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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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I had a look at Jessa's latest Instagram stupidity because I hate myself I guess, and it was frothy leghumping comments as far as the eye could see. She's been in delete/block mode. My favorite was "I guess all you haters won't know the truth until it DETONATES BESIDE YOU" followed by some tripe about "I pray you find Jesus but if you don't have fun in hell."  Totally foul and disgusting. She only allows comments that are vile, intolerant, hate-filled, ignorance-rich, and there must be at least one typo and at least four superfluous punctuation marks per post. I mean who needs Jesus when you basically ARE Jesus. Right, asshole?


This - is - awesome. Well-done, Aja.

  • Love 7

The Spurgeon stories and theories on Christmas remind me of my neighbors who are Jehovah's Witnesses. They always think all Christian religions have pagan origins (and they may be right, but I don't care.).  The JWs also seem to be a group of holier-than-thou people. Maybe Ben should join. 

I don't mind the theories of Christmas. But considering I pictured Duggar fans as anti the red cups, I'm sure there are people who mad at Ben. Who knows maybe posting Spurgeon's views on Christmas is supposed to teach the red cuppers a lesson and defend their decision to shop at Starbucks?

  • Love 1

Hey Jessa: If our relationship or lack there of, with God is supposed to be private, why do you keep shoving the concept down our throats?


Now that you mention it, I'll bet this is a big reason why all the Duggars yap about having "ministries." Once you have a "ministry," not only are you freed from the rule about keeping your relationship with God private but you actually have a duty to brag about it noisily. Since your job is to lead all the heathens in the right direction. (well, a duty in the minds of these asses who are always advertising their "ministries," at any rate.)

  • Love 10

And People's "reporters" and editors solve the conundrum of just how much and what kind of midwifery education should qualify a person to hold that title and perform that office: Absolutely no education or experience of any kind. Just hail some passersby. 


I can imagine a situation in which I got stuck trying to assist in a birth because bad weather or a remote location kept competent help from arriving. But I sure wouldn't want to be identified in the press as a "midwife" if I did.  A fair number of cabdrivers and other innocents trapped in such situations probably don't want to be identified as "midwives" either.


Why isn't it -- "Jessa assembled a team of relatives -- her mother, mother-in-law Guinn, 41, and sisters Jana, 25, and Jinger, 22 - to assist during labor"?  Who supplied the term "midwives" here? Jessa? Michelle? The idiots at People?


Excellent point. I think it's clear that we have a case of People writing just what the Duggars told them here. And that it was probably Jessa that said it. Jessa - or maybe Boob, who would want to make the impression that there were trained, competent individuals in attendance. Even if there weren't. FWIW, I still think Boob directs the entire operation when it comes to People and any other media that approach them in a positive way, although obviously not with the tabloids or any media that criticize.

  • Love 2

The Spurgeon stories and theories on Christmas remind me of my neighbors who are Jehovah's Witnesses. They always think all Christian religions have pagan origins (and they may be right, but I don't care.). The JWs also seem to be a group of holier-than-thou people. Maybe Ben should join.

I don't mind the theories of Christmas. But considering I pictured Duggar fans as anti the red cups, I'm sure there are people who mad at Ben. Who knows maybe posting Spurgeon's views on Christmas is supposed to teach the red cuppers a lesson and defend their decision to shop at Starbucks?

That fug beige wreath thing in their house must be a Christmas thing. Here's a Duggar Christmas Tour.


They clearly like it and practice it. Turn down the volume because Josh is the "host" and he yells everything. They don't have a Christmas tree, but they have little decorative ones. Jana has one at the desk she's chained to.

Edited by Kokapetl
  • Love 5

The Spurgeon stories and theories on Christmas remind me of my neighbors who are Jehovah's Witnesses. They always think all Christian religions have pagan origins (and they may be right, but I don't care.).  The JWs also seem to be a group of holier-than-thou people. Maybe Ben should join. 

I don't mind the theories of Christmas. But considering I pictured Duggar fans as anti the red cups, I'm sure there are people who mad at Ben. Who knows maybe posting Spurgeon's views on Christmas is supposed to teach the red cuppers a lesson and defend their decision to shop at Starbucks?

Except that all of the JW who have ever knocked on my door while passing out tracts in the neighborhoods where I've lived have been pleasant and nice while trying to talk to me about the tract. I believe part of getting new members also involves "love bombing" potential new members.

I'm not sure Jessa and especially Ben could put the fire and brimstone on hold for a bit, smile, and pleasantly share their religion even for five minutes at someone's front door. They would be awful at tracting for those reasons alone.

  • Love 2

That fug beige wreath thing in their house must be a Christmas thing. Here's a Duggar Christmas Tour. http://youtu.be/lcJJLqZXPtc

They clearly like it and practice it. Turn down the volume because Josh is the "host" and he yells everything. They don't have a Christmas tree, but they have little decorative ones. Jana has one at the desk she's chained to.

Duggar Studios needs to take down that video. The entire time I was watching, all I could think was: Smuggar is an arrogant, hypocritical ("Amen!"), incestuous, child-diddling whoremonger. He was already cheating on Anna when that video was made. POS
  • Love 7

For all the makeup Jessa wears, I could still see the acne scars in that TLC promo. kf4074.png

I guess the pool house stairwell is the designated filming place for all the sad solo interviews. 335fwy1.png2r22lpd.png

The three brainwashed talking heads. So sad.

I'm confused about Bin's Christmas stance? Can someone explain. If they don't like Christmas than why is the Duggar house filled with presents on Christmas Day?

Edited by Fuzzysox
  • Love 5

I think that's great.  At least we know she is actually reading what people say about her!

And calling them something to the effect of "delusional, unrepentant trash" as she gleefully smites them, rather than try to save them. 


eta: SPURGEON doesn't like Christmas. We didn't see what, if anything, Ben and Jessa did last year to point out that they were not recognizing it. Armed with this new knowledge, I will watch more closely this year. It will also be interesting to see if the Duggars scale back, like they did in their superfundie days (after they first got rid of the trees you see in old pictures).

Edited by Sew Sumi
  • Love 4

And calling them something to the effect of "delusional, unrepentant trash" as she gleefully smites them, rather than try to save them. 


eta: SPURGEON doesn't like Christmas. We didn't see what, if anything, Ben and Jessa did last year to point out that they were not recognizing it. Armed with this new knowledge, I will watch more closely this year. It will also be interesting to see if the Duggars scale back, like they did in their superfundie days (after they first got rid of the trees you see in old pictures).

It seems their thoughts on Christmas correlate highly with the size of there bank account. Very religious indeed.

  • Love 4

Yup. More and more decorations started to appear during the episodic run of the series. Remember when Josie was born, the family moved to Little Rock, and the boys returned to an empty house with Christmas decor still up in February? Yeah, they stick to garlands and whatnot, but hey, what they do are YULE trimmings!



  • Love 4

Yup. More and more decorations started to appear during the episodic run of the series. Remember when Josie was born, the family moved to Little Rock, and the boys returned to an empty house with Christmas decor still up in February? Yeah, they stick to garlands and whatnot, but hey, what they do are YULE trimmings!


Could you imagine being a woman and getting caught under the mistletoe with Jim Bob? Or me as a male and getting caught with Michelle. Edited by BrianJ62

I expect Chez Benessa to be devoid of even the simplest holiday decoration. Spurgeon took down December 25th as the birthday, so they can't celebrate with a nativity scene, and he trashed pagan rituals, so no trees or holly. 


Or presents? I'd love to know if they took their names (and Spurgey's) out of the hat for the Duggar Christmas Gift Give (in which they told us each kid buys for just one other). Wanna bet that they didn't? As Churchhoney said, these idiots have never met a grift that they didn't like. 

  • Love 8

That fug beige wreath thing in their house must be a Christmas thing. Here's a Duggar Christmas Tour.


They clearly like it and practice it. Turn down the volume because Josh is the "host" and he yells everything. They don't have a Christmas tree, but they have little decorative ones. Jana has one at the desk she's chained to.

Desk she's chained to...hahaha

All that stood out to me was that fat arrogant f_wit doing the tour. Smug ass.

Edited by MarysWetBar
  • Love 4

That's Jana's job, hon. At least until it's time to do the next photo shoot.

Good one. By the time Josie is of age not only will she be changing her nephew and nieces diapers n such, she will be changing Boobs n Mechelles diapers n such.

Edited by BrianJ62
  • Love 4

Except that all of the JW who have ever knocked on my door while passing out tracts in the neighborhoods where I've lived have been pleasant and nice while trying to talk to me about the tract. I believe part of getting new members also involves "love bombing" potential new members.

I'm not sure Jessa and especially Ben could put the fire and brimstone on hold for a bit, smile, and pleasantly share their religion even for five minutes at someone's front door. They would be awful at tracting for those reasons alone.

Jessa would be taking selfies at the door step, 

  • Love 4

Instead of ANTM - Americas Next Top Model the Duggar woman could try out for ANTFM - Americas Next Top Fundie Model

With a special section for "overseas" missionaries. Think of the accessories! Bibles, small brown children...

And the models always in twos because accountability.

  • Love 3

I'm not familiar with the Duggar home and I'm more than okay with that, but I have a question for those who are. Did Joshie greet us at the main entrance in that oh-so-festive video? I hope that was a side entrance with a desk off in a nondescript corner because from what I saw it really looked like they had Jana working the reception desk. And then with the two girls slaving on the production line on the cafeteria table...this is not a home, people. This looks more like a factory operation.

Good one. By the time Josie is of age not only will she be changing her nephew and nieces diapers n such, she will be changing Boobs n Mechelles diapers n such.

Not Precious Josie, it will be the job of poor Jordyn.

As is the way with them in not doing what they preach, I can't wait to see if they dress Spurgey in a Christmas type outfit.

  • Love 2

Not Precious Josie, it will be the job of poor Jordyn.

As is the way with them in not doing what they preach, I can't wait to see if they dress Spurgey in a Christmas type outfit.


Maybe they'll dress him like his namesake instead of like Santa. They're both bearded chubby men, only one is grumpy. And has a VIctorian version of Jim Bob's hair.



  • Love 2

I'm not familiar with the Duggar home and I'm more than okay with that, but I have a question for those who are. Did Joshie greet us at the main entrance in that oh-so-festive video? I hope that was a side entrance with a desk off in a nondescript corner because from what I saw it really looked like they had Jana working the reception desk. And then with the two girls slaving on the production line on the cafeteria table...this is not a home, people. This looks more like a factory operation.

I think the main entrance was past the tables. That was maybe the mudroom entrance? They may have a back door also.

That video was, wow. I don't know what to say.

  • Love 1

Thanks, I'm glad to hear that wasn't their interpretation of a formal entrance.


As I recall, the main entrance is just a flat door in a flat wall of the big big big main room. I don't recall seeing an entryway of any kind. I think you just walk in and you're in the front of that huge room. So while it doesn't have a reception desk like a dentist's office, it doesn't give off any welcoming vibe or even any "main entrance" vibe either, as I recall. It's sort of like walking into a big high-school gym, with the high ceiling, the sort of empty huge-room feel -- and all the students.  (course I don't watch the show either, so this is a vague memory of a short clip I saw of maybe Derick's family arriving for a Mother's Day meal or something? ... It could be 100 percent inaccurate.)

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 4

So the big question of the week is: Where will Benessa & Spurgey celebrate Thanksgiving? This is assuming they do celebrate Thanksgiving. (They definitely should this year with all their blessings incl Spurgey.) Will they visit the Seewalds or will Seewalds visit them & then they all go to the TTH for a Jana, Jinger, Joy & Grandma Mary cooked dinner? I'm sure we'll have the Dillards skyping in, showing us how "above average" Izzy is. MEchelle can keep busy making the Thanksgiving banners. I forgot about that skill until I watched the Christmas video again.

As the saying goes, "Enquiring minds want to know......."

Maybe they'll dress him like his namesake instead of like Santa. They're both bearded chubby men, only one is grumpy. And has a VIctorian version of Jim Bob's hair.




Wow, this is just what Josh would have looked like had he been born 100 years earlier. This fat, fey know-it-all has perfected the smug-and-entitled look too.

Edited by Wellfleet
  • Love 14

Could there be a possibility that, in spite of what has been revealed about this "midwife," they went with her becuause they could get her for pennies on the dollar? Could it be that money is tight on the Duggar front?

I'm wondering if there was a "love offering" situation. And if Bin and Jessa Blessa did not want anyone to know they do not have health insurance, they exposed this fact to everyone who read about another traumatic birth.


They're not spending money on anything that's not "necessary". And their version (and any of ours, for instance) of "necessary" are two different things.

  • Love 4

I'm sure the original Spurgeon's family didn't call him Spurgeon, they called his Charles.  Why couldn't Ben & Jessa just name him Charles in honor of him.  It's just so stupid.  They could have named his Charles Spurgeon Seewald.  Throw the last name Eliott in there if you have to, whatever, but giving their hero's last name to their kid as a first name is just so stupid. Their hero had a first name, he was called Charles. 

  • Love 7

I'm sure the original Spurgeon's family didn't call him Spurgeon, they called his Charles.  Why couldn't Ben & Jessa just name him Charles in honor of him.  It's just so stupid.  They could have named his Charles Spurgeon Seewald.  Throw the last name Eliott in there if you have to, whatever, but giving their hero's last name to their kid as a first name is just so stupid. Their hero had a first name, he was called Charles. 


I'll be interested to see what little Spurgeon's family members call him as time goes on. It's hard to imagine that it'll be Spurgeon. It sounds like an insecticide. It's like naming your kid Rumpelstiltskin.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 6

Wow, this is just what Josh would have looked like had he been born 100 years earlier. This fat, fey know-it-all has perfected the smug-and-entitled look too.

GMTA ! I thought the exact same thing!

Looks like the handle of his walking stick.

Cus you just know that puffy pr*ck has "the gout".
  • Love 6

I think its actually pretty sad that all Jessa does is post about fire and brimstone, when she's not taking selfies.

The girl has been starved for attention since she was old enough to walk, her mother checked out when she was 2-5 maybe? Then you have that whole josh "incident". And on top of that, her "religion" doesn't really leave much room for her to do anything other than have babies, and she doesn't seem to be a kid person in the least.

I think if she was a boy, she'd (he'd)? be one of the first kids to leave. Jill seems leagues happier with her life, (she's the medicine woman, her husband makes her cereal, she has a baby) but Jessa just seems, attention starved, lonely and dare i say... depressed? This is technically the high point of a fundie womans life, and yet she posts nothing but selfies and brimstone. Says a lot, I think.

Edited by dillpickles
  • Love 14

Jesus, that picture of Charles Spurgeon is giving me the willies ! He's like an evil John Larroquette ! And that walking stick ? Menacing, I tell you. Menacing. 


I think I've finally figured out for myself what pisses me off the most about Jessa and Ben. I'm still trying to put words to it so please bear with me...


Their apparently limitless insufferability reminds me so very much of the plague of the American teenager - the discovery of affectation. You know, when a 14 or 15 year old declares that they are going to be a poet, and they haul around volumes of Sylvia Plath everywhere they go like it's Jesus carrying the cross. Or when they decide to protest world hunger by refusing to eat in front of the entire family at Christmas dinner, wearing black head-to-toe and crossing their arms defensively over their chests just to make sure everyone gets the point. Or when they become a vegan, a Buddhist, a nihilist, a PETA member, and an off-gridder, all on a random Monday, swear eternal loyalty to their lifestyle, but have abandoned it all by Friday. It's all kind of funny when there's nothing at stake, no ?


But there's something at stake here ! They're married and breeding now ! Unfortunately, that's Jessa and Ben to me - simply swimming in teenage angst, acting out inappropriately, impulsively, defensively at every turn. They've seemed to set their jaws, stomped their feet, and resigned themselves to being the fiercely "outside" outsiders, the hyper grown-up, mature old souls who don't have time for your silly, silly concerns - look how dedicated we are to our sad, joyless, depressing lives devoid of happiness ! We're so devout that we don't even ENJOY our child ! It's more important that he bears the name of some weird 19th Century cleric than it is for us to find joy in his existence ! He's not a child, he's a symbol, and we're not backing down ! 


The whole thing is getting more and more cult-y to me every day - it's making JB and Michelle's version of Christianity look positively benign. Lord help Baby Brown Towel - his parents are absolutely insane with their dark, apocalyptic postings, and I don't think this is something they're going to "grow out of". If anything, I see Ben digging in his heels even more as the criticism grows, and Jessa putting her hands on her hips and backing him at every turn. 


Jesus wept. 


Good explanation. Makes perfect sense.


I do kind of think that there's a possibility they'll grow out of it eventually, though.


I think that one reason they are acting so much like teenagers is because they really are way behind what we think of as normal social development because they were raised in such a sheltered and constricted fashion. That being the case, I think that there's a good possibility that their current state really is just a stage to some extent, as it is with most teenagers, and that they'll move on from it at least partly in years to come......


I have firsthand experience with being far behind in social and emotional development because of my upbringing, and while I was behind for a long time, I eventually did grow out of most of the same things that other people grow out of -- only most do it a lot earlier. So I think there's hope. ...


Of course, I guess there are always people who get stuck in every phase, too! For little Spurgeon's sake, we'll hope that his parents don't.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 7
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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