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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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I'm sure the original Spurgeon's family didn't call him Spurgeon, they called his Charles.  Why couldn't Ben & Jessa just name him Charles in honor of him.  It's just so stupid.  They could have named his Charles Spurgeon Seewald.  Throw the last name Eliott in there if you have to, whatever, but giving their hero's last name to their kid as a first name is just so stupid. Their hero had a first name, he was called Charles. 


Because then the name wouldn't have been pretentious and in-your-face about how much more godly they are than the rest of us. Anyone can name their kid Charles, but only a "religious scholar" like Ben could choose Spurgeon.

  • Love 9

I'm not familiar with the Duggar home and I'm more than okay with that, but I have a question for those who are. Did Joshie greet us at the main entrance in that oh-so-festive video? I hope that was a side entrance with a desk off in a nondescript corner because from what I saw it really looked like they had Jana working the reception desk. And then with the two girls slaving on the production line on the cafeteria table...this is not a home, people. This looks more like a factory operation.

That Duggar Christmas video is strange to me. Of course, we have the Mostest Smuggest Josh leading us around the warehouse mansion, teaching us all about Christmas, stopping to have Michelle explain to us all about the baby Jesus, peaking into the mailroom where the ever-working Jana (who, by the way, has perfected the fundie-bump hair), is sorting all of the international leg-humper Christmas cards.

Enter into the industrial kitchen where the twin J-boys are pretending to be hand washing coffee mugs. When there are TWO Industrial dishwashers right there! When Joshie asks what yummy foods will be cooked to fill the restaurant buffet table, the boys look perplexed and couldn't name a single menu item. Because they knew that the J-slaves would be peeling plastic film off frozen tubs of food and slopping it onto the buffet.

They show us a bowl of "homemade" cookies looking like stale, store-bought Chips Ahoy!

Sweet Jinger and Joy are assembling gift bowls for their neighbors. Do the Duggar's even have neighbors? Into the bowls, they put a full sized bible!, fake $100 track, one banana, one orange, one apple and dollar store candy!

Jackson is trying to interest Justin with an indoor game of football, who just walks away.

And hi Jordyn, who is helping herself to a snack; most likely her breakfast was an instant packet of oatmeal mixed with warm tap water, most likely prepared by Jackson.

Enter into the train station sitting area, where various adult Duggar's hand out. Then we get to hear the very special Christmas story, told by Ben while Jessa gazes creepily at her Headship.

The whole video is finished off by the barefoot Duggar's singing a Christmas song, making precious, sweet, super awesome family memories!

Oops Sorry! Can this be transferred to Duggar lifestyle board?

  • Love 10

If Jessa and Bin were on their own I'd have much greater hope for both of them but from what I've read people often get stuck, maturity-wise, at the age they get married to another person (just look at Boob and Mechelle, the perpetual teens) because they create this echo box where they keep affirming each other's level of maturity while at the same time wanting to stay the same type of person that the other one was attracted to. Some people are able to mature and grow together as they age, but I'm not sure either Jessa or Bin has the ability to do that.

Edited by Vaysh
  • Love 7

If Jessa and Bin were on their own I'd have much greater hope for both of them but from what I've read people often get stuck, maturity-wise, at the age they get married to another person (just look at Boob and Mechelle, the perpetual teens) because they create this echo box where they keep affirming each other's level of maturity while at the same time wanting to stay the same type of person that the other one was attracted to. Some people are able to mature and grow together as they age, but I'm not sure either Jessa or Bin has the ability to do that.


Well, that's scary! And all too plausible. I guess it's always much easier to be a dumb jerk when we have another dumb jerk or two around to reinforce the jerkiness. That's a pity. Especially, as always, for the growing crowd of little children in this messed-up family.


I'm still hoping it won't hold in this case, though. Good grief. Won't they just get bored with those same damned bible verses over and over? And I do think the level of reinforcement they get from leghumpers is going to wane -- because they're certainly going to get bored with the perpetual theme. It's already ridiculously repetitive. And I can't see them being smart enough to come up with any new twists.


Who knows where that will lead, though. Hard for me not to see Jessa and Ben wanting to rip each other's faces off in a few years, given the negative-nelly life they've set up for themselves -- and the fact that, contrary to their hopes, it's never going to propel them into being media preachers. Hard to see that they won't just get poorer and more desperate -- and when that's set against a backdrop of all their negativity... just looks like a pretty awful life. Maybe if they start hating one another, at least one of them will get a new idea!

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 4

I'm convinced by what Bin has said and how he acts that he really sees a big ministry for himself and Jessa.  While I don't watch religion shows on tv, I've seen enough clips or heard enough from people to know they don't preach how bad everybody is.  They smile, and preach prosperity.  Now Bin may think that leaves the perfect market opening for him (if he can think that well) I really don't think that market is there for him.  Even his wife has a smug, "go ahead, hit me" look on her face, and someday, somebody just may do that.  

  • Love 8

I think its actually pretty sad that all Jessa does is post about fire and brimstone, when she's not taking selfies.

The girl has been starved for attention since she was old enough to walk, her mother checked out when she was 2-5 maybe? Then you have that whole josh "incident". And on top of that, her "religion" doesn't really leave much room for her to do anything other than have babies, and she doesn't seem to be a kid person in the least.

I think if she was a boy, she'd (he'd)? be one of the first kids to leave. Jill seems leagues happier with her life, (she's the medicine woman, her husband makes her cereal, she has a baby) but Jessa just seems, attention starved, lonely and dare i say... depressed? This is technically the high point of a fundie womans life, and yet she posts nothing but selfies and brimstone. Says a lot, I think.


I agree. I'm not a psychologist, and I've never met Jessa, but it wouldn't surprise me if she was depressed. I thought the same thing about Jill. too.


Her whole reason for living, really, is to marry and produce Christian warriors. She has gotten everything that she is supposed to want from life in the past year. She should be deliriously happy, but there is no evidence that she is. It reminds me of the old Chinese curse -- "may you get everything that you truly desire" -- and it's really true. Wanting things, dreaming about things, aspiring to things is exciting and life affirming, the reality seldom lives up to our fantasies, though. Getting what you thought you wanted can be a real letdown for  a lot of people.


And, also in this year, there was the Josh scandal and the loss of the financial security that TLC provided, the reality that having the dumb, but more "photogenic" husband might not be a real advantage with no television show, and the unpleasant discovery that she would not be dropping "blessings" like tic-tacs like her mother, and she's got to see a long not-fun life stretching out in front of her right now.


I hope that the two of them outgrow this phase, but I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't. I've seen the promo for "Counting On" and I find it hard to believe that it will be more than 1-2 specials (3 would be a push). Of course TLC has not yet found the bottom of their barrel, so I could certainly be wrong.

  • Love 6

Because then the name wouldn't have been pretentious and in-your-face about how much more godly they are than the rest of us. Anyone can name their kid Charles, but only a "religious scholar" like Ben could choose Spurgeon.

"Religious scholar" lol. I bet it took them so long to release the name because they had to practice spelling it!

  • Love 8

I'm convinced by what Bin has said and how he acts that he really sees a big ministry for himself and Jessa.  While I don't watch religion shows on tv, I've seen enough clips or heard enough from people to know they don't preach how bad everybody is.  They smile, and preach prosperity.  Now Bin may think that leaves the perfect market opening for him (if he can think that well) I really don't think that market is there for him.  Even his wife has a smug, "go ahead, hit me" look on her face, and someday, somebody just may do that.  


Yeah, I get the same impression about Ben. But, as you suggest, they don't have the brains, the personality, the energy, or the right beliefs to make a go of that. Heck, Jill and Derick are closer to the mold of success than these two are, because they're sunnier. And it really looks as if this may be Benessa's only plan. That's why I can really see them getting angry and fed up -- with everything and each other -- in a few years. They're starting out with so much negativity all the time, and then if their dream turns out to be a bust, as it will, it's hard to see how they're not going to be pretty angry, frustrated and scared.

  • Love 4

Jessa probably had expectations that marrying Ben would lead to something resembling the independence the Smuggars had, and although it may not have been something she "deserved", it wasn't an unreasonable expectation.


Settling for the teenager definitely set her back. She should have held out for somebody at least her own age, although, as she's intimated, the Duggar-daughter suitors other than Ben and Derick were probably pretty creepy.


Her expectation was unreasonable, though, in any case. Josh wasn't making a go of the car lot, the job he got in Washington was a not-even-once-in-a-lifetime fluke, and lightning wasn't going to strike the Duggars twice with something like that.


This is another way in which their endless "sheltering" of these kids -- plus the crazy-high material expectations that the TLC show has provided -- does them incalculable harm. She had no real way of knowing that she was expecting something that could never be. And it's cruel to set your kids up like that. (Not that kids necessarily listen to your cautions, of course. Do they ever? lol   But at least they will have heard them and you won't have reinforced their delusions.)

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 6

That Duggar Christmas video is strange to me. Of course, we have the Mostest Smuggest Josh leading us around the warehouse mansion, teaching us all about Christmas, stopping to have Michelle explain to us all about the baby Jesus, peaking into the mailroom where the ever-working Jana (who, by the way, has perfected the fundie-bump hair), is sorting all of the international leg-humper Christmas cards.

Enter into the industrial kitchen where the twin J-boys are pretending to be hand washing coffee mugs. When there are TWO Industrial dishwashers right there! When Joshie asks what yummy foods will be cooked to fill the restaurant buffet table, the boys look perplexed and couldn't name a single menu item. Because they knew that the J-slaves would be peeling plastic film off frozen tubs of food and slopping it onto the buffet.

They show us a bowl of "homemade" cookies looking like stale, store-bought Chips Ahoy!

Sweet Jinger and Joy are assembling gift bowls for their neighbors. Do the Duggar's even have neighbors? Into the bowls, they put a full sized bible!, fake $100 track, one banana, one orange, one apple and dollar store candy!

Jackson is trying to interest Justin with an indoor game of football, who just walks away.

And hi Jordyn, who is helping herself to a snack; most likely her breakfast was an instant packet of oatmeal mixed with warm tap water, most likely prepared by Jackson.

Enter into the train station sitting area, where various adult Duggar's hand out. Then we get to hear the very special Christmas story, told by Ben while Jessa gazes creepily at her Headship.

The whole video is finished off by the barefoot Duggar's singing a Christmas song, making precious, sweet, super awesome family memories!

Oops Sorry! Can this be transferred to Duggar lifestyle board?

This post cracks me up!  I love it.  A perfect hilarious description of Duggarland.  

  • Love 7

Jesus, that picture of Charles Spurgeon is giving me the willies ! He's like an evil John Larroquette ! And that walking stick ? Menacing, I tell you. Menacing. 


I think I've finally figured out for myself what pisses me off the most about Jessa and Ben. I'm still trying to put words to it so please bear with me...


Their apparently limitless insufferability reminds me so very much of the plague of the American teenager - the discovery of affectation. You know, when a 14 or 15 year old declares that they are going to be a poet, and they haul around volumes of Sylvia Plath everywhere they go like it's Jesus carrying the cross. Or when they decide to protest world hunger by refusing to eat in front of the entire family at Christmas dinner, wearing black head-to-toe and crossing their arms defensively over their chests just to make sure everyone gets the point. Or when they become a vegan, a Buddhist, a nihilist, a PETA member, and an off-gridder, all on a random Monday, swear eternal loyalty to their lifestyle, but have abandoned it all by Friday. It's all kind of funny when there's nothing at stake, no ?


But there's something at stake here ! They're married and breeding now ! Unfortunately, that's Jessa and Ben to me - simply swimming in teenage angst, acting out inappropriately, impulsively, defensively at every turn. They've seemed to set their jaws, stomped their feet, and resigned themselves to being the fiercely "outside" outsiders, the hyper grown-up, mature old souls who don't have time for your silly, silly concerns - look how dedicated we are to our sad, joyless, depressing lives devoid of happiness ! We're so devout that we don't even ENJOY our child ! It's more important that he bears the name of some weird 19th Century cleric than it is for us to find joy in his existence ! He's not a child, he's a symbol, and we're not backing down ! 


The whole thing is getting more and more cult-y to me every day - it's making JB and Michelle's version of Christianity look positively benign. Lord help Baby Brown Towel - his parents are absolutely insane with their dark, apocalyptic postings, and I don't think this is something they're going to "grow out of". If anything, I see Ben digging in his heels even more as the criticism grows, and Jessa putting her hands on her hips and backing him at every turn. 


Jesus wept. 

ALL of this. Well put. God Speed Baby Brown Towel. 

  • Love 8

Even if she won't admit it, I think Jessa is feeling some buyer's remorse when it comes to Bin. She was desperate for freedom and feared ending up like Jana, so when a hapless teenager with nice biceps came along, she pounced. Now she's stuck with a man-boy who can't support her and the fame will dry up eventually. I suspect Jessa will become a nasty piece of work when that happens.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 17

That fug beige wreath thing in their house must be a Christmas thing. Here's a Duggar Christmas Tour.


Did anyone else notice when Josh comes through to the dining room there is one of those family rule signs in the background which includes the phrase "hug often"?    


It should really say "side hug often but not too often - - we wouldn't want to conjure up any desires that couldn't be righteously fulfilled"

  • Love 4

The little reminders are everywhere in that video. This was my favourite:




Those Gothard'nitions make me want to scream: "Reprobate: Believing a philosophy of immorality through the motivation of personal impurity."    Really. I was going to call it word salad, but then I realized it's word landfill. "A philosophy of immorality" and the "motivation of personal [as opposed to impersonal?] impurity." WTF?


I have to say that at least Ben doesn't seem to have adopted those yet. Because they're so crazy, stupid and apparently drug-induced that they make his and Spurgeon's stuff look well-written and sometimes even semi-sane.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 12

Even if she won't admit it, I think Jessa is feeling some buyer's remorse when it comes to Bin. She was desperate for freedom and feared ending up like Jana, so when a hapless teenager with nice biceps came along, she pounced. Now she's stuck with a man-boy who can't support her and the fame will dry up eventually. I suspect Jessa will become a nasty piece of work when that happens.

I think it can be successfully argued that Jessa is already a nasty piece of work.

  • Love 21

Those Gothard'nitions make me want to scream: "Reprobate: Believing a philosophy of immorality through the motivation of personal impurity."    Really. I was going to call it word salad, but then I realized it's word landfill. "A philosophy of immorality" and the "motivation of personal [as opposed to impersonal?] impurity." WTF?


I have to say that at least Ben doesn't seem to have adopted those yet. Because they're so crazy, stupid and apparently drug-induced that they make his and Spurgeon's stuff look well-written and sometimes even semi-sane.

'Word landfill', good one.  Josh standing in front of 'personal impurity'.  Pictures and videos like these can keep us entertained for years. 

  • Love 13

Even if she won't admit it, I think Jessa is feeling some buyer's remorse when it comes to Bin. She was desperate for freedom and feared ending up like Jana, so when a hapless teenager with nice biceps came along, she pounced. Now she's stuck with a man-boy who can't support her and the fame will dry up eventually. I suspect Jessa will become a nasty piece of work when that happens.

Honestly I don't think she is even close to knowing what she really thinks and feels right now. Maybe she has some unrest but I would guess being hormonal maybe she doesn't know where it is all coming from or what it means. None of them seem to be very self aware.

  • Love 7

Honestly I don't think she is even close to knowing what she really thinks and feels right now. Maybe she has some unrest but I would guess being hormonal maybe she doesn't know where it is all coming from or what it means. None of them seem to be very self aware.

When they no longer can afford a data plan on her phone and internet on her lap top she'll become more aware.

  • Love 12

Even if she won't admit it, I think Jessa is feeling some buyer's remorse when it comes to Bin. She was desperate for freedom and feared ending up like Jana, so when a hapless teenager with nice biceps came along, she pounced. Now she's stuck with a man-boy who can't support her and the fame will dry up eventually. I suspect Jessa will become a nasty piece of work when that happens.

"Buyer's remorse" love it!

  • Love 7

Benessa are back to pimping out Ray Comfort's million dollar tracts. At least good Christian people in the comments are begging not to leave them as tips. One even suggested that leaving a tract WITH a tip is a better way to start positive conversation. Sure beats "Fuck those cheap ass Christians who were at table one." 


I bet Benessa are really crappy tippers, if they even bother to tip at all. Maybe that's why they're so enamored with fast food; they don't have to worry about tipping anyone. 

  • Love 17

Question from a non-watcher of this show (yet fascinated by the public implosion) -- did someone say that Jessa was JimBob's favorite daughter?  Or am I just making that up in my head?

I think its been discussed that Michelle seems to favor Jessa and JB favors Jill. Who really knows.

I can't find this in the online version of the Star, so no link, sorry. But in this week's print version, in the Burning Questions" section is "Why Spurgeon?" It starts out, "As if this poor kid won't have enough problems growing up in this scandalized family..." and concludes, "Wouldn't it have been wiser to go with Charles?"

  • Love 7

I don't know that JimBob really favours any of his children in the way Michelle does. Jill's a lickspittle, but I'd bet that Derick was offered to both Jana and Jill, Jana probably decided to think about it, Jill probably said yes immediately without hesitation. Jana should've taken that into consideration. Yeah the offers are likely to be from from David Waller types, not Derick Dillards, but she still needs to option it.

Edited by Kokapetl

I can't find this in the online version of the Star, so no link, sorry. But in this week's print version, in the Burning Questions" section is "Why Spurgeon?" It starts out, "As if this poor kid won't have enough problems growing up in this scandalized family..." and concludes, "Wouldn't it have been wiser to go with Charles?"

We should start charging these publications.

  • Love 7

We should start charging these publications.


We should just club together and publish: The Ultimate Duggars: All the Stories, All the Snark, All the Sociological Analysis

And then the second volume: The Ultimate Book of Duggar Lists


It'd be a mere matter of curation. Could be a series of e-book bestsellers.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 10

We should just club together and publish: The Ultimate Duggars: All the Stories, All the Snark, All the Sociological Analysis

And then the second volume: The Ultimate Book of Duggar Lists


It'd be a mere matter of curation. Could be a series of e-book bestsellers.

Yes PLEASE. Plus the limited-edition supplement of Duggar haikus. PLEASE. I'll help. I'm a good helpmeet.

  • Love 6

Yes PLEASE. Plus the limited-edition supplement of Duggar haikus. PLEASE. I'll help. I'm a good helpmeet.


There's Volume Three. E-books are always better in a series!


Speaking of which, I wonder whether an academic field has yet sprung up around the family -- I would think that the highest-profile mega-fundie media family would spark some poster sessions and dissertations somewhere, and even a conference or two. That;s happened pretty quickly for some media phenomena, like Buffy the Vampire Slayer and 50 Shades of Gray. And the Duggs are certainly just as culturally significant. .... Although maybe it's dicier to do this with real people rather than art?

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 4

Speaking of the battle between who is the favorite:


I watched the clip of their new show on the Josh and Anna thread and I was really surprised at Jessa's reaction to Izzy in one of the scenes. They're all sitting on a couch together and he starts to crawl over to Jessa's lap. She just sits there - arms crossed, not reaching out to him, looking defensive, and she can't even fake what looks like a genuine smile to him. When my niece was that age I took serious advantage of all the times she reached out for me! We had some serious smiles and cuddles together. It was just so... unnatural. It makes me wonder about a.) her maternal instincts and b.) how jealous she must be (have been?) of the attention the Dillards are (were?) getting. Or she just plain doesn't like the Dillards. Either way, that was such an awkward and cold exchange, in my opinion. Maybe I read too much into it.  

  • Love 10

Speaking of the battle between who is the favorite:


I watched the clip of their new show on the Josh and Anna thread and I was really surprised at Jessa's reaction to Izzy in one of the scenes. They're all sitting on a couch together and he starts to crawl over to Jessa's lap. She just sits there - arms crossed, not reaching out to him, looking defensive, and she can't even fake what looks like a genuine smile to him. When my niece was that age I took serious advantage of all the times she reached out for me! We had some serious smiles and cuddles together. It was just so... unnatural. It makes me wonder about a.) her maternal instincts and b.) how jealous she must be (have been?) of the attention the Dillards are (were?) getting. Or she just plain doesn't like the Dillards. Either way, that was such an awkward and cold exchange, in my opinion. Maybe I read too much into it.  


Far be it from me to defend Jessa, but she reminds me of Miranda Hobbes (from Sex and the City, such horrors) in that she doesn't like any kids but her own. Which I understand, especially with the gaggle of babies Jessa has seen in her lifetime. You have to wonder if after a certain point all the Duggar babies seemed interchangeable. Also there's the passive aggressive rivalry/resentment with Jill that's probably gone on their entire lives and it's subconsciously been passed on to Jill's kid.

Edited by EarlGreyTea
  • Love 5

Speaking of the battle between who is the favorite:

I watched the clip of their new show on the Josh and Anna thread and I was really surprised at Jessa's reaction to Izzy in one of the scenes. They're all sitting on a couch together and he starts to crawl over to Jessa's lap. She just sits there - arms crossed, not reaching out to him, looking defensive, and she can't even fake what looks like a genuine smile to him. When my niece was that age I took serious advantage of all the times she reached out for me! We had some serious smiles and cuddles together. It was just so... unnatural. It makes me wonder about a.) her maternal instincts and b.) how jealous she must be (have been?) of the attention the Dillards are (were?) getting. Or she just plain doesn't like the Dillards. Either way, that was such an awkward and cold exchange, in my opinion. Maybe I read too much into it.

Or maybe she just doesn't like babies (besides hopefully, her own). I don't really have a "heart for children" aside from my own and I assume I'd be over faking "oooh! A baby!" if I spent my life being a sister-mom.

[but I do love to smile at babies and have them smile back.]

ETA: EarlGreyTea, you beat me to it. ;)

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 4

Speaking of the battle between who is the favorite:

I watched the clip of their new show on the Josh and Anna thread and I was really surprised at Jessa's reaction to Izzy in one of the scenes. They're all sitting on a couch together and he starts to crawl over to Jessa's lap. She just sits there - arms crossed, not reaching out to him, looking defensive, and she can't even fake what looks like a genuine smile to him. When my niece was that age I took serious advantage of all the times she reached out for me! We had some serious smiles and cuddles together. It was just so... unnatural. It makes me wonder about a.) her maternal instincts and b.) how jealous she must be (have been?) of the attention the Dillards are (were?) getting. Or she just plain doesn't like the Dillards. Either way, that was such an awkward and cold exchange, in my opinion. Maybe I read too much into it.

I noticed it too and it's so funny because a similar scene just played out on KUWTK where all the girls are talking on the couch and Kim was staring daggers at Kourtney's two youngest kids. I think Jessa is just very self-centered and has no use for anyone or anything that doesn't benefit her.

I get that not everyone is a baby or kid person, but that usually applies to non-relations, not your nieces and nephews.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 8

I don't know that JimBob really favours any of his children in the way Michelle does. Jill's a lickspittle, but I'd bet that Derick was offered to both Jana and Jill, Jana probably decided to think about it, Jill probably said yes immediately without hesitation. Jana should've taken that into consideration. Yeah the offers are likely to be from from David Waller types, not Derick Dillards, but she still needs to option it.

If God is really the kind, loving, merciful God that some people make Him out to be, then He's going to send Jana a husband to beat all husbands. He'll be like Erin and Alyssa Bates' husbands only better, and everyone who meets him will be jealous of Jana. His sole purpose for living will be to make Jana happy and anticipate and fulfill her every need, want and desire. That poor woman deserves nothing less. Edited by farmgal4
  • Love 23

If God is really the kind, loving, merciful God that some people make him out to be, then He's going to send Jana a husband to beat all husbands. He'll be like Erin and Alyssa Bates' husbands only better, and everyone who meets him will be jealous of Jana. His sole purpose for living will be to make Jana happy and anticipate and fulfill her every need, want and desire. That poor woman deserves nothing less.


I want to 'like' this a million times. It would be delicious to see Jessa's head explode with envy if her older sister got the best educated, best-looking husband who treated her like a queen. That would be the most fitting payback for the jewelry box incident, which I'm sure is just one example of how Jessa treated Jana (and others!) growing up. 


That's the thing about Cinderella, folks. We always feel really bad for her in the beginning of the story when she's slaving away, but by the end, she's riding off into the sunset, like "Bye, Felicia!" ...Or in this case, "Bye, Jessa! Good luck with your unemployed man-child!"

Edited by Guest
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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