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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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Some people just don't have totally flat stomachs, no matter how thin they are anywhere else or how much they work out. Jessa looked so thin right before her wedding, but none of those girls are naturally tiny. Some of them are short, none of them are overweight, but they're all pretty average sized. Just from not working out as hard core, eating out all the time and being more comfortable about yourbody can cause a person to put on a little bit of weight. Those girls also love those shapeless empire and babydoll tops, which make almost anyone look pregnant.


I don't see any reason for Jessa to lie a few days about her baby weight. The pregnancy all still came after she was married. IMO, she stopped the wedding diet and then as soon as she found out she was pregnant, stopped the workouts and started eating whatever and whenever. As for the strategically placed guitars, Jessa and Ben are LOVING the attention (and earning and income) from all the magazine speculation. They're giving People and their fans what they want  - is she pregnant yet? when's the blessing coming? OMG I FIGURED IT OUT AND I CALLED IT! Jess is pregnant, see that guitar! So precious, such a neat blessing. Totally. 


They may be ignorant and uneducated, but they're not totally stupid.

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Do these people have some kind of aversion to OB/GYN'S and CNM's? Why is Jessa getting ultrasounds at church? She's in her second trimester so shouldn't a professional be involved with her prenatal care at this point? I wonder if this is a new Millenial trend or whether Jilly Muffin is in her ear because to my knowledge Michelle never used lay midwives (correct me if I'm wrong).

Yes, yes, they do have an aversion to hospitals, physicians, etc., From the fundies/preppers/weirdos I know, the aversion is because they're intimidated, paranoid and uninsured. Intimidated by people who have formal education based on science (because they can't fathom science and faith being able to mesh). Homefoolers (not legit homeschoolers, but SOTDRT goofballs) realize their shortcomings when it's time to apply for college, so they insist hospitals are breeding grounds of infection and chemicals, with heathens forcing you to have procedures without your consent, hence the paranoia. When you have no education, limited job skills and a huge family, but no insurance, healthcare is EXPENSIVE. Many of these families pride themselves on not being on Medicaid/care, and using alternatives through old home remedies, lay midwives, etc. Some do believe they can pray away any illness, and seeing doctors is not trusting God to heal illnesses.


Now that Obamacare or a fine is becoming mandatory (insert more paranoia about heathen government control and the Antichrist stealing your children if you don't sign up for Obamacare), we'll see how some of this changes. 


Also - I don't want to sound like I'm knocking homeschoolers who actually teach their children and provide learning opportunities, those who choose vocational trades besides college, or anyone who is into homeopathic, folk or other sorts of non-Western hospital-based medicine. I am knocking the smug, know it all, cheapskates who mask their own insecurities and shortcomings by ranting about how evil hospitals, doctors, medicine, etc. are, because they don't understand it and chose to not be able to afford it.

  • Love 9

IIRC, that shoot was done on 2/6, and according to a pregnancy date checker, with a due date of 11/1, she would have gotten knocked up on 2/8, or thereabouts.

I thought she might be pregnant in those pics too, but it was probably just weight gain. It was when her boobs suddenly got much bigger that I was sure. They may well have intended the guitar shot to be coy, but on the other hand she is actually playing that guitar; it's not a completely random prop.

I just can't see any possible reason for them to lie about the due date. It was definitely post-wedding either way, so what difference could it make?

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Wouldn't they have Obama care

I know i wouldn't depend on Obama care. it doesn't really cover everything, and you still have to pay for certain things.She probably isn't insured at all.

Which is why she'll probably go the mid-wife route i guess. I've never been pregnant so I'm not to sure if her mid-wife would help her give birth and all that for free or cheap.

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Wouldn't they have Obama care


hahaha... said by someone who has not had to actually get health care under Obamacare, I presume? I've been trying since it was put into law and just now finally got some sort of rudimentary plan set up. I wouldn't be surprised to find out Jessa has no insurance at all.

Edited by NikSac
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I guess the good news is that Jessa can't use Vanessa Giron. I wonder what midwives charge? After all, their services are apparently both pre and post-natal, as well as the actual labor/birth. A couple grand? More? Many of the people I see going to those lay midwives (through my observations of various other fundie families) don't look like they have two nickels to rub together and often already have a passel 'o kids.

  • Love 2

I know i wouldn't depend on Obama care. it doesn't really cover everything, and you still have to pay for certain things.She probably isn't insured at all.

Which is why she'll probably go the mid-wife route i guess. I've never been pregnant so I'm not to sure if her mid-wife would help her give birth and all that for free or cheap.

Insurance under the ACA (Obamacare) is just regular old health insurance, just like you'd get under your employer, but you buy it through the exchange. You choose from a number of plans in your area, and you may qualify for a partial subsidy, depending on your income. That's it.

  • Love 9

I guess the good news is that Jessa can't use Vanessa Giron. I wonder what midwives charge? After all, their services are apparently both pre and post-natal, as well as the actual labor/birth. A couple grand? More? Many of the people I see going to those lay midwives (through my observations of various other fundie families) don't look like they have two nickels to rub together and often already have a passel 'o kids.


It's been over 10 years since I had my last baby so it's quite possible that the prices are higher now but when I had my home birth with a CNM the pre-natal care, the birth, a postpartum home visit, and a few postpartum office visits (2 weeks, 3 months and 6 months if I remember correctly) were $3500. Then cost for the birth assistant was about $300. They also required at least one OB visit to be cleared for home birth. It did not include any u/s or anything like that. My insurance covered it. At first they didn't want to because the CNM was 'out of network'. But there weren't any other home birth midwives in the area who were in network. When I told them the price I got a 'hmmmm let me get a supervisor' and then about 5 minutes later I had a faxed copy of an approval LOL. 

I was going to say that I would put the cost of a home birth around $3000. It's more for a birthing center, which is almost always with a CNM, not a lay midwife, and I don't know if apprentices are paid or not. It's more in areas of the country that cost more to live in general - I'd put it more about $4500 in the DC area as of about three years ago, but in areas that are still more affordable and still use lay midwives as an option, a few thousand is probably in the ballpark.

I also figure a few hundred for at least one ultrasound. I had been thinking they were using trained techs, but I'm not as convinced about that now. I figure they can do the basics - but they may not do a full health screening that most of us expect at 18 weeks or so.

$4500 makes sense in comparison to what it was back when I had my last. Since I had insurance I didn't have to worry about the cost of the u/s (I had several), the OB clearance appointment or the NST I had toward the end. Going with a midwife didn't mean they wouldn't pay for that nor did it mean they wouldn't pay if I had transferred. I also can't be sure it covered the various blood work under the $3500 or not because my insurance covered that as well. I did have various co-pays etc. I sure hope Jill had insurance. A c-section is very expensive. 

Thanks for the info on costing out a homebirth. I really have no clue. :D


I couldn't find much information on Ben's community college, but it does look legit, so I guess he got an AA in*something,* He always talked about transferring to UofA, but with his social media ministry, college may well be over. I mean, most of the preachers in his world don't have advanced degrees; his FIL only has a high school education, but has the power to exhort the faithful leghumpers of NWA who can get invites to that inner sanctum. 


I will frankly be shocked if he continues his formal education. 

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I'm assuming Jill had insurance through Derick's job at Wal-Mart. Or she might have been covered under whatever Jim Bob uses. I'm assuming he has decent coverage for his family at this point. Hope so, anyway. Not sure what Ben is doing, or what the Seewald baby will do, as I assume Ben is an independent contractor, and I'm guessing possibly covered under his parents.

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I wonder whether this is the first graduation the Duggar kids have ever attended.


And why are the Duggers sitting in front of Steve Carell and his wife (aka the Seewalds)?

Even Mary was there. I have a feeling TLC taped this as a MAJOR FU INTERNETZZZZZ!!!!!111 moment. I agree that the Duggars have likely never attended a graduation that wasn't from a homefool...errrr....."homeschool."

  • Love 3

Interesting info about the cost of a midwife and home birth! My hospital birth came to about $2000 after insurance, though it was much higher than that before factoring in insurance. I hope that Jessa is getting adequate prenatal care (especially if she is having twins as they keep hinting). I agree with GEML that even the ultrasounds seem a little lacking- focused only on the sex of the baby and not on whether everything is forming correctly.

Good for Ben for sticking with his education and getting a degree! I hope he actually puts it to use now instead of continuing to work for Jim Bob.

I'm assuming Jill had insurance through Derick's job at Wal-Mart. Or she might have been covered under whatever Jim Bob uses. I'm assuming he has decent coverage for his family at this point. Hope so, anyway. Not sure what Ben is doing, or what the Seewald baby will do, as I assume Ben is an independent contractor, and I'm guessing possibly covered under his parents.


Are kids still covered on a parent's ACA policy until age 26 - even if they're married? I've been assuming that like Federal financial aid in college, once an individual is married, he/she is considered in-dee-pend-ent and fully on his own.

  • Love 1

Are kids still covered on a parent's ACA policy until age 26 - even if they're married? I've been assuming that like Federal financial aid in college, once an individual is married, he/she is considered in-dee-pend-ent and fully on his own.


Anecdotally, I'm pretty sure kids can be covered under their parent's policy until they turn 26. I was not married by the time I turned 26 (god forbid!), but my sister was and my parents held off notifying my dad's employer until my sister was covered under her husband's plan. (They got married in August, he's a teacher so he didn't start in his job until September.) She's still covered under my parent's plan, too, even though she's got coverage through her husband and my dad's employer knows she's married. It might be a glitch and my dad's employer doesn't really realize she's married.


When I turned 26 I was covered under my parents until the end of the month and that was it. Seems like the only thing that prevents you from being under a parent's plan is age or your parents opting not to list you as a dependent.

  • Love 1

Are kids still covered on a parent's ACA policy until age 26 - even if they're married? I've been assuming that like Federal financial aid in college, once an individual is married, he/she is considered in-dee-pend-ent and fully on his own.

As long as the plan otherwise offers dependent coverage, yes- even if they are married. (Ben would not be covered by the Duggars plan though)


From the department of labor website, "The Affordable Care Act requires plans and issuers that offer dependent coverage to make the coverage available until a child reaches the age of 26. Both married and unmarried children qualify for this coverage. This rule applies to all plans in the individual market and to new employer plans. It also applies to existing employer plans unless the adult child has another offer of employer-based coverage (such as through his or her job). Beginning in 2014, children up to age 26 can stay on their parent's employer plan even if they have another offer of coverage through an employer.."

Edited by Skittl1321

I found this article but no pictures. Interesting how it says that she got her ultrasound at Cross Church's compassion center. One of my on-line coupon buddies goes to a huge church like that in Chicago and they have all kinds of medical services for members. I'm still hoping she is getting regular medical care and not relying on Mrs. Joy. Yikes!


Please forgive my ignorance, but is a "compassion center" similar to "pregnancy crisis centers" that are mostly ran by churches/religious groups with the goal of convincing women to keep their babies & place them for adoption? Obviously Jessa won't be placing her baby for adoption, but I could see her going to such a center for an U/S as a way to convince other pregnant young women to go to the center (and then possibly be persuaded to place their babies for adoption since they likely don't have the money/free house/TLC gravy train the Seewalds do).
Good for Ben! The most educated member of this family is now a 19/20 year old boy. Think about that long and hard, Jim Bob & leg humpers.

I hope he does go on to get his four year degree (preferably at a secular/state college or university).

ETA: oops. Forgot Derrick! I still think it's notable that the two most educated "Duggars" on this show aren't really even Duggars. I wonder how Josh and the older boys feel about their more educated brothers-in-law.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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Please forgive my ignorance, but is a "compassion center" similar to "pregnancy crisis centers" that are mostly ran by churches/religious groups with the goal of convincing women to keep their babies & place them for adoption? Obviously Jessa won't be placing her baby for adoption, but I could see her going to such a center for an U/S as a way to convince other pregnant young women to go to the center (and then possibly be persuaded to place their babies for adoption since they likely don't have the money/free house/TLC gravy train the Duggars do).

Good for Ben! The most educated member of this family is now a 19/20 year old boy. Think about that long and hard, Jim Bob & leg humpers.

I hope he does go on to get his four year degree (preferably at a secular/state college or university).


I think you forgot about Derick - he has a bachelor's in accounting. :>)


Even Mary was there. I have a feeling TLC taped this as a MAJOR FU INTERNETZZZZZ!!!!!111 moment. I agree that the Duggars have likely never attended a graduation that wasn't from a homefool...errrr....."homeschool."

Eh, I think a real FU Internet moment would be one of the Duggar DAUGHTERS graduating from a real, accredited, non-fundie liberal arts college like Berea, Pomona, Williams, Warren Wilson, or Bennington.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 2

Are kids still covered on a parent's ACA policy until age 26 - even if they're married? I've been assuming that like Federal financial aid in college, once an individual is married, he/she is considered in-dee-pend-ent and fully on his own.

Yes, as others noted they absolutely are covered even if married, but their children (grandchildren of the policy holder) are not. Babies pop out and right away they become little healthcare consumers, so that's an issue if Jessa is on her parents' policy.

I assume Jill has coverage through Derick through his employer. Why wouldn't she?

UGH who has on the male version of the MEchelle's lime shirt on? And why are the Duggars in the front and Bin's parents sitting behind them?

Because Duggars are Duggars, and Seewalds are only Seewalds.

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Let's hope he keeps going and transfers to a real college (as in not some unaccredited fundie version of college). I'm actually quite impressed by Bin right now because judging from his Talking Heads it would appear he's got the IQ of a seagull, but if he managed to graduate from Community College he's got to have at least some brains, as well as self discipline if he was doing most of his course work online. I've done both online and regular college courses and the former is IMO a lot harder. ...possibly because I'm an epic procrastinator and easily distracted by shiny things.

Edited by Vaysh
  • Love 9

What kind of Associate's degree did Ben earn? I bet now we're going to hear over and over and over and over that Ben's a college grad. It's an educational step further than any Duggar has earned, so I hope the rest of them continue on a path towards post-SOTDRT education.

Congrats to Bin, I'm not sure what kind of job he'd be eligible for with only a two year degree, but at least he finished something.

Depends on the degree and his ability to market himself. Of course you have to pass boards and be licensed, but two year nursing, lab tech, radiology tech, sonography, physical therapy assistants, engineering techs, legal studies, court reporting, auto repair, IT, etc., can all lead to respectable careers. 

  • Love 3

Let's hope he keeps going and transfers to a real college (as in not some unaccredited fundie version of college). I'm actually quite impressed by Bin right now because judging from his Talking Heads it would appear he's got the IQ of a seagull, but if he managed to graduate from Community College he's got to have at least some brains, as well as self discipline if he was doing most of his course work online. I've done both online and regular college courses and the former is IMO a lot harder. ...possibly because I'm an epic procrastinator and easily distracted by shiny things.


I hope so too! I'm pretty impressed by this. I honestly can't decide if he's really unintelligent most of the time, or if he just comes across really poorly on TV - uncomfortable with the cameras, completely drugged out on antihistamines, or what.

What kind of Associate's degree did Ben earn? I bet now we're going to hear over and over and over and over that Ben's a college grad. It's an educational step further than any Duggar has earned, so I hope the rest of them continue on a path towards post-SOTDRT education.

Depends on the degree and his ability to market himself. Of course you have to pass boards and be licensed, but two year nursing, lab tech, radiology tech, sonography, physical therapy assistants, engineering techs, legal studies, court reporting, auto repair, IT, etc., can all lead to respectable careers. 

He has a doctorate of Duggarology!  

  • Love 3

What kind of Associate's degree did Ben earn? I bet now we're going to hear over and over and over and over that Ben's a college grad. It's an educational step further than any Duggar has earned, so I hope the rest of them continue on a path towards post-SOTDRT education.

Depends on the degree and his ability to market himself. Of course you have to pass boards and be licensed, but two year nursing, lab tech, radiology tech, sonography, physical therapy assistants, engineering techs, legal studies, court reporting, auto repair, IT, etc., can all lead to respectable careers. 


I congratulate Ben on his associates of whatever - it is very definitely an accomplishment for him. But I can't go much further than that because I don't know what he studied or how well he did. Even kids with C averages pass and earn diplomas, but that's not really cause for sending up balloons. And maybe Arkansas considers a D-average passable - who knows? Also he could have taken basic general ed coursework, which consists of content most traditionally-educated kids get before they finish high school. In that case, Ben worked for two years to take high school in college, and paid for the privilege as well. Unless community college is tuition-free in Arkansas? One thing is certain however. The Duggars, TLC or both will mention the fact that Ben is a "college" graduate ad nauseam. Funny how they will constantly mention something with pride on one day, then claim that very thing is not at all important or of value to them the next. I call that hypocrisy.

  • Love 4

I don't know if every state has this, but in Ohio Juniors and Seniors in high school can take college classes for credit (and it's free). By the time they graduate high school, they have already earned an associate's degree. It's a pretty sweet deal if you can handle the load. Perhaps Ben did something like that? Who knows. At any rate, I'm impressed that he accomplished something. It would have been really easy to not keep up with his school work once he and Jessa got together and got married and such. Good for him.

  • Love 1

Eh, I think a real FU Internet moment would be one of the Duggar DAUGHTERS graduating from a real, accredited, non-fundie liberal arts college like Berea, Pomona, Williams, Warren Wilson, or Bennington.

Isn't Berea a Christian college? Of course it used to identify itself as a faith-based, yet co-ed and integrated college, so that may be way too liberal for the Duggars.

I congratulate Ben on his associates of whatever - it is very definitely an accomplishment for him. But I can't go much further than that because I don't know what he studied or how well he did. Even kids with C averages pass and earn diplomas, but that's not really cause for sending up balloons. And maybe Arkansas considers a D-average passable - who knows? Also he could have taken basic general ed coursework, which consists of content most traditionally-educated kids get before they finish high school. In that case, Ben worked for two years to take high school in college, and paid for the privilege as well. Unless community college is tuition-free in Arkansas? One thing is certain however. The Duggars, TLC or both will mention the fact that Ben is a "college" graduate ad nauseam. Funny how they will constantly mention something with pride on one day, then claim that very thing is not at all important or of value to them the next. I call that hypocrisy.

From the video it looks like he graduated with honours. Our binny boy is bright!

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Ben is wearing honor cords on the video that Jessa posted.  Good for him.  Community college is a great start if he transfers on to a reputable state school.


Hopefully Ben's cords indicate some type of academic achievement, but it should be pointed out that many of the honorary societies "award" cords for non-academic reasons as well. We'll probably hear the specifics of Ben's accomplishment, whatever it was. And especially if it was an academic reason. Even though, dontcha know, the Duggars don't place any real value on education...

Edited by Wellfleet
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National Park is a community college in Hot Springs, AR. It appears he took the first year in residence and did most or all of the second year online/distance learning.

Thanks for the info. Makes sense how he had so much "free time" and was able to do schoolwork on his honeymoon. I guess we'll see what he says about future plans in an upcoming episode. But I do congratulate him. Job well done.

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Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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