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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

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When did they all suddenly get on the internet? I feel like they were so opposed to outside influences and then suddenly the ones who have something going on in life -- DC or courting or weddings -- jumped on Twitter, Instagram etc. Was Jill the first one on bc Derick "allowed" it and then the house of cards fell and others got on?


Yeah she is on social media too much for a honeymoon, but I imagine the honeymoon was disrupted with constant phone calls from home when she posted the kissing pics and the "controversy" re consummation came out. Plus as gross as it sounds -- I bet she and Ben have been on each other many times a day for days in a row; gotta take a break if you want your woman to be able to walk esp. once they found out they were heading home; girlfriend needs to be able to walk into the home church without looking like she's in pain or else can you imagine the whispering and speculation about exactly what they had done, when, and how many times?! Gross as these people are, I can see JB asking his "little baby daughter" if she's gotten to "enjoy" Ben more than once.

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Kill me now, Ben's proposal was lovely as was the chapel. That was the first time I thought I saw some sort of human emotion other than snark from Jessa. Ben sounded *almost* eloquent. Almost.

That aside, these people are still batshit crazy.

And I will not watch anything other than repeats because I'm trying to watch without giving their ratings a boost. Shhh don't disillusion me please.

I also think Michelle might just be a bot, a la "Stepford Wives". JimBlob doesn't care and/or couldn't tell the difference.

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Where did the info on the "3 week honeymoon" come from? Was it People?


It occurred to me that we may have been misinformed. Perhaps one of them said something like "we will be on our honeymoon in three weeks," and it was reported as "we will be on our honeymoon for three weeks."


If they're using JBs money for the honeymoon, I can't see him paying for 3 weeks.


That said, if JB and J'chelle called them home because of the photo, they're idiots. Jessa and Ben have been over-sharing on social media for months -- this is nothing new. And they learned over-sharing at home, too. There is nothing more risque or immodest about that photo than there is about a million different things that JB and J'chelle have done on national television.


On an unrelated note, I simply cannot believe that they are going to set up housekeeping in that little room in the shed. I don't think that JB would be okay with TLC filming that, and the disparity in treatment between Jill and Jessa would simply be too extreme. Whatever the plans are, they have done a better job of keeping a lid on it than anything else. I assume that Jessa will be posting photos of their home -- whatever it is -- on Instagram pretty soon.

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I really hope their honeymoon wasn't cut short because of the picture. If that did happen what it would amount to is being punished/grounded by Mom and Dad. These are now married people. The idea that Chelle/JB feel like they have the right to say 'you are misbehaving - you have to come home now' is just horrifying. 


Edited to add... Re: consummating in the church... ok there have been many great posts about how it's incredibly unlikely that it would even have been possible (not enough time, huge dress, virgins doing a standing quickie seems unlikely etc. But let's say it's true. Aside from the stupidity of not locking the door (if you believe Jinger walked in)... who really cares? Of course it's stupid and kind of icky - but it's their business.

I don't think that either of them are so stupid and/or naïve that they wouldn't lock the door if they had any intentions of getting it on in the church. With that many people around, the odds were that anybody could have opened that door, either by accident or on purpose, and found them in a compromising position. I will never believe that either of them are that dumb.

As long as Jessa and Ben are beholden to Boob for an income and a roof over their heads, they will never be able to have any freedom or independence. Ben's biggest mistake (aside from getting tangled up with the Duggars in the first place) was to move onto the property. He's 19 with a limited education. Instead of staying in school, he let his libido get the better of him and made a major deal with the devil by surrendering control to Boob in exchange for marrying Jessa.

That intimate kissing selfie with Jessa in a low cut shirt and Ben's naked shoulder seriously violated Duggar "modesty"rules. We may find it tame, but I guarantee J'Chelle and Boob were not amused, and they are the ones holding the purse strings. I hope Ben can get some sort of real job that will allow the newlyweds to move into their own small apartment. Otherwise, I see rough days ahead.

Edited by Hpmec
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I really hope their honeymoon wasn't cut short because of the picture. If that did happen what it would amount to is being punished/grounded by Mom and Dad. These are now married people. The idea that Chelle/JB feel like they have the right to say 'you are misbehaving - you have to come home now' is just horrifying. 


Bin Bulb and Jessa may now be married, but since they are still 100% dependent on Boob and Mechelle, they can be ordered home from their honeymoon early. That's the deal they made.

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I don't think that either of them are so stupid and/or naïve that they wouldn't lock the door if they had any intentions of getting it on in the church. With that many people around, the odds were that anybody could have opened that door, either by accident or on purpose, and found them in a compromising position. I will never believe that either of them are that dumb.

I agree... I definitely don't believe they did it in the church... I'm just saying even if they did... it would just be dumb... not the crime of epic proportions it's being made out to be

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I agree with everyone who is saying they made the decision to be dependent on Chelle/JB so they will have to expect things like being called home from the honeymoon if they are "bad". (if indeed that's what happened). But I put at least as much blame on Chelle/JB for treating them like 8 year olds. A lot of newly married kids get financial help from their parents or even live with them, especially if they marry while in college or while young. But usually the parents still treat them like people instead of salivating at the prospect of being able to use their financial help as a way to control.

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I actually don't think the original poster (WHO IS FAKE!!!) said that they were having sex, just that they were feeling each other up. Which, could, if you DID NOT KNOW THIS BLOG IS FAKE is believable.

It's a really well done blog. It's someone who knows the culture pretty well, watches the show and is even more obsessed with the Duggars than even any of us. (!!). and is quick and imaginative enough to take a few facts and pictures and draw conclusions that seem probable. Like at Jill's wedding, she said Derrick picked Jill up and carried her out of the church - that's based on the photo of the announcement of the couple at the reception, but you know, that was actually a pretty good guess, given that they DID do a dramatic exit.

Edited by GEML
  • Love 5

Even if Ben made a deal with the devil so he could be on JB's property, get closer with Jessa and force an engagement, as a married man, he can back out of that deal IF he isn't taking their money. I realize he isn't well educated but he is a HS grad. It's November and there's tons of reporting on how every retailer in the country is hiring thousands of people. He's a young, strong guy -- why not get in with FedEx/UPS right now as a package handler, those facilities operate 24-7 so take as many hours as they'll give you, work your a$$ off in hopes that you get hired permanently in Jan, which actually does happen a lot with both of those companies. That salary will afford them at least an apartment of their own and he already has a car. That's how you start to make it on your own without taking from your father in law.


I mean I know he and his parents got into this salivating at the fact that JB could get Ben into the big leagues -- maybe even a DC job like Josh. JB has already proven that he will give what he wants to who he wants and his hand cannot be forced. Josh got a DC job. Jill got a mansion. Ben got -- odd jobs that involve cleaning toilets. I don't think he will suddenly go from fixing windows and cleaning toilets to being handed his own car dealership or being hooked up with an interview in DC, so why not give it up, find your own job and start putting one step in front of the other. 

  • Love 8

The kissing photo with Ben and Jessa AND Josh and Anna was taken in the Duggar kitchen. It's theoretically possible that it was taken before THE kiss, and only posted later, but now we are in some odd territory that after the wedding, but before HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE came to their home, THIS???? Is what the family was doing before Jessa and Ben left?

Too far fetched for me. Seems more likely it was taken to try and draw off attention from the original photo and thus taken afterwards. Therefore, Jessa and Ben are back "home" which doesn't fit with a three week honeymoon.

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If it is a rebellion on Jessa's part, I kind of want it to escalate to the point where she posts a picture of herself mowing the lawn in a bikini.

Oh, gawd no! Then jelly Michelle will have to post a duplicate one of herself. You know even at 44 Michelle's Irresistible Allure will cause divorces nation wide! 

 (edited b/c off double post)

Edited by xls
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Therefore, Jessa and Ben are back "home" which doesn't fit with a three week honeymoon.

Was it ever firmly established that they were taking a 3 week honeymoon?  That's a long time, especially when you're a young couple without much money.  There's no way JB would subsidize a 3 week honeymoon.  Ya' can't buy a used honeymoon.  

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Oh, gawd no! Then jelly Michelle will have to post a duplicate one of herself. You know even at 44 Michelle's Irresistible Allure will cause divorces nation wide!

Oh, gawd no! Then jelly Michelle will have to post a duplicate one of herself. You know even at 44 Michelle's Irresistible Allure will cause divorces nation wide!


I don't for one minute think the Duggar Sr. kiss had anything to do with anything other than damage control, but I will say this made me laugh out loud!

And it does again show that her memories and thought on her adolescence are very warped.

I'd read they were taking a three week honeymoon. Perhaps the Seewalds were paying, or it was comped- I don't know. Maybe it was a misprint or I'm just flat out wrong.

Edited by GEML

Jessa should have worn her hair in that beautiful updo/bun for her wedding. It would have looked better for her wedding, and I don't want to open the "Jill's wedding hair" can of worms, she should have done the same thing.. maybe it wouldn't have looked so damaged, dirty and messy on her wedding day.

An updo would have looked gorgeous for Jessa's wedding. IMO if you are already beautiful and have good facial features, then putting your hair up just accentuates that beauty.

Edited by farmgal4
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I'm sure the Duggar Sr. was damage control but to me it made it worse. The Ben/Jessa kiss picture was juvenile and silly... but not unusual for a couple of their age, especially who just got married. The Duggar Sr. picture is astonishingly embarrassing. How unbelievably immature for 40something couple to take a selfie of themselves kissing like that, especially when it's copying their children. They want damage control over how the picture made Jessa/Ben look (or more broadly the Duggars) but they made themselves look far worse than they did before. 

  • Love 7

Just saw the JB-J'Chelle copycat photo. I do not think it was in support of the Ben and Jessa pic, and I don't even think it was primarily a damage control move. I do think they were sending Jessa and Ben the following message: You are married now. It's ok to take and share a selfie of a closed mouth smooch. See, we can do it, too. However, you, like us, must be fully and modestly dressed. Your photo was way too NIKE.

I agree that posting kissing photos is completely juvenile and attention-seeking, but the fame has gone to their thick heads and they feel duty bound to share all facets of their Godly life with their fans.

Edited by Hpmec

Just the fact that any of these people felt it necessary to post pictures of themselves kissing is beyond me. I'm willing to give Jessa and Ben a pass for their instagram picture--they are young and dumb, like most people their age. But this picture of Benessa and Josh/Anna is creepy and weird. Who does this? Attention whores, that's who. And for Michelle and Boob to send Jessa a picture? I would DIE if my mom and dad did something like that.


Honestly, these people are all just attention whoring assholes. And they are not at all different from any other attention whoring "celebrity" out there. They think they are better than everybody else because they are so "godly". Whatever. They aren't modest, these people talk about sex more than porn stars. 

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I agree with everyone who is saying they made the decision to be dependent on Chelle/JB so they will have to expect things like being called home from the honeymoon if they are "bad". (if indeed that's what happened). But I put at least as much blame on Chelle/JB for treating them like 8 year olds. A lot of newly married kids get financial help from their parents or even live with them, especially if they marry while in college or while young. But usually the parents still treat them like people instead of salivating at the prospect of being able to use their financial help as a way to control.

I'm sure these kids Benessa are getting money someway and doesn't have to depend on JB.

I also don't understand why the Duggars think staying a virgin until marriage is such an accomplishment when the kids get married young and are dating/engaged for rather short periods of time. How old are Jessa and Ben? 19 and 22? Plenty of non-fundamentalists don't have a sexual experience until the age of 19 or their early 20s (like most of my friends). It's really not that amazing. I also think it's more of an accomplishment if you are allowed to date, go to college, etc. and make the conscious decision to remain chaste. But it's not so much if you simply never are given the opportunity to have sex...

Modesty is also not constantly publicizing kissing photos, regardless of if you are married or not.

Not so much opportunity. But freedom and self control. These kids marry young for sex and the first person they date or daddy approves of for sex. Which is why courtship and engagements are short. Plenty of people stayed virgins after high school and college and got married. I do think it's much more an accomplishment to stay a virgin when your older than younger

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cereality, on 09 Nov 2014 - 12:03 AM, said:

As much as I don't like to defend the Duggars, I don't even get that allegation. Seriously -- they think that Ben and Jessa just went for a quickie in the closet in the probably 10 min they had to themselves? I imagine they walked of church, maybe had a few min to themselves, then maybe took another few min to get themselves fixed up to either walk out to do hours of pictures (if they didn't do them first) or to go straight to the parking lot for their ice cream. The only time they would have had would have been right after they walked out and before they had to re-join the families to move onto whatever was next in the agenda.


Say they even had 15 min -- that isn't enough time to get out of that kind of dress unless you tear it, which you can't before the reception. I realize it doesn't take more than 1-2 min to do the deed esp for a first timer, but how realistic is it that Ben whipped it out and was able to get it under the miles of fabric of her dress, and without having a visual find the right area and um -- penetrate someone who isn't used to that?? This isn't a couple whose gone at it for 5 yrs that can get it done quick. I'm sure there was awkward fumbling the first time, which was probably hard enough in a hotel room, lying down, while "looking" at what goes where and being able to tell Ben what hurts. I call BS on whoever thinks they got it done so efficiently right there in the church. Plus Jessa (and I think fundie girls generally) gossip and whisper about sex, so they have some ideas about the horrifying parts of it. I'm kind of sure that Jessa has heard that the first time can hurt for a woman and she can bleed. I don't see her being so dumb as attempting something painful minutes before she needs to be smiling for pictures. Nor do I see her being so dumb as to attempt something that could cause her to bleed all over her white dress for all the guests to see.


Maybe the part about "Jinger opened the closet door, had a horrified look on her face, and closed it" is true. But let's be honest, Jinger is the master of exaggerated faces, rolling eyes etc. I could imagine her opening the door and seeing them still lip locked or maybe even French kissing with maybe a hand touching a breast or a butt and her getting that "OMG" look on her face and shutting the door -- esp if she had been expecting to see nothing or seeing a chaste little kiss. Then you have some fundie hanger-oner who sees Jinger's face and manufactures the whole story that she could ONLY be making that face bc she has just seeing Ben "penetrate" Jessa.

Frankly, I'm surprised this isn't a requirement.  Lol

I agree that there are plenty of virgins out there who don't go around bragging about it or thinking they're extra special or superior. Remaining a virgin when you live with your parents, aren't allowed to freely date, are constantly chaperoned, and encouraged to marry young really is not a challenge or accomplishment at all. Big freakin' deal.

I also agree that the duplicate kissing photos were total damage control. I kind of wish they would treat Bin and Jessa like the married adults they are and let them make and learn from their own mistakes.

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I think it was said clearly in People that they were taking a 3 week honeymoon in an undisclosed location. Would that really cost JB that much? I'm not thinking they went to Hawaii or any other expensive destination. I can see a mountain cabin somewhere in the bible Belt. They are celebrities in certain circles, so I don't think it would be hard for JB to find someone who knows someone who has a cabin in NC or Tn who is willing to rent it out and bc they are SOOO excited to have fundie royalty using their home, they're willing to give the new couple 3 weeks for the price of 1 or 1.5. JB can swing that. Once you have a cabin you don't need that much more -- it has a kitchen and you can cook most/all your meals, which just means a few hundred in groceries. JB probably paid Ben for some odd jobs right before the wedding and said "take my daughter somewhere nice on your honeymoon," allowing Ben to save up a few hundred and it isn't inconceivable that Ben's parents or grandparents may have given him a few hundred in cash as a wedding present. All of that would cover food and gas and it's not like there's much to do in those places besides spend insane amounts of time in the bedroom.

What type of parents would send that kind of pic to their newly married daughter and son-in-law? These two are beyond self-absorption and narcissism.

With all these kissing pics the Duggars keep posting, I think they might be causing some folks out there to have impure thoughts. I mean, what if there are some fundy/gothardite engaged couples who follow the duggars and are also waiting on their first kiss. All these close-up kissing pics and posts could be very tempting to them. For a family that preaches modesty and purity and godliness I find this very hypocritical of them.

Really! What is the purpose. There is absolutely nothing wrong with kissing, but why would these people splatter it all across social media? Especially JimPerv and MEchelle. They are sex-crazed lunatics!

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I hear ya, lucille66.

I like kisses.  They're a really lovely way to express feelings, from one given on the top of a five-year-old's head because he's just too darned cute for his own good, to a soft one on a grandmother's cheek full of gratitude, to a passionate one for a lover.  What I don't like is a display, for display's sake.  To me, these Duggar kissing photos look mostly about marking territory.

  • Love 8

I hear ya, lucille66.

I like kisses.  They're a really lovely way to express feelings, from one given on the top of a five-year-old's head because he's just too darned cute for his own good, to a soft one on a grandmother's cheek full of gratitude, to a passionate one for a lover.  What I don't like is a display, for display's sake.  To me, these Duggar kissing photos look mostly about marking territory.

Exactly -- a spontaneous kiss to show love or gratitude or passion or to say hello -- perfectly fine, we all do it. But a kiss that says "this is MY man or woman" really? When you have a 19 and 22 yr old doing that, fine they're young and horny and stupid -- I can overlook it. But when parents nearing age 50 need to say "this is MY man" in the same pose, filter etc. as their 22 yr old daughter -- there's something really wrong with that. We know he is your man -- he has been for 30 yrs and you delivered every one of his 19 blessings yourself, we know, we remember.


What I don't get -- even if the parents are gross, smug, and self absorbed enough to send this to their daughter, why on earth did Jessa post it? Wouldn't most girls look at that pic and say "uh ok thanks" or "oh my parents are gross" and move on? Did they MAKE her? How do you make a married woman do anything? Threaten to cut off Ben's job and throw them out of the house?

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Cereality, perhaps Jessa posted the picture TO SHOW that her parents are "gross, smug and self-absorbed".  Because, like us, she knows that they are and wants the world to know that she knows, without actually coming out and saying it.   

Jessa is a Scorpio.  Scorps often demonstrate very subtle, yet devastating ways of stinging/zinging people, when they're so inclined.   

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Unless they had a last minute change of heart, Ben and Jessa said that they’ll be filming at least some of their honeymoon. I assumed that meant TLC would be footing the bill because Jim Bob is too cheap to financially support his SIL any more than he probably is already. Someone speculated on another board that maybe Ben and Jessa planned two honeymoons, one so they could be alone and one for the cameras. The photo Josh posted could have been taken while Ben and Jessa were on their way to their second honeymoon.

Cereality, perhaps Jessa posted the picture TO SHOW that her parents are "gross, smug and self-absorbed".  Because, like us, she knows that they are and wants the world to know that she knows, without actually coming out and saying it.   

Jessa is a Scorpio.  Scorps often demonstrate very subtle, yet devastating ways of stinging/zinging people, when they're so inclined.   

If that was her intention then well, pot call kettle black. Maybe she wanted to publicly humiliate her parents but either way I bet she's just loving all the attention she's getting right now. She seems like quite the little ****-stirrer/attention seeker IMO...

Edited by Mariva
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Everyone's sucking face these days.




A week after the wedding Jessa and Ben appeared to be visiting  Josh and wife Anna in Washington DC.  Josh shared a photo on Saturday.



and .... ewwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I can't even....




They are so modest, my gosh. /sarcasm

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I tend to doubt that Ben and Jessa are as broke as some think. I am not convinced that JB keeps all the money they receive from TLC, selling photos, interviews, love offerings sent in their name, wedding gifts, profits from the book, and so on.

I think JimBob is very controlling, but I think it's pretty far-fetched to think he would somehow force Jessa and Ben to shorten their honeymoon simply over a picture of a kiss -- especially considering that obnoxious PDAs are a Duggar "thing". Plus, it sounds like Ben and Jessa apparently have contractual obligations to have their honeymoon photographed or filmed. Plus...the picture is still up.

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You know what? The two that make my stomach do a summersault are watching Josh and Anna kiss. I can't stand to see Anna "heat up" and go in for a kiss with Josh. It makes my skin crawl. Don't those people leave anything for private?

Now I am sure what I suspected is probably true of JimChelle....they swing from the light fixtures in the "love grotto", as these people believe that anything goes within marriage. Yet, they are choking their adult children when courting...having a chaperone 2 hours before the wedding "IN A CHURCH" to pray together and call Derick's mom to see how she is doing? Once the guy says "I Do,", she's his property to do whatever they like and flaunt it nationally...Don't understand these people.

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I really like the way Jessa fixed her hair in the big kissing shot. So there's that.


Apparently I've been going about this whole marriage thing all wrong. My husband and I will celebrate our 11th next month, and we only have one picture of us kissing...at the altar during our wedding. And the photographer was a little off time, so we're not *quite* kissing. I had no idea we were supposed to announce endlessly that we kissed. Of course, we kissed before the wedding. And frontal hugged. And not one pregnancy in 11 years. Perhaps "Hey, we're married! And we kiss! And make babies!" is only for non-heathen couples, and that's why I didn't get the memo. ;)

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You're absolutely right - it's a shame Jessa and Ben's wedding was tainted. But before I blame some satirical blogger, I blame the Duggars themselves. I graduated high school a virgin. I can tell you with 100% certainty, that my mother did not once say to family/friends/acquaintances/strangers - "You know, Redhead is a virgin. Society is too permissive, but our Redhead is a good girl." And believe me, my parents' circle of friends/family was loaded with high-school drop outs, unwed mothers, and slackers, while I was a college freshmen virgin - my mom could have used me to brag on and show others how superior she was as a mother, and I as a daughter. But she didn't - because she's modest - a word the Duggars misuse constantly.

The easiest way to keep people out of your sex life - don't talk about it. If you don't want folks speculating on your daughter's lost virginity - stop talking about it. These "modest" girls throw words like "sex" and "virgin" around utterly blasé, while I used to blush just thinking about them. That is not modest. And the fact that people on Instagram are saying things like - "Good for you Jessa. You show them there's nothing wrong with a married couple kissing!! <3<3<3" - makes me sick. It's a dog whistle to certain segments of the population, just like The War on Christmas.

You know what else there's nothing wrong with and is absolutely natural and everybody does - masturbation. But I don't want to see you do it, or hear it, or read about it, or see pictures of it. The kissing pictures are meant as pure titillation, but most of us have seen or had sex, so we can snicker at how silly they're being. But if you're a stay-at-home daughter, waiting for prince charming and kissing your stuffed animal - this is fundy porn, and those watching are made voyeurs.

I have had close friends who are Mormon and Muslim. They are just as modest and chaste as the Duggars claim to be. And after marriage, they did not feel the need to share kissing selfie pics, kiss in front of their chaste family members, or speak of sex/chastity/virginity before, during, or after marriage. It's weird and that's why this all bothers me. I can't help but think that Jessa and Michelle (can't tell yet with Jill) are really just going to town with this intimacy to rub it in their less fortunate sisters'/daughters' faces.

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GEML, on 09 Nov 2014 - 3:07 PM, said:

I wonder if the honeymoon was cut short because of the picture? If JB was footing the bill, that might explain how they suddenly ended up in the TTH kitchen right after it went out.

Josh didn't indicate that the picture was taken during Ben and Jessa's honeymoon or that he posted it the day it was taken, so it could have just as easily been taken prior to them leaving for the honeymoon and he posted it several days after it was taken. Maybe the family had breakfast together or went to church together (or whatever) the morning after the wedding before Jessa and Ben flew or drove off on their honeymoon. That seems more reasonable to me then to think they were forced to come home over a picture of a kiss.... and then another picture of a kiss was posted as soon as they were dragged back home.

Edited by starfire
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The Duggar Sr. picture is astonishingly embarrassing. How unbelievably immature for 40something couple to take a selfie of themselves kissing like that, especially when it's copying their children.

I've been watching the Duggars for years and have shaken my head in astonishment many times, but this takes the cake. I see this as a jealousy move on MEchelle's part, purely and simply: "See? We can be as 'in love' and sexual as our young, beautiful daughter and her husband." In all seriousness, this is one sick move. 

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What is going on with all of these picture? My stomach turned when I opened up Jessa's instagram and saw their kissing picture--and then realized it was actually Boob and Mechelle! I don't fully understand their motivation for sending it or her motivation for posting it, but gross. I'm just imagining MEchelle analyzing every detail of her daughter's picture and directing JB on how to tilt his head, position his lips, etc. EW.

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OK, they have been married for over a week. Does that mean the pregnancy watch has officially begun?  I hope it doesn't happen right away, but sadly I think it will.


I can't help but wonder if JB is gloating over the fact that he is beating Gil Bates in the grandbaby derby.  Right now he is leading 4-1.  Erin celebrated her first anniversary last week, and Alyssa has been married 6 months with no announcement, so it looks like she will also get at least one child-free year with her husband. How refreshingly "normal" they seem next to the Duggar brides.  

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