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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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I just wonder if somehow they planned on the due date being the same as their anniversary. Probably not (neither seems that smart, honestly) but it does feel a little too cutesy and coincidental.

Jessa's due date could be anywhere from mid-October to mid-November and they could have made the decision to say it was November 1st just to try to add to the fun/cute factor. You know, Jill had the honeymoon baby but Jessa gets the "born on the first anniversary" baby!

Edited by Alexis
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I know I'm just going to be let down again, but I don't think Jessa and Binjermin are going to have a theme. If I remember right, during the Jubilee naming session, it was Jessa that suggested Jarvis. It's not really my taste, but it's off the beaten path, and maybe a little hipster. I can definitely see them going a little bit outside the box.

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Holy shit she looks like Amy.

I'm actually laughing at the face she's making, like someone else said, it looks like she's making fun of herself and her family with it.

eh, I was hopeful she wasn't pregnant, but it is her only job.


I actually think she looks a whole lot like Ben in that photo. They say you pick someone who reminds you of yourself.


And yes, how disappointing, although they won't see it that way. I really hope Ben gets some kind of trade or career or schooling. But why should they? They have TLC money (which, it's temporary but they've been paying them out now for at least 8 years or whenever the first special was so I can see why they think it'll always be there), they live rent free, but they still get nice trips to Paris and around the country for speaking engagements. As long as this is all happening, I see no real kind of career for Ben. Why should they listen to dissenting opinions when  their Facebook and Instagram comments are mostly ass kissing. I can see why they have such an inflated sense of self-worth. Fame really changes people.

Am I allowed to say s#it on this board??? The article is disturbing too. She says 'having this first year to share just the two of us has been special' ignoring the fact that it was about the 10th quote with special in it, they have only been married 5 1/2 months and she's entering her 2nd trimester. Where was this first year just the two of us???

Yeah, I finally got to read the People article. She spoke as if that year had already passed. 


It also appears that Binsemination happened right around the time of that People shoot  (2/6, IIRC) when they did the home tour (and that screengrab of the hearts over her belly was caught). So, there's that. 

  • Love 1

Weewald!!!!  Priceless! (Although I was pretty attached to Bae B. Jesus Seewald).


I don't really hate Jessa's pic with the 3 of them.  She looks like (to me) she's saying to the world at large (us, of course!) Yep, you were alllll right.  Jill doesn't have that whole healthy PG thing going on.  She's obviously thinking (at that point) Can I sit down???  She looks terrible.

"Who?" - Michelle.


  • Love 2
You might be old enough to be his mother but I AM the mother of a child born in 1995. Yikes - that really puts his age in perspective.



Ben was born in 1995?!?!?!  I need to lie down now while my 19 year old son (born in 1996) fans me with the brochures from the college he just enrolled in for the Fall. Geez.


And I vote WeeWald for the baby nickname.  Hee!

  • Love 11

I agree Jessa was snarking on Jill's interminable "raised eyebrows, arched back" daily pregnancy pose.

Regarding the recent People photo, did they photoshop Jessa to make her look more pregnant than she really is? She doesn't look to be showing quite so heavily in recent Internet pics.

  • Love 5

Jessa grew up poor (until TLC) so she should know what life is like with children and not much money. Short memory, perhaps?

You never know how hard it is until you have your own. I had my oldest at 16 I thought it would be easy bc my grandma made it seem easy... it's not easy not at all!!

I totally think that they are using that November 1st due date for the pure awwww factor *gag*


Bin and Jessa on the Duggar teat and as we all know..the Duggars are loaded. I would be that as long as Bin goes along, ol'JBob will keep him on in  a Duggar handyman capacity. Besides..he isn't qualified to do anything. Heck, I have a hard enough time understand what he says most of the time anyways. 


I keep saying...that as long as they stagger these courtships, weddings and births the TLC train will keep paying and their fangirls will still be drinking the Kool-Aid. Unfortunately, I think they will be around  for a long time to come. Oy vey.


I fully expected her to get pregnant. Now that Jill is married and Izzy is born...do you not find it suspect that this pregnancy announcement comes a week or so after Izzy's entrance? This pregnancy and birth..plus Anna's birth and Josiah's courtship guarantees a few more seasons.


I cannot stand them. They certainly are not dumb when it comes to business though. Frugal and simple? Riiight.

Edited by autumnh

Leave Jessa and Ben A Message of Congratulations

    April 21, 2015

    By Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar

    Exciting news! Jessa and Ben are expecting a baby! Jim Bob and I are so excited for them and we know Jessa and Ben will make great parents! Please join us in wishing them a message of congratulations by posting a comment below!



I see their command of the English language is as strong as it ever was.

  • Love 4

How about "Visit Seewald?" (It's an animal-themed attraction in San Diego.)

My cold meds must be fogging up my brain, it took me a couple of minutes to figure this out, DUH!


How about Bay B Jesus WeeWald?

or....Bay B Jesus Weewald Visit Seewald?

Edited by abseedee

I just wonder if somehow they planned on the due date being the same as their anniversary. Probably not (neither seems that smart, honestly) but it does feel a little too cutesy and coincidental.

Jessa's due date could be anywhere from mid-October to mid-November and they could have made the decision to say it was November 1st just to try to add to the fun/cute factor. You know, Jill had the honeymoon baby but Jessa gets the "born on the first anniversary" baby!

It is probably earlier- because she has a large bun in the oven.  It just sounds all cute and ice creamy to say it is on your anniversary.


I secretly hope it is twins just because it will drive Jill crazy that Jessa is one up on her!  LOL

  • Love 4

You really have to wonder. Even with all his bluster about providing for yourself, I read that a supermarket clerk claimed way back before the show that Boob and family were heavily dependent on food stamps.

Yes, didn't Guinn get pregnant with Bin not long after she was married?

Ben was a honeymoon baby. I know this because I share an anniversary (8/6/94) with the Seewalds. Guinn was 20, Pa Seewald 19 when they married. 

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When I came on here, I saw the pic before I read anything. ....I thought it was Cousin Amy and she was preggers, and I thought it was awesome that the Duggars were in support of her. Then I came to my senses and figured that she was showing off her gut to be funny. That crazy Cousin Amy!!!!


Jessa? Hahaha. Figured it all along. This is what the whole clan lives for....and I think that it includes every last one of them. Si and his GF will be having one shortly after their teen-age wedding. I'll bet Jana and Jinger are dying to get married and pop 'em out. JB has been inserting Jana into domestic scenes to 'sell' her to the next fundie guy. Barf-a-rama.


I also think Mullet LOVES when any of them get married and get pregnant lickety-split ...I don't think she's jealous at all. She likes that they're following in her footsteps. Remember, she's the Queen Bee.  And JB must be rubbing his hands together gleefully...if they can keep this coming, the show will go on!! Sad to say, but they will have 100s of grandkids.


Jessa's face says , "Haha. Look at me. I'm pregnant by TheDashingBenjerminSeewald. You internetters thought I was gonna wait???  Hahaha, chumps. I'm cooler than anyone."

Edited by drafan


It also appears that Binsemination happened right around the time of that People shoot  (2/6, IIRC) when they did the home tour (and that screengrab of the hearts over her belly was caught). So, there's that.

Indeed, binjiebaby was conceived about  2/8 if their actual due date is Nov 1 according to the due date calculator.  



Edited by Rhondinella
off topic

It is probably earlier- because she has a large bun in the oven.  It just sounds all cute and ice creamy to say it is on your anniversary.


I secretly hope it is twins just because it will drive Jill crazy that Jessa is one up on her!  LOL

Yeeeeessssss she must have twins! Their names can be Jesus and Mary.

  • Love 8

Oh my....Bin can pronounce Champs-Élysées better than he can speak English! lol


I do think Jessa will be a great mom....I don't think she will be as smother'y as Jill...I just wish she'd go to college..girl has the potential to actually do something.

I hope for a 10/31 baby. Samhain Jackolantern Seewald.


OR October 30th...also known as Devil's night! hehe

  • Love 2

Indeed, binjiebaby was conceived about  2/8 if their actual due date is Nov 1 according to the due date calculator.  





I think Jessa's face in that picture with Jill and Anna is actually telling us "Yeah, I'm pregnant so what do y'all have to say about that now?

Edited by Rhondinella
off topic

My husband heard me muttering to myself about the Jessa/Ben pregnancy, how they didn't waste much time getting pregnant. He's not real Duggar savvy but he does pick up on my snark. So when I mentioned that the next mission would be for Jill to get pregnant again as soon as humanly possible, he said "wow, that is  degrading". I'm so glad he is on my wavelength.


Just noticed how hung up Ben is on halitosis, lol. 


UGH. I was just reading the leg humpers on Twitter, who are using the hashtag #BabySeewald. ALL of them are "sooooooooo excited." Barf. 


Well, except one: 

@ChocolateySmoof: #BabySeewald? Is that what they're calling teenage Ben these days? @TLC 


Jessa looks healthier than Jill did at the same point in pregnancy. Jill looked like she'd been spending 24/7 with her head in a toilet at that point. Jessa must not have had morning sickness to the same extent as JillyMuffin did. 

Edited by ChicksDigScars
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Did they put a pillow under her dress, or what? She's looked pregnant, but not THAT pregnant in the recent pics. I'd figured her due date to be earlier. Hope all goes well for all three of them.


That's what I was thinking!  She hid it pretty darn well up until this photo. I mean it looked like she might be, but this picture's really obvious.

For the life of me, I can't understand what is so exciting about babies having babies. I don't mean Jessa, but Ben!  Really?  He'll be 20 when the baby is born?  I wonder what Guinn thinks.  I can still see her face when Mechelle was talking about GRANDBABIES! in her stupid squeaky voice with her bugged-out eyes.


Doesn't surprise me that Jessa is pregnant.  What else is there to do when you have no jobs, no ambition, no education but have sex whenever you feel like it?  You can sleep till noon if you like, then go at it the rest of the day.


I'd love to see them have to live a year in the real world.  How are we going to afford a baby?  Let's go to a yard sale and see what we can find.  What about insurance?  What if we have to buy formula?  Who has diapers on sale this week?  I know so many young couples who are struggling to afford a family, working extra shifts and cutting corners.  What do these kids know about anything?  Oh well, your "fans" will send you gifts.  And you don't have to worry about rent or any other bills. 


Yeah, I'm thrilled.

  • Love 12
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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