am musing about the countless possibilities of who started this.   

I keep coming back to Ben, Jessa and Ben's family.   On just looks alone which is of course no foundation , Ben's dad strikes me as a no nonsense and stern man.

           My thinking is that maybe after a few months of marriage and time spent away from her home and with Ben's family, Jessa might of purged it all to Ben.    Ben,underneath his coming across like an idiot probably has a deep macho desire to protect his new wife.

 The two of them had already gone against the money making machine and refused to kiss for the camera's.  That had to have "bin" a very big deal.

             Jessa has always had that bit of don't mess with me vibe and has made clear some of her dislikes.  The camera's early on even alluded to her of being a bit of a bully.

         So, I am thinking that after Jessa told Ben, he was going to beat Josh to a pulp at first chance.   In the interim, they went to Ben's parents to talk and for advice. Jessa having experienced a somewhat normal family might of been comfortable enough to spill everything and put a stop to it.    Yes, I think there are a lot of bad things going on in that house. To try and save the rest of the children who still live there.

      Just a theory.

  • Love 4

I understand this situation is different than Honey Boo Boo's, which is why I agree with most of the posters on here who are saying TLC will probably lay low with this family until trying to release the new season this fall.

HBB was cancelled while the show was between seasons. TLC had filmed an upcoming season that was totally scrapped. All reruns were yanked off the air. I still maintain that TLC will move forward with this show considering they have 10 years of reruns in their vault and this family is far more lucrative to them than the Boo Boos. The Boos also couldn't haul out the time-honored "God has forgiven us" line since the foundation of their show was never "look at us! Jesus loves us best!"

In a sense, I not only feel sorry for those poor, poor girls but Josh (to a much lesser degree) as well. Theirs was a toxic stew of repression and ignorance brought about solely by those awful parents who need to held accountable. Not praised as godly, not rewarded by TLC with more seasons, not paraded around like the victims they will inevitably claim to be. I knew they were frauds from the get go. It's no comfort that, with the release of this information, I turned out to be right.


Still in shock. I have been reading so much since the "news" broke that my head is in a spin, but a couple of thoughts have come through:

* Josh's apology is all about himself, what he went through and how he has recovered and gotten on with his life. No true repentance for what harm he has caused, or actions he has taken to obtain forgiveness for his "mistakes". (Calling it mistakes makes me see red every time I read it.)

* The comments from Anna read like a well worn script. This is what a good Gothard wife says and does.

* As so many other have said, it explains so much about various reactions from the older girls. To me, it explains the anxiety I have seen in Jana when it seems that things may be out of her control. I first noticed it in the Weight Watchers episode, where I recognised the look on her face as she lined up for weigh in. and later on when she was listening to the leader at the meeting and JB was goofing off. Another example is how she took Jill's bridesmaids' dresses and came up with alterations on the spot and did them all herself. Control over something she was doing, not thinking about anything else, being part of, yet separate to what was going on.

* I just hope that someone is looking after the other kids properly. They may not have access to the internet, but would know something is happening. Kids always do. While I do not think they need to be given the bald facts, they need to know something is happening. I truly doubt JB and M are thinking of the younger ones needs now.

* That Josh and John David never really seemed to get along. Yes, John David does come off as a bit of a doofus, but for all his ways, I think he is smarter than he appears. And he and Jana are still close. One of the older girls commented in an episode when they were preparing to go back home after the Josie/Little Rock eps, that JD was supposed to be doing something for them, but wouldn't, but Jana would speak to him and get it all sorted as she was the only one who could talk to him, and he would do things for her.

This is a bit longer than I thought it would be. Apologies for that. Thoughts will pop up as I type.

I have actually been thinking about JD too this morning and isn't hindsight amazing? Has anyone else ever thought he was just a bit of a dismissive smartass? I know i did. He seemed rather sarcastic and you could tell he didn't want to be filmed much. Loved his response to the flamingos painting fiasco too recently. Well looking back,he knew about this sickening shitshow, and the way he looks at JB shows his real feelings about him as head of household. He knows what happened to his twin. And he would likely fuck off everytime the cameras showed up cus he could taste the hypocrisy. My thoughts is all. I am reeling here and need more time to process but agree wholeheartedly that Jana was one of them and Jill was the one who told. .cus she seemed to be JBs fave and likely the most fundie brainwashed. Edited by MarysWetBar
  • Love 5

Also, Oprah probably gets tons of poison pen type things regarding famous people on her shows. One of the reasons this could be swept under the rug is people were threatening (or did) call CPS on the Duggars over the blanket training or because or sleeping in dormitories or an episode like Josie's seizure which are unpleasant to watch, but aren't the type of thing CPS is going to take children away from their parents. People cried wolf so often, I figure CPS just began rolling their eyes after a certain point.

Oprah probably gets a lot of that too. People are really nasty towards successful people. She had no way of knowing if this were true or not. That she sent it at all is noteworthy.

  • Love 2

Anna won't leave.  She does not have the immense courage it would take. Plus, we do not know if her parents would emotionally support that decision, either.  Also, Josh will sweet talk her into forgiving him some more, 7 x 70 as Jesus said. It's her decision, but really, it's sad because she might feel she has no options.

  • Love 2

I'm just so sad for the girls. They've already lived a nightmare; now they get to repeat it in the public eye. It's unfair, and it beyond sucks that once again they're getting the short end of the stick.

I know it's a big maybe, but maybe the girls feel somewhat relieved that this horrible secret they've had to keep for all this time is finally out there. That finally someone knows, even if they couldn't tell them. Those poor girls. My heart goes out to them. The victim shaming isn't restricted to only fundies. Locally, a 12 year old girl was just sexually assaulted in an elevator by a 20 year old man in her apartment building. The facebook comments from those claiming to know the suspect are almost all claiming that he was probably a victim himself, only God can judge, and that the little girl probably lied about her age.

  • Love 5

Marjorie's mom is Guatemalan. I think it's a little presumptuous to label all South Americans as "non-white." Quite a lot of them are of European extraction and are not necessarily on-board with being "othered" in this way based on where they were born. (I have this from my cousin who is a close friend and whose mother was born in South America. Obviously no one person speaks for all Latin Americans and mileage varies on this a lot.)

Until either Marjorie or her mother self-identify as non-white, I wouldn't do it for them. I'm not aware of any such statement from either one. If they've made such a statement, then I'd withdraw my objection in their particular case, but stand by the practice of cautiousness in choosing other people's ethnic identities for them.

ETA: Sorry! Off-topic. Do I need to move this to the Marsiah thread?

ETA AGAIN: There was a comment referring to Marjorie as not 100% white. I thought I quoted it and now can't find it. Sorry again!

Edited by JenCarroll
  • Love 11

Let's not get into race, okay? It hasn't come up as a factor. We do know that FRC is an anti-LBGTQ organization, so that is an acceptable branch for discussion. But let's keep race out of this unless it comes up as a specific issue in the various reports.


There's way more than enough to talk about without bringing in things that haven't even been identified as factors.




ETA: We prefer that people stay in the right threads to the extent possible, but that's not our main concern at the moment.

  • Love 2

If Anna leaves, it will not be any time soon. She's pregnant, her husband just left his job which I am sure is a hit financially, he likely will have no career prospects for a long time, and she's been raised to believe that a wife is to stick by her husband. I don't believe for one second that Josh ever confided in her that he molested his sisters. I think he might have said he made a 'mistake' in the past, but his heart is pure now because he's been forgiven and blah, blah, blah. Anna is a lot of things, but I couldn't see her accepting Josh's past with a smile, especially now that she has a daughter and another on the way. Anna and Josh are presenting a united front now, but I bet their home situation is tense right about now.


Oprah's staff did exactly what was appropriate which was forward the information to the authorities. It was not their place to do beyond that because they had no way of knowing if the accusations are valid. I don't think the staff should be criticized for how they handled the situation. It is not their job to go to the press to spread what was a rumor at the time.

  • Love 16

I suspect the show will be canceled, but I'm not sure what else can be done.  The girls involved are now adults and no one can force them to get therapy.  Two of them are married and no longer live in the home.  Josh doesn't live in the home or the state of Arkansas.  The statute of limitations has passed, so they can't charge Josh with a criminal charge.  So, I'm confused as to what people want to see done about it.  He's made a public apology and resigned his job.  I'm no fan of the parents, but at this point, they have no real legal control over it either.  I'm not sure how you punish Josh now.  Public shaming for something that happened when he was an immature teen might feel good for the masses, but I'm not sure how effective it is for a person who has turned their life around and is not an abuser.  At this point there is no evidence that anything else happened since he was a teen.  I certainly do not condone his behavior. but wonder if the public attack on Josh is helping the victims.  If so, then perhaps its the right thing to do, but I'm not so sure about that.  

  • Love 8

9 times Josh Duggar lectured people on family values before his hypocrisy was revealed.


We all knew he was a hypocrite, but it pisses me off even more to see all those examples laid out like that. In one tweet, he wrote, "Islam attacks women!" Oh, really, Josh? Tell me more about attacking women... 

Edited by galax-arena
  • Love 22

I am musing about the countless possibilities of who started this.   

I keep coming back to Ben, Jessa and Ben's family.   On just looks alone which is of course no foundation , Ben's dad strikes me as a no nonsense and stern man.


I really would like to know as well. If Jill wasn't one of the molested ones, maybe she told Derrick and he told the boy scout brother.  Derrick wasn't at the interview.  I know they said he had dental surgery but I found that strange because he got braces before that.  Typically if you need any dental surgery they do it before getting braces.  Maybe he or his brother did it and didn't want to be around Joshlestor.  Of course I am purely speculating based on the weirdness with Jill that day and Anna as well.  Actually it was weird all around. 

  • Love 2

Looks like a huge backlash on Twitter about the marathon. Good. Many news services are reporting it. Here's one:




They've dropped the scheduled 12 pm episodes.  They're showing The Little Couple in its place.

  • Love 2

It would not surprise me at all if the show continued in spite of this. I also expect Anna to stay. I think people have these expectations that this family would have the same kind of reactions that mainstream people do, but it's evident that they do not--just look at how the parents handled this? It's not really surprising that Josh refers to it as basically a youthful indiscretion, because to them, that's all it was. Why do we think Anna would think differently? She was raised in the same cult. I would imagine that the Dillards and Seewalds will be supportive of them too, but it would be nice to be wrong.


Also, remember that clip where Josh is talking about Jill, and how he can't remember her ever doing anything wrong, and whenever he did, she would "go and tell MOTHer" (said disdainfully) and he would "get a talking to"? In the following segment, Jana was questioned by producers as to whether Jill was a tattle tale, and she said, "no; she just wanted to make sure everyone stayed accountable." How disturbing this all is in light of what we know now.

  • Love 18

I am musing about the countless possibilities of who started this.   

I keep coming back to Ben, Jessa and Ben's family.   On just looks alone which is of course no foundation , Ben's dad strikes me as a no nonsense and stern man.

           My thinking is that maybe after a few months of marriage and time spent away from her home and with Ben's family, Jessa might of purged it all to Ben.    Ben,underneath his coming across like an idiot probably has a deep macho desire to protect his new wife.

 The two of them had already gone against the money making machine and refused to kiss for the camera's.  That had to have "bin" a very big deal.

             Jessa has always had that bit of don't mess with me vibe and has made clear some of her dislikes.  The camera's early on even alluded to her of being a bit of a bully.

         So, I am thinking that after Jessa told Ben, he was going to beat Josh to a pulp at first chance.   In the interim, they went to Ben's parents to talk and for advice. Jessa having experienced a somewhat normal family might of been comfortable enough to spill everything and put a stop to it.    Yes, I think there are a lot of bad things going on in that house. To try and save the rest of the children who still live there.

      Just a theory.

That's a pretty plausible theory. I really do think the Seewalds will do what they can to extricate Ben and Jessa, especially if Josh and Anna move closer. 


And if Ben really wants a future in ministry, his best bet is to get AWAY from the Duggars right now.

  • Love 10

I have actually been thinking about JD too this morning and isn't hindsight amazing? Has anyone else ever thought he was just a bit of a dismissive smartass? I know i did. He seemed rather sarcastic and you could tell he didn't want to be filmed much. Loved his response to the flamingos painting fiasco too recently. Well looking back,he knew about this sickening shitshow, and the way he looks at JB shows his real feelings about him as head of household. He knows what happened to his twin. And he would likely fuck off everytime the cameras showed up cus he could taste the hypocrisy. My thoughts is all. I am reeling here and need more time to process but agree wholeheartedly that Jana was one of them and Jill was the one who told. .cus she seemed to be JBs fave and likely the most fundie brainwashed.

Makes it even more interesting that he was absent for the big family interview that aired this week. He had to work? I'm giving the side-eye to that excuse.

  • Love 4

Huckabee is still in Josh's corner.

“Josh’s actions when he was an underage teen are as he described them himself, ‘inexcusable,’ but that doesn’t mean ‘unforgivable,'” Huckabee said in a statement posted on Facebook Friday. “He and his family dealt with it and were honest and open about it with the victims and the authorities. No purpose whatsoever is served by those who are now trying to discredit Josh or his family by sensationalizing the story.”

Honest and open about it? You mean the way Jim Bob enlisted a personal buddy of his to give Josh a stern talking-to? You mean the way they never addressed it again until someone at Oprah's studio apparently forwarded a tip to the child abuse hotline? That's honest and open? 


Oh, Huckabee, you dolt. 

  • Love 13

I wondered if these kids were getting proper care, but I confess that I never thought something this horrid was going on.

My heart breaks for these girls...I can't even imagine the pain they have had to suppress.

I've had personal experience with a foster sister( she was 5 years older than I) trying to do some of what Josh admitted to doing, and she forced me to do a few things as well.....needless to say when my foster mother caught her one night, we were not sharing a room any longer. If my foster parents reported it to the social worker, I'm not sure. I rather doubt it, because I'm quite sure we both would have been forced into therapy, and considering the foster family wasn't the greatest place.....well....

(My apology for a personal comment, but I'm going somewhere with this...)

What I wonder is this....what happened to these kids that's not been reported? I suspect that he's done a bit more than fondle the victims in question. I hope I'm wrong....

It's just heartbreaking all around. And.....well, I don't believe in a hell, but if there IS one, Michelle and JimBob need to be in the 9th circle of hell for letting those kids (the ones who were molested) be placed in jeopardy.

Oh, that's right, though, being Christian and all, they prayed a lot, and they aren't perfect....they are just forgiven. *rolls eyes*

That makes it ok, I suppose.

I just hope that they cancel the f'n show and pay for secular therapy for all the people who were harmed. They can do that much, surely?

  • Love 12

The show was very odd- Derick not there, Jill acting uncomfortable, dagger eyes from the girls, Jim Bob shushing Josh's daughter (hey, hey, hey, tend to your Josie when she's running on countertops) .... do you guys think they knew the news was about to break? I wonder...cuz Anna was holding on to Josh as if that was the last time she would see him...

Edited by Jellybeans
  • Love 4

The show was very odd- Derick not there, Jill acting uncomfortable, dagger eyes from the girls, Jim Bob shushing Josh's daughter (hey, hey, hey, tend to your Josie when she's running on countertops) .... do you guys think they knew the news was about to break? I wonder...cuz Anna was holding on to Josh as if that was the last time she would see him...

Josh said his family is always a phone call or plane ticket away, then Anna cried and said it was because she's pregnant. Nope.

  • Love 8

I'm kinda glad the Duggars got exposed. I mean being gay, having premarital sex, holding hands, kissing, hugging are all sins. Michelle said transgender people wants to molest children. Yet her very own child did it. I'm glad that this brought them down big time. They aren't this perfect christian loving family. Christians can do things like this. I'm feel sad for his victims though. I don't they they will speak out. Maybe JB is blaming them or telling them this will pass over. I hope not. I hope they get therapy. Josh fought so hard with the frc denying gays rights and women abortions. Now he's been exposed.

Edited by Darknight
  • Love 8

Mods- I apologize in sdvance if this is the wrong thread for this.

If those of us who have been following the Duggars for years have heard the rumors of "sin in the camp", why is the full story only coming out now in the media?

This family has been all over the TV, magazine covers and social media for the last few years. It's just so strange that it was hidden.

Those poor kids....

  • Love 2

I have to say I feel sad for all the individuals involved, Josh and his sisters.  I point my finger at JB and Michelle for the way they have "parented" their children.  One of things that has erked me since the show began was the courting rules.  No real hugs, kissing, private conservation, etc.  Way to repress your children of their sexuality and natural urges.  In a lot of ways, I saw this coming, the way they conduct relationships is not normal.  I do not condone what Josh did but he was a normal teenage boy with no friends outside of his family to express himself with, no one to talk to.  His parents made him feel shame about what was totally normal for him.  In turn, the girls he was involved with feel that same shame and were probably given the response that they were the ones responsible for it as they must have tempted him.  Total BS in my mind and JB and Michelle should be ashamed of themselves as parents.  As for the statement, "God will forgive."  He may but his sisters as well as Josh will never forget.


We knew this train wreck was going to happen, now we will have to wait and see how many more skeletons come out of the closet.

  • Love 3

14 is too old to not know that this is wrong, don't care what environment you grew up in. All 14 year old boys are sexually frustrated, even if they're already having sex.


If the Oprah story is to be believed (they received an email, and reported it), I think Harpo deserves commendation. The report says he turn around time was pretty fast, and they could have used the accusation as interview fodder. But instead, they turned it into police and quietly cancelled the show and most people believed the whole story was a rumor till now.


The only sympathy I have for Josh is that he wasn't punished when this happened, whether it was jail time or mandated counseling or community service or anything on court records, so that it could be pointed to now and really go, Yes this happened but I'm sorry for what I did and I was appropriately punished under the law. Other than that, eff him. 


But the real monsters are the parents and the community that allowed this to happen. The report seems to be that they waited 3 years before reporting it, and thus it was outside the statute of limitations, so nothing could be done. Seems a bit convenient, no? Either way, they did everything to protect their son instead of his victims/their daughters, and that is disgusting and for that reason, they have everything that is coming to them. The other 18 kids are the real victims here, even the ones who weren't personally victimized, and hopefully they receive real help. 


Anna does not have the strength to leave Josh, at least not yet. She will parrot back lines and be the dutiful wife and bury her head in the sand. She probably believes every line Josh feeds her.


Any organization, including TLC, that continues to support the Duggars (by which they are supporting the parents who covered this up and failed to protect their children from an abuser), deserves all the derision that comes with it. If I was a family on another show on TLC, I would be horrified to be in this same company.

  • Love 12

I really would like to know as well. If Jill wasn't one of the molested ones, maybe she told Derrick and he told the boy scout brother.  Derrick wasn't at the interview.  I know they said he had dental surgery but I found that strange because he got braces before that.  Typically if you need any dental surgery they do it before getting braces.  Maybe he or his brother did it and didn't want to be around Joshlestor.  Of course I am purely speculating based on the weirdness with Jill that day and Anna as well.  Actually it was weird all around. 


I had dental surgery at 19 and it was done while I had braces, about a year and a half after getting them on.  I know others who had similar surgeries all done with braces on so they could be telling the truth.  I didn't see the interview were Josh and Anna there?

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