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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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It has always been my opinion, brooksneenee, that YES, none of them know anything about marital based love. Those teenage relationships are a training ground that is valuable. A couple just can't be themselves when someone else is always around, plain and simple. They have teenage infatuation, excitement and because they are physically adults (only physically) they have sexual desires that are out of balance with what's in their heads. Children marrying children.

I hope Jessa's reception is at least indoors with seats for the guests....I don't think ice cream would be a good choice for a November wedding, even in Arkansas. It's going to be 54deg today over there...that's the HIGH.

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I hope Jessa's reception is at least indoors with seats for the guests....I don't think ice cream would be a good choice for a November wedding, even in Arkansas. It's going to be 54deg today over there...that's the HIGH.


That's perfect weather for a 150-pound full-length satin MOB dress with a flattering choke neck and a modest elbow-concealing jacket.

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Move over Tater Tot Casserole, we've got a new Duggar delicacy.... Frito Pie!   I have no idea what that is, but it sounds revolting. 


From the photos, it looks like Jessa and Ben have planned to "run" down the aisle as well.  

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Looks like Jessa is following in Jill's (bare) footsteps. Ugh.


ETA: looks like we posted it at about the same time, lizzy3.


Good catch on the bare feet!  I didn't notice that at first.  Is this a trend of which I'm unaware?  Bare feet in November just seems impractical (and unsafe, and just plain gross).  

Edited by lizzie3
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So many things to snark on here...

Frito pie for a rehearsal dinner? Um, no.

That's nothing more than a chili, Fritos, and cheese casserole. Basically something your average 15 year old can make in their sleep. Come on! That's just rude.

What is the obsession with the gold sweater? I hope Jessa bought herself a new one since Jill has worn that old sweater in umpteen episodes and TV interviews already.

Here we go again with the barefeet -- spare me! And more importantly, spare your guests of having to put up with this nonsense, you aren't having a beach wedding. And you do realize, it's Fall, and you don't live in the tropics. Girl, put on a pair of skimmers at the very least, and call it a day or take your wedding to Cancun. What do ya wanna bet, we'll have to witness another shabby wedding? I'll need more alcohol for round 2.

  • Love 6

Frito Pie! Love it! It's just a bowl of homemade chili, you pour the chili in your own bowl over fritos and your choice of toppings such as sour cream, cheese and onions. Perfect!


Thanks for the clarification!  I had imagined some sort of baked good with Fritos!  This sounds much better.  Not something I'd serve at a wedding rehearsal, but that's just me...

Edited by lizzie3
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Looks like Jessa is following in Jill's (bare) footsteps. Ugh.


I just think it's so disrespectful to be bare foot in a church.  Jill said both her and Jessa have been "walking in relationships" with her sister....I know Michelle didn't teach her the difference but relationships is plural, you've only had ONE relationship and of course Derrick just had to add "And we're looking forward to seeing more cousins"....Derrick those will be your nieces and nephews not cousins.

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It's starting to look like they just did a 'repeat' for Jessa. I sure hope that isn't the case. Each girl deserve their own wedding. Even if we think a wedding is tacky, if the bride loves it then good. But if a bride doesn't even get to choose her own wedding because the parents figure all the kids are the same, then even if the wedding is beautiful, it's just wrong. 

  • Love 6

Sounds pretty much like a repeat of Jill's event. Barefoot bride? Check. Galloping out of church for some nookie in a back room? Check. Inadequate reception seating for the number of guests (200 chairs total for 800 guests)? Check.

Taking bets that J'Chelle will be back in the tin foil monstrosity for round two since JBoob told her he likes it.

Let the snarking begin.

  • Love 7

They must have sucked up all the mustard colored sweaters at Forever 21 because Anna has one too. 


Ugh barefoot running down the isle-----why??? Just tacky.


Best of luck today Jessa I feel bad for you because your mom might show up in another u.g.l.y. outfit. *cringe* 


I had high hopes that Jessa's wedding would be a little more classy but without friends to help or guide them they just end up playing follow the leader and don't even bother planning their own wedding or put their own touches on their special day.

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In the People article, Michelle says, "we pray [ben and Jessa] grow closer"--as opposed to what? We pray they grow further apart after they're married? Is the tinfoil queen trying to tell us something about this relationship, or is she just making stupid talk?

Aren't they suppose to be closer since they're getting married??

Sounds pretty much like a repeat of Jill's event. Barefoot bride? Check. Galloping out of church for some nookie in a back room? Check. Inadequate reception seating for the number of guests (200 chairs total for 800 guests)? Check.

Taking bets that J'Chelle will be back in the tin foil monstrosity for round two since JBoob told her he likes it.

Let the snarking begin.

It's that fundie school that they can't do math right

At Jill's wedding, Jim Bob said that he wasn't ready to give up another daughter so soon. Jessa quipped, "You don't want us to elope, do you?" I think she has a determination and independence that's refreshing among Duggar girls.

I really think that the only reason Jessa is getting married is to get out of that house. I don't blame her

  • Love 2

I don't think Jesus cares if you wear shoes if you want to make it about "shoes in church".

Frito Pie is not pie, it is quite elaborate chili with LOTS of fixings. Perfect for the weather they are having.

I hope Jessa doesn't do her hair up to resemble hairy brains like so many brides.

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I'm not a big fan of Benessa or the Seewalds. But after seeing these pictures, I'm really hoping the Seewalds, esp Guinn, help pull Jessa away from the Gothardism way of life. Ben does have a large extended family that could be influential as well.

Could you explain the difference between the Seewalds and the Duggars, because to me there's no much choice between the two families. 

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Could you explain the difference between the Seewalds and the Duggars, because to me there's no much choice between the two families.

I don't know much about vision forum but it seems more lax than gothard since Ben was in college when he met Jessa

Ten more minutes to go until the wedding. I wonder if Ben and Bob is going to be an ass and show everyone the bloody sheets to prove Jessa was a virgin.

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How far away is Bentonville, AR then Tonitown? I'm betting no after the wedding reception at the TTH.

And ITA Guinn is a lot more classy then MEchelle. she is always dressed well not frumpy. I always teach my girls that appearance is everything. Always look clean and dress nice because first impressions are everything.

Bentonville & Tontitown are about 20-30 min away from each other.

It's so cold! Last weekend was beautiful in the 70's. Right now it's 45 degrees at noon. No bare feet!

Gotta love that she's been showing her knees. You go girl!

Can't wait to see Mechelle's dress.

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I would say we need to teach our children how to be women and men. But once they turn 18 they are free to take what we have taught them and make their own decisions.

Maybe Jill and Jessa wanted to do something their parents wouldn't do. Like...not wear shoes. And Jessa with her knees exposed. Jill licking Derrick's fingers. Going to a Broadway play. And Josh, he planted a good one on Anna.

Not exactly what their parents had in mind for them?

  • Love 1

I would say we need to teach our children how to be women and men. But once they turn 18 they are free to take what we have taught them and make their own decisions.

Maybe Jill and Jessa wanted to do something their parents wouldn't do. Like...not wear shoes. And Jessa with her knees exposed. Jill licking Derrick's fingers. Going to a Broadway play. And Josh, he planted a good one on Anna.

Not exactly what their parents had in mind for them?

Snogging in the aisles is something Josh witnessed growing up, not a sign of hedonistic rebellion.

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Hope they took notes at Jill's ill-planned wedding reception and are ditching the ice cream sundaes or are revising it and serving up ice cream cake instead. These people aren't dirt-poor -- hire a catering company and do it right! Unlikely though, since their idea of a rehearsal dinner meal is to serve Frito Pie. Tacky.

  • Love 3

The simplest (and by no means only) difference between the Seewalds form of Fundamentalism and the Duggars' is that the Seewalds would be less intimidated by education. They may homeschool, but they would be more prepared to send their children to college (preferably a Christian one, but the point is to prepare them to face anything) and to work in a secular world if necessary.

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Mother Sprinkles would have tripped me if I had run out of the room after my wedding. Just sayin'. 


I was taught that marriage is very sacred and not to be taken lightly -- especially when it takes place in the House of the Lord or any place deemed sacred for other religions. If you are having a religious wedding than the proper respect should be given for that ceremony. Somehow, being bare foot in church and running down the aisle and making a spectacle of yourself is not reverent in the least. If you want to do that then have the ceremony take place somewhere else. 

  • Love 8

Frito Pie is not pie, it is quite elaborate chili with LOTS of fixings.

It is pie, in that it is baked in a pan. It is actually a casserole. And I don't know what kind of Frito Pie you've had, but it is not elaborate. You take chili that you've made from the day before, along with cheese, Fritos, and onions and layer it in a baking pan like you do with lasagne and bake at 375 for 45 minutes. My 10 year old can make it with a little supervision. This is a ballgame meal, not something you serve to your wedding party, especially when you're forgoing a reception dinner.

  • Love 4

It is pie, in that it is baked in a pan. It is actually a casserole. And I don't know what kind of Frito Pie you've had, but it is not elaborate. You take chili that you've made from the day before, along with cheese, Fritos, and onions and layer it in a baking pan like you do with lasagne and bake at 375 for 45 minutes. My 10 year old can make it with a little supervision. This is a ballgame meal, not something you serve to your wedding party, especially when you're forgoing a reception dinner.

I made Frito pie when I was 12. It's something you would eat for the Superbowl or on a lazy day when you don't feel like cooking a real meal (looking at you Michelle).

  • Love 6

I think Jessa's rehearsal dress is adorable.



Joe Jitsu913, on 01 Nov 2014 - 1:49 PM, said:

Why not have hot soup and finger sandwiches? It would be perfect for cold weather and would be perfect for cheapskate Jim Blob.


Maybe they like Frito Pie.

Edited by Higgins
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It is pie, in that it is baked in a pan. It is actually a casserole. And I don't know what kind of Frito Pie you've had, but it is not elaborate. You take chili that you've made from the day before, along with cheese, Fritos, and onions and layer it in a baking pan like you do with lasagne and bake at 375 for 45 minutes. My 10 year old can make it with a little supervision. This is a ballgame meal, not something you serve to your wedding party, especially when you're forgoing a reception dinner.

Actually, Frito pie can be either or.   It can be baked into a casserole, but that is not the ONLY kind of Frito Pie.  It can also be just a bowl of Frito's with chili poured over it & then topped with cheese, sour cream, onions, etc.  


I agree that it's not wedding food, but disagree that is ONLY a casserole/pie. 

  • Love 4

You know up until Jill's whole engagement and wedding, I really thought Jessa was the favorite one. She always seemed JimBob's favorite. She seemed to get all the attention and got out of doing all the work. JimBob never seemed to mind that his precious Jessa didn't do anything because she was his favorite. I don't mean it to be a snark or even the word precious sarcastically. I wonder what happened. 

Edited by andromeda331
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Since the rehearsal dinner is Bin's family hosting then it means it's a Seewald version of TTC. 


Poor Jessa I sure hope the sex was worth giving yourself to a kid that is considered your dad's new slave. *sigh*

I was just thinking that the groom's family hosts the rehearsal dinner.  I thought they would have something similar to the nice spread they had for Jessa but maybe a little bit more. 


eta:  I personally love chili and I think it's great to serve on a cold day but the fritos, no thank you especially if it turns soggy. 

Edited by abseedee
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I'm actually hoping that Jessa and Ben turn out ok -- although I'm not really sure what "ok" in their world is going to mean.  And I agree that Ben as a person, in my opinion, is a nicer person than any of the comparable Duggar young men around his age.  He may not be educated (yet) or have a great career ahead of him, but for all John David owns a house and business and can fly a plane, he's still emotionally the more immature.


I have a lot of ambivalency about Ben. As I said previously, he often comes off as someone who rode the little bus to school. He's not very articulate and even seems a little goofy at times. On the other hand, he is only 19 and as a fundie, hasn't been exposed to an awful lot of the Real World. I sure wouldn't want to be judged now on the things I said and did when I was 19 either. At that age, you don't know what you don't know. But you are very sure you have everything figured out. And tend to marvel that older adults seem stumped by so much. That's how he comes off to me right now. Bottom line, I don't think he and Jessa have a bright future right now and would not be surprised if they're not married even 5 years from now. Based only on the fact that they're so young, immature and inexperienced. If they can get the heck out of Dodge and away from Boob and Gothardism they might have a chance. And maybe they both really want what Boob and Mechelle have. If so, that's fine and I hope they get it.

Edited by NausetGirl
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While Frito pie - casserole or a chili bowl - sounds yummy to me at the moment (a Californian enjoying a much needed rainy day), I can't help but think of the possible um, how do we say this - gas and bloating consequences - of said dish.  Not sure if this is something I would want to digest less than 24 hours prior to my honeymoon....just sayin'!


Best of luck Jessa and Ben!

  • Love 7

I don't see why Frito pie is inappropriate for a rehearsal dinner. They were probably feeding 50-75 people and I'm sure there were other things as well. It's not unlike the brisket served at Jill's - an easy main dish that keeps well and is considered party food.


My bad, I thought they were serving this after the wedding.  You're right that it is okay for rehearsal dinner.  it's very easy to make, can sit & stay warm until everyone is ready to eat & is versatile.  they could have even had pre-made elbow mac noodles & folks could have made chili mac if they didn't want Frito pie or even just a bowl of chili w/ toppings.   It actually gives guests a bit of variety w/out adding a lot of expense. 


It sounds yummy to me especially because it is a little cold and gloomy here in NOVA today.

It IS really good on a cold day. 

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Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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