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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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Bin's not at UofA. From what I read, he was taking the classes through the CC where he attended real classes last year. Again, dubious. You can't do every.single.one.of.your.pre-req.classes online. I work at a CC with our campuses, and even that system can't offer every single class for every major, although you can probably knock out most of the Gen Ed stuff, save math and the sciences. Too easy to cheat in the first case, impossible to do labs in the second. 


Not to get argumentative, but you can take math online. The CC I went to offered many math classes online, from remedial math through college algebra and statistics. Science is probably the only class that I have yet to see offered online. I went to a CC for a few years and almost every gen ed class you'd need for an AA could be taken online (except for the aforementioned science. It all depends on the school, I suppose!

I'm sure you can do math online; there are computers in the Math Lab at my school that apparently have programs to coordinate with some (all?) of the current textbooks. However, my school(s) don't offer online courses at this time. Point remains that Bin will have to go to a brick and mortar campus to complete his science requirements. 


I'm just wondering how much he'll balk at having to go to an actual campus for some classes going forward. Will Boob try to steer Bin away from that, now that he's his lackey? I'd actually bet on it, with the requisite "excuses" next year when it's apparent that Bin is not at UofA. Come to think of it, he should have done his applications this past semester if he actually plans on carrying through with this...hmmm....


(clarity edit. As a writing tutor, I can do better :D )

Edited by Sew Sumi
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Irony. It's completely lost on Mr. and Mrs. Seewald. The proof? Bin's latest preachy post: 




For those not so inclined to follow the link, the text is as follows: 


To experience HUMILITY, you must give up ENTITLEMENT. This world owes me NOTHING. But back to it, I owe love. And to God, I owe EVERYTHING. -T.C. Stallings

Edited by Sew Sumi
  • Love 4

Irony. It's completely lost on Mr. and Mrs. Seewald. The proof? Bin's latest preachy post: 




For those not so inclined to follow the link, the text is as follows: 


To experience HUMILITY, you must give up ENTITLEMENT. This world owes me NOTHING. But back to it, I owe love. And to God, I owe EVERYTHING. -T.C. Stallings

So this is why they put the most expensive of expensive gifts on their registry.

  • Love 10

Irony. It's completely lost on Mr. and Mrs. Seewald. The proof? Bin's latest preachy post: 




For those not so inclined to follow the link, the text is as follows: 


To experience HUMILITY, you must give up ENTITLEMENT. This world owes me NOTHING. But back to it, I owe love. And to God, I owe EVERYTHING. -T.C. Stallings

Nice! So it was out of obligation to God that they asked for $400 mixers, six comforter sets, a $1,000 laptop and hair straighteners on their registry. Wouldn't true humility have been expressed by asking for donations to charity in lieu of gifts?

  • Love 13

I wonder if Tlc gets federal funding? I would hate to think that tax is funding these clowns.

Oh no! That would be WELFARE!! The Duggars would be sponging off the ebul gubmint like the rest of the sinning poors who are destined for hell!

Edited by Joe Jitsu913

They've filmed in El Salvador multiple times. They've been shown "ministering" oh, more like Boob bragging that he has 19 living children to the woman who lost something like 5 during childbirth. They pass out soccer balls, paint fingernails, and eat cake. Yet, they do nothing to help boost the infrastructure. They're more the "vacation ministry" types. 


Bin and Jessa didn't go this year, but they went last year; selfies of soccer balls and nail painting abounded. 

  • Love 4

Irony. It's completely lost on Mr. and Mrs. Seewald. The proof? Bin's latest preachy post:


For those not so inclined to follow the link, the text is as follows:

To experience HUMILITY, you must give up ENTITLEMENT. This world owes me NOTHING. But back to it, I owe love. And to God, I owe EVERYTHING. -T.C. Stallings


They've filmed in El Salvador multiple times. They've been shown "ministering" oh, more like Boob bragging that he has 19 living children to the woman who lost something like 5 during childbirth. They pass out soccer balls, paint fingernails, and eat cake. Yet, they do nothing to help boost the infrastructure. They're more the "vacation ministry" types.


Bin and Jessa didn't go this year, but they went last year; selfies of soccer balls and nail painting abounded.

That's terrible. Imagine if so mine came up to them about rubbed in their faces how Michelle miscarried

  • Love 1

Jessa and Ben seem compatible and seem to be like any young couple on a road trip -- entertaining each other. But something about Jessa posting 4 consecutive videos of Ben singing had me thinking "trained monkey." Good to see he knows secular songs though -- he started on a Celine Dion song; it's this kind of "exposure" to "worldly" things that'll make the Duggar get out into the real world.

From information gleaned online, it appears that Jessa and Ben are living in Grandma Mary's house AKA Josh and Anna's old house.

Ben is supposedly taking online classes from the community college he was attending.  He can't do the entire program there online.

I sure hope Boob dusted off his wallet & did some renovations and updates on the house. And just maybe, could have gone to the auction & furnished it like he did his Jilly Muffin's Mcmansion.

I sure hope they got a tv for their wedding and Jessa is watching and listening to whatever music on the radio that she wants. Sounds like Bin wasn't raised in a nuthouse like the Duggars. (I know he was raised with Michael Seeward (nutter) but if he knows secular music it couldn't have been as bad the Duggar household. 


IDK why they think everything is a sin. Open your eyes and learn new things Jessa!

Edited by Fuzzysox

Does anyone know what Ben is majoring in? I think I remember him saying he was going to a Community college when he told about himself on his first episode.

Trying to remember when it was that Jessa was noticed being around a young man who turned out to be Ben. I know he was shown in the background of the Flea Market episode. I think questions were raised about Jill & Derick when Derick appeared in one of their group shots (at a rally?) standing next to Jill & everyone wanted to know who he was.

Now we have a longer name for Ben: Jessa Duggar's Husband Ben Seewald  Shows Off Surprise Singing Skills During Couple's Vacation  http://www.eonline.com/news/606444/jessa-duggar-s-husband-ben-seewald-shows-off-surprise-singing-skills-during-couple-s-vacation

FWIW, he was singing on key.  And yes, secular songs.  Bing Crosby, Andy Williams, old stuff.  He would have had to see old movies or videos.  Sinful!  I figure his family did not subscribe to the same restrictions that the Duggars had.  I am encouraged by this to think that maybe this couple will break out of extreme Gothard.

  • Love 2

Ben is majoring in political science. I saw it on his facebook page one time, he actually replied to somebody who asked.

This is also a change. Last year, he was taking business classes that one doesn't need to fulfill Gen Ed requirements (this was according to someone I know who attends the same college and saw him in the Business wing all the time). If he plans on transferring in the fall, he's going to have to take more lower division courses (whether it is Gen Ed or toward his major) at the 4 year school.  I transferred in from a CC, and while I had my Gen Ed requirements done, I changed majors mid-stream and was one class short of completing lower division requirements toward my major. They allowed up to two lower division classes to be taken at the 4 year school. To be honest, I wish I'd completed the class at the Community College. The reading load was twice what it would have been in the complimentary course at the CC. 


As for Bin, I'll believe it when I see the proof. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
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So what do we think Jessa is doing now that she's married (besides sweet fellowshipping & taking pregnancy tests)? We know Anna helped Smugs at the car lot and Jilly has Baby Dilly to concentrate on. I was hoping they were living closer to the Seewalds & she could have hung out & learned some things from them, maybe even gotten a *job*. But that doesn't seem to be the case if they are living in the Smuggars old abode.

I wonder how much opportunity Ben and Jessa had to discuss the differences in their background. Jessa is sheltered enough that she might not realize the kinds of things Ben approves of. Most of us see Ben as Jessa's potential way out but she might be surprised at how different their beliefs really are. When you are really sheltered you tend to see things in black and white. For her Christians believe X, non-Christians believe Y. She may not really understand that most Christians aren't like her family at all. While Ben/the Seewalds would be considered very conservative even by Christian standards, they are flaming liberals by Duggar standards.

It's been confirmed by voter rolls (that I've seen) that Benessa are in Smuggar's old digs. And Smuggar is still registered to vote at the same address! 


So there you go. Pics they've shown reveal a facelift (white walls, new marble and backsplash in the kitchen). But where on earth is that "un-entitled" couple (referring to Bin's IG post about how he's so NOT entitled) going to put their registry haul? In the carport? 

  • Love 1

I know it doesn't compare to Jilly Muffin's McMansion, but Josh and Anna's old house is pretty nice for a young couple just starting out. Most young people with little education, few job skills, and only one spouse working wouldn't be able to afford that much of a place. I am still hoping Jessa will be able to attend trade school for hair or make-up or nails, which she once expressed a desire to do. That actually wouldn't be a bad way to supplement their income from home, but I doubt it will ever happen.

  • Love 4

Methinks that Ben will eventually become a self-righteous a-hole who demands total subservience. I've seen bits & pueces showing through with his blathering posts. He reminds me a bit of those ultra conservative LDS leaders.

However, i don't feel sorry for Jessa if that turns out to be true, because she's my least favorite Duggar (ok, not counting MEchelle).

  • Love 5

We do understand how easy it is for the discussion to move from Ben's possible college courses to discussing college and academics in general, but please bring that conversation to the Small Talk/Prayer Closet topic. A simple, "Getting away from Benessa here, taking reply to the Prayer Closet" will be fine.



 is she just not doing her hair and taking selfies?

(was that too cruel of me?)

Honestly, I have no idea what she could be doing, since it doesn't seem Ben has a job she can help with, like Anna.  Maybe KardashianFameWhoring courses, if that is still a thing?

Yes it is! Jessa is all about looking good and taking selfies she has studied the master Kim K. for years.

Edited by Fuzzysox
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I know it doesn't compare to Jilly Muffin's McMansion, but Josh and Anna's old house is pretty nice for a young couple just starting out. Most young people with little education, few job skills, and only one spouse working wouldn't be able to afford that much of a place. I am still hoping Jessa will be able to attend trade school for hair or make-up or nails, which she once expressed a desire to do. That actually wouldn't be a bad way to supplement their income from home, but I doubt it will ever happen.

I agree this is a nice house for a couple starting out. Even Josh & Anna made it work with 2 little ones & even the short time when Marcus came along. Can't wait to see the renovations & how it's decorated. Hopefully Boob got them things (furniture/updated appliances) at an auction too. I guess they'll use the spare bedroom as storage for all (ha ha, I meant some of) the registry items/wedding gifts. Maybe Jessa is using her time inventorying the items. I picture it like the Amazon warehouse- towels next to kitchen items, next to electronics, next to hair care, etc. Maybe they'll keep their $$$ in a marked box in the closet like Smugs did. That was weird.
  • Love 4

Interesting. I am on bed rest so, yes- I have nothing better to do.

Take a look at the BedBathandBeyond registries for both couples.

Jill and Derek received, literally, all but three Rubbermaid totes on their registry. By my math, they well exceeded a five figure haul of gifts. In one instance, they registered for 12 cereal bowls and received 28! They got every appliance they listed and there was nothing left save the Rubbermaid. Jesse and Ben had an impressive haul, too, to be sure. However, far more remaining unpurchased items. Some of those expensive items were the same between the girls, with Jill getting them while Jessa didn't. There are pages of items left on Blessa's list. Make of it what you will. But, I'm thinking the lesson might be to not have two weddings in less than six months, or, if you do, be the first. Lol

  • Love 9

What is Jessa doing? Perhaps she's writing Thank you notes...  I mean I'm sure she's writing some, to the people they know and all. I do wonder if the random fans who sent things in are receiving any acknowledgement from the Duggar brides. I assume that's part of why they sent the present, they were hoping to get a note back.  I wonder.


 Honestly I hope she is just hanging out. Reading and enjoying some quiet time, 'cause I don't think there will be much of it in her life....

What is Jessa doing? Perhaps she's writing Thank you notes...  I mean I'm sure she's writing some, to the people they know and all. I do wonder if the random fans who sent things in are receiving any acknowledgement from the Duggar brides. I assume that's part of why they sent the present, they were hoping to get a note back.  I wonder.


 Honestly I hope she is just hanging out. Reading and enjoying some quiet time, 'cause I don't think there will be much of it in her life....

Seriously, what *do* they do? They don't really have jobs, they don't read or see movies or DO anything. God, how boring. If I thought for a second that she was brought up to have manners, I'd agree that maybe she's writing Thank You notes, but let's be honest here...this whole family has an insane sense of entitlement so I'm not going to hold my breath that they are being proper in any of this.

  • Love 8

Interesting. I am on bed rest so, yes- I have nothing better to do.

Take a look at the BedBathandBeyond registries for both couples.

Jill and Derek received, literally, all but three Rubbermaid totes on their registry. By my math, they well exceeded a five figure haul of gifts. In one instance, they registered for 12 cereal bowls and received 28! They got every appliance they listed and there was nothing left save the Rubbermaid. Jesse and Ben had an impressive haul, too, to be sure. However, far more remaining unpurchased items. Some of those expensive items were the same between the girls, with Jill getting them while Jessa didn't. There are pages of items left on Blessa's list. Make of it what you will. But, I'm thinking the lesson might be to not have two weddings in less than six months, or, if you do, be the first. Lol

Ben and Jessa also registered for much, much more than Jill and Derick. I read somewhere it was over $30k worth of stuff. I believe Jill and Derick’s combined registries from Walmart and BB&B was worth around $15k (still a crazy amount) BUT they got 80% ~ 90% of their items fulfilled. Jessa and Ben probably didn’t come close to that percentage but if they got even half of what they requested, they still made out better, or should I say greedier, than her sister.


What is Jessa doing? Perhaps she's writing Thank you notes...  I mean I'm sure she's writing some, to the people they know and all. I do wonder if the random fans who sent things in are receiving any acknowledgement from the Duggar brides. I assume that's part of why they sent the present, they were hoping to get a note back.  I wonder.


 Honestly I hope she is just hanging out. Reading and enjoying some quiet time, 'cause I don't think there will be much of it in her life....

Fans have reported getting thank you cards from Jill and Derick that had their wedding picture on the front so I assume Jessa will follow with her own thank you notes. You know, when she isn’t too busy plotting her next selfie or daily bible verse to post on IG. As someone mentioned above, I think social media is her job now. Gotta promote her and her  husband somehow so they could build their brand as the ultimate fundie couple/“motivational” (gag) speakers…

  • Love 3

Ben and Jessa also registered for much, much more than Jill and Derick. I read somewhere it was over $30k worth of stuff. I believe Jill and Derick’s combined registries from Walmart and BB&B was worth around $15k (still a crazy amount) BUT they got 80% ~ 90% of their items fulfilled. Jessa and Ben probably didn’t come close to that percentage but if they got even half of what they requested, they still made out better, or should I say greedier, than her sister.


Fans have reported getting thank you cards from Jill and Derick that had their wedding picture on the front so I assume Jessa will follow with her own thank you notes. You know, when she isn’t too busy plotting her next selfie or daily bible verse to post on IG. As someone mentioned above, I think social media is her job now. Gotta promote her and her  husband somehow so they could build their brand as the ultimate fundie couple/“motivational” (gag) speakers…

Posted a pic of Jill and Derick's Thank You card on their thread.


As for the the total of Jill and Jessa's registries someone on FJ actually went through them and added them up and is what you have posted.

Fans have reported getting thank you cards from Jill and Derick that had their wedding picture on the front so I assume Jessa will follow with her own thank you notes. You know, when she isn’t too busy plotting her next selfie or daily bible verse to post on IG. As someone mentioned above, I think social media is her job now. Gotta promote her and her  husband somehow so they could build their brand as the ultimate fundie couple/“motivational” (gag) speakers…

All aboard the Stink/Tour bus. Where do we get tickets?

Actually I can picture them speaking alongside Boob & MEchelle. Oh my!

Don't forget, the two young couples have already spoken to at least one group about "relationships." This despite Jill and Derick being newlyweds, and Jessa/Bin maybe not even engaged yet (can't quite recall when last summer they did this). 


At any rate, what the FUCK do they know, aside from all the purity/pieces of your heart shit they've had rammed down their throats all their lives (Derick excepted)? Benessa had NO reason to be there, other than to yammer on about purity. They had yet to spend any time alone together to actually get to learn about one another uncensored. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
  • Love 6

If Jessa and Ben are indeed living in "Josh and Anna's old house", that house belongs to Grandma Duggar. Jim Bob doesn't own that house so it isn't his generosity they are living off of; it's Mary Duggar's kindness.

I'm sure Grandma gets TLC $$ and hope she has control it. But with all Boob's $$, it would be nice if he paid for the renovations. I forgot who I'm talking about. He probably had Mary pay for everything down to the smallest nail.

Edited by Barb23
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We do not know what Jessa and Ben are or are not doing. For all we know they could be quite busy. Jessa strikes me as one of the more private Duggars, remember she and Ben had their first kiss privately and kept most of their honeymoon and post-honeymoon plans secret.

I would have done the same thing. Maybe she is tired of the limelight...but of course she is going to always love her family but she can control how much she shares now.

  • Love 1

I wonder what Ma & Pa Seewald think of Benessa living closer to Duggars than them. They probably didn't realize when Ben moved into the Compound & went to "work" for Boob, they severed all ties to him, married or not. I thought since Ben is now the head of his household, he would have said they would be living closer to Hot Springs or wherever the Seewalds live. I guess the Seewalds couldn't make as good as an offer as Boob's - a house & job, if you can call it that. I'm sure they could have found something that would work for them in Hot Springs. It's just a shame that Boob still has somewhat of "control" over his married daughters. Note to Boob: I guess you didn't need to shed all those tears & whine about losing your daughters at the weddings (at least Jilly Muffin's). They haven't gone anywhere, they are just living in different houses.

  • Love 2

I'm honestly surprised Jessa didn't push to move closer to Hot Springs. That way she'd be out of range for Michelle to call and have her come to the TTH to resume her parenting duties. Also, I think it would be hard for her to be away from Jinger. I think Jessa could care less about her parents and buddy team, but Jinger is her best friend.

  • Love 3

The registry discussion is interesting to me. I haven't been to a wedding in years but just received an invitation to a cousin's wedding. Like any other couple they have things on their registry, mostly reasonably priced. I think the most expensive was $180 (vacuum) but almost nothing else was over $30. But the most interesting thing to me was they had an option set up to make a donation to a charity. There are a few options for charities that the couple cares about.  One was a foundation for the deaf. The bride is finishing studies to work with the deaf. This couple is young (early 20s) so it's not like two older people merging two households who don't need stuff. They just decided not to turn their wedding into a money grub for 30K worth of stuff. 


I have no problem with Jill and Jessa registering for stuff but it's this kind of thing that really conflicts with their 'heart of service'. If they truly have that heart, it would be seen in more than just a few photo ops with South American children. 

  • Love 12
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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