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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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Jessa has to do the photo shoot before their ever dwindling fan base loses interest. She's not the first Duggar to produce a grandchild and she's not even the first daughter to give birth. You gotta strike while the iron's hot. If that means getting gussied up while you're in pain, Jessa will have to take one for the team.

eta: I don't even think there's that much anticipation over the name. We already know they're going with something Biblical, so flip through the Old Testament and take your pick.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 8

People Mag is going nowhere with this couple.   The pictures of Gabe look like they are taken at home.  It's Jessa's baby not Michelle's and Michelle to me is acting like it's her newborn.  Another Duggar 19 and counting baby.  At least JB hasn't given us the counting on his fingers lesson this time about it's HIS 6th grandkid which only proves he reads our posts.  

Jessa has to do the photo shoot before their ever dwindling fan base loses interest. She's not the first Duggar to produce a grandchild and she's not even the first daughter to give birth. You gotta strike while the iron's hot. If that means getting gussied up while you're in pain, Jessa will have to take one for the team.

eta: I don't even think there's that much anticipation over the name. We already know they're going with something Biblical, so flip through the Old Testament and take your pick.

I'm sure that's what they did.

  • Love 4

I just did the Bible lucky-dip and landed on 


Chronicles 9:14

Shemai'ah the son of Azri'kam, son of Hashabi'ah, of the sons of Mera'i: and Bakbak'kar, Heresh, Galal and Mattani'ah, the son of Mica, son of Zichri, son of Asaph (and so on...)


I would love to see any of those names paired with "Seewald"!  

  • Love 10

Okay, I pulled out the Bible, closed my eyes, randomly opened it up, and pointed. I was in the book of Ezekial. Good luck with that one, Seewalds.

Zeke for short.  We've already got a Jedidiah and a Josiah.  Zeke is an easy one. Hard to top Israel though. 

I just did the Bible lucky-dip and landed on 


Chronicles 9:14

Shemai'ah the son of Azri'kam, son of Hashabi'ah, of the sons of Mera'i: and Bakbak'kar, Heresh, Galal and Mattani'ah, the son of Mica, son of Zichri, son of Asaph (and so on...)


I would love to see any of those names paired with "Seewald"!  

Az or Hash for short. 

  • Love 5

That cracker barrel bag in the hospital room has me flummoxed. Jessa needed some take out? Some overpriced faux-country crafts from the store? Wha?

I wonder if they will join in the fundie boycott of Starbucks over their new minimalist red holiday cups? Oh no, Jessa will miss all those pricey coffee drinks.

  • Love 6

Bolding mine

There has to be some kind of business in this ;)

I would happily send the Seewalds a $5 Starbucks voucher if they named their kid Azri'kam or Hashabi'ah. Az and Hash would be perfect nicknames, lol

Good luck with that. I'm still trying to collect on my correct date of birth and sex of baby guess.

Az Iz (no returns) works. And I like Hash but it would be hard to pass up a good ol' boy Zeke.

Isn't Job OT? Cuz that poor kid...

Edited by NewDigs
  • Love 4

I just did the Bible lucky-dip and landed on 


Chronicles 9:14

Shemai'ah the son of Azri'kam, son of Hashabi'ah, of the sons of Mera'i: and Bakbak'kar, Heresh, Galal and Mattani'ah, the son of Mica, son of Zichri, son of Asaph (and so on...)


I would love to see any of those names paired with "Seewald"!  


I like Bakbak'kar Hashabi'ah Seewald best.

  • Love 9

Unless they plan to abstain, she won't have a choice.

Just as there are quietly practicing birth control Catholics, there are quietly practicing birth control fundies.  A traumatic birth experience or pregnancy has been known to change many minds about pre-conceived ideas.  I think Jessa already had reservations about birthing in double digits and this may convince her quiverful isn't for her.


Edited by Absolom
  • Love 10

I wonder how Jessa is dealing with male doctors having to check her "down there." If she was brought in as an emergency, I'd imagine she'd have to take whichever OB was on call. She was probably in so much pain she was past the point of caring, but I can imagine it would be a lot more upsetting to her than the average woman. These are people who believe a bare shoulder will send men into a frenzy, God forbid a male see your lady parts.

Perhaps Michelle was there holding up a big privacy sheet so Jessa wouldn't have to see the doctor during the pelvic exam/repair.

  • Love 2

He has quite the wardrobe. He might be the first newborn that size to actually be able to wear all his newborn clothes before he outgrows them next week.


At 9 lb., 11 oz., my guess is that he didn't get to wear any clothes marked "newborn."  My 9-lb. baby didn't wear newborn clothes or diapers.


Between the spit-up and the blow-outs, it was a rare day when any of my kids kept the same outfit on all day when they were babies.  Once I went through three outfits in a single diaper change.  So I don't think it's particularly unusual that Ben, Jr., is wearing different clothes in different pictures.


It's also possible that Jessa hasn't actually finalized a name yet and that's why we haven't heard it.  I've known lots of people who waited to announce the name because they were making a final decision and/or arguing about middle names.

  • Love 4

Wow! I can't believe how long it took for me to hear about this birth. Clearly the Duggars are not the big news they used to be.

I'm going to be contrary and say I didn't mind the brown towel. The baby was freshly born, probably with blood, vernix, amniotic fluid, maybe even feces on his skin. I probably wouldn't want to soil a brand new blanket either.

I hope Jessa doesn't get pregnant too quickly after a birth that might have been traumatic for her. That could really trigger some anxiety if she has unresolved feelings about the birth. I would love for her to have a good long time with her baby before number 2 comes along.

What is this "not ready to release the name" nonsense? They act like they're A list celebrities when their real claim to fame is having lots of babies. I would love it if they announced the name and no news outlets bothered to cover it. Also, I like the name Gabriel. Way better than anything with the suffix Bob!

Edited by KittyS
  • Love 3

I wouldn't mind if they came out and said "Actually, we haven't quite decided on a name yet" instead of saying that they aren't releasing it yet.  My parents took a few days to decide on my name (mainly because they didn't know the gender) but I would bet money that Benessa have a name picked and are waiting for the People special. 

  • Love 6

I just wanted to say that I enjoy reading all your comments...and I just want to cry thinking of all that poor young woman went through. How could her parents let her have her first child at home?

(I just feel that Jessa and Ben are/were too naive to know better).

I hope Jessa and her little baby are ok.

I still feel terrible for those poor kids, and their parents need to rot in the seventh level of hell for warping the minds of those poor kids.

  • Love 3

The public won't know any details til TLC is done filming.  As sick or ill as she seems to have been, I'd bet good money TLC has got all of this in the editing shop right now for some ramped up special.  Anything to bring in the dollars so Bin doesn't have to get a real job or real education to really support his family.   

Edited by CherryMalotte
  • Love 5

What is this "not ready to release the name" nonsense? They act like they're A list celebrities when their real claim to fame is having lots of babies.

 Beyond A List....they act like this is the future King of England. I'm waiting for trumpeters to blare out the announcement of the name.


How could her parents let her have her first child at home?


Well, duh...for the money. I bet a home birth is worth more in the TLC contract.


The public won't know any details til TLC is done filming.  As sick or ill as she seems to have been, I'd bet good money TLC has got all of this in the editing shop right now for some ramped up special.  Anything to bring in the dollars so Bin doesn't have to get a real job or real education to really support his family.   

Yup, anything to hold the public's interest. By this time next year, Jill will have had #2, Anna will be knocked up, and some other Jkid or two will be courting or married. It's going to come fast and furious.

  • Love 2


 It's also possible that Jessa hasn't actually finalized a name yet and that's why we haven't heard it.  I've known lots of people who waited to announce the name because they were making a final decision and/or arguing about middle names.

Yeah -- William and Catherine had that same problem. ;-)

  • Love 5

I do think it's ironic that Jessa and Jill grew up in a home where mom had no issues (used loosely because Josie) having 19 kids and believing that birth control or any preventative measures was sinning. I remember on the show when they began courting, getting engaged, how they both said in their robotic way that of course I'm going to have as many kids as God provides, etc. etc. They both went into their pregnancies thinking everything would work out, and they both had two traumatic pregnancies that would make anyone consider waiting awhile until having another child. It's just interesting. I think they grew up in a house where they weren't even allowed to critically think to themselves, why do most people in the world try to control the amount of children they have (and if they did think that, I'm sure they were not allowed to voice their curiosities with their parents)? I think they both understand a few of the reasons why people might only have one, two, or three children instead of having "whatever God provides." It'll be interesting now to see how long both of them wait. 


As for Jessa holding off on the kid's name. I understand why someone would do that. From her standpoint, she had a traumatic delivery, is probably not feeling the best, and maybe just wants to have some alone time (with family?) to celebrate and get used to the huge life change that just happened. On the other hand, if she's waiting to announce the name until People comes out with it, I can't really justify that. I don't think any "celebrity," whether they are an A-list or D-list should make money off of their child or its name. It's gross. If she announces it on her website today, I'd be fine with that. If it comes out in People, I'm not fine with that. 

  • Love 1

Considering the size of the crotch fruit she just dropped, it'll probably be a while before she can sit comfortably let alone submit to Bin's sexy time whims.

Fortunately for her there is that Gothard 40 day abstinence rule after delivering a boy. Maybe she'll be able to stretch it out until Christmas.

I personally have never, ever met a single friend, co-worker, relative, or neighbor who did not have a girl name and a boy name chosen WAY before delivey.

We didn't. We had our preferences, but was discharged late from the hospital because we didn't get the birth certificate information turned in on time.

I think the reason the information was leaked so weirdly was because Jim Bob and the Seewalds made back room deals after the delivery on who could release what. Obviously the trauma became the bigger story over the birth itself. So the Seewald's keep quiet about the failed homebirth, but they get to "announce" the birth.

While I wouldn't wish a difficult birth on anybody, and I'm glad Jessa was finally admitted to the hospital (where she should have been all along IMO), this business of withholding the baby's name is just ridiculous. She had 9 months and the time to take hundreds of selfies while not working, so there's no excuse for not finalizing a boy name and a girl name in that same time span. She and Bin know darn well what baby Seewald's name is. Knowing Bin's religious fervor, it's probably something like Jesus Catholics R Evil Seewald - JC for short.

I'm certain these people, with their inflated egos, think the public is anxiously awaiting the name announcement,which they'll make in exchange for a People magazine paycheck. The sad truth, however, is that they are mostly famous at this point for being D-list grifters, members of a family associated in the public mind these days with child molestation and infidelity.

I keep hoping they'll just go away, but, like cockroaches, they always find a way to resurface. Enough already.

  • Love 9

Leave it to Michelle to get Jessa's age confused with Jill's.  Jill was probably pretty happy about that.  There was some episode where Michelle called Jill her 'eldest daughter'.  I guess that was news to Jana.  Michelle needs to replace her fertility chart with a chart that shows the ages of her children. She's just so detached from parenting, motherhood. No wonder the kids have to raise each other. 

  • Love 12

Bolding mine

Good luck with that. I'm still trying to collect on my correct date of birth and sex of baby guess.

Az Iz (no returns) works. And I like Hash but it would be hard to pass up a good ol' boy Zeke.

Isn't Job OT? Cuz that poor kid...

"Az Iz (no returns) - Love it!!  I don't see a Job coming any time soon, but maybe a Jurisdiction somewhere?  Still wish they would call the first one Genesis, the next Revelations and just be done with it.

  • Love 1

Since she ended up in the hospital anyway I wonder if Jesse wishes she had done a hospital birth complete with an epidural. I'm just not a fan of needless suffering. Whatever the reason for her hospitalization I'm just glad someone had the where with all to realize it couldn't be managed at home and got her appropriate medical help. I also don't like the concept of "failed" anything during delivery wether it's failed home birth, failed vag delivery. As long as you are both alive its not a failure. Hold your child and eat some cake, it's all good. Same goes for breast feeding.

Edited by nc socialworker
  • Love 20

Since she ended up in the hospital anyway I wonder if Jesse wishes she had done a hospital birth complete with an epidural. I'm just not a fan of needless suffering. Whatever the reason for her hospitalization I'm just glad someone had the where with all to realize it couldn't be managed at home and got her appropriate medical help. I also don't like the concept of "failed" anything during delivery wether it's failed home birth, failed vag delivery. As long as your both alive its not a failure. Hold your child and eat some cake, it's all good. Same goes for breast feeding.


Yes, this.  She had a complicated birth and had to be transported.  Neither she nor the kid died.  She hasn't failed at anything (or at least not anything related to this pregnancy/delivery).

  • Love 10

Oh the TLC filming and editing the 'reality' family into pure fiction.  Happy little TLC music will be playing while Jessa is going through labor and bleeding heavily.

And MEchelle in the foreground telling us in her sing song voice that everything is fine.

I can't wait to find out who the "Delivery team" was & how many onlookers there were roaming in & out of the "birthing room". Poor Jessa, a girl can't get a bit of privacy.

All I thought of in the picture of Ben holding the baby in front of the exposed bedroom closet was a similar picture of Smugs with boxes with $$ signs or Money written on them. Does anyone else remember this? With all the mold house renovations, can't they put up closet doors?

I know it was done for money but I still wonder how the Duggars got hooked up with People magazine in the first place. All those scandalous stories about TV & movie personalities as well as the pictures of scantily dressed stars. This is against all their beliefs. Just another contradiction in the life of the Duggars.

  • Love 3

I would pay to hear that.


In her "Per-pen-dic-u-lar" voice. 


I believe she delivered at home because they think Old School is better and it is a trendish thing right now.


My bet is insurance. Maybe Jill and Izzy were covered by Derick's WalMart insurance at the time, and Jill wanted a home birth because of her midwife training and thinking that she was an "expert," but my bet is that that Jessa and her "employed" by his father-in-law husband, have zero to bare minimum health coverage. JB shelling out big bucks to cover a small army? Doubtful. Josie's bills were probably astronomical, but they were on the TLC pay roll then. I can imagine JB paying the bill out of his bank account rather than purchasing health coverage. 

Edited by ChicksDigScars
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Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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