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Josh & Anna Smuggar: A Series of Unfortunate Events

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"What had happened" not What He Did. Typical Duggarspeak for avoiding personal responsibility. It's something 'that happened' to them. I'm sure Anna was coached on how to phrase that. Don't say that HE DID it, just say that 'it happened'

Absolutely she was coached. "What had happened" distances Josh from his actions, relieves him from any responsibility and implies Josh's behavior wasn't entirely his fault. I have a feeling Boob is gassing up the Stink Bus for the first leg of Josh's Redemption Tour. It's only a matter of time before the circus is back on TLC.

  • Love 10

whoa, hold on just a minute there:


"they leave God out of the equation. They don’t pray to God asking for his help. Usually they solve the problem with deceit or manipulation. It’s really teaching how to live your life without God."


So, you're saying that allowing child molestation to continue under your roof, and cheating on your wife is not "leaving god out of the equation"????   that isn't fucking deceit and manipulation?????????????????

  • Love 16

Yep. I'm sure the Duggars' party line is that Satan did it. Or made Josh do it. But, anyway, all the bad stuff traces back to Satan, and Jesus loves the Duggars and somehow magically it's all OK. So, on with with new TLC contract, the Josh Redemption Tour, and all that lovely money into JB's pockets.

The Duggars are calculating. They will be back. They will get their show back one way or another. Josh will be pimped out to churches so he can speak about how Jesus is his savior and without Jesus he has nothing. Then they will have a table set up in the back of the church and sell crap. Don't you want a Duggar t-shirt? We all do I'm sure. Here I've made it easy for you guys I found a link to these beauties:



  • Love 9

It is so telling! Talking about it like it's an earthquake in Mexico or something instead of her husband screwing hookers. ANNA. YOUR HUSBAND SCREWED HOOKERS. AND SPENT THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS OF YOUR FAMILY'S MONEY TO DO IT. YOU ARE NOT JESUS, YOU DON'T HAVE TO FORGIVE HIM!!! Josh is the luckiest doughboy idiot ever born, to have an army of victims frothing at the mouth to protect him. I only hope Anna is being pressured to perform for the cameras and that, as soon as they are off, she goes back to texting her divorce lawyer. 



Imagine if this 'happened' to Andy Griffith.  He'd be tarred and feathered.

  • Love 11

Absolutely she was coached. "What had happened" distances Josh from his actions, relieves him from any responsibility and implies Josh's behavior wasn't entirely his fault. I have a feeling Boob is gassing up the Stink Bus for the first leg of Josh's Redemption Tour. It's only a matter of time before the circus is back on TLC.

Where can we throw eggs at the Josh Redemption Tour Bus?   They can't get back on TV, they just can't. 

  • Love 10

Here's one, a real episode I saw - Aunt Bee's cooking gets her noticed by a TV producer. She gets her own cooking show in the evenings, but is nervous about leaving Andy and Opie to fend for themselves. They lie and say they hired a housekeeper to clean the house and cook them dinner. Aunt Bee tapes her shows, but there's no housekeeper. Andy and Opie can't cook or clean well, and suffer, but lie to Aunt Bee about it. She eventually sees through their lies, gives up the show and comes home. Everyone is happy.


So what would Jim Bob's lesson be? Men should be able to care for themselves? No. Women shouldn't leave the house? Yes. Aunt Bee was wrong for catching someone's attention? Definitely. What to do differently - Have Jana be your housekeeper while you film your reality show. Problem Solved.

Or women should only be on tv if their headship is on, too.

  • Love 2

One can only imagine who poor Jana might end up with.


Maybe Jim Boob should slow his roll a bit, but I'm sure he doesn't think he's responsible at all for the train wreck that is Smuggar and Anna. It's amazing to me that nobody in the Duggars' circle has the balls to tell them that they might want to approach things a bit differently from now on.

Ha ha the best the Duggars could do at the height of their popularity and fame-Dullard and Bin. Jana is better off alone than with whatever fundie barrel scrapings are available to her now.

Yep. That sounds about right under the GotHard type of thinking. 



I hope that Anna is not competing (in her head) with the whores.

  • Love 5

Meredith is a pretty baby. Too bad her birth was overshadowed by all the scandals.

Actually it is good symbolism. From M4 on, the Duggars go down.

Edited b/c it sounds meaner than I meant. I really mean to say, babies don't solve everything, Duggars! Don't keep having them in hopes that they will support you by their presence. The Duggars' ten years in the spotlight was a fluke,  Their life style is not sustainable, and is so damaging.

Edited by Purpose to defraud
  • Love 4


Imagine if this 'happened' to Andy Griffith. He'd be tarred and feathered.

Oh gawd. Not even awake yet and am guffawing.

Andy Griffith, in the movie "Mama and Them," utters the word "cornhole." Mr T and I were just blown away by this, like Little Opie Cunningham's DAD just said CORNHOLE. So any time we happen on Andy Griffith, we shake our heads and invoke CORNHOLE. A new vocabulary word for the SOTDRT.

Josh and Them could learn a few things from Andy. In fact, they should avail themselves of the Devil's Toolbox, AKA the Internet, and track down "A Face in the Crowd. "

Edited by Tabbygirl521
  • Love 3

I do understand if Anna chooses to forgive.

I don't think I would forgive but that's my choice.And I'm not in that situation either.


There are none. When he molested the girls? none/minimal. Now? None/minimal.

Josh needs to hit rock bottom and crawl his way back to even begin to understand how molesting girls, screwing women and God only knows what else he did, is VILE.

Forgiveness is a good thing. But consequences really are necessary in the process of forgiveness, repentence and reconcilliation. Josh and Anna are never going to be right after this because all the effort is coming from Anna and Josh is eating donuts and praying a bit.

I know we don't know the private details but from what we do know and the clips we have seen of Anna, I don't see much effort from Joshie.

Edited by Marigold
  • Love 8

Where can we throw eggs at the Josh Redemption Tour Bus?   They can't get back on TV, they just can't.

Or is it the Josh Stink Bus Redemption Tour..

What's their theme song? I'll have a think about it and post one in parodies when the synapses in my dirty little mind are firing better.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad....The Howlers can provide entertainment with their screechy violins!

Or is it the Josh Stink Bus Redemption Tour..

What's their theme song? I'll have a think about it and post one in parodies when the synapses in my dirty little mind are firing better.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad....The Howlers can provide entertainment with their screechy violins!

Dueling banjos from deliverance.

  • Love 3

Ha ha the best the Duggars could do at the height of their popularity and fame-Dullard and Bin. Jana is better off alone than with whatever fundie barrel scrapings are available to her now.

I hope that Anna is not competing (in her head) with the whores.

I hate to do this but can we not slut shame sex workers.  :- / Also while Josh's porn star hookup seemed to be consensual with monies exchanged ( and IMO - the only wrong one in that situation was JOSH)- as we all know with prostitution- many sex workers aren't exactly there on their own accord/free will. 


Lets keep to bashing her dirt bag husband and in laws!!!! :-) 

  • Love 19


My bad, THIS is the article that had it wrong, but they linked to the correct article. Sometimes I read stuff on here and then when we see it in articles days or weeks or months later, it feels like Groundhogs Day. Duggar Deja Vous.

  • Love 1

Even if Anna is not mad at Josh, could she at least be mad at that amount of money spent? 

Noooooo.....by Duggar logic, she would be mad at credit companies for issuing those work-of-the-devil plastic cards. Aaaaaand, he was sly......remember, slyness means it didn't happen. So, no, no problem.

Edited by drafan
  • Love 6

Even if Anna is not mad at Josh, could she at least be mad at that amount of money spent?  She buys used and saves the difference only to have hubby spend it on hookers.  I would have a separate bank account pronto.

She's never going to be able to tell the truth about being mad or wanting to get revenge for the shitty things her asshole husband has done to her. Jim Boob, J-Chelle and her parents have made sure she will "keep sweet" and not say a word about what really happened, as opposed to what we've heard via media.


I'm also betting she has NO control over any of their money at all. Her headship will not allow that, especially since I'm betting their finances were turned over to Jim Boob before Joshley Madison went to his alleged rehab.

  • Love 5

She's never going to be able to tell the truth about being mad or wanting to get revenge for the shitty things her asshole husband has done to her. Jim Boob, J-Chelle and her parents have made sure she will "keep sweet" and not say a word about what really happened, as opposed to what we've heard via media.


I'm also betting she has NO control over any of their money at all. Her headship will not allow that, especially since I'm betting their finances were turned over to Jim Boob before Joshley Madison went to his alleged rehab.

She probably gets an allowance of some kind to spend as she wants. She is living a comfortable lifestyle. It seems like Anna is happy with the trade off. No responsibility, no rights. She is a dud.

  • Love 3

I think jim Bob is paying the bills. And that's good and bad.

Good because someone is taking care of them. It's awful to see a woman and kids just left with no family to step in and help. For that, I'm glad the kids aren't suffering.

Bad because, again, there are no consequences for anyone. Unfortunately, most times, we learn, grow and improve through consequences.

I bet Ann hands over the house bills and Jim Bob deposits money into her debit card account so she can food shop etc.

Edited by Marigold
  • Love 6

I think jim Bob is paying the bills. And that's good and bad.

Good because someone is taking care of them. It's awful to see a woman and kids just left with no family to step in and help. For that, I'm glad the kids aren't suffering.

Bad because, again, there are no consequences for anyone. Unfortunately, most times, we learn, grow and improve through consequences.

I bet Ann hands over the house bills and Jim Bob deposits money into her debit card account so she can food shop etc.


Everything about this family is the same kind of double-edged sword.


I'm relieved when the kids get some protection, not matter where it comes from, because I don't want young children to be hurt. And I can only pin so much blame -- and it's not that much -- on even the oldest of Duggs' generation two (or even their spouses, to some degree, especially Anna) because I know their upbringing has pretty much inevitably made them blind.


At the same time, though, I'm absolutely sure that all the kids, from Josh on down through the teenagers and even the school-age ones, truly need to feel and understand some real consequences -- soon -- of the hash that their family's principles and procedures have made of life. If they don't recognize some facts, soon, their chances of waking up and doing something that can change their lifelong fates get slimmer and slimmer. There is such a thing as too late when it comes to getting a sense of reality, and "too late" could come very soon for a lot of the Duggars, I expect.

  • Love 8

whoa, hold on just a minute there:

"they leave God out of the equation. They don’t pray to God asking for his help. Usually they solve the problem with deceit or manipulation. It’s really teaching how to live your life without God."

So, you're saying that allowing child molestation to continue under your roof, and cheating on your wife is not "leaving god out of the equation"???? that isn't fucking deceit and manipulation?????????????????

I'm sure Josh did a quick "Lord forgive me" after each sin he committed. The prayers cancel out anything bad, so he's fine! (*does not apply to women*)

  • Love 14

Whore is a slut shaming word. Do not use it here. Do not argue about why it's considered slut shaming. Also, being snippy and calling posters names, definitely not acceptable. Warnings or locking the topics/forum are next. It's a holiday and you all know better.


I can't believe I have to make that announcement on Thanksgiving morning. 

  • Love 19

I'm thankful today (and every day) for the AWESOME mods who run this forum with grace, wisdom, discretion and humor--even if it is through gritted teeth sometimes :-)  Love you ladies!!  Happy Thanksgiving!

Sorry for going off topic, but in the case of being a mod, I had the best mod mentor aka Rhondinella. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Josh won't be there, Anna will be cooking a low cal thanksgiving, for various reasons, for the whole Duggar family, they will spit it out onto their paper plates without hesitation, and go to a drive thru fast food joint ASAP. Maybe Jana and Jinger will respectively choke it down and pretend she ate.

  • Love 1
Sorry for going off topic, but in the case of being a mod, I had the best mod mentor aka Rhondinella. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!



Awww, thanks!  I'm sorry if I took things off topic, but I just couldn't resist on this day of thanks!


On topic--has anyone been monitoring the various Duggar social media today for any Joshie sightings?  I was going to, but I'm still digesting my Thanksgiving dinner and don't want to puke it up.

  • Love 3

I just came from Tulsa, OK, which is only a couple hours west of there.  I think they're only going to get rain in eastern OK, western AR. The temp line between 33 and 32 degrees is supposed to stop smack dab on top of Oklahoma City (where I live) basically splitting the city in two.  The eastern half will get rain tonight and tomorrow, and the western half will get ice. 


Yes, we say things like "smack dab" in Oklahoma.  It's charming.


That's it for the weather report.  Now back to you, bigskygirl!

Edited by Rhondinella
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