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Josh & Anna Smuggar: A Series of Unfortunate Events

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They're technically pro-BIRTH. They don't give two shits about the baby after its born, just that it IS born. 

Given the shit Josh has said about things like government assistance, I'd say they give a shit - in the sense that they're outraged that tax dollars have to care for the unwanted children, or the children whose parents can't afford to be parents, in this country.  They want them born but then actively work against allowing them to have good childhoods.


They make me sick, truly.

  • Love 19

Hmmm.... I do not see a special bond between Josh and his siblings. He does pay attention to them when he needs one of his sisters to help him with his children,when he needs help moving across country, or uses Josie to make a point against abortion, but I do not see him spending time with them before or after his move to D.C. I think he is a little jealous of Jill and the attention she is getting now. In some ways he is like Ben, so I can see him getting along better with Ben and Jessa.

i think there have been enough side-eyes and subtle hints to think the Michelle-Anna relationship isn't a best-pal one. Why oh why, would Anna have Michelle present for any births (and I'm not clear if she was there for all?). Seems like a time you would fly in your own mom if you wanted that kind of support... Even in the van when they are driving to midwife/doula Michelle is silent. Hello? Isn't encouragement the word of the day (everyday)?!?!

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There must be a desperate fundie girl out there whose parents would consider a Duggar, any Duggar (even JD), a catch. I'm sure he's been introduced to more than one and passed on them all. Dorky guys get married everyday. Maybe JD doesn't want a wife and a bunch of howlers in his life right now. He's probably happy being unattached and having no "man of the house" responsibilities.

Edited by Hpmec
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It's not only the Fundy girl, but she likely has a control freak father. Plus, I keep reading different things, but a number of things keep bringing up a dowery. Sometimes it's money - the wife provides the home where they live - but that could be flexible I'm thinking if the wife brought something else. But let's face it - they bring in some plain, quiet, hard working young woman and they will be accused of marrying her to JD for slave labor.

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When you think about it, it's probably no surprise that Jana and JD have stayed single. As the oldest girl, she's already done enough mothering to last a lifetime. Wouldn't surprise me if she never married or at least waited until her biological clock is running down. JD is immature and very much a kid himself. Too bad he can't enjoy his 20s hanging with guys his own age and casually dating. Sucks to be a Duggar.

  • Love 5

i think there have been enough side-eyes and subtle hints to think the Michelle-Anna relationship isn't a best-pal one. Why oh why, would Anna have Michelle present for any births (and I'm not clear if she was there for all?). Seems like a time you would fly in your own mom if you wanted that kind of support... Even in the van when they are driving to midwife/doula Michelle is silent. Hello? Isn't encouragement the word of the day (everyday)?!?!

I'm not the biggest Michelle fan, but I agree with you.  It was unfortunate for SmugAnna that Michelle was pregnant with Josie at the same time.  However,  ever since then, I feel Anna has not only amped up her attention seeking behavior, but also rubbed her fertility in Michelle's face.  I could actually empathize with Michelle's demeanor in the van.


Fast forward, and Anna is pregnant again, even though Josh looks less than thrilled.  Anna herself stated she wants to compete with her sister, plus she probably couldn't stand all the attention being paid to Jill and Derick.  Ugh.

There was the episode Anna, some of the girls, and Michelle went to get pedicures while she waited for #3 to be born. Michelle was sitting in the chair next to her and she launched into her "words of encouragement". It was something about Anna knowing what to expect and she'd be prepared because she's been through labor and delivery before. Anna just shut her up with, "I'm not even thinking about that. I just want the baby to be healthy." I thought good for you, Anna. Honestly, it was irritating for me listening to Michelle. It reminded me of my own MIL who had to turn every moment into a lecture moment. I'm not stupid, lady!

I figure Anna has settled into her role as mom. This is her family and her kids. It's a typical MIL-DIL relationship where they're battling for their territory.

As for competition, that drove me nuts when I was having kids. I was always compared to another family and with each pregnancy I had, the first comment I'd get when people found out was, "Are you trying to catch up with so and so?" Then there were other times people would announce their pregnancies and say, "We're almost catching up with you!" i guess that is the thing to say and do when people are growing their families. Anna is no different making those comments towards her sister.

  • Love 2

You know, all this "we leave it up to God", whatever, just gets me sick about this group. If they are supposed to be so nice and Christian, why then do these women brazenly compete with each other about having children? The absolutely do NOT leave it up to God, they leave it up to their ovulation calendars and are specifically working towards that goal.  Anna and sisters should be charitable towards each other, not point out who married first and was deflowered first, etc. Anna has made an issue about that between herself and poor sweet Priscilla. A good Christian person does NOT demean another, even if it is in "jest". We all know that Michelle does NOT want to give up the perpetually pregnant trophy, but I guess "God did step in" as far as she's concerned. I'm sure He was tired of hearing her trumpet that tired old "we're expecting!!!" phrase and put a merciful end to that.

I also originally thought why wouldn't Mrs. Kellar be present to help HER daughter at such a time? Why did Anna need Michelle to stick her nose in Anna's "privates"? I certainly did not want my MIL to see me giving birth. I think the Duggars shut out any in-laws altogether. I will be curious to see how Cathy Byrum, etal. are treated when Jilly Muffin makes "the call" to the family. Will Cathy be informed after baby Dilly arrives and have to wait for an invitation to see HER first grandson?

  • Love 3

Given that there will be more than two years between Marcus and baby number 4, I think it's safe to say that Josh and Anna didn't just leave it up to God this time around. And where others see competition, I see a culture where women are validated and praised for being pregnant and having children, and for women who are natural nurturers (like Anna and Jill) I think they genuinely enjoy the experience of being pregnant with other women as a shared experience.

Michelle, who is NOT a natural nurturer, is all about the numbers, though. I'm not even sure she sees her children as anything but an extension of herself.

Edited by GEML
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I think Anna wanted a trophy in the "how many can you have in 5 years"? All I have heard her say was right after Marcus' birth, that she had baby fever, more babies, etc. She made one statement about being content with the kids she has; I took her statement as meaning that she IS happy with the 3 but ALWAYS would LOVE more. I think if anyone, it was Josh, who conveniently "had a headache" most of the time and he just couldn't hold off Anna any longer. I think she nagged Josh into M4 at this time. He could have been done completely from what I can tell; Anna isn't interested in the stress it could be putting on Josh to have an actual office position to report to (even as sporadic as his attendance is). Anna NEVER has held any job and has no idea what that world is about. She's focused on a very small world...her house and her kids. It's fine to share the experience of carrying a child with other women,, but to perpetually be doing so?

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I thought Josh seemed ready to call it quits after Michael was born.  He had the son he wanted, and an adorable daughter, one of each, and he seemed to think that was plenty.  I almost feel sorry for him - he was born into a system that only rewards people with one particular mindset/goal in life, and he doesn't have it.  On the other hand, he's a grown man in a system that rewards having a Y chromosome with being the final say in every major life decision made within a family, a husband, a father of three and making seven figures a year.  If he can't find the balls to stand up for himself and say what he wants in life, well, at this point, that's on him.

  • Love 14


I think most of the men in the Duggar orbit are good with children or they wouldn't be there. The difference is that working a full time job, raising children while coping with morning sickness, and not having another pair of hands isn't like anything ANY of these couples have experienced, except Josh and Anna, who don't complain about being overwhelmed by their children any more than anyone else does in the DC area, to be honest, so that sort of rolls off of me.

Josh and Anna go on national television and complain about how hard it is to take care of three young children while his sister is suppose to be hiding in the background while helping him and his wife to help take care of their children. Instead of lying about it, they should have quit with the three they have. I do not feel sorry for them, but I do feel bad for the children. They can blame the way they were raised, Gothard, and being in a reproduction race with siblings and the in-laws for having another child until we all are blue in the face, but they need to freakin' grow up and face reality. Millions of parents take care of their own children without family members, getting a job because their parents were famewhorers who had nineteen kids, and a reality television show on TLC.


Josh needs to man up, sit down and have a conversation with his wife about the number of children they both want. The same thing with Derick. Jill has baby fever, and before he knows it, he will be sitting there with major panic on his face while Jill is announcing baby number four. All the staged story lines on the show will not help him down the road to become a good father. Being a good father is more than knocking up the little woman and selling the birth of your child to the highest bidder.

Until Derrick has experience being a father, we don't really know how he will react. It's entirely possible that since he comes from a small family, the idea of having a bunch of kids appeals to him, and if he turns out to have a "heart for children" (which it appears as though he might), he'll be on board with as many as he feels he can provide for. I'm an only child and my husband is the oldest of seven. When we had one boy and one girl he was happy to stop right there while I was all about having some more. We compromised on three, but I wouldn't have been aghast at the idea of one or two more.

I think hiding Jana was silly, but every family I know of three or more children talks pretty much like Josh and Anna. Some are religious, some aren't, some are having more children, some aren't. But nearly everyone feels overwhelmed at the little kid stage. Guess I just don't see it as such a big deal and good natured venting is better than keeping it in and pretending that everything is fine, which I think someone like Michelle does.

  • Love 1

Which is all well and good if Anna didn't have such an entitled attitude toward her status as Breeder. 




Pity that she's barely showing and has no toddlers at this time. She also CHOSE to have all of those kids that make parking so hard. Sorry, but I have no fucks to give. eta: If she was on bedrest and needing to see a doctor while heavily pregnant, sure, get her a 90 day disability parking pass. I'm not heartless. :D

Edited by Sew Sumi
  • Love 5

Which is all well and good if Anna didn't have such an entitled attitude toward her status as Breeder. 




Pity that she's barely showing and has no toddlers at this time. She also CHOSE to have all of those kids that make parking so hard. Sorry, but I have no fucks to give.

I'm with you. She reminds of the people who use the handicapped spots without a permit. (Coming from one who does have a permit.)

You know, all this "we leave it up to God", whatever, just gets me sick about this group. If they are supposed to be so nice and Christian, why then do these women brazenly compete with each other about having children? The absolutely do NOT leave it up to God, they leave it up to their ovulation calendars and are specifically working towards that goal.  Anna and sisters should be charitable towards each other, not point out who married first and was deflowered first, etc. Anna has made an issue about that between herself and poor sweet Priscilla. A good Christian person does NOT demean another, even if it is in "jest". We all know that Michelle does NOT want to give up the perpetually pregnant trophy, but I guess "God did step in" as far as she's concerned. I'm sure He was tired of hearing her trumpet that tired old "we're expecting!!!" phrase and put a merciful end to that.

I also originally thought why wouldn't Mrs. Kellar be present to help HER daughter at such a time? Why did Anna need Michelle to stick her nose in Anna's "privates"? I certainly did not want my MIL to see me giving birth. I think the Duggars shut out any in-laws altogether. I will be curious to see how Cathy Byrum, etal. are treated when Jilly Muffin makes "the call" to the family. Will Cathy be informed after baby Dilly arrives and have to wait for an invitation to see HER first grandson?

I completely agree! Especially,  I couldn't understand why Mrs Keller wasn't around for Anna's babys births but Michelle was. Michelle was no help at all!

A few places reserved some spots for pregnant women in the city where I lived a few years ago.  The people became so enraged that it didn't take long and those signs were trashed.


The argument quickly devolved into the welfare queens who had nothing to do all day, entitlements, etc., etc. while the poor saps who worked all day got to walk further and actually pay for their groceries, and limited the size of their families, and so on.  So the working people threatened to take their money elsewhere and those signs were history.

  • Love 2

I also do not find it funny when some parks in a handicapped zone without a permit or need to park there, and the same person gloats about it. Looking at you Josh. I bet he would be the type who would park in the emergency vehicles parking only areas. I would love to see him try to get out of a ticket using the almighty Duggar name.

A few places reserved some spots for pregnant women in the city where I lived a few years ago.  The people became so enraged that it didn't take long and those signs were trashed.


The argument quickly devolved into the welfare queens who had nothing to do all day, entitlements, etc., etc. while the poor saps who worked all day got to walk further and actually pay for their groceries, and limited the size of their families, and so on.  So the working people threatened to take their money elsewhere and those signs were history.


Wow. All this rage. Why? It's just a few parking spots.


I first noticed these signs in my city when I was very pregnant with my second. Used them a few times. That was 15 years ago. They're everywhere. No outrage. No protest. No big deal.

Edited by mimionthebeach
  • Love 10

So Josh putting up a sign in a parking lot as a joke is "blowing off steam?" I think that's illegal. 


Yes it would be illegal but that sign in the photo wasn't put up by Josh. It's something in many parking lots - a few spots devoted to pregnant women and kids with infants/babies. I have no issue with them but I do agree with the poster above that the unwritten rule for them is that if you are parking there because you are pregnant then hopefully you are REALLY pregnant. Personally I think they are more important for moms with infants. The car seat weighs a ton so it's nice to not have to lug the car seat and infant a really long way. We usually see them in places like grocery stores where you would put the car seat on the cart rather than somewhere a person might use a stroller.  

  • Love 1

From a totally different perspective the ob/gyn I used to go to had several of those blessed pregnant mama signs, understandable I suppose for their practice, but at the time, as a woman struggling with infertility for years, they bothered me. Some times they infuriated me, but more often than not they reminded me of what I couldn't seem to do & they would cause me to cry. Now that I have kids I still have residual resentment for those signs. It's silly, but true. As for someone using a handicapped space without a needed permit? That is criminal & should be!

ETA: After I had my kids I never used those spaces either. Yes, I attached a lot of irrational anger to those signs. lol. I was a crunchy mama & wore my kids as opposed to taking car seats or strollers places so it didn't really matter anyway, but I refused to give in to the sign.

Edited by ramble
  • Love 6


The argument quickly devolved into the welfare queens who had nothing to do all day, entitlements, etc., etc. while the poor saps who worked all day got to walk further and actually pay for their groceries, and limited the size of their families, and so on.  So the working people threatened to take their money elsewhere and those signs were history.

Reading this nearly made my mind explode. Ugh. How offensive and ignorant of those people to say such a thing.


Anyways, my local supermarket used to have those signs, but they disappeared a few years back. Never really gave it a second thought. I don't see them often in general and they don't make me huffy when I do see them.

I always wanted to park at one of those spots at my obgyn's when I was so heavily pregnant with twins that I had to squeeze behind the wheel, but there were only a few spots & they were always taken. By the time I waddled across the long parking lot to the office, my blood pressure would be high. I would have to lie down 10 min & they would take it again. I wished they had more of those signs!

  • Love 1

Seriously? I have a list a mile long of things I can criticize Josh and Anna for but the parking spot thing doesn't even register on my radar. It's such a non issue! I've been pregnant twice and have used the pregnant lady parking spots. Usually only if the weather was bad and I was hugely pregnant. Even now I park in the back of the lot and relish the opportunity to get some extra steps in. My local grocerer has a few parents with children spots up front and again I only use it when I know I'm going to be quick (I only need a few things) and I have both the kids with me or if the weather is bad. It's the only time I get to use a special spot damnit and the store provided me one, I'm going to use it (within reason and with curtesy to others who may need it more). I don't see the issue.

  • Love 6

Seriously? I have a list a mile long of things I can criticize Josh and Anna for but the parking spot thing doesn't even register on my radar. It's such a non issue! I've been pregnant twice and have used the pregnant lady parking spots. Usually only if the weather was bad and I was hugely pregnant. Even now I park in the back of the lot and relish the opportunity to get some extra steps in. My local grocerer has a few parents with children spots up front and again I only use it when I know I'm going to be quick (I only need a few things) and I have both the kids with me or if the weather is bad. It's the only time I get to use a special spot damnit and the store provided me one, I'm going to use it (within reason and with curtesy to others who may need it more). I don't see the issue.

I think it's because the spot is for women in the third trimester, you know, the ones who are pretty much ready to pop. And I don't think Anna is that pregnant.

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