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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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This is my most favorite comment EVER, JennCarroll, and I don't even know why !!! Just strikes me as the ultimate thing a Duggar fan would say in that "we love you, but..." way that their kind of folk are so passive-aggressively good at. The ONLY thing that's missing is that "vital organs" isn't capitalized ! For whatever reason they LOVE to capitalize in the most random, hilarious way possible.

. . . and I particularly like the leghumper classic "babies vital organs" instead of "baby's vital organs." As SomePity noted, all that's missing is the random capitals.

Aw, glad to serve! i did copy/paste that directly so. as NOT to mess with teh Magnifisent grammar an Spelling.

ETA I wonder if any of those comments are still there.

Edited by JenCarroll
  • Love 5

I'm wondering if we aren't seeing midwives present at the home births because they (rightly so) are not wanting video in case of problems. I know some doctors and hospitals don't allow cameras due to malpractice concerns. And Duggars being Duggars think that Mrs. And I delivered them all myself! is all they need. I wouldn't want to have cameras present when my "client" disregarded my advice or have "evidence" that I caused any problems.

  • Love 6

You're probably right about People misrepresenting the circumstances and cast members...but if in fact there was anyone with any medical training or credentials present at Jessa's labor, why the hell weren't they on the call to 911 instead of Grandma Clueless Fuckwit?

A real medical professional gets on the phone because he/she speaks the language and knows which facts to communicate and in what order to facilitate both the triage that the dispatcher needs to do and to prepare the EMT team for what to expect and how best to treat the patient quickly once they arrive.

I wouldn't rely on Michelle to call AAA if I had a flat tire, so WTF with her phoning in a potentially life threatening delivery complication???

I call bullshit.

The only logical reason can think of for why Michelle made the 911 call is that the "midwife" was busy massaging the uterus trying to get it to clamp down and stop bleeding. I can't believe I just used "Michelle" and "logical" in the same sentence.

You're probably right about People misrepresenting the circumstances and cast members...but if in fact there was anyone with any medical training or credentials present at Jessa's labor, why the hell weren't they on the call to 911 instead of Grandma Clueless Fuckwit?

A real medical professional gets on the phone because he/she speaks the language and knows which facts to communicate and in what order to facilitate both the triage that the dispatcher needs to do and to prepare the EMT team for what to expect and how best to treat the patient quickly once they arrive.

I wouldn't rely on Michelle to call AAA if I had a flat tire, so WTF with her phoning in a potentially life threatening delivery complication???

I call bullshit.

The only logical reason I can think of for why Michelle made the 911 call is that the "midwife" was busy massaging the uterus trying to get it to clamp down and stop bleeding. I can't believe I just used "Michelle" and "logical" in the same sentence.

Sorry, tried to edit and double-posted.

  • Love 3

Wowie ! I got an immediate picture in my head when I read the hacks' (hackstresses ?) FB post of women in prairie dresses slowly backing out of the room while holding a finger to their lips...


When the leg-humpiest of the leg-humpers start to distance themselves from the Gothard Star Students then you KNOW something bad went down. Maybe they're mad (or embarrassed) that Jilly Muffin made such a colossal clusterfuck out of her delivery, and then Jessa just piled on for good measure ? It's like they own a driving school and we all just watched the students have car accidents. 

This is my most favorite comment EVER, JennCarroll, and I don't even know why !!! Just strikes me as the ultimate thing a Duggar fan would say in that "we love you, but..." way that their kind of folk are so passive-aggressively good at. The ONLY thing that's missing is that "vital organs" isn't capitalized ! For whatever reason they LOVE to capitalize in the most random, hilarious way possible. 

At least they misused the classic "your."

I hope Jessa learns from her experience. I cannot see her having 10+ more home births.

You won't have to. Her time is almost up.

Edited by Purpose to defraud
  • Love 3


More SIN Hell Redemption....

When I was a new, first-time mom, I was run ragged with night feeds, cracked nipples, spit-up, mood-swings,post partam depression, finding time to shower, excersise, cook and eat to have such deep religious rants! Great comments.


Why is it always fire and brimstone with these people? If I didn't know the Bible for myself and all I had to go on were these morons, I wouldn't want to go anywhere near Christianity. Sheesh! 



Ben adores baby Spurgeon's hat. Like dressing a doll, Ben? Baby is back in prison attire, again.


Man, that kid looks like Boob in that pic!

  • Love 5

At one point after Jana said she didn't want to be a midwife, she was on the state midwife apprentice list. Either she willingly changed her mind or it was changed for her.

I think Jana gets similar training to be a licensed doula? I may be wrong, but I do remember her name listed with Muffy's.


I think Jana gets similar training to be a licensed doula? I may be wrong, but I do remember her name listed with Muffy's.

There would be no need to go through the midwife training to be a doula.  I wondered why she changed her mind after seeming to be very definite that it wasn't for her.  I hope it was because she became more comfortable and wasn't pushed into it.


That's interesting that Jessa and Jill seem to be trading off posting photos after each other.  I guess it was to be expected.  Maybe they are encouraged to post baby photos after every Josh revelation also. 

Edited by Absolom
  • Love 2

Even the CPM hacks that "trained" Jill want everyone to know that they did not assist with Jessa's delivery. Or Jill's delivery, for that matter. 


Passive aggressive much? Clearly, they've had a parting of ways...



According to this, Vanessa is fading some heat of her own because she lost her midwife license due to negligence.  That's probably why she wanted to make it clear that she was not Jessa's midwife.  Who was Jill's midwife?


  • Love 3

According to this, Vanessa is fading some heat of her own because she lost her midwife license due to negligence. That's probably why she wanted to make it clear that she was not Jessa's midwife. Who was Jill's midwife?


Someone tell Rita the journalist that Venessa Giron's name is spelled Venessa and that someone who doesn't proof read too well herself should refrain from inserting [sic] into quotes from other people.

Maybe the Query lady was the midwife? There's only 32 CPM midwives in their state, and probably less than ten in their region.

In other news, Jessa goes without makeup and kisses #BabyQuincy with her "Sexiest Duggar Alive!" Angelina Jolie lips.


Edited by Kokapetl
  • Love 2

And now the trending Duggar story is that Josh is being sued for battery. Jessa must be furious that once again Josh's issues are dominating Duggar news.

As long as porn stars are spilling the tea about kinky sex with Dough Boy, Jessa Blessa and the Spurge don't stand a chance.

  • Love 11

I'm with you on not liking that hat, Baby Spurgeon. I wouldn't want to wear a hat that's bigger than I am, either . And isn't it still too danged warm for that hat? And it looks as if he's wearing it inside the house?

Really, that is a New England winter hat, not an indoor beanie. And maybe I am old fashioned, but other than the brown towel and the one shot of them in front of the hospital sheet, the baby is never swaddled. My kids loved being swaddled in the first month or so. Is that not a thing anymore?

  • Love 5

I blame the whole Mommy Martyr thing on the popular, current social tidal wave that says if you don't have some kind of nauseatingly transcendent experience giving birth in a pool of dolphins while softly cooing as your partner rubs you with sage oil and chants your labor mantra then you've done it ALL WRONG !!!


If that's your thing then good on you, but in Jessa's (and Jill's !) case, their desire to go that route put themselves and their unborn children in peril because neither of them knew what they were doing, and they were surrounded by people who also didn't know what they were doing. I don't believe for one second that any of Jill's so-called midwifery "skills" were put into play as she stubbornly, pridefully, dangerously delayed going to the hospital, and Jessa followed suit by stubbornly, pridefully, dangerously remaining at home while attended by God knows who and, perhaps/perhaps not, an unlicensed midwife with a questionable background.


They were trying to one-up each other, certainly, with the whole "look how brave I am as a Warrior Mama !" thing, but I think there's an element of F.U. Michelle in there, too. After all, Michelle had only TWO home births out of 19, and those were well after she'd had so many that they were probably just popping out like a Jack in the Box.


I keep hearing the song in my head "Anything you can do I can do better, I can do anything better than you..."

Part I bolded. Too funny!! Too true!!

  • Love 2

Really, that is a New England winter hat, not an indoor beanie. And maybe I am old fashioned, but other than the brown towel and the one shot of them in front of the hospital sheet, the baby is never swaddled. My kids loved being swaddled in the first month or so. Is that not a thing anymore?

And mine hated being swaddled. I don't think there's a rule about that, really. Bam-Bam looks like a happy baby.

  • Love 5


Man, that kid looks like Boob in that pic!


He looks like Boob in every pic. All the grandboys do...it's so creepy.


This spin-off show is going to be incredibly boring. Hope someone here is brave enough to watch it so we can fully snark. I'm scared to browse through People Magazine in line at the grocery store, for fear it will be counted as a hit.

  • Love 11

According to this, Vanessa is fading some heat of her own because she lost her midwife license due to negligence.  That's probably why she wanted to make it clear that she was not Jessa's midwife.  Who was Jill's midwife?


I saw some interesting posts to Venessa's FB today. I can't copy the screenshots, but I can summarize. Maybe the posts are still there, but somehow, after you read this, you can see why I think Venessa may have deleted them. If you can go to her FB and see posts by "Robert Smith" and "Rebecca Smith" and can post screenshots, please do! 


First, by "Robert Smith" (admitted creating this account to post anonymously on this thread):


 Says that Jill did not use Venessa, and that no midwife was there to attend her at the end, just the assistant midwife (who would be the Query woman). "He goes on to say that she is now licensed, but is under investigation for Jill's birth and claims that she will "most likely" lose her license. Claims that this can all be checked out via freedom of information act. Says that he thinks that Teresa Fedosky (Anna's doula) attended Jessa's birth.


"Rebecca Smith " confirms that Teresa did in fact attend Jessa. Goes on to say that Teresa Fedosky's practices are "very dangerous" and that she "trusts birth" too much, ignoring obvious signs of distress. Through "two degrees of separation," knows of several harrowing birth stories featuring Mrs. Fedosky. This person has to post anonymously due to Teresa's true believers who seem to be rabid beaver type leghumpers who would ruin this person's reputation locally. States that she needs to be stopped. 


So...yeah...it makes sense that Fedosky wouldn't make a 911 call. Given that her doctor husband lost his license to practice a few years ago (stealing and selling drugs, classy), I'm sure her name is well-known in medical circles in the area, and she knows better than to be on that phone. I speculated earlier that people may have scurried out before the EMTs showed up; if Fedosky did in fact attend, now I KNOW that she made a beeline out of there before help arrived. 


And the Duggars will protect her, despite what happened to Jessa. Deplorable. 

  • Love 10

I believe this, and it is really sad. It seems that it will take a real tragedy -- or two, or three -- for the Duggars to get a clue. God's will and yak yak yak and pray pray pray will eventually lead to a dead baby or a dead mother. The reality is that childbirth is dangerous.


I've mentioned on this site before that I am a student of genealogy. You don't have to study old records very long to see what life was like before modern medicine: dead mothers, dead babies, and orphaned children. A child who grew up with both of his/her biological parents was lucky indeed.

Edited by cmr2014
  • Love 13

That was interesting that Jill wouldn't agree with Jessa using Teresa, but apparently didn't have her own midwife with her.  I wonder if TLC will edit Teresa out of the birthing episode since there was a problem.  It makes it seem as if Anna for at least one birth and Jessa may not have had any real prenatal care and then a basically unassisted delivery since Teresa has no formal training.  I wonder if people pay her for the not even minimally certified services. 

  • Love 1

Yeah, the KJV Bible wasn't adjusted to the age at all. 14 centuries after Jesus died. Lol. And what about wisdom booklets? Why does Ben allow Jessa to use electricity?



Says that Jill did not use Venessa, and that no midwife was there to attend her at the end, just the assistant midwife (who would be the Query woman). "He goes on to say that she is now licensed, but is under investigation for Jill's birth and claims that she will "most likely" lose her license.


Whoa. Jill and Jessa are both fools if the next kids aren't hospital born.

  • Love 9


More religious stuff! I read so many comments and I do believe that Jessa is losing her leg-humper base fans.


Well, even they must get tired of reading the same downer Bible verses over and over and over. Fans want to get a little peek into their idols' lives, and hearing every day that we're all damnable sinners stops providing that after a while. Some might like to hear exactly what a couple of Jessa's damnable sins are.

Teresa Fedosky. I kinda picture a Russian noblewoman, not a shady Arkansas midwife.


Especially since you also have to picture a "Doula for Destiny." WTF? Is that like Rasputin as a midwife or something?

  • Love 10

I saw some interesting posts to Venessa's FB today. I can't copy the screenshots, but I can summarize. Maybe the posts are still there, but somehow, after you read this, you can see why I think Venessa may have deleted them. If you can go to her FB and see posts by "Robert Smith" and "Rebecca Smith" and can post screenshots, please do! 


First, by "Robert Smith" (admitted creating this account to post anonymously on this thread):


 Says that Jill did not use Venessa, and that no midwife was there to attend her at the end, just the assistant midwife (who would be the Query woman). "He goes on to say that she is now licensed, but is under investigation for Jill's birth and claims that she will "most likely" lose her license. Claims that this can all be checked out via freedom of information act. Says that he thinks that Teresa Fedosky (Anna's doula) attended Jessa's birth.


"Rebecca Smith " confirms that Teresa did in fact attend Jessa. Goes on to say that Teresa Fedosky's practices are "very dangerous" and that she "trusts birth" too much, ignoring obvious signs of distress. Through "two degrees of separation," knows of several harrowing birth stories featuring Mrs. Fedosky. This person has to post anonymously due to Teresa's true believers who seem to be rabid beaver type leghumpers who would ruin this person's reputation locally. States that she needs to be stopped. 


So...yeah...it makes sense that Fedosky wouldn't make a 911 call. Given that her doctor husband lost his license to practice a few years ago (stealing and selling drugs, classy), I'm sure her name is well-known in medical circles in the area, and she knows better than to be on that phone. I speculated earlier that people may have scurried out before the EMTs showed up; if Fedosky did in fact attend, now I KNOW that she made a beeline out of there before help arrived. 


And the Duggars will protect her, despite what happened to Jessa. Deplorable. 

Their daughters always seem to come last in the Duggars' priorities.

  • Love 4

I thought doulas were more like shrill advocates for the mother's birth plan, that they didn't deliver the babies or anything, but sort of hover around during the labor.

Not all doulas are shrill!

They are just support coaches, but can also serve as advocates for the patient.  I know a lot of people who use a doula when their husband is deployed. Traditionally the father of the baby takes the hold the hand and tell Mom it is going to be okay role, when he isn't there, they pay someone to do it.

  • Love 3

Not all doulas are shrill!

They are just support coaches, but can also serve as advocates for the patient. I know a lot of people who use a doula when their husband is deployed. Traditionally the father of the baby takes the hold the hand and tell Mom it is going to be okay role, when he isn't there, they pay someone to do it.

I guess shrill is a bit harsh.

I'm a little confused how a doula fits in with the whole no doctor, no nurse, amateur midwife delivery at home. It kind of goes against the whole "childbirth is not a serious or risky thing" idea.

Edited by Kokapetl
  • Love 1

I'm a little confused how a doula fits in with the whole no doctor, no nurse, amateur midwife delivery at home. It kind of goes against the whole "childbirth is not a serious or risky thing"

Well, even if you have the easiest and least complicated of labors, though, there are plenty of times (like, all the time, but maybe that's just me!) during it when you don't have the strength and wherewithal to coach yourself through it, calm and help yourself and speak to others about what you want and what's going on with you. It's my understanding that this is what the doula does (or your partner and other present loved ones do, of course). It's like an official advocate and emotional assistant -- somebody trained and practiced in performing those roles, in addition to whatever loved ones you have doing those things, I gather.

I had a look at Jessa's latest Instagram stupidity because I hate myself I guess, and it was frothy leghumping comments as far as the eye could see. She's been in delete/block mode. My favorite was "I guess all you haters won't know the truth until it DETONATES BESIDE YOU" followed by some tripe about "I pray you find Jesus but if you don't have fun in hell."  Totally foul and disgusting. She only allows comments that are vile, intolerant, hate-filled, ignorance-rich, and there must be at least one typo and at least four superfluous punctuation marks per post. I mean who needs Jesus when you basically ARE Jesus. Right, asshole?

  • Love 19

And mine hated being swaddled. I don't think there's a rule about that, really. Bam-Bam looks like a happy baby.

Mine hated it too, and he was 9lbs 10oz. Bam Bam Spurgy Man was also a big baby, so maybe it's a bigger baby thing-they don't need the swaddle as much as a tinier baby. Or they're just strong enough to babyHULK their way out. 

  • Love 2

I read a response from an EMT in one of the comments sections. (Think it was from Venessa's Facebook when she explained what happened at her hearing.) The EMT said he/she is scared to death when they receive a call to help a woman when something has gone wrong with the home birth. They don't know what to expect. I can imagine - is it just something minor? Or something horrific like a mom bleeding out? Or something wrong with the baby? The EMT didn't say it, but I think a lot of people (including the Duggars) think when they call 911, then everything will be OK. But I'm sure there are times when it's not.

  • Love 9

You're probably right about People misrepresenting the circumstances and cast members...but if in fact there was anyone with any medical training or credentials present at Jessa's labor, why the hell weren't they on the call to 911 instead of Grandma Clueless Fuckwit?

A real medical professional gets on the phone because he/she speaks the language and knows which facts to communicate and in what order to facilitate both the triage that the dispatcher needs to do and to prepare the EMT team for what to expect and how best to treat the patient quickly once they arrive.

I wouldn't rely on Michelle to call AAA if I had a flat tire, so WTF with her phoning in a potentially life threatening delivery complication???

I call bullshit.

But Michelle did exactly what a professional would do when calling 911. She communicated exactly the info needed in a clear, calm manner. Almost as though she was being coached.

I think there was someone there with Jill's type of midwife training but perhaps without a license. When Jessa started hemorrhaging, she directed Michelle to make the call but couldn't risk being implicated. She has persuaded the family that it's in everyone's best interest that no one mention she was there.

  • Love 9

I think there was someone there with Jill's type of midwife training but perhaps without a license. When Jessa started hemorrhaging, she directed Michelle to make the call but couldn't risk being implicated. She has persuaded the family that it's in everyone's best interest that no one mention she was there.

Good point. The background noise was minimal...I bet everyone was hushing up when they called for the ambulance..not wanting any other voices identified.

  • Love 3

I witnessed some wild things when I was a paramedic, one of the most frequent was when people denied they had given treatment especially to family members. I remember a cardiac arrest where the family had obviously done cpr as evidenced by the cracked ribs on their elderly momma and they still denied their actions, the lady lived.

  • Love 2

I'm a little confused how a doula fits in with the whole no doctor, no nurse, amateur midwife delivery at home. It kind of goes against the whole "childbirth is not a serious or risky thing" idea.

I think it makes perfect sense with not a serious or risky thing. A doula is basically only there to be calming. Like a woman's temperament is a bigger issue than any medical concern.

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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