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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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My sister-in-law who at least leans toward fundie mentioned her intention to have her oldest circumcised "on the eighth day".  She seemed to think she could have it done in the Dr.'s office.  I don't know if that happened or not-- I did not care to ask follow up questions.  Typically, circumcisions are performed by the OB (who is qualified as a surgeon) NOT the pediatrician and they happen within the first 24 hours.


We didn't hear anything about Izzy did we?  I really hope that Ben & Jessa don't see this as info that needs to be shared with the general public.

I worked for a pediatrician for years & when parents wanted the baby's circumcision done after they left the hospital, they were referred to a pediatric urologist.

I hope Jessa does get the rest & care she needs at the hospital. And that she doesn't have to entertain all the germ laden family members passing thru. Somehow I picture Jana standing at the door, taking tickets & having to keep track of the visitors.

I have hidden the birth stories that are not about Jessa and only Jessa. That includes quotes.


Unless you are Jessa, do not post your birth story here. And unless your friend/relative with the interesting birth story is Jessa, do not post her birth story here. We have a Small Talk thread for that.



  • Love 8

She and her husband must be extremely desperate for her tv show to survive, considering it's by far their best chance at a decent income, they have nothing to fall back on, aside from her controlling cheapskate father.


Or, you know, getting jobs, training, and so on, like the very very very average people that they are. .... Amazing how that's unthinkable for these people.

  • Love 7

What the heck? Duggar-approved way of holding a new born (photo # 12):


Edited to add: Never mind. I don't know what I'm talking about. At first glance, it looked like baby was being held awkwardly upside down. Be kind, I'm just getting over the flu and the synapses were obviously affected.

Edited by ThinkerBell
  • Love 2

Are we sure that Jessica was revealing his name? There is another Seewald family member named Gabrielle...exactly the way she spelled it. Could she have been commenting to her or something of the like?


What? You mean there's some info this family might have managed to not overshare?

Will wonders never cease?

Though do seem able to keep the, How's Jessa? info pretty quiet. Almost scary quiet.

  • Love 3

I actually like the hospital bed picture the best. It's sweet and natural, unlike that creepy, staged bedsheet portrait.

I also agree that the complications weren't fabricated for ratings. The hospital wouldn't have admitted Jessa if there wasn't a valid reason.

Going forward, the Duggar girls need to give up the ghost. God has spoken. He has told them their bodies cannot handle delivering large babies in a non-medical setting. God is telling them to see professionals who can handle emergencies, not ones who's only option is to kick the can down the road. If this latest disaster isn't a reality check, then they're truly hopeless.

  • Love 24

As of yesterday, Jessa was still in the hospital - you can tell that is where most of the baby pics are coming from.  She had to have had a serious problem to stay 2 days.  In the bed sheet picture you can tell she's in pain because she has that bent over "I hurt like hell, but I'm doing this come hell or high water" pose.  Not sure why they just don't tell us what is going on with her.

  • Love 5

I think they are trying to save it for disclosure in the TLC show. Jessa's pregnancy and delivery of this baby have to be the main subject matter of the "Counting On" episodes.


I'm sure the TLC talent is good enough to create *something* out of the Dullard's faux missionary trip, but IMO it's essentially a non-event:


See Jill and Derick's goodbye party.

See Jill and Derick and Izzy take an airplane Ride.

Look, Jill is carrying Izzy around some Central American town.

See Derick furrow his brow over a Spanish book.

Look, Jill. Derick is doing interpretive dance for Jesus.

Look, Derick. Jill is painting fingernails.

See Jill handing out Gothard tracts to people. 


Must see TV. Not.


IMO Jessa's gonna be the star of the whole boring mess, and the more stuff they can save for the episode, the better for them.


Wonder if the timelines are messed up, especially with Jessa. For example, she has her bday party earlier than her instagram suggests or something. TLC will have to contrive something more for the Dullards mission than painting nails and reading a book. I think TLC wrote scripts and situations for the Duggs for the last few seasons. TLC, "well what's up this week" blank stare, TLC "How about a trip to the creationist museum?" A lot is riding on #6. Probably waiting for the People cover to reveal his name, and with the special episode, he is his parents payday right now.

  • Love 3

I am not surprised they would keep the name under wraps until they can basically sell it as part of a story. That's Duggar standard operating procedure.

But would they really change that poor kid's name because "Gabriel" (or Gabrielle, however they spelled it) got leaked? Because if that doesn't turn out to be his name, I will forever assume that is what they did. And that would just be too damn much, even for a Duggar.

You may be able to get away with holding back the actual announcement of the name for the sake of drama, but you shouldn't change the kid's name just to create a "scoop" for People Magazine. Lord, please don't let that happen.

  • Love 8

That cracker barrel bag in the hospital room has me flummoxed. Jessa needed some take out? Some overpriced faux-country crafts from the store? Wha?


Well, maybe there's some particular Cracker Barrel item that she especially loved and Ben or somebody hoped it might tempt her to eat a little something to help get her strength back. We all have our little favorite food items that people might use this way, I think.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 6

That cracker barrel bag in the hospital room has me flummoxed. Jessa needed some take out? Some overpriced faux-country crafts from the store? Wha?

Someone could have brought her and Ben dinner/lunch. Or perhaps a gift. Cracker Barrel has some really cute kids/infant clothes, especially at the holidays. I don't see anything too terribly strange about the bag.

Edited by sugarplum
  • Love 7

I wonder how Jessa is dealing with male doctors having to check her "down there." If she was brought in as an emergency, I'd imagine she'd have to take whichever OB was on call. She was probably in so much pain she was past the point of caring, but I can imagine it would be a lot more upsetting to her than the average woman. These are people who believe a bare shoulder will send men into a frenzy, God forbid a male see your lady parts.

  • Love 6

Zsucifer Anderson said male obstetricians were all perverts, but I don't know if the Duggars are as insane as her. Michelle had doctors all up in her thoroughfare for 18 out 19 of her child births.

To this family doctors might as as well be from another planet, another species entirely, because the socio-economic class that doctors tend to come from, plus their educations, are completely alien to this family.

  • Love 7

Have there been any posts saying that mom and baby are well? Or just the myriad pictures of baby? I'm starting to get concerned that Jessa's complications may have been very serious.

Jessica actually made this claim not long after her initial IG announcement. I wonder if she wad not close by and hadn't heard from Guinn (who we know was there) about the hospital transfer yet.

Have there been any posts saying that mom and baby are well? Or just the myriad pictures of baby? I'm starting to get concerned that Jessa's complications may have been very serious.

They may be holding out for People, but it is a little worrisome. The Duggars are posting tons of pictures of the baby, but giving no info on Jessa. The fact that she's still hospitalized leads me to believe it was far more serious than needing a stitch or two.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 6

Zsucifer Anderson said male obstetricians were all perverts, but I don't know if the Duggars are as insane as her. Michelle had doctors all up in her thoroughfare for 18 out 19 of her child births.

To this family doctors might as as well be from another planet, another species entirely, because the socio-economic class that doctors tend to come from, plus their educations, are completely alien to this family.


Well, maybe the doctor is very "sly" and comes in to check her when she's sleeping.  Then she'll never know.  Seriously, as a person who's been molested I really hate hate hate going to the gyno to get checked out.  I know doctors see it all everyday, but it can be uncomfortable being naked and touched by someone who's not a intimate partner, shall we say.  I'm sure that Jessa is freaking out inside.  Maybe they've found an available female doctor for her.  I know that's what I do, and that's so much better for me. In that emergency though, it's just not always possible.  Isn't that why Anna did the home birth?  I think her regular doctor was unavailable, and rather than being seen by the on call male doctor, they went with that Bradley instructor. 

  • Love 4

We don't know that she's still hospitalized. That's all really just speculation at this point. No more "family" pics, to me, speaks to the fact that People gets the Exclusive, likely including name reveal. Possibly tomorrow for the first set of pictures that TV precede the hard copy later this week? If not name with the first batch of pictures, I imagine we won't know BamBam's real name until Thursday, when subscribers get their magazines.

  • Love 6

They may be holding out for People, but it is a little worrisome. The Duggars are posting tons of pictures of the baby, but giving no info on Jessa. The fact that she's still hospitalized leads me to believe it was far more serious than needing a stitch or two.

I think so too. Which makes it even more bizarre that they propped her up for those hospital room photos.

And I guess in the excitement they must have forgotten they were supposed to save stuff for People or TLC or whoever pulls up with the gravy train first. If someone has indeed offered them $$$$$ for exclusive coverage they maybe shouldn't be sharing all of those baby pix. Poor little thing. Probably wants some peace and quiet.

  • Love 5

I wonder how Jessa is dealing with male doctors having to check her "down there." If she was brought in as an emergency, I'd imagine she'd have to take whichever OB was on call. She was probably in so much pain she was past the point of caring, but I can imagine it would be a lot more upsetting to her than the average woman. These are people who believe a bare shoulder will send men into a frenzy, God forbid a male see your lady parts.

I bet when she came in she was still in pain and/or so freaked out by having delivered and being whisked away by ambulance w/o her kid or her husband, that she didn't care if it was a man down there or a man with his 10 male OB residents; she probably just wanted the bleeding to stop so she could figure out what the heck happened and where Ben and her son were.


Now a few days into it when she's in the hospital but it isn't an emergency, I bet she's a little more freaked out and uncomfortable with it -- and could have asked for a female OB by now. I mean I am NOT fundie and NO WHERE near as conservative as them and still those kinds of exams with males do make me a bit uncomfortable, no matter how nice/respectful the male is. I wouldn't tell a male to leave, but honestly wouldn't mind if I could have a woman instead.

  • Love 6

We don't know that she's still hospitalized. That's all really just speculation at this point. No more "family" pics, to me, speaks to the fact that People gets the Exclusive, likely including name reveal. Possibly tomorrow for the first set of pictures that TV precede the hard copy later this week? If not name with the first batch of pictures, I imagine we won't know BamBam's real name until Thursday, when subscribers get their magazines.

What I find interesting is on People.com Jessa isn't anywhere on the front page, at least on the mobile site. Lack of public interest?

  • Love 1

Well, maybe the doctor is very "sly" and comes in to check her when she's sleeping. Then she'll never know. Seriously, as a person who's been molested I really hate hate hate going to the gyno to get checked out. I know doctors see it all everyday, but it can be uncomfortable being naked and touched by someone who's not a intimate partner, shall we say. I'm sure that Jessa is freaking out inside. Maybe they've found an available female doctor for her. I know that's what I do, and that's so much better for me. In that emergency though, it's just not always possible. Isn't that why Anna did the home birth? I think her regular doctor was unavailable, and rather than being seen by the on call male doctor, they went with that Bradley instructor.

Michelle used Dr Amy Sarver's obstetrician services for Jordyn and Josie, so it's not like the family couldn't find a lady obstetrician. I can see how Josh's victims might be uncomfortable with gynecological inspections, but if Jessa chose home birth so a tv crew could get up close, I don't think she's that traumatized.
  • Love 2

IMO people aren't particularly interested in Baby Bam Bam.  Jessa was the top item for a few hours and that's been about it.  US magazine had one tiny article about the ambos being called but nothing more.  People breathlessly reported on every word that came out of the Duggar camp for Izzy's birth (including that seriously awkward post-birth video) but nada for Bam Bam.  

Jessa really didn't help her own cause with so many selfies and announcing pretty much as soon as the pee dried.  Her pregnancy seemed to go on foreverrrrrrr and people lost interest.  

  • Love 6

Michelle used Dr Amy Sarver's obstetrician services for Jordyn and Josie, so it's not like the family couldn't find ay lady obstetrician. I can see how Josh's victims might be uncomfortable with gynecological inspections, but if Jessa chose home birth so a tv crew could get up close, I don't think she's that traumatized.

Or she just doesn't realize she's traumatized.


Edited by NewDigs
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What I find interesting is on People.com Jessa isn't anywhere on the front page, at least on the mobile site. Lack of public interest?

I looked just a moment ago, there were 2 stories on the mobile homepage about Benessa, 1 of those was behind a paywall, "baby Seewald" is listed at the bottom as the 2nd most read story, and there's a Jill story about whatever.

Time Publishing must be either trying to curry some favor with Discovery Media, or Discovery Media must be calling in some favors.

Edited by Kokapetl
  • Love 1

Someone could have brought her and Ben dinner/lunch. Or perhaps a gift. Cracker Barrel has some really cute kids/infant clothes, especially at the holidays. I don't see anything too terribly strange about the bag.

Cracker Barrel has a ton of gift items, for babies, kids and adults. I love to browse their "store" while waiting for a table.

  • Love 1

Michelle used Dr Amy Sarver's obstetrician services for Jordyn and Josie, so it's not like the family couldn't find a lady obstetrician. I can see how Josh's victims might be uncomfortable with gynecological inspections, but if Jessa chose home birth so a tv crew could get up close, I don't think she's that traumatized.


I think Dr Sarver was Anna's doc, and it was she that was unavailable for the birth. IIRC.

Michelle used Dr Amy Sarver's obstetrician services for Jordyn and Josie, so it's not like the family couldn't find a lady obstetrician. I can see how Josh's victims might be uncomfortable with gynecological inspections, but if Jessa chose home birth so a tv crew could get up close, I don't think she's that traumatized.



I think Dr Sarver was Anna's doc, and it was she that was unavailable for the birth. IIRC.


Both are true.

Edited by Absolom

As of yesterday, Jessa was still in the hospital - you can tell that is where most of the baby pics are coming from.  She had to have had a serious problem to stay 2 days.  In the bed sheet picture you can tell she's in pain because she has that bent over "I hurt like hell, but I'm doing this come hell or high water" pose.  Not sure why they just don't tell us what is going on with her.

Poor girl may have really gotten ripped, I hope not, wouldn't wish it on a Duggar. Two days is a long time post partum these days, hope she's home by now. 

Jessa has said she didn't want to deliver a lot of babies and that they want to adopt. Maybe Jill wants to live pregnant but I'm pretty sure Jessa doesn't.

Jessa is too vain for a lot of pregnancies, I bet. I wonder if the fundies wear long skirts because of nasty leg veins? No wonder they go along with it!

  • Love 2

I don't think giving birth at home was so TLC could film it, births are filmed all the time by family and also professionally for the shows like A Baby Story. I believe she delivered at home because they think Old School is better and it is a trendish thing right now.


I also think they're probably home right now. First towel pics are at the home birth. The other pics are at the hospital and/or at home today.


The Cracker Barrel bag could have anything in it. I save and reuse bags like that all the time. It probably is filled with make-up.


I think the pretty professional pics and the name will all be made public by People.

Edited by GeeGolly
  • Love 3

Are those photos with the white furniture taken at the hospital/birthing center?  If so, the baby was brought in still wrapped in the brown towel as in the Grandma Duggar photo.  The hospital then maybe cleaned him up, weighed him, etc. and brought him to Jessa.  That may be why Grandma Duggar is still in her coat.  

I think so too. Which makes it even more bizarre that they propped her up for those hospital room photos.

And I guess in the excitement they must have forgotten they were supposed to save stuff for People or TLC or whoever pulls up with the gravy train first. If someone has indeed offered them $$$$$ for exclusive coverage they maybe shouldn't be sharing all of those baby pix. Poor little thing. Probably wants some peace and quiet.

It is very unlike Jessa to miss photo ops. 

  • Love 6

Are those photos with the white furniture taken at the hospital/birthing center? If so, the baby was brought in still wrapped in the brown towel as in the Grandma Duggar photo. The hospital then maybe cleaned him up, weighed him, etc. and brought him to Jessa. That may be why Grandma Duggar is still in her coat.

No, brown towel pics are from the mold house.

  • Love 1

It follows that brown towel pics happened before Jessa was taken to the hospital. We know that there was quite a crowd assembled there. I would hope that Ben followed the ambulance, but I am not sure if baby could ride with Jessa or be brought by Ben or members of the Duggar contingent.

Who knows how much of this TLC will actually show; I am certain they will try to sanitize it like they did with Jill's botched l&d.

  • Love 7
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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