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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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Earlier today, Jessa spammed Instagram with tons of smoochy pictures of them at Tybee Island. Jessa is due to speak at the first of those Southern Women's Shows on Saturday in Savannah.


Anyone here willing to cough up the $15 admission fee to see what the hell she has to speak an hour about? Hair and makeup and selfies seem to be her strengths. If she starts in on the fire and brimstone stuff, the drunk ladies in the crowd (yes, these conferences have alcohol...LMAO at the person who thought these conferences would be a good idea for a Duggar) may well heckle her. 


I know I would. :D

Edited by Sew Sumi
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I'd totally go if I were closer. I'd just have to seal my lips that I'm unmarried (divorced) and pregnant. On another note, I don't know if I'd be encouraged to go or banned from Journey to the Heart. Well..I'm not paying 800$ to fast for a day out in the wilderness and be cooped up or silent the rest of the week. That would be an interesting tale if any of the Duggar girls were there. Has Jessa gone to JotH?

Edited by Betweenyouandme
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It's not unlike summer camp in some ways. I knew girls growing up who were really into that sort of experience - the whole getting close to God in that sort of place and waited eagerly for it every year. I had the sense that Jana was like that.

I can relate to all of this -- not the Gothard part, lol, but as a young adult woman and all the way up to about 30 years old I always looked forward to Christian women's retreats. They were 3 days only (Fri-Sun) and it was a time to set everything aside and focus on my relstionship with God. It was a spiritual re-boot, if you will, held at a lodge surrounded by acres of breathtaking nature. I usually attended with a good girlfriend or sometimes alone. The retreats were held once a year, generally in the Spring or Fall. I don't have any desire to go to a retreat these days in my 40's, but in my 20's it was a joy.

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Can anyone tell me what exactly these girls do at JTTH?

They have some non-religious activities near/on the lake, but mostly it's prayer and study groups. You have a lesson book. One night, everyone is brought a bit away from the main cabins and into the woods and you fast all day/night for deep reflection and silence. I don't know what the exact set up is there. Maybe tents? There are married and single women there but age 30 is the oldest you can be.

Don't know where to put this comment because it now seems inappropriate in the Small Talk topic.  But Jessa and Ben talk about adoption and commenters mention they are too young and other obstacles.  There is a case in Arkansas of a legislator and wife adopting I think 3 girls total, ages 8, 6, & 3 and finding them too much to handle.  Maybe that's true.  But it is not illegal in Arkansas to simply rehome the kids, nor is it illegal in most states.  So they rehomed them to a guy to turned out to be a sex offender to the 6 yr old and he is now in jail.  Even after they signed over the girls to the other couple, the legislator continued to receive state funds for the kids, nice deal, and supposedly gave the money to the offender, not knowing he was an offender.  So Jessa and Ben could get kids just signed over to them, legally, and maybe collect money.  Now it's turned into a political thing, which figures, but isn't really relevant.  I was shocked that in most states you can just sign your kids over, re-home them, whether yours by birth or adoption, and everything is okey dokey.

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Probably better in the Boob/Mechelle thread, since those fucktards campaigned for this shining citizen. /end sarcasm


Jessa and Ben took the stage today. Who knows what they had to say, but there were plenty of Duggar picture tracts to be signed afterward. More proof that "leave and cleave" is nothing more than lip service. 


Does anyone really believe that J&B wanted to adopt this soon after being married only 3 months -- actually, they talked about it after they got back from their honeymoon, even though they're illegible until they've been married 2 or 3 years. I call bs on that. I think it's just a diversion to put off getting preggers -- which hopefully they won't for a couple years.

Edited by msblossom
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Jessa kicked off the first of her three Southern Women’s Show engagements on Saturday in Savannah, Georgia. Although promotions for the event made it sound like she would be alone, she was actually joined on stage by her husband, Ben Seewald.

I haven’t seen official recaps or videos from the event, but one person who said she attended dished a bit on Free Jinger about the awkward moment when the interviewer asked Ben what he does.

“He responded, ‘Do you mean for work?’ and she said yes,” the insider said. “Then he mumbled some stuff about working for Jim Bob before saying he was, of course, touring with Jessa right now because he didn’t want to send her off alone by herself.”


"I'm a Duggar remora" sounds better, Bin.

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That's code for "we're not planning on having any kids, naturally or adopted, for 2 years".

I'm taking liberties and crossing my fingers that that was a subliminal message. And to that I say, good for you and finally someone in this family is using their head for a change. I'm proud of their decision, if I'm correct.

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I've been married a long, long time, so I don't know what the young ones are doing these days. lol.  But seriously, is adoption something that newlyweds discuss now.  When I got married, I just assumed that I would have children and probably wouldn't have talked about it unless I had received a diagnosis that we couldn't have children.


Also, they are pretty newly married to be giving advise and talking about what's important for couples.  I really hope these girls' marriages endure because they would not know how to deal with a failed marriage.  Are they even allowed to divorce? 

JB is pissed, big no no you have to get pregnant asap

There many different form of bc. Jessa could be on the pill, patch, shot, nfp, condoms, iud, are abstaining (yeah right) I hope these two don't reproduce for a few years.

I just saw a quote from Jessa from an article either right before or after the wedding in which she said they would do "nothing to prevent" pregnancy. I have no reason to doubt this; it's the mindset girls are raised with in that culture.

I just saw a quote from Jessa from an article either right before or after the wedding in which she said they would do "nothing to prevent" pregnancy. I have no reason to doubt this; it's the mindset girls are raised with in that culture.

It would have been lovely if she had made a statement that she would not be discussing such a private matter for an article...

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I've been married a long, long time, so I don't know what the young ones are doing these days. lol.  But seriously, is adoption something that newlyweds discuss now.  When I got married, I just assumed that I would have children and probably wouldn't have talked about it unless I had received a diagnosis that we couldn't have children.

We talked about it as newlyweds (actually as part of our premarital counseling).  Since I was a child I have wanted to adopt rather than have biological children, my fertility had nothing to do with that. 


Jessa has done mission work in orphanages. I could see where she ACTUALLY feels called to adopt, not just talking about it for press. 

Edited by Skittl1321
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I think a lot of Millennials talk about it. To be honest, I think there is a lot of romantic idealization about the whole process. And this will sound harsh, but I also think a lot of young women have body image issues which they think adoption will solve the issue of bodily change and motherhood. I sort of think Jessa falls into this category, because it would be far easier in her world to say there is a "physical issue" than to say "I don't want to be pregnant and have children."

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Where do they even imply they are going to wait two years? She only says 1) they want kids, 2) there is no announcement to make yet, 3) they would like to adopt, and 4) the waiting period for adoption is 2 years. That does not mean they won't have a biological kid before then.

You're correct and my comment earlier was a little facetious and reading between the lines -- in that I'm hoping that Jessa's comment about waiting two years referred to natural childbirth as well.

Who knows? Jessa could very well be with child as we speak and she's waiting for the right time to announce it, like 2 hours after Baby Dilly's birth ;)

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That would keep Chinessa from being caught buying them. I like that way you think! Maybe Bin tells her they're not condoms, they're love gloves.


"Love gloves" is great. We can add that to the Duggar dictionary. Also to be included is "Jesus sticks" for pregnancy test sticks that another poster renamed.

We talked about it as newlyweds (actually as part of our premarital counseling).  Since I was a child I have wanted to adopt rather than have biological children, my fertility had nothing to do with that. 


Jessa has done mission work in orphanages. I could see where she ACTUALLY feels called to adopt, not just talking about it for press.

From what we've seen, Jessa's work with orphans is fingernail polishing.
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Jessa could very well be with child as we speak and she's waiting for the right time to announce it, like 2 hours after Baby Dilly's birth ;)

Usually I wouldn't encourage adult women using marriages and babies to "steal thunder" from each other, but after Princess Jilly Muffin's bitch move of publicly announcing that she was like 7 weeks pregnant less than a week after Jessa announced her engagement, I would get a chuckle at Blessa timing her announcement for the same day. And then, twenty minutes after that, Jana will announce her plans to move out, go to college and front-hug males without a promise of marriage.

  • Love 8

Usually I wouldn't encourage adult women using marriages and babies to "steal thunder" from each other, but after Princess Jilly Muffin's bitch move of publicly announcing that she was like 7 weeks pregnant less than a week after Jessa announced her engagement, I would get a chuckle at Blessa timing her announcement for the same day.

That was my point ;)

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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