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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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Jessa posted on her instagram site the other day a long quote by Charles Spurgeon that is horribly terrible in that it tells how unbelievers (whether they are good people or not) are going to be damned in hell for all of eternity.  It goes on to say how after a million ages have gone by and you are exhausted from your pains and agonies how you will look up to the sky and see the words - You are Damned.  Unchanged. 


All I can say is, it takes an evil and terrible person to believe in an such an evil and terrible God.  In Jessa's case I know it's due to the brainwashing from her entire childhood so I understand that.  But JB and Michelle should have known better.  Anyway, some news articles online (I don't have instagram) are reporting that many of Jessa's followers are not that big into the whole damned in hell rant.


I do think it's probably Jessa's way of dealing with the people that don't like her and Ben all that much so now she can picture them burning in hell for all eternity with no relief in sight. She get's to damn them on instagram for disagreeing with her.

  • Love 14

Sometimes I just wonder if Jesus is up there sitting up on his throne, face in palm, thinking "I can't believe I was crucified for this shit."


One of my favorite musicians is Derek Zanetti, aka The Homeless Gospel Choir.  On his latest album there are sung interludes between many of the songs that all start out, "Jesus Christ didn't die so you could be an asshole..."

  • Love 10

I do think it's probably Jessa's way of dealing with the people that don't like her and Ben all that much so now she can picture them burning in hell for all eternity with no relief in sight. She get's to damn them on instagram for disagreeing with her.


I think one of the difficulties about the prosperity / calvinist viewpoint is that while her own unearned success is totally due to her worthiness, her hairstyle, her position at the right hand of God and her deft hand with processed foods, there are lots of people out there who prosper while they do all the stuff she thinks God ought to be smiting them for. It's important for them to burn in hell for eternity to preserve the integrity of the system.


Also, she does seem to enjoy it.

  • Love 16

As much as I dislike Jessa I wouldn't want to see her in hell in pain and agony for millions of ages and then have her look up to the sky to see the words (written in fire of course!) You Are Damned. Unchanged.  And I definitely would not allow myself to not only believe in but to worship and adore a God that would do that.  It's even worse because these punishments are not just for being a bad person, nope doesn't matter how good you are, if you are an unbeliever - that's the criteria for hell entrance.    It looks like some kind of satan's logical paradise to me.  It really works out well for his side.  

  • Love 11


It's important for them to burn in hell for eternity to preserve the integrity of the system.

OMG Julia I almost snorted my yogurt. THAT is the perfect response to all my stupid relatives and their ranting about god and getting saved and going to heaven. I usually say all the fun people are going to hell but this will leave them scratching their empty little heads.

  • Love 1

Guess what Jessa? There is no hell.



As much as I dislike Jessa I wouldn't want to see her in hell in pain and agony for millions of ages and then have her look up to the sky to see the words (written in fire of course!) You Are Damned. Unchanged

Jessa needs that on her headboard. She's in hell already.

  • Love 7

Jessa posted on her instagram site the other day a long quote by Charles Spurgeon that is horribly terrible in that it tells how unbelievers (whether they are good people or not) are going to be damned in hell for all of eternity.  It goes on to say how after a million ages have gone by and you are exhausted from your pains and agonies how you will look up to the sky and see the words - You are Damned.  Unchanged. 


All I can say is, it takes an evil and terrible person to believe in an such an evil and terrible God.  In Jessa's case I know it's due to the brainwashing from her entire childhood so I understand that.  But JB and Michelle should have known better.  Anyway, some news articles online (I don't have instagram) are reporting that many of Jessa's followers are not that big into the whole damned in hell rant.


I do think it's probably Jessa's way of dealing with the people that don't like her and Ben all that much so now she can picture them burning in hell for all eternity with no relief in sight. She get's to damn them on instagram for disagreeing with her.

I posted the IG screeds (there were two with different pics, same Spurgeon screed) on the previous page. I remember seeing plenty "My God is Love" comments coming from the leghumpers, so the article that I saw was correct. Of course, there was also the typical leghumpers jumping en masse on a person whose post no longer existed by the time I read it. Because we know Jessa loves everyone equally, just some more so. 

  • Love 1

Jessa needs that on her headboard. She's in hell already.


Wonder if she sort of unconsciously feels trapped and that's why she seems so eager to envision other people trapped. Sad way to feel for a newlywed expecting her first baby. Those are such rays of joy in your life, or ought to be, that it's depressing to see them side by side with so much of what looks like bitterness.


Ironically, she has the keys to change her situation, seems to me. But she won't use them apparently. I guess all that leaves her is wishing others to be trapped, too. I'm sure she'd tell me that she's trying to save nonbelievers from our horrible fate, but when she posts that ugly stuff over and over it seems a lot like bitterness. It's hard to imagine a happy person posting that way. Makes me sad for her.

  • Love 6

I think a lot of us would consider her life a living hell: no education, being married to a guy who is mentally still in jr high to high school, a guy she didn't even choose, not having someone in the family being able to support her. Oh yea they are earning money at the moment but just wait til they have 7 kids and one on the way and Bin is still trying to get onto the "famous preacher" bandwagon. Sad that the best years of her life were when she was a teenager.

  • Love 11

I know a Catholic priest who says that hell is an eternity of not being able to feel the love of God because you've chosen not to. He seems to feel as if that's punishment enough. But then, from everything he's ever told me his God is not a stick to beat people with, so he may value the love thing differently.

  • Love 8

I posted the IG screeds (there were two with different pics, same Spurgeon screed) on the previous page. I remember seeing plenty "My God is Love" comments coming from the leghumpers, so the article that I saw was correct. Of course, there was also the typical leghumpers jumping en masse on a person whose post no longer existed by the time I read it. Because we know Jessa loves everyone equally, just some more so. 

Yes you're right, I just went back and read your post, you did bring her post to light in the previous page.   I imagine Jessa is not a very compassionate person.

I know people whose heads would explode if the rapture came and they saw Catholics, Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses, and people from that so-called Christian church down the street being lifted up to heaven with them. Jessa and Bin would be among the exploding heads.

That's an episode I would watch.

  • Love 13

I know people whose heads would explode if the rapture came and they saw Catholics, Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses, and people from that so-called Christian church down the street being lifted up to heaven with them. Jessa and Bin would be among the exploding heads.

I went to grad school at one of the southern states' flagship universities. There used to be a man who would come and stand in front of the union with a sign that had a list of people who were going to hell, which included: Sodomites, Feminists, Abortionists, Evolutionists, Atheists, Catholics, Jews, Muslims, Mormons, etc. (I was excited to be not just one, but several things on the list.) One day I was walking in front of the Union when the guy with the sign was there and I with my friend - a devout Mormon and fellow grad student. He yelled at the guy with the sign "Well, if that's the case we'll have all the doctors, lawyers, judges, academics and people who know how to celebrate! Doesn't sound too bad to me!" Haha.

Seriously, an eternity with the Duggars hardly sounds like paradise.

  • Love 10

Jessa posted this as 28 weeks, 3 days, which would have been yesterday (her weekaversary is Sundays). Not sure what "island"  this is, but Ben obviously got the day off from scrubbing toilets to be there. I hope this isn't part of their odyssey as they had to the Bateses' to crash Michael's wedding. 




eta: One of the commentators said this was the Staten Island ferry. WTH are they doing in New York? Visiting their pal Megyn Kelly at FOX? 

Edited by Sew Sumi
  • Love 1

Jessa posted this as 28 weeks, 3 days, which would have been yesterday (her weekaversary is Sundays). Not sure what "island" this is, but Ben obviously got the day off from scrubbing toilets to be there. I hope this isn't part of their odyssey as they had to the Bateses' to crash Michael's wedding.


eta: One of the commentators said this was the Staten Island ferry. WTH are they doing in New York? Visiting their pal Megyn Kelly at FOX?

Looks like someone saw all the comments and attention Jill's boobs got. Edited by Kokapetl
  • Love 5

Jessa posted this as 28 weeks, 3 days, which would have been yesterday (her weekaversary is Sundays). Not sure what "island"  this is, but Ben obviously got the day off from scrubbing toilets to be there. I hope this isn't part of their odyssey as they had to the Bateses' to crash Michael's wedding. 




eta: One of the commentators said this was the Staten Island ferry. WTH are they doing in New York? Visiting their pal Megyn Kelly at FOX? 


That looks like the State Island Ferry terminal all right. Or, as Jessa might call it, The Terminal of the Damned. (sorry, NYC. I mean that as a compliment. ha)

Land of the Sinners! That's why I can't figure out what they're doing there. It's not as if the Southern Women's Show has conferences there. And why Staten Island? I've never had reason to go to that borough. I take the train to Jersey. 


eta: The Today Show (or GMA) isn't going a gender reveal are they? Benessa claim that they want people to be surprised and have to wait for the birth. 


Good lord, I hope this isn't true!

Edited by Sew Sumi

Land of the Sinners! That's why I can't figure out what they're doing there. It's not as if the Southern Women's Show has conferences there. And why Staten Island? I've never had reason to go to that borough. I take the train to Jersey. 


eta: The Today Show (or GMA) isn't going a gender reveal are they? Benessa claim that they want people to be surprised and have to wait for the birth. 


Good lord, I hope this isn't true!


You and me both. This is a real headscratcher.

Jessa posted this as 28 weeks, 3 days, which would have been yesterday (her weekaversary is Sundays). Not sure what "island" this is, but Ben obviously got the day off from scrubbing toilets to be there. I hope this isn't part of their odyssey as they had to the Bateses' to crash Michael's wedding.


eta: One of the commentators said this was the Staten Island ferry. WTH are they doing in New York? Visiting their pal Megyn Kelly at FOX?

Look at all the people who give no fucks that Majessa is there! Edited by FakeJoshDuggar
  • Love 3

Where she so modestly diverts attention away from her ginormous boobs (getting lots of play in the comments) and focuses it lower down to her outie belly button. 



Her sweaty outie belly button. (yes, I'm that shallow)

Where's her potato sack?

Aren't her clothes sinful? Or something.

  • Love 5

I'd think navel gazing (in this context) is NIKE! But then, Jessa is nothing if not a navel gazer to the nth degree. Too bad she has never been exposed to this terminology that pretty much defines her entire persona. (edit because one could think I'm talking about her being contemplative. Not a chance...unless it's contemplating her outfit and hairstyle for tomorrow)

Edited by Sew Sumi
  • Love 4

I'd think navel gazing (in this context) is NIKE! But then, Jessa is nothing if not a navel gazer to the nth degree. Too bad she has never been exposed to this terminology that pretty much defines her entire persona. (edit because one could think I'm talking about her being contemplative. Not a chance...unless it's contemplating her outfit and hairstyle for tomorrow)


But what if the sinner has bare feet and painted nails!?

  • Love 1

Land of the Sinners! That's why I can't figure out what they're doing there. It's not as if the Southern Women's Show has conferences there. And why Staten Island? I've never had reason to go to that borough. I take the train to Jersey. 


eta: The Today Show (or GMA) isn't going a gender reveal are they? Benessa claim that they want people to be surprised and have to wait for the birth. 


Good lord, I hope this isn't true!

Just days ago Ben and Jessa posted a stupid video on their website asking fans to guess their baby's gender. Being the attention-whores that they are, they couldn't leave it as a simple vote for a boy or girl, but they had to include every possible combination of twins as options. They're seriously still teasing that "omg  is Jessa having multiples?!" angle despite them having posted multiple sonograms already that clearly show only one bun in the oven. Somehow, I don't think it's a coincidence that they're desperately seeking to create buzz about their baby right around the same time we find out they're in Staten Island/NY for what is possibly a press tour.

  • Love 5

I usually go easy on the Duggar women when it comes to tight clothing, it doesn't bother me in the least if they break their modesty rules. I'm pretty sure as time goes on, Jessa will contine to forge her own path. But I have to say the photo of her in the light mint green top is -- whoa, her boobs are standing at attention and they salute you! My, how they grown...

  • Love 6

From comments on one of the IG photos:


"Miss 19 Kids and Counting? Want daily Duggar news & updates? Stay tuned to our page for duggar news, updates, edits, rare photos & more! God bless you! "


This is what reality TV does. Suddenly the most pedestrian people are convinced that there is something FASCINATING about them, as they mow the lawn, meet a boy, have a baby, clean up a nasty rental house, crawl around on the kitchen counters, ad nauseum.


"Rare photos"?? Who. Fucking. Cares?

  • Love 8

From comments on one of the IG photos:


"Miss 19 Kids and Counting? Want daily Duggar news & updates? Stay tuned to our page for duggar news, updates, edits, rare photos & more! God bless you! "


This is what reality TV does. Suddenly the most pedestrian people are convinced that there is something FASCINATING about them, as they mow the lawn, meet a boy, have a baby, clean up a nasty rental house, crawl around on the kitchen counters, ad nauseum.


"Rare photos"?? Who. Fucking. Cares?

That's likely one of the hundred fan pages I see fighting (and blocking) each other as they seek their own fame as attention whores. Hilarious subculture that always gives me a chuckle if I look at the comments. 

  • Love 4

They wouldn't be in NYC that long. Besides, they have to be in TN by Saturday to crash the Bates affair. There will be cameras; Jessa will be there. 


TBH, I don't know that they'd send Jessa Duggar out to do press for the abuse special. She doesn't even identify as a victim ffs! 


Cross-posting with the media thread to announce that Jill and Derick were spotted  in NYC with the Derp and his Muse today. Looks like they filmed their parts in the abuse special while there. What else could bring both girls to a liberal media center? They wouldn't bring Jill out of Central America to shoot promos. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
  • Love 3

They wouldn't be in NYC that long. Besides, they have to be in TN by Saturday to crash the Bates affair. There will be cameras; Jessa will be there. 


TBH, I don't know that they'd send Jessa Duggar out to do press for the abuse special. She doesn't even identify as a victim ffs! 


Cross-posting with the media thread to announce that Jill and Derick were spotted  in NYC with the Derp and his Muse today. Looks like they filmed their parts in the abuse special while there. What else could bring both girls to a liberal media center? They wouldn't bring Jill out of Central America to shoot promos. 

When I saw that photo of Ben with his hat on sideways, the first thought I had was, what a derp. And while I'm a big supporter of pregnant women being able to wear whatever clothing makes them happy, the judgmental hypocrisy of Jessa telling people they're going to hell while simultaneously wearing skintight tops and laughing about her out-y belly button makes me want to smack the smug right off her pretty little puss.

Edited by SometimesBites
  • Love 12

I dont care what people wear.

The Duggars care VERY much about modesty and what people wear.


So, keeping this in mind and using their own standards, that is a pretty tight shirt and not very modest at all. Showing the big boobies and the belly button is a NIKE moment. How do they not see that? 

  • Love 9

Where she so modestly diverts attention away from her ginormous boobs (getting lots of play in the comments) and focuses it lower down to her outie belly button. 



I see a lot of eye traps there. The Maxwells should march Jessa in front of their daughters. No need for a trip to the airport.

  • Love 6

I dont care what people wear.

The Duggars care VERY much about modesty and what people wear.


So, keeping this in mind and using their own standards, that is a pretty tight shirt and not very modest at all. Showing the big boobies and the belly button is a NIKE moment. How do they not see that? 


I guess they only see what they want to see. And they don't want to see very much -- and only what's flattering to Duggars.


Surely there must be one kid in there somewhere who looks at things differently. Sure hasn't been much of a sign of one, though.

I'm sorry, but I don't think she actually wrote those instagram posts. Maybe Ben did or she is copying out of some text, but I can't see her actually having the thought process for those posts. She's a well-trained parrot  IMO and those posts used wording I don't think she is capable.


I wonder what their life will be ten years from now. Will she still be spouting fire and brimstone, or looking at other men and thinking, "if only..."

  • Love 2
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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