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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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Nope, still sound stupid. I guess it is classic Benessa to chose a name that isn't even in the baby-book.  I can't believe that this whole time they were trying to decide on a middle name.

They weren't. Famy admitted on IG tonight that she wanted to tell the name "right after he was born," but deferred to the parents to break the (unfortunate) news. 


So yeah, this was all manufactured bullshit. 

  • Love 9

They weren't. Famy admitted on IG tonight that she wanted to tell the name "right after he was born," but deferred to the parents to break the (unfortunate) news. 


So yeah, this was all manufactured bullshit. 


LOL! Leave it to Famy to (ironically) out Ben and Jeesa as the bigger fame whores. 

I'm guessing the first girl gets saddled with Temperance. I'm putting dibs on this one now! LOL


I fully expect future boys to be named Calvin, Knox, and Triumph. I'm sticking with Virtue names for the girls, but wouldn't be surprised to see Corrie sneak in there. 


These are good old-fashioned Vision Forum naming trends, not Gothard, whose names tend to be more blblical. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
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I'm guessing the first girl gets saddled with Temperance. I'm putting dibs on this one now! LOL

I fully expect future boys to be named Calvin, Knox, and Triumph. I'm sticking with Virtue names for the girls, but wouldn't be surprised to see Corrie sneak in there.

These are good old-fashioned Vision Forum naming trends, not Gothard, whose names tend to be more blblical.

So Temptation is not a good name for the first baby girl?

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Wow, they scraped the bottom of the name barrel to come up with Spurgeon. It's cruel to give a child a name that is so ripe for ridicule. True, he will never have to fend off bullies at school taunting him with "Spurgeon's a virgin." But he will be at the mercy of cousins, family friends ' kids, and kids at fundie camp and conferences who won't be able to help themselves.

Jessa and Bin truly could not have done much worse. I hope for the little guy's sake that he insists they call him Elliott or Quincy or just plain Seewald. Anything but Spurgeon. When he's old enough to realize that he's been saddled with a hideously sucky name, he's going to resent the hell out of them.

Edited by Hpmec
  • Love 6

The kid's nickname will no doubt be Spurge. I looked it up in my personal dictionary and here's what I got: Spurge, verb from the ancient Arkansas cult Minimus Brainius.  Meaning: to ejaculate, explosively and without warning, most often on already sticky sheets in your shared dormitory bedroom. Can also be used as a noun to mean the bright color in facial cheeks resulting from deep embarrassment when siblings sharing the same bed notice your sudden spurge.

  • Love 15

The kid's nickname will no doubt be Spurge. I looked it up in my personal dictionary and here's what I got: Spurge, verb from the ancient Arkansas cult Minimus Brainius.  Meaning: to ejaculate, explosively and without warning, most often on already sticky sheets in your shared dormitory bedroom. Can also be used as a noun to mean the bright color in facial cheeks resulting from deep embarrassment when siblings sharing the same bed notice your sudden spurge.

For shits and giggles you should submit that to the Urban Dictionary.

  • Love 6

I'm guessing the first girl gets saddled with Temperance. I'm putting dibs on this one now! LOL


I fully expect future boys to be named Calvin, Knox, and Triumph. I'm sticking with Virtue names for the girls, but wouldn't be surprised to see Corrie sneak in there. 


These are good old-fashioned Vision Forum naming trends, not Gothard, whose names tend to be more blblical. 

To be fair it's not exactly my real name, but what's wrong with Temperance? ;)


Also will Corrie be short for Corinthians?


I like both Temperance and Gabriel. 

I haven't this disappointed with celebrity naming babies, since North West was born. WT..

Actually it's funny I said wtf and then made a Jessa Pout face without thinking about it. (As seen in like every selfie she's ever taken)

They could have gone with just about anything else and I would have defended it. I will surnames are trend, but generally they're sleeker cuter ones like Taylor. 

I will say hot kids can pull off anything so maybe that was what Benessa was thinking. As for Preacher names, the only 19th century I remember hearing about is Lyman Beecher (Harriet Beecher Stowe's father). Are they going to stick with old-fashioned and modern Preacher names? Somebody has said Jessa could end up like Tammy Faye Baker, so Baker for another one?

Also I will say at least they didn't name it Gothard. I hope they never get to that one. Also at least Elliott is nice middle name. 

I also wish they had just gone with Quincy. I don't get the whole pregnancy name then real name thing. (I had a friend who did it.) 

The first girl will be Modest Seewald. It did seem like Jess had her eyes on an M name. (Although in one post I picked Zelah for a girl. No final answer.)

I also wonder if Gabriel was the name Jessica picked for her nephew and maybe her first-born son. Wouldn't surprise me. 

Spurgeon is cute. Still making a Jessa pout about the name. 

Edited by Temperance
  • Love 1

Aimee Semple for a girl? ;)


They'd probably go for Aimee's last name, McPherson, seeing as how they've gravitated toward choosing the most gawd-awful last name they could think of for a first name. Of course, they could possibly go for Semple as a baby girl's first name, in honor of poor, simple Michelle.

  • Love 5

The kid's nickname will no doubt be Spurge. I looked it up in my personal dictionary and here's what I got: Spurge, verb from the ancient Arkansas cult Minimus Brainius. Meaning: to ejaculate, explosively and without warning, most often on already sticky sheets in your shared dormitory bedroom. Can also be used as a noun to mean the bright color in facial cheeks resulting from deep embarrassment when siblings sharing the same bed notice your sudden spurge.

They all suffer from cranial *ectal inversion, and they are all pneumo cephalics.

Oh my...such a dangerous precedent Benessa is setting.  One must be so careful when naming the spawn after a hero/mentor.  Just think how many of them fall from grace or are disparaged long after their death, and that just leaves Unfortunate Seewald hanging in embarrassment.  To wit, just imagine Gothard Seewald, Bakker Seewald, Swaggart Seewald, Haggard Seewald or Jeffs Seewald!


Let's hope for their sake that Spurgeon and Elliott remain above reproach!

  • Love 5

The video doesn't play for me. Is that seriously his name: Spurgeon Elliot Seewald -- maybe I'm just out of step with today's naming trends, but I think Brown Towel Seewald was a little better. If course he won't have to worry about being mocked on the playground since he will never go to school, but it's a little sad.


ETA: I found this little nugget on-line which makes it a bit clearer for me:


Charles Haddon Spurgeon was a British Particular Baptist preacher. Spurgeon remains highly influential among Christians of different denominations, among whom he is known as the "Prince of Preachers".

As I noted earlier today, Spurgeon is Ben's favorite preacher. He quotes the guy all the time. 


(corrected my Spurgeon typo, which many people will probably make with autocorrect!)

Oh my god, I wander away from this board for a couple of days and come back to read that these two nitwits have chosen to name their son SPURGEON. I don't give a damn how much you idolize a nineteenth century evangelist--use your fucking head! Some last names absolutely do not work as first names...period. What is Ben going to do--have the poor kid wear a little explanatory placard around his neck so people can figure out the bizarre name?

It's a completely selfish choice on their part. They could have named him CHARLES, for crying out loud, but I'm sure that these two dim bulbs think Spurgeon sound dignified and sophisticated. It's truly awful.

  • Love 15

Or "South East Seewald," since that's their neck of the woods. Using the opposite direction demonstrates how much more godly they are then the Kardashians in the righteous path to God's Country (Arkansas) they have chosen to take. The alliteration works too.

Ah, but God is UP in heaven.

South is the devil's direction.

  • Love 1

Since Ben is all about Spurgeon, Charles, then it looks like he is taking over the role as head of the household and authority in naming the baby.  Maybe Jessa had to fight for Elliott as a middle name.  

No wonder they didn't want to release his name, they don't even like it.

  • Love 5

To be fair it's not exactly my real name, but what's wrong with Temperance? ;)



Hee! I hope the next baby is Temperance, because that would make me think of the over-educated militant atheist/scientist Temperance Brennan on Bones every time I saw it. And then I would laugh.

  • Love 5

They believe their presence mingling is charity ish. They believe getting love offerings from people is because they are gawdly. There is a huge disconnect. Unless a camera is rolling and comments/message boards notice, then there is a staged TLC charity event. Which may have been filmed and was rumoured to be a failure. How the hell do you fail at charity when you have experienced it your entire life is beyond me. Jessa and Ben don't even pretend to be charitable. They are probably pissed off that they didn't get the TV interviews and baby registries to go with the 19 kids and counting.

Exactly!  They think they are "all that".  They are none of that.  Uneducated people who think they are better than anyone else - and lots of the anyone elses are doing something productive with their lives and raising educated children.  It is so screwed up!!  Arrggghhh.

  • Love 1

With a name like Spurgeon you're just asking the kid to rebel when he's older. No one wants to be Spurgeon the Virgin.

I thought my BIL and SIL dove into the depths of the Bible to find the worst names possible for their kids but Jessa and Ben have taught me I was wrong, so very wrong.

  • Love 6

They're getting exactly what they wanted with this stupid name...attention. If they named the baby "Bill" or "Charlie", the world would have shrugged and moved on. With "Spurgeon", there'll be days of media hits. Doesn't matter if it's haters like us saying "WTF?!?!" or leghumpers cooing "What a neat, precious, awesome, Godly name!". It's still attention and they need it like oxygen.

  • Love 6

I don't know what made me laugh harder, the name SPURGEON (seriously?) or y'all with the comments, but I'm wheezing here.


And as others have said, this is definitely an attempt to be holier-than-Jill and her Israel by naming their kid after some obscure preacher*. And not by using said obscure preacher's normal first name but his totally unsuitable for a first name, surname. Just to make sure everyone knows who they named him after. LOOK HOW RELIGIOUS WE ARE!



*Ok, I don't actually know how obscure he is really. I've never heard of him before but then again I'm a heathen.

  • Love 6

That Bin, he is a bright one, huh? Bin saying the baby would have that name the rest of his life - WOW - how profound.

Their announcement of the baby's name was odd. Bin is barely articulate and combined with his holier than thou, better than you attitude he comes off as a real jerk.

The baby is cute. It is sad he has been saddled with such a horrendous moniker by his self centered, idiot parents.

Edited by whydoiwatch
  • Love 8

I've been hoping that Anna is running the SOTDRT   for all the littles.


 I'm of two minds about this. For the kids' sake, probably yeah. But when I think of everything Anna's going through, the idea of her being Jim Bob and Michelle's slave in any way makes me sick. And "teaching" that school can't be a picnic, since at least some of the kids have to have picked up their parents' strong attitude of contempt for education. So I keep thinking of poor old Anna, who has to be in a severe state of ego depletion, stuck doing her horrible in-laws' job, in a situation that they've inevitably poisoned and made even harder than it should be. And teaching a one-room schoolhouse is gonna be hard in the best of situations, particularly for somebody whose only actual education and "training" seems to have been online instruction in getting preschoolers to sit still for bible studies. And I don't know that anybody in the family has any respect for her, which would also make it harder. REspect for Anna has certainly not been modeled.

Edited by Churchhoney
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 I'm of two minds about this. For the kids' sake, probably yeah. But when I think of everything Anna's going through, the idea of her being Jim Bob and Michelle's slave in any way makes me sick. And "teaching" that school can't be a picnic, since at least some of the kids have to have picked up their parents' strong attitude of contempt for education. So I keep thinking of poor old Anna, who has to be in a severe state of ego depletion, stuck doing her horrible in-laws' job, in a situation that they've inevitably poisoned and made even harder than it should be. And teaching a one-room schoolhouse is gonna be hard in the best of situations, particularly for somebody whose only actual education and "training" seems to have been online instruction in getting preschoolers to sit still for bible studies. And I don't know that anybody in the family has any respect for her, which would also make it harder. REspect for Anna has certainly not been modeled.

Good points.

Someone posted the Urban Dictionary definition of Spurgeon on Jessa's facebook:


A beer guzzling, bacon frying, big dick swinging bad ass motherfucker. Someone you really want to have on your side when the shit hits the fan.  Someone you'd let nail your old lady just for the story.  A man that makes Chuck Norris tremble just hearing his name.  Someone that seeps testosterone out of every pore of his body. Spurgeon the man of all men.

  • Love 12

It took a while for the video to load.  I believe Bin referenced missionaries by the name of Elliot.  Jim and Elizabeth, I think?  Something about missionaries in South America.


Oh, my gosh. I'm shocked. It's almost as if they've been reading. (although I'm sure they haven't, except sermons that they don't understand). Anybody remember the kid in Anne of Green Gables named Moody Spurgeon Macpherson? He was certainly named after Charles Spurgeon and, probably, Moody of the Bible Institute. He became a Presbyterian minister and his name was kind of a joke through every book of the series he appeared in. Lucy Maud Montgomery clearly knew that you could get a laugh every time just by mentioning a kid named Moody Spurgeon.


I still like Resurrection Special Seewald.   (and his father -- Bin "My Pretension and Lack of Judgment Know No Bounds" Seewald)

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 16
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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