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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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It's no wonder we have thousands of different religious sects in America when we can't even seem to agree that Frito pie can me made lots of different ways.


I see no problem with Frito pie. It may be a Seewald family favorite, or it may be a little family joke (something even Jessa can make!). I think it's a reasonable choice for feeding a large group of people on a limited budget. Given the variety of possible toppings, it's a little like having a taco bar. Everyone can choose what s/he likes, and it's fun.


I would say the same thing about the running down the aisle. Different denominations have different ideas about what is appropriate in the Lord's house. For some, dignity and decorum is essential, while for others, open expression of joy is allowed -- and encouraged.


My issues with the wedding don't have anything to do with the mechanics of the ceremony. I think that they are both too immature for marriage, and they don't know each other well enough. I don't think sharing Bible verses under constant supervision for a year is a good way to really learn about another person. And, I don't see how they will be able to support themselves. 


I agree with the poster who said that they are both committed to this and will make every effort to make it work, but if they are planning to live with JB and J'chelle for a year or two, I think that will be very difficult. They need to spend time alone together to learn about each other and make decisions about their lives together. If they don't get some space from JB and J'chelle I think that will be very hard (look at how much Josh and Anna have grown since moving to DC).

  • Love 7

I don't see why Frito pie is inappropriate for a rehearsal dinner. They were probably feeding 50-75 people and I'm sure there were other things as well. It's not unlike the brisket served at Jill's - an easy main dish that keeps well and is considered party food.

I see it differently than you. Brisket, particularly if it's smoked, made in the oven and slow cooked at a low temperature for for several hours is quite different than Frito Pie (no matter how it's prepared). Apples and oranges, imo. Regardless, Frito Pie is about right for this crew and their dog and pony show.

  • Love 1

Frito pie reminds me of a twist on nachos, something to serve at a Superbowl party. But we usually also serve  buffalo wings and meatball sandwiches at our Superbowl parties. Our home team is the Philadelphia Eagles, and in addition to cheesesteaks being a Philadelphia favorite, they also sell a local specialty at the games called "Crab Fries".....essentially crinkle cut fries topped with crab seasoning and served with a side of while melted cheddar cheese. 


It's cold up here too, and raining like crazy. Best of luck to Jessa and Ben today, hopefully they didn't get rain at their wedding. I really hope Jessa is happy and remains so in her marriage...after all, it's Jim Bob who picked her husband for her. 

Edited by CarolMK
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The bride and groom were feted by nearly 1,000 guests, with the reception decorated with peach flowers and white roses. For a sweet touch, white ribbons were added to the end of the pews where the newlyweds' families sat.


Duggar's younger sister Jinger was her maid of honor. She was also joined by bridesmaids Jessica Seewald, Danielle Seewald, Michelle Seewald, Peyton Weiss, Anna Hackel, and Amara Query. Seewald's best man was Dylan McMahan. His groomsmen included his sibling Russ Seewald and Duggar's brothers Josiah and Joseph. Flower girls for the ceremony were Jordyn-Grace Duggar and Faith Seewald.


Edited by JerseyGirl
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Interviews taped yesterday with J'Chelle and JB and Jessa and Ben are posted on Pickes and Hairspray FB page. Of course J'Chelle and JB make it all about them. Apparently the newlyweds are taking a 3 week honeymoon. So much for Ben's education unless he plans to continue his online classes during short breaks from snogging.

  • Love 1

While Frito pie - casserole or a chili bowl - sounds yummy to me at the moment (a Californian enjoying a much needed rainy day), I can't help but think of the possible um, how do we say this - gas and bloating consequences - of said dish. Not sure if this is something I would want to digest less than 24 hours prior to my honeymoon....just sayin'!

Best of luck Jessa and Ben!

That's funny about the "consequences" of the Frito pie. Good point. Brought back memories of my rehearsal dinner which was hosted by my in laws at a very nice restaurant. It wasn't open menu but there were 3-4 entrees to choose from. We live in Maryland & one of the choices was crab cakes, one of my favorites. Sometimes crab doesn't sit with me right so I think I chose ham. I didn't want any unexpected surprises on my wedding day.

I see it differently than you. Brisket, particularly if it's smoked, made in the oven and slow cooked at a low temperature for for several hours is quite different than Frito Pie (no matter how it's prepared). Apples and oranges, imo. Regardless, Frito Pie is about right for this crew and their dog and pony show.

I'm with you about the difference between brisket & Frito pie. Plus the brisket was honoring Derick's dad & was his recipe. Since the Seewald bridal shower seemed nice, I was expecting more out of the Seewalds for the rehearsal dinner. I wonder if they offered anything else to eat? I'm sure there were some who don't like chili or don't eat it for above reasons or are vegetarians. Guess they just munched on lettuce & Fritos.
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Seriously! My DH and I got a weekend away and that was it. I guess you can take three weeks when neither of you has an actual job.

Must be nice. I had ten years on the job when I got married and I was at the bottom if the seniority list. We had to wait a month to go on our honeymoon because we had to synchronize available vacation days.

I just worry how JimBib is going to make this look like a valid, logical marriage. Even those of us with educations and jobs struggle. How is it going to work between these two when they have so little going for them? Can Ben raise a family of 19 on a salary as Jim's field hand?

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Move over Tater Tot Casserole, we've got a new Duggar delicacy.... Frito Pie!   I have no idea what that is, but it sounds revolting. 



Frito Pie sounds absolutely disgusting. I've never heard of it, but it sounds like it would make the Frito chips very soggy.


The bride and groom were feted by nearly 1,000 guests, with the reception decorated with peach flowers and white roses. For a sweet touch, white ribbons were added to the end of the pews where the newlyweds' families sat.


Duggar's younger sister Jinger was her maid of honor. She was also joined by bridesmaids Jessica Seewald, Danielle Seewald, Michelle Seewald, Peyton Weiss, Anna Hackel, and Amara Query. Seewald's best man was Dylan McMahan. His groomsmen included his sibling Russ Seewald and Duggar's brothers Josiah and Joseph. Flower girls for the ceremony were Jordyn-Grace Duggar and Faith Seewald.



Wait, does this mean the other Duggar sisters weren't in the wedding (besides Jinger)?

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You take chili that you've made from the day before, along with cheese, Fritos, and onions and layer it in a baking pan like you do with lasagne and bake at 375 for 45 minutes. My 10 year old can make it with a little supervision. This is a ballgame meal, not something you serve to your wedding party, especially when you're forgoing a reception dinner.

I have a very sensitive tummy, so this just sounds like a meal that would make me feel bloated and gross. Is this a very popular dish in the South?

Jessa and Ben wanted to experience their first kiss in private, so they didn't do it at the altar. All of that going on about how sacred it is, and they didn't even do it. How stupid! 

After having a front row seat to Anna and Jill's awkward first kisses, I bet Jessa was uncomfortable with the idea of everyone staring at her and Ben while they did the same.

  • Love 7

Jessa and Ben wanted to experience their first kiss in private, so they didn't do it at the altar. All of that going on about how sacred it is, and they didn't even do it. How stupid! 

I actually kind of respect that!

Everyone in that family makes such a spectacle about the first kiss at the wedding, that it is nice to see them say "eff you".

Although, it is a little strange to not have any kiss at the altar.

  • Love 19

I never thought I'd say this, but at least the Dillards served fresh chili...not day old "rehashed" chili at the rehearsal dinner. I always was of the opinion and experience that the rehearsal dinner was a somewhat dignified, poignant and more private event with both sets of parents, immediate close family and the bridal party. I assume this event took place in the church café-gym-atorium? Not knocking more casual events here, please understand, but these families have the means to do better for their kids but seem not to care to do so. I hope none of them who partook of this culinary delight had heartburn, gas or diarrhea at an inopportune time. I know, I would.

Re"doctored" chili is fine for yes, maybe sports parties, etc., but a wedding rehearsal dinner? I completely understand Mrs. Byrum's situation and they did the best they could under horrendous circumstances, but the Seewalds don't really have an excuse. I hope Michelle sat down and shut up at this affair as it was the Seewald's party and behaved like an invited guest, which is what the Duggar family was in this case.

  • Love 3

I have a very sensitive tummy, so this just sounds like a meal that would make me feel bloated and gross. Is this a very popular dish in the South?

It may be popular in the South, but not up North. I've made it a few times with leftover chili for my husband to chow on during football season. He asked for it after trying it at a Sonic Drive In. I'd rather just eat chili, but then I'm not a big fan of Fritos.

ETA: Frito Pie has certainly taken on a life of its own on this thread, lol. I'm sorry to be so outspoken about it, but I'm kind of flabbergasted someone would serve this at a rehearsal dinner.

Edited by msblossom
  • Love 4

I like the private kiss! Good for them! I could SORT OF get the idea that you saved your first kiss for your wedding day (I was religious enough that I saved mine for the person I planned to marry - and did) but I never, EVER, got the idea that it was " such a blessing" to share that "1000 with our closest friends and family."

I would have done like Jessica, had I been forced into that. (So thankful I wasn't.)

We were dirt poor, but had a two week honeymoon. When you don't have to work (or in our place, couldn't find work) what you have is time. We both married at 20, and we needed it. People probably donated a place to them as a gift. This does not mean they will have the type of honeymoon that Jill and Derrick or Josh and Anna did. They may barely be one step up from camping or in a hunting cabin.

And while I believe the Seewalds are what we would all agree as "classier" than the Duggars, I think they do not have a lot of money. They probably a frugal, and things like their home and cars are paid for, but paying for an elaborately rehearsal dinner and helping with wedding expenses, etc., is not as easy for them as for some like Cathy Dillard. I imagine the 2008 real estate downturn hit them hard, which is why he went from selling prefabricated homes to windshield repair.

Of course, money, as the Duggars show, does not make you more or less classy....

If Jessa is permitted to work, even part time along with Ben working part time while he goes to school, I think they will be ok. Otherwise, without parental support or some big thing they have yet to tell us, I'm not sure how they make this work.

Edited by GEML
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What? With all the trumpeting going on around that family about "saving their first kiss" for the wedding spectacle for all to see, Jessa and Ben didn't do that? What DID they do upon being pronounced husband and wife? What did Jim Boob say or do? You may now shake both hands and full hug? I can't blame them though for really making that moment what it should have been all along,,, one for ONLY THEM TWO to experience in private. I hope that was a "heck with you" statement from Jessa to her parents. She obviously didn't want to be ogled by l,000 people. Good for them.

Running out of the church, being barefoot in church, IMO, is not respectful of the bride and groom. They ARE in a house of worship, something they profess to make "Numero Uno' in their lives, G.O.D., one does NOT behave in such a way when in His house. I wonder if Jessa's feet were filthy too, like Joy and Jill's were?

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Jessa and Ben wanted to experience their first kiss in private, so they didn't do it at the altar.


I have to say that my impression of Benessa went way up after reading this. It is the first thing that either of them have said, or done, that I admire.


Conversely, my impression of Derick went WAY down after I read that he made that comment about "new cousins" at the rehearsal dinner. He must just be guzzling that kool-aide.

  • Love 11

I don't think any of us here are insinuating that either of these rehearsal dinners needed to have shrimp, lobster and prime rib. You don't have to spend a lot of money to be tasteful and make good choices in décor, menu and the overall feel of the event. My opinion still is that I don't believe Frito Pie (even the name makes me think of the Frito Bandito showing up) is a good choice for this occasion. Once again, a rehearsal dinner doesn't include a large party, even if you have 19 kids, so they could have had a nice, simple balanced meal catered and brought in. It wouldn't break the bank. After all, they elected to have "as many kids as God would send them" and these are some of the financial responsibilities that go along with that mindset, isn't it?

I have NEVER been to a wedding first class crystal everything, or Styrofoam cups in the church hall where the guests didn't comment on the event starting with what was "wrong with it" in their opinions. Whatever you do, someone will have something negative to comment on and I like to think many things positive to comment on too. My father used to keep "the envelope" unsealed until we attended the reception and judge should he "add to it or take some out" in the mens' room before the lineup with the bridal purse started....oh, those were the days, New York Italian weddings are an experience.

  • Love 8

Someone may have donated their vacation condo or cabin for three weeks and all they would need to do is buy groceries and take plenty of spending money for the occasional meal out and movie night.

Someone mentioned upthread that they would be living with the Duggars while Ben is taking online classes. I hope this is just speculation. It's more likely they would move into Grandma Duggar's old house.

I just had a squicky thought. Jessa will probably be pregnant in a few hours.


And as for supporting themselves, are they going to go to Boob every time they need money? Or ask him if they can earn some money for washing his car or vacuuming, like my 8 year old does?

Edited by NJRach
  • Love 7

The only kind of frito pie I have ever had was the kind where the lunch ladies dumped the chili from the day before into bags of fritos that were going to expire and served them as an entree.

Yep, that was exactly how they made in high school.

To me baking it in the oven would be a chore. The one and only time I made it myself, I was in my early 20's. I put some Fritos on a plate, put some heated canned chili and cheese on it and that was it.

Jessa and Ben wanted to experience their first kiss in private, so they didn't do it at the altar. All of that going on about how sacred it is, and they didn't even do it. How stupid! 

I can't blame her for not wanting to do this in public, especially with an over eager groom. Jessa's anti-bride comments and bluntness is a huge cover for a perfectionist and very image conscious person. It's a defense mechanism, but I totally see why she doesn't want the scrutiny and criticism. It's not like she can unhitch her wagon from his dog and pony show. It's all she's known for years, her family and now her income.  


I never thought I'd say this, but at least the Dillards served fresh chili...not day old "rehashed" chili at the rehearsal dinner. I always was of the opinion and experience that the rehearsal dinner was a somewhat dignified, poignant and more private event with both sets of parents, immediate close family and the bridal party. I assume this event took place in the church café-gym-atorium? Not knocking more casual events here, please understand, but these families have the means to do better for their kids but seem not to care to do so. I hope none of them who partook of this culinary delight had heartburn, gas or diarrhea at an inopportune time. I know, I would.

Eh, 2nd day chili, lasagna, beef stew, etc., usually tastes better. Frito Pie isn't what I chose for my rehearsal dinner, but I've been in weddings with rehearsal dinners ranging from private chefs to beach roasts to Nonna's homecooking to beer and pizza, so as long as the couple is being gracious and hospitable to guests, the menu doesn't matter to me.

  • Love 13

Their first wedding photo. Jessa's dress looks pretty. Ben looks goofy -- not crazy about the color of his shirt and red bow tie combo. The look happy though. http://www.people.com/article/jessa-duggar-ben-seewald-married-wedding-19-kids-and-counting

Is Micheal serious? Marriage doesn't make you a man. It doesn't make you more mature.

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I saw the People picture and I think Jessa wore a regular, non-altered dress.  In blush!  It was very pretty.

Yes! Finally Jessa proved you can wear a fitted dress with unaltered sleeves and necklines and still modest and tasteful. I think PEOPLE got the shade of the dress wrong though, it's beige not blush.

  • Love 3
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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